



口腔托槽用 ZTA陶瓷材料的凝胶注模成型工艺的研究由于氧化铝陶瓷材料具有脆性比较大,易断裂的弱点,使其优良的性能得不到充分的发挥,为口腔医师和患者带来了不必要的麻烦。








正交试验设计试验号CMC(g)APS(g)AA(ml)Al2O3+ZrO2(g)10.80.87100+30 20.817.5105+31.5 30.8 1.28110+33 40.850.87.5110+33 50.8518100+30 60.85 1.27105+31.5 70.90.88105+31.580.917110+33 90.9 1.27.5100+30将不同配比的Al2O3、ZrO2粉体、CMC、AA、APS经球磨机高速球磨,充分混合,注模,干燥固化成型,烧结,得到牙齿托槽用ZTA陶瓷材料。





关键词:凝胶注模;研究现状;问题与展望Study on the gel-castingXIA Pei(Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramics and Machining Technology, Ministry of Education, college of Material Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin300072, Tianjin, China)Abstract: Gel-casting process is an advanced manufacturing technology for ceramic forming, which is superior to the traditional one, and has provided an effective approach to prepare high performance net size ceramics with complicated shapes. The principles,procedures,forming system and character of gel-casting are simply discussed in this paper, moreover, the present research process,problems as well as applications are also included. Finally, the tendency of this technology is forecasted in a dialectical way.Key words: gel-casting; present research; problems and prospects1.引言随着当代科学技术的发展,国防、工业等技术领域对结构材料的要求越来越高,耐高温、耐腐蚀、高硬度和综合力学性能好的结构材料的开发和研究已经变得十分重要。


▪ 练泥机转速:练泥时因螺杆转速太快而引起高的剪切力会导致喂料中陶瓷 粉末对挤出机料筒的磨损而引入杂质,转速太慢则不能产生适当的剪切力 而造成粘结剂粘度太低,使得混炼均匀变得很困难,从而引发后续的缺陷。 故需要将转速同喂料匹配,使喂料在粘度适当的条件下进行混炼。
▪ 练泥时间:时间过短则练泥混合效果不好,时间过长则练泥混合效率不高
1) 粉末应专门配制,以求高的极限填充密度和低的成本; 2) 2) 粉末不结块团聚; 3) 3) 粉末外形主要为球形; 4) 4) 粉末间有足够的摩擦力以避开粘结剂脱出后坯件变
形或塌陷,在大多数情况下,自然坡度角应大于55°; 5) 5) 为利于快速烧结,应具有小的平均粒度,一般要
求小于1μm; 6) 6) 粉末本身致密,无内孔隙; 7) 7) 粉末的表面清洁,不会与粘结剂发生化学反应。
▪ 可塑化机构(注射机构) ▪ 合模机构(包括模具) ▪ 油压机构 ▪ 电气掌握机构
▪ 在注射成型过程中缺陷的掌握基本可从两个方面考 虑:一方面是成型温度、压力和时间三者关系设定; 另一方面是填充时喂料在模腔中的流淌。由于CIM 产品大多数是外形简洁、精度要求高的小尺寸零件, 混料在模腔的流淌就牵涉到模具设计问题,包括进 料口位置、流道的长度、排气孔的位置等,都需对 混料流淌性质、模腔内温度和残余应力分布等参数 有清楚了解。现行计算机充模过程动态模拟,正为 注射成型这一步供应理论指导。
▪ 孔洞,指在生坯的横截面上可以发现的孔隙。 有的是一个近圆形的小孔,有的就进展为几 乎贯穿生坯坯体的中心通孔,这是常见的缺 陷.





