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The design and implementation of mail sending and

receiving software


摘要:在经济全球化和信息技术飞速发展的今天,通过邮件收发进行信息传递已经成为主流。目前,基于B/S(Browser/Server)模式的MIS(Management information system)日益成熟,Web已从静态的HTML到动态的网页,使系统的开发、管理和维护变得非常方便。因此,本系统研究并开发了基于B/S模式的邮件收发程序系统。

《邮件收发程序的设计与开发》是一个综合性的程序设计,涉及到界面、系统、数据库、协议、编码等多个方面的内容。本设计前台采用.NET技术,后台数据库采用SQL Server 2000,语言采用C#,主要讲述了邮件系统的注册、登陆、管理、发送和接收邮件等基本功能及设计方法。在系统分析中先后用系统的结构图分析了邮件系统,包括功能流程和功能分析,数据库表格。在整个系统的设计中,详细的展现了用户系统的各个功能模块,菜单的设计等。同时在系统的实现中,给出了实现表单中相应的后台数据库服务,前台功能控件的事件及代码以及界面实现的方法。最后,对系统设计的各个功能做了相应测试,并给出了相关设计页面截面的直观图。

Abstract:Recently as the economic became globalization and the information

technology developed rapidly, the level of enterprise Information is the key to drive the technological innovation and to upgrade of all work. Currently, the model of MIS (Management Information System) based on the B/S (Browser/Server) is becoming increasingly mature and enterprise Web have already been from static HTML to dynamic website, which allowing the system to the development, management and maintenance became convenience. Therefore, this system researched and developed the inventory management information system based on the B/S mode.

《The designing and development of Email receiving and sending system》is a comprehensive design process involving the interface, system, database, agreement, coding and other aspects .The designing uses .NET technology, background database using SQL Server 2000, C # as language. It mainly described the mail system on the registration, landing, and management, sending and receiving mail and other basic

functions and design methods. In systems analysis the system structure was used to analyze the mail system, including the functional processes and functional analysis, database tables. During the entire system design , the various user system functional modules, menu design were detailed displayed .Meanwhile in the system realization , the corresponding backstage database service , the onstage function event controller and the code as well as the contact surface realization method were offered in the realization table list . Finally, the corresponding test has been given to system design each function, and the correlation design page section direct-viewing chart has been produced.

关键字:C#;邮件系统;SQL Server数据库

Keywords:C#; Email System; SQL Server


引言 (1)

一、邮件系统 (1)

1.开发概述 (1)

2.对电子邮件的现状分析 (2)

3.电子邮件的发展前景 (3)

二、开发分析 (3)

1. 开发背景 (3)

2. 工作原理分析 (3)

三、系统设计 (4)

1.模块的划分与功能设计 (4)

2.功能模块的初步设计 (5)

3.数据库设计 (5)

4.模块的组织结构 (7)

四、系统详细设计 (9)

1.用户“注册”的设计 (9)

2.用户“登录”的设计 (10)

3.修改用户密码的设计 (11)
