2017级《英美概况》课程论文选题及要求一、要求1. 课程论文内容应与所学内容密切相关,主要涉及英美两国历史、政治、教育、文化、语言等方面的有关内容及以上方面的中英对比等。
2. 英语写作,不少于1500字,包括论文题目(英中文),目录,摘要,关键词及参考文献,附录等。
具体是:论文的封面和其他部分都需要手写(示例见后面),包括“Contents”(目录), “Abstract”(摘要)(其中包括“Keywords”关键词), “Main Body”(论文正文),“References”(参考文献),“Appendix”(附录)等。
3. 英文摘要80字左右,关键词3-5个。
4. 参考文献资料3篇及以上。
5. 参考文献:引用国外作者的文章按作者姓名英文字母先后排序,引用国内作者的文章按拼音顺序。
6. 页码从正文第一页开始按阿拉伯数字连续编排,位于页面底端居中。
二、上交时间:本学期第16周随堂交三、封面及正文格式说明(论文具体示例)北京理工大学珠海学院2017-2018学年第1学期课程论文《英语国家概况》题目: A Comparative Study on FamilyEducation Between Britain and China中英家庭教育对比研究专业学院:外国语学院专业班级: _____17级英语X班 _____________ 学生姓名: XXX学号: XXXCONTENTS Abstract (Ⅰ)1 Introduction (1)2 The Differences of Family Education in Britain and China (6)2.1 Different Aims of Family Education (6)2.2 Different Methods of Family Education (6)2.2.1 Mechanical Memory vs. Intelligent Memory (6)2.2.2 Focusing on Knowledge vs. Paying Attention to Nature (7)3 The Reasons for the Differences of Family Education in Britain and China (9)3.1 Different Historical Background (9)3.2 Different Social Conditions (9)3.3 Different Economic Form (10)4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Family Education in Britain and China (11)4.1 The Merits and Demerits of British Education (11)4.2 The Merits and Demerits of Chinese Family Education (13)4.3 The Suggestions for Chinese Family Education (14)5 Conclusion (17)References (18)说明:以上的Contents目录, 只是提供一个例子,你可以不一定按照这些标题(一级标题、二级标题、三级标题),每级标题也可根据自己论文的情况自行增减AbstractThe research content of this paper is the comparison and analysis of family education in Britain and China. The purpose of this research is to come up with some useful suggestions to develop Chinese family education by contrast, comparison and analyzing the differences of family education in western countries and China. The paper finds out that there are several reasons for the differences of family education in western countries and China, such as different historical background, different social conditions, and different economic form. And finally, the paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of family education in western countries and China.Keywords: Family education, differences, Britain, China说明:Abstract 摘要的内容包括:论文主要的内容、关键词(不少于3个);1. IntroductionOn the basis of our national status, our country puts forward the strategy of developing the country through science and education, which indicates that education has important effects on individuals and countries. Family education is the starting point of the life-long education so it is exceedingly important for children’s growth. With the advent of knowledge economy, parents put more emphasis on their children’s education. And the development of education in our country also emerges many serious and urgent questions. This paper contrasts the differences of family education in western countries and China so as to come up with some useful suggestions and approaches for Chinese family education to improve its development. The paper mainly discusses the theme from following aspects and angles: different aim of family education, different methods of family education, different attention to the psychological education, and different attention to the independent personality. As the goal of this paper is to come up with some suggestions for Chinese family education. Therefore, these discoveries have great significance. It can help us to clearly recognize the merit and demerit of family education in Western countries and China so that we can find the best way to improve Chinese family education.说明:Introduction部分包括你论文的主要研究目的和内容2 The Differences of Family Education in Western Countries and China2.1 Different Aim of Family EducationIn western, the purpose of the parents is to bring up children to become a qualified social man. They attach more importance to the abilities of their children. They help children form independent consciousness when children were very young. They aim to develop children into a loving, caring, and responsible citizens instead of concerning the achievement of children. For them, the greatest thing is that educating children and teaching them to be healthy, happy, and helpful with the aim of inspiring them to be the social elite.In China, ........................................2.2 Different Methods of Family Education2.2.1 Mechanical Memory vs. Intelligent MemoryThe methods of family education in Western countries and China are different. Above all, western parents pay attention to cultivating children’s intelligent memory while Chinese parents emphasize mechanical memory. In China, parents teach children to remember one concept by rote learning instead of helping them realize and understand it.........................................2.2.2 Focusing on Knowledge vs. Paying Attention to NatureDifferent aims of family education lead to different methods of family education. In China, parents pay attention to bring up children to become excellent both in conduct and learning.........................................3 The Reasons for the Differences of Family Education in Western Countries and China3.1 Different Historical BackgroundAs an important part of culture, education is the primary manifestation. There existsome indivisible relations between the differences of family education in Western countries and China and the differences of historical background in Western countries and China.........................................3.2 Different Social ConditionsChina transitions from feudal society to socialist society. So some of the remnants of feudal thinking still influence the aim of education at present. Although our country devotes to promote the quality-oriented education, this scheme has not been carried out.........................................3.3 Different Economic FormAfter the development of several industrial revolutions, western countries developed commercial economy. Western society has powerful productivity. They have a wide range of employment opportunities to find a job. ........................................4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Family Education in Britain and China ........................................5 Conclusion........................................References[1] Dreyfus, H. (1989). What computers can’t do(2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row.[2] Forsyth, A. & Thornhill, R. (1983). The evolution of insect mating. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.[3] Oxford, R. L. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. New York: Newbury House Publisher.[4] Rossi, P. H. (1989). Down and out in America: The origins of homelessness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.[5] Smith, D., Boyd, R., & Spoher, J. C. (1995). Virtues VRKL toolkit. Indianapolis: Hayden Books.[6] 高强, 刘振前. 语言习得的自然发生观[A]. 载周大军、张雪梅(主编)第二语言习得研究的新探索[C]. 上海:上海科学技术出版社,2005.[7] 刘纯豹. 英语委婉语词典[Z]. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2001.[8] 吕光旦. 英语幽默的语言分析[J]. 外国语, 1984 (5).[9] 任义生, 贺宇红. 英语幽默笑话365则[M]. 北京: 北京世界知识出版社, 1999.[10] 束定芳, 隐喻学研究[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2002.[11] 束定芳, 徐金元. 委婉语研究: 回顾与前瞻[J]. 外国语,1995 (5).[12] 杨文志. 学术交流及其对学术生态的影响[OL]./article.asp?Newsid=11167&type=1000,2009年11月24日获取.[13] 张丽娜. 商务英语信函中的模糊语言研究[D]. 大连海事大学未发表硕士论文, 2007.说明:References 参考文献的要求:1.参考文献不少于2篇;2.英文参考文献在前;汉语文献在后;3.英文参考文献按照姓氏的字母顺序;汉语的参考文献按照姓氏的拼音顺序;4.参考文献里要包括我们所学习的课本。
学院、系专业班级学号姓名······························密································封·······························线··································· 齐鲁工业大学 13 / 14 学年第 1 学期《 英语国家概况》 期末考试试卷之二 —— 小论文论文题目:Comparison of British and American PoliticalSystem 班级组别:英语2013级一班一组 姓 名:王甜甜 学 号:201310011017The differences between Britain's constitutional monarchy andAmerica's presidential systemAmerica BritainHead of state President MonarchElection HereditaryHead of stateformationHead of state power Yes NoHead of government President The prime ministerThe president appointed Parliamentary elections GovernmentformationThe power center President ParliamentSYSTEMBritain:The constitutional monarchy means that the power of the monarch is limited by the country's constitution,the legal authority is given to Parliament and the executive authority to the government.The Sovereign reigns,but does not rule. The country is governed in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majesty's Government who is responsible to the Parliament.America:The United States has a federalist system.It means that there are individual state,each with its own government,and there is a federal,or national,government.The US Constitution gives certain powers to the federal government,other powers to the state governments,and yet other powers to both.For example,only the national government can print money;the states establish their own school systems;and both the national and the state governments can collect taxes.THE GOVERNMENTBritain:Her Majesty's Government is the government of the United Kingdom.It is answerable to the House of Commons.However,neither the Prime Minister nor members of the Government are elected by the House of Commons.Instead,the Queen requests the person most likely to command the support of a majority in the House,normally the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons,to form a government.So that they may be accountable to the学院、系 专业班级 学号 姓名 ······························密································封·······························线···································Lower House,the Prime Minister and the House of Commons. Under the Constitution of the United Kingdom,executive authority notionally lies with the monarch but is exercised in practice by her ministers. Her Majesty's Government is the collective name for these ministers,and it is effectively an executive authority for the U.K. America:A Federal Government.Many countries have a