







【关键词】腹腔镜;小儿巨结肠;围手术期;护理【中图分类号】R473.72 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1007-8231(2018)30-0287-02【Abstract】Objective To explore the best nursing method for the perioperative period of giant colon of children. Methods Perioperative nursing care for 80 children with megacolon was performed, and the best nursing care was provided through adequate preoperative preparation and psychological nursing for family members. Results All the 80 cases infection were discharged from hospital through careful treatment, closely observe the condition change, adopt effective nursing measures. Conclusion Adequate preoperative nursing preparation and strict postoperative nursing observation are the foundation and key to successful treatment.【Key words】Laparoscope;Infant megacolon; Perioperative period; Nursing先天性巨结肠(congenital megacolon)又称先天性无神经节细胞症(aganglionosis)或赫什朋病(Hirschsprung diseasre, HD),是由于直肠或结肠远端的肠管持续痉挛,粪便瘀滞在近端结肠而使该段肠管肥厚、扩张[1]。



腹腔镜辅助经肛门手术治疗先天性巨结肠疗效探讨作者:覃宇冰杨振宇连晃刘明学来源:《中外医疗》 2014年第20期覃宇冰杨振宇连晃刘明学厦门大学附属第一医院儿外科,福建厦门 361003[摘要] 目的探讨腹腔镜辅助经肛门治疗先天性巨结肠(HD)的临床疗效。







[关键词] 腹腔镜辅助经肛门手术;先天性巨结肠;疗效[中图分类号] R725 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2014)07(b)-0061-02[作者简介] 覃宇冰(1982.1-),男,湖北长阳人,硕士,主治医师,研究方向:小儿先天性消化道畸形。

先天性巨结肠(Hirschsprung’s disease,HD)属于小儿较为多见的一种先天性消化道疾病,本病临床表现多以严重肠梗阻以及便秘等消化道症状为主[1]。




1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料该研究共纳入患儿70例,均为该科收住入院的HD病例,术后均病理证实为巨结肠。





1.1 一般资料病人,男,5个月,因便秘3月余入院。


钡剂灌肠后24 h复查示:阑尾残存少许钡剂,结肠内未见明显高密度钡剂显示,乙状结肠段有少许钡剂显示,腹部可见肠气。

1.2 手术方法全身麻醉后手术,腹腔镜脐部切口+肛周环形切口。

消毒铺巾后,先在脐部中央区放入5 mm Trocar镜头,建立人工气腹,另2个操作孔Trocar穿筋膜入腹腔放于左右两侧。



1.3 结果患儿在经脐部单切口腹腔镜操作下顺利完成先天性巨结肠根治术,手术历时4 h,出血量50 mL,术中患儿未发生低体温和压疮,导电负极板粘贴部位皮肤情况良好,无明显并发症,恢复情况良好。

2.1 术前准备2.1.1 术前访视巡回护士术前1 d下午到病房对手术患儿进行访视,包括对患儿基本病情、既往病史、过敏史、手术史、全身情况以及家属的心理状况、配合程度、对疾病和手术的认知状况的评估、是否有特殊需求等,说明手术前需准备的内容及注意事项。























腹腔镜下经肛门直肠拖出巨结肠根治术一适应症 1. 短段型及常见型巨结肠2. 部分长短型巨结肠3. 乙状结肠长症二麻醉方式静吸复合麻醉三体位仰卧肩部垫高,臀部对准床背板下部折叠处,啫喱垫垫高约5厘米,腰部用布巾略垫高,5岁以下双下肢尽量分开外展,肛门部操作时双腿屈曲由二三助手固定呈截石位;5岁以上摆置截石位。

四切口分别于肚脐、耻骨联合、腹外直肌与脐平行处穿三个洞五用物准备1. 器械:小儿剖腹包、腔镜基础器械、小结扎钳、小儿0度镜、超声刀手柄及短超声刀头、中容器2. 布类:小儿开腹布包1个,中单1条(如截石位需要中单3条)3. 仪器:显像系统,超声刀主机,电刀,吸引器4. 特殊物品:刀片(11#×1)、小儿套针×1、丝线(0#×3、1#×6、4#×1)、吸引头1个、吸引管2条、无菌手套数、显影纱球1包、碘仿纱6×60cm 1包、6#或8#双腔尿管1条、10#单腔尿管1、注射器5mm×1、F26#梅花头引流管、引流袋2个、洁净袋1个、一次性穿刺锥5mm×1、Ml号kemolock1盒、小显微镜套2个六手术步骤:七注意事项:1 备尿管时注意检查尿管气囊,小儿尿管注水量要看清后才备给医生打气囊。

