二、安全注意事项1. 电源接入:在安装电热水器之前,请确保家庭电源接入正确,并保证电源开关处于关闭状态。
2. 安全距离:确保电热水器的安装位置不接近易燃物品,保持安全距离,并确保周围通风良好,以确保正常散热。
3. 水质检测:在开始使用电热水器之前,应对自来水进行水质检测,确保水质适合使用电热水器。
4. 维护保养:定期检查电热水器的外壳是否有损坏,如发现问题应及时联系专业人员进行维修或更换部件。
5. 预防电器漏电:定期检查电热水器的接地线是否良好,以防止漏电发生。
三、操作步骤1. 准备工作:打开冷水阀门,确保供水正常,并检查电源接触是否良好。
2. 调节温度:根据需要,调节水温旋钮,使水温达到所需温度。
3. 开启电源:将电源开关拨至“开启”状态,此时热水器开始加热水。
4. 等待加热:根据水量大小,等待一定时间,让电热水器充分加热水。
5. 使用热水:在确认水温合适后,可通过水龙头或出水口取出热水,使用完毕后应及时关闭水源。
6. 关闭电源:使用完毕后,将电源开关拨至“关闭”状态,确保电热水器停止加热水。
7. 清洁保养:定期清洁电热水器表面,保持其干净整洁,避免灰尘或脏物影响正常运行。
四、故障排除1. 无热水输出:检查电源是否正常接通,温度调节旋钮是否设定正确,以及供水是否正常。
2. 水温异常:检查水温传感器是否故障,如有需要请联系专业人员进行检修。
3. 水量异常:检查水龙头或水管是否有堵塞,并确保供水充足。
4. 漏水问题:检查水管连接是否紧固,如有需要请联系专业人员进行处理。
3. 电热水器都配有水龙头,并带有回流装置,通常用"蓝色"表示冷水,用"红色"表示热水。
5. 上水时必须将出水口打开,等内胆里的空气完全排出后才能检查水是否注满。
6. 排空前必须先将电源切断。
7. 作封闭式安装时,加热期间进水阀必须处于开启状态。
8. 刚打开阀门时,不要把出水方向对着人体。
1. 开水器水龙头无法放水,显示器水位显示满格,
线固定的液位探针,用扳手或者老虎钳先把红色线拆下,再把水位探针拆下.第三 2. 更换液位探针需要把对应的透明硅胶圈装上.
第一步:打开机器右侧小门 (准备十字螺丝刀),打开 6 个螺丝固定的小门.
1. 机器显示器显示故障代码 E2
第二步:找到在加热管散热罩,拆下散热罩,并拆掉加热管接线柱固定的搭桥铜片. 2. 一般下温控坏了,加热管也是坏的,建议检查加
1. 注意电磁阀方向不要接错
第二步:在水箱底部找到进水电磁阀(从过滤芯进入水箱的前端,固定有红黑线的) 2. 电磁阀故障分两种(一种是关闭不严,一种是无
第三步: 把水箱的水排空(机器背面铜螺帽堵头打开). 把电脑板右下角标注的(高,
2. 加热管更换完毕后,在送电之前,建议把电脑板
2. 若需要机器全天不工作,只需要要把 S 的时间设 置成 00:01,把 P 的时间设置成 00:02
1.自来水水压较少,或者前端接净水器的配置,可以 调高每次的补水时长 1. 开水器前端接的是纯净水,则把数字调到最低 1
海尔 EC6005-JE7KU1 60升净水洗横式电热水器 使用说明书
热水器使用说明书型号EC6005-JE7KU1• 本说明书为通用手册• 本公司保留说明书解释权• 产品外观请以实物为准• 阅后请与发票一并妥善保存• 如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知• 本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用1. 产品介绍1 1.1. 产品部件1 1.1.1. 外观及部件介绍1 1.1.2. 电气原理图11.2. 技术数据12. Wi-Fi 连接2 2.1. 应用下载2 2.2. 绑定流程22.2.1. 绑定流程23. 使用说明4 3.1. 注意事项4 3.1.1. 电气方面4 3.1.2. 使用方面6 3.1.3. 维护方面11 3.2. 安装指南11 3.2.1. 装箱单11 3.2.2. 安装注意事项11 3.2.3. 安装方法12 3.3. 控制面板14 3.3.1. 控制面板143.3.2. 功能介绍144. 售后服务16 4.1. 用户须知16 4.1.1. 用户须知16 4.2. 疑难解答16 4.2.1. 疑难解答16 4.3. 清洗保养17 4.3.1. 清洗保养17 4.4. 保修说明17 4.4.1. 保修说明17 4.5. 一键报修18 4.5.1. 一键报修181. 产品介绍1.1. 产品部件1.1.1. 外观及部件介绍注:本示意图仅供参考!注:以上参数允许误差范围为±10%1.1.2. 电气原理图1.2. 技术数据注以上参数(重量)允许误差范围为±10%该系列电热水器执行标准:GB 4706.12、GB 21519型号a1(mm)b1(mm)c1(mm)d1(mm)EC8005-JE7U1835475100465EC6005-JE7KU1700475100465产品型号EC6005-JE7KU1EC8005-JE7U1容量(L)6080净重(kg)见包装箱贴见包装箱贴额定功率(W)3000(储)3300(3D)3000(储)3300(3D)能效等级1级1级热水输出率80%80%24小时固有能耗系数0.60.6额定电源220V~ 50Hz220V~ 50Hz额定压力(MPa)0.80.8额定温度(℃)7575防水等级IPX4IPX42. Wi-Fi 连接2.1. 应用下载请扫描机身二维码,下载并安装“海尔智家”APP。
Vaillant VIH R 120 5,VIH R 150 5,VIH R 200 5 说明书
安装使用说明书热水储水罐VIH R 120/5VIH R 150/5VIH R 200/52使用的图例在安装设备时,请注意本说明书中安全方面的注意事项。
注意!禁止任何违规操作!1.2产品规格和持续加热功率锅炉功率(单位:kW)持续加热功率和热水供应量(单位:kW/l/h)VIH R 120VIH R 150VIH R 2001515/37015/37015/3702020/49020/49020/4902525/61525/61525/6153025/61526/64030/7403525/61526/64034/8374025/61526/64034/837接锅炉的一次水循环量最大为1.6m 3/h (l/h ,温度在10℃/45℃之间)注意!如果选择了较大的一次水循环泵,可能会增加储水罐的功率(见产品规格资料)。
