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一、It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get aneducation.(DACDB)

1、D telling the difference……。

2、A All of life is an education。

3、C Going to school is ……。

4、D that gives examples of the

5、Education and schoo……

二、Education is not an end,but a means to an end .DADBC

1.D all the social problems ……

2.A our society needs free ……

3.D we can’t regard work ……

4.B toprpare children mainly……

5.C the value

三、Teaching involves more than leadership.some of the teacher’s time and effort is directed toward (AADCA)

1、A Providing information for

2、A he is res ponsible for a well

3、D all of the above

4、C the standards and rules shoul

5、A If the teacher well unites his

四、Life learning (sometimes calledun-schoolingor self-directed learing)is one of those…。BBABB

1.B tell the narure of lifte learning

2.B ignores some parts of the offi

3.A clear about why to learn

4.B could prevent one from runni

5.B willlearn to communicate

五、Most of the people who appear most gloriously in the history books aregreat conquerors

1.B should not neglect those who

2.D perhaps the grestest in a way

3.A Civilized people shoule settle their

4.C to present a view

5.C the winner isjustifiedin killing

六、Every 14 days a language dies.By2100,more than half of the more than 7000……。CDBBA

1.C Much of knowledge of human

2,D say exactly the same thing

3.B know a great deal about their

4.B no longer existing

5 A They are often replaced by

七、A history of long and effortless success canbea dreadful


1.C the war had destroyed the

2.D auto industry had lost part

3.B Intense competition may

4.A turning of the business cycle

5.C From 1991 to 1995

八、In cities across the United states,old factories,BCCAD

1.B is a new trend

2.C report a change of renovation

3.C introducing us some success...

4.A have rich imagination and

5.D building renovation is a better

九、Everyone has heard of the san Andreas

fault(断层),which constantly……。BBACC

1.B the San Andreas and the New

2.B a vertical fault

3.A it is probably as dangerous

4.C earthquakes occur only

5.C basically

十、Man is a land animal ,but he is also closely tied to the sea.(DDBAA)

1.D the food,energy sources,and

2.D 探索

3.B the sea,in the broad sense,

4.A the people in Asia

5.A Sea Harvest

十一、Death Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the united DBCCA

1.D Badwater

2.B the death of the miners

3.C people can find as-stations,cafes and

4.C dream-like sights

5.A appreciates

十二、The Erie canal was the first important national waterway built in the us(CBADA)

1. C played an important part in develop

2. B the Hudson River flows

3. A The Erie Canal brought profits of

4. D Construcation of the canal took

5. A The opponents

十三、The British National Health Service(NHS)was set upin 1948…CCBDD

1.C patients were charged for receiving

2.C Ithires more people than any other

3.B often take part in competitions to see

4.D Free

5.D there is not enough money for

十四、In 1957,adoctor in Singapore noticed that hospotals were treating an unusual number of influenza…(CDDCA)

1.C broke out not only in Singapore but

2.D the influenza called“Asian flu”

3.D reporting the outbreak to WHO in

4.C could reproduce very quickly

5.A the finding and research of the

十五、A new weapon is on the way in the fight against smoking inEurope.( BDDCB)

1.B Pictures to Shock Smokers

2.D Happiness

3.D countries in the EU still use the old

4.C Canada

5.B deaths caused by smoking could

十六、Most of us lead unhealthy lives;we spend far toomuch time sitting。(BBBCA)

1.B bad features of living in towns

2.B don’t do them actively enough

3.B keep fit and learn to relax

4.C satirical

5.A their way of life closely connected

十七、The average person swallows about half of a ton of

a ton of food a year-not (CBBCD)

1.C if other members of our family get

2.B whether we really need it

3.B parents’influence

4.C An athlete who has just retired

5.D proper eating is the key to one’s

十八、You want a healthy diet for yourself,but did you realize you(BDDDB)

1.B beans and nuts

2.D it’s probably better to buy onions

3.D require less packaging

4.D Both help reduce the consumption of

5.B A Better Diet for You and Your

十九、More than 10 years ago,it was difficult to buy a tasty pineapple( ACAAD

1.A a little soft outside and sweet inside

2.C It was rich in nutrition and tasted

3.A that is always present

4.A The ni

5.D tried hard to control the pine apple 二十、When I was at school,our teacher told the class

“you are what you eat”.


