The Scarlet letter《红字》 文学评论 论文
The Scarlet Letter:Self-redemptionAbstract:Hawthorne’s works, whether novels or short stories, Hawthorne can be seen often in a symbolic way, the community was ugly in a didactic way of ethics displayed in the reader's eyes.So "evil" in his work has always dominated, and Hawthorne's life is also exploring how to treat "evil" to the problem."The Scarlet Letter," Hawthorne's masterpiece as a profound reflection of Hawthorne's work reflects the core of Christian ethics: the common people sin and crime of this mercy and salvation.Based on the "The Scarlet Letter," characters and content of the re-excavation works in the salvation of Hawthorne to interpret.Key Words: The Scarlet Letter;Hawthorne;salvation;ethics.红字:救赎摘要:霍桑的作品 ,不论是长篇小说 ,还是短篇小说 ,都可以看出霍桑常常用一种象征的手法 ,把当时社会的种种丑恶用一种伦理说教的方式展示在读者的眼前。
霍桑《红字》书评 Book review of the Scarlet Letter
Book review of the Scarlet LetterThis is the story of a young woman who fall in love with a young man in Colonial America. They find each other irresistible and concieve a child out of wedlock. In the Puritan world of early America this is a heinous crime and for this, Hester Prine the central character of the novel, is severely punished. With a battered heart she is forced out of town. In the forest where she now finds herself, she finds great comfort from the beauty that surrounds her and fulfillment in her beautiful young child. The townspeople still want her to answer the question she will not answer, who is the child's father, as he must bear the responsibility and the punishment he deserves. But Hester will not tell. Who is this golden child's daddy?Hester, however, will not reveal the identity of her lover, and is content to bare the shame of the scarlet letter on her own. When Mr. Prynne, soon-to-be-known as Roger Chillingworth, arrives, he begins a careful mind game to unravel the identity of Hester's lover, or at the very least, make him snap. Hester ends up being a woman of great principle and quiet purpose. She accepts her sin as dictated to her by society and continues her life waiting for it to wear off. She believes she deserves it. Dimmesdale, on the other hand, never confesses and allows himself to be tormented by Chillingworth. Dimmesdale's lies lead to his downfall, and Chillingworth never gets his young wife. It is only Pearl who grows into a glorious being and settles into a fine life back in the old world, living off Roger Chillingworth's money.Nathaniel Hawthorne's background influenced him to write the bold novel The Scarlet Letter. One important influence on the story is money. Hawthorne had never made much money as an author and the birth of his first daughter added to the financial burden. He received a job at the Salem Custom House only to lose it three years later and be forced to write again to support his family. Consequently, The Scarlet Letter was published a year later. It was only intended to be a long short story, but the extra money a novel would bring in was needed. Hawthorne then wrote an introduction section titled "The Custom House" to extend the length of the book and The Scarlet Letter became a full novel.In addition to financial worries, another influence on the story is Hawthorne's rejection of his ancestors. His forefathers were strict Puritans, and John Hathorne, his great-great-grandfather, was a judge presiding during the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne did not condone their acts and actually spent a great deal of his life renouncing the Puritans in general.Similarly, the Scarlet Letter was a literal "soapbox" for Hawthorne to convey to the world that the majority of Puritans were strict and unfeeling. For example, before Hester emerges from the prison she is being scorned by a group of women who feel that she deserves a larger punishment than she actually receives. Instead of only being made to stand on the scaffold and wear the scarlet letter on her chest, they suggest that she have it branded on her forehead or even be put to death. Perhaps the most important influence on the story is the author's interest in the "dark side".Unlike the transcendentalists of the era, Hawthorne "confronted reality, rather than evading it".Likewise, The Scarlet Letter deals with adultery, a subject that caused much scandal when it was first published, The book revolves around sin and punishment, a far outcry from writers of the time, such as Emerson and Thoreau, who dwelt on optimistic themes.This background, together with a believable plot, convincing characterization, and important literary devices enables Nathaniel Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter to develop the theme of the heart as a prison. The scaffold scenes are the most substantial situations in the story because they unify The Scarlet Letter in two influential ways. First of all, every scaffold scene reunites the main characters of the novel.In the first scene, everyone in the town is gathered in the market place because Hester is being questioned about the identity of the father of her child. In her arms is the product of her sin, Pearl, a three month old baby who is experiencing life outside the prison for the first time. Dimmesdale is standing beside the scaffold because he is Hester's pastor and it is his job to convince her to repent and reveal the father's name. A short time later, Chillingworth unexpectedly shows up within the crowd of people who are watching Hester after he is released from his two year captivity by the Indians.In the second scene, Dimmesdale is standing on top of the scaffold alone in the middle of the night. He sees Hester and Pearl walk through the market place on their way back from Governor Winthrop's bedside. When Dimmesdale recognizes them and tells them to join him, they walk up the steps to stand by his side. Chillingworth appears later standing beside the scaffold, staring at Dimmesdale, Hester, and Pearl.In the final scaffold scene, Dimmesdale walks to the steps of the scaffold in front of the whole town after his Election day sermon. He tells Hester and Pearl to join him yet again on the scaffold. Chillingworth then runs through the crowd and tries to stop Dimmesdale from reaching the top of the scaffold, the one place where he can't reach him.Another way in which the scenes are united is how each illustrates the immediate, delayed, and prolonged effects that the sin of adultery has on the main characters. The first scene shows Hester being publicly punished on the scaffold. She is being forced to stand on it for three hours straight and listen to people talk about her as a disgrace and a shame to the community. Dimmesdale's instantaneous response to the sin is to lie. He stands before Hester and the rest of the town and proceeds to give a moving speech about how it would be in her and the father's best interest for her to reveal the father's name. Though he never actually says that he is not the other parent, he implies it by talking of the father in third person. Such as, "If thou feelest it to be for thy soul's peace, and that thy earthly punishment will thereby be made more effectual to salvation, I charge thee to speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer". Chillingworth's first reaction is one of shock, but he quickly suppresses it. Since his first sight of his wife in two years is of her being punished for being unfaithful to him, he is naturally surprised. It does not last for long though, because it is his nature to control his emotions.。
美国文学 霍桑《红字》赏析
The Scarlet LetterAuthor: Nathaniel HawthorneSymbolism:The Scarlet Letter, A symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbol of identity to Hester. The letter’s meaning shifts as time passes. Originally intended to mark Hester as an adulteress, the “A” eventually comes to stand for “Able.”The Meteor , to Dimmesdale, the meteor implies that he should wear a mark of shame just as Hester does. The meteor is interpreted differently by the rest of the community, which thinks that it stands for “Angel” and marks Governor Winthrop’s entry into heavenThe Rosebush, Next to the Prison Door .The narrator chooses to begin his story with the image of the rosebush beside the prison door. The rosebush symbolizes the ability of nature to endure and outlast man’s activities.Pearl is a sort of living version of her mother’s scarlet letter. She is the physical consequence of sexual sin and the indicator of a transgression (evildoing). Upward American spiritCharacter analysis:Hester: disloyalty, betrayal, deception, sexual desire, adultery. Face, correct, redeem, purify. Praise, content, conformability.Dimmesdale: adultery, cowardice, hypocrisy, dishonesty, selfishness, too coward to confess, tortured by his conscience. Sympathetic, disfavor his hesitation, indecisiveness and cowardice. Chillingworth: revenge. Tortured by the desire of revenge, twisted and reduced to nothing. disgusted, think he committed greater crime.Puritanism in The Scarlet LetterPuritan background: setting, events, characters, thoughts, behaviors.Puritan doctrines: original sin, total depravity, predestination, limited atonement.Ralph Waldo Emerson1.NatureThe declaration of TranscendentalismAnalysis of “Nature”A long essay which has eight parts: the opening, commodity, beauty, language, discipline, Idealism, spirit and prospects. Our selection is taken from the opening. Taken as a whole, “Nature” expresses Emerson’s philosophy in a more systematic fashion than any other work of his.Meanings of natureI BeautyNature is beautiful. : the complete, mysterious, useful and moral beauty of nature. First, nature’s beauty lies in its completeness. Second, nature’s beauty lies in its mystery. cannot be manipulated. Only when he holds a sincere respect for nature, can man feel the mysterious beauty of nature. Third, nature’s beauty lies in its usefulness. Nature provides man without any benefitII Nature Is Divine●Nature is divine and has the eternal order which should not be violated. Influenced in a way byChinese ancient philosophy, Emerson believes that all the things in the world come from the same root---the Oversoul.