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什么是教育 (3)
《說文解字》 :「教,上所施,下所效也;育,養子使作善 也。」
什么是教育 (4)
「教」是一种启迪知识、传授经验、培养德行的活 动,而「育」字更明确指出受教对象的未成熟、以及 向善的目标。
什么是教育 (5)
教育一词,英文为education,其拉丁文的字源有「引 出」之意。所谓「引出」,就是要发展个体(受教 者)的潜能。
• 这些决策将贯穿与整个研究过程(Those decisions
run through the entire research process)
Just below the surface: Methodology
• • • •
What problem am I interested in? What is my research topic? What is my research questions? What kind of data information or materials do I need? • How will I present my end product? • What method can I use to collect and analyze my information?
节,都要密切配合。资料的搜集要与研究目标配 合,资料的分析与解释也要与研究方法配合,而且 彼此要有逻辑的连贯。如果活动中的各个步骤彼此 缺乏关联、或不能密切配合,那么就是缺乏系统 性,而缺乏系统性的探究活动就不能称之为研究。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
What is socially approved methods?
• Socially approved methods mean what makes
• Quantitative data about how many, how often and
so on
• Qualitative data about why, how and so on
What is social research?
• What makes social research distinguish from
• 教育研究方法(educational research methods)
是一个复合名词,包含“教育”、“研究”、与“方法”三 个概念,所以要了解教育研究方法的内涵,必须先 知道什么是教育,什么是研究,以及什么是方法, 然后将三个概念综合起来,分析其含义与特征、以 及相关问题。
others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Method, Methodology, Epistemology, Ontology
• 方法、方法论、认识论以及本体论被紧紧联系在了
• 我们经常提及并重视的是方法,而看不见支撑方法
• Methodology = method + ology • 方法论指的是我们在进行研究时需要遵循的基本假
设、原则、规则、程序等问题,它是指导研究的一 般思想方法或哲学。
• Methodology is about making decisions.
Just below the surface: Methodology
霍明 2016.8.30
Email: huom101@nenu.edu.cn 答疑时间、地点与方式:课前或课后教师对话或发邮件预约答 疑时间
• 什么是教育?
• 什么是研究(research)? • 方法(method)、方法论(methodology)、认识
卢梭认为教育是「使个人天赋的性能自然的、充实的 发展」;裴斯泰洛奇认为教育是「人类一切知能和才 性自然的、循序的、和谐的发展」。
什么是教育 (6)
由此可以看出,西方有关教育一次的解释,偏重自内 而外的引导与发展过程,而与我国典籍中强调在外而 内的规范指导作用稍有差别。
什么是教育 (7)
those methods good.
• Good methods are those the community of social
researchers has actually approved, through years and years usage, through long period of appraisal of those methods. We come to realize what gives good quality research, what avoids all kinds of bad and poor design problems, what we can rely on in the end.
What is social research?
• 研究者经常会遇到阻碍(obstacles)
What is social research?
• 有时需要曲折前行,甚至在某一时段原地打转
What is social research?
• 研究者还需要尝试不同的方法(approaches),因为有些
的方法论、认识论以及本体论。(It is hard to see the part beneath the water)
• 四者组成的整体非常的“美丽”,使我们更容易看
清问题的本质。(It is a beautiful thing)
The tip of the iceberg: Methods
• Methods are tools that we use for a specific
What means “extend our knowledge and understanding of the world”?
• The aim of the research is that given the
information about the world outside and it should be creating new ideas and new understandings to what it is going on.
广义教育泛指人类之间相互影响的活动。 狭义教育则指有意实施的教育。学校教育就是狭义教 育。
• Research is a kind of systematic attempt, using
socially approved methods to extend our knowledge and understanding of the world.
purpose (方法是我们实现某种具体目的的工具)
• 子之武城,聞弦歌之聲。夫子莞爾而笑,曰:
「割雞焉用牛刀?」子游對曰:「昔者偃也 聞諸夫子曰:『君子學道則愛人,小人學道 則易使也。』」子曰:「二三子!偃之言是 也。前言戲之耳。」《论语· 阳货》
The tip of the iceberg: Methods
What is systematic?
• 所谓系统,是指思想或行为成为前后连贯、左右沟
通的组织。因为任何研究均以研究目标为枢纽,根 据研究目标来选择研究方法,来规划行动的程序与 步骤,所以研究的全部过程是一个有系统的整体, 而非孤立行动的零乱组合。
What is systematic?
• 换言之,在研究过程中,每一个步骤、每一个环
What means “extend our knowledge and understanding of the world”?
What means “extend our knowledge and understanding of the world”?
• 军队的目标是能够攻城略地扩大领土面积
• 在社会科学研究中,方法通常指的是数据收集
(data gathering)与数据分析(data analysis)的 手段或工具。
• Data gathering: interviews, questionnaire survey,
observation, experimental arrangements (实验安 排), etc. • Data analysis: coding(编码),discourse analysis(文本分析),描述性与推断性统计分析法等
biology, physics, chemistry and so on?
What is social research?
• Social research – research with people at both
ends. • Both a problem and an advantage • People not passive objects, they have meanings, they interact with the research. • But, research and researched share the same world – more insight?
• There has been a debate had – and some choices,
decisions made – about methods and design, about what to do the first, what to do the second, what to do the last, when, how. And there are always many alternatives in all those decisions. All these end up with an approach (手段、途径).
What is social research?
• 研究者有更大的雄心(ambitious)
What is social research?
• 研究者的目的是看到前人未看到的风景。他们并不
是要摈弃前人的研究成果,而是依赖前人的成果, 并在前人的基础上构建自己的研究。
• 就像牛顿说的一样:If I have seen further than
The tip of the iceberg: Methods
• It is the tip of the iceberg but not the rest. • So what is the rest?
Just below the surface: Methodology
Just below the surface: Methodology
What means “extend our knowledge and understanding of the world”?
• 为了实现这一目的士兵们必须战斗在最前线
What means “extend our knowledge and understanding of the world”?
What means “extend our knowledge and understanding of the world”?
What means “extend our knowledge and understanding of the world”?
What means “extend our knowledge and understanding of the world”?
什么是教育 (1)
孟子曰:「君子有三樂,而王天下不與存焉。父母俱 存,兄弟無故,一樂也。仰不愧於天,俯不怍於人, 二樂也。得天下英才而教育之,三樂也。君子有三 樂,而王天下不與存焉。」
什么是教育 (2)
《說文解字》 :「教,上所施,下所效也;育,養子使作善 也。」 「上」者,可视为「有知识、有经验、有品德、或较 成熟的人」 「下」者,即相对的指「知识、经验、品德均较欠 缺、或尚未成熟的人」