






【关键词】城市公交;英汉双语播报;黄山市F572 : A : 2095-2457(2019)26-0053-002DOI:10.19694/ki.issn2095-2457.2019.26.024【Abstract】Chinese public transportation system is still imperfect,and bilingual broadcasting systems are mostly used in more developed cities.By means of empirical study,this article probes into the demerits of Huangshanpublic transportation system and finds that in Huangshan the language broadcasted in current bus station sign,bus station and public transportation signs are single Chinese,which brings great inconvenience to its potential development.Thus,this article summarizes its necessity of English-Chinese bilingual broadcastingof public transportation in perspective of globalization.【Key words】City bus;English-Chinese bilingual broadcast;Huangshan0 前言城市公交服务近年来受到越来越多的关注。



基于GPS定位的公交车自动报站系统主要由GPS模块、数据处理模块、通信模 块和语音合成模块组成。
GPS模块负责获取公交车的位置信息,通过接收卫星信号来确定公交车的位置。 该模块将位置信息传递给数据处理模块进行处理。
数据处理模块接收到GPS模块的位置信息后,将位置信息与预先设定的站点位 置信息进行比对,当公交车到达设定的站点时,数据处理模块将触发自动报站 系统,通过通信模块向乘客广播站点信息。
基于传感器定位技术的公交车辆自动定位系统利用车载传感器,如雷达、激光 雷达等,对公交车辆周围环境进行感知和识别,从而实现车辆的自动定位。该 技术具有定位精度高、可靠性好等优点,但是受限于传感器成本和安装难度。
智能报站系统是一种基于计算机技术、网络通信技术等手段的自动报站系统。 与传统的人工报站相比,智能报站系统能够自动获取公交车辆的位置信息,并 在车辆到达站点时自动播报站名和到站时间等信息。根据相关研究,智能报站 系统具有提高报站准确性、节省人力资源等优点,但目前该系统的应用还相对 较少。
基于GPS定位的公交车自动报站系统是一种先进、实用的公交管理系统,可以 提高公交车的运行效率和乘客的乘车体验。该系统的应用可以减少公交车司机 的劳动强度,避免因人工报站出现的错误,提高公交车的服务质量。随着科技 的不断进步和社会的发展,基于GPS定位的公交车自动报站系统将会得到更广 泛的应用和推广。
本次演示针对公交车辆自动定位与智能报站系统进行研究,采用以下方法和技 术路线:
1、收集和分析相关文献资料,了解公交车辆自动定位和智能报站系统的研究 现状和发展趋势。
2、设计和搭建实验系统,包括公交车辆自动定位系统和智能报站系统,并对 其进行实验验证和性能评估。






















[关键词]:RFID,自动报站,多功能,实地广告播放The design and realization of the automatic broadcastingsystem for bus based on RFIDElectronic Information Engineering Specialty PENG Li - guang Abstract:In the process of informationization in China,a city’S public transportation industry becomes the measuring level and a reference point of urban civilization for informationization as an important window.The developing level of public transportation not only represents the image of a city,but also relates with everyone in the city.The Broadcasting System for Bus well embodies services and careness for passengers.At present,the Broadcasting System installed on the bus is still operated manually with push—button,which may have potential safety hazard.In order to control the speed of each bus,Public Transport Company has to send a worker to record the time when the buses in the same 1ine arrive at the station.The television installed on each bus transmits the same programmer all day,which hardly satisfies every passenger.So the cost of advertisements broadcasted on the TV can’t drop.Based on the studies on present public transportation system,the dissertation aims to design the multi—function automatic broadcasting system for bus,which technologically combines ARM with RFID.RFID is a kind of non—contact automatic identification technology: it identifies and obtains the corresponding data automatically through the RF signal.This system can not only realize the basic function of automatic broadcasting but also do attendance checking for buses’arrival time as well.At the same time,it has realized Play AD at Real—Space—-a new kind of advertising on the bus,thus enhancing the informationization level of public transportation industry,reducing management costs,satisfying most passengers favors,improving the serving and operating level of automatic broadcasting and then makes the city more beautiful.Keywords:RFID;Automatic Broadcasting:Multi—function:Play AD at Real--Space目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 论文研究背景和意义 (1)1.2 论文研究内容.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。













