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第29卷 第3期中南林业科技大学学报V ol.29 N o.3 2009年6月Jo ur nal o f Cent ral South U niv ersit y o f Fo restr y&T echno log y Jun.2009 文章编号:1673-923X(2009)03-0021-05
金文芬1,2,方 晰1,2,唐志娟1,2
摘 要: 通过选择南方城市常见的3种园林绿化植物(杜鹃花、桂花、栀子花)为研究对象,分析其对6种重金属元素(M n、Zn、Cu、Ni、Cd、Pb)的吸收富集特征.结果表明:绿地土壤中6种重金属的平均含量由高到低的顺序为Zn>M n>Pb>C u>Ni>Cd,平均含量分别为221.111、104.791、82.238、57.289、42.673、5.113mg/kg,且Cu、Ni、C d、Pb元素的来源可能相同;杜鹃花、桂花、栀子花对6种重金属元素的总平均富集能力分别为0.34、0.28、0.19,且均表现出对M n的富集能力最强,平均富集系数分别为1.23、0.73、0.31,而对Zn、Ni的富集能力最小;杜鹃花对6种重金属的转移能力最大,总平均转移系数为1.92,其次是桂花,总平均转移系数为1.62,栀子花最小,总平均转移系数为1.09;杜鹃花对M n元素同时具有超富集植物两个基本特征.
关键词: 环境生态学;土壤重金属;园林植物;吸收富集
中图分类号: X53 文献标志码: A
Absorption and Accumulation Characteristics of
3Ornamental Plants to Soil Heavy Metals
JIN Wen-fen1,2,FANG Xi1,2,T ANG Zhi-juan1,2
(1.C entral South University of Fores tr y and Techn ology,Ch ang sha410004,Hunan,China;
2.Key L aboratory of Urban Forest Ecology of Hun an Province,Ch ang sha410004,Hunan,China)
Abstract:T he s tu dy analyzed the characteris tics of absorption an d accumulation for6kinds of h eavy metal elemen ts(M n,Zn,Cu, Ni,C d,Pb)in3com mon ornamental plants(Rhododend ron simsii,Osmanthus f rag rans,Gard enia j asminoid es)from cities in the South.Resu lts show that the order of average contents of6h eavy metal elements in green s oil goes from h igh to low as follow s:Zn >M n>Pb>Cu>Ni>Cd,their averag e contents are res pectively221.111,104.791,82.238,57.289,42.673and5.113mg/kg, an d Cu,Ni,Cd and Pb elements m ay come from th e s ame sour ces;that th e overall average enrichment capacity of R hod od end ron sim-sii,Osmanthus f rag rans and Gar denia j asminoides to the6elements are res pectively0.34,0.28and0.19,s how img a strongest to M n w ith average coefficien ts b eing1.23,0.73an d0.31and a w eakest to Zn and Ni;that Rh odode ndron simsii has th e highest transloca-tion capacity to the6elements,its average coefficient being up to1.92,Osmanthus f rag rans comes the next,its average coefficient being1.62,and G ard enia j asm inoides is the last,its average coefficient being only1.09;and that R hod od endr on simsii,as hyper-ac-cumu lator to M n,h as tw o b asic characteris tics at the s ame tim e.
Key words:environmental ecology;soil heavy metals;orn amental plants;absorp tion and accumulation
作者简介:金文芬(1982—),女,湖南常德人.助教,硕士研究生,主要从事城市景观生态学研究.E-mail:jw f.420@.
通讯作者:方 晰(1968-),女,广西邑宁人.教授,博士,主要从事生态教学和生态系统定位研究.E-mail:fang xizhang@sin