目录使用的图例 ...............................................................................21 设备描述 ........................................................................21.1 按规程使用 .........................................................................21.2 产品规格和持续加热功率 ................................................21.3 VIH 与锅炉一起使用 .........................................................31.4 控制器 .................................................................................31.5 设备铭牌 .............................................................................32 使用和保养注意事项 .....................................................32.1 规定和规范 .........................................................................32.2 安全注意事项 ....................................................................33 使用 ................................................................................33.1 运行 .....................................................................................33.2 储水罐水温的调节 ............................................................43.3 保养 .....................................................................................44 安装 ................................................................................44.1 对安装位置的要求 ............................................................44.2 热水储水罐的安装 ............................................................44.3 储水罐及水管的尺寸规格 ................................................54.4 水管的安装 .........................................................................64.5 传感器的安装 ....................................................................64.6 电子部分的安装 ................................................................65 运行 ................................................................................75.1 设备的运行 .........................................................................75.2 用户须知 .............................................................................76 检查和维护 ....................................................................76.1 阳级保护的维护 ................................................................76.2 排空储水罐 .........................................................................76.3 内胆的清洁 .........................................................................87 售后服务和质保 ............................................................87.1 售后服务 .............................................................................87.2质保 (8)8 再利用和报废 (8)8.1 仪器 .....................................................................................88.2 包装 . (89)技术数据 (9)安全阀使用和安装说明 (101)操作 ................................................................................101.1 注意事项 .............................................................................101.2 