1 系统硬件结构系统整体硬件结构如图所示。













系统由红外线的发射模块、接收模块、 LCD12864显示模块及ISD4004语音播报模块组成目录1 引言 (3)1.1本课题研究的意义 (3)1.2 AT89C52单片机介绍 (3)2 设计要求 (4)3方案分析与论证 (4)3.1 无线收发模块的分析与论证 (4)3.2控制模块的分析与论证 (4)4 系统硬件设计 (4)4.1 系统的硬件设计 (4)4.1.1电路设计原理框图 (5)4.2 单元电路的设计和分析 (5)4.2.1 遥控收发电路 (5)4.2.2 AT89C52控制的LCD12864电路 (6)4.2.3 ISD4004语音录放电路 (9)4.2.4 本设计总原理图 (11)5 系统软件设计 (12)5.1 系统流程图 (12)5.2 程序设计 (14)6 系统测试 (15)致谢 (15)参考文献 (15)附录 (16)1 引言1.1 本课题研究的意义现今社会,公交事业关乎到大多数城市居民的出行,可公交车上的报站系统依然无法满足大家对其的要求。






The research of RFID technology and the bus stops automatically What is the RFID?RFID is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency Identification, called electronics label .RFID recognition is a non-contact automatic identification technology, RFID signal through its automatic target recognition and access to relevant data, identify work without manual intervention, it can work in various environments. RFID technology can identify high-speed moving objects and can identify multiple tags, the operation is fast and convenient.RFID is a technology which uses radio communication between tags and readers to automatically identify the locations of items. In a networked environment of RFID readers, enormous data are generated from the proliferation of RFID readers. The raw data generated from the readers cannot be directly used by the application because it consists of enormous volume of data duplication, false positive, and false negative. Thus, the RFID data repositories must cope with a number of quality issues. These data quality issues include data redundancy, false positive, and false negative. Poor data quality has adverse effects at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels of an organization. This is especially true in the healthcare field where cost pressures and the desire to improve patient care drive efforts to integrate and clean organizational data.What is the basic component of RFID?The most basic RFID system consists of three parts:Tag:Tag consists of components and chips, each Tag has only electronic coding, adhere to the object for identifiering target;Reader:read (sometimes also can write) label information equipment,it canbe designed for portable or fixed;Antenna: Transmit radio frequency signals between in the label and reader. What is the basic principle of RFID technology ?The basic principle of RFID technology is not complex: Label into the field, Receive radio frequency signals from reader collision, with all the energy stored in a chip of the product information (passive tag, there is no source label or labels ), Oractively to send a frequency signals (active tag and to label or labels );to read information and understanding of the decoder after the central information systems to carry out the relevant data processing.Basic working process of the RFID systemThe RFID system of basic workflow is: reader through the antenna send certain frequencies of RFID signals, when the RFID card to enter the antenna working area induced current, RF cards gain energy to be activated,RF cards will own coding information through the card built-in transmitting antenna send out, System receiving aerial from RF card from the carrier signal, the antenna of a regulator to the reader, the reader to receive a signal and demodulates and decodes to the system to deal with the relevant ; the main system based on logic, determine the legality of smart cards, in different settings make the appropriate treatment and control signals control and direction of movement. In the coupling between inductors and electromagnetic way , communication process (FDX, HDX, SEQ)、From RF card to the reader of data transmission of the load method (modulation, reverse scattering, high time harmonics) and frequency, from the contact method transmission a fundamental difference, but all the reader in principle, and the decision of the design structures are very similar. all the reader is a simple matter of high frequency and control unit two basic module. high frequency interface includes both transmitters and receivers, its functions include: to produce high-frequency transmit power to start and provide RF card energy. To launch signal used to send data to RF cards, Receive and demodulation of high frequency signals from RF cards. Different RFID system with some difference frequency interface design, the system frequency inductive coupling interface diagram shown.quartzoscillatormodulator output stage amplifier antband passamplifier output stage TXD RXDReaders of the control unit features include: communicate with the application software, Application software and to execute the order of radio frequencies ;control and communication from the principle of the lord;signal of the decoding. to some specific systems are the collision, the algorithm to RF card reader, and to the transfer of data encryption and decryption, as well as on radio frequencies and the reader's authentication for an additional function.The RFID system is a key and distance of the parameters. At present, the price of long-distance RFID system is very expensive, thus to improve their reading for distance of the method is very important. Influence factors of distance and RF card reader, including antenna working frequency of RF output power, reader's reception sensitivity, RF card power, antenna and the resonant circuit Q value, antenna, RF card reader and the direction of the coupling, and RF card itself of energy and send information energy etc. Most of the system of writing is read and write different, read the distance is about 40% to 80%.The application of RFID system(1)Application in healthcareLocalization of patients, staff, supplies and equipment is very important for healthcare centers to improve service, save costs, and reduce risks. Pilot projects in hospitals demonstrate that RFID localization is a valuable approach. LANDMARC, an RFID localization system (Li et al. 2004), has been applied to facilitate the management of hospitals and other organizations in case of emergency. The system operates at the frequency of 308MHz, and is composed of active tags, landmark tags, readers, and communication devices. The position of an active tag can be determined by comparing the signal strength detected and the signal strengths of landmark tags. Using this system to monitor the infectious patients can reduce the number of healthcare professionals and ensure timely response for emergency. Meanwhile, integrated business systems and services (IBSS) announced a success pilot study for using RFID technology to locate assets and personnel at a large healthcare facility in Chicago (O’Connor 2005). Emory Healthcare successfu lly deployed 2.45GHz active RFID devices to track infusion pumps and other high-value equipment to improve asset management and utilization (O’Connor 2007). Note that the last two healthcareapplications do not employ localization algorithms, instead, they estimate the object location based on the detection from a nearby sensor. The accuracy of location can be improved by integrating localization algorithms.