federal system.In a federal system,power is shared between a central government and smaller government units.The United States,for example, is a federalist system as defined in the Tenth Amendment of its constitution.There is a federal,or central,government for the entire country.In addition,each of the 50 states has its own government.In some matters,the state governments have final say.In other matters,the federal government rules.However,only the federal government,can mint money or declare war. HEAD OF GOVERNMENT Britain:The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the Head is the Head of Her Majesty's Government.He or she is the leader of leader of party that holds the most seats in the House of Commons.The Prime Minister and Cabinet are collectively accountable for their policies and actions to the Sovereign,to Parliament,to their political party,and ultimately ti the electorate. America:The U.S. President is the head of its Administration.Chosen thought a general or presidential election,the president is the most prominent figure in the United States.Although presidents are entitled to a lot of power,they also shoulder quite a heavy burden.The president heads up the executive branch of the US government.The executive branch is in charge of running the country and defending it from enemies.The president takes an oath to uphold the Constitution.The president is commanded by the Constitution to "preserve,protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"and to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."He can issue rules,regulations and instructions which,known as executive orders,have the binding force of laws upon federal agencies.About the Political Parties,the U,K. is a multi-party system ,the two largest political parties have been the Conservative Party and the Labor Party.The U.S. is the two parties system .They are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.As we all known,Obama is elected form the Democratic Party.The merits of the presidential system: the powers of the President of the United States,President subject to the constraints of political parties is a small, independent, quickly make a political decision to improve governing performance. Its weaknesses are: the three major U.S. Power system of mutual restraint, and to contain, resulting in the consumption of some of the institutional. President no power to dissolve Congress, can only veto a bill passed by Congress Similarly, Congress can impeach the president, the use of the veto to reject the President. The advantage of the Constitutional monarchy , whether it is the institutional formation of the actual operation are relatively democratic, just, more conducive to scientific decision-making and comprehensive. But the disadvantage is that the structure or the system is easy mode, lead to bureaucratic impact of the ruling efficiency.So,I know,the political system must fit the condition of the country.。
《英美概况》选修课课程论文选题及要求一、要求1. 课程论文内容应与所学内容密切相关,涉及英美两国历史、政治、教育、文化、语言等方面的有关内容及以上方面的中英对比等。
2. 英语写作,800-1000字,包括论文题目,摘要,关键词及参考文献在内3. 英文摘要80字左右,关键词3-5个。
4. 参考文献资料3篇及以上。
5. 参考文献:引用国外作者的文章按作者姓名英文字母先后排序,引用国内作者的文章按拼音顺序。
6. 页码从正文第一页开始按阿拉伯数字连续编排,位于页面底端居中。
二、上交时间13-14周三、封面及正文格式说明青岛农业大学全校选修课(宋体二号)英美概况课程论文(宋体一号加粗)论文题目(宋体3号)学生专业班级英语2007级3班学生姓名(学号)XXX ********二O一三年五月XX 日论文格式要求题目字居中On Wordsworth and Emerson’s Conception of Nature(加粗Times New Roman小三空一行)Yu Lianjun(Times New Roman加粗四号)Class 2, 2007, Foreign Languages School(加粗Times New Roman小四号空一行)Abstract:(加粗Times New Roman小四号)The mid-20th century has brought with it many significant changes and progresses in the study of language.(Times New Roman 小四号)Key words(加粗Times New Roman小四号):Changes; Progresses; Study;Language (Times New Roman小四号空一行)华兹华斯和爱默生对大自然的不同理解(宋体四号空一行)摘要(加粗宋体小四号):本文旨在通过对华兹华斯和爱默生诗歌的比较和分析来理解两人对于自然不同的把握。
最新优秀精彩范文:英语国家概况教学总结 总结 报告 方案 计划 心得 措施 意见 书 精选
1、England is the most important part of the Kingdom in wealth,size,and population.2、Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain.It is 1343 meters.3、The North Sea is the first high quality petroleum.4、Britain is one of the world?s most advanced manufacturing and trading nations.5、The British economy was the first to have been fully industrialized.6、The cotton industry,the largest branch,has undergone a severe contraction.7、The British agricultural industry is one of the most efficient in Europe.8、The earliest invasion is that by the dark-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.9、Birmingham is the second largest city in England.10、Liverpool is the second largest port of England.11、Before the great Ice Age,Great Britain was joined to the continent of Europe.It was then that men first came toBritain.12、Alfred was considered the first national hero.13、Normandy was the most highly organized state in Europe at that time.14、There were a number of lords,but the most important class was the knights.15、The Normans were the finest fighting horsemen.16、At the end of the century,the most well-known company,the East India Company was formed.17、The English Renaissance?s finest exponents were Christopher Malovve,Ben Johnson,and William Shakespeare.The greatest dramatist of the age was Shakespeare.18、The early 17th century was a period of the most acute class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the feudalists with the King as their head.19、Economic recovery was the most difficult task for the Commonwealth.In 1651 Parliament passed the first Navigation Act.20、The most notoriously comipt of the Whig statesmen in that half century was Robert Walpole.21、In 1761 the first extensive canal was opened.In1814George Stephenson constructed the first successful steam locomotive.22、The economic boom which began in 1824 collapsed in 1825,causing the first of many periodic economic crises in the world.23、In1840 under the pretext of protecting her trade,Britain launched an aggressive war against China.This was the Opium War.24、From the mid-19th century onward a number of British colonies were organized into dominiors.The dominion of Canada was the first British dominion to be so organized.25、The Third Reform Bill of 1884 and the Redistribution Act of 1885 was the most important of reforms.26、The Irish question one of the oldest issues created the greatest difficulties.27、In foreign policy the most important achievement was the Locarno Treaty of 1926.28、In the early 1950?s,Britain?s first atomic bomb was tested,joining her to the US and the USSR as a nuclear power.29、Margaret Thatcher was the first female Prime Minister in the nation?s history.30、In 1981,the Humber Bridge was completed at 4626 feet the world?s longest Suspension Bridge.The world?s longest high-speed opitical fiber link connected Birmingham with London.31、The longest ministry of the century,it had glorified the Victorian values of self-help and nationalism.32、John Major became the first Western leader to visit liberated Kuwait.33、The European Union is the world?s largest trading bloc.34、The world famous universities Oxford and Cambridge,are the oldest ones dating from 1167 and 1284.35、Durham University came into being in1832,the oldest university in this group and the first English university after Oxford and Cambridge.36、A large group of nineteenth and twentieth century universities were founded in most of the biggest industrial towns and in a few other centres.They started as “university colleges”.37、The earlist known printed newspaper in Britain was published in 1513.It was called Trewe Encountre.38、The Times is the most famous of all British papers and the oldest at that.39、The most important Periodicals are the Economist,New Statesman,Spectator,New Society,Private Eye and New Scientist.40、British radio and television play an important part in daily life,social activities,cultural and educational causes.They are chiefly run by three companies:the British Broadcasting Corporation(B.B.C),the Independent Television Commission(I.T.C),and the RadioAuthority,though there are many commercial,companies. 41、The Press Association Ltd.which was founded by provincial newspapers on a co-operative basis in 1868 is the oldest and largest news agency operating exclusively in Britain.42、Association football (or soccer) claims the highest popular attendance in the country.43、Golf is probably the most attractive of British sports.44、Stephenson?s?Rocket?is the most famous of all steam locomotives.45、John Dalton was an English chemist and physicist,who is best known for developing an atomic theory in which the elements are characterized by different sizes and weights.46、The best-known scientific achievement in the nineteenthcentury was Charles Robert Darwin?s development of a theory of evolution.47、The number of the British Noble Prize winners in science before World War Ⅱ is the largest in the world.48、Fables which are about animals or supernatural persons or incidents and whose purpose is teaching a moral are pro bably the earliest form of story-telling.49、The best-loved story is about Robin Hood who was a popular hero living under the greenwood with his men,taking from the rich and giving to the poor and waging war against bishops and archbishops.By the time we get to the Middle Ages,we find the first great English poet,Chaucer.50、In the sixteeth century Thomas More issued his masterpiece Utopia in two books,the first of which containsa long conversiation on the social condition of England.51、During the Puritan period (or in the seventeeth century) John Bunyan was a commanding prosewriter and John Milton was an outstanding poet.Bunyan wrote other works,such as the Holy War,Grace Abounding to the Chief of sinners. 