九年级英语总复习导学案 33-34

九年级英语总复习导学案 33-34
九年级英语总复习导学案 33-34

九年级英语总复习导学案 No.33 Class: Name: Date:________

复习内容: 8B. Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the


Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?





今日赠言: The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”.--- Napoleon


Part 1 自主学习夯实基础:重点词汇:黑体单词和固定短语&

Grammar Focus

Part 2 合作探究温故知新

Unit 7 重点句型:

1. 观察P52 1a, 你发现了什么规律?

我发现了: Would you


常见回答: A.No,not at all./Certainly not/Of course


B.Sorry,I’ll do it right away./Sorry,I

won’t( do that again).

【译一译】你介意打扫你的房间吗? 对不起,我马上去做。

_______________________________________________________________________ 你介意不在这打棒球吗? 对不起,我们会去公园玩。

________________________________________________________________________ 2.找读Unit 7 Could you 开头的问句,你发现了什么规律?

我发现了: Could you please


常见回答: A.Sure/Of course/Certainly/OK/All right.

B.Sorry,I can’t.I have to do sth./I’m doing

sth. /Sorry, I won’t.

【译一译】 可以请你喂我的狗吗? 当然,那没问题。

_________________________________________________________________请你不要在课堂上吃东西好吗? 对不起,我不会了。

___________________________________________________________________ Unit 8重点句型:(提建议)请你根据括号内的提示词分别举例。


1. Why don’t you +动词原形…? =Why not+动词原形…(买围巾)


2. What/How about (doing)sth?(去看电影)


3. Let’s+动词原形…(大声朗读)


4. You’d better (not)+动词原形…(听音乐)


5. Shall we+动词原形… (6点钟见面)


6. You should/could (not)+动词原形…(和你的朋友打架)


7. If I were you, I’d +动词原形… (骑自行


8. Would you like sth/ to do sth?(参观北


Part 3 体验中考提升能力自测得分:________

Come on!

一、单项选择,快乐体验 10’

1. Could you please ____close the door? It’s so hot. A. not B.

not to C. to not

2. --Well, how about _____our vacation in Japan?

--It____ good, but I’m afraid it’s too expensive.

A. spend, hears

B. spending, sounds

C. spend, may be

3. Why not _____help when you are in trouble?

A. to ask for

B. ask for

C. asking for

4. --Would you mind ____the letter for me? I’m feeling pretty


A. to type(打印); OK

B. typing; Good idea.

C. typing;

Certainly not

5. Please______the TV ____a bit so that you can watch TV and

I can do some reading.

A. turn, on

B. turn, off

C. turn, up C. turn, down

6.This hat is too common._________buy that one?

A. Why

B. Why don’t you

C. How about

7.—Could you please _____my pet dog when I’m away?—No


A. take care

B. take care of

C. take off

8.—Do you like English?—Yes, because I think it’s_____

subject of all.

A. the most boring

B. the most difficult

C. the most interesting

9.You shouldn’t speak to the old so_________.

A. polite

B. impolite

C. impolitely

10.Do you want to know _______________in our school?

A. someone else

B. else anyone

C. anyone else

二、选择句子,补全对话 8’

A: Hello. David. I want to have a party at home. Will you help me organize(筹备,组织) it please?

B: Sure. Glad to give you a hand.____________

A: Let’s have it after class this afternoon.

B: No, I’m afraid it’s too early. Today is Thursday._______________

A: What about tomorrow?

B:Hmm…There will be a basketball match tomorrow afternoon. I like basketball a lot and I’m going to watch it._______________

A: Good idea. If we have it on the weekend, we’ll have more time to play party games._______________

B: Yes, that’s no problem.

A. If we have the party today, half of our friends won’t come.

B. So when shall we have the party?

C. Can you organize the party games?

D. Why not have it on the weekend?

九年级英语总复习导学案 No.34 Class:______ Name:______ Date:_____

复习内容: Book 8B Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?


知识目标:1、能朗读并默写本单元的重要单词、短语和句 型。

2、掌握反意疑问句 ( Book 8B P99)



今日赠言:Failure is the mother of success. - Thomas Paine 失败乃成功之母。

Part 1 基础知识过关:要默写哦!

