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1. He was {startled} by the sound of the back door opening in the dead of night.

2. There is nothing serious about the damage; it is a {mere} scratch (划痕) on the door of the car.

3. Mom was singing a lullaby to my baby sister while rocking the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards {motion}.

4.Tense and hot, we were really {sweating} as we waited for them

5. He sat leaning against the back of the seat with his legs {stretched out} straight in front of him.

6. She's one of those habitually {vain} people who keep glancing at themselves in the mirror when they think no one's looking.

7. Mike is an extremely careless man. {On one occasion}, it was not until he got to an ATM that it occurred to him he had left his card at home.

8. Young children often feel a lot of {anxiety} about their first day at school.

9. Stan tends to be driven by his {emotions} — he rarely considers the consequences of his actions.

10. She ought to be thoroughly {ashamed of} herself for talking to her guests in such a rude way.

11. {In my mind's eye}, she remains a little girl of six although she's actually

a grown woman now.

12. He had tried to put the unpleasant scene out of his mind, but it kept on {recurring} to him, especially in dreams.


1. 是工人和主管人员的创造力和敬业精神将这个公司变成了一个盈利的企业。(it is ... that, dedication)

{It is the creativity and dedication of the workers that turned the company into a profitable business.}

2. 食品和医药的价格在过去三个月里急剧增长。(soar)

{The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.}

3. 我们打算重新粉刷这幢办公大楼的上面几层楼。(upper)

{We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.}

4. 他的成功表明流行与艺术价值有时候是一致的。(coincide)

{His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.}

5. 我不愿意看见我所敬爱的祖母躺在医院床上痛苦地呻吟。(groan)

{I don't want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.}



With all the media attention and sponsorship possibilities, Michael's life would never be the same again. It wasn't just because he won the National Junior Olympics and set a new world record. And it wasn't because he had just increased his personal best by 9? inches. It was simply because Michael Stone is blind.




1. Students from countries such as China, which has a drastically different culture and language from the US, have to absorb a great deal of {cultural/culture} shock when they first arrive.

2. Persistent (持续的) headache can be a(n) {indication} of a serious problem, so do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

3. A {miniature} garden takes little space but adds much beauty to the landscape.

4. It is more than a little {ironic} that some insurance companies can't even ensure their own survival.

5. This former chemistry student {stumble into} the baking business when he took

a part-time jo

b at a bakery and learned the art of bread making in the summer time.

6. I'll buy whichever {decent} car model that comes first for a good price.

7. Help! A bee is {buzzing} in my ear!

8.Some experts say the {abnormal} weather recently experienced

by China was caused by El Nino.

9. The spokesperson read the statement by the White House in a dry {mechanical} tone.