52、Daniel Defoe and his Robinson Crusoe and Jonathan Swift and his Gulliver?s Travels belong to this period.53、Samuel Richardson is another novelist renowned as astoryteller.He chose the epistolatary from and wrote“ the first modern novel.”54、The nineteenth century was the golden age of the novel.There were a lot of novelists,the greatest of whom was Charles Dickens.He is looked upon as one of the greatest creative writers who ever lived.55、The comic masterpiece of which Dickens was the proudest,is Picwick Papers.David Copperfield,which is largly based on himself,is perhaps his best novel.Other well-known novels include.The Old Curiosity Shop,Hard Times,Great Expectations,A Tale of Two Lities and Dombey and Son.56、Walter Scott was a poet and famous Scottish historical novelist,who wrote much.Among his novels and Waverley,Guy Mannering,Kenilworth,Woodstock and Quent in Durward.His bestknown novel is Ivanhoe,his best novel is The Heart of Midlothian.57、William Makepeace Tackeray,who largely wrote about middle-class society.He wrote The History of Pen Dennis,The History of Hey Esmond,The Newcomers the Virginians.58、Nineteenth-century England also produced many greatwomen novelists,the earliest of whom was perhaps Jane Austen.Her most widely-read novel is Pride and Prejudice,though three others,Sense and Sensibility,Emma and Manse field Park,have slowly won their way to the front rank of fiction.59、Joseph Rudyard Kipling was the first British novelist to win the Nobel Prize,which he did in 1907.60、David Herbert Lawrence was an innovator of psychological fiction and one of the most controversial writers of the early 20th century,surpassed only by James Joyce in the amount of opposition which was caused by his works.His major works are Sons and Lovers,the Rainbow,Women In Love,Kangaroo,the Plumed Serpent and Lady Chatterley?s Lover.61、James Joyce was considered in the West and the most important and influential novelist writing in English.62、The name of Herbert George Wells is closely associated with science fiction.The Time Machine,The Island of Pr.Moreau,The Invisible Man,When the Sleeper Wakes and The Shape of Things to come are his best works about science.63、John Galsworthy was one of the most prominent British novelists and dramatists of the twentieth century.Hismaiden work is From the Four Winds.64、Another Nobel Prize winner was Bertrand Russell,who wasa philosopher,mathematician,logician and novelist.He got his Noble Prize in 1950.65、Geoffrey Chaucer,the father of English poetry,describes a party of pilgrims going to Canterbury in his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales.66、The greatest English revolutionary poet of the seventeenth century was John Milton,whom we remember chiefly for his long epic in twelve books Paradise Lost,which mainly tells the story of Adam and Ere in the Garden of Eden.67、Two of the greatest names in the poetry of this century are William Butler Yeats and Thomas Steams Eliot.The Second Coming,one of the Yeats?s most famous poems,his most famous works are The wind Among the weeds,Responsibilities,The Tower,The Winding stairs and The land of Heart?s Desire (a play of 1914).68、Eliot was born in American but he became a British subject in 1927.His best known work,The Waste Land,caused an uproar because of its originality and of the severity of its attack on English and American society,when it waspublished with Pound?s help in 1922.69、English drama is completely dominated by William Shakespeare.He is the great playwright and poet of the Renaissance,widely regarded by the people of the world as one of the greatest writers who ever lived Karl Marx takes Shakespeare and Aeschylus as the two greatest geniuses of whole theatre.He wrote thirty-seven plays,mostly in verse,many of which are still frequently acted.They include comedies.As You Like It,A Midsummer Night?s Dream,A Winter?s Tale,The Merchant of Venice,The Tempest and Twelfth Night;the great tragedies: Rome and Juliet,Macbeth,King Lear and Othello.70、Christopher Marlowe is the most gifted of the “university wits whose three best plays are Tamburlaine,The Jew of Malta and The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus.71、In the eighteenth century the most outstanding dramatist of the realistic school was Richard Brinsley Sheridan whose first comedy The Rivals was staged when he was 24.72、The British Museum Library is one of the largest and richest in the world.73、At the northeast end are Marble Arch which is famous for its lovely plants and the world-famous Speakers?Corner,where outdoor orators make their eloquent free speeches on wooden soap boxes.74、In Tower of London,the first prisoner was Ranulf Flambard,bishop of Durham,one of the original builders of the White Tower.75、St.Paul?s Cathedral,the biggest and most well-known church in London,is a typical example of the architecture of the Renaissance.76、The old buildings of the Observatory are on the highest hill in Greenwich Park,which was beautifully laid out by Le Notre for Charles Ⅱ,but now the Royal Observatory has moved to Herstmonceux Castle in Sussex on account of the London pollution.77、The best-known quality of the British people and,in particular,of the English people is their exclusiveness.78、The British Parliament,is the oldest parliament in Europe.79、In speaking of John Bull,an image immediately appears in our mind.He is short and fat,with a tall hat on his head and a pair of boots on his feet.It is the nickname forBritain.80、“Ladies First” is also a British custom,though it is less observed today than it used to be.81、In British,“Three Don?t” :(1)The British have the habit of queuing.They don?t jump of the queue.(2)In England,you shouldn?t ask a woman her age.(3)Don?t try to bargain in Britain when you do the shopping.82、Three “INGS” refer to betting,drinking and tipping,ending for each of which is ING.83、Christmas Day is on December 25,which is the greatest of the Christian festivals,commemorating as it does the birth of Jesus Christ.84、New Year?s Day (January 1st) is part of the Scottish?Hogmanay?festival which is more important than Christmas to Scots.85、April Fool?s Day is hardly a festival,but on that day you may find that someone has given you a false message or your shoe-laces have been tied together,or some other ingenious tricks have been played on you to make you an “April Fool”.86、There are three main world religious Buddhism,Islam andChristianity.87、The most important denomination is the Anglican Church.88、The British Parliament consists of three elements: the Crown,the House of Lords and the House of Commons.89、The House of Lor(转载于: 在点网:英语国家概况教学总结)ds is the oldest part of Parliament.90、There are two major parties in Britain today.They are the Conservative Party and the Labor Party.91、In terms of the nature of cases,we can also divide the courts into two systems: the Civil Courts and the Criminal Courts.英语国家概况学习要领关于《英语国家概况》课程方面的辅导材料很少。
英语国家概况How do you think the“Pax-Americana”学院:外国语学院专业班级:英语1402班学号: 140901201 学生姓名:王兴利指导教师:李华钰How do you think the“Pax-Americana”1.The concept of “Pax- Americana”2.The positive effect of“Pax- Americana”3.The passive effect of“Pax- Americana”4.Making a conclusion about “Pax- Americana”1.The concept of “Pax- Americana”Pax Americana means American Peace which is primarily used in its modern connotations to refer to the peace among great powers established after the end of World War II in 1945, also called the Long Peace. In this modern sense, it has come to indicate the military and economic position of the United States in relation to other nations.It refers that after the second world war the United States dominated the global economy, politics, military position in this situation.2.The positive effect of“Pax- Americana”In the past 60 years, the United States led the world and established the United Nations, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and the NATO really played a leading role in the mechanism of a globalized world.After the second war ,America made some plans ,for example The Marshall Plan,to help Europe, Japan, and Asia recovered from war's damage. The world economy has globalized in the international system, rules .Foreign students who studied in American universities bought the free market spirit ,new ideas of democracy and entrepreneurship,to their countries .America's military supported most parts of the world free from war, and these areas' economic grew quickly.3.The passive effect of“Pax- Americana”(1)“Pax- Americana”aroused terrorist attacks.“Pax-Americana” is an important reason which terrorist attacks.As The United States become the only superpower country in the world,its unilateralism policies cause some little countries resentment and hatred.(2)“Pax- Americana”is an excuse which means The United States interpose the internal affairs of other countries.“Pax- Americana”is an excuse which means The United States interpose theinternal affairs of other countries.For example,“The Israeli Palestinian Conflict”,America interpose both countries internal affairs making the war more complicated.(3)“Pax-Americana”means American imperialism and American hegemonism.American imperialism is a term referring to outcomes or ideological elements of United States foreign policy. Since the start of the cold war, the United States has economically and/or diplomatically supported friendly foreign governments, including many that overtly violated the civil and human rights of their own citizens and residents. American imperialism concepts were initially a product of capitalism critiques and, later, of theorists opposed to what they take to be aggressive United States policies and doctrines. Although there are various views of the imperialist nature of the United States, which describe many of the same policies and institutions as evidence of imperialism, explanations for imperialism vary widely.As to the "isolationist" history of the United States, it mainly applies to the global stage; the United States has not been isolationist with respect to the Western Hemisphere, which fell within its sphere of influence, and pursued military interventions within this region of the world. Though relative peace existed in the Western world, the United States and its allies have been involved in various regional wars, such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Yugoslav wars, the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War. The United States also maintained espionage and covert operations in various other areas, such as Latin America in the 1980s.4.Making a conclusion about “Pax- Americana”On the one hand “Pax- Americana”has aroused many terrorist attacks and some other bad incidents.On the other hand“Pax- Americana”avoid world wars.America is still the strongest country in the world.If“Pax- Americana”immediately end,the world will get dangerous vacuum in international affairs. In my opinion,in the future the worldpeace can not be "Pax Americana", only be" multilateral corporation ".But if we want to achieve this goal,it still need a long time.。