重点词汇:黑体单词和固定短语重点句子: Grammar Focus

Part 2 Self-study & discussion

【读一读,想一想】观察下列句子,总结反意疑问句的构成及回答。The tree is very tall, isn’t it? Yes,it is. No, it isn’t.

She speaks Chinese, doesn’t she? Yes, she does No, she doesn’t. The bus stops here, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

He didn’t go to school yesterday, did he? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. They will go to Beijing tomorrow, won’t they? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.

He has never been to Beijing, has he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

考点----反意疑问句 (由一个___________附加一个________________而构成。)

1. 反意疑问句的句式结构为:前________,后________;前_________,后__________。

2. 反意疑问句要特别关注其一致性。即前后两部分的人称、时态和数要______________。

3. 陈述句中含有hardly, few, little, nothing, nobody, never, no, neither等表示否定意义的词时,简略问句用________________形式。

Part 3快乐自测

1. 快乐体验,单项选择。

1.—It’s Father’s Day, ___? —Yes. Let’s buy a gift for Dad. 【2013


A. isn’t it

B. doesn’t it

C. isn’t he

2.Your school is very beautiful, __________? 【2013永州】

A.isn’t it

B. is it

C. is your school

3.—Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning, _______?

______. He got up too late. 【2013益阳】

A. had she; Yes

B. hadn’t he; Yes

C. did he; No

4. There’s little important news in the newspaper today, ___? 【2013


A. isn’t there

B. is there

C. is it

5. She has never been to the city, _______ she? 【2013遂宁】

A. doesn’t

B. hasn’t

C. has

6. He hasn’t watched the movie “ So Young”, has he?


_____. He told me it’s very moving and interesting, he’d like to watch it again. 【2013


A. Yes, he has

B. Yes, he hasn’t

C. No, he hasn’t

7.—Sam didn’t go to school yesterday, did he?—

____. He was ill yesterday【2013宜宾】

A. Yes, he did

B. No, he did

C. No, he didn’t

8. There is little milk in the fridge, ? 【2013邵阳】

A. is there

B. isn’t there

C. isn’t it

9. — Hi, Sam. Your mother’s busy these days, ?

—Yes. But she says she’ll be free soon. 【2013营口】

A. has she

B. hasn’t she

C. isn’t she

10. —Becky doesn’t talk much, _________ she? —Yes, she does.

A. will B, did C. does 【2013柳州】

11. —You have joined the Singing Club, haven’t you? 【2013镇


—_______.I like singing, but I don’t have any time.

A. No, I don’t

B. Yes, I have

C. No, I haven’t

12. ---The boy has to stay at home to look after his little


---Yes, because his mother has gone shopping.

A. does he

B. doesn’t he

C. hasn’t he

13. John can hardly understand any Chinese, _________he?

A. can’t

B. doesn’t

C. can

14. Miss Cheng will never forget her first visit to Canada ,________?

A. will she

B. won’t she

C. isn’t she

15. My uncle has never been to a foreign country,_______?

A. has he

B. does he

C. hasn’t he


A: This is great weather, isn’t it?

B: 1.________________________________.But it’s a little hot for


A: Oh, I love hot weather.2._________________________________________

B: Which beach are you going to?

A: I’m going to Today Beach.3._______________________________________?

B: I usually go to Sandy beach.



B:No,it’s never crowded. Well, have a good time!



B: Goodbye.

趣味记单词: ①现在(now)奶牛(cow)弯腰(bow)多么(how)低(low),排行(row)播种(sow) 牵引(tow)多吃力. ②试一试(try)干(dry)哭(cry)。正午(noon)月亮(moon)奇,调羹(spoon)马上(soon)劈(p谐音)。③ 贫穷(poor)之门(door)无地板(floor)。


九年级上英语导学案目录 Unit 1 How do you study for a test?(7课时) Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.(7课时) Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes(5课时)Unit4What would you do?(6课时) Unit 5 It must belong to Carla (5课时) Review of units 1-5(2课时) 期中复习(2课时) Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. (5课时) Unit7 Where would you like to visit ?(5课时) Unit8 I‘ll help clean up the city parks.(6课时) Unit 9 When was it invented?(5课时) Unit 10 By the time I got outside , the bus had already left .(5课时)Review of Units 6—10 (2课时) 期末复习(3课时)

Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 本单元主要是学习用How 来询问学习方法,通过互相询问讨论,掌握by的用法,同时找到适合自己的学习方法,找出自己在英语学习中的困难。(共计7时) 第1课时Section A 1a-2c 【学习目标】1掌握新单词flashcard, vocabulary, aloud, pronunciation 2熟练运用how 引起的特殊疑问句及by的用法。 3能够听懂有关学习方法的简短对话。。 【学习重难点】1熟记重点单词短语。2语法:by + 动词ing的用法 3句型How do you study for a test? I study by working with a group. 【学习过程】一课前预习:(教师寄语:预习感知,有备无患。) 1预习生词。根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成自主学习的习惯。本节课我们要学的单词短语是: 2 朗读Section A 1a-2c,找出下列短语。 制作抽认卡制作词汇表向老师寻求帮助 和朋友练习对话提高口语技能 _______ 练习发音 4.要点导学:(在课本中画出下列句子或短语,并翻译成中文) 导学1 How do you study for a test? I study by listening to tapes. How是用来提问―怎么,怎样‖的疑问词,引导一个特殊疑问句。by加动词的ing形式,表示―通过……方式,方法‖或―借助某种手段‖。跟踪练习(1) How do you study English so well? By lots of books. A. read B. look C. watching D. reading 翻译下面的句子,总结by的用法和含义:1)I have to be in bed by 10 o'clock. 2)There is a tree by the river. 3)You can learn English by working with friend. 4)I go to work by bus. 5) By the way, how do you study for English? 导学2 What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? What about …?相当于…?.常用来提出建议,征求意见或询问情况。学过的提建议的句型还有哪些?跟踪练习going boating with us ? aloud / loud/ loudly: 三个词都与"大声"或"响亮"有关。 aloud是副词,侧重于―出声‖ (能让人听见,但声音不一定很大),常用在读书或说话上。通常放在动词之后。如: He read the story aloud to his son.他朗读那篇故事给他儿子听。 loud可作形容词或副词, 侧重于声音响亮, 用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级,须放在动词之后。如: She told us to speak a little louder. 她让我们说大声一点。


第1课时Unit 1 Section A 1a-2c 【Le arning objectives】 1 Knowing:flashcard,aloud,pronunciation,skill,voice 2 Habit-forming: How do you study for a test? I study by、、、、、、、、、 3 Communicating:Talk about how to study freely 【Important leaning points】 运用by doing 谈论学习方式 【Learning process】 一、自主学习(教师寄语:相信自己,一定能行!) Task1:Talk about how to study for the test 1、完成下列短语 与朋友一起学习制作抽认卡 瞧课本制作词汇表 听磁带向老师寻求帮助 2、理解下列对话,并利用上面词组练习: A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by working with a group、 A:How does Bob study for a test? B:I study by marking flashcards、 3 、听录音,完成1 b Task2: Talk about how to learn English 1、小组练习,利用下列句型谈论怎样学习英语、 A:How do you learn English? B:I learn by 、、、、、、 A:Do you learn by、、、、、、、、、? B:Yes,I do、 /No, I don't、 2、理解2a、2b中的句子,找出下列短语: 瞧英文光碟与朋友连交 际 大声读练习发 音 小组学习说的技 能 做、、、、、、、、、太难 3、听录音,完成2a、2b 4、根据听力内容,练习上面对话。 5、读听力材料,理解以下知识点: the best way to learn English Who has an idea? keep a diary in English look up new words in a dicctionary 二、Cooperration (教师寄语:学会合作,提高自我) 根据听力材料,小组自由讨论如何学好英语? 三、Summary 根据下面的句子,总结by的用法与含义:


人教版九年级英语units6-10复习学案 一、教师寄语:nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. 二、学习目标:1.会背会默写这五单元四会词汇及重点短语 .2.进一步科学自己的学习方法,提高学习效率。 三、重难点。进一步复习掌握定语从句,被动语态及过去完成时态。 四、学习过程 1.仔细预习本部分内容,找出自己不懂的地方并记下来。 2.导入。We will learn. and review unit6 to unit 10 3.自主探究。通过查找资料,对本部分的词汇集语法进行那个初步了解。 4.合作探究。与同学探讨不知道的知识。 5.达标练习。 (一)填空题。 1)_______(learn)English is very useful in the future. 2)Many trees must _______(plant) in spring.. 3)You should pay a_______ to your writing. 4)F____ of all,you must learn some English words. 5)He likes music that has great l___ _ (二)翻译短语。最有用的发明----随着跳舞的音乐------到去年末为止-------一个中国的古代传说---错误地-------推迟做某事----- (三)翻译句子 (1)我们不能推迟制定计划。 (2)直到1610年茶才被带到西方。 (3)有时我们需要花一些时间来提出一个问题或请求 (四)达标测试。


九年级上册英语案例分析 一、教学目标:(1)学会询问别人近来的事情; (2)能从会话中获取交流的信息; (3)学会陈述所干的事; (4)学会为假期作准备; (5)学会有礼貌与他人交往; (6)能够正确的运用现在完成时来陈述。 二、教材分析 Unit.1 该部分有4个模块: 第一模块围绕Have you packed the beach towels yet? 这一话题展开口语(1a,1c);听力(1b)训练; 第二模块围绕 Talking about recent events 进行大量的听力(2a-2b),口语训练(2c); 第三模块继续围绕Talking about different chores这一话题展开口语(3b),和阅读(3a)训练;第四模块围绕the things you have to do this week进行列表并展开小组及个人活动. 三、教学重点和难点: (1)词汇:bathing ; suit ; bathing suit ; towel; water;

guidebook ; clean out ; refrigerator; garage; suitcase ; (2)句型:现在完成时的一般疑问句及其答语:Have you watered the plants? Yes, I have. Yes, have already watered them No , I haven’t. No. I haven’t watered them yet.. Has he packed yet? Yes, he has. Yes. He has already packed./ No, he hasn’t. No. He hasn’t packed yet. (3)语法:现在完成时的一般疑问句;already和 yet在现在完成时中的用法。 四、教具:多媒体和电子白板、录音机 五、教学步骤(teaching steps) Step1 Duty report Step2 1a Read the words and expressions of Unit 14 Step3 1a Play the PowerPoint and show the pictures of some things: the bathing suit; the beach towels ; the guidebook ; the umbrella; the suitcase ;the street map. Then ask students “What are the three most important things to pack when you go on a beach vacation? A city vacation ? ” Finally, check the answers. Step4 1b Listening First, listen and check the


Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 【学习内容】Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A 1a-2d ( Period 1 ) 【学习目标】1.掌握重点单词和短语:textbook; conversation; aloud; pronunciation; sentence; patient; study with a group; have conversations with; read aloud; give a report等。 2.学习并掌握含有特殊疑问词“how”的问句以及by+动词ing的用法。 3.通过交流和表达,进一步掌握学习英语的技巧与方法。 学习重点:掌握含有特殊疑问词“how”的问句以及by+动词ing的用法。 【自主学习案】Task 1. 翻译下列短语。 1.study for a test______________________ 2.study with a group____________________ 3.make word card___________________ 4. read textbook______________________ 5.give a report_________________________ 6. word by word______________________ 7.大声朗读_________________________ 8.对话____________________________ 9.练习发音__________________________ Task 2. I study for a test by____________________________________________ I learn English by________________________________________________ 【合作学习案】e g. A: How do you study for s test? / learn English? B:I study for a test / learn English by... ①—How do you study for a test? —I study by working with a group. ②We usually go to school by bike. ③English is spoken by many people. by的意思是“通过……的方式”时,后接;当表示“乘坐”时, 后跟;它还可以表示 , 用于被动语态,引导出动作的发出者。 ( ) 1. He goes to school bike. A. by B. on C. in D. At ( ) 2. — H ow do you study English so well? —By lots of books. A. read B. look C. watching D. reading ( ) 4.—How do you study for a test? —I study_______working with my classmates.