2 注意观察气腹压力,小儿气腹压力一般在8-11mmhg。

3 注意分清腹部与肛门处用物,不能混淆造成污染。






腹腔镜下小儿先天性巨结肠围手术护理发表时间:2014-08-25T15:17:31.123Z 来源:《医药前沿》2014年第10期供稿作者:代红菊王丽[导读] 对患儿的态度要和蔼可亲,多与患儿接触和交流,以分散其注意力,减少患儿的陌生感和对治疗的恐惧感。

代红菊王丽(攀枝花市中心医院 617000)【摘要】目的探讨腹腔镜下小儿先天性巨结肠围手术期的护理方法。




【关键词】腹腔镜小儿先天性巨结肠护理【中图分类号】R473.72 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-1752(2014)10-0314-02先天性巨结肠是小儿常见的消化道先天性畸形,又称结肠无神经节细胞[1],主要是由于母体怀孕早期感染病毒,导致代谢紊乱或中毒状态,胎儿胃肠壁肌间神经丛神经节细胞减少或缺失,男性多发于女性[2]。


1 资料与方法1.1一般资料选取2010年至2014年来我院治疗的小儿先天性巨结肠患者34例,其中男性患儿20 例,女性患儿14例;年龄最小3个月,最大2岁,平均年龄(6.5±1.3)月。


1.2 方法运用全身麻醉在气管插管下施行外科手术,患儿取截石卧位,留导尿管,腹腔镜下分离无神经节细胞的结肠部分,从肛门将病变的肠段分离并拖出切除,将齿线部与正常肠段吻合。














推荐级别:A:基于1级证据= 强烈推荐(“标准”,“必须执行”)。

B:基于2级或3级证据,或基于1级证据推论= 推荐(“推荐”;“应该执行”)。

C:基于4级证据,或2级或3级证据推论= 建议(“选择”;“可以执行”)。

D:基于5级证据,或缺乏一致性、或不确定级别的证据= 不做推荐,仅叙述。


2.1 麻醉和体位行经腹腔腹膜前疝修补术(TAPP)建议全身麻醉。




2.2 手术步骤2.2.1 置入套管脐孔穿刺,建立CO2气腹至12~15 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)。

置入3个套管:脐部10~12 mm套管放置30̊腹腔镜作为观察孔,患侧腹直肌外侧平脐水平和对侧腹直肌外侧脐下水平分别置入5 mm套管作为操作孔。

直径>10 mm的套管可能会增加戳孔疝的发生率(2B级证据)。










在治疗原则上,腹腔镜消化道肿瘤手术同样须遵循传统开腹手术的肿瘤根治原则,包括①强调肿瘤及周围组织的整块切除(enblock resection);②肿瘤操作的无接触原则(no touch principle);③足够的切缘;④彻底的淋巴清扫。









2 0 0 5, 1 3( 3) : 2 9 8—3 0 4.
E 6 3 田娟 娟 . 育儿技能评估对意外伤害 预防作用的研究[ j ] . 中 国 儿 童 保健杂志 , 2 0 1 3 ( 2 1 ) : 9 3—9 5 . [ 7 ] 王 建忠. 常熟 市 婴幼儿 家 长育 儿 知识 调查 [ J ] . 江 苏卫 生保 健 ,
全科护理 2 0 1 4年 1 1 月第 1 2卷 第 3 2期 ( 总第 3 4 1期 )
的教 养 方式 可 能影 响其 日后育 儿 的态度 和 行 为 。父 母 童年 所 受 的家庭 教 养 方 式 分 为关 爱 型 、 鼓励 自主型 和 控 制 型 3种 。研 究 表 明 , 母 爱 以情 感 支 持 和 养育 为 中 心, 父 爱 主要 对 子 女 的认 识 能 力 、 智力、 世 界 观 和价 值 观作 出影 响 。母 亲 对 儿 童 从 婴 儿 到 儿 童 期 的影 响 较 大, 父亲 对儿 童 的 影 响则 从 少 年 到 青 年 期 逐 步 增 大 。 本研 究 结果 显 示 , 父 母 育 儿 技 能 中 的“ 养 育 关 系 和 沟 通” 受其 童年 期母 亲对 他关 爱程 度影 响更 明 显 。“ 家 庭 护理 ” 技 能反 映父 母 在 育 儿 过 程 中对 儿 童生 活 自理 等 方面 能力 培养 的观 念 , 这 种 养 育 技 能 与其 从 小 所 受 的 教养 方式 有关 。从 小接 受父 亲鼓 励 自主型 和 控制 型 教 育 的父母 以及 从小 接受 母亲 鼓励 自主型教 育 的在 家庭 护 理 方面 的技 能较 关 爱 型 强 。而 在 育 儿 观念 、 学 习 环 境、 居住 环境 和安 全 等 其 余 五 方 面育 儿 技 能 上 与 其 童 年所 受家庭 教 养 方 式 的关 系不 大 , 这 主 要 与 父母 自身 的文 化素 质和 物质 水平 有关 _ 7 J 。 本研 究还 提示 , 通 过 评 估 父 母 育 儿 技 能及 相 关 影 响因 素 , 帮 助父 母 了解其 育儿 中存 在 的问题 , 有 助 于调 整 与提 高专 业人 员 的工作 指导 。针 对父 母 育儿 中常见 问题 , 医 院制 定 相 应 的 宣 传 手 册 , 切 实 有 效 地 指 导 父 母, 有 助 于提 高父母 的育 儿技 能 , 从 而促 进 儿童 健康 成 长, 为 儿童 未来 的人 生 奠定 良好 的基础 。