1.C explaining the importance of eating

2.D People have the same advice on food

3.B we stopped eating fried potato chips

4.B Boiled potato were better for her

5.A fish,rice and vegetables

二十一、Climate,more than any other single

factor,determines the distribution of life on Earth,Climatic


1.C to minimize exposure to the cold

2.C Bears

3.B form of sea life

4.D their shelters and clothes help them

5.D suffer

二十二、A green house is a building made of glass which

is used for keeping warm when the outside temperature is


1.B a natural course that is to a certain

2.D all of the a bove

3.D The temperature in a green house is

4.A great harm will be done to mankind

5.C the concept and change of green

二十三、The office has always been a place to get

ahead.Unfortunately,( CCBCB

1.C to save resources when working in

2.C Four

3.B many people don’t turn off the

4.C we should save paper

5.B a container that can be used again

二十四、The word conservation has a thrifty meaning.To

conserve is to save and to ptotect,to leave what we


1.B they had little or no sense of

2.A the interdependence of water,soil,

3.C environmental education be directed

4.A Our living space on the earth is

5.B bring back

二十五、It is interesting how NASA chose their astronauts

for landing them on the moon.They chose men


1.B those NASA telephoned

2.A collect rock samples(标本)

3.B the spaceship would land on the

4.B To be good at piloting

5.B Astuonauts were all very young

二十六、Every human being,no matter what he is

doing,gives off body heat.The usual problem is how to get

rid of(BDBAB

1.B human bodies and electrical equipm

2.D collect and reuse heat

3.B A thin girl student who is not chever

4.A the person who produces the most

5.B A New Heat Recovery System in the

二十七、Many people wonder why some men want to

live on the moon.It is probably not the kind of place


1.A has not been understood by a lot

2.D Bacteria is moving everywhere on

3.D can never be controlled

4.D tended to go to extremes

5.A Life on the Moon

二十八、We have learned a great deal about how physical

traits are passed from generation to generation. (ACABC)

1.A nutrition

2.C there are advantages to being small

3.A DNA molecules

4.B human height today and in the future

5.C Scientists may contro the size of

二十九、People go in for various kinds of physical

training,and winter swimming is one of them.The special

thing (ABDCB)

1.A we have“three baths”of cold air

2.B we will have a strong desire to into

3.D cold water swimming sometimes

4.C contrary to our physiological

5.B After winter swimming people

三十、The Winter Olymapics is also called the White

Olympics.At this time,many colorful stamps are (ABCCD)

1.A are the same thing

2.B after the 3rd white Olympics

3.C every four years

4.C All the countries can publish stamps

5.D Skating

三十一、Once a group of 17-old schoolboys decided to

break the world basketball mara-thon record(DAACB)

1.D 18

2.A 84 hours

3.A they were too excited

4.C no one watched them play

5.B It was hard for the players to fall

三十二、Sport is not only physically challenging,but it can

also be mentally challenging.Criticism from (ACDAC)

1.A to reduce their mental stress

2.C it can provide them with valuable

3.D so as to put more pressure on them

4.A pay more attention to letting chidren

5.C to stress the importance of positive

三十三、Being a good parent is harder now than it has

ever been before .In pressurized modern lives,demands to

1.D Because people want to fulfill their

2.D parents will receive admiration

3.A stay at home for more than 18 weeks

4.A are contradictory in their thoughts

5.B death of his wife

三十四、It would be pleasant to believe that all young

girls in the past got married for romantic reasons;but the


1.B the birthrate is declining as a result

2.A more and more women quit(leave)

3.D how long children should stay

4.A A time of fun and relaxation set

5.C young children should stay with

三十五、In bringing up children,every parent watches

eagerl the child’s a acquisition(习得)of each new


1.B is universal among parents

2.C should achieve a balance between

3.C parental restrictions vary,and are not

4.D instruction

5.A observe the rules themselves

三十六、During the past generation,the American middle

class family that once could count on hard work


1.C they are more vulnerable to change

2.B less secured payments

3.D increase the families’investment risk

4.C financial problems may bring about

5.B The Middle Class on the Cliff

三十七、As she walked round the huge department

store,Edith reflected how difficult it was to choose a


1.D wad difficult to choose a present

2.B interested in ties

3.D accidentally

4.C from time to time

5.D customers were doing their shopping

三十八、Social customs and ways of behaving

change.Things which were considered impolite many


1.D He should telephong to explain his

2.C impolite

3.A Social Customs

4.A tries his best to make his guests feel

5.C The host who picked up his knife

三十九、Eat,drink and be merry.That’s what the Spring

Festival is all(DCBBD)