(2)Application in construction material managementTracking the location of construction resources enables effortless progress monitoring and supports real-time sensing of construction status. Jaselskis and ElMisalami (2003) developed a prototype RFID tracking system for improving the material procurement process on a construction site. Furthermore, Song et al. (2007) developed a method to locate materials on construction sites. The method requires a eld supervisor be equipped with an RFID reader and a GPS receiver. The GPS receiver provides the absolute position information of the supervisor, while the position of the material relative to the supervisor can be determined from the multiple communications between the reader and the tag attached to the materials.The bus is automatically stops the background and significanceThe people of car out for provides convenient service, while the bus stops directly affect the quality of the service. Traditional stops by the crew artificially, and in this way because of its poor and working intensity effect is too great, in many big ci ties have been eliminated. In recent years, with the development of science and technology progress and microcomputer technology in many fields has been widely used. In the acoustic field, with various pronunciation chip microcomputer technology ,can complete combined speech synthesis technology, makes the car stops controller is realized for citizens becomes possible, and thus provide a more personalized service. In view of the traditional bus stops system deficiency, combined with the use of public transport vehicle characteristics and practical operating environment, the design of a single-chip microcomputer control bus stops system automatically.The bus stops the design of automatic device is mainly to compensate for changing the traditional voice stops device must have driver control can work backward way, pitted ,automatic station broadcasts six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide mor e humanized more perfect service.The characteristics of the system and advantageThis system greatly improve the accuracy of bus stops, and reliability.Improving the service quality of the bus system. Promote the city economic developm ent and harmonious development of traffic changes. Made up for changing thetraditional voice stops device must have driver control can work means, in the bus sto ps behind when the station broadcasts, automatic six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.The present status of intelligent city bus stopsIn the process of informationization in China, a city's public transportation industry becomes the measuring level and a reference point of urban civilization for informationization as an important window. The developing level of public transportation not only represents the image of a city, but also relates with everyone in the city. The Broadcasting System for Bus well embodies services and careness for passengers.At present, the Broadcasting System installed on the bus is still operated manually with push-button, which may have potential safety hazard. In order to control the speed of each bus, Public Transport Company has to send a worker to record the time when the buses in the same line arrive at the station. The television installed on each bus transmits the same programme all day, which hardly satisfies every passenger. So the cost of advertisements broadcasted on the TV can' t drop. Based on the studies on present public transportation system, the dissertation aims to design the multi-function automatic broadcasting system for bus, which technologically combines ARM with RFID. RFID is a kind of non-contact automatic identification technology; it identifies and obtains the corresponding data automatically through the RF signal. This system can not only realize the basic function of automatic broadcasting but also do attendance checking for buses’arrival time as well. At the same time, it has realized Play AD at Real-Space-a new kind of advertising on the bus, thus enhencing the informationization level of public transpotation industry,reducing management costs, satisfing most passangers favors, improving the serving and operating level of automatic broadcasting and then makes the city more beautiful.ConclusionRFID plays an essential role in all the subdomains of the applications inhealthcare applications. The effectiveness in cleaning the RFID data in healthcare sectors remains a concern, even though a number of literary works are available.To a maximum, the dirty data that are read may even leads to patients’ death. The errors need to be cleansed in an effective manner before they are subjected to warehousing. Current solutions to correct missed readings usually use time window filtering. A serious issue is that a single static window size cannot compensate for missed readings while capturing the dynamics of tag motion. An adaptive time window filtering cannot deal with the condition that tags are always moving.In this paper, we have proposed algorithms to clean the anomalies false positive, missed readings, and duplications. It is decided to record all the values associated with each tag event for future reference otherwise too much valid data will be lost.Finally, the management can analyze the data and filter by applying business rules based on the requirement. The proposed algorithms predict and clean the anomalies based on the integration of middleware and deferred. Our experimental result proved that our algorithms predicts and removes the anomalies in an effective manner compared to the existing works. Thus, it will pave the way for an effective means of data warehousing system that will keep the RFID data safe for future mining.RFID技术及公交自动报站的研究RFID是什么?RFID射频识别的缩写,被称为电子标签。