3.2PICC导管断裂的预防目前,我国尚无统一的PICC拔管操作标准,为 避免PICC拔管时发生体内断管,本院制定了 PIC C 拔管流程及断管应急预案。

同时加强科内护士的 操作培训,规范PICC拔管流程。

①PICC拔管前,充 分做好准备工作,认真评估患者情况。

②做好心理 护理,缓解患者紧张情绪。

③拔管前热敷血管,使 血管扩张。

④拔管时注意与患者交流,分散患者注 意力。

⑤发生拔管困难时,立即停止操作,对症处 理。


PICC导管为患者提供了 一条无痛性的治疗途 径,但并发症仍不容小觑,尤其是导管断裂,处理不 当可危及患者生命。

PICC导管断裂发生的原因与 导管本身因素、患者因素、医护人员因素相关,针对 引起导管断裂发生的原因,制定相关预防措施,是 避免发生导管断裂的主要方法。

作为静疗专科护 士,应正确处理好可能发生断管的风险,为患者的安全治疗提供保障。


[参考文献I11 j乔爱珍.P1CC典型疑难病例分析丨M1.北京:科学出版社,2018.179-208.[2] Delarbre B,Dabadie A, Stremler- Lebel N, et al.Introduction of the use of a pediatric PICC line in aFrench university hospital :review of the first 91procedures[J]. Diagn Interv lmag,2014,95(3):277-281.[3]周小颖,曹喜才.1例PICC导管断裂的血管介人护理丨J】.护理实践与研究,2011,08(11):146-147.[4]李琳琳,季日峰,苏颖.PICC导管断裂的护理研究进展[J].护理学杂志,2014,29( 15):90-92.[5]张夏慧,周春华,张淑平,等.PICC拔管困难原因及处理现状【J】•当代护士(下旬刊),2017,(4):6-9.[6J陈永凤,罗先武.外周中心静脉导管置人患者焦虑状况 的干预性研究[_!].中华现代护理杂志,2011,17(24):2902-2904.1例先天性巨结肠患儿行腹腔镜根治术的护理配合韩成成(常州市儿童医院,江苏常州213003)[摘要]先天性巨结肠是一种肠道先天发育畸形,主要治疗手段是手术,为保证手术顺利进行, 减少术中并发症的发生,在术前、术中和术后要加强护理配合。


蛇 志
J u n l f NAKE ( c n e& NA uea e yt e l ) o r a o S Si c e t r r KE h a h O t
2 1 第 2 卷第 1 0 0年 2 期
V 12 . , 0 0 o. 2No 1 2 1
腹 腔 镜 下 根治 先 天 性 巨结肠 围手 术期 的护 理
6 6
…’ …

蛋 白质 3 33g k , 分 10mlk , ~ . / g 水 4 / g 以保 证 息 儿 营养 所 需 。
() 肛 。扩 肛 可 防 止 肛 门 狭 窄 , 可 刺 激 排 便 , 利 于结 肠 5扩 也 有 排 空 。术 后 1周 开 始常 规 扩 肛 , 天 1次 ; 周 后 来 院 复 查 ; 每 2 l 个 月 后 , 隔 天 或 每 周 1次 , 续 6个 月 。同 时 要 教 会 家 属 改 持 掌 握 扩 肛 技 巧 , 法要 轻 柔 ; 手 嘱患 儿 坚 持 排 便 训 练 , 成 每 日 养 定 时 排 便 的 习 惯 , 后 1  ̄2 i 便 较 好 , 便 过 程 中 进 饭 5 or n排 a 排 行肛周皮肤揉按 , 以促 进 排 便 反 射 的 建 立 和 完 成 。 3 讨 论
r 宴盛 甜1
[3 李成 昌, 1 钟 军, 朱德力 , 腹腔镜辅 助下先天性巨结肠升结 等・
输 血 及输 注 营养 药 物 。多 鼓励 患 儿 的 勇 敢 行 为 , 同时 提 高护
士 的各 项 护 理 操 作 技 能 , 力 提 高 静 脉 穿 刺 、 血 、 液 的一 努 抽 输 次 成 功 率 , 减 少 患 儿 的 痛 苦 及 负 担 ; 证 输 液 通 畅 , 注 意 以 保 并