●Emerson believes that man can find God in his own heart by direct contact with nature●Nature has permeated (penetrate) all aspects of human life. Spirit embodied in nature hasinfluence upon us. Nature inspires man and gives him\her power. Man should find the truth,goodness and beauty in his own soul and bring into play his potentiality as human being. Then, he will become himself “All that Adam had, all that Caesar could, you have and can do".For Emerson, the individual is potentially the most divine and any organization or existing idea can not limit the development of individual.III Nature Is ChangingEverything in nature is in a process---growing, withdrawing and falling into the ground. The flowing of nature comes from a force which impels it to develop. For instance, a river is always in constantly flowing. It originates from mountains, flows along great plains and ultimately converges into the sea. Transcendental philosophyNature symbolizes freedom, independence and change. These are Individualism elements which attend to significance of common life. Therefore Emerson's nature is the theoretical base of American Individualism---one of the characteristics of American culture. As the symbol of Spirit, nature helps to prove that man's soul is beautiful, divine and fluid. Man should pursue spiritual fulfillmentExcerpt from Nature: in Nature Emerson puts forward every phenomenon of the nature there was the spirit of the spirit of the nature.Here from this paragraph we could see that emerson found the beauty in the wildness nature rather than the village or something. “in the wildness, I find something more dear and connate than in streets or villages.” In the wildness of the nature, emerson can transcend physical body to the spirit of the God and he can become one part of the spirit.He emerges into the nature, and then he goes into the Oversoul. “I am part or particle of God.” “I am nothing; I see all”. This sentence clearly shows that emerson merges into the sporit. And in the nature we could get the eternal beauty.2.Self-Reliance①“The Confidence”. a man must show his opinion confidently and bravely in spite of different ideas.②“The Independence”. A man should keep himself firmly ; not be easily influenced by environment.③Keep personality, which is closely related to the confidence and the independence. a man must keep his personality and conform to his own principles.④“Showing no Sympathy to the Poor” shows that why the poor are poor is mainly due to their backward thinking. Showing help to this kind of people means doing harm to them.Comment: In Self-reliance, Emerson expressed the romantic idea of individualism, with an emphasis on being self-sufficient. He promoted relying on oneself rather than on established society. Emerson was known for his repeated use of phrase “trust thyself”. “Self-reliance” is his explanation---both systematic and passionate of what he meant by this, and why he was moved to make it his catchphrase. Every individual possesses a unique genius, Emerson argues, that can only be revealed when that individual has the courage to trust his or her own thoughts, attitudes, and inclinations against all public disapproval.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1. A Psalm of Life①Love of nature, love for the past ②Trochaic tetrameter③constant theme for poets: The relationship of life and death. ④He expresses his pertinent interpretation to that by warning us that though life is hard and everybody must die, time flies and life is short, yet, human beings ought to be hold “to act,” to face the reality straightly so as to make otherwise meaningless life significant.2. My Lost YouthⅤ. Terms 10’New England PoetsThe new England poets were the representatives of imitation, authors like Irving, William Cullen Bryant, Henry wadsworth Longfellow etc. tried to imitate the forms and themes of their English brothers, such as Alexander Pope, Robert Burns, Thomas Gray, wordsworth and so on.Rip van winkleThis is one story in Washington Irving’s Sketch Book. It tells a story of a kind but hen-pecked man rip van winkle. The protagonist does not take care of his own family very well and just wants to live idly. But his wife does not want him to live the life like that and keeps talking to him. Unhappy at home, he enters in the mountain with his gun and dog. One afternoon, he meets some strangers looking people playing at nine pins. Out of curiosity, he drinks the wine and falls into sleep. When he wakes up, he finds his dog missing and his gun rusted. He has to go back to the village again. But can not recognize the village and the folks. Later his surprise, he has been slept for 20 years. And his wife has been dead and his children grow up. At the end of story, his daughter takes him home and he still lives the life as he was used to.Ⅵ.Comment 20’1. Comment on Moby Dick:a. Although the narrator sees insanity in Ahab, Melville’s emotional sympathy is with the deficient Ahab. He begins with a noble intention to crush evil, but in taking this to the extreme, he becomes evil himself. He is destroyed by his consuming desire to root out evil.b. Moby Dick is a symbol to represent cruel, brutal, malicious powers of nature. Nature is capable of destroying the human world. Nature threatens humanity & thus calls out the heroic powers of the human beings. So the power of the universe is both of blessing and curse. In this way, the author constructs a complicated statement about American view of nature.2. Compare: Emily Dickinson with Walt Whitman in their writing style.Similarities①Along with Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman stands as one of the two giants of American poetry in the nineteenth century.②Pioneers of imagism③Part of American Renaissance④Influenced by transcendentalism⑤Thematically, they both extolled in their different ways and emergent America, its expansion, its individualism and its Americanness, their poetry being part of “American Renaissance”⑥Technically, they both added to the literary independence of the new nation by breaking free of the convention of the iambic pentameter and exhibiting a freedom in form unknown before: they are pioneers in American poetry.Differences①Whitman seems to keep his eyes on society at large; Dickinson explores the inner life of the individual.②Whereas Whitman is “national” in his outlook. Dickinson is “regional”③Whitman has the “catalogue techniques”, all-inclusive catalogue. Whereas Dickinson’s concise, direct, simple diction and syntax。
As I finished reading "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne in XX year, I found myself absorbed by its powerful, lingering themes and striking images.这一年,我读完了纳撒尼尔·霍桑的《红字》,感觉自己身临其境,深深被它强大而深远的主旨和惊人的画面所吸引。
The novel is set in Puritan Boston, where Hester Prynne,a young woman, is ostracized and forced to wear a scarletletter "A" on her dress as punishment for being an adulteress. As the story unfolds, we are introduced to Hester's former lover, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, and the vengeful husbandof Hester, Roger Chillingworth. Through their journeys and struggles, Hawthorne tackles the themes of sin, guilt, redemption, and the human condition.小说的背景是纯洁主义的波士顿,在这里一名年轻的女子海斯特·普林因通奸被社会驱逐,被迫在衣服上佩戴着一个红字母“A”作为惩罚。