第一次运行 .........................................................................101.3 打开调节阀 .........................................................................101.4 检查安全阀的功能 ............................................................101.5 维护 .....................................................................................102 安装 ................................................................................102.1 使用范围 .............................................................................102.2 安装规程 .............................................................................102.3 安装位置 .............................................................................112.4 安装过程 .............................................................................112.5 第一次运行设备 ................................................................112.6 维护 (113)技术数据 (11)1.3 VIH与锅炉一起使用这种热水储水罐VIH可以和不同功率的锅炉一起使用。
产品名称:ES-R120水胆容量:热水箱:8L 冷水箱:8L功率:12KW产水量:160L-180L/H外型尺寸:400*440*1440mm电源:380V/50Hz额定电流:18.2A电源接口:三相四线(可选配三相五线)水源接口:三分(机器标配:四转三接头及1.5-2米3分PE管)进水压0.15-0.35mpa产品核心主件:水控机:配套开水器主机使用的消费扣费控制器,可按时间计费和按流量计费,可脱机连接和联网连接。
目录装箱清单 (1)使用注意事项 (2)热水器的技术性能参数 (3)安装说明 (4)管路连接 (6)电缆连接 (9)操作与使用 (10)日常维护 (15)常见故障及处理 (16)可更换零件示意 (17)产品保修服务规定 (18)装箱清单序号名称数量1 热水器1台2 温度/压力安全阀1只3 单向阀1只4 排污阀1只5 冷凝排水管1根6 安装使用说明书1份7 保修单1份8 产品合格证1份使用注意事项安装和使用热水器时,请务必仔细阅读说明书,并务必保管好本说明书以备日后参考使用。
注意: 非专业人员请勿进行此项操作。
海尔 KF70 150-SE 智享系列 150升空气能热水器 使用说明书
热水器使用说明书型号KF70/150-SE• 本说明书为通用手册• 本公司保留说明书解释权• 产品外观请以实物为准• 阅后请与发票一并妥善保存• 如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知• 本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用1. 产品介绍1 1.1. 产品部件1 1.1.1. 各部分构件名称1 1.1.2. 产品安装尺寸2 1.1.3. 热水器接线图4 1.2. 技术数据41.2.1. 技术数据42. 使用说明6 2.1. 安全注意事项6 2.1.1. 标识解释6 2.2. 安装说明6 2.2.1. 安装注意事项6 2.2.2. 安装场所的选择7 2.2.3. 装箱单7 2.2.4. 安装及固定7 2.2.5. 管路安装8 2.2.6. 线路安装9 2.3. 使用功能10 2.3.1. 试运转10 2.3.2. 线控器显示屏10 2.3.3. 按键功能112.3.4. 控制功能123. 售后服务14 3.1. 用户须知14 3.1.1. 用户须知14 3.2. 疑难解答14 3.2.1. 疑难解答14 3.3. 清洗保养 16 3.3.1. 清洗与保养16 3.3.2. 常见现象16 3.4. 保修说明16 3.4.1. 保修说明161. 产品介绍1.1. 产品部件1.1.1. 各部分构件名称室外机储水箱图示仅供参考,以实物为准1.1.2. 产品安装尺寸水箱安装尺寸(单位:mm)尺寸偏差范围为±10% 图示仅供参考,以实物为准 室外机安装尺寸(单位:mm)型号a1b1c1d1KSXD-150(70)/WS-E1395492522894尺寸偏差范围为±10%1.1.3. 热水器接线图KF70/150-SE的接线图如下:若有变更,恕不另行通知。
1.2. 技术数据1.2.1. 技术数据型号a2b2c2d2e2f2g2KFRD70-32W-SE780286545500260247535整机型号KF70/150-SE 水箱型号KSXD-150(70)/WS-E 室外机型号KFRD70-32W-SE 电源220V~50Hz 性能参数制热水能力70L/h 热泵制热量3400W 热泵额定功率850W 热泵额定电流3.9A 性能系数(COP)4.00电热管额定功率2000W 电热管额定电流9.1A 最大输入功率3250W 最大输入电流14.8A 制冷剂R22/950g注:以上数据测试工况:空气侧温度DB/WB 20/15℃,进水温度15℃,出水温度55℃。
This layout is for a single collector installed near the pool filter equipment. Installing the collector on a roof, rack or fence may require additional plumbing and hardware kits.