凝胶注模成型(Gel Casting)是制备Sialon陶瓷的重要方法之一。









二、凝胶注模成型制备方法凝胶注模成型(Gel Casting)技术是一种非常有效的制备复杂形状Ceramic Matrix Composites(CMCs)的方法。








氧化锆陶瓷制作工艺流程英文回答:The process of manufacturing zirconia ceramics involves several steps. First, zirconia powder is prepared bymilling zirconium oxide and stabilizers such as yttrium oxide or magnesium oxide. This powder is then mixed with binders and additives to form a slurry.Next, the slurry is shaped into the desired form using various techniques such as slip casting, injection molding, or pressing. Slip casting involves pouring the slurry into a mold and allowing it to solidify. Injection molding uses a machine to inject the slurry into a mold under high pressure. Pressing involves compressing the slurry into a mold using a hydraulic press.Once the green body is formed, it undergoes a drying process to remove the moisture from the ceramic. This can be done by air drying or using a kiln. After drying, thegreen body is ready for sintering.Sintering is the key step in the manufacturing process. The green body is heated to a high temperature, typically around 1500-1600°C, in a controlled atmosphere. Thi s causes the zirconia particles to bond together and form a dense ceramic structure. The sintering process also helps to eliminate any remaining binders and additives.After sintering, the zirconia ceramic may undergo additional processing steps such as polishing or machining to achieve the desired shape and surface finish. Finally, the ceramic is inspected for quality and any defects or imperfections are addressed.中文回答:制作氧化锆陶瓷的工艺流程包括几个步骤。




下面是一种氧化锆陶瓷的注射成型制备方法,包括以下50条步骤,并附有详细描述:1. 准备原料:氧化锆陶瓷的主要成分是氧化锆粉末,需要准备高纯度的氧化锆粉末材料。

2. 通过研磨和筛分处理氧化锆粉末,以确保粒径均一。

3. 往氧化锆粉末中添加适量的有机增塑剂,以增加其可塑性和流动性。

4. 在加入增塑剂的氧化锆粉末中加入一定量的有机溶剂,使用超声或机械搅拌的方法将其混合均匀,形成可注射的糊状物料。

5. 放置混合后的糊状物料静置,以使其中的泡沫自行消除,提高糊状物料的流动性。

6. 将糊状物料装入注射机的料筒中。

7. 在注射机的注射头中装配适当的模具,以便注射成型时可以形成所需形状的陶瓷产品。

8. 将注射机的料筒与模具连接,确保糊状物料能够流入模具中。

9. 启动注射机,并调整注射速度和注射压力,以确保糊状物料能够均匀地填充整个模具。

10. 注射完成后,等待糊状物料在模具中发生固化反应。

11. 取出固化后的陶瓷产品,可选择进行表面处理和调整尺寸。

12. 将固化后的陶瓷产品进行烘烤,以去除其中的有机成分。

13. 烘烤完成后,将陶瓷产品进行烧结处理,以提高其密度和力学性能。

14. 根据需要,可以进行陶瓷产品的磨削、抛光和涂层处理,以提高其表面光滑度和耐磨性。

15. 进一步测试和检验陶瓷产品的物理和化学性能,以确保其符合设计要求。

16. 针对不合格的陶瓷产品,可以选择进行返工或重新制备。

17. 对合格的陶瓷产品进行包装和储存,以便运输和使用。

18. 根据需要,可以进行陶瓷产品的装配和组装,以形成成品。

19. 在注射成型过程中,可以添加一定量的增塑剂,以提高糊状物料的可塑性和流动性。

20. 同样,也可以加入适量的抗结团剂,以防止糊状物料在注射成型过程中过度固化和凝胶化。

21. 注射成型的糊状物料常常需要在一定的温度范围内进行处理,以保持其流动性和可塑性。





关键词:凝胶注模成型;Sialon;研究与进展1 前言Sialon陶瓷是一种在1970年代初发现的Si-Al-O-N四元结构材料[1、2],分子式为Si6-zAlzOzN8-z,因其优异的耐磨性、耐热冲击性、硬度、强度、韧性、耐热性和化学稳定性而广泛用于交通运输、冶金、航空航天、化工机械和医药领域。




























根据不同的制备方法,可以将凝胶注模成型技术应用于Sialon 陶瓷的制备。




例如,在1000°C下,使用凝胶注模成型技术制备的Sialon陶瓷的抗折强度可以达到580 MPa以上,而传统制备方法制备的Sialon陶瓷则仅为340 MPa左右。