毕业设计 公交车智能语音播报系统设计(含中英译文 代码)

毕业设计 公交车智能语音播报系统设计(含中英译文 代码)






关键词单片机;公交车报站;语音播站;液晶显示;红外遥控AbstractThis paper introduces a kind of using infrared remote control technology, the simulation bus stops infrared control system. Adopts singlechip SCT89C52 as control core and pronunciation chip ISD1700 realize voice of storage and playback, LCD12864 on Chinese character display, design the bus stops control system, realized the bus station speech broadcast, LCD display and platform speech broadcast and LCD double function. System mainly through STC89C52 microcontroller do give priority to, updatedand infrared signal to STC89C52 microcontroller, start LCD12864 display of the station, and pronunciation module broadcasts stops. The whole system hardware design including keyboard control module, speech broadcast module, LCD module, infrared control module. Infrared control module is divided again after sending and receiving infrared infrared module.Keywords Microcontroller Bus stops system Speech broadcast station LCD display Infrared remote control目录摘要........................................................................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................................................................... II 第1章绪论 (1)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2设计要求 (1)1.3系统开发环境及主要使用 (1)STC89C52简介 (2)Keil2编程软件简介 (2)1.4论文的工作内容及论文的结构 (3)第2章方案分析与论证 (4)2.1无线接收模块的分析与论证 (4)2.2控制模块的分析和论证 (4)2.3干扰的简述与产生 (5)2.4本章小结 (7)第3章系统的硬件设计 (8)3.1系统的总体分析 (8)3.2ISD1700语音模块 (9)ISD语音模块简述 (9)ISD1700语音语模块应用及引脚说明 (9)3.3液晶模块 (13)LCD12864特性 (13)模块说明 (14)3.4红外按键控制模块 (17)按键电路的设计 (18)判键及其接口电路设计 (19)键盘的工作方式 (21)外部晶振的选用 (21)复位电路 (22)3.5硬件抗干扰技术 (23)3.6本设计总体原理图 (25)3.7系统的硬件实物图 (26)3.8本章小结 (26)第4章系统的软件设计 (27)4.1系统软件的总体设计 (27)4.2遥控模块的软件实现 (28)按键控制部分 (28)遥控发送部分 (29)遥控接收部分 (30)4.3液晶模块的软件实现 (32)4.4语音模块的软件实现 (33)4.5软件抗干扰技术 (34)4.6程序设计 (35)4.7本章小结 (35)第5章系统测试 (36)5.1系统联机前的静态调试 (36)5.2联机仿真调试 (37)5.3整体系统调试过程 (37)5.4本章小结 (38)结论 (39)致谢........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。





【关键词】GPS;自动报站;STC89C52;语音1 引言随着城市规模的不断扩大,人们生活、工作节奏的加快。








2 系统组成框图及功能简介2.1 系统组成框图2.2 功能简介①、STC89C52:系统的主控芯片,接收GPS数据并解析,控制语音播放和LCD12864的显示。




3 硬件电路图3.1全球定位系统GPS本系统中的GPS接收模块使用的是瑞士u-blox公司生产的NEO-5Q主芯片,此芯片为多功能独立型GPS模组,成本低、体积小,并具有众多特性。






