英语国家概况期末考试英国教育体制作文The education system in the United Kingdom is known for its strong emphasis on academic excellence and a well-rounded education.英国的教育体制以强调学术卓越和全面教育而闻名。
From a young age, children in the UK are encouraged to develop a love for learning and critical thinking skills.从小,英国的孩子们就被鼓励培养对学习的热爱和批判性思维能力。
One of the unique features of the UK education system is the presence of independent schools, which are privately funded institutions that offer a high standard of education.英国教育体制的一个独特特点是私立学校的存在,这些学校是由私人资助的机构,提供高水平的教育。
These schools often have smaller class sizes, more resources, and a wider range of extracurricular activities compared to state-funded schools.与公立学校相比,这些学校通常拥有较小的班级规模、更多的资源和更广泛的课外活动。
However, access to independent schools is often limited to those who can afford the high tuition fees, leading to criticisms of elitism and inequality within the education system.然而,私立学校的学费通常较高,只有富有的家庭才能负担得起,这导致对教育体制内精英主义和不平等的批评。
华南农业大学珠江学院《英语国家概况》课程测评设计系:外国语系年级专业:2013级商务英语1303班学号:姓名(手写签名):提交日期: 2016年12月20日成绩评定:A Guide to English-Speaking Countries1.1Geography, People and Language1.1.1 Geography• latitudes 49°N and 61°N and longitudes 8° W to 2°E •About 243000 square kilometers• England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland•The longest river:Severn RiverThe largest Lake in the British lsles:Lough Neagh•The River Thames:① the longest river in England and the second longest in the United Kingdom ②a historical landmark in the city of London. Climate: Temperate, with warm summers, cool winters and plentiful precipitation, Winter fog, Rainy days, Instability/Changeability Major Cities:London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, the political, industrial,cultural and financial center of the country ,also is the one of the world ’s leading banking and financial centers.(Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, The Palace of Westminster,Guildhall,Hyde Paris, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, London Eye)◆ Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.the cityisadministrative,financial,legal,medical and insurance center of Scotland,it has beautiful scenery and renowned architectureLandmarks &Symbols of Edinburgh: Edinburgh castle, Palace of Holyrood.◆Cardiff is the capital city of Wales for 58 years ,is the youngestcapital city in Europe.one of the most fashionable cities in the United Kingdom.◆Belfast is the largest city and the capital of northern Ireland ,is animportant historic city.1.1.2PeopleOverall population: about 63 millionImmigrants:Italians,Greeks,Australians,New Zealanders,etc.1.1.3 Language•Old English(5th~11th)•Middle English(11th~15th)•Modern English(15th~)•Standard English1.2 History1.2.1 The Founding of the NationRoman Britain and the Anglo-Saxons:Feudal Society:❶Great Charter❷Brith of Parliament ❸Hundred Years’ War(1337-1453) ❹The War of the Roses(1455-1485)1.2.2 Transition to the Modern AgeReligious ReformationThe Civil WarRestoration and the Glorious RevolutionThe Industrial RevolutionSeven Year’s War(1756-1763)The Industrial Revoltuion took place first in Britain for the following reasons:huge market1.2.3The Rise and Fall of the British EmpireFirst British Empire: 19th CenturySecond British Empire during the Victorian Age:Mid-and late-19th CenturyMost countries support the Allies Powers and Allies Powers won.Thecost of the war for Britaini was great.Britain-appeasementThe Fall of the Empire:Independence movement—India,Pakistan,Burma,Malaya,and Egyt1.2.4 Britain since World War II1.3 Government and the Commonwealth1.3.1 ConstitutionBritish Constitution is made up of:Statutory Law/Common Law/Conventions1.3.2 Government•The Legislature(Basic Structure of UK Central Government) Parliament(the law-making body of Britain& the parliament consists of the King or Queen, the House of Lords, the House of Commons) Queen(Queen Elizabeth II is a “constitutional monarch”)The House of the Lords(the Upper House):The House of Commons:to pass laws,bills and acts of Parliament/to scrutinize,criticize and restrain the actions of the government/ to influence the future government policy)•The Executive: head of the governmentThe Cabinet:supreme decision-making body in the British government Privy Council (its main duty is to give advice) •The Judiciary (two branches of law: Civil law & Criminal law)1.3.3 Political Parties•Overall Introduction1.3.4 ElectionHeld every five years in the 646 constituencies1.3.5The Commonwealth•Origin of the Commonwealth:in 1949,”British” was dropped from the title of “Commonwealth”→the London Declaration accepted and recognized India’s continued membership as a republic.→From 1960 onwards ,new members joined the Commonwealth. •Characteristics and Functions:a voluntary association of the independent sovereign states/to advocate democracy,human rights,and to promote economic cooperation and growth of its members•Members:an organization composed of 53 states in 2005/a population of approximately 1.8billion people ,some 30 percent of the world’s total population•Organizations:The headquarters are all located in London/the Commonwealth Secretariat/Commonwealth Ministers’Meeting heldannually.•Commonwealth Day:the second Monday in March every year/an opportunity to promote understanding of global issues,internatonal cooperation and the efforts to improve the lives of its 1.8 billion citizens.1.4 Economy1.4.1 Recent History of British EconomyGroup of 8:a forum for the governments of the world’s eight wealthiest countires that originated in 1975.Economic decline(after world war II)→causes:two world war great economic lossBritain failed to invest in industry after World War II Policies :(mixed economy ) & during the 20 th century the government has become involved in the economy through introduction of social welfare policies and laws to regulate industrial relations.1945-1979:result:Britain’s economic growth fell behind that of western European countries1979-1997:result:Britain’s economic growth still lagged behind/in 1997,the labor party Tony Blair (the “Third Way”) Result: Britain’s economic growth surpassed other major European countries1.4.2 Current British EconomyThe world’s fifth largest economyNatural Resources & Infrastructures:Principal resources—oil and gas/Large amount of coalAgriculture:Mild climate-favorable environment for agriculture and stock raising.Energy Production: (Shell、British Petroleum、British Gas) Services industries: the strongest performing sector in the UK economy.Finance:①London known as the world’s leading international financial centre②The London foreign exchange market is the largest in the world③Fund Management ④Securities Dealing1.5 Education, Media and Holiday1.5.1 Education•Education Policy:Compulsory education Comprehensive schools/Grammar schools/Vocational schoolsSubjects : mathematics, English, science, geography, history, technology, music, arts, physical education and a foreign language. •Educational SystemPrimary and Secondary Education : (State system—local authoritymaintained / Independent system—Public schools)Independent system——famous schools:Eton ,Harrow and WinchesterNational curriculumHigher Education1.5.2 Media•Newspapers—long established industrythe world’s oldest Sunday newspaper)The Times•Television and BroadcastThe British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) 1936Independent Television(ITV)19551.5.3Holidays and FestivalChristmas: celebration of the brith of Jesus ChristBoxing Day: the day following Christmas dayEaster:the oldest and most important Christian festivalNational festival:on November 5Bonfire Night:light huge bonfireMother’s Day:first celebrated in 1908April Fools’Day: playing practical jokes on this day. Remembrance Sunday:held on the second Sunday in November1.6 Literature①The Old English Period and Middle English Period (450-1500)The Old English Period:the epic BeowulfThe Middle English Period:With the Norma Conquest in 1066,Britian entered the Middle Ages(1066-1485)Geoffrey Chaucer②The Renaissance (1500-1660)• Sonnet:of the Italian origin ,one of the best-known sonnet writers is Willian Shakespeare,who wrote 154 of them.Drama:The highest glory of the English Renaissance isdrama •William Shakespeare(1564-1616): was born in that house on Henley Street in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564.Comedy: a midsummer might’sdream(1595) / the merchant of Venice(1598)Tragedies: Hamlet(1601)/ Remeo and Juliet (1597)③The Neo-Classical Period (1660-1785)•Historical Background•RepresentativesJohn Milton:(1608-1674) Paradise LostAlexander Pope:(1688-1744) the first English poet who could lived off the sales of his worksJonathan Swift:(1667-1745) YahooDaniel Defoe:(1660-1731) Robinson Crusoe④The Romantic Period (1785-1830)•Pioneers of Romantic PoetsPioneers:William Wordsworth(1770-1850) & Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772-1834)Declaration of Independence of romantic poetry—Lyrical Ballads(1798)•The Major“Second Generation”of Romantic Poets:Geogre Gordon Byron(1788-1824)John Keats(1785-1821)⑤The Victorian Period (1832-1901)•Critical Realism:Features→ Representatives•RepresentativesCharles Dickens(1812-1870)Jane Austen(1775-1817) :Bronte Sisters( Charlotte & Emily & Anne) :George Eliot(1819-1880)Thomas Hardy(1840-1928) :⑥The Modern Period (1914-1945)•Fiction:Joseph Conrad(1857-1924) . Virginia Woolf(1882-1941) .James Joyce (1882-1941)wrence(1885-1930)•Poetry:William Butler Yeats(1865-1939) . Thomas Stearns Eliot(1888-1965)•Drama:George Berenard Shaw(1856-1950)⑦The Postmodern Period(1945-)Fiction:George Orwell(1903-1950)Drama:Samuel Beckett(1906-1989)A:Before the first century AD Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms of Celtic people: a powerful culture originating in central Europe. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman empire, and England and Wales (though not Scotland or Ireland) became a part of the Roman empire for nearly 400 years.Two more groups of invaders were to come after the English: from the late 8th century on, raiders from Scandinavia, the ferocious Vikings, threatened Britain's shores. William the duke of Normandy ,France in 1066 at an annual rate of militaryA:In reality, the King or Queen does everything on the advice of the Prim e Minister, and his/her role is symbolic, ceremonial,and not political.Britain for heads of state and the separation system, the emperor is the phantom head only courtesy and symbolic meaning, it is the general understanding of jurists, emperor actually in some cases, there are still and its extensive influence, even the Blair once said "England can do without me, but not without her majesty the queen", the prime minister is the head of government, direct the work of the cabinet.A:The reign of Elizabeth I, is a parliamentary system, not the prime minister, right in the hands of the queen. Elizabeth II is a constitutional monarchy, the prime minister's power larger than the queen, the queen became king series and died.The queen is only the nominal head of state, is appointed by the queen is responsible for the technical secretary, but in fact the queen cannot appoint or dismiss ministers and officials; Prime minister general by the majority leader of the house of Commons, and "advised" the queen appointed by the prime minister other cabinet members. And the British government is not responsible to the queen, it must be responsible to the house of Commons, which indirectly responsible to British voters.1.1Geography, People and Language1.1.1 GeographyIn the central part of North America / Canada on the north / Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico on the south / Atlantic Ocean on the east / Pacific Ocean on the west9,6 million square kilometersOriginal 48 states (Alaska & Hawaii)Main Geographical Regions:New England(Harvard)、The Mid-Atlantic States(New York)、The South、The Midwest(Chicago)、The Southwest、The west(California)The Mississippi River as the “father of waters”& The great Lakes 1.1.2Climate mainly temperate with some mild subtropical zones with only the southern Florida and Hawaii being tropical1.1.3Natural Resources rich in mineral / oil /Energy crisis:oil consumption and reservation 1.1.4Major CitiesNew York—commercial and financial centerWashington D.C—sent of the federal governmentLos Angles—second largest cityChicago—the windy citySeattle, Philadelphia, Sam Francisco1.1.5Pople the third most populous nation in the world,ranking behind China and IndiaAbout 8 million black people were brought to America from Afria as slaves from 1620 to 1820.the black people account for about 12% of population.1.2History1.2.1Ameica in the Colonial EraPilgrims Fathers:Boston Tea Party: in 1773The First Continental Congress :1774-091.2.2The War of IndependenceThe Shot of Lexington : in April 19,1775The Second Continental Congress: founding Continental Army and NavyDeclaration of Independence:on july 4,1776 / drafted by Thomas JeffersonProcess of the War:dragged on for seven yearsThe Establishment of the Constitution:on May 25,17871.2.3The Civil WarCauses of Civil War:Economic、politicalThe North:23 states,22million population Comparison of Power: The South:11states,9 million population The Fierce War:Abraham LincolnInfluence of the Civil War:abolished the slavery system1.2.4America in the 20 th CenturyWorld War I:outbreak of the first world war / US entered the war in 1917Post WWI to the 1940s:the booming 1920s / the great depression / New DealWorld War II : broke out in September,1939 and ended in August,1945Post WWII Years: The Cold War / Truman Doctrine / NATO/ The Korean War / The Vietnam War1.2.5America in the 21 th CenturyGeorge W.Bush Period : the econom remains as fastThe War against Terrorism : on September 11,2001Invasion of Iraq : March 20,20031.3Government1.3.1 ConstitutionBase instrument law,drawn up in 1787,came into effect in 17891.3.2 Federal System & GovernmentThe Federal GovernmentThe Executive Branch:White House / President/Watergate Scandal The Legislative Branch : Congress/ the Senate/The House ofRepresntatives/The Funtion of CongressThe Judicial Branch:The Supreme Court is the highest court1.3.3 Political PartiesSymbols of Parties:Donkey & ElephantThe Democratic Party :LiberalThe Republican Party :ConservationFunction of Parties :to nominate candidates for office and help them in their election campaigns1.3.4 ElectionThe process is complex / four stages/1.3.5 Foreign PolicyNeutrality :fourteen pointsContainment and Intervention : cold war ,historic step,US domination1.4Economy1.4.1 General IntroductionUS—the current industrial,economic and technological giantMixed economyPrivate businesses produce most goods and services“Cunsumer economy”1.4.2History of American Economy1.4.3Current American EconomyAgriculture:Agribusiness\low-cost output\farmers not work on the farms full time.Manufacturing Industry:formed an industrial system with large productivity.Serivce Industry:Tremendous growth in employment in the service sector since the 1970s.High-tech Industry:ranking first in the world \ leading computercompanies 、engineering 、information technology in the world Foreign Trade:from domestic-oriented to internationally-oriented Exports about 10% of the world ’s totalBiggest percentage of imports in the world1.5Education,Media and Holidays1.5.1EducationIdeals →local control →basic nature of knowledge and learningElementary and Secondary Education(SAT) System Higher Education (Harvard College in 1636) Famous Universities(Ivy League) Multicultural Education1.5.2Media1.5.3Holidays and FestivalsThanksgiving : the 4 th Thursday in NovemberIndependence Day :The 4 th of July (firework \ parade)1.5Literature1.5.1 The Colonial and Revolutionary Periods (1607-1775) Jonathan EdwardsBenjamin Franklin1.5.2The Romantic Period(1790-1865)1.5.3The Realistic Period1.5.4The Naturalistic Period1.5.5The Modern PeirodLost Generation:F.Scott Fitzgerald \ Ernest Hemingway Modern Poetry:Ezra Pound \1.5.6The Contemporary PeriodA:I think the melting pot of more in line with the United States.The United States is an immigrant country, almost all countries in the world in the United States of America, and these people are all have higher skills, or is more than the winning class level. And these people put their own traditional culture into the American society. Caused the cultural diversity of American society and the United States is good at to absorb the cultural essence of all ethnic groups, such as the Confucius institute is an example.A: The Baby Boomers: the Baby Boomer generation was born into an America of considerable wealth and economic security. This allowed the Baby Boomers to find secure, well-paying jobs, which drove patterns of high consumption. Everyone owned a home, a new car and had two or more children because they could afford it. In 1960, the average wage was $5,300, and the average home price was around $12,700 – 2.4 times the average salary. This is one potential explanation for why Generation X and Y seem so uninterested in homeownership – owning a home has just become too expensive for the younger generations.At the same time, these economic factors force millennial to revise what they believe the American Dream to be. Since millennial have a hard time affording a home, they don't feel as anchored to their hometowns. In fact, 38% of millennial report that travel is a part of their American Dream, while only 28% include lennials also tend to see self-employment as part of the American Dream – 26%, versus 16% of Boomers. It shows a clear shift in attitudes from Boomers, one that is likely brought on by the chronic job insecurity that so many millennials and Gen Xers face today.American Dream has not disappeared.Although the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has its own uniqueness and complexity, is the inevitable choice of Chinese history and development, however, China's development is Shared with the world, and the "Chinese dream" is not independent outside of the world, "Chinese dream" not only belongs to China, also Shared with the world.China wants to become a world power, the universality of Chinese culture should have more, better accepted by people in other countries.China to home feelings for performance, more emphasis on "country" in China dream. But the home is the part of the country composed dream to dream of a family, and family dreams by the individual to achieve, and the Chinese dream isdream, dream is family, is also a personal dream.。