凝胶注模成型工艺流程英文回答:Gel injection molding is a manufacturing process that involves injecting a liquid gel material into a mold cavity, allowing it to solidify and take the shape of the mold.This process is commonly used for producing various products, such as medical devices, automotive components, and consumer goods.The gel material used in this process is typically atwo-component system consisting of a base material and a curing agent. These two components are mixed together in a controlled ratio to initiate the curing process. Themixture is then injected into the mold cavity under high pressure.Once the gel material is injected into the mold, it undergoes a curing process, which can be either thermal or chemical. In thermal curing, the mold is heated to aspecific temperature, which accelerates the curing reaction. In chemical curing, a catalyst is added to the gel material to initiate the curing process.After the gel material has solidified and taken the shape of the mold, the mold is opened, and the molded partis ejected. The part may undergo additional post-processing steps, such as trimming, polishing, or surface treatment,to achieve the desired final product.Gel injection molding offers several advantages over other molding processes. Firstly, it allows for the production of complex shapes and intricate details withhigh precision. The gel material can flow easily into thin and narrow sections of the mold, resulting in parts with excellent dimensional accuracy.Additionally, gel injection molding enables the production of parts with unique properties, such as softness, flexibility, and transparency. By adjusting the composition of the gel material, manufacturers can tailor the mechanical and physical properties of the molded partsto meet specific requirements.中文回答:凝胶注模成型是一种制造工艺,涉及将液体凝胶材料注入模具腔中,使其凝固并成型。








【关键词】凝胶注模成型,Sialon陶瓷,研究进展,技术简介,材料特性分析,工艺优势,研究方法,研究成果,研究展望1. 引言1.1 凝胶注模成型制备Sialon陶瓷的研究进展凝胶注模成型(Gelcasting)是一种先进的陶瓷成型技术,通过在溶胶凝胶体系中添加陶瓷粉末和适量的增塑剂、分散剂等,形成可流动的陶瓷浆料,再在模具中固化成形,最终得到具有高密度和复杂形状的陶瓷制品。







2. 正文2.1 凝胶注模成型技术简介凝胶注模成型技术是一种将悬浮在溶剂中的陶瓷粉料注入模具,并通过冷凝或凝胶化使其固化成形的方法。



注凝成型制备氧化锆陶瓷工艺设计文档下载说明Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document 注凝成型制备氧化锆陶瓷工艺设计can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! In addition, this shop provides you with various types of practical materials, such as educational essays, diary appreciation, sentence excerpts, ancient poems, classic articles, topic composition, work summary, word parsing, copy excerpts, other materials and so on, want to knowdifferent data formats and writing methods, please pay attention!氧化锆陶瓷是一种在高温下具有优异性能的陶瓷材料,常用于制备高温工具、陶瓷零件等。



