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• 因建于小珠江边的宝珠山旁而得 名,始建于明嘉靖三年(公元 1524年)。由大殿、门厅、厢房、 天井、回廊等组成。当地人用以 供奉北帝、如来、观音,是道、 佛合二为一的寺观。每年农历三 月初三为该寺观庙会。1944年日 军入侵广西,桂林沦陷,何香凝、 高士其等大批爱国人士疏散到了 黄姚,1945年,以钱兴为书记的 中共广西省工委迁到黄姚,设在 宝珠观内,开展隐蔽的抗日斗争。 为纪念这一段历史,1986年广西 壮族自治区人民政府把宝珠观定 为广西省工委旧址,1994年列为 省级文物保护单位和爱国主义教
• 一.黄姚古镇简介 • 二.黄姚古镇景区 • 三.黄姚古镇建筑 特色&旅游特色 • 四.黄姚古镇特产 及小吃 • 五.黄姚古镇旅游 指南(交通、旅游 时间、住宿)
The Catalogue
• Introduction to Huangyao Ancient Town • Huangyao Ancient Town scenic spot • The construction characteristics& Touring characteristic • Huang Yao Ancient Town specialties and snacks • Touring guideline

• 这是一个建在山上的小庙,当 地村民拜神的地方,到了文明 阁继续往上爬,有一个平台, 是当地人求雨用的,爬上去可 以看到小河和田园农庄。文明 阁下面有一块草坪,黄姚的孩 子一定会怂恿你晚上去放烟花 +烧烤,在这里看星星也不错。 不过烧烤完了不要忘记把带来 的垃圾袋和烟花弹筒收拾起来, 把纸巾之类的杂物一并带走。
Pearl of view

The pearl river edge on a small hill next to the name, was built in the Ming reign 3 years (1524 B.C. ). The meditation hall, hall, room, and patio, the cloister. Local people used to pay homage to north west, such as, Quan Yin, Buddha, and is close to the temple 2. Each year in early lunar 3 for 3 at the monastery temple. In 1944, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin military incursions into fall, the Xiang, Causeway Bay, such as a large patriotic people evacuated to the Huang Yao, 1945, in order to money for the Registry of the CPC Guangxi province in central Wong moved to Connie Yao, the concept of the hidden within. For the commemoration of this period of history in 1986, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Government for Connie, Guangxi Province, central site in 1994 as a provincial-level cultural relic preservation organ and patriotism education base.
• It is to the Zhaoping direction with a distance of 3 to 4 kilometers ; taking a power tricycle can cost you 1 Yuan and it is oห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ for you walk there .There are 20 public bamboo rafts to be used at your disposal but you must mind your safety . Alongside the way to the reservoir ,the pastoral scenery is beautiful where there are yellow mud brick walls everywhere, giving you a softly beautiful feeling . When you come back and overlook the old town the karst landform is towering and simply old and graceful .
• 在往昭平方向约三四公里 的地方,乘车电三轮1元, 走路也可以。这个水库有 20个公用的竹排,可以随 意使用,不过一定要注意 安全。往水库途中,两边 的田园风景很好,该地区 特有的黄泥砖墙,配上纵 横阡陌,感觉柔美。回程 遥望古镇,镇子后面喀斯 特地貌群峰耸立,古朴秀 美。
The Reservoir of Zhou Family
Introduction to Huangyao Ancient Town
• The HungYao Old Town , Guangxi famous town ,dating back to the Song Dynasty , built during the Wan Calendar in the Ming Dynasty , having its springtime during Qianlong reign , has been a long history of nearly 1000 years.Since the people^surnames Huang and Yao are populay here ,the town was named after the HuangYao Old Town .It lies in the northeast part of Zhaoping Count whose distance in a line to the town is 40 kilometers . The east part of the town borders Fenghuang Xiang and the Gonghui Town in Hezhou ; the south part of the town verges on camphorwood Xiang and Fuluo Town and the west adjoins Xima Xiang .
Wenming Pavilion
• Built in the hill , a small temple is the place where the locals worship God .Climbing up continually from Wenming Pavilion ,you will see a stand with which the locals pray for rain .After your having climbed it ,you will see small rivers and pastoral villages . Below Wenming Pavilion , there is a piece of lawn , where the grazing kids are sure to abet you to fire fireworks and barbecue something , and it is a good place to enjoy the star view . Nevertheless , having finished the roast , remember to bring the rubbish bags , the remainder of fireworks and napkins away with you .
• 为典型的喀斯特地貌,奇峰耸立,溶洞幽深,清溪环绕,古树参天。自然景观有八大 景二十四小景,保存有寺观庙祠20多座,亭台楼阁10多处,多为明清建筑,著名的 有文明阁、宝珠观、兴宁庙、狮子庙、古戏台、吴家祠、郭家祠、佐龙寺、见龙寺、 带龙桥、护龙桥、天然亭等。 全镇八条街道,房屋多数保持明清风格,街道均用青石板砌成。人文景观还有韩 愈、刘宗标墨迹,中共广西省工委旧址纪念馆、钱兴烈士塑像、何香凝、高士其、千 家驹等文化名人寓所,以及许多诗联碑刻 。
• 黄姚古镇,广西名镇。黄姚是 有着近千年历史的古镇,发祥于 宋朝年间,兴建于明朝万历年 间,鼎盛于清朝乾隆年间。由 于镇上以黄、姚两姓居多,故 名“黄姚”。黄姚镇位于广西 贺州昭平县东北部,县城东北 部40公里(直距),北面与 钟山同古镇、清塘镇接壤,东 面与凤凰乡、贺州市公会镇毗 邻,南与樟木林乡、富罗镇交 界,西面与走马乡相依。

Huangyao Ancient Town scenic spot
• It has the landform of karst. The grotesque hills are standing ;the karst caves are deep and serene ;the scene spot is surround by crystal rivers and many old trees are towering .The scenery is divide into eight big views and twenty-four small ones .There are more than 20 well preserved temples and more than 10 pavilions .Wenming Pavilion , Baozhu View , Xingning Temple , Lion Temple ,Guxi Stand , Wujia Temple ,Guojia Temple , Zuolong Temple ,Jianlong Temple , Dailong Bridge ,Hulong Bridge , Natural Pavilion and so on . There are 8 streets distributed in the old town and most houses are of the style of Ming and Qing .The streets were paved with green slabs. The humanity view includes ink scripts written by Hanyu and Liu Zongyuan ; Old Site Memorial Hall of the Chinese Communist Guangxi Province Working Committee ; Qianxing Martyr Statue ; the abodes ever lived in by He Xiangning , Gao Shiqi , Qian Jiaju and so many poety couplet tablets .
• 东门楼:建于清朝初年, 为单座城门楼,平面为正 方形,砖瓦结构。清朝时 黄姚是湘西、桂北出海通 道的名镇,门楼上的对联 体现了这一特殊地理位置: 姚江水经过桂江、西江直 到珠江、南海,是连接外 面世界的桥梁通道;把东门 楼比喻为京城的五凤楼, 还有螺峰、文峡作屏障, 是雄镇南关的古镇。