! CAUTION: It is advised to consult with a professional when installing the SunHeater on a roof, fence or rack system. When installing the collectors near the pool, especially on an elevated rack system, ensure that the structure does not provide access to the pool.
Important Safety Information...........................................................................................................................................2 How SUNHEATER Works....................................................................................................................................................3 Sizing Guide ....................................................................................................................................................................3 List of Components...........................................................................................................................................................3 Installation of SunHeater/Layout Options ......................................................................................................................4-6 Winterization ...................................................................................................................................................................7 Repairs............................................................................................................................................................................7 Available Kits/Accessories ................................................................................................................................................7 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................................................................8 Warranty.........................................................................................................................................................................8
一、工具简介1.1 水泵:水泵用于排除热水器中的空气,保证水流通畅。
1.2 水压表:水压表用于测试热水器供水管路中的水压是否正常。
1.3 温控器:温控器用于调节热水器的水温,保持恒温。
二、工具准备2.1 使用热水器维修工具前,需要确保断开热水器的电源,并保证热水器处于停电状态。
2.2 检查工具是否完好无损,确保工具本身没有任何故障。
三、操作步骤3.1 使用水泵排空热水器中的空气(1)将水泵放置在热水器供水管路的出水口处。
3.2 测试供水管路的水压(1)将水压表连接到热水器供水管路的进水口处。
3.3 调节温控器(1)找到热水器上的温控器旋钮或按钮。
四、注意事项4.1 在使用热水器维修工具的过程中,需要注意自身安全。
4.2 在进行操作前,请确保已经断开热水器的电源,并等待足够的冷却时间,以免烫伤。
4.3 如果在使用热水器维修工具的过程中发现任何异常情况,例如工具故障或水压异常等,请立即停止使用,并联系专业人士进行处理。
五、维护与保养5.1 使用完热水器维修工具后,应当将其清洁干净,并妥善保管。
5.2 定期检查工具的使用状况,如有损坏或故障,请及时更换或维修。
VERTEX Water ProductsPureWaterCoolerWater Dispenser OWNERS INSTALLATIONMANUAL™VERTEXWATER PRODUCTS Countertop ModelsPWC-400 FPWC-400 RMontclair, CA - USA–2–Figure 2.Flow Schematic–3–Figure 3.Back View of Cooler–4––5–4.0 Installation4.1Positioning the CoolerThere are some precautions to take when positioning and using the PureWaterCooler™. See the items in Figure 4a and 4b. In addition, the cooler must be located near the supply water, and for the “R” version with the reverse osmosis fil-ter, there must be access to a drain trap to which the reject water from the RO is deliv-ered. Normally, this can be found in a bathroom, or kitchen sink. Flexible 1/4-inch plastic tubing may be used for the feed and discharge connections. Normally, these connections should be within 25-feet of the cooler.Important Note:Do not cover air intake vent as this will prevent proper chill-ing from occurring.Figure 4a.Installation Precautions6 i n 4 in Keep at least 6 in. distance between the cooler and the wall.AirIntakevent4.2 Cooler Water ConnectionsWhen received, the water connections on the back have color coded tube sections with red shipping caps on them. These tube sections must be removed before making water connections. To remove the tube sections see Figure 8. The 1/4” plastic tubing should be used for making the Feed Water and Drain connections. If hard copper tubing is used for the Feed Water and Drain connections, the bulkhead fittings on the cooler must be changed to metal fittings.4.3 Feed Water ConnectionsTo connect the feed water, used the supplied self-piercing saddle valve to connect to the cold water supply line under the sink. Attach the 1/4” tubing to the compression fit-ting on the side of the valve. Clamp the saddle valve over the copper or plastic feed line (cold water only). Turn the handle on the valve until the needle stem pierces the tube.Then retract the needle 1-2 turns to start water flow. See Figure 5.