1. D telling us that offering cigarettes

2. C the fact that many people have to

3. B Smoking is harmful to non-

4. B the writer thinks that smoking

5. D some non-smokes will even

四十、You’ve no doubt heard people say how much they

“need”a holiday,when what they reall mean is that they


1.B want to get away from work

2.D choose to do more physical exercise

3.A cheer someone up

4.C the result of getting sun tanned

5.D away from home

四十一、Affer there year s’ Expo application,Shanghai was

greatly honored to obtain the chance to host the (ABBDC)

1.A In 1999

2.B He encouraged the Bureau of

3.B separately

4.D Shanghai World Expo2010 is called

5.C It was the Expo held in a developing

四十二、It is summertime.For many Americans,this is the

season to travel.

Why?Because school is out.( DBCAA)

1. D It is the time for swimming and

2. B Historical

3. C Traveling around the world by

4. A Because of low expenses and vast

5. A Most Americans seldom move

四十三、Choosing a travel companion is at least as

uncertain as choosing a (CBDDC)

1. C is perhaps less certain than it

2. B testify our friendship

3. D anybody who shares a trip simply

4. D the advantages of choosing

5. C like-minded people can make

四十四、The past ages of man have all been carefully

labeled by anthropogists.

Descriptions like Paleolithic(AACDC)

1. A people forget how to use his legs

2. A people’s focus on the future

3. C Becausepeople can’t see anything

4. D The best way to travel is on foot

5. C It is a general view from a high

四十五、Many animals recognize their food because they

see it. So do humans.

1. B choose food in similar ways

2. D Most animals have a varied diet

3. D Eating too much red meat and

4. C the season changes

5. A some people care little about

四十六、Dogs wan their tails in different directions

depending on whether they are excited and wanting to

move( ABCDA)

1. A move

2. B it was easier to catch the dogs’

3. C wag to the left

4. D to help people judge the mood of

5. A the trainers

四十七、The city of Rome has passed a new law to

prevent cruelty to animals. All goldfish bowls are no

longer CABBC

1. C guarantee better conditions for

2. A awareness of animal protection

3. B pity

4. B shut their dogs home all day long

5. C the new law can prevent cruelty

四十八、Does a bee know what is going on its mind when

it navigates its(DBCDA

1. D Testing the Awareness of Bees

2. B To train the bees to travel to a

3. C To introduce his observation on

4. D bees are able to perform limited

5. A A question followed by a possible

四十九、Driving a car at a hing speed along a highway

seems to be fun.you need only to follow the bright


1. D both B and C

2. A work hard because no one would

3. B the more runs the taxi driver

4. D give the poor children a free ride

5. A of low income families

五十If there is one thing I’m sure about,

it is that in a hundred years from (DCDBA

1. D The Future of Newspapers

2. C newspapers will cover more

3. D What he is interested in

4. B newspapers will stay with us

5. A depend on

五十一The famous director of a big and expensive

movie planned to film(CDDAB)

1. C to film a scene on the sea

2. D 航班

3. D The director ordered his crew to

4. A it went well with the separation

5. B as he saw everything in the film

五十二、A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary

piece of reading.If is remarkablefirstforwhatis


1. B uniform style

2. A people scan for the news they are

3. D usually read a newspaper

4. A 多样性

5. B The Characteristics of a Good

五十三Transportation and communication networks

bring people toether.Yet

1. B people have not been permitted to

2. A they intend to keep their national

3. C man-made barriers are sometimes

4. A Barriers Made by people

5. D They have to report to governm...

五十四、A government study recommended a national

high way system

1. B high standard which is suitable

2. D All of the above

3. C It has a positive impact

4. D both B and C

5. A Invaluable

五十五、General Motors(GM) Co.

introduceda pod-like(荚状的)electric


1. C It stands for the future demand

2. A It is only one third of the tradition

3. B It could reduce possible car crash

4. B Chinese consumers are more willi

5. A Objective