The scarlet rose blossom on the humanity soil The Scarlet Letter(,1850) written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, tells the tragic love story between Hester Prynne and Dimmesdale, which takes place in the 17th century Puritan Boston. Nathaniel Hawthorne is a world-known American romantic novelist whose works often use symbolism and often have moral messages and psychological complexity. Like many of his other compositions, The Scarlet Letter centers on the inherent sin and evil of humanity. Through narrating the character’s fortune, it reveals the cruelty of the social laws, the deceptive aspect of the religion and the hypocrisy of the moral in the 19th when American capitalism enjoyed a boom.The story unfolds at the point view of Hester. The heroine Hester Prynne married Dr. Chillingworth, but there was no love between them and Chillingworth disappeared for years. During this time, lonely Hester committed adultery with a local Minster Dimmesdale and gave birth to their daughter Pearl. Hester was punished in public, being forced to wear a scarlet letter of ‘A’ which referred to adultery. Despite this, Hester refused to give her lover’s name away to protect him. At the same time, the husband Chillingworth came back and swore to revenge for the shame. Hiding his own true name, he found out the truth step by step. In this course, he tormented Dimmesdale mentally, leading to Dimmesdale’s admission on the identity of Pearl’s father, and also his death. Chillingworth himself passed away soon after because he possessed nothing except hatred. Differing from those male characters, although Hester was treated unfairly, she overcome discriminations and won the citizens’ respect for her tenacity, kindness and diligence, transporting the meaning of the world into “able” and “angle”. At last, Hester chose to be buried with her lover Dimmesdale, leaving “Black land, a red A word” on the tombstone.”Hawthorne is absolutely a master in Formalism, including repeated images, contrastive colors, and sets of words.All of them take shape implied meanings, which make the passage profound and veiled.Among all of the images, the letter A is the most significant one. The meaning of the letter shifts with the time going by. In chapter1 and chapter 2, it represents a kindof punishment of the religious society for disgrace. In the middle part of the novel, A becomes the symbol of Hester’s virtues: “There glimmered the embroidered letter, with comfort in its unearthly ray. Elsewhere the token of sin, it was the taper of the sick-chamber” “They said that it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a women’s strength.”(p141 chapter 13)At the latter stage, the token of A goes further. It is promoted to a goddess figure. The emphasis is no long on her capacity, but on her elevated spirits. Alongside the letter A, there are many images used in the composition. For example, at the beginning, it was Hester who walks up the guillotine to accept the worldly judgment, while at last it is Dimmesdale who walks up the guillotine to acknowledge his guilty and accept spiritual judgment. The guillotine establishes her ignominy first and proclaims his salvation lastly.In the ending sentence: “Black land, a red A word” on the tombstone.” The colors of black and white form pair of contrast and the two colors run through the composition. “ such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilized society, a prison. But no one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush. “(p39-40) The Great Whore in Revelation is dressed in scarlet, riding a scarlet beast. The color scarlet, in the Bible also symbolizes guilt. The prison is black, which builds a gloomy atmosphere and indicates the injustice of the prison. The color of Dimmesdale’s cape is black too, under which is the scarlet letter, his biggest secret. The concealment of the guilt (black and scarlet) creates huge pain.Repetitive words bring about the intense feeling of oppression, adding to words expressive force. "He will be known" emerges many times, from citizens or from Chiligworth, easily being associating with a hidden snake which lives on the dark secrets.What’s more, the book also reflects author’s complex attitude and consideration on religion. Nathaniel Hawthorne is born in a Puritanism family, leading to his early research of Puritanism. However, he is not a completely Puritan. He keeps his doubt and confusion towards this religion.In his age, the Puritanism went to the extremes. They persecuted people who believed in different religions and oppressed the humanity under the banner of God. From the Hester’s rebellion against the Puritan dogmas and the sufferings Dimmesdale undergone, we can infer his strong criticism, but meanwhile he trusts religious superstitions, not getting rid of such concepts like “origin sin”, “salvation” “determined fate”. He sings for the power of the religion to purify people. For example, Hester, this brave tenacious woman, sometimes also feels afraid, upset, worried. She turns to God for spiritual relive more than one time. The belief warns her to keep the goodness.Nathaniel Hawthorne uses multiple literal decorations to reveal the psychological state of the characters, to mold their personalities, to show their virtues and vices. What is more valuable is his exploration about humanity. The Scarlet Letter is confession and salvation of guilty people with pure soul, those who blossom the beautiful rose in their life.The scarlet rose blossom on the humanity soil辛宇160144179电子信息。
浅析《红字》中象征主义手法的运用宇文皓月AbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the 19th century. As a great romantic novelist, Hawthorne is outstanding in handling application of symbolism.The Scarlet Letter is Hawthorne's most important symbolic novel, which is the best work of Hawthorne and one of the indubitable masterpieces of American Literature. And it is this novel that makes Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world. In this work, Hawthorne uses the symbolism so skillfully that it enhances the artistic effects of his work greatly. In The Scarlet Letter, symbolism runs through the whole novel. The most important symbol is the scarlet letter itself. Not only does “A” manifest in various forms, but also it has changing meanings fr om “adultery” to“able”, even “a n gelic” in the novel. Besides, the name of the four major characters in the novel: Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth and Pearl also have theirown symbolic meanings. Some other objects and natural surroundings that are described in the novel such as the jail, the forest, the rose bush and so on are all endowed with a deep symbolic significance. The author of the thesis will explore the usage of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter from the three aspects mentioned above and analyze Hawthorne’s skillful use of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter.Key Words: the scarlet letter;symbolism;Hester Prynne;Pearl摘要纳撒尼尔·霍桑是十九世纪美国伟大的浪漫主义小说家。
《红字》英文读后感"The Scarlet Letter" Reflection"The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a remarkable novel that explores the themes of sin, guilt, and redemption in a Puritan society. After reading this thought-provoking book, I have gained a deeper understanding of the consequences of societal judgment and the power of overcoming one's past.The story revolves around Hester Prynne, a young woman who is publicly shamed and branded with a scarlet letter "A" for committing adultery. Set in 17th-century Boston, the novel examines the harsh moral code enforced by the Puritan community and its impact on the lives of its inhabitants.One of the aspects that struck me the most while reading "The Scarlet Letter" was the characterization of Hester Prynne. Despite the intense scrutiny and judgment from those around her, Hester remains resilient and refuses to let her mistakes define her. She transforms the meaning of the scarlet letter from a mark of shame to a symbol of strength and independence. Her ability to bear her burden with grace and dignity is truly inspiring.Another theme explored in the novel is the destructive power of guilt. Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, Hester's lover and the father of her child, suffers greatly from the secret sin they share. Hawthorne masterfully portrays the inner torment and self-punishment that Dimmesdale experiences, as he hides his guilt from the community. This depiction made me reflect onthe harmful effects of repressed guilt and the importance of acknowledging one's mistakes in order to seek redemption."The Scarlet Letter" also delves into the concept of hypocrisy within religious institutions. Despite preaching about forgiveness and love, the Puritan society depicted in the novel is quick to condemn and judge those who deviate from their strict moral code. This hypocrisy is epitomized by the character of Roger Chillingworth, Hester's vengeful husband. Instead of forgiveness and reconciliation, Chillingworth seeks revenge, embodying the darker side of human nature.One of the most profound messages conveyed in "The Scarlet Letter" is the possibility of redemption and personal growth. Through Hester's determination to rise above her sin and Dimmesdale's eventual confession, the novel suggests that true redemption comes from acknowledging one's faults and making amends. It teaches us that it is never too late to find forgiveness and start anew.In addition to its profound themes, I also appreciated the vivid and detailed descriptions of the Puritan society in "The Scarlet Letter." Hawthorne's eloquent prose paints a picture of a rigid and austere community, where individuality is suppressed in favor of strict adherence to societal norms. These descriptions transported me back in time and allowed me to better understand the social and cultural context in which the story unfolds.In conclusion, "The Scarlet Letter" is a powerful novel that explores the complexities of human nature, sin, and redemption. Through compelling characters and thought-provoking themes, Nathaniel Hawthorne presents acritique of society's judgmental nature and the transformative power of forgiveness. This book serves as a reminder that true redemption lies in accepting one's past and striving for personal growth. "The Scarlet Letter" is a literary masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers, challenging our notions of morality and reminding us of the importance of compassion and forgiveness.。