–6–Figure 4b.Installation PrecautionsDo not place cooler next tooven or dishwasher. Keepout of direct sunlight Be sure to use correct power voltage. Plug power cord directly into electrical socketFigure 5.Saddle Valve4.4Drain Connection (Applies to models wit Reverse Osmosis “R-version”)The black drain line in the back must be hooked to the drain line ahead of the normal sink water trap.See Figure 6 below. Place the 2 part drain saddle on the drain pipe before the drain trap. Allow proper space for the drilling operation. Tighten the sad-dle bolts evenly on both sides. Using the opening in the drain outlet saddle as a guide, drill a 1/4” hole in the pipe. Clean any debris out of the drain saddle connection.Connect the drain line to the cooler using the 1/4” black tubing supplied.Figure 6.Drain Connection for RO Filter–7–4.5 Quick Connect FittingsThe standard tubing connections on the PureWaterCooler™are of Quick Connect 0-ring seal design and manufacture. Use the tubing and follow the instruc-tions below to make the connections. If you cut the tubing make sure it is a square cut, fits squarely in the fitting and seals properly.Figure 7.Quick Connect Fittings–8–5.0 Operation5.1Start UpThe PWC 400 Cooler is shipped to you complete and ready to operate. Connect all tubing according to instructions.b. Make sure Cold and Hot power switches at back of cooler are OFF beforeplugging the cooler into 110-volt wall socket. (See Figure 8a)c. Filter pre-flush. The carbon filter must be flushed of carbon fines before use. Release the tubing from the carbon filter at the top of the tank. Run this to a container to collect water. Let water run until it is clear. Unplug the power cord. Reconnect tub-ing. For complete instructions see Section 7.1.d. Plug in the power cord. The feed water solenoid valve will open automatically (a “click” can be heard from inside the cooler when this occurs).e. Water will now start to flow through the filtration system and enter the water tanks inside the cooler. DO NOT TURN ON THE HOT & COLD POWER YET!f. When the ‘tank full’light on the front panel (Figure 8b) comes on, the tanks are full and water production has stopped.1) For the “R” version with reverse osmosis, it will take 2 hours.2) For the “F” standard filter version, it will take about 15 minutes.–9–Figure 8a.Hot/Cold Power SwitchesFigure 8b.Control Panelg. Completely drain all of the water from the cooler using the hot water dispens-ing button. After the first tank is drained, let the tanks refill and drain a second time in the same manner. You must drain (2) complete tanks of water before use to ensure car-bon fines and membrane preservative have been removed.h. Once the cooler has refilled for the 3rd time, turn on hot power switch on the back. Heating will start and the “Heating” light will come on the front panel.i. Dispense hot water (Figure 8c). Hot water dispensing utilizes a child safety device to help prevent accidental dispensing of hot water by young children. To operate the hot water tap, first push the “key” button. Then within 30 seconds, push the hot water tap button and hot water will be dispensed.Figure 8c.Control Panel j. Turn on the cold power switch in the back. The compressor will start and cooling will begin. The “cooling” light, located on the front panel, will come on.k. To dispense cold water, push the Cold Water Tap button.l. The temperature of cold water is set at midpoint at the factory. Using a flat screw-driver, the temperature can be adjusted by turning the temperature control slot Clockwise for colder and Counterclockwise for warmer (See Figure 3).CAUTION:If you turn the COLD POWER button off, WAIT AT LEAST3 MINUTES before turning on again to protect the compressor from damage.