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the subjects are ________. 5.She dislikes basketball because she __________ and she can not
play it ________. 6.She dislikes homework because she always has too _______.
Write an e-mail to your e-friend about your school life. Tell what you like and what you dislike and state your reasons.
Teachers are nice and
the subjects are

I am not very tall,so √ I cannot play it well.
I can learn about the world.
It is fun.

We always have too
I do not like __b_a_s_k_e_tb_a_l_l. I am not __ta_l_l_____,so I cannot _p_la_y__it__w_e_ll_. We always have _to_o__m_u_c_h__h_o_m__e_w_o_r_k_____. I do not like it.
Part B Millie’s Diary
I love _l_e_s_so_n_s_ at school. Our teachers are __n_ic_e__ and the subjects are i_n_t_er_e_s_t_in_g. I love _r_ea_d__in_g_ too. From it, I can learn a lot about __th_e__w_o_r_l.d
Talk about Millie’s favourite activities.
1. Does she like …? Why ? 2. Does she dislike …? Why ? 3. What is her favourite activity? Why?
According to Millie’s likes and dislikes to fill in the sentences: 1.Millie likes ______ because she can learn more about
I like m__o_r_n_in__g_e_x_e_r_c_is_e_s. They are _g_o_o_d_f_o_r_u_s___. They help us __g_e_t_r_e_a_d_y__ for the day. I also like _d_ra_w__in__g. It is __f_u_n________.
What’s your favourite activity at school and why?
My happiness chart
Morning lessons basketball Reading Drawing Homework
/football club / music
Useful expressions
I like / do not like…. My favourite subjects(s) is / are…. I can learn a lot about …. It helps me…. It is fun/ interesting. I cannot …, so …. We always have ….
Unit 4 My day Task
Love Like Dislike
.. —
.. ︶
.. ︶
.. —
Morning exercises
Lunchtime basketball
Reading club
Drawing Homework
Questions: 1.What is Millie’s favourite activities at school? 2. Why does she like or dislike it?
the world. 2.She likes ________ because it is fun. 3.She loves ________ because they are good for her and they help
her get ready for the day. 4.She loves lessons because teachers are ____________ and
Activity Love Like

Lessons √
Reading √

Dislike Reason
They’re good for us. They help us get ready for the day.