1. 原料选择。







1. 生物源材料制备:首先准备氧化锆粉末,可以选择不同的合成方法,如溶胶-凝胶法、水热法等。


2. 注模模具设计制作:根据所需的微珠尺寸和形状,设计并制作合适的注模模具。


3. 凝胶注模成型工艺参数优化:在进行凝胶注模成型过程中,需要优化一系列工艺参数,如注模温度、注模压力、注胶速度等。


4. 烧结过程优化:完成凝胶注模成型后,需要进行烧结过程。


5. 表面处理:为了提高氧化锆陶瓷微珠的表面光洁度和稳定性,可以进行表面处理。





+ 有机 单体
+ 交联

无机粉体+分散剂 预混液
研磨 混合
料浆 催化剂+引发剂
★ 凝胶注膜成型工艺的基本原理
Gelcasting工艺的基本原理是在低粘度高 固相含量的料浆中加入有机单体,在催化剂和 引发剂的作用下,使料浆中的有机单体交联聚 合成三维网状结构,从而使料浆原位固化成型。 然后再进行脱模、干燥、去除有机物、烧结, 即可得到所需的陶瓷零件。
近年Gelcasting已经用生产各种陶瓷制品,从单 一组分到复合组分,从简单的片状、管状、到复杂的 叶片、齿轮、涡轮转子,从结构陶瓷到功能陶瓷。
今后,该工艺的应用还应进一步拓展,从非金属 粉末要逐步推广到金属领域,其尺寸范围要进一步扩 大,目前主要应用于微米级颗粒成型和较粗的耐火材 料成型,纳米颗粒的应用相对较少,细、密、匀、纯 是性能优良材料的必要条件,因此研究纳米级颗粒注
★ 凝胶注膜成型工艺的发பைடு நூலகம்趋势
凝胶注模成型工艺自问世以来,得到了迅猛发 展,其应用前景极为广阔,值得进一步研究开发,其 今后的发展方向主要有以下几个方面。 ① 应用领域的拓展 ② 环境友好型凝胶体系的开发 ③ 合理的凝胶固化方法的研究 ④ 与激光选区烧结成型技术联用 ⑤ 热可逆凝胶注模成型的发展
★ 凝胶注膜成型工艺简介 ★ 凝胶注膜成型工艺特点 ★ 凝胶注膜成型工艺流程图 ★ 凝胶注膜成型工艺的基本原理 ★ 凝胶注膜成型工艺的发展趋势 ★ 参考文献
★ 凝胶注膜成型工艺简介







Sialon陶瓷具有以下特点:1. 高硬度:Sialon陶瓷的硬度高于普通金属材料,具有优异的耐磨性能。

2. 良好的耐热性:Sialon陶瓷能够在高温环境下保持较好的物理和化学性能。

3. 耐腐蚀性:Sialon陶瓷能够在酸碱等恶劣环境中保持稳定,不易受腐蚀。

4. 机械性能优异:Sialon陶瓷具有良好的抗拉强度和弹性模量,具有较高的机械稳定性。

二、凝胶注模成型技术凝胶注模成型是一种制备复杂形状陶瓷制品的先进成型技术,其主要步骤包括:1. 凝胶制备:通过将适量的陶瓷粉末与有机物混合,并在特定条件下形成凝胶。

2. 模具设计:设计复杂形状的模具结构,以满足产品的几何要求。

3. 注浆成型:将凝胶注入模具中,使得凝胶在模具中充分充填。

4. 脱脱模:将充填好的凝胶模具进行脱模,得到所需的绿态陶瓷制品。

5. 烧结处理:对绿态陶瓷进行高温烧结处理,使其得到致密的陶瓷制品。


三、凝胶注模成型制备Sialon陶瓷的研究进展1. 凝胶制备工艺凝胶注模成型制备Sialon陶瓷的关键是凝胶的制备工艺。


陶瓷成型工艺 英语

陶瓷成型工艺 英语

陶瓷成型工艺在英语中通常被称为Ceramic forming processes 或Ceramic shaping techniques。

1. 压制(Pressing):在固体粉末中施加高压力以形成所需形状。

2. 注射成型(Injection Molding):将陶瓷浆料注入模具中,通过压力使其充满模具并形成所需形状。

3. 挤出(Extrusion):将陶瓷浆料通过模具挤出,形成连续的截面。

4. 滚压(Roller Compaction):通过在陶瓷粉末上施加辊子的压力,使其在模具中形成所需形状。

5. 粘土成型(Clay Forming):使用湿陶瓷粘土,在模具或手工塑造的过程中形成所需形状。

6. 烧结(Sintering):将成型好的陶瓷件置于高温下,使其颗粒结合并形成固体。

7. 热等静压(Hot Isostatic Pressing):在高压和高温环境下对陶瓷进行均匀压实和烧结。

8. 凝胶注模(Gel Casting):将悬浮在溶胶中的陶瓷颗粒注入模具中,通过凝胶状态的溶胶固化形成所需形状。

9. 胶结(Bonding):使用陶瓷粉末或陶瓷涂层将两个

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硅酸盐学报· 1620 ·2008年部分稳定氧化锆陶瓷的凝胶注模成型工艺仝建峰,陈大明(北京航空材料研究院,先进复合材料国防科技重点实验室,北京 100095)摘要:用流变学的方法研究了不同条件,如:固相含量、分散剂加入量、烧结助剂、增塑剂等对碱性部分稳定氧化锆(partially stabilized zirconia, PSZ)悬浮体的流变性的影响。


当固相体积含量为50%~56%时,氧化锆碱性料浆呈现剪切变稀行为,具有较低的黏度(在剪切速率为10 s–1时,低于50mPa·s)。



关键词:部分稳定氧化锆;凝胶注模;流变特性中图分类号:O373 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2008)11–1620–05PREPARATION OF PARTIALLY STABILIZED ZIRCONIA CERAMIC BY AQUEOUS GELCASTINGTONG Jianfeng,CHEN Daming(The National Key Laboratory of Advanced Composite Materials, Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials,Beijing 100095, China, Beijing 81–3 100095, China)Abstract: A partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) ceramic was prepared by aqueous gelcasting. The effects of the zeta potentials, solid loading, dispersant content and milling time on the PSZ suspension were studied. The dispersant content has a remarkable effect on the rheological properties of the suspension. The appropriate dispersant mass fraction for PSZ aqueous slurry with the solid loading of 55% in volume is 0.4%. All suspensions (50%−56% solid loading) exhibit a shear-thinning behavior and relatively low viscosity (less than 50mPa·s, at a shear rate of 10s–1), which is suitable for casting. The degree of shear thinning and the viscosity at high shear rates increase with the increasing of volume fraction of solid phase. As the milling time is prolonged, the viscosity of the suspension de-creases first, and then a plateau appears and the average diameter remains unchanged. When the milling time is shorter than 20h, the viscosity of the slurry decreases gradually as the time of milling is increased. After 20h milling, the viscosity of the slurry tends to be consistent. Therefore, the ball milling time should be equal to or more than 20h in order to obtain a stable suspension at equilibrium. The appropriate time for casting the slurry (idle time) can be controlled by the amounts of initiator and catalyst added to the slurry as well as by the processing temperature. According to micrographs, the gelcasting green body is homogeneous.Key words: partially stabilized zirconia; gelcasting; rheologic propertyGelcasting is an attractive new ceramic forming proc-ess for making high-quality, complex-shaped ceramic bodies.[1–6] Gelcasting has many distinct advantages compared with conventional ceramic forming processes such as dry pressing, slip casting, tape casting, and injec-tion molding, and it is a near-net-shape forming process. Its products have high green density, low levels of or-ganic additives and machinability in the green state due to a high strength.[7–15]Both non aqueous and aqueous solvents can be used in gelcasting. But aqueous systems are preferred be-cause the use of water as the solvent has many advan-tages, e.g., less departure from traditional ceramic processing and no environmental problems for disposal. In aqueous gelcasting, acrylamide and methylene bis-acrylamide are commonly used to make monomer solu-tions.[11–18]According to previous studies,[1–21 the composition of monomer solution, the amounts of initiator and catalyst added, and the temperature and humidity of the drying atmosphere are important processing parameters to be controlled for optimum gelcasting. In this work, a par收稿日期:2008–04–25。




Received date:2008–04–25. Approved date: 2008–07–03. First author: TONG Jianfeng (1972–), male, doctor, senior engineer. E-mail: jftong@第36卷第11期2008年11月硅酸盐学报JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETYVol. 36,No. 11November,2008仝建峰等:部分稳定氧化锆陶瓷的凝胶注模成型工艺· 1621 ·第36卷第11期tially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) ceramic was prepared by aqueous gelcasting. The effects of the zeta potentials, solid loading, dispersant content and milling time on the PSZ suspension were studied.1 Experimental procedure1.1 GelcastingThe PSZ powder used in the test was commercial grade, produced by Jiangxi Fanmeiya Co., Ltd. in China. Its average size was 0.4μm. The chemical composition in mass of the powder was >94% ZrO2, 5.2% Y2O3, <0.01% SiO2, <0.005% Fe2O3, <0.005% Na2O, <0.005% Al2O3, <0.02% Cl–1. Its average specific surface area was 12m2/g.The essential components of the gelcasting process were the reactive organic monomers: mono-functional acrylamide, C2H3CONH2 (AM), and difunctional, N, N- methylene bisacrylamide, (C2H3CONH)2CH2(MBAM). These monomers were dissolved in deionized water to give a premix solution. The premix solution undergoes free radical initiated vinyl polymerization in the presence of an initiator such as ammonium presulfate, (NH4)S2O8. The reaction is accelerated by heat or by the catalyst N,N,N,N-tetramethylenediamine (TEMED). The result-ing cross-linked polymer is an elastic hydrogel that serves as the binder.[1–6]The gelcasting process flow chart is shown in Fig.1. The monomers were dissolved in deionized water to make solution with a composition of 2.5% (mass fraction according to the mass of PSZ powder solid loading, the same below) AM, 0.125% MBAM. Gelcasting slurriesFig.1 Flow chart of preparing PSZ by gelcasting were prepared by ball-milling the PSZ powder in the monomer solution. 0.4% JA281 (a dispersant produced by Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing, China) were added to the slurries. In the slurries the solid loading was about 55% (volume fraction, the same be-low), and the total amount of organic monomers was 3.2% for the PSZ powder. Both the initiator, 1% aqueous solution of ammonium persulphate, and the catalyst, 50% aqueous solution of TEMED, were added just before mold casting. After gelling, the disk-shaped samples were demolded and dried in lab atmosphere.1.2 Properties measurementThe zeta potentials at different suspension pH values were measured by a zeta potential meter. The rheological properties of the ceramic slurry were measured by a ro-tary rheometer (Model RV–30, US). The densities of the green bodies were calculated from the volume measured by a mercury displacement method. The dried green body was cut into sample bars with a width of 6mm, a height of 5mm and a length of 36mm. Their room temperature bending strength was examined by the three-point flexure test with a span of 30mm and a cross head speed of 0.5 mm/min. The microscopic morphology was observed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Model Jonel–2000).2 Results and discussion2.1 Effects of pH value on zeta potential of PSZsuspensionThe zeta potentials at different pH values of the sus-pensions are shown in Fig.2. After dispersant is added, the isoelectric point (pH iep value) will decrease from 7.5 to 7.0. At lower pH, far from the pH iep value, the PSZ particles have a high positive zeta potential and are col-loidal stable. In the vicinity of the pH iep value, the parti-cles have a low zeta potential that may be either positive (pH<pH iep) or negative (pH>pH iep). The suspensions pre-pared within this region are colloidal unstable, consisting of large agglomerates that are likely to lead to porous gelcast ceramics. At higher pH values, far from the pH iepFig.2 Zeta potentials of PSZ as a function of pH value硅酸盐学报· 1622 ·2008年value, the particles have a high negative zeta potentialand are colloidal stable. The profiles in Fig.2 show thatthe zeta potential is maximized at pH=11, which can pro-vide better colloidal stability.2.2 Rheology characteristic2.2.1 Effect of dispersant on the slurry rheology For the PSZ aqueous slurry with JA281 as dispersant, the effects of dispersant content on the rheology of the slurry are shown in Fig.3. As seen in Fig.3, the viscosity of the slurry has the minimum value at a dispersant mass frac-tion range of 0.35%–0.40%, beyond which the slurry viscosity increases again. Therefore, the appropriate dis-persant concentration for PSZ aqueous slurry is 0.40%.Fig.3 Variation of slurry viscosity with mass fraction ofdispersant JA281It is well known that the dispersant is a polyunsatu- rated ester molecule, and its dispersive capability is not only determined by steric stabilization, but also the stateof the dispersant in the surface of the particles. The three states of dispersant on the surface of the particles are shown in Fig.4.[22] When the state of the dispersant on the surface of the particles is saturated adsorption, the dis-persant capability is good; however, both unsaturated adsorption and over-saturated adsorption are bad for the dispersing of particles in the solvent.Fig.4 The state of dispersant on the surface of the particles2.2.2 Effect of solid loading on the slurry rheologyFigure 5 (a) gives the plots of apparent viscosity versus applied shear rate of stable suspensions after millingFig.5 Rheological behavior of the suspensions with different solid loadings (in volume, the same below) after ballmilling for 24hfor 24h. It can be seen that all suspensions (50%−56% solid loading) exhibit a shear-thinning behavior and rela-tively low viscosity (less than 50mPa·s for 10s–1), and are suitable for casting. Figure 5 (b) shows the plots of the relationship of shear stress versus the applied shear rate of stable suspensions after milling for 24h. It can be seen that the suspensions with 50%−56% solid loading do not possess thixotropy.General concentrated colloidal stable suspensions ex-hibit shear-thinning behavior in steady shearing because of a perturbation of the suspension structure by shear-ing.[8–16] At lower shear rates, the suspension structure is close to equilibrium because the thermal motion domi-nates over the viscous forces. At higher shear rates, the viscous forces affect the suspension structure and shear thinning occurs. At very high shear rates, the viscous forces have a dominant affect and the viscosity can be considered as a measurement of the resistance to flow of a suspension with a completely hydrodynamically con-trolled structure. The degree of shear thinning and the viscosity at higher shear rates increase with the increas-ing of the volume fraction of the solid.2.2.3 Effect of milling time on the slurry rheologyTypical plots of apparent viscosity versus different times仝建峰 等:部分稳定氧化锆陶瓷的凝胶注模成型工艺· 1623 ·第36卷第11期of ball milling for different volume fractions of solid are shown in Fig.6. When the milling time is shorter than 20 h, the viscosity of the slurries decreases gradually with the increase of the milling time. This shows that the absorption of the dispersant on parti-cles cannot reach equilibrium and the suspension is unstable until the ball milling time is equal to or more than 20 h. After 20 h milling, the viscosity of the slurry tends to be consistent. Therefore, the ball milling time should be equal to or more than 20 h to obtain a stable suspension atequilibrium.Fig.6 Effect of milling time on the slurry viscosity of the sus-pensions with different solid loadings2.3 Gelling2.3.1 The effect of initiator, catalyst and temperature on gelling rate In the present study, the initiation of po-lymerization in premixes is determined by changes in solution temperature, since the reaction is exothermic. The process was monitored in terms of idle time, t idle , the time between the addition of the initiator, or the initia-tor/catalyst and the commencement of polymerization. This is equivalent to the time used for casting the slurry during processing. Figure 7 shows the change in tem-perature of a premix solution during gelling and indicates the idle time.Fig.7 Effect of content of the catalyst on the idle timeIni.—Initiator amount; Cat.—Catalyst amount.The idle time can be controlled by the concentration ofthe reagents and the temperature. In this study, the idle time ranged from 5 to 60 min. Figure 7 shows the varia-tion of idle time with the amount of initiator and catalyst, and Fig.8 shows the variation of idle time with initiator and solution temperature. These data show clearly that polymerization is accelerated by an increase in initiator,catalyst or temperature.Fig.8 Effect of contents of the initiator and temperature on theidle time2.3.2 The density and strength of gelcast green bodies The effect of polymer content on the density and strength of the gelcast sample is shown in Fig.9. The maximum density is obtained at a polymer content of ~6% in mass. The green strength, on the other hand, increases more or less linearly with the binder content. The maximum relative density of the green body ob-tained is 58%; at this density, the strength is 46 MPa.Fig.9 Effect of binder content in mass on the density andstrength of green bodies2.3.3 Micrograph of gel-cast green bodies Figure 10 shows the SEM photographs of a dry body. It can be seen that powders are connected by slender polymer chains, which are responsible for the strength of the green body. It can also be seen that the micrographs of the edge and center section were homogeneous.硅酸盐学报· 1624 ·2008年Fig.10 SEM photographs of gelcast green bodies3 Conclusions(1) Aqueous gelcast PSZ slurry has low viscosity at high solid loading.(2) The characteristics of the slurry are connected with the dispersant, solid loading and milling time.(3) The density and strength of gelcast green bodies can be controlled by varying the monomer concentration.(4) The time required for casting the slurry (idle time) can be controlled by the amounts of initiator and catalyst added to the slurry as well as by the processing tempera-ture.(5) The microstructure of the gelcast green is homo-geneous.Reference:[1] JANNEY M A, OMETETE O O. Gelcasting of ceramic powders [P].US Patent, 5145908. 1992–05–12.[2] OMETETE O O, JANNEY M A, STREHLOW R A. Gelcasting–a newceramic forming process [J]. Ceram Bull, 1991, 70(10): 1641–1648. [3] JANNEY M A. Method for molding ceramic powders [P]. 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