红字英文读后感范文The Scarlet Letter offers an extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of the 17th century if American Puritan society. The basic conflicts and problems of its main characters, however, are familiar to readers in the present. The female protagonist, has borne a child out of wedlock and has been jailed for over three months and sentenced to wear a symbol of her adultery, a scarlet “A” on her dress at all times. It concerns about the moral, emotional and psychological effect of the sin on people in general. It’s not simply a love story or a story of sin. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the scarlet letters to symbolize the harshness of Puritan society, showing how they brand sinners for life.The story happened in Boston about 200 years ago. It narrates love affairs between three persons. The punished woman. Hester Prynne and his husband. Who called himself Roger Chillingworth . He is an old misshapen man and a doctor. Hester does not love him at all. Another man is a young minister, Dimmesdale, who has a high position among ministers and is highly respected among his people in town. Hester and Dimmesdale love each other. But their love is forbidden in that time . It is sinful. Due to this,Hesteris punished by society with a letter A on her chest, which considered an evil, a shame.In this novel, the mainline seems to be around theletter A. Hester is brave enough to face the cruel reality. She is always with a mind of courage. She has been alonewith her child for so long , with litter munication. Shame! Hopelessness! Loneliness! Hester has to wear the letter A day after day, seven years as for punishment and ill fame.When a woman has lived through a difficult experience, her character changes a great deal. If she be all tenderness, she will die. If she survive, the tendernesswill leave her .Hester’s charitable deeds and quiethumility have earned her a reprieve from the scorn of the munity. The letter on her chest represents her work onearth , always helping others, without expecting any thanks. Never afterwards, does that scarlet letter leave her chest. The townspeople no longer view the letter as a punishment , but rather as representing her great strength and bravery and thy say it means “Able”。
英语专业毕业论文 《红字》赏析全英文(可编辑)
英语专业毕业论文《红字》赏析全英文(可编辑)浅析《红字》中象征主义手法的运用AbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the19th century. As a great romantic novelist, Hawthorne is outstanding in handling application of symbolism.The Scarlet Letter is Hawthorne's most important symbolic novel, which is the best work of Hawthorne and one of the indubitable masterpieces of American Literature. And it is this novel that makes Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world. In this work, Hawthorne uses the symbolism so skillfully that it enhances the artistic effects of his work greatly. In The Scarlet Letter, symbolism runs through the whole novel. The most important symbol is the scarlet letter itself. Not only does “A” manifest in various forms, but also it has changing meanings from “adultery” to “able”, even “angelic” in the novel. Besides, the name of the four major characters in the novel: Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth and Pearl also have their own symbolic meanings. Some other objects and natural surroundings that are described in the novel such as the jail, the forest, the rose bush and so on are all endowed with a deep symbolic significance. The author of the thesis will explore the usage of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter from the t hree aspects mentioned above and analyze Hawthorne’s skillful use ofsymbolism in The Scarlet LetterKey Words: the scarlet letter;symbolism;Hester Prynne;Pearl摘要纳撒尼尔?霍桑是十九世纪美国伟大的浪漫主义小说家。
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《红字》的读后感英文The Scarlet Letter is a classic novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is a historical fiction set in a Puritan society in the 17th century. The novel is a tale of sin, guilt and redemption that explores themes such as morality, religion, and society. The Scarlet Letter made a lasting impression on me after reading it.The story’s main character is Hester Prynne, a young woman who is condemned to wear a scarlet letter “A” on her chest as a punishment for having an extramarital affair. The “A” stands for adultery and serves as a constant reminder of her sin. Despite her shame, Hester raises her daughter Pearl alone, refuses to reveal her lover, and develops her own sense of self.Throughout the story, I was impressed by Hester’s strength and courage. She took responsibility for her actions and never gave up despite the harsh punishment she faced. Hester persevered and kept her dignity even when the Puritan society shunned her. Her character is what makes this book such a powerful and memorable read.The novel also addresses the theme of hypocrisy. The Puritan society is portrayed as hypocritical as they have their own secrets and sins, yet they condemn Hester without mercy for hers. This hypocrisy shows how easily society can judge and condemn others without taking a closer look at themselves.Another important theme in the novel is sin and redemption. Hester’s journey of guilt and remorse ultimately leads to her redemption as she finds peace within herself and forgiveness fromothers, including her daughter.Overall, The Scarlet Letter is a fascinating and thought-provoking novel that delves deep into human nature, morality, and society. Hawthorne’s writing style portrays the Puritan times realistically, and his vivid descriptions of the characters and setting make the story come alive. It is a powerful commentary on the importance of societal norms and the pressure to follow them.Reading The Scarlet Letter made me question my own beliefs, morals, and values. It made me realize the importance of self-reflection and the consequences of our actions. This novel has left a significant impact on me, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a compelling and insightful read.One of the most striking aspects of The Scarlet Letter is its use of symbolism. Throughout the novel, Hawthorne employs numerous symbols to convey key themes and ideas. The scarlet letter itself is perhaps the most prominent symbol, representing not only Hester's sin but also her strength and resilience. The scaffold, where Hester is publicly shamed, serves as a symbol of the Puritan community's judgment and the rigid, unforgiving nature of their religion.Another symbol that stands out is Pearl, Hester's daughter. Pearl is portrayed as a wild and sometimes sinister child, reflecting the darkness and complexity of Hester's past. Yet she also represents hope, freedom, and the potential for change. Pearl is a constant reminder to Hester of her own sin and a catalyst for her journey toward redemption.Hawthorne's masterful use of symbolism adds depth and richnessto the novel's themes. It allows the reader to delve deeper into the characters' inner lives and the social structure they inhabit. The symbols also serve as a way for Hawthorne to comment on the human condition as a whole, particularly the complex and often contradictory nature of our emotions and experiences.While The Scarlet Letter is undeniably a product of its time and place, its themes and insights remain relevant today. The novel speaks to the timeless human struggles of guilt, shame, forgiveness, and acceptance. It is a reminder that even in the face of dire circumstances, we can find strength and hope within ourselves.In a world where social media and public shaming have become all too common, The Scarlet Letter continues to offer a powerful critique of the harsh judgment and hypocrisy that can plague human society. It is a reminder that the path to redemption often requires not only personal reflection and transformation, but also a willingness to challenge the norms and expectations of the cultures we inhabit.。