英语国家概况期末考试英国教育体制作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Education System in the United KingdomAs a student living in the UK, I have experienced the British education system firsthand from the earliest years through to higher education. The UK has a robust and well-structured educational framework that aims to provide quality learning opportunities for all children and young adults. In this essay, I will delve into the intricacies of the UK's education system, highlighting its key features, strengths, and potential areas for improvement.The Early Years: Nursery and Primary EducationThe journey through the UK education system typically begins with nursery or pre-school education, which is optional but widely encouraged for children aged 3 to 4 years old. This early start aims to foster social skills, introduce basic learning concepts, and prepare children for the more structured environment of primary school.Primary education in the UK is compulsory for children aged 5 to 11 and is divided into two stages: Key Stage 1 (ages 5-7) and Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11). During these formative years, students are introduced to core subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, and Art. The curriculum is designed to develop fundamental skills in literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking.One strength of the primary education system in the UK is the emphasis on personalized learning and support. Teachers strive to identify individual student needs and adapt their teaching methods accordingly. Additionally, regular assessments and standardized tests, such as the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 SATs (Standard Assessment Tests), help track student progress and identify areas for improvement.Secondary Education: A Diverse LandscapeUpon completing primary education, students transition to secondary school, typically between the ages of 11 and 16. The secondary education system in the UK is divided into Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14) and Key Stage 4 (ages 14-16).During Key Stage 3, students continue to study a broad range of subjects, including the core subjects of English, Mathematics, and Science, as well as additional subjects likeModern Foreign Languages, History, Geography, Art, Music, and Physical Education. This comprehensive curriculum aims to provide a well-rounded education and allow students to explore their interests and aptitudes.At the end of Key Stage 4, students take the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations, which are nationally recognized qualifications that assess their performance in various subjects. The GCSE results play a crucial role in determining a student's future educational and career path.One notable aspect of the UK secondary education system is the diversity of school types available. Students can attend state-funded schools (such as community schools, academies, or faith schools), independent or private schools, or grammar schools (which have selective admission based on academic ability). This variety allows parents and students to choose an educational environment that aligns with their preferences and needs.Sixth Form and Vocational EducationAfter completing compulsory secondary education, students in the UK have several options for further study. One popular route is to continue their academic journey through sixth form orcollege, where they can pursue A-Levels (Advanced Level qualifications) or vocational qualifications.A-Levels are subject-based qualifications that are typically studied over two years. Students choose three or four subjects to focus on, which allows them to specialize in areas of interest and prepare for university admission. Common A-Level subjects include Mathematics, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, and Modern Foreign Languages.Alternatively, students can opt for vocational qualifications, such as BTECs (Business and Technology Education Council) or NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications). These qualifications are designed to provide practical, work-related skills and knowledge, preparing students for specific careers or further vocational training.Higher Education: Universities and BeyondThe UK is renowned for its prestigious higher education institutions, including world-class universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and the University of Edinburgh, among many others. These institutions offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs, attracting students from across the globe.To gain admission to a UK university, students typically need to meet specific entry requirements, which often include achieving certain grades in their A-Levels or equivalent qualifications. The application process is facilitated through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), which serves as a centralized system for managing university applications.One strength of the UK higher education system is the emphasis on research and academic excellence. Many universities are at the forefront of cutting-edge research in various fields, providing students with opportunities to engage in groundbreaking work and contribute to advancing knowledge.Potential Areas for ImprovementWhile the UK education system has many strengths, there are also areas that could benefit from further improvement. One concern is the potential for socioeconomic disparities to impact educational outcomes. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may face additional challenges in accessing quality education or receiving the necessary support and resources.Another area for consideration is the increasing emphasis on standardized testing and assessment, which can lead to anarrowing of the curriculum and excessive pressure on students and teachers. It is essential to strike a balance between accountability and fostering a love for learning and personal growth.Additionally, there are ongoing discussions around the need for greater investment in educational resources, teacher training, and support services to ensure that all students have access to high-quality learning experiences, regardless of their backgrounds or individual circumstances.ConclusionIn conclusion, the education system in the United Kingdom is a multifaceted and evolving framework that aims to provide quality education to all students. From the early years of nursery and primary school through to secondary and higher education, the UK offers a diverse range of educational pathways and opportunities.While the system has its strengths, such as personalized learning, academic rigor, and a focus on research excellence, there is also room for continuous improvement. Addressing socioeconomic disparities, finding the right balance between assessment and nurturing a love for learning, and investing ineducational resources are crucial areas that require ongoing attention and effort.As a student in the UK, I am grateful for the educational opportunities available to me and the dedication of educators who strive to foster a love for learning and personal growth. The UK education system, with its rich history and commitment to excellence, continues to shape the minds of future generations, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.篇2The Education System in the United KingdomAs a student in the UK, I have experienced the British education system firsthand from the early years through to higher education. The UK has a structured yet flexible approach to education that aims to provide quality learning opportunities for all children and young adults. In this essay, I will discuss the key stages, qualifications, and unique aspects of the UK's education system.Early Years and Primary EducationIn the UK, children typically start their educational journey in nursery or pre-school around the age of 3 or 4. This early yearseducation focuses on play-based learning, social development, and introducing basic literacy and numeracy skills. At the age of 5, children enter primary school, which lasts for 6 years until they are 11 years old.Primary education in the UK covers key subjects like English, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, music, and physical education. The curriculum is designed to develop a solid foundation in core academic areas while also nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and well-rounded personal growth. Primary schools use various teaching methods, including whole-class lessons, group work, and individual activities, to cater to different learning styles.Secondary Education and QualificationsAfter completing primary school, students move on to secondary education, which typically spans from ages 11 to 16 (or 18 in some cases). Secondary schools in the UK are divided into several key stages:Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14): This stage builds upon the knowledge and skills acquired in primary school, with a focus on subjects like English, mathematics, science, history, geography, foreign languages, art, music, and physical education.Key Stage 4 (ages 14-16): During these two years, students work towards obtaining their first major qualifications, typically the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or equivalent qualifications. GCSEs are subject-based exams that assess a student's knowledge and skills in various subjects. They are graded from 9 (highest) to 1 (lowest), with a pass grade typically being 4 or above.After completing Key Stage 4, students have a choice to make:Continue in academic education and pursue A-Levels (Advanced Level qualifications) or other vocational qualifications like the BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) at a sixth form college or a school with a sixth form.Seek employment or enroll in vocational training programs, such as apprenticeships or further education colleges.A-Levels and Vocational QualificationsFor those who choose to continue their academic education, A-Levels are the most common pathway. A-Levels aresubject-based qualifications that students typically study for two years (ages 16-18). Most students take three or four A-Level subjects, which are assessed through a combination ofcoursework and final exams. A-Levels are graded from A* (highest) to E, with A*, A, B, and C being considered passing grades for university entry.Alongside A-Levels, vocational qualifications like BTECs are also available. BTECs are more practical and work-related qualifications that prepare students for specific careers or higher education in a particular field. These qualifications are offered at various levels, from entry-level to higher national diplomas, and cover subjects like business, engineering, IT, art and design, and health and social care.Higher EducationAfter completing A-Levels or vocational qualifications, students can choose to pursue higher education at universities or other institutions. The UK has a diverse range of universities, including renowned institutions like Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and the University of Edinburgh, among many others.To gain admission to a university, students typically apply through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Entry requirements vary depending on the university and course, but generally, students need to meet specific grade requirements in their A-Levels or equivalent qualifications.Higher education in the UK offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs, including bachelor's degrees (typically 3 years), master's degrees (1-2 years), and doctoral degrees (PhD, usually 3-4 years). Additionally, some universities offer foundation degrees, which are vocational qualifications that combine academic study with workplace learning.Unique Aspects of the UK Education SystemThe UK education system has several unique aspects that set it apart from other countries:Independent Schools (Private Schools): Alongsidestate-funded schools, the UK has a significant number of independent or private schools. These schools are fee-paying and often have a long tradition and reputation for academic excellence. Some of the most prestigious independent schools in the UK are known as "public schools," a term that can be confusing to those unfamiliar with the system.Grammar Schools: In certain areas of the UK, there are selective state-funded grammar schools that admit students based on their performance in an entrance examination. These schools are known for their academic rigor and often serve as apathway for high-achieving students to gain admission to top universities.Boarding Schools: The UK has a tradition of boarding schools, where students live and study on campus during term time. Boarding schools can be found in both the state and independent sectors and offer a unique educational experience with a focus on extracurricular activities and community living.Scottish Education System: Scotland has a slightly different education system from the rest of the UK, with its own qualifications (e.g., Nationals, Highers, and Advanced Highers) and a distinct curriculum. However, Scottish qualifications are recognized and accepted throughout the UK for university entry.In conclusion, the UK education system provides a comprehensive and structured approach to learning, with a focus on developing well-rounded individuals and preparing them for further academic pursuits or the workforce. From the early years through to higher education, the system offers a range of qualifications, pathways, and unique educational experiences that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of students.篇3The Education System in the United KingdomAs a student in the UK, I have experienced the unique education system here firsthand. The UK has a long and storied history when it comes to education, with some of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world located within its borders. However, the education journey begins much earlier than university for British students.Compulsory education in the UK starts at age 5 and continues until age 16. From ages 5-11, children attend primary school. The primary curriculum covers core subjects like English, math, science, history, geography, art, music, and physical education. At age 11, students move on to secondary school.Secondary Education (Ages 11-16)This is where the UK system starts to diverge from that of other countries. Instead of a single standardized curriculum, there are several "tracks" students can follow in secondary school. The two main options are:The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) routeVocational courses and apprenticeshipsThe GCSE is the most common path. Students work towards GCSE exams in a range of subjects like English, maths, sciences, humanities, languages, and electives. GCSE scores are crucial, asthey impact which advanced courses and universities students can progress to after age 16.Alternatively, some students opt for more vocational, hands-on training through courses like BTECs (Business and Technology Education Council qualifications). These allow students to develop practical skills in fields like construction, hospitality, or hair and beauty. Apprenticeships that combine work and study are another vocational option.Post-16 EducationOnce students turn 16, compulsory education ends. However, the majority stay in education until 18 to pursue one of three routes:A-LevelsVocational coursesWorkplace apprenticeshipsA-Levels (Advanced Levels) are two-year subject-based courses that prepare students for university. Students typically take 3-4 A-Level subjects of their choice in areas like maths, English, sciences, languages, humanities and arts. A-Level exams are extremely challenging, requiring deep subject mastery.Alternatively, students can take more vocational courses like BTECs at Level 3 (equivalent to A-Levels). Or they can begin higher-level apprenticeships, earning while receiving on-the-job training.Higher EducationAfter completing A-Levels or equivalent qualifications, students can apply to universities. The UK has a centralized university application system called UCAS that all students use.When applying, students must meet challenging entry requirements set by each university and degree program. These are largely based on A-Level grades and sometimes include admission tests.If accepted, students have two main options:Three-year bachelor's degreesFour-year degrees with an integrated master'sTuition fees for domestic UK/EU students are currently capped at £9,250 per year at public universities in England. Costs can be much higher for international students and at private institutions.Universities in the UK are globally renowned, with institutions like Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, and many others ranking among the world's best. However, gaining entry to the top programs is enormously competitive.Overall ThoughtsAs a student, I appreciate how the UK system offers flexibility, with both academic and vocational pathways. The option to begin apprenticeships and career training straight out of secondary school provides alternatives to university for some students.That said, the system does involve extremely high-stakes testing like GCSEs and A-Levels. The pressure to perform well on these exams from an early age can be immense. University entry requirements and costs, especially for domestic students, are also very demanding compared to other European countries.Ultimately though, for academically-inclined students like me, the UK provides a world-class education from primary school through to higher education at its brilliant universities. The system has served me well so far in pursuing my potential through rigorous coursework and examinations.。
A comparative study on the structure of British and American Governments The structure of American GovernmentsThe main government of the united states is the Federal government.It has three branches:The Legislature,The Executive and The Judiciary.Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses:the Senate and the House of Representative.the senate has 100voting member.2 from each of the 50 states.a senator must be over 30 years old.the House of Representative has 435 voting members,a Representatives must be at least 25years old.Congress helps to pass laws of the UnionThere are 15 departments and many independent agencies in executive branch.the President is the chief of the executive branch,who has the power to manage national affairs and the working of the federal government.Cabinet is under the President in the administration branch,which serves the president as a presidential council.The judicial branch consists of 3 main courts:the supreme courts,the courts of appeals and the district courts.the supreme courts is the highest court of the United states.the courts of appeals is set up to share the burden of the Supreme Court.The district courts serves for local government ,and every state has its own judicial system.The structure of the British GovernmentsThe main 3 parts of the British Governments is the Legislature,the Executive and The Judiciary.Parliament is the law-making body of Britain,which is made of the Crown,the House of Lords and the House of Commons.The government is made up of the Prime Minister,the Cabinet ministers and assistants to the ministers.the prime minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.The Cabinet is the supreme decision-making body in the British government.the Cabinet follow the principle of collective responsibility and individual ministerial responsibility.In fact,the Prime Minister is the most powerful leader in Britain.The judicial branch is complicated in British.every district has there own legal systems.the magistrates’court deal with all criminal cases.the Crown Court deal with the more serious cases,which will go to high court or the Court of Appeal or even the supreme court。