通过腹腔镜协助治疗先天性巨大结肠症:DUHAMEL方法(图文演示)1引言Bernard Duhamel用来治疗先天性巨大结肠症的技术,包括腹膜反粘膜切除术,于直肠后面拖出无神经节细胞的结肠,牵引无神经节细胞的结肠与残余的远端无神经节细胞的直肠之间进行部份远端侧侧吻合术(1956,1960)。

1968年,Steichen等人描述一种以吻合器创造的完整侧侧吻合术,以腹腔镜辅助进行此一技术的版本在1995年由Bax和van der Zee出版,之后是de Lagausie等人在1999年发表;这种微创技术可以更容易确定此病的范围,不须对结肠作大幅度的翻动即可以将欲切除的部分拉出;通过这种手术技术,我们可以聚焦在治疗直肠乙状结肠先天性巨大结肠症。


·直肠乙状结肠·横断面1.乙状结肠2.膀胱3.右侧深腹股沟环(Right deep inguinal ring)4.输精管(Vas deferens)5.精索血管(Spermatic vessels)6.盲肠(Cecum)7.回肠(Ileum)8.直肠(Rectum)9.腹膜反折(Peritoneal reflection)一般的先天性巨大结肠症包括直肠和乙状结肠,也就是直肠乙状结肠;乙状结肠分成固定的肠骨段和可动的骨盆段,接合处在通过左侧输尿管与肠骨血管之乙状肠系膜;输尿管沿骨盆腔往膀胱方面延伸;女性的直肠位于输尿管后方,男性则是在膀胱后方;男性的左右两侧输精管在膀胱后方与直肠间的腹膜反折。

·前后断面1.Toldt’s筋膜(T oldt’s fascia)2.Presacral筋膜(Presacral fascia)3.直肠系膜(Mesorectum)4.筋膜propria(Fascia propria)5.D enonvilliers’筋膜(Denonvilliers’fascia)6.腹膜(Peritoneum)7.壁层筋膜(Parietal fascia)男性腹膜反折下方,直肠在储精囊与前列腺前方;直肠由Denonvilliers’筋膜(直肠生殖中隔)作为区隔而和其他器官分开。



经脐腹腔镜手术治疗先天性巨结肠的疗效观察黄鸿;张利兵;闫焕;廖文戈【摘要】Objective:To compare the efficacy of trans-umbilical laparoscopy and conventional laparoscopic in the treatment of Hirschsprung's disease.Methods:The clinical data of ninety-two children with Hirschsprung's disease from January 2013 to January 2017 were retrospectively analyzed.Fifty-five children who underwent trans-umbilical laparoscopic surgery were served as group A,and 37 children who underwent conventional laparoscopic surgery were defined as group B.The operation-related indexes,postoperative recovery and the incidence of short-term complications were compared between the twogroups.Results:All surgeries were successfully completed,and no conversion to open surgery.The left colon resection operation time of group A was significantly lower than that of group B(P <0.05).No significant differences were found in the intraoperative blood-loss volume,postoperative gastrointestinal function recovery time,and hospital days between the two groups(P>0.05).The postoperative abdominal distension rate of group A was 7.27%,which was significantly lower than that of group B(P<0.05).There were no significant difference in the incidence of postoperative complications between two groups (P >0.05).Conclusion:The clinical efficacy of trans-umbilical laparoscopic surgery for Hirschsprung's disease was similar to that of conventional laparoscopic surgery,but the incidence of abdominal distension after transumbilical laparoscopic surgery was lower,and the scar was more hidden.%目的:探讨经脐腹腔镜手术治疗先天性巨结肠的疗效.方法:回顾性分析201 3年1月至2017年1月四川省成都市妇女儿童中心医院收治的92例先天性巨结肠患儿的临床资料,将55例接受经脐腹腔镜手术治疗的患儿作为观察组,37例接受常规腹腔镜手术治疗的患儿作为对照组.对比两组患儿的相关手术指标、术后恢复情况以及近期并发症的发生率.结果:两组患儿均顺利完成手术,无中转开腹病例.观察组患儿左半结肠切除术的手术时间明显少于对照组(P≥0.05);两组患儿术中出血量、术后胃肠功能恢复时间、术后住院天数比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05);观察组术后腹胀的发生率显著低于对照组(P≥0.05);两组患儿术后近期并发症的比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:经脐腹腔镜手术治疗先天性巨结肠的临床疗效与常规腹腔镜相当,但经脐腹腔镜手术术后腹胀的发生率低,手术瘢痕更隐蔽.【期刊名称】《广西医科大学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(035)005【总页数】4页(P703-706)【关键词】经脐腹腔镜;常规腹腔镜;先天性巨结肠;疗效;术后并发症【作者】黄鸿;张利兵;闫焕;廖文戈【作者单位】四川省成都市妇女儿童中心医院小儿外科一病区,成都610091;四川省成都市妇女儿童中心医院小儿外科一病区,成都610091;四川省成都市妇女儿童中心医院小儿外科一病区,成都610091;四川省成都市妇女儿童中心医院小儿外科一病区,成都610091【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R726.5先天性巨结肠属于先天性消化道畸形,病变使肠壁肌间神经丛、黏膜下神经丛的神经细胞发育不良或者缺失,导致肠道末端功能丧失[1]。