常见的单片机型号有 STM32、Arduino 等。

2、定位模块用于获取公交车的实时位置信息,常见的定位技术有 GPS 和北斗卫星定位。



存储模块可以采用闪存芯片或 SD 卡等。




显示模块可以采用液晶显示屏或 LED 显示屏。







The bus stops system automatically1、The bus is automatically stops the background and significanceThe people of car out for provides convenient service, while the bus stops directly affect the quality of the service. Traditional stops by the crew artificially, and in this way because of its poor and working intensity effect is too great, in many big cities have been eliminated. In recent years, with the development of science and technology progress and microcomputer technology in many fields has been widely used. In the acoustic field, with various pronunciation chip microcomputer technology, can complete combined speech synthesis technology, makes the car stops controller is realized for citizens becomes possible, and thus provide a more personalized service. In view of the traditional bus stops system deficiency, combined with the use of public transport vehicle characteristics and practical operating environment, the design of a single-chip microcomputer control bus stops system automatically. The bus stops the design of automatic device is mainly to compensate for changing the traditional voice stops device must have driver control can work backward way, pitted, automatic station broadcasts six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.2. The system design of each componentThis system is designed hardware circuit design part: use AT89C51 as controller, through ISD4004 pronunciation chip establish speech, forming a variety of information and use the voice messages broadcast speech information and tips amplifier, and using speech, LED digital display for standing count. When the bus arrived at one site, use the keyboard control the system work, through the yukon voice circuits output speech information and tips, stood in several information LED digital tube display. The whole system hardware design including keyboard circuit and reset circuit, display driver circuit, display circuit, memory expansion circuit module. In order to realize the bus stops, namely in speech automatic six-foot-tall; and when voice prompt information and automatic reporting service term, while utilizing of LED dot matrix circuit Chinese displaying. This design is required to exploit the AT89C51 as the master control circuit design of chips, auxiliary circuit requirements including voice circuits, Chinese dot matrix display circuit, the power supply circuit, etc. The CPU control and control signals, pronunciation chip, output indicator light component. The bus station is automatically stops the car wheel design, to count the pulse Angle, will count value compared with preset value, can determine moments, attain the precise automatically stops the purpose. USES AT89C51 as main control chip, combining to foreign pulse count ISD4004 output voice pronunciation chip. System consists of pulse detection, pulse count, CPU control and control signals, pronunciation chip, output indicator light component.About AT89C51 chip: A T89C51 it mainly consists of for the following parts: 1 eight central processing unit (CPU), piece you in memory, the pieces (Flash RAM, 4 of 8 bits two-way addressable I/O port, 1 full-duplex UART (general asynchronous receiver transmitter) serial interface, 2 16 timer/counters, multiple priority nested interrupt structure, and a piece inside oscillator and clock circuit. In AT89C51 structure, the most striking characteristics of internal contains Flash memory is, while in other aspects of the structure of the Intel corporation, the and the structure of the 8051 no much difference.Main performance:1. With MCS - 51 compatible2. 4K bytes programmable flashing memory Life expectancy: 1000 times to write/wipe cycle Data retention time: 10 years3. All the static job: 0Hz - 24Hz4. Tertiary program memory lock5. 128 * 8 bits inside6. 32 programmable I/O lines7. Two 16 timers, counter8. Five interrupt source9. Programmable serial channels10. Slice clock circuit oscillator and withinThe design of pulse detection circuit:The design of the key is that the rotor turn lap count, considering the vehicles will be running in a complex environment, and the hall componets are resistant to vibrate, afraid of dust, grease, water vapor and salt fog the advantages of the pollution or corrosion, so adopt reliable hall element DN6848 as signal acquisition device, again by photoelectric couplers 4N25 input to microcontroller. Photoelectric coupler current transmission 10% ~ 25%, than for less than 10us response time.About speech output circuit designThis series of chip required by the microprocessor or micro controller series through serial peripheral interfaces and serial interface addressing and control. The recording data is stored method of multistage storage is through ISD patent technology implementation, with sound and audio signals directly in the natural form of solid state memory, thus providing high quality replay the fidelity of speech.ISD4004 voice recording devices for 6.4 kHZ sampling frequency, time and recording a single chip 8 points, 10 points, 12 points, 16 points several, and its use of built-in FLASH memory cost nonvolatile CaXie memory, this fast data, and it is not lost power save data department needs power consumption. The typical stored information can save time up to 100 years, the same storage unit can be repeated be recorded 10 million times.IAD4004 chip audio output pin can drive a five thousand uefa load, when device after power up, change the power output pins for 1.2 v. to this design of chosen amplifier is LM386 is for low voltage application design audio amplifier, the working voltage of 6V, maximum distortion degree of 0.2, power frequency response to 20 ~ 100 KHZAbout LED display output design:This circuit USES 16 * 256 destem to display 16 16 * 16 Chinese characters, using the video memory U14 to deposit the characters bitmap information. Screen points page 32, each page 16 line 8 column LED by constitute the light emitting diode, destem with a four - 16 decoder 74LS154 decode, will address A0 - A3 decode formed by two do signal, 4-16 decoder 74LS154 form a 5-32 decoder, carries on the page decode, will address A4 - A8 decode form page, choose communication, respectively, to choose a 74LS244 general 74LS244 data through this system to a page in a line of eight leds into display information.3. The characteristics of the system and advantageThis system greatly improve the accuracy of bus stops, and reliability. Improving the service quality of the bus system. Promote the city economic development and harmonious development of traffic changes. Made up for changing the traditional voice stops device must have drivercontrol can work means, in the bus stops behind when the station broadcasts, automatic six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.公交车自动报站系统1.公交车自动报站器的背景及意义共汽车为外出的人们提供了方便快捷的服务,而公共汽车的报站直接影响服务的质量。