红字读后感英语700字Reflections on "The Scarlet Letter""The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a profound exploration of sin, punishment, and redemption in a Puritan society. Set in Boston during the 17th century, the novel tells the tale of Hester Prynne, a woman who is publicly branded with a scarlet letter 'A' as a punishment for her adultery. This letter becomes a constant reminder of her past sin, and yet, through her struggle and resilience, it also transforms into a symbol of her strength and dignity.The novel opens with Hester standing on the scaffold, her baby in her arms, as the minister brands her with the scarlet letter. This scene is both haunting and heartbreaking, as it immediately draws the reader into Hester's world of shame and isolation. However, what makes this novel so remarkable is the way Hawthorne explores the complexities of sin and morality. Hester's crime is notjust about sexual transgression; it's also aboutchallenging the social norms and the rigid rules of the Puritan community.Throughout the novel, Hester's character evolves from a woman who is broken and defeated to one who finds strength within herself. Her relationship with her daughter, Pearl, becomes a source of solace and hope. Pearl, named after a pearl that is both beautiful and flawed, symbolizesHester's own复杂情感 and her struggle to find happiness in a world that constantly reminds her of her past sins.Another noteworthy character is Dimmesdale, theminister who is revealed to be the father of Hester's child. His struggle with guilt and his eventual confession add another layer of complexity to the story. His deathbed confession not only brings closure to his own tortured soul but also releases Hester from the burden of secrecy.The Scarlet Letter is not just a novel about sin and punishment; it's also about the power of love, forgiveness, and redemption. Hester's journey from shame to dignity is atestament to the fact that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, the human spirit can find a way to rise above and find peace.The novel's setting in a Puritan society also provides a fascinating commentary on the role of religion and morality in society. Hawthorne criticizes the hypocrisy and intolerance of the Puritans while also acknowledging the role of faith in providing comfort and solace during difficult times.In conclusion, "The Scarlet Letter" is a timeless tale that speaks to us about the complexities of sin, morality, and redemption. It is a powerful reminder of the fragility of the human spirit and the resilience that lies within each of us. Hester Prynne's story is not just about her;it's about all of us and the choices we make in the face of adversity.。
TheScarletletter《红字》文学评论论文The Symbolism in The Scarlet LetterAbstractNathaniel Hawthorne’s unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of man’s moral nature. The finest example is the recreation of The Scarlet Letter. It is a representative one of his ideal and artistic style and is regarded as the first American symbolic fiction and is one of the few books that is remarkable, because it deals with alienation, sin, punishment, and guilt, or the emotions that will continue to be felt by every generation. The scarlet letter “A”, which covers through the whole novel, was given a variety of symbolic meanings. He expressed his feelings, emotions, will and concept through the scarlet letter” A”, some natural scenery, and some of the major characters. The use of symbolism gives romantic thoughts and great subjective ideals to readers. This paper researches the symbolism in the novel from the following aspects: the changing symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter “A”, the colors, prison, the forest, the names of the major characters described in the novel to make the symbolism clear to the reader.Key words: The Scarlet Letter, symbolism, sin摘要霍桑创作象征主义小说的独特天赋触及人类的道德的最深根源,其代表作是《红字》。
the scarlet letter读后感200
the scarlet letter读后感200(最新版2篇)目录(篇1)1.引言:简述《红字》的背景和作者2.主体:分析《红字》的主题和象征意义3.分析海丝特的形象4.分析丁梅斯代尔和奇灵渥斯的形象5.结论:总结《红字》给我们的启示正文(篇1)《红字》是美国著名作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑创作的一部反映 17 世纪美国清教徒社会的小说。
目录(篇2)1.引言:介绍《红字》一书及其作者2.主题:探讨《红字》中的象征意义3.角色:分析海丝特、丁梅斯代尔和奇灵渥斯的人物性格及命运4.情节:概述故事情节及结局5.结论:总结《红字》给我们的启示正文(篇2)《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是美国著名作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)创作的一部经典小说。
论文题目:Study of the Religious color in The Scarlet Letter浅析《红字》中体现的宗教色彩姓名:文宇部系:外语系年级:2008级学号:200840123【摘要】纳萨尼尔·霍桑是美国十九世纪杰出的浪漫主义小说家,他的作品有着浓郁的宗教色彩。
关键词:纳萨尼尔·霍桑;红字;宗教意识【Abstract】Nathaniel Hawthorne is an outstanding American romantic novelist in nineteenth century. His work has a strong religious tone. "The Scarlet Letter" is one of Hawthorne's masterpieces. The author’ complex religious consciousness has also been embodied profoundly in this work. On the one hand, he exposed and criticized the oppression of religion to the human’ nature, the destruction and the shackles to human’ spirit; On the other hand ,he preached the love 、the tolerance and the rebirth of religion deeply. This thesis not only allow us to know the author’s religious concept, but also reveals the elevation of the spirit of religion from a criminal to self-rescue , through the analysis involving the main chara cters’ religious consciousness during theprocess which is from the first the letter A—Adultery standing for shame to the last A—Angle standing for the light. In addition, my thesis summarizes the studies about the religious views from "The Scarlet Letter" so far. Besides .this thesis elaborates the significance influence of religion on the literature by the study of religion concept in "The Scarlet Letter".Keys words: Nathaniel Hawthorne; The Scarlet Letter; Religious ConsciousnessContents摘要AbstractI. Introduction1.1. Brief introduction of Hawthorne’s complex religious consciousness 1.2. Literature reviewII. The impact of religious thought2.1. The positive impact2.2. The negative impactIII. The religious consciousness of main characters3.1. The religious consciousness when A—Adultery stands for shame3. The religious consciousness when A—Angle stands for lightI.Introduction1.1.Brief introduction of Hawthorne’s complex religious consciousnessHawthorne was born in Puritan family. When he was young he sojourned in his grandfather’s home with his mother after his father’s death. Transcendentalism influence him deeply, coupled with his painstaking research on the history of New England Puritanism in earlier. These all became the source of his creation of novels. But Hawthorne is not a thoroughly Puritan. Because of the complexity of Puritanism and the society at that time,Hawthorne has confused and skeptical religious consciousness.Christian’s fundamental creeds includes the theory of original sin and the theory of salvation .That is to say human ancestors Adam and Eve committed against the will of God, and commit the original sin. And from then on they set on the painful road to accomplish the self-salvation. "The Bible" finger out people will return to the Garden of Eden after death, after experiencing many tribulations and through redeeming the original sin and do good to evil. Hawthorne can not agree more on this point. In the novel "The Scarlet Letter", in the author's view adultery is a kind of crime, but Hester and Dimmesdale after a long and painful road to get salvation are reborn.On the other hand, the Puritan advocates asceticism, and suppress human’s n ature in the name of God, and conduct the brutal religious oppression. In The Scarlet Letter Puritan restrict humanity by the form of moral law. We can always feel gloomy atmosphere from the oppression of Puritan. We also can see the suspicion and discontent to Puritan ethics.1.2.Literature reviewEach knows culture contains more or less religious beliefs. And the western culture and western literature are influenced profoundly by religion. Many literature works impart the strong religious color. "The Scarlet Letter" written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is the typical one.Up till now, the researches on the Religious color in The Scarlet Letter are mainly in the following aspects.First of all, on the theory of original sin and the theory of salvation in The Scarlet Letter . The experience of Hester recalls the story of Adam and Eve because, in both cases, sin results in expulsion and suffering. Hester was condemned by the Puritan church in the cause of adultery with Dimmesdale. The letter “A”stands for shame and sin worn by her. The scarlet letter “A”is the proof of crime and punishment, and it is the embodiment of a woman’s evil. But it also results in knowledge—specifically, in knowledge of what it means to be immortal. For Hester, the scarlet letter functions as "her passport into regions where other women dared not tread", leading her to speculate about her society and herself more boldly than anyone else in N ew England . “Puritan believes that people have a natural tendency of virtue, and only through a kind of training it can be possible to achieve the perfection of virtue.”Secondly, the oppression of human nature about religion. First,Hyster is a marriage victim in a unreasonable Puritan rule. She never get a love from her husband. Then when her husband went missing almost two years, we all recognized he is dead..At the same time Hyster get love from Dimmesdale , but as adultery charges. For Dimmesdale first is as a people of desire, and then is a real monks, a true religion professor. But in the Canon of natural , the law of human nature hunger for is a sin, he is the victim of the religious asceticism.Most articles from this two parts to reveal the darkness of the religion of the heroine's persecution. But at the same time, we can still see, actually in the novel inside, the heroine receives a lot of feudal religious cultural influence, also get a lot of positive aspects, my article analyzes the positive aspects of religion on the influence of the heroine.(美)霍桑《红字》.胡允桓译.北京:人民文学出版社,2003年1月.付少华. 恶与善的选择——宗教对海斯特·白兰与潘金莲的人生结局的影响[J] . 福州大学学报(哲社版),2003年3月第三期.姜丽霞. 《红字》中海斯特的性格症候论析[J]. 作家 , 2009,(10)杨桂琴.爱的悲剧和爱的追求——《红字》中的海丝特·白兰[J]. 湖北第二师范学院学报 , 2010,(03)景枫. 试论宗教道德的双重作用[J]. 社会科学论坛 , 2004,(06)曲晓梅. 从美国当时价值观看《红字》主人公的命运[J]. 昌吉学院学报 , 2005,(01).。
The Symbol ism in The Scarle t LetterAbstra ctNathan iel Hawtho rne’s unique gift was for the creati on of strong ly symbol ic storie s whichtouchthe deepes t roots of man’s moraln ature. The finest exampl e is the recreationof The Scarle t Letter. It is a repres entative one of his ideal and artistic styleand is regard ed as the first Americ an symbolic fictio n and is one of the few booksthat is remarkable, becaus e it dealswith aliena tion, sin, punish ment, and guilt, or the emotio ns that will contin ue to be felt by everygenera tion.The scarle t letter“A”, whichcovers throug h the wholen ovel,was given a variety of symbol ic meanin g s. He expres sed his feelin g s, emotio n s, will and concep t throug h the scarle t letter”A”, some natura l scenery, and some of the majorcharac ters.The use of symbolism givesromantic though ts and great subjectiveideals to reader s. This paperresear chesthe symbol ism in the novelf rom the following aspect s: the changi ng symbolic meanin g of the scarle t letter“A”, the col ors, prison, the forest, the namesof the majorcharac tersdescri bed in the novel to make the symbolism clearto the reader.Key words:The Scarle t Letter, symbol ism, sin摘要霍桑创作象征主义小说的独特天赋触及人类的道德的最深根源,其代表作是《红字》。
析《红字》中海斯特的反抗精神 英文论文 Analysis of the Hester’s Spirit of Resistance
Analysis of the Hester’s Spirit of Resistancein The Scarlet LetterThe Scarlet Letter is regarded as the representative work of Nathaniel Hawthorne. As the first symbolism novel in America, It plays a very important role in American literary history. In this outstanding novel, Hawthorne presented us a beautiful and sad love story in the 17th century of puritan England. The author successfully created a rebellious image ---- the heroine Hester Prynne. There are various analyses of Hester’s character after the population of the great novel around the world.The Scarlet Letter is about a rebellious female-heist novel. It revealed the heroine Hester’s spirit of resistance to the cruel society and the unfair fate by the description of tragic life of the heroine and the reproduction of the situation of women in Puritan society (Li yexia, 198 ). The heroine’s behavior infuriated the whole society, but the punishment which was given to Hester brought positive effect. Our brave heroine firmly believed that she was innocent and her love with the hero--Arthur was holy and pure. Nothing can prevent they from falling in love and nobody had right to punish them. During the time she was isolated by the citizens, she never changed his mind. That was a kind of rebelling which was expressed by silence (Xie lanwei, 3).In my point of view, the Hester’s rebellious spirit mainly embodied in three respects.Firstly, she has the courage to pursue true love in the conservative society. This is a kind of rebelling to loveless marriage. Even her husband who was regarded killed by Indian came back. Hester was still insisted on her love. She believed that woman has the right to seek her love and happiness. The people who fell in love with their faithful hearts were innocent. When the fate arranged her a kind of loveless marriage, she could shouted‘No’and rebel to the unfair destiny.When she was brought to trail even was threatened by death, Hester insisted in her mind. She refused to speak out the man’s name, the child’s father. She used her own way to protect her lover at all cost. Because she knew that if she spoke out the name of that man, their love would be completely destroyed by the terrible society, hislover’s reputation status and dignity would collapse. So she made the choice of bearing all the pain and taking all the responsibility by herself. That’s her way to seek freedom and happiness and defend this priceless true love.Secondly, Hester’s bold behavior was a declaration of war to the puritan society. As we know, the Puritan authoritarian applied by the New England comes from the authoritarianism of the old European mainland. The Puritans moved all the harsh measures which were used to sanction guilty people to the new continent. They created so many creeds to bind their believers. Puritanism advocated the whole world including human were entirely dominated in God's supreme authority, although the chance of rescue is uncertain, but the God was still the home to return to.The puritan society not only insisted that people should live plain lives but also suppressed the desire of the citizens. When Hester was accused of adultery, at the beginning of the trial, the church gaoler brought her to the cross, she pushed away him, and this behavior displayed her natural modesty and stubborn personality. She never thought she was the person who was guilty in her deepest heart.On the other hand, Hester’s clothes were far beyond the simple standards of the Puritanism, especially she ornamented the letter A which was represented adultery before her chest with gold lace, this behavior undoubtedly led to the anger of other puritans. When the people of the town saw The Scarlet Letter‘A’which was embellished by Hester in the first time, they were extremely surprised and angry. They could n’t imagine how the woman can do such a shameful thing. In fact, Hester just wanted to prove her innocence by this way. At the same time, she expressed a great contempt for the obsolete rules which has suppressed large numbers of people for hundreds of years.Thirdly, Hester was a brave fighter who struggled against male-dominated society. At that time, the Puritan rulers developed harsh laws and religious principles in order to anaesthetize, deceive and imprisoned women. They followed the male-dominated system in ancient Greek mythology which was used to make sure the social and economic status of male. They preached the status of men and women were decided by their physical characteristics and functions. The most ridiculous opinion was:woman’s body was just like the land which needed the reclaiming and planting by man, so female can breed the next generation. They regarded female as the appendage of male and in that condition, women couldn’t make choice for themselves no matter how unfair the fate was.But Hester was the rebel to the patriarchy even though she has become a heathen in other people’s eyes. Hester considered that female could be independent in the male-dominated society. As a matter of fact, Hester, through their own efforts, prove that women were not weak. She was an independent person not only in economy but also in spirit. She spared no efforts to win over the custody of Pearl and brought her up by her needlework. She neither asked her husband nor the priest for help, although she has enough reason to do it. Her independent personality and character would never make her become men’s puppet and slave.When the end of the novel, we find she is a hopeful and happy woman, so people (especially women) loves to tell her their sorrow and suffering, and ask her for some advice. She tried her best to comfort them, counsel them. Her resistance told all women, there would be a kind of new truth in the new world which needs efforts of one’s own.In the long process of history, everything would be vanish, including the character Hester in the famous novel in The Scarlet Letter, but her spirit of resistance will no doubt inspire one generation to another.。
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The Symbolism in The Scarlet LetterAbstractNathaniel Hawthorne’s unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of man’s moral nature. The finest example is the recreation of The Scarlet Letter. It is a representative one of his ideal and artistic style and is regarded as the first American symbolic fiction and is one of the few books that is remarkable, because it deals with alienation, sin, punishment, and guilt, or the emotions that will continue to be felt by every generation. The scarlet letter “A”, which covers through the whole novel, was given a variety of symbolic meanings. He expressed his feelings, emotions, will and concept through the scarlet letter” A”, some natural scenery, and some of the major characters. The use of symbolism gives romantic thoughts and great subjective ideals to readers. This paper researches the symbolism in the novel from the following aspects: the changing symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter “A”, the colors, prison, the forest, the names of the major characters described in the novel to make the symbolism clear to the reader.Key words: The Scarlet Letter, symbolism, sin摘要霍桑创作象征主义小说的独特天赋触及人类的道德的最深根源,其代表作是《红字》。
本文主要从以下几方面研究《红字》中的象征主义: 红色字母A、颜色、监狱、森林的象征意义在文中做出阐述。
关键词:红字象征意义罪恶ⅠIntroductionNathaniel Hawthorne is considered to be the first greatest American fiction writer and his greatest symbolic contribution is The Scarlet Letter, which is regarded as the first symbolic novel in the American literature. In the novel, each word, image, and event works toward a single effect. It is a complex story of guilt and sin. Hawthorne tries every bit to show the symbolic meanings of the scarlet letter “A”, the natural scenery such as the forest and the rosebush, and some of the major characters like Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and especially Pearl for instance. His skillful use of symbolism gives artistic effect to his work in great extent.1.1. The Main Idea of the BookThe story begins in the seventeenth century Boston. A young woman, named Hester Prynne, is given the Puritan way of punishment for the sin of adultery. She wears a scarlet letter which stands for disgrace on her chest. Two years ago, she is sent alone across the ocean by her husband; however, her husband did not show up thereafter. While waiting, Hester falls in love with a young local minister and they commit adultery secretly. The secret is finally discovered b ecause of Hester’s pregnancy.Hester refuses to tell the name of the father even when she is asked to stand on the scaffold. And she chooses to bear all the shame and punishment herself. However, the story does not go on like this. Hester’s husband, Roger Chillingworth appears and tries to take revenge on the adulterer. In the end, Arthur Dimmesdale, the local minister, confesses his sin and dies. Hester then lives alone in her cottage far away from the city by herself.The heroine Hester, in the novel, breaks up the unfortunate chain of marriage in the pursuit of happiness and true love. Her action can not be accepted among the community and that is why she is treated badly by the townspeople. In contrast, Hester herself does not see the scarlet letter “A” as a disgraceful sign but a silent resistance.1.2. The word "symbol" and its meaning in The Scarlet LetterThe common definition says that a symbol is a sign or token of something. A lion, for instance, is a symbol of courage. The bald eagle is a symbol of America. In literature, matters are a little more complicated. Symbolism in literature is the deep and hiddenmeaning in a piece of work. It is often used to represent a moral or religious belief or value. Writers try to use symbolism to enrich symbolic figures to reveal the hidden heart, to express their inner feelings, and to expose the social roots that causing harm to people. We can simply put symbolism as a way to express the emotions by using solid things to tell the symbolic meanings. In his representative work The Scarlet Letter, symbolism has been fully manifested.ⅡDifferent Symbols Used in the Novel2.1. The changes of the symbolic meaning of the Scarlet Letter “A”The chief symbol in the novel is the scarlet letter “A”, which has various meanings for each character. To Hester, the “A” is a mark of unjust humiliation, while the Puritan community sees the opposite. Hester endures the unjust punishment of standing on the scaffold at noon in public view and the shame of wearing the scarlet letter “A”, which symbolizes being sinful. Dimmesdale regards the “A” as a reminder of his un-confessed sin and it pushes him to torture himself both physically and mentally. To Chillingworth, the “A” represents the shame that his wife is being guilty of the sin of adultery and the eagerness to take revenge to the adulterer. Then for Pearl, who is the most complex character, the “A”arouses her great curiosity as it symbolizes her existence and the meaning beneath it. In contrast to the scarlet letter “A”, Pearl makes an “A” out of green seaweed which represents purity and innocence.The scarlet letter “A” also changes its meaning with the progress of the plots. The “A”first appears to be a symbol of adultery, being alone and alienation, and finally changes its meaning into being able and admirable.2.1.1 AdulteryThe original meaning of the scarlet letter “A”is Hester’s adultery against her husband Roger Chillingworth. The story begins with the scene that Hester stands on the scaffold with the “A” on her chest, and it is the Puritan way of punishment for the crime of adultery. Hester’s behavior is disgraceful and she is looked down upon by others as if she is a devil from the hell that commits a terrible crime. Hester is ashamed of her sin, butshe decides to accept the treatment given to her for she holds the concept that there is real happiness and true love.2.1.2 Alone and AlienationThe scarlet letter “A” is not only a symbol of adultery, but also a symbol of being alone and alienation. As for her sin of adultery, people in the town look down upon her and treat her in an unfriendly manner. She chooses to live solitarily in her cottage, which is far away from the city and she has no friends in the world with Pearl being her only companion, so the scarlet letter “A” is also a symbol of being alone and alienation.2.1.3 Able, Admirable and AngelLater the scarlet letter “A”changes its meaning into being able, admirable and an angel. People in the community who condemn her now believe the scarlet letter stands for ability as to her beautiful needlework and for her unselfishness in offering help to the poor and sick. Hester overcomes the shame of her sin through goodness of her soul and proves that she should not have been given that kind of punishment.2.1.4 Passion for Arthur DimmesdaleThe scarlet letter “A” also stands for her love, Arthur Dimmesdale. She decorates the scarlet letter “A”, which means adultery, so carefully that shows her passion for Arthur. That she refuses to tell the name of Pearl’s father is a way to protect Arthur. Furthermore, she chooses to live in New England after she is released because it is the place where her lover stays. She wears the scarlet letter for seven years, and misses her lover in this way. Only when she meets Arthur in the forest seven years later does she decide to flee to somewhere else and throw the scarlet letter away. After Dimondale’s death, Hester and Pearl disappear for several years and later Hester comes back and picks up the scarlet letter again.2.2. PearlPearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne, is the most complex and symbol in the book. For Hester, she is sort of comfort from god as well as a kind of punishment given by God. The townspeople refer to her as the offspring of the devil.On one hand, Hawthorne uses Pearl as fruit of love between Hester and Dimmesdaleand she is a living scarlet letter. Pearl is the scarlet letter, because if she had never been born, Hester would have never been found guilty of adultery, and thus never would have had to wear that burden upon her chest. Without that burden, Hester would have led a much more appropriate life than the one she had throughout the novel.Hawthorne gave a special description on Pearl’s particular passion towards the scarlet letter which shows the implied relationship between Pearl and the letter. The two are both the fruit of true love and the symbol of bright future of human beings. There are four times that Pearl’s attitude towards the scarlet letter is described. The first is that when Pearl is born into this world, the first thing that comes into her eyes is not the smile of her mother but the bright scarlet letter “A”and she shows great passion towards it. The second time is when Pearl grows up and she always plays with the scarlet letter, furthermore, she would be very happy every time when she hits the scarlet letter with seaweeds. Another description is that Pearl tries to emulate her mother by placing seaweed in the shape of an “A” on her own chest; however, it is bright green in contrast to the scarlet letter “A” on Hester. The last description is Pearl would not see Hester as her mother only when Hester puts on the scarlet letter. By acknowledging the letter on her mother’s chest, she plays an active role in Hester’s punishment rather than a passive one. These detailed descriptions indicate the absolute free love in the world.On the other hand, Pearl is the reflection of Hester’s character in many aspects. She looks down upon the Puritans and throws stone towards them. It seems that she inherits the passion and hatred that Hester possesses. As is discriminated by people around, Pearl has an unfriendly attitude towards all the things around her.To Dimmesdale, Pearl is a symbol of a living conscience. She represents the driving force to confess his concealed sin. In the second scaffold scene, she asks Dimmesdale to stand on the scaffold with her and her mother, but when he refuses she eagerly pulls her hand away, saying he is not bold and not true. Dimmesdale is again seen to deny public recognition of his daughter. After Dimmesdale denies her request, Pearl wipes away the kiss that he presents