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Lots of classical films were born in 1994,for instance,The Shawshank Redemption,The Professional,Pulp Fiction,The Lion King and so on.All of them are extremely famous.A great deal of people still watch these films over and over again untill peted with those excellent films,Forrest Gump gain more supports and won six Academy Awards in 1994’s Oscar.

For the first time I watch Forrest Gump,I felt confused with the feather appears in the beginning and the ending of this film.What did the director want to express on heaven?After much deliberation,I thought that a piece of feater just like a life comes to this world."I don't know if we have a destiny,or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze",you do not know when it will fall to the ground.Life is like this,just like Mrs Gump didn't know she would become Gump's mother at first,Gump didn't know his IQ is 75 at first and Lieutenant Dan didn't know he would lost his legs at first.

Resentment to God's injustice is a big source of human mental anguish.Faced with these injustices,who can be real open-minded?Why does Lieutenant Dan revile God with the most rude languages?Because he didn't realize that he had to admit he is a disabled at that time.Just like Gump admits that he is a fool.What should we do when we come to know that we have to face these facts one day?Mrs Gump answers,"don't ever let anybody tell you they're better than you.If God intended everybody to be the same,he'd have given us all braces on our legs".

Recalling Gump and Jenny's meetion and department,Jenny takes the initiative to leave Gump each time.Although Gump wants to try his best to protect her,she always thinks the differences between them are too big and they can not live together.Certainly,in addition to the last time in her life.There is a plot impresses me a lot.Jenny asks Gump"Were you scared in Vietnam?".Gump wants to say he was afraid sometimes at first,but he tells Jenny about some beautiful scenery in America and Vietnam.Jenny is addicted to these and says"I wish I could have been there with you."Gump holds Jenny's hands and says"You were."I don't know why dose a "fool" can say those words,whether the power of love can improve the IQ of a "fool"? Or it's just a fantastic dream made by Hollywood.Anyway,we would rather believe that not only a dream.

Some historical pictures about presidents of America inter-cut in this film.These presidents are eloquent,glorious,but they are arounded with crisis,and they are full of suspicion,lies and anxious.However,Gump still live a plain and pleasant life.Just like the lines in this film"Stupid is as stupid dose". Some people say that watching Forrest Gump will let them calm down when they are fretful.I think,if we compare different films to different plants,Forrest Gump like a mint.Even though it is not striking,it can brings people cool and refreshing.
