Traditional Chinese Medicine中药英语介绍.ppt

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The Inner Canon of Huangdi
• Qin and Han: Shen Nong s Materia Medica,
Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases ,华佗 Pulse Classic
• Wei and Jin: compiled and edited 《伤》, • Sui : Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases《诸病源候论》巢元方 • Tang: proposed the doctrine of the motion of the Five Phases and Six Natural Factors • Song: combined the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches with it. • From this, the principles and methods of therapy could be worked out.
耳 骨
Theory of yin and yang
The concept of yin and yang is also applicable to the human body; for example, the upper part of the body and the back are assigned to yang, while the lower part of the body are believed to have the yin character. Yin and yang characterization also extends to the various body functions, and - more importantly - to disease symptoms. Thus, yin and yang of the body are seen as phenomena whose lack (or overabundance) comes with characteristic symptom combinations:
TCM model of the body
• Its view of the human body is only marginally concerned with anatomical structures, but focuses primarily on the body's functions. • Qi • Xue(blood) • Zangfu • Jingluo(meridians)
Ppt Maker:陈菲 蔡敏 黄雅茜
Speaker:周玉芳 常艳敏
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine
• TCM is a well of medical knowledge gained from over 4,000 years of observation, investigation and clinical experience.
• Yin vacuity (also termed "vacuity-heat"): heat sensations, possible night sweats, insomnia, dry pharynx, dry mouth, dark urine, a red tongue with scant fur, and a "fine" and rapid pulse.
气、血、精、津液都是人体生命活 动的必需物质,来源于先天的精气 和后天的水谷精气,以及大自然的 清气。它们的生成和输布有赖于各 脏腑功能的正常活动。
History of TCM Theory
• Legend has it that the ancient “Shen Nong tasted a hundred species of herbs and almost 70 species of poisonous plants a day.” Repeated experience brought knowledge which was passed down through the ages.
• Yang vacuity ("vacuity-cold"): aversion to cold, cold limbs, bright white complexion, long voidings of clear urine, diarrhea, pale and enlarged tongue, and a slightly weak, slow and fine pulse.
• 由于气在人体所分布的部位不同,有不同的来源与功能特点,因 此就有不同的名称,主要的有元气、宗气、营气、卫气等。
Qi but several different TCM distinguishes not only one
• functions: nourishing all parts and tissues of the body, safeguarding an adequate degree of moisture, and sustaining and soothing both consciousness and sleep. • 血液的主要来源,是由脾胃所摄取的水谷精激, 化为营气,经过肺的作用,贯注心脉而成为血。 • Typical symptoms of a lack of xuě ( “blood vacuity” 血虚) are described as: Pale-white or withered-yellow complexion, dizziness, flowery vision, palpitations, insomnia, numbness of the extremities; pale tongue; "fine" pulse.
• TCM is an empirical science • its theories and treatments have been repห้องสมุดไป่ตู้atedly in use and refined over this long period of time.
• Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to a broad range of medicine practices sharing common theoretical concepts which have been developed in China and are based on a tradition of more than 2,000 years, including various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage , exercise , and dietary therapy. These practices are a common part of medical care throughout East Asia, but are considered alternative medicine in the Western world.
Philosophical background
All phenomena of the universe and nature can be broken down into five elemental qualities represented by wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Strict rules are identified to apply to the relationships between the Five Phases in terms of sequence, of acting on each other, of counteraction etc. All these aspects of Five Phases theory constitute the basis of the Zangfu concept, and thus have great influence regarding the TCM model of the body. Five Phase theory is also applied in diagnosis andtherapy.
五行 方位
木 东
火 南
土 中
金 西
水 北
地支 四季
寅卯 春
巳午 夏
辰戌 丑未 长夏
申酉 秋
子亥 冬
五色 五味
青 酸
赤 苦
黄 甘
白 辛
黑 咸
五智 五脏

仁 肝

礼 心

信 脾

义 肺

智 肾
五官 五体

目 筋
舌 脉

唇 肉
鼻 皮毛
• TCM's view of the body put little emphasis on anatomical structures, but is mainly concerned with the identification of functional entities. While health is perceived as harmonious interaction of these entities and the outside world, disease is interpreted as a disharmony in interaction. TCM diagnosis consists in tracing symptoms to an underlying disharmony pattern, mainly by palpating the pulse and inspecting the tongue.
• Xia: alcohol was produced and used to treat diseases • Shang: medical herb decoctions were being produced • Western Zhou: Practitioners appeared, dealing with nutriology, medicine, surgery, veterinary medicine • Spring and Autumn: the excess of any of the six climatic conditions( cloudy, sunny, windy, rainy, dark and bright) was the cause of disease. • Warring States: health-preserving science ,

kinds of qi (气). In a general sense, qi is something that is defined by five "cardinal functions. • Actuation 推动 • Warming 温煦 • Defense 防御 • Containment 固摄 • Transformation 气化 • Qi is believed to be partially generated from food and drink, and partially from air. Another considerable part of it is inherited from the parents and will be consumed in the course of life.