一、英语GJ概况课程教学现状开放大学英语专业开设《英语GJ概况》课程采纳外语教学与研究出版社20XX年版谢福之主编的《英语GJ概况(Guide to English-Speking Countries)》。
任课教师在多媒体PPT中集中展示学习章节的单词、词汇和短语,帮助学生扫清阅读障碍;多媒体中的有关GJ的图片知识可以让学生了解英语GJ概况,了解目标GJ的地形地貌;多媒体中的图表帮助学生了解目标GJ 的人口、经济等基本社会情况;多媒体中的音频资料帮助学生听到目标GJ的介绍;多媒体中的视频可以让学生看到英、美等国各地的人文和自然景观。
《海外文化检索》(“英语国家概况”)课程论文写作要求一、语言及字数要求:英语,正文1500~2000字(不包含参考文献)二、选题:跟课程相关,学生自选三、时间要求: 12月27日(17周)之前上交论文。
5、论文字体:汉语:宋体,英语:Times New Roman。
具体包含以下4个方面内容:1) 写作要求完成情况:学生能否有效就其选定的题目进行资料查找、阅读,并且进行描述和写作,字数达到要求。
【占25%,按照完成情况打分】2) 连贯性和结构层次:学生能否将信息和要点进行组织,信息和要点之间的联系是否清晰。
【占25%,按照完成情况打分】3) 词汇的多样性和语法的准确性:学生使用的词汇是否广泛、准确、且适合写作的要求;语法结构是否多样、准确、且适合写作的要求。
论文规范和范例Part I Questions1.Why should we write quotes in an essayBecause we should give credit to quoted authors.Whenever you use someone else’s words in an essay, you must indicate clearly that the words are not your own. You do this by using proper formatting and by using endnotes to give the original author credit. There are two basic ways to format quotations, one for short quotations and the other for long quotes.2. How to write a quote in an essay1)Select your quotations carefully and don’t use more than you need. Usequotations when accuracy or exact wording is important or when the quotation makes a powerful point. Introduce the quotations in your own words and make sure they fit smoothly into the flow of your essay.2)Use double quotation marks around a quotation when you use a direct quotationthat is less than four lines long. Don’t use quotation marks around paraphrased material (material summarized in your own words).3)Indent a quotation if it is more than four lines long. Do not use quotation marksaround indented quotations.4)Capitalize the first letter of a quote if it is a complete sentence but not if it is afragment. Put periods and commas inside quotation marks. Put colons and semicolons outside. Put question marks and exclamation points inside the quotation marks if they are part of the quotation, but put them outside the quotation marks if they refer to the sentence as a whole.5)Give endnotes to every quotation, even paraphrased quotations, at the end of theessay.Part II Essay正文字体、标题、行距、段落等格式正文全文1.5倍行距,除题目和标题外,都用Times New Roman小四号。
英语国家概况考试作文的挑战与应对The challenges and strategies in writing an essay for the English-speaking Countries Overview examination are numerous and diverse. This examination, often a requirement for students pursuing degrees in international relations, linguistics, or other related fields, demands a deep understanding of the cultural, historical, political, and social landscapes of English-speaking nations. Successfully navigating this exam requires not only a solid grasp of factual information but also the ability to synthesize and analyze that information in a coherent and critical manner. One of the primary challenges faced by students is the breadth of content covered by the examination. The English-speaking world is vast, encompassing countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, each with its unique history, culture, and political system. Mastering the details of each country's development can be daunting, especially when trying to do so within the confines of a timed examination.To overcome this challenge, students must develop effective study strategies. One such strategy is toprioritize information based on its importance and frequency of appearance on past exams. For instance, focusing on major historical events, significant cultural contributions, and contemporary political issues is often more beneficial than trying to memorize every minor detail. Additionally, using mnemonic devices, such as creating mnemonic maps or association tables, can help students retain information more effectively.Another significant challenge is the requirement to demonstrate critical thinking skills. The examination not only tests students' knowledge of facts but also their ability to analyze and evaluate those facts in a critical light. This means that students must be able to identify patterns, draw comparisons, and offer insights into the underlying causes and consequences of historical and contemporary events.To develop these skills, students should engage in regular practice. Writing essays on topics related to the examination can help students improve their ability to structure their thoughts, make logical arguments, and support their assertions with evidence. Additionally,participating in discussions with classmates or mentors can provide valuable feedback and help students identify areas where they need to improve.Moreover, understanding the format and structure of the essay is crucial. Students should familiarize themselves with the typical essay structure, including an introduction that clearly states the thesis, body paragraphs that develop and support the argument, and a conclusion that sums up the main points and leaves a lasting impression. Adhering to this structure can help ensure that the essay flows smoothly and effectively conveys the student's understanding and analysis of the subject matter.Finally, managing time during the examination is a critical skill. Students must allocate sufficient time for each section of the essay, ensuring that they have enough time to thoroughly develop their ideas and provide adequate evidence to support their arguments. Practice timed writing exercises can help students improve their speed and efficiency in writing essays.In conclusion, writing an essay for the English-speaking Countries Overview examination presents a uniqueset of challenges that require careful preparation and practice. By prioritizing information, developing critical thinking skills, understanding essay structure, and managing time effectively, students can increase their chances of success in this important academic endeavor.**英语国家概况考试作文的挑战与应对**英语国家概况考试作文的挑战与应对策略多样且复杂。
英语国家概况课程标准The English-speaking countries, also known as Anglophone countries, are those where English is the primary language. These countries are diverse in terms of culture, history, and geography, but they share a common language that has become a global lingua franca. In this document, we will explore the key aspects of the English-speaking countries, including their demographics, history, culture, and education systems.Demographics。
The English-speaking countries are home to a diverse range of people, with a variety of ethnicities, religions, and languages. The largest of these countries, the United States, has a population of over 300 million people, while smaller countries like New Zealand have populations of just a few million. Despite their differences, these countries are united by their use of the English language, which serves as a common bond among their citizens.History。
华南农业大学珠江学院《英语国家概况》课程论文A Simple Analysis of the Relationship Between America ‟s value、Societyand America‟s Proverbs杨菁华论文题目:浅谈美国价值观、社会与美国谚语的关系系:外国语系年级专业:2012级英语(教育)1201班学号: 20122090141 姓名(手写签名):提交日期: 2015年6月18日论文成绩评定:二〇一五年六月二十日Abstract: This paper discuss the relationship between American values,social and proverbs in-depth analysis from American proverb embodied American values.On the basis of the collected sayings,this paper analyzed the American values influence on American people daily behavior,the impact on the value and the meaning of American’s lives.It pointed out that proverb,values and social relations.This research is helpful for us to understand thoroughly the mainstream culture of the United States.In addition, this kind of research is provide beneficial for those want to study in the USA and interested in America culture of Chinese people.Key Words: America,value, proverb, behavior摘要:本文探讨美国价值观、社会与谚语的关系,深入分析从美国谚语中所体现的美国价值观。
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《海外文化检索》(“英语国家概况”)课程论文写作要求一、语言及字数要求:英语,正文1500~2000字(不包含参考文献)二、选题:跟课程相关,学生自选三、时间要求: 12月27日(17周)之前上交论文。
5、论文字体:汉语:宋体,英语:Times New Roman。
具体包含以下4个方面内容:1) 写作要求完成情况:学生能否有效就其选定的题目进行资料查找、阅读,并且进行描述和写作,字数达到要求。
【占25%,按照完成情况打分】2) 连贯性和结构层次:学生能否将信息和要点进行组织,信息和要点之间的联系是否清晰。
【占25%,按照完成情况打分】3) 词汇的多样性和语法的准确性:学生使用的词汇是否广泛、准确、且适合写作的要求;语法结构是否多样、准确、且适合写作的要求。
论文规范和范例Part I Questions1.Why should we write quotes in an essayBecause we should give credit to quoted authors.Whenever you use someone else’s words in an essay, you must indicate clearly that the words are not your own. You do this by using proper formatting and by using endnotes to give the original author credit. There are two basic ways to format quotations, one for short quotations and the other for long quotes.2. How to write a quote in an essay1)Select your quotations carefully and don’t use more than you need.Use quotations when accuracy or exact wording is important or when the quotation makes a powerful point. Introduce the quotations in your own words and make sure they fit smoothly into the flow of your essay.2)Use double quotation marks around a quotation when you use a directquotation that is less than four lines long. Don’t use quotation marks around paraphrased material (material summarized in your own words).3)Indent a quotation if it is more than four lines long. Do not usequotation marks around indented quotations.4)Capitalize the first letter of a quote if it is a complete sentencebut not if it is a fragment. Put periods and commas inside quotation marks. Put colons and semicolons outside. Put question marks and exclamation points inside the quotation marks if they are part of the quotation, but put them outside the quotation marks if they refer to the sentence as a whole.5)Give endnotes to every quotation, even paraphrased quotations, at theend of the essay.Part II Essay正文字体、标题、行距、段落等格式正文全文1.5倍行距,除题目和标题外,都用Times New Roman小四号。
题目和标题写法:大写除介词、冠词外的单词首字母(第一个词是介词则大写)具体范例如下:On Positive Chinese-to-English Transfer IntroductionLanguage transfer is the influence resulting from similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired. …This essay