!支气管重建时两吻合口口径修剪尽量相同,为减少吻合口张力,应游离下肺韧带,吻合时慎防远端支气管扭转,吻合后检查有少量漏气可用纵隔胸膜包裹修补;"支气管吻合时用0号或1号丝线间断缝合10~12针,前8例有2例出现吻合口处狭窄,后6例采用5-ProIene 线黏膜下连续缝合,复查5例,无吻合口狭窄现象;#术后加强抗感染治疗及呼吸道管理,加强辅助排痰(包括气管插管或纤支镜吸痰),加强肺功能锻炼。


参考文献1Taskiren SO ,SaIo JA ,~aIttunen PEA ,et aI.Tracheobronchia rupture cue to bIunt chest trauma :a foIIow -up stucy.Ann Thorac Surg ,1989,48(5):8462王平凡,李含志,顾以茼,等.外伤性支气管断裂31例治疗经验.中华胸心血管外科杂志,2000,16(1):563黄孝迈.现代胸外科学.北京:人民军医出版社,1991.318~3204任华,李泽坚,张志庸,等.外伤性支气管断裂6例病例报告.中国医学科学院学报,1993,15:223(收稿日期:2001-12-10)!本研究为广东省医学科研立项课题(编号:A2001578)腹腔镜下超声刀小儿先天性巨结肠根治术!李成昌钟军朱德力邹焱徐涛广东省广州市儿童医院外科(510120)【摘要】目的运用腹腔镜及超声刀技术施行小儿先天性巨结肠根治术,充分发挥腹腔镜的微创手术优点,探讨小儿腹腔镜手术在小儿短段型、常见型和长段型先天性巨结肠的操作方法和特点。

方法对23例先天性巨结肠患儿,使用腹腔镜及超声刀技术施行巨结肠根治术(Soave ’s 术)。






1临床资料本组12例,男性7例,女性5例,年龄3岁-7岁,均有先天性巨结肠的典型症状、特征,经行结肠钡剂灌肠造影、X 线摄片提示为先天性巨结肠,其中常见型9例,长段型3例,均在腹腔镜下行巨结肠根治术痊愈出院。



2.2手术器械准备30°或0°10mm 镜头,5mm超声刀,钛夹钳,钛夹,无损伤肠抓钳,扇形拉钩,吸引管,电凝钩以及1个10mm Trocar,2个5mm T rocar,气腹针等基础器械。










4.2切口及穿刺点配合直视下在脐环上部切一小口,置入第一个trocar放入C02建立气腹,监视器观察下,左下腹管径5mm trocar置入无创抓钳,右下腹管径5mm trocar置入超声刀等器械。



