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1、辣子鸡丁,Sauté pork cubes with chili or hot pepper

2、榨菜肉丝,Shredded pork and hot pickled mustard greens

3、扁豆肉丝,Shredded pork and French beans

4、青椒肉丝,Shredded pork and green pepper

5、鸭翅膀,Duck wing tips

6、豌豆黄,Pea puree cake

7、馅饼,Pancake with meat fillings or meat-filled pancake

8、汤面,Noodles with soup or soup noodles

9、青豆鸡丁汤,Soup of chicken cubes with green peas wow gold

10、三鲜汤,Three–fresh soup或soup of three delicacies

11、清汤鱼肚,Consommé(Clear soup) of fish maw

12、冬瓜汤,Consommé(Clear soup) of white gourd

13、西红柿鸡蛋汤,Tomato and egg soup

14、肉丝海带汤,Soup of shredded meat with kelps wow gold

15、素鸡汤,Clear chicken soup

16、白菜汤,Chinese cabbage soup

17、肉片汤,Sliced pork soup

18、榨菜肉丝汤,Soup with shredded pork and hot pickled mustard greens

19、丸子汤,Meat-ball soup

20、酸辣汤,Hot and sour soup

21、黄瓜鸡片汤,Soup of cucumber with chicken slices

22、豆汁,Fermented sour milk made from ground mung bean wow gold

23、冬菇猪蹄,Pig’s trotter with mushrooms

24、肉蓉青豆,Fried green peas with minced pork

25、咖喱牛肉片,Sliced beef in curry sauce

26、蚝油牛肉片,Sauté beef slices in oyster sauce

27、葱头牛肉丝,Shredded beef with onions

28、咖喱鸡,Chicken in curry sauce

29、桃仁鸡丁,Sauté chicken cubes with walnuts

30、南荠鸡片,Sauté chicken slices with water chestnuts

31、栗子鸡,Stewed chicken with chestnuts

32、茶叶蛋,Boiled eggs with tea-leafs

33、番茄大虾,Prawns with tomato sauce

34、茄汁虾球,Fried prawn balls with tomato sauce

35、蟹肉鱼肚,Stewed fish maw with crab meat wow gold

36、豆浆,Soya bean milk

37、豆腐乳(腐乳,酱豆腐),Fermented bean curd

38、豆腐,汉语拼音doufu, 或bean curd

39、冬菇菜心,Cabbage heart with mushrooms

40、冬菇油菜,Sauté rape with mushrooms


1、叉烧肉,Grilled pork

2、回锅肉,Twiced-cooked pork slices in hot sauce 或boiled and fried pork slices

3、炒杂碎,Chop suey,海外华人餐馆里一直这样用,已经被正式编入美国《韦伯斯特新世界大学词典》(Webster’s new world college dictionary)

4、清汤燕窝,Consommé of swallow nest

5、清汤银耳,Consommé of white fungus

6、清汤银耳鹌鹑蛋,Consommé of white fungus with quail eggs

7、清汤鲍鱼,Consommé of abalone

8、拔丝苹果,Crisp(rock) sugar-coated apple or toffee apple

9、拔丝香蕉,Crisp(rock) sugar-coated banana or toffee banana

10、炒面条,Fried noodles

11、烧饼,Baked cake in griddle

12、核桃酪,Walnut tea

13、杏仁豆腐,Almond curd, almond junket

14、银耳羹,Broth of white fungus

15、中国发糕(山西蒸馍),Steamed Chinese sponge cake

16、凉拌粉皮(丝),Cold sheet jelly (made of bean or potato starch) (vermicelli)with mustard and meat shreds

17、鸡油冬笋(扁豆),Sauté bamboo shoots (French beans)in chicken oil

18、油焖鲜蘑,Braised fresh mushrooms

19、鸡蛋炒韭菜,Sauté eggs with leek

20、茶叶蛋,Boiled eggs with tea-leafs

21、白斩鸡,Boiled -sliced cold chicken

22、芥末拌鸭掌,Cold duck webs mixed with mustard

23、冬笋炒肉丝,Sauté shredded pork with bamboo shoots

24、米粉蒸肉,Steamed pork with rice flour

25、炒里脊丝,Sauté pork fillet shreds

26、酱爆肉(鸡)丁,Sauté pork(chicken)cubes with soya paste

27、炒腰花,Sauté pork kidney

28、熘肝尖,Quick-fried liver

29、醋熘(辣)白菜,Starch-coated quick-fried Chinese cabbage with vinegar(hot pepper) wow gold

30、干炸丸子,Deep-fried meat balls

31、红烧肘子,Braised(or red stewed) pork leg(upper part of pork leg) in brown sauce,

32、软炸里脊,Soft-fried pork fillet

33、油熘里脊,Sauté fillet with white sauce

34、瓤冬瓜,Stuffed-steamed white gourd

35、红烧扣肉,Braised sliced pork in brown sauce

36、红烧羊肉,Braised mutton in brown sauce

37、葱爆羊肉,Stir-fried mutton slices with Chinese onion or green scallion

38、烤羊肉串,Mutton shashlik

39、炸鸡卷,Fried chicken rolls