–10–5.2Tank DrainOccasionally, it may be desirable to drain both tanks. There is a drain plug on the bottom of the cooler frame. See Figure 9. First, make sure all power is off. The cooler must be moved so that the water can be drained from the bottom into a container to collect the water (about 11/4 gal).Figure 9.Tank Drain–11–6.0 Leak Detection SystemThere is a water leak detection system installed in the cooler. If a water leak should occur inside the cooler, power will automatically be shut off.When power is cut off due to water leak:a. Un-plug the cooler and remove the left side panel (See Figure 10).b. Remove any excess water in the bottom lift and wipe the detection probes dry. Replace.c. Plug in the unit and check for leaks.7.0 Filter Replacement ProcedureThe filter elements must be replaced at regular intervals to maintain the quality of the water.The “F” Model 400 has 2-stages of mechanical filtration. A1st stage 5-micron sediment filter and a 2nd stage activated carbon filter. Both stages must be replaced every 6-12 months.The “R” Model 400 has the 2-stages of mechanical filtration plus an additional 50 GPD Reverse Osmosis membrane element. The 2 pre-filters must be replaced every 6-12 months. The Reverse Osmosis membrane must be replaced every 3 years. The RO unit produces filtered water at a rate of 2 gal/hour.Figure 11.Filter Access7.1 Sediment and Carbon Filter Replacement Procedurea. Unplug the cooler from the wall socket.b. To access the filter compartment, remove the two screws that secure theright side panel. (See Figure 11).c. Remove the right side panel by sliding it backwards and then lifting the panel out.d. To remove the sediment and carbon filters, rotate the filter 90 degrees and pull down.e. Install a new carbon and sediment filter in the indicated positions.Use these replacement filters for PWC 400 shipped before 03/01/2008:1st stage sediment filter, P/N TF-40562nd stage Carbon filter, P/N TF-4057Use these replacement filters for PWC 400 shipped after 04/01/08:1st stage in-line sediment filter, P/N IFA-40352nd stage in-line carbon filters, P/N IFA-4034f. On the Model 400F The carbon filter must be flushed of carbon fines before use. Release the tubing from the carbon filter at the top of the tank. To access the tank, remove the top cover by removing the two hold down screws and sliding back the top (See Figure 1). Run this tubing to a container to collect water.g. Plug in the power cord. The inlet water valve opens and water will run through the filters. Let water run until it is clear. Unplug the cooler and re-connect tubing. Plug in the power cord.-14-7.2 Stage 3 Reverse Osmosis Membrane ReplacementUse the same procedure as in paragraph 7.1 above section a-f. With the cooler unplugged and the filter compartment open, disconnect the 3 tubes of the RO filter housing. Remove the RO housing from the filter clips. Remove the cap from the housing by unscrewing it.Using a pair of pliers, remove the RO element from the housing by grasping the tube end and pulling it out. Use RO filter replacement P/N ma-4203(50 gpd TFC membrane). Insert the element into the housing with the double “o”-ring end going in first, toward the bottom of the housing. Make sure the “o”-rings are seated. Replace the cap. Reconnect the tubing and replace housing in filter clips.Replace cover and plug in cooler. Flush 3 tanks of water before drinking to remove preservative in the RO membrane.Membrane Installation8.0 Options8.1 UV StageAn additional stage is available for both models. The UV stage provides a UV light which is continuously on when the cooler is plugged in. This option is installed at the factory as an additional stage of the filter system. The UV light bulb must be replaced once per year. The replacement part number is UV-4061.-15-9.0 Trouble Shooting Guide-16-11.0 Specifications Model No.Voltage/Frequency DimensionsWeight (empty)Hot Water Tank CapacityCold Water tank CapacityPower ConsumptionElectric Power Cord Length PWC-400AC110V (L) 16 x (W) 13 x (H) 16 1/242 lb..25 gal.1.0 gal.Hot Water: 500W Cold Water: 100W 6Ft.Conforms to UL STD.399- 17 -LIMITED WARRANTYVertex Water Products (“Manufacturer”) sell its products through independent retailer dealers (“Dealer”) who re-sell to the end-user customer. In this limited warranty, “Vertex” refers to Vertex Water Products and not to the Dealer.WHO IS COVERED BY THIS WARRANTYThis limited warranty covers only the first purchaser of the V ertex PureWaterCooler™ from a Dealer for use by that purchaser, and is not transferrable. “Consumer Use” means personal residential household use by a consumer or consumers. “Commercial Use” means all other uses, including (but not limited to) use for commercial, income producing purposes and/or when purchased by a business and/or when purchased for