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Elizabeth succeeded(继承) to the throne (君主) on the death of her father in February 1952. The royal [‘rɔiəl] (皇室的)family has also some changes during Elizabeth’s reign.
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T rooping the C olour British roya l fa m ily W indsor C a stle
constitution al m ona rchy
After the glori源自文库us revolution Britain began a constitutiona l
兵仪式是专为英国君主官方庆生举行的分列式阅 兵仪式 )
British roya l fa m ily
British royal family
The symbol of the British royal family
Elizabeth II
E liz a be th
Elizabeth II ,full name Elizabeth Alexandra Mary(1926-),queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(1952-). Elizabeth II married Prince Philip in 1947,and gave birth to 3 sons and a II daughter.
The Glorious Revolution(光荣革命) in Britain created a constitutional monarchy(君主立宪) which aimed at limiting the arbitrary(专断的) actions and increasing the power of Parliament (议会,国会).
Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton
W indsor C a stle
Windsor Castle, located in city of Windsor in southern England, is the principal residence (主要府邸) of the Britain royal family.
Prince Philip was born on June 10,1921,on the Greek island of Corfu( 科孚岛).
Philip m arried the then Princess Elizabeth in 1947.
He used to be the Prince of Greece and Denmark.In 1 9 4 7 ,he engaged to Princess Elizabeth and he gave up his claim to throne.
H R H P rince W illia m of W a le s
P rince W illia m a nd Ka te M iddle ton m e t in 2001. T he ir e nga ge m e nt on 20 O ctobe r 2010 wa s a nnounce d on 16 N ove m be r 2010. T he build -up to the we dding a nd the occa sion itse lf a ttra cte d m uch m e dia a tte ntion , be ing com pa re d in m a ny w a ys with the 1981 m a rria ge of W illia m 's pa re nts .
In Britain, the Queen is the head of state(国家,政府). But she has very little power and plays no active part in politic. Her role is largely ceremonial (仪式的).
T rooping the C olour
The official birthday of the Sovereign is marked each year by a military parade and march-past, known as Trooping the Colour.(英国皇家军队阅