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关于AT89C51芯片:AT89C51单片机它主要由下面几个部分组成:1个8位中央处理单元你(CPU)、片内Flash存储器,片内RAM、4个8位的双向可寻址I/O口、1个全双工UART (通用异步接收发送器)的串行接口、2个16位的定时器/计数器、多个优先级的嵌套中断结构,以及一个片内振荡器和时钟电路。


主要性能:1. 与MCS-51兼容2. 4K字节可编程闪烁存储器寿命:1000次写/擦循环数据保留时间:10年3. 全静态工作:0Hz-24Hz4. 三级程序存储器锁定5. 128*8位内部6. 32可编程I/O线7. 两个16位定时器、计数器8. 5个中断源9. 可编程串行通道10. 片内振荡器和时钟电路关于脉冲检测电路的设计:本设计的关键是对转轴所转过的圈数进行计数,考虑到车辆将在复杂的环境中运行,而霍尔元件具有耐震动,不怕灰尘、油污、水汽及盐雾等的污染或腐蚀的优点,故采用可靠的霍尔元件DN6848作为信号采集装置,再经过光电耦合器4N25输入给单片机。






IAD4004芯片的音频输出引脚可以驱动一个5千欧的负载,当器件上电后,改引脚输出的电源为1.2v.本设计中选用的放大器是LM386是为低电压应用设计的音频功率放大器,其工作电压为6V,最大失真度为0.2,功率频响为20~100KHZ 关于LED显示输出设计:本电路采用16*256的LED点阵显示屏来显示16个16*16的汉字,采用显存U14来存放汉字点阵信息。






The bus stops system automatically 1. The bus is automatically stops the background and significanceThe people of car out for provides convenient service, while the bus stops directly affect the quality of the service. Traditional stops by the crew artificially, and in this way because of its poor and working intensity effect is too great, in many big cities have been eliminated. In recent years, with the development of science and technology progress and microcomputer technology in many fields has been widely used. In the acoustic field, with various pronunciation chip microcomputer technology, can complete combined speech synthesis technology, makes the car stops controller is realized for citizens becomes possible, and thus provide a more personalized service. In view of the traditional bus stops system deficiency, combined with the use of public transport vehicle characteristics and practical operating environment, the design of a single-chip microcomputer control bus stops system automatically.The bus stops the design of automatic device is mainly to compensate for changing the traditional voice stops device must have driver control can work backward way, pitted, automatic station broadcasts six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.2. The system design of each componentThis system is designed hardware circuit design part: use AT89C51 as controller, through ISD4004 pronunciation chip establish speech, forming a variety of information and use the voice messages broadcast speech information and tips amplifier, and using speech, LED digital display for standing count. When the bus arrived at one site, use the keyboard control the system work, through the yukon voice circuits output speech information and tips, stood in several information LED digital tube display. The whole system hardware design including keyboard circuit and reset circuit, display driver circuit, display circuit, memory expansion circuit module.In order to realize the bus stops, namely in speech automatic six-foot-tall; and when voice prompt information and automatic reporting service term, while utilizing of LED dot matrix circuit Chinese displaying. This design is required to exploit the AT89C51 as the master control circuit design of chips, auxiliary circuit requirements including voice circuits, Chinese dot matrix display circuit, the power supply circuit, etc. The CPU control and control signals, pronunciation chip, output indicator light component. The bus station is automatically stops the car wheel design, to count the pulse Angle, will count value compared with preset value, can determine moments, attain the precise automatically stops the purpose. USES AT89C51 as main control chip, combining to foreign pulse count ISD4004 output voice pronunciation chip. System consists of pulse detection, pulse count, CPU control and control signals, pronunciation chip, output indicator light component.About AT89C51 chip:AT89C51 it mainly consists of for the following parts: 1 eight central processing unit (CPU), piece you in memory, the pieces (Flash RAM, 4 of 8 bits two-way addressable I/O port, 1 full-duplex UART (general asynchronous receiver transmitter) serial interface, 2 16 timer/counters, multiple priority nested interrupt structure, and a piece inside oscillator and clock circuit. In AT89C51 structure, the most striking characteristics of internal contains Flash memory is, while in other aspects of the structure of the Intel corporation, the and the structure of the 8051 no much difference.Main performance:1. With MCS - 51 compatible2. 4K bytes programmable flashing memoryLife expectancy: 1000 times to write/wipe cycleData retention time: 10 years3. All the static job: 0Hz - 24Hz4. Tertiary program memory lock5. 128 * 8 bits inside6. 32 programmable I/O lines7. Two 16 timers, counter8. Five interrupt source9. Programmable serial channels10. Slice clock circuit oscillator and withinThe design of pulse detection circuit:The design of the key is that the rotor turn lap count, considering the vehicles will be running in a complex environment, and the hall componets are resistant to vibrate, afraid of dust, grease, water vapor and salt fog the advantages of the pollution or corrosion, so adopt reliable hall element DN6848 as signal acquisition device, again by photoelectric couplers 4N25 input to microcontroller. Photoelectric coupler current transmission 10% ~ 25%, than for less than 10us response time.About speech output circuit designThis series of chip required by the microprocessor or micro controller series through serial peripheral interfaces and serial interface addressing and control. The recording data is stored method of multistage storage is through ISD patent technology implementation, with sound and audio signals directly in the natural form of solid state memory, thus providing high quality replay the fidelity of speech.ISD4004 voice recording devices for 6.4 kHZ sampling frequency, time and recording a single chip 8 points, 10 points, 12 points, 16 points several, and its use of built-in FLASH memory cost nonvolatile CaXie memory, this fast data, and it is not lost power save data department needs power consumption. The typical stored information can save time up to 100 years, the same storage unit can be repeated be recorded 10 million times.IAD4004 chip audio output pin can drive a five thousand uefa load, when device after power up, change the power output pins for 1.2 v. to this design of chosen amplifier is LM386 is for low voltage application design audio amplifier, the working voltage of 6V, maximum distortion degree of 0.2, power frequency response to 20 ~ 100 KHZAbout LED display output design:This circuit USES 16 * 256 destem to display 16 16 * 16 Chinese characters, using the video memory U14 to deposit the characters bitmap information. Screen points page 32, each page 16 line 8 column LED by constitute the light emitting diode, destem with a four - 16 decoder 74LS154 decode, will address A0 - A3 decode formed by two do signal, 4-16 decoder 74LS154 form a 5-32 decoder, carries on the page decode, will address A4 - A8 decode form page, choose communication, respectively, to choose a 74LS244 general 74LS244 data through this system to a page in a line of eight leds into display information.3. The characteristics of the system and advantageThis system greatly improve the accuracy of bus stops, and reliability. Improving the service quality of the bus system. Promote the city economic development and harmonious development of traffic changes. Made up for changing the traditional voice stops device must have driver control can work means, in the bus stops behind when the station broadcasts, automatic six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.。