use in an office, business, or industrial setting. “Purchaser” means the end-user customer, and not a V ertex re-seller Dealer.PERIOD OF COVERAGE OF THIS WARRANTYManufacturer warrants the complete water cooler (“the unit”) against defects in material and workmanship, subject to the exclusions described below, for a period of ONE YEAR, beginning on the later of either (a) the date of purchase or (b) the date of manufacture as identified by the Vertex unit’s serial number. Manufacturer additionally warrants the compressor for a period of THREE YEARS from the above date. The purchaser must provide the original sales receipt as proof of the date of purchase. If the purchaser is unable to produce the original sales receipt, the Warranty Period commencement date will be determined by Manufacturer, in its sole and absolute discretion, based upon the unit’s serial number. This warranty does not apply if the original serial number affixed by Manufacturer is removed, defaced, altered, obscured, tampered with, or obliterated. If Manufacturer provides a replacement part or parts, or repairs a part or parts, under this limited warranty, then the replacement part(s) or repaired part(s) will be covered under this limited warranty for the time remaining under the original Warranty Period applicable to the part(s) repaired or replaced.The duration of ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE RESTRICTED TO THE TWO-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to purchaser.WHAT IS COVERED BY THIS WARRANTYThis limited warranty covers defects in materials or workmanship, subject to the exclusions below and for the time period stated above. Manufacturer promises to repair or to replace, at Manufacturer’s sole and absolute discretion, any part of this water cooler that proves to be inoperative due to a defect in material or workmanship under normal use.WHAT IS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTYThis limited warranty does not extend to and expressly excludes:• conditions, losses, malfunctions, or damages not resulting from defects in material or workmanship; • conditions, malfunctions, losses, or damages or the inability to operate the Vertex unit resulting from conditions beyond Manufacturer’s control, including but not limited to failure of the unit or any of its parts due to damage caused by: improper installation; accident; fire; flood; windstorm; acts of God; rodent and/or insect infestation; vandalism; modification; alteration; combination with any other device or machine; abuse and/or misuse of the unit; negligence by purchaser or third parties; any part of the water system that has become fouled due to liming, dirt, unsatisfactory/unsanitary water conditions, corrosion, or faulty plumbing; failure to install, maintain, assemble, mount or place the Vertex unit in accordance with Manufacturer’s instructions and/or local, state, or national plumbing and electrical codes; wear and tear expected to occur in the normal course of use, including but not limited to cosmetic rust, scratches, dents or comparable and reasonably expected losses or damages; exposure to extreme variations in ambient environmental conditions (including but not limited to changes in heat, humidity, moisture, or exposure to sunlight).• labor for installation or deinstallation of the unit or any of its parts; shipping of the unit or any of its parts to Manufacturer for repair/replacement.In addition to the above exclusions, this limited warranty does not apply if any of the following conditions of operation are not met: System Pressure 35 - 100 psi, Temperature 40 - 100 degrees F, PH range 4 - 10, Max TDS 1500 PPM Max., Turbidity <1.0NTU, Hardness <20gpg, R version: <3.5 gpg, F version, Iron <0.1 mg/l, Manganese <0.1 mg/l, Hydrogen Sulfid e <0.00 mg/l.