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关键词: 煤矿;事故类型;偏相关系数;主成分分析;回归分析

Abstract: In order to study the relationship between the various types of coal mine accidents in China, collecting caused by coal mine accidents of various kinds, some functions using sas software to China's coal mine accident data for statistical analysis, including the use of partial correlation analysis and principal component regression analysismethod, analysis classified the death toll of the total number of deaths. Derive a regression equation based on principal component analysis, the reference value of the partial correlation analysis and principal component regression analysis to estimate the total death toll of the next year, to focus on doing all aspects of work to the maximum to reduce the accident occurred.

Keywords: coal mine; types of accidents; partial correlation coefficient; principal component analysis; regression analysis

1 引言




表1 1990-2010煤矿事故死亡人数(单位:人)



顶板瓦斯机电运输放炮水害火灾总数1990 2623 1823 162 813 171 477 153 **** **** 2513 1756 185 597 141 430 50 5672 1992 2447 1865 190 487 101 408 45 5543 1993 2213 2231 204 570 128 354 88 5788 1994 2130 3012 156 602 144 521 106 6671 1995 2013 3256 186 574 124 568 63 6784 1996 1923 3356 178 492 105 427 78 6559 1997 1789 3800 196 461 81 450 62 6839 1998 1823 3212 124 433 74 507 52 6225 1999 1746 3123 111 364 62 468 33 5907 2000 1614 3122 78 330 52 351 40 5587 2001 1476 2203 79 495 70 432 84 4839 2002 2422 2014 133 532 64 509 185 **** **** 2421 1865 128 570 92 551 75 5702 2004 2451 2013 99 605 99 357 91 5715 2005 2013 1319 78 578 102 509 58 4657 2006 1896 1086 89 517 78 417 26 4109 2007 1540 1012 86 453 87 255 72 3505 2008 1236 986 78 468 65 263 68 3164 2009 1102 856 76 482 76 245 56 2893 2010 986 785 69 457 85 246 45 2673 注:通过以上搜集的数据,选取我国煤矿事故死亡人数最多的7种事故类型作为评价指标,分别表示为:X 1顶板、X 2瓦斯、X 3机电、X 4运输、X 5放炮、X 6水害、X 7火灾、Y总数。


data sasuser.shuju;

input y x1-x7;


2623 1823 162 813 171 477 153 918

2513 1756 185 597 141 430 50 757

2447 1865 190 487 101 408 45 906

2213 2231 204 570 128 354 88 285

2130 3012 156 602 144 521 106 304

2013 3256 186 574 124 568 63 256

1923 3356 178 492 105 427 78 233

1789 3800 196 461 81 450 62 241

1823 3212 124 433 74 507 52 198

1746 3123 111 364 62 468 33 210

1614 3122 78 330 52 351 40 231

1476 2203 79 495 70 432 84 175

2422 2014 133 532 64 509 185 820

2421 1865 128 570 92 551 75 495

2451 2013 99 605 99 357 91 554

2013 1319 78 578 102 509 58 262

1896 1086 89 517 78 417 26 382

1540 1012 86 453 87 255 72 241

1236 986 78 468 65 263 68 201

1102 856 76 482 76 245 56 198

986 785 69 457 85 246 45 203


proc corr data=sasuser.shuju output=w;

var y x1-x7;



proc standard data=sasuser.shuju m=0 std=1 out=stshuju;
