













●?主谓I come.

●?主谓宾I love you.

●?主谓宾宾I give you my heart.

●?主谓宾补You make me happy.

●?主系表You are my everything.


●?介词短语:at home

●?从句:when I was young

●?非谓语动词:doing/done/to do

●?时间状语:every morning

?LiHui is a teacher(teaching English) (in Beijing) (every day) (which is the capital) (of China).

?(After chatting) (with LiHui) (on this matter) (in this room) (for a long time) (from 2:00) (to 4:00) (in the afternoon),I returned(to my office).













Many people have come today.




A lot of fresh flowers and green grass can be seen outside the car window.




I left Baidi in the colorful clouds in the morning.



I will return to Jiangling a thousand miles away within a day.


Apes keep crying endlessly along the river.


The light boat has passed thousands of mountains.

I left Baidi in the colorful clouds in the morning and will return to Jiangling a thousand miles away within a day. Apes crying endlessly(along the river), the light boat has passed thousands of mountains.





The sky waiting(for the rain), I am waiting for you.



I ate dinner at 6:00pm.

I graduated from Xidian University.


I have eaten dinner.

I have graduated.

I have read 2000 books.


The lion and the mouse 狮子与报恩的老鼠 When a lion was asleep狮子睡着了, a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakened the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws.有只老鼠在他的周围爬上爬下,很快吵醒了狮子,狮子很生气,一把抓住了老鼠 "Forgive me, please." cried the little mouse. “饶了我吧,”老鼠请求说"I may be able to help you someday." “也许有一天我能帮上你的忙呢。” The lion was tickled at these words.He thought, "How could this little mouse help me?" 狮子觉得很好笑,他想:“这只小老鼠怎么能帮上我的忙?”However he lifted up his paws and let him go.但他还是抬起爪子放他走了。 A few days later, the lion was caught in a trap. 不久,狮子被陷阱困住了。The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king猎人们想将活狮子献给国王, so they tied him to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon.就把他捆在一棵大树上,然后去找马车。 Just then the little mouse passed by这时,老鼠路过这里, and saw the sad lion看到了绝望中的狮子.He went up to him, and soon gnawed away the ropes. 他走过去,很快啃断了绳索,说:"Was I not right?" asked the little mouse. “我虽小,可是我也能帮上你的忙。”


Romper 爬衣velour/velvet 天鹅绒jersey 汗布interlock 棉毛popline 府绸twill 斜纹布 Padding 夹棉cut out 拼接gathers 打褶elastics 橡根 Velvet 240gsm 天鹅绒240克面料 76%cotton 24%polyester 24%棉26%涤 Swatch 样品/小块布料combo/variant 色组 Front 前身back 后身print印花embroiadery 绣花电脑绣 Key line 轮廓线patch 贴布 Accessory 辅料snaps 塑料纽扣button纽扣care label 洗水标gencode lable 条码标origin label 原产地标brand label 主标 Size lable 尺码标hang tag 挂牌hanger 衣架size ring 尺码环 Zip 拉链symentry 对称性finishing 工艺workmanship 做工 style 款式measurement 尺码表 尺码表 1/2CHEST 1/2 胸围 1/2 BOTTOM 1/2 下摆 HEIGHT POINT SHOULDER HPS 身长从肩最高点量 1/2 ARMHOLES STRAIGHT 1/2挂肩直量 SHOULDER LENGTH 肩长 SLEEVE LENGTH 袖长 1/2 BOTTOM SLEEVE 1/2 袖口宽 NECK WIDTH SEAM TO SEAM 。领宽



五年级英语小故事短文大全 There was an archer named Geng Ying in the State of Wei. 魏国有位射手名叫更赢。 He went sightseeing with the King of Wei at Jingtai. 他跟随魏王在京台游玩。 At that time a bird was circling around in the sky, uttering sad and shrill cries now and then. 这时有一只鸟在空中盘旋,还不时发出凄厉的叫声。 The King of Wei looked up at it for a while and said to Geng Ying: 魏王抬头一会儿,便对更赢说: "Do you see that bird? Can you shoot it down?" “你看见那只鸟了吗?你能把它射下来吗?” "I can shoot it down without using an arrow," Geng Ying said. 更赢说:“这只鸟,我不用箭就能把它射下来。” After a while, the bird flew near. 一会儿,那只鸟飞近了。 Geng Ying pulled his bow to the full, plucked the bowstring, and at the sound the bird fell tothe ground before their feet. 更赢拉满弓,拨动了一下弓弦,鸟就应声落在他们跟前。 The King of Wei said in surprise: "You can shoot down a bird without an arrow. Your skill inarchery is really wonderful." 魏王惊奇地说: “你不用箭就能把飞鸟射下来,你射箭的技术真高明啊!” Geng Ying said: "Your Majesty, this is not due to my good skill, but because this is a bird of badluck. 更赢说: “大王,这不是我的技术高明,而是因为这是一只倒霉的鸟。 You can hear how sadly and shrilly it wailed, and see how tiredly it flew.


日常简单英语口语对话 A:Howareyougoingallthesedays? A:这些天过得怎么样? B:Fine,thanks. B:还行,谢谢。 A:Butyoulookdepressed. A:可你看上去情绪不高。 B:Ihavesomeproblemwithmywork. B:工作上有点问题。 A:Isitserious? A:严重吗? B:IcanI'msolveit,thanks. B:我可以解决,谢谢。 A:Howaboutyourfamoly? A:家庭还好吧? B:EverythingisOK.AndassoonasIseemysonathome,allmyworries vanishintotheblue. B:一切都好,我回家一见儿子,所有的忧虑就消失得无影无踪了。 A:Hehascometolifeintheend. A:他终于醒过来了。 B:Oh,thankGod.Weallfeltfrightenedbythebadnewsabouthim.

B:噢,真是感谢上帝。一听到关于他的坏消息,我们都吓坏了。 A:Yes.Fortunately,anambulancepassedinthenickoftime,andwe gothimawaytohospital. A:就是,幸亏一辆救护车经过,我们才把他送到医院去。 B:Right.Unless,whoknowwhatwillhappen. B:是呀,不然,谁知道会发生什么事。 A:Wishhimbehealthysoon. A:但愿他赶快好起来。 A:AreyoureallydatingwithFrank? A:你真和弗兰克约会吗? B:Yeah.Butinmyheartofhearts,Ifindhe'snotverymuchtomyliki ng. B:是的,可是,我从心眼里并不是非常喜欢他。 A:Thenwhynotkeepawayfromhim? A:那么于嘛不离开他呢? B:TheproblemisthatIjusthavenoonetoturntorightnow. B:问题是我还没有找到更好的人。 A:That'sstupid. A:那样做是很愚蠢的。 看了“日常简单英语口语对话”的人还看了:


英语小故事8个简短英语小 故事 1、The Thirsty Pigeon 口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst,saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Notsupposing itto be only a picture, she flew towards it with aloud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard,jarringherselfterribl y.Having broken her wings by the blow,she fell to the ground, and wascaug ht by one of the bystanders。...文档交流仅供参考... Zeal should not outrun discretion. 有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的.他立刻呼呼地猛飞过去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。...文档交流仅供参考... 这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。 2、The Raven and the Swan

乌鸦和天鹅 A RAVENsaw a Swan and desired tosecure for himselfthe same beautiful plumage. Supposing thatthe Swan's splendid white color arose from his was hing inthe water inwhichhe swam, the Raven left the altars in theneighborhood where he picked up his liv ing, and took up residence inthe lake s and pools. But cleansing his feathers as often as he would,he could not change their color, while through want offood heperished. ...文档交流仅供参考... Change of habit cannot alter Nature. 乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。...文档交流仅供参考... 这故事是说,人的本性不会随着生活方式的改变而改变。 3、The Goat and the Goatherd山羊与牧羊人


1、The Thirsty Pigeon 口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders. Zeal should not outrun discretion. 有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在 地上,被人轻易地捉住了。 这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。 2、The Raven and the Swan 乌鸦和天鹅 A RAVEN saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swan's splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools. But


初中简单的英语口语对话练习【初中简单的英语口语对话练习】 A:What’s wrong with you? A:你怎么了? B:I can’t stop coughing. B:我不停地咳嗽。 A:When did the cough begin? A:什么时候开始咳嗽的? B:It started last night. B:昨天晚上。 A:Do you cough up any phlegm? A:你咳痰吗? B:Yes.I do. B:嗯。是的。 A:What color is it? A:什么颜色的? B:Yellow. B:黄色的。 A:Do you have a fever? A:你发烧吗? B:Yes,I feel feverish. B:是的,我感到发烧。

A:Let me examine you. A:我给你检查一下。 【问路的初中英语口语对话练习】 to get there? A:对不起,先生。我想去北京旅馆,您能告诉我怎么走吗? B:Yes, of course. It’s not far from here.Would you like to take a bus or walk? B:当然可以。北京旅馆离这儿不远。你想乘车还是步行? A:Well,I’d like to walk if it’s within walking distance. A:嗯,如果步行可以的话,我愿意步行去。 B:All right. We are now at the corner of Tuanjie street and Fucheng Road. B:好的。我们现在正在团结街与阜成路的交汇处。 A:I know that. A:这我知道。 B:Go this way along Fucheng Road. Turn left at the second crossing. B:沿着阜成路走,第二个十字路口往左拐。 A:And then? A:然后呢? B.Go straight on along the road and turn right at the first crossing. The hotel is on the right hand side.


从事品质工作以来积累的常用英语,希望对有需要的朋友有 所帮助! _:TD{ EO$ ey y&JjVs <}B]f1 z X om@` N W 品质专业英语大全零件材料类的专有名词 4(o0I~hpB? CPU: central processing unit(中央处理器) ^2Op? J IC: Integrated circuit(集成电路) 5 $N4< Lo7 Memory IC: Memory Integrated circuit(记忆集成电路) +#U ROM: Read-only Memory(只读存储器) dht1I`i "B EPROM:Electrical Programmable Read-only

Memory ;V`~'35 7% (电可抹只读存诸器) Ewu 7t q Z EEPROM: Electrical Erasbale Programmable Read-only Memory(电可抹可编程只读存储器) c\ "oj&>A CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor o^7}H{AE (互补金属氧化物半导体) pO GV

D BIOS: Basic Input Output System(基本输入输出系统) ATH 0n >) Transistor:电晶体 4|7L26,] 5 LED:发光二极体 {#0B ~ Z r Resistor:电阻 %nVnK6[sox Variator:可变电阻 y @h^ Capacitor:电容 "f3 , w Capacitor array:排容 ;x| 4 T m Diode:二极体 |#f P8OK Transistor:三极体 G2 xYa$&][ Transformer:变压器(ADP) h&; \ Oscillator:频率振荡器(0sc) T->O 5 t c Crystal:石英振荡器 ^L *:0P ~ XTAL/OSC:振荡产生器(X) adH Hn H`, Relay:延时器 MpG - Wt # Sensor:感应器e9o( hL Bead core:磁珠q7 1 Tg Filter:滤波器 ce yZ4M


商务谈判常用的英语口语对话【商务谈判常用的英语口语对话】 R: Even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser won‘t go down much. D: Just what are you proposing? R: We could take a cut(降低)on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin(毛利率).We suggest a compromise――10%. D: That‘s a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas? R: I don‘t think I can change it right now. Why don ‘t we talk again tomorrow? D: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground(共同信念)on this. NEXT DAY

D: Robert, I‘ve been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed; but we can try to come up with some thing else. R: I hope so, Dan. My instructions are to negotiate hard on this deal――but I‘m try very hard to reach some middle ground(互相妥协). D: I understand. We propose a structured deal(阶段式和约). For the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and the next six months we get 15%. R: Dan, I can‘t bring those numbers back to my office――they‘ll turn it down flat(打回票). D: Then you‘ll have to think of something better, Robert. 【商务谈判常用的英语口语对话】 Dan Smith是一位美国的健身用品经销商,此次是Robert Liu 第一回与他交手。就在短短几分钟的交谈中,Robert Liu既感到这位大汉粗犷的外表,藏有狡兔的心思――他肯定是沙场老将,自己绝不可掉以轻心。双方第一回过招如下:


A New Bike 英文: A New Bike I got a new bike. It is fast. I like it. Ho! Ho! I got a new car. It is faster than your bike. Your bike is too slow. Ha! Ha! I got a new motorcycle. It is faster than your car. Your car is too slow. Hee! Hee! Hee! I got a new airplane. It is faster than your motorcycle. Your motorcycle is too slow. I got a new rocket. It is faster than your airplane. Your airplane is too slow. My rocket is the fastest. The airplane is slower than the rocket. The motorcycle is slower than the airplane. The car is slower than the motorcycle.

And, my bike is slower than the car. My bike is the slowest. But, I don't care! I got a new yellow bike. And, I like it. 译文: 一辆新自行车 我有一辆新自行车。 它是快的。 我喜欢它。 嗬!嗬!我有一辆新汽车。 它比你的自行车快。 你的自行车太慢了。 哈!哈!我有一辆新摩托车。 它比你的汽车快。 你的汽车太慢了。 呵!呵!我有一架新飞机。 它比你的摩托车快。 你的摩托车太慢了。 我有一支火箭, 它比你的飞机快多了。 你的飞机太慢了。


斯比泰电子(深圳)有限公司*英语篇* 工作中常用中英文(含缩略语)一、一般英语: 1. 采购- purchase 2. 材料- material 3. 评估- evaluation 4. 供应商- supplier / vendor 5. 总经理- general manager ( GM ) 6. 进料incoming 7. 质量quality 8. 控制- control 9. 装箱单- packing list 10. 数量- quantity 11. 型号- model 12. 描述- description 13. 制表/发布- issue 14. 表格- form 15. 文件- document 16. 制造商- manufacturer 17. 接收- accept (Acc.) 18. 拒收- reject (Rej.) 19. 项目- item 20. 个- piece(Pc.) 21. 放宽- waive 22. 缺陷- defect 23. 合格- pass 24. 不合格- not good ( NG ) 25. 日期- date 26. 生产线- production line / line 27. 备注- remark 28. 仓库- store 29. 产品- product 30. 静电敏感元件- static sensitive device (SSD) 31. 静电释放- electricity static discharge (ESD)

32. 进- in 33. 出- out 34. 结余- balance 35. 备注- remark 36. 参数- reference 37. 单位- UM 38. 标签- label 39. 打印- print 40. 计划- plan 41. 图表- chart 42. 质量- quality 43. 传真- fax 44. 新加坡- Singapore 45. 检查- check 46. 箱子- case / carton 47. 盒子- box 48. 系列号- serial number ( S/N ) 49. 部门- department (Dept.) 50. 客户- customer 51. 通知- notice 52. 清单- bill 53. 平均- average 54. 文控中心- document control center ( DCC ) 55. 计划员- planner 56. 流程图- flow chart 57. 工艺- instruction 58. 校准- calibration 59. 校验- verify 60. 设备- equipment 61. 培训- training 62. 不良品- failed product 63. 预计- forecast 64. 安全- safety 65. 程序- program / procedure 66. 图纸- drawing


1、T h e T h i r s t y P i g e o n 口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders. Zeal should not outrun discretion. 有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。 这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。

2、The Raven and the Swan 乌鸦和天鹅 A RAVEN saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swan's splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools. But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished. Change of habit cannot alter Nature. 乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。 这故事是说,人的本性不会随着生活方式的改变而改变。


【篇一】初级简单英语口语对话练习 S: Welcome to Lens Magic, ma'am. How can I help you? 售货员:小姐,欢迎光临Lens Magico我能为你效劳吗? C: I'd like to buy an inexpensive camera. 顾客:我想买一架便宜的相机。 S: Well, we've got several point-and-shoot cameras. These are all 35 mm compact cameras with auto-focus and a built-in flash. We also have these Polaroid cameras. 售货员:嗯,我们有一些傻瓜相机。这些是135袖珍相机,有自动对焦和内置闪光灯。我们也有这些宝丽来相机。 C: I don't think I'll need a Polaroid. Does this 35 mm camera have an automatic flash? 顾客:我想我不需要宝丽来相机,135相机有自动闪光灯吗? S: Yes, it does. But you can turn it off if you want. 售货员:有的,但是如果你想要关掉也可以。 C: Okay, I'll take this one. Does it come with batteries and a case? 顾客:好,我就买这个。有附赠的电池跟皮套吗? S: Yes, it does. Here, I'll box it up for you. 售货员:有,在这儿,我帮你装进盒子里。 【篇二】初级简单英语口语对话练习 S: Welcome to Super Stereos. What can I do for you? 店员:欢迎光临超级立体音响。我能为您效劳吗? C: I'd like to look at your stereo systems. Do you have anything on sale? 顾客:我想要看看你们的立体音响,你们有什么特价品吗?


1/22 非常适合儿童的英语简单的小故事大全( 共16篇) 目录 英语故事:A French Traveler 英语故事:The Dog and His Shadow 英语故事:疯狂的万圣节 英语故事 少儿英语故事:金色的羊毛 英语故事《聪明的兔子》 英语故事:《乌鸦与狐狸》 英语故事:《狼来了》---伊索寓言 少儿英语故事—小金鱼 少儿英语故事:点金术 英语故事:四只老鼠 少儿英语故事:牙齿仙女 英语故事:小马过河 少儿英语故事:The Moon and The Well 英语故事:生金蛋的鹅 英语故事:井底之蛙 2/22 英语故事:A French Traveler 这位法国人说的英语实在不敢恭维;但他能利用极之有限的几个单词,解脱了 困境,其急智与机巧令人叹服。 A Frenchman was once traveling in England . He could speak English quite well but not perfectly. For one thing, his vocabulary was not large.

One day, he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted to order some eggs. But he couldn't remember the word for eggs. Suddenly, through the window, he saw a rooster walking in the yard. He immediately asked the waiter what the bird was called in English. The waiter told him that it was called a rooster. The Frenchman then asked what the rooster's wife was called. The waiter told him that she was called a hen. The Frenchman then asked what the hen's children were called. The waiter told him that they were chickens. The Frenchman then asked what the chickens were called before they were born. The waiter told him they were called eggs. "Fine!" said the Frenchman. "Please bring me two eggs and a cup of coffee. l.perfectly 熟练地 2. vocabulary 个人所使用的词汇量 (集合名词,单数概念.) 3. rooster 公鸡(美国英语,同cock.) 4bird 此处泛指禽类。 3/22 英语故事:The Dog and His Shadow 少儿英语故事: It happened that a dog had some meat that he wanted to eat at home. On his way home he met a river. As he looked down, he saw his shadow in the water. 一只狗叼着肉打算回家去吃。在回家的路上他遇到一条河。他朝 河里望去,看见水中自己的影子。 "Just look!"said he to himself. "That dog down there has some meat, too. If I could get it away from him, I would really eat well tonight!" “看呐!”他自言自语道。“下面那条狗也衔着肉呢。如果我把 他的抢走,今晚上一定可以美餐一顿了!” With this thought, he made a snap at the other dog's meat. And as he did, his own meat fell into the water. So then he had nothing at all. 这么想着,他就冲那只影子狗咬去,这时候他自己的肉掉进了水