- 18 -NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY APPLIESThis limited warranty is the sole and exclusive warranty provided to the purchaser identified above. No other express warranty, written or verbal, applies. No agent, employee, deal or other person or entityis authorized to alter this limited warranty or make any other warranty on behalf of Manufacturer. The terms of this limited warranty shall not be modified by the Manufacturer, the purchaser/end user, or their respective successors or assigns.WHAT WE WILL DO TO CORRECT PROBLEMS/ HOW TO GET WARRANTY PARTSIf the Vertex unit does not operate in accordance with the documentation provided to purchaser, or purchaser have questions concerning purchaserr Vertex unit, please contact the Dealer from whom the unit was purchased. If the original Dealer is not available or the purchaser does not know who the Dealer is, please call or email the Manufacturer, Vertex, using the contact information provided below. We will try to find a Dealer in purchaserr geographical area to assist purchaser. If a Dealer cannot be conveniently located, the Manufacturer, in its sole and absolute discretion, may offer two (2) options. First, we will attempt to troubleshoot the issue with purchaser over the phone. If the purchaser is comfortable making a repair/ replacing a part, once we understand the problem and its solution, we will send the replacement part(s) for the cooler. This warranty is for the replacement of part(s) ONLY; it does not cover the cost of labor for either the Dealer or the end user/purchaser. The second option is that the end user/purchaser may, after notifying Manufacturer and receiving written authorization/approval from Manufacturer to do so, send the unit back to Manufacturer and we will repair it. The end user purchaser must pay the freight/ shipping costs to return the unit to Manufacturer. Manufacturer will pay the freight/shipping to return the unit to the end user/purchaser following repair.If the end user/purchaser contacts the Dealer and the Dealer repairs the unit pursuant to this limited warranty, Manufacturer will provide parts to the Dealer at no charge; labor is not included in this limited warranty.The Dealer may, in his or her sole and absolute discretion, decide to repair the unit on-site or take the unit to a shop to repair.This limited warranty covers replacement or repair of parts only. Manufacturer will not replace the entire unit if a part can be replaced or repaired to restore the unit to full operational function. On the rare occasion that a unit cannot be restored to full operation by a part or parts, Manufacturer will replace the unit after the end user/purchaser has shipped the unit to Manufacturer and Manufacturer has determined, in its sole and absolute discretion, that the unit cannot be repaired and must be replaced. T he end user/purchaser must pay the freight/shipping costs to return the unit to Manufacturer. Manufacturer will pay the freight/ shipping to return the unit to the end user/purchaser following repair or will ship a new unit if repair is not possible. If Manufacturer does provide a replacement unit, then the Warranty Period (as specified above) for the replacement unit would begin at the time of its delivery to the end user/purchaser.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIESTO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER OR ANY THRID PARTIES FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY ECONOMIC LOSS, WHETHER RESULTING FROM NON-PERFORMANCE, USE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE THE VERTEX UNIT. MANUFACTURER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES CAUSED BY DELAY IN PERFORMANCE AND IN NO EVENT, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF THE CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION (WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT, INFRINGEMENT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILTY, OTHER TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY) SHALL MANUFACTURER’S ENTIRE LIABILTY EXCEED THE PRICE PAID BY THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER FOR THE VERTEX UNIT. THE TERM “CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES” SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF USE OR REVENUE, COST OF CAPITAL, OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR EQUIPMENT.Contact information:Vertex Water Products 5138 Brooks Street Montclair, California 91763email:*************************- 19 -。
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原水进水水压:2kg□ 2.5kg□ 3kg以上□ 4kg以上□其它要求2-4KG之间;客户进水安装环境:设备安装位置距离进水水源距离:建议不超过1.5米;客户出水安装环境:是否具备地漏需具备;地漏距离设备距离建议不超过1米,标配漏水管0.5米;
客户进、出水管道口径:1寸管□ 6分管□ 4分管□其它标配4分口径(配四分内丝端口);
客户进、出水管道材质:镀锌管□铜管□ PPR管□ PVC管□其它铜管或者PVC佳;
客户弱强电配备情况:220V □380V□三相四线 380V□三相五线;其他: