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【摘要】通过对铜陵叶山林场20世纪50年代封育的落叶与常绿阔叶混交林内具有代表性的大样地进行调查,分析该混交林直径分布结构;同时,利用混交度、大小比数和角尺度3个林分空间结构参数分析了林分空间结构特征.结果表明:该森林类型属于落叶与常绿阔叶混交林,林分直径结构呈偏左正态分布,具有同龄林林分直径结构特征;林分总体呈弱度混交,主要组成树种麻栎为弱度混交、青冈栎接近中度混交、马尾松为强度混交、苦槠为中度列强度混交;在林木大小分化程度上,麻栎占有一定优势,结合其树种组成系数判定麻栎为优势树种,青冈栎和苦槠处于中庸与劣态之间,马尾松处于亚优势和中庸之间;在林木空间格局上,麻栎空间分布格局为均匀到随机分布,青冈栎为随机分布,马尾松和苦槠为聚集分布,但随机分布的单元多于不均匀的单元.该群落类型具备了北亚热带低山丘陵落叶与常绿阔叶林的特征.%A study was performed to analyze the diameter distribution of main tree species in a typical secondary deciduous-evergreen broadleaf mixed forest closed in 1950s in Yeshan Forest Farm of Tongling City, Anhui Province, based on the investigation of representative sample plots of large sizes. The spatial structure features of the mixed forest were analyzed using three spatial structure parameters (mingling degree, neighborhood comparison, uniform angle index). Results showed that the forest community could be classified as deciduous-evergreen broadleaf mixed forest. The diameter structure of the forest showed a left-skewed normal distribution, which had the characteristics of diameter structure of even-aged forest. The whole forest exhibited a weak mingling degree, while the

main tree species Quercus acutissima exhibited a weak mingling degree, CyclobaLanopsis glauca was close to a moderate mingling degree, Pinus massoniaria showed an intensive mingling degree, and Castanopsis sclerophylla showed a moderate to intensive mingling degree. In the differentiation degree of tree sizes, Q. Acutissima possessed certain advantages and was dominant tree species judging from the coefficient of tree species composition, while C. Glauca and C. Sclerophylla were between a moderation state and a bad state, and P. Massoniana between a sub-dominant state and a moderation state. In the pattern of tree distribution, Q. Acutissima was found to be between a uniform distribution and a random distribution, and C. Glauca showed a random distribution. P. Massoniana and C. Sclerophylla exhibited an aggregated distribution, but the random distribution units were more than the uneven distribution units. This community type has the characteristics of deciduous-evergreen broadleaf forest in low mountains and hills of : the north subtropical zone.【期刊名称】《东北林业大学学报》








林分空间结构包括混交、大小分化和林木空间格局[1]。空间结构直接影响非空间结构,因此空间结构比非空间结构更重要[2]。林分空间结构决定了树木之间的竞争势及其空间生态位,在很大程度上决定了林分的稳定性、发展的可能性和经营空间的大小[1];同时,也影响林下植被、土壤、微生物、林内环境及其生态功能[3-5]。因此,空间结构分析目前已成为国际上天然林经营模拟技术的主要研究内容[1]。林木空间分布会随森林演替而变化,由林木空间分布可以推动生态过程[6]。原始林群落组成、结构和空间格局是相似森林类型保护和经营决策设计的依据[7-8],但保护和发育良好、具备地带性顶级群落特征的天然次生林,也可以作为人工模拟森林结构的模板[9]。天然次生林林分空间结构研究对天然次生林近自然经营具有重要意义。目前国际上研究林木空间分布格局主要采用的是距离法中的双相关函数和基于Ripley K—函数的L—函数,近10 a来还出现了角尺度方法,其应用方兴未艾[10]。本文以铜陵叶山20世纪50年代初封育形成的天然落叶与常绿阔叶混交林为研究对象,利用混交度、大小比数和角尺度3个林分空间结构参数[11-13],分析了该天然落叶与常绿阔叶林林分空间结构特征及其恢复和保护状况,为现有天然阔叶混交林林木空间结构优化调整以及人工林近自然营造提供理论依据。

1 研究区概况


117°42'00″~118°10'6″、北纬30°45'12″~31°07'56″。亚热带湿润季风气候,全年气候温暖湿润,四季分明;年平均气温17.8℃,年平均降水量1 370 mm,雨