earlier. In the final scaffold scene, Pearl’s completes her role as a symbol. Dimmesdale publicly acknowledges his daughter and Hester then dies. Pearl kisses her father signifying the end of her father’s anguish.2.3. The ForestIn The Scarlet Letter, the forest symbolizes much more than one could imagine. Each character brings out a different side of the forest; however, the forest also brings out a different side in each character. It is dark and secret. It is where people come to let loose and be themselves. The forest track leads away from the settlement out into the wilderness where all signs of civilization vanish. The forest track is precisely the escape route from the dictates of law and religion to the Promised Land to the west where men can breathe free. For some, the forest may be a place of evil thoughts and wrong doings, but for others it is a place of happiness and freedom. The open air of the forest is exhilarating, but cold. Nothing is known in the wilderness, everything is up for grabs. There is no one around to stop you from going to the devil. And when you do, he is right there waiting for you.On the one hand, the forest is an open door to love and freedom for both Hester and Dimmesdale. It is a place where the letter on their bodies can no longer have any effect on them. It is a place where natural law is opposed to the artificial strict community with its man-made Puritan laws. In this the forest represents a thing of truth, whether it is good or bad. However, in Pearl’s eyes, the forest has a totally different concept, which is like a best friend. It treats her as if she were one of its own. She is able to run and play freely to her innocent heart’s content. The light is chasing her no matter where she goes. She can do that because her heart is innocent and the forest knows that.In the forest, young girl, middle-aged man and woman may throw away all the reluctance and finally be themselves under security and pull out secret thoughts. The forest brings out the natural semblance and natural personality of individuals who use it correctly. In the eyes of Hester and Dimmesdale, their behavior is not immoral. They prefer the openness and freedom that the forest presents over the strict, cruel element of Puritan civilization. If the forest represents a key to the handcuffs Hester and Dimmesdale have been forced to wear, all that they have to do is to break it. Although they choose not to break it, they begin to dwell on the things that they have done to break the bind. Therefore, the forest, nature’s dominion, strikes one as the only place where true passion and honesty stay and there, Hester conceals her secret sin with Dimmesdale,and Hester’s true evil spirit is present ed.2.4. The ScaffoldThe scaffold symbolizes many aspects of human nature throughout the course of the book. It symbolizes the shame and guilt of sin along with love and punishment. For example, when Hester commits adultery with Dimmesdale, the sin is committed out of love. After the secret is discovered, she is portrayed out of the society. When she stands on the scaffold, she hides her scarlet letter because the letter is viewed as a symbol of sin, shame, guilt, and punishment.Besides serving as a form of public punishment and humiliation, the scaffold in The Scarlet Letter also helps reveal the development of the story and characters involved with the sin of adultery. In The Scarlet Letter, there are three scaffold scenes which all represent sin. The first scaffold scene is when Hester Prynne is accused of being an adulteress. The scaffold scene represents committing a sin. The second scaffold scene which represents public sin is when Dimmesdale sits upon the scaffold during the night. What in his mind is the sin that he has committed by not standing on the scaffold seven years ago when Hester was accused. The thoughts are so overbearing that he screams. The third and final scaffold scene is when Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold and he calls for Hester and Pearl. He then reveals his sin and dies. The final scaffold scene represents revealing sin and repenting sin. The scaffold scenes are the main structures of the book and give the books its theme of sin and guilt. It could be viewed as a dark and evil place, but in the eyes of others the scaffold could be a trusted safe shelter.2.5. The Prison and the rosebushThe prison represents crime and punishment. Being presented in the opening chapter of the novel, the prison is a symbol of isolation and alienation, foreshadowing the life that Hester will lead. Unlike the gloomy prison, the rosebush lives wild with no bounds by society and it makes a sharp contrast against the cruel Puritan law. Hawthorne describes the prison as a black flower of civilized society. While Hester lives in the prison of alienation, Dimmesdale lives in the prison of his unconfessed guilt, and Chillingworth is imprisoned by his revenge. Pearl is the only one who remains free and innocent.2.6. The Natural SceneryThe sunlight is one of the most obvious symbols of them all. At the beginning of the story, as Hester is blinking in the sunlight, which symbolizes her separation from society and isolation from the rest of the world that she is unused to sunlight. While Pearl plays in the forest, the sunlight seems to chase her no matter where she is standing. At the same time it will not cast a single glimmer of light onto Hester, until she removes her scarlet letter. It does not shine on Hester when she has the letter because the letter itself is not pure, even though everything underneath the letter has become pure through the years. Then at that point, the sun breaks through the dense trees and gazes at her. The light is a symbol of purity and truth.2.7. The ColorsRed is a color that will make people think more, therefore, the novel displays it in a variety of content. Red is the color of blood and fire, a symbol of passionate love which symbolizes life, power and enthusiasm. However, under the rule of the strict Puritanism, red symbolizes love and the source of life as social disgrace. Hester and Dimmesdale could not suppress the impulse of youth and the love for each other and eventually become sinners of God. Despite the persecution, disdained by the world, Hester did not give in. She firmly believes that a brighter time will surely come; it will be true love and happiness. Ironically, the innocent Pearl fashions a letter “A” to wear herself, but she makes it out of seaweed that is bright green, the color of life itself.III. The Effect of Using Symbolism in the bookHawthorne's symbolism in The Scarlet Letter is distinctive. This technique helps to deepen the theme of the story and fire the readers' imagination. It also reveals the true social and historical realities, describes in excellent images of a hidden spiritual world, and also show s Hawthorne’s sense of mysticism and religious views. It truly reflects the desire stored in the heart of Hawthorne and reveals the hypocrisy of the religious narrowness of humanity. Hawthorne’s rich and unique symbolic practices, makes the symbolic literary fiction an independent species in America. That is why Hawthorne iswell deserved to be regarded as the symbolic poet and The Scarlet Letter is honored with the first American simplistic novel.3.1. PolysemyA typical example is the meaning of the scarlet letter, which is a symbol of Puritan punishment, a cruel means to deal with Hester; a monument of Dimmesdale’s past crime, a stimulation of Chilliworth’s revenge.3.2. IntegritySymbolism is widely used from every incident, detail, and character to social background. It grows to be a network, which makes the entire novel connected together into an organic whole.3.3. OriginalityAccording to the traditional rhetoric of symbolism, two things that are made into symbols must be very similar or quite opposite of each other. However, symbolism in The Scarlet Letter sometimes even breaks that tradition and makes completely subjective things into symbol. The scarlet letter “A” that Hester wears, for example, is linked with a meteor which shapes like an “A”in the sky, though the two things are not related. Hawthorne wrote like this to express the true feelings of the characters.IV. ConclusionTo conclude this paper, I would like to say that symbolism shows the greatness of an author’s ability to supply meaning s to his work and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s use of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter shows his greatness to produce a novel which highly exposes the unfairness of Calvinism and the unjust treatment given to common people. These are the reasons why Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is American Literature’s most famous symbolic novel ever to be written.References1.董衡巽,《美国文学简史》(修订本),人民文学出版社,2003年1月2.佟希仁,《外国文学名著博览》,北京出版社出版,1991年12月第一版3.吴伟仁,《美国文学史及选读》(第2册),P209,外语教学与研究出版社,19904.Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (1962), the Ohio State UP5.“The Summary of the Symbolism in “The Scarlet letter”,/u/4af8ea80010006zl,2007-3-14。