Complications After Esophageal Anastomosis inNewbornsV. A. Savvina1,2,*, Yu. P. Pavlyukova1 and A. Yu. Tarasov21 M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia2 Republican Hospital No. 1 National Center of Medicine, Yakutsk, Russia*ABSTRACTEsophageal atresia is a congenital anomaly in which the oral end of the esophagus ends in a pouch. Its frequency is 1 in 2500–4500 newborns. Esophageal atresia is considered a complex malformation; the results of its treatment are used to judge the level of surgical care provided by the medical institution. With this malformation, the operation of choice is to perform a primary esophageal anastomosis. Primary anastomosis may be accompanied by severe early and late complications, such as anastomotic leakage, recurrent tracheo-esophageal fistula, esophageal stenosis, the development of reflux esophagitis, etc. However, according to many authors, large diastasis between the segments of the esophagus, concomitant anomalies and body weight less than 1,500 g are obstacles for primary anastomosis. In such situations, the implementation of a delayed esophageal anastomosis or replacement of the esophagus with a large intestine or stomach is recommended. Currently, with the introduction of thoracoscopically performed esophageal anastomosis in newborns, there is an improvement in the results of treatment with esophageal atresia. According to the authors, approximately 75 % of operations for esophageal atresia can be performed thoracoscopically with good results. Progress in thoracoscopic treatment of esophageal defect has significantly improved the quality of life of children after surgical correction of the anomaly.Keywords: esophageal atresia, newborns, primary anastomosis, complications1. INTRODUCTIONMaterials and Methods:for 10 years from 2010 to 2019, 43 newborns with esophageal atresia were admitted to the Surgical Department of the Pediatric Center of Republican Hospital No. 1 –National Center of Medicine. The diagnosis of malformation in most cases was established antenatally at the second ultrasound of the fetus at 20–22 weeks of gestation; microgastria and polyhydramnios were detected, other concomitant malformations were excluded for these fetuses [1]. 23 % of patients had concomitant malformations: anus atresia was detected in 6 patients, in 2 a combination of anorectal atresia with malformations of the skeletal system (foot and spine), hydronephrosis, congenital heart diseases (ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect), that is, VACTERL association was observed. In most cases, 95 % of newborns had a typical form of esophageal atresia with a lower tracheoesophageal fistula. According to the Waterston classification, newborns were distributed as follows: Group A (full-term newborns weighing more than 2,500 g, without pneumonia and concomitant malformations) –11 % (5 patients), Group B (newborns weighing from 1,800 to 2,500 g without concomitant defects or weighing more than 2,500 g, but with pneumonia or concomitant malformations) –50 % (21 patients), Group C (newborns weighing less than 1,800 g or more than 1,800 g, but with pneumonia or with concomitant malformations) – 39 % (17 patients).The diagnosis of esophageal atresia at the stage of the maternity hospital was clarified by conducting a test through a probe installed in the blind-ended pouch of the esophagus, with air supplied with a syringe and coming out of the nose with a noise. At the stage ofsurgical resuscitation, all patients underwent contrasting Proceedings of the Conference on Health and Wellbeing in Modern Society (CHW 2021)of the oral segment of the esophagus with water contrast followed by its evacuation, echocardiography, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, neurosonography, and laboratory tests.Figure 1. Typical atresia of the esophagus with lower tracheo-esophageal fistula2. RESEARCH RESULTSThe mechanisms of pathological disorders in a newborn child during the formation of esophageal atresia are multifaceted. At the early stage of embryogenesis, the trachea and esophagus communicate with each other, as they develop from the cranial section of the primary intestine. Violation of recanalization, lacing of the esophagus from the respiratory tube, and fast growth of the trachea and esophagus can lead to esophageal atresia.The upper segment of the esophagus is stretched by the swallowed amniotic fluid and presses on the developing trachea, resulting in poor development of cartilaginous rings —tracheomalacia. Due to the lack of patency along the esophagus, antenatal coordinated peristaltic movements of the esophagus are not formed, and the cortico-visceral swallowing reflex is impaired. But the most important is the presence of a direct communication between the stomach and the tracheobronchial tree through the distal tracheoesophageal fistula, which causes the overstretching of the stomach with air during the child’s cry. In addition, gastric contents move through the distal tracheoesophageal fistula directly into the tracheobronchial tree, causing chemical pneumonia, which can be complicated by bacterial pneumonia [2,3].The newborns were operated on the 2nd day of life after preoperative preparation, 3 newborns with respiratory failure syndrome were on artificial lung ventilation before the operation. Esophageal anastomosis was performed in 35 (81.4 %) patients, in 8 (18.6 %) newborns with extended diastasis between the segments of the esophagus, the tracheo-esophageal fistula was sutured, a gastrostomy was placed, and a cervical esophagostomy was removed. 2 esophageal anastomosis was applied on a delayed basis due to severe prematurity of the newborn [4].Since 2014, esophageal anastomosis has been performed thoracoscopically; a total of 15 endoscopic anastomoses have been performed.Among the postoperative complications that may accompany the period after introducing esophageal anastomosis, three main ones should be highlighted:●Stenosis of the anastomosis;●Anastomotic leakage;●Recanalization of the tracheo-esophageal fistula.These complications can occur with both open and thoracoscopic interventions.In the studied group of patients, postoperative complications were observed in 17 (48 %) newborns in the forms of: failures of the esophageal anastomosis in 5 cases (14 %), stenosis of the anastomosis zone –12 cases (34 %), esophageal perforation against the background of balloon dilatation of the stenosis zone –1 case, and 1 child had gastroesophageal reflux with severe reflux esophagitis.Figure 2. Stages of thoracoscopic correction of esophageal atresia – isolation of the atresia oral segment of the esophagus, the appearance of a completed esophageal anastomosis with a single-row interruptedsuture with an absorbable suture (5/0)In all cases, the esophageal anastomosis was applied with biodegradable suture material (5/0–6/0) as single-row interrupted suture. Anastomosis was possible with diastasis between the segments of the esophagus at no more than 1.5–2.0 cm. In recent years, there have been attempts to preserve the child’s native esophagus, if possible, since long-term results while preserving their own esophagus are definitely better. For this purpose, modifications are made to lengthen the oral segment of the esophagus when introducing an esophageal anastomosis with large diastasis — the technique of circular myotomy according to Livaditis, and the Foker process – lengthening the atresized ends of the esophagus by introducing traction sutures with a delayed anastomosis [5,6].In the postoperative period, the newborns were on extended ventilation for an average of 7–8 days with myorelaxation. In cases of an uncomplicated course of the early postoperative period, X-ray control of the anastomotic zone using a water-soluble contrast agent was performed on postoperative days 9–10. Enteral tube feeding was started from the 10th postoperative day (after the restoration of the sucking reflex), from about 12–14 days, they were switched to breastfeeding. In premature infants, introducing primary esophageal anastomosis is impossible due to the severity of the condition, while in 2 cases delayed anastomoses were performed 2–3 weeks after applying draining gastrostomy, and relative stabilization of the condition.Table 1. Postoperative complications depending on the type of operationThe complexity of performing surgical operations on the esophagus is mainly due to the fact that esophageal anastomoses are often untenable [7]. There are several reasons that explain this phenomenon. The esophagus does not have a serous membrane, which plays an important role in the healing of digestive anastomoses, due to its high plastic and adhesive properties. All operations on the esophagus are accompanied by violating the integrity of the structures of the mediastinum with risk of developing postoperative mediastinitis. The blood supply to the esophagus is worse than the blood supply to the intestines. The esophagus is constantly contracting. Peristalsis causes its lengthening or contraction with each inhalation, while peristaltic movements pushing food subject the suture line to additional stress.Cases of failed esophageal anastomosis were diagnosed on the 6–8th postoperative day with the release of saliva through the drainage of the posterior mediastinum. Since 2012, inmost cases of esophageal anastomosis failure, conservative tactics have been undertaken [8,9], including the introduction of a gastrostomy tube to decompress the stomach and prevent reflux of the contents into the esophagus, the installation of additional drainage in the posterior mediastinum, the connection of active aspiration through the drains, and the change of antibiotic therapy (Fig. 3). On the 16–20th day of conservativemanagement, secondary healing was achieved in the zone of esophageal anastomosis, which was confirmed by X-ray contrast study. Rough stenoses were not observed in cases of secondary healing in the anastomotic area.Figure 3. Failure of esophageal anastomosisOne of the most common reasons for reoperations after reconstruction of esophageal atresia is narrowing in the anastomotic area. Many factors can contribute to the formation of a stricture: anastomotic leak in theearly postoperative period, gastroesophageal reflux, using non-absorbable sutures instead of absorbable ones. Narrowing usually occurs between 2 weeks and 6 months after surgery and is manifested by impaired food transit time. Dysphagia is accompanied by choking and coughing. The diagnosis is confirmed by contrast X-ray examination or fibroesophagoscopy (Fig. 4).Figure 4. Stenosis of esophageal anastomosisTo restore the patency of the lumen, it is necessary to expand the esophagus in the narrowing zone, which can be performed using bougienage or balloon hydrodilation. These techniques can be performed blindly or under X-ray or endoscopic guidance. Endoscopic methods of bougienage and balloon dilation have certain advantages over similar interventions. The main condition for ensuring the safety of endoscopic bougienage is to conduct dilating bougie only along the guide wires (Fig. 5).Figure 5. Condition after bougienage of esophageal stenosis along the guide wireIn 1/3 of patients after esophageal anastomosis, bougienage of the esophagus was performed due to the onset of symptoms of dysphagia. It should be noted that until 2012, calibration bougienage of the esophageal anastomosis zone was performed for prophylactic purposes before the patients were discharged. But practice has shown that invasive manipulations in the zone of esophageal anastomosis should be carried out only according to absolute indications. In cases with stenoses we performed bougienage along the wire — in most cases briefly, only in 1 child in the postoperative period we observed lasting stenosis of esophageal anastomosis, the child received a second thoracoscopic esophageal anastomosis at 3 months of age. In 3 cases, balloon dilatation of the esophageal stenosis zone was performed, in 1 case, this procedure resulted in a complication in the form of a rupture of the esophageal wall, rethoracotomy and suturing of the esophageal defect with the introduction of a preventive gastrostomy were performed. In this patient, in the delayed period, we observed persistent reflux esophagitis with mucosal ulceration of the lower third of esophagus; at the age of 3 years, the patient underwent a Nissen fundoplication as antireflux surgery.In cases of large defects in the zone of insolvency of the esophageal anastomosis and pronounced phenomena of mediastinitis, a rethoracotomy was performed with the destruction of the esophageal anastomosis, ligation of the distal segment of the esophagus, and the removal of the proximal section to the neck on the left, forming an esophagostomy, while a gastrostomy was applied. Later, these patients underwent colon esophagoplasty at the age of 1 year (Fig. 6).The main advantages of a colonic graft over other segments of the intestinal tube are:●more pronounced magistral blood supply;●insignificant effect on digestion when turning offlarge sections of the colon;●direct form of the graft;●high resistance to aggressive gastric juice andhypoxia;●option to cut out a graft of any required lengthwith a good stable blood supply.Figure 6.Stage of colonic graft formationColon esophagoplasty was performed in 5 (12 %) patients, in all cases a graft of the left half of the colon on the left colon artery was used; operation was carried out in the anterior mediastinum retrosternally, with the introduction of an antireflux modification using Stepanov E.A. method. 1 patient was operated on in Moscow using the method of moving the sternum of the stomach. But in recent years, of all the methods of plastic surgery of the esophagus, with the impossibility of preservin g the patient’s own esophagus, the best delayed clinical results were obtained with the method of colon esophagoplasty (Fig. 7).Figure 7. X-ray with contrast on the 10th postoperative day after colon esophagolplasty.Mortality in esophageal atresia during the study period was 14 % (6 newborns). The main causes of death were severe concomitant malformations and extreme prematurity.3. CONCLUSIONSAfter the introduction of thoracoscopic esophageal anastomosis in newborns with esophageal atresia, the number of postoperative complications, including such acute ones as anastomotic leakage, significantly decreased.Striving to preserve patients’ own esophagus with anastomotic leakage is justified. Conservative tactics without destroying the esophageal anastomosis showed encouraging results.Postoperative stenosis in the area of the esophageal junction in most cases can be eliminated by the safest method of bougienage of the esophagus along the guide wire.In persistent course of reflux disease in patients after esophageal anastomosis, introduced for esophageal atresia, it is advisable to carry out antireflux fundoplication using Nissen fundoplication in a timely manner to prevent the formation of metaplasia of the esophageal mucosa. REFERENCES[1]L. Spitz, J. Rare Dis. 2 (2007) 24.[2] D. Alberti, G. Boroni, L. Corasaniti, F. Torri, J.Matern. Fetal Neonatal Med. 24(1) (2011) 4–6. [3] A. Conforti, F. Morini, P. Bagolan, Semin. inPediatr. Surg. 23(5) (2014) 261–269.[4] F. Friedmacher, P. Puri, Pediatr. Surg. Int. 28(9)(2012) 899–906.[5]J.E. Foker, T.S. Kendall-Krosch, K. Catton et al.,Semin. Pediatr. Surg. 18 (2009) 23–29.[6] A. Nars, J.C. Langer, Eur. J. Pediatr. Surg. 23(3)(2013) 191–197.[7]S.S. Rothenberg, J. Laparoendosc. Adv. Surg.Tech. 22 (2012) 195–199.[8]Yu.A. Kozlov, V.V. Podkamenev, V.A.Novozhilov, Atreziya pishchevoda,GEOTAR-Media, Moscow, 2015.[9] A.Yu. Razumovskiy, O.G. Mokrushina, N.V.Golodenkoet al., Rus. J. of Pediatr. Surg., Anesthesiol. and Resuscitat. 1 (2011) 40–47.。


技术建立手术通道。该 法与传统开放手术相 比,除 不 必做 腹股 沟切 口外 ,操作 步骤 基本 相 同,由于 需 要进行 内环精细解剖,对术者 的镜下操作能力要求 更 高 。分别 置入 无损 伤抓 钳和腹 腔镜 剪 精 索结构 向近 侧 松解 抬起 内环 后壁 腹膜 ,完全 横 断疝 囊 , 由于腹 腔 镜 的放 大 清晰 成像 ,比较容 易从 输精 管和 精 索血 管 分 离疏 松 的疝囊 ,最 后 导入 1根 2-0或 3-0不 可吸 收 带针缝 线荷 包 缝合 断缘腹 膜 完成 内环缝 扎 。
八 、腹 腔镜 手 术方 法 (一 )经腹 腔 内疝环 缝扎 术 1.三孔 单纯 内环缝 扎术 :患 儿取 仰 卧头低足 高 体 位 。先于 脐部 切开 穿置 气腹针 或 开放 式放 置 5 nlIi1 Trocar建 立 CO2气 腹 ,压 力 设 定 8~10 mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),腹 腔镜 监视 下在 两侧腹 分 别 穿置 3 min或 5 min Trocar建 立操 作通 道 ,探 查 腹腔、两侧 内环及腹股 沟疝情况 ,确定疝环形态及 大 小 ,经腹壁 刺入 或 经 Trocar导入 2.0不 可吸 收带 针缝合线,对 内环腹膜菏包缝合或连续缝合关闭内 环 ,尽 量 完全缝 合 关 闭疝缺损 或遗 留更 小 的腹膜 间 隙,双钳操作至少打 3个单节完成腹 内结扎,结扎 前 降低 腹 压 、挤压疝 囊 排 出积气 。为避 免精 索结构 损伤、保证 内环缝合完全且无张力 ,可经套管放入 内镜穿刺注射针或经腹壁穿刺 7号腰椎穿刺针在 内 环后 壁腹膜 外注入 等渗 盐水进 行 水分 离 ,然 后再 导 入 带 针缝 线缝 合关 闭 内环【4 。 2.横 断疝囊 的 内环缝 扎 术[48-49】:类似 上述 三孔
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