The Power of Compliment The following story is excerpted from "The Fine Art of Small Talk". Prior to my wedding, I had a conversation with my good friend Karen about all the arrangements. I told her that for a period of time, I had been seeing two men----Ben and Steve. She invited me to tell her about both of them. I said, "Ben has a great sense of hunmor. He's the life of the party. He dresses like a million bucks and has taken me on wonderful trips. We've been to Hilton Head, Europe, and had a bunch of weekend mountain getways. He's a great golfer and an all-around wonderful guy." Karen could hardly contain herself, she was so excited. She said: " He sounds like a dream. I'm so happy that you're marrying him." " I'm not," I replied, "I'm marrying Steve." Karen was speechless. Finally, she collected herself and said, " Well Debra, Ben sounds like a prince. Why are you marrying Steve?" " Beacuse he makes me feel so special because of all the wonderful things he says about me. And you know what? He means every of them." The power in a sincere compliment is enormous. There is nothing that makes people feel more special than to have their finer traits noted and appreciated. END


3分钟简短的英语口语对话 【3分钟简短的英语口语对话】 A:Excuse me, is this the Auto Consumer Loan Center? A:请问,这儿是汽车消费贷款中心吗? B:Yes. Is there anything I can do for you? B:是啊。需要我为您做点什么事吗? A:Could you tell me something about the terms and interest rates for personal automobile consumer loan? A:请您告诉我个人汽车消费贷款的期限和利率情况好吗? B:The deadline is normally no more than 5 years with the interest adopted according to the corresponding lending rates announced by the PBC. B:按照规定,汽车消费贷款期限最长不超过5年,利率按中国人民银行规定的同期同档利率执行。

A:I plan to take the loan for 3 years. A:我打算贷3年期。 B:Well, the yearly interest rate is 5.49% for 3 years. I'm sure you are qualified to apply for this loan. B:3年期贷款年利率为5.49%。我相信您符合申请此项贷款的要求。 A:What about the loan repayment? A:如何还款呢? B:You may choose a repayment pattern by consulting with our bank, for example, payment of equal amount of principal or of principal and interest on monthly installments. B:您可以和我行协商后选择一种还款方式,例如选择按月分期付款或等额支付本息。 A:Does that mean I should deposit sufficient money to my account prior to the monthly payment date so that you can


美好的一天,从早晨闹钟响起开始。伸个懒腰,一骨碌爬起来,把懒惰拖延的想法扼杀在摇篮里。打扮得精气神十足出门去,此时的目的只有一个: go to work,上班 例:I left the key at home when I went to work. 但此时此刻,你并不是一个人。千千万万的上班族正从家里赶来乘坐公共交通。看着车站攒动的人头,你懂得了,如何挤上车成了你必备的技能,因为你遇见了: rush hour,上下班高峰 例:I don’t want to go out in the morning rush hour. 在高峰时段,你被卡在角落里动弹不得,有时候又变身“空中飞人”,你真的害怕突然被挤怀孕了!但观察周围的人,淡定自若,低头玩手机来打发: commuting time,通勤时间 例:A thief stole my phone in commuting time. 终于到站了。还好,“身材”没有走样。一路小跑奔向公司,冲前台美眉微微一笑,心甘情愿在现代机器上画了一个押,你这是: clock in,上班打卡 例:I called John and asked him to use my card to clock in. 走进办公区,环顾四周,发现有好几个家伙还没到。我就凑到公司“包打听”身边,打探一下同事都什么情况。原来,老板开着大奔牛气哄哄带闪电地去外地签合同了,他这是: on business,因公出差 例:He has gone to Mars on business. 有一位男同事喜结连理,这几天带媳妇去马尔代夫度蜜月了,所以,在出发前必须经历的一件事便是请假: ask for leave / take one day off,请假 例:I asked for leave, but my boss rejected me. 例:Don’t look for me next week, because I will take 365 days off. 还有一位同事负责的项目前两天到了最后的攻坚阶段,经常熬夜加班。昨天项目圆满完成。所以,他申请今天休息,这叫做: leave in lieu,调休 例:He will take tomorrow off for leave in lieu. 但是,那一位同事是怎么回事?“包打听”摊手,无奈地摇摇头。连“包打听”这样消息灵通的人都不知道,看来,他多半是: absent without leave,无故缺席 例:They are absent without leave, in this case they should be fired. 孔子说,中午不睡,下午崩溃!为了让大家中午有个小小nap,养精蓄锐,公司熄灭了办公