九年级英语期末复习资料 第一课时(词汇) I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The books on those _____(shelf) are very interesting. 2.Mike draws _____(well) in our class. 3.My friend always talks to others _____(polite). 4.Have you found your _____(lose) car? 5.Jim writes more _____(care) than Kate and Lily. 6.I hear the Greens live on the _____ (nine) floor of this _____(build). 7.I think this CD player is _____(help) to learn English. 8. Which do you think is more difficult,______(write) English or spoken English? 9. His _____ (miss) books are usually returned to the library. 10.Have you ever spoken to a _____ (foreign)? 11.In the library there are lots of books on _____(difference) subjects. 12.In the end,the young man came up with a _____(wonder) idea. 13.The books give us _____(know ) and make us happy. 14.The _____ (library) is very _____(friend) to us. 15.Zhang Jian swam across the English Channel successfully. His father said, “He is the _____(proud) of the Chinese people.” 16.Japan is a _____(develop) country, but China is a _____(develop) one. 17.When I arrived at the airport, it was raining_____(heavy). 18.Are you interested in _____ (collect) stamps? 19.I am sure my dream will come_____(truly) some day in the near future. 20.I felt very _____(excite) when I heard the _____(excite) news. 21.Her sister hasn't come back. so her parents look _____(real) worried. 22.The girl was so _____(frighten) that she couldn't move. 23.The Englishman spoke _____(slow) enough for me to understand. 24.She thought the young man was a queue _____(jump). 25.It was too _____(danger) to cross the road at the moment. 26.Go down this road, and take the second _____(turn) on the right. 27.She is very _____(please) to see her husband.


九年级英语教学案例 一、背景分析: 1、教材分析 这部分内容是在学生掌握了一些基本语法知识的基础上,充分利用学生熟悉的生活对话来激发他们的求知欲望,通过直接引语和间接引语的转化,进而复习宾语从句的用法,这部分内容安排了内容丰富、形式多样的小组活动,让学生去总结理解,培养学生的合作与自主学习的水平。 2、以往教法分析 在绝绝大部分教师的学案中,几乎都会出现“学习目标”、“重点”“难点”等环节,学生看后绝绝大部分都感到茫茫然,不知道怎么去掌握。教学中不能没有“学习目标”、“重点”“难点”,我认为这是老师在教学过程中需要重点把握的东西,是应该体现在教案中的东西。 3、学情分析 学生通过前面的学习已初步了解了直接引语,间接引语,宾语从句的基本概念,,也掌握了基本的知识。但是不能灵活使用,知识不系统,综合应用水平差,学生在掌握这部分知识的过程当中总是感到有些地方不好理解、不好把握。 二、教学方案设计: 我针对上述现象,主要从这几方面实行了优化。 ⒈学案设计上,去掉了“学习目标”、“重点”“难点”等环节,取而代之的是“个人难点整理”,要求学生在自己思考、相互讨论交流之后把自己在平时做题当中认为还不是很明白、不理解的地方写在下面,下课后再认真对照一遍,看看是不是又有进步了。我认为学生自己认为不懂,听老师讲后又懂了的东西才是重、难点,才是需要老师重点对待的。 2、为了活跃气氛,我在教学过程中,设计了对话练习,学生小组合作学习的复习方案,这样所有同学都会融入思考中,基础差点的有组长的积极协助,课堂气氛异常活跃,在不知不觉中,把难理解的知识简单化了,同时还增强了解题讲述水平;从而轻松愉快地实现知识复习与水平的提升。 导学案设计: (一)学习目标: 1.复习本单元所学的单词和短语。 2.复习掌握所学的时态。 3.直接引语和间接引语的灵活使用,学会陈述别人所说的话。 (二)知识回顾与检测: Do these exercises by yourself , then discuss into groups . Try to say answers and reasons . 1. I ________ ( live ) in Beijing in 199 2. 2. We _____ ( go ) to Marcia’s house on Friday night . 3. We ______( go ) to the beach every Saturday . 4. lana ______ ( go ) to the beach every Saturday .


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 【自主学习】 一、预习课本P25-26新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1.有幽默感的_______ 2.不说话的________3.有帮助的 __________ 4.进球__________ 二、认真预习1a-2d找出下列短语和句型。 1.过去经常__________2.害怕_________3.得高分 _________4.时常;有时___________ 5.—Mario过去很矮。_________________ _ —他现在长得什么样呢?__________________ —他现在很高。__________________ 6.她从来都不勇敢提问。___________________ 7.聚会是一个很好的主意。 _________________________________ 8.自从我们上一次见小学同学已经有三年了。 ___________________________________ 9.Billy已经改变了很多。 ____________________________________ 【合作交流】 Step 2完成教材1a-1c的任务

1.在1a中的表格中写出表示人物外貌和性格的形容词,完成后小组内互相交流,然后大声朗读所写单词。 2.学生自读1b中的句子,为听力做好准备。 3.听录音,根据听力内容写出Bob的朋友四年前的样子,完成后集体核对答案。 4.再听一遍录音,并跟读对话。 5.结对练习1c中的对话,并请一些学生表演出他们的对话。6.模仿1c中的对话,根据1a图片中人物的今昔对照,与同伴编练新对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。 7.小结训练。 ( )1.When my brother was very young,he used to ________ basketball. A.play B.plays C.played D.playing ( )2.The little girl was afraid of ________ to others. A.talk B.talking C.talked D.talks ( )3.I ________ play basketball,but now I have no time to play it. A.be use to B.used to C.be used to D.use to ( )4.—________?—She is very outgoing and tall. A.Why is the girl here B.When will the girl come back C.What's the girl like D.What does the girl do Step 3完成教材2a-2c的任务 1.学生自读2a中的单词,为听力做好准备。 2.听录音,在2a中圈出听到的单词,集体核对答案。 3.再听一遍录音,根据录音内容把2b中的表格填写完整,完成后集体核对答案。 3.听第三遍录音,学生跟读。 4.根据2b中的听力内容,两人一组仿照2c中的对话形式讨论Paula的变化,并要求多组同学表演对话。 5.小结训练。 ( )1.The girl used to _____ the dark,but now she is used to ______ at home alone at night. A.is afraid of;stay B.is afraid to;staying C.be afraid to;live D.be afraid of;staying ( )2.—________ get good scores on his exams? —Yes,he always worked hard. A.Did him used to B.Did he use to C.Do he used to D.Do his use to ( )3.My parents ________ to like dancing,but now they go out to dance on time every day.


九年级英语第一轮复习导学案 课题:Unit 9, Book 8B设计复习目标: 必背词汇本单元词汇表上的黑体单词。重点:neither population 必背短语have been to, hear of, travel around… , improve one’s English, have problems doing, wake up, think about doing, three quarters 语法Have been to.. have gone to.. have been in的用法区别 教学过程 课前热身: 1.Enjoy a song Have you ever。。。(歌词见第4页) 2. 根据实际情况给出应答。 Have you ever … listened to this song? sung English songs? argued with your parents? stayed up too late? been to an amusement park? Step 1: 必背词汇 1. 大声背词汇表黑体单词(3分钟) 2. 中考题型练。选词填空 wake, see, wonderful, neither, population, quarter, discover 1)Have you ever _____ this film? 2)Three _________of the students in our class enjoy watching TV. 3)The ________of China is over 1.3 billion. 4)The alarm clock _________me up every day. 5)I had a ____________time in the park. 6)Who __________ America? 7)—I have never been to Beijing. --Me _________ 3.重点词汇再突破 Neither 先将下列句子译成汉语。 1). Neither of us likes watching thrillers.


九年级人教版英语教学案例:Unit 6When was it invented?SectionA 学生是学习活动的主人,教师是学习活动的组织者和引导者。教师要努力创设多种多样的方式和机会让学生通过自主、合作、探究等学习方式进行学习,注重教与学的互动和生生互动。 在英语课程标准中,提出了“知识与技能”“过程与方法”“情感态度与价值观”等多层 面的教学目标,体现了英语教学目标综合化、多样化的趋势。多样化的教学目标必然要求通过多样化的教学方式来实现。因此,英语教学需要与信息技术整合来实现综合化、多样化的目标。 [教材分析] 本节课的教学内容是Go for it九年级Unit 9 When was it invented?SectionA。本教材的编写本着循序渐进的原则,同一语法知识反复出现,逐步加深。被动语态在八年级上Unit 9 When was he born?出现,在本单元主要是通过让学生了解一些发明的历史,并用被动语态的过去时态来谈论这些发明的历史。本单元是在前一个被动语态单元基础上对被动语态的拓展和延伸。 [教学目标] 知识目标:a.Key vocabulary: invent b.Target language:When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876. 技能目标:训练学生运用网络查找资料;相互交流资料:训练学生对英语的听说能力。情感目标:一些发明改变极大地改变了人们的生活;每个人都应该为社会做出自己的贡献。认识事物的多面性。 [教学重难点] 根据本节课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度,结合本课的教学目标与学习目标, 确定本节课的重点是在交际活动的过程中能听懂会说重点句型When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876.难点为重点句型的实际


Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures. Section A 备课人:刘芳第 1 课时 Ⅰ、学习目标:1、学习现在进行时表示将来的用法。 2、了解一些讲英语国家的常见手势语。 3、培养学生开放的视野。辩证地看待语言的多元性。 Ⅱ、学习重点及难点: 1、学习现在进行时表示将来的用法。 2、学习并掌握相关的短语、词组的用法。 III、导学过程 Step 1. 导入。 Step 2. 自学检测:

1、翻译: see sb. off __________ on one’s way to___________ put out ___________ ask for a ride __________ be worried about_____________ 、、 send sb. sth.__________ give sb. a ride ____________ get on ____________ pick up ______________ 2、听1a的对话,找出并画出含有“be+v. ing”结构的句子。 总结:“am/ is/ are+V-ing” 是现在进行时的结构。但表示短暂性动作的动词,通常情况下,用现在进行时表示将来。英语中表示暂时性动作,常用进行时表示将来的动词有come, go, arrive,leave,start,fly,die等。 3、仔细阅读3中的句子,注意动词和时间,选择适当的答案完成句子。 4、句型操练。仿照4中的例子,两人一组编对话,完成4 。 5、听2部分录音,选择正确答案,完成2 。 Step3. 精讲点拨: 1. see sb. off为某人送行如:I’ll see you off this afternoon. 译:_________________


总复习第34时Unit8 It must be long to Carla . 班级小组姓名 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:掌握本单元单词、短语及重点句型。 2. 能力目标:掌握情态动词表示推测和可能性。 教学重点、难点:情态动词表示推测和可能性。 【预习导航】 一.导学部分 1. 翻译下列单词和短语 ) 谁的卡车野餐出席 贵重的敌人任何人噪音 男警察狼不安的实验室 在野外外套困倦的着陆 外星人西服表达圈出··· 大不列颠奥秘收到历史学家 领导仲夏医学的目的 阻止能量位置埋葬 尊重祖先顺利辛勤的 追逐同时属于某个温暖的地方 . 捡起没什么事逃跑不寻常的事物赶公交车指出以特定的方式阻止某人做某事【合作、探究、展示】 翻译下列句子。 1.这是谁的书 2.它一定是玛丽的。 3.它不可能被偷。 4.我认为一定有人已经捡到了它。 5. 一定有什么东西在光顾我们居民区的人家。 : 6.这个噪音制造者正在享受在邻里间制造恐惧带来的太多乐趣。 7. 你认为这个男人为什么在跑 8. 他可能是在跑步锻炼。 9. 巨石阵不仅是英国著名的历史遗迹之一,还是英国最大的谜团之。 10或许我们可能不知道,但我们知道他们一定很勤劳——而且是伟大的规划者。 【学后训练】 一.用合适的情态动词填空。 1.Who is the man over there Is it Tom—No, it _____ be him ,Tom is much taller. |

2. When you cross the street , you __________be careful. 3. —Must they come to the party at 5:00 — No, they _________. 4.— May I use your dictionary —No,you _________. be happy! 6. You _________ get up so early, It’s Sunday today, and we have no classes. 7.—___________ I speak to Miss Green ,please — Speaking. 8. You __________play with fire , It’s dangerous. 9. You ___________be more careful next time. 10. Cars, buses ,and bikes _______ stop when the traffic light is red. the road is wet now, it __________(must rain )last night. … 12. What is Tom doing He_________(must write)a letter. ,I _____(must sleep)this time yesterday, so I didn’t hear you. 14. The textbook ______be his ,It has his name on it. 15. The football ______ be Tom’s or John’s, they both play football. 16. The red bike ________be mine, Mine is black. 18. This kind of food ___________(must put)in cool, clean and dry places.二.单项选择。 must be kids having fun, _____________ A. mustn’t there ’t there ’t they ’t they 2. Don’t go out at night,_______________ * you we C. will you you 3. The pen can’t belong to Sally,__________ A .can it B. is it C. does it ’t it 6. She must have finished writing,______________ A. must’t she ’t she ’t she D. isn’t she 7. She must have finished writing last week,__________ A. must’t she ’t she ’t she D. isn’t she 8. The man could be running for exercise,_____________ A. isn’t he B .couldn’t he C. didn’t he ’t the man


Module 1 Grammer 一、名词: 1.可数名词与不可数名词 1)名词的可数与不可数通常从其意思上就比较简易区分,但是某些词从其汉语意思来 看似乎可数,但英语却不可数,这些词要特别注意如 bread,cake,paper,chalk,soap等, 这些词所指的事物大凡没有不变形状,要表达数量通常用a piece of之类的短语。 2)有些词既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词,但是意思例外,有些不可数名词的 复数形式表达特定含义,请分别写出下列词的汉语意思。 fruit()------fruits() tea()------teas() paper()------papers() time()-----times() work()----works() snow()---snows() wood()-----woods() room()-----rooms() 2、可数名词的复数形式 1).规则变化(写出下列名词的复数形式) book___________city___________ day__________ bus___________

box___________ wish ____________ peach__________ tomato ____________potato ___________ hero ____________ photo ___________ piano ____________leaf____________ life _____________ shelf ____________ knife ____________2).不规则变化 man___________ woman ___________ child __________ foot ___________tooth ______________ sheep ___________ deer ____________ mouse ____________3).国家人的复数 Chinese ____________ Japanese ____________ Englishman ______________ Frenchman _____________ American ______________, German _______________ 4).复合名词的复数 pencil box ______________school bag ____________ man teacher _______________ woman doctor _____________ 5).有些名词通常只以复数的形式出现如:裤子___________,鞋_________,眼镜_________,袜子________,剪子_________等 6).有些名词没有加s但是却表达复数的含义如:人___________,警察 ___________牛____________观众_____________. 3.名词的所有格 1)名词所有格表示 “…的”的含义,通常,有生命的事物是在名词后面加__________. 如果是复数名词则只加________. 无生命的事物通常要用__________的方式来表达。 2).

【人教新目标版】初中英语9九年级全册 教案教学设计

【人教新目标版】初中英语九年级上册 (全册教学设计) 特别说明:本教案为最新人教新目标版教材(新版)配套教案,各单元教学内容如下: Unit 1 How can we become good learners. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Review of Units 1-5 Unit 6 When was it invented? Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Review of Units 6-10 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Review of Units 11-14



九年级英语导学案 自 学 探 究she has got used to eating Chinese food. ★be used to do意为“被用来做……”,后面跟动词原形。例如:this knife is used to cut bread. ★be used for意为“用于/被用来(做)……”,后面跟v-ing 形式。 例如:the scissors are used for cutting hair. 【跟踪练习】用used to, be used to, be used for的适当形式填空。 1. the pen ________ writing. 2. ________ your brother ________ play soccer after school? 3. my father _______ _ drinking coffee after dinner. 三.单元知识回顾整理与能力拔高:汉译英 1放弃__________ 2.对…感兴趣___________ 3.下决心_________ 4令某人惊奇的是__________ 5.最后,终于_______6.在近几年 ________7.结束__________ 8.一个48岁的男人______ 9.买得起 ________ 10.对…感到骄傲_________ 11.对…注意______ 12.过去常常_________ 阅读 I used to travel by air a great deal of when I was a boy. my parents used to live in south America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. an air hostess would take charge of me and i never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. after taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height(逐 步升高), when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. while we were waiting to land, an air-hostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. later we learned that there was a very important person on board. the police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. after we had landed, the plane was searched throughly. fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again. 1.how did the writer go to south a American when he was a boy? 2)what does “bomb “mean ?a: 猫 b: 炸弹 c: 传染病人vii、 难度:★★★词数:218建议时间:7分钟 We all have our own ways of sharing our life experiences with others. Photographers use cameras, artists use brushes, musicians use songs and writers use stories. Spencer Johnson’s story "Who Moved My Cheese?" shows change exists (存在) in our life. 56. ______ We must change our ideas to face the changing environment, or we will fail. Just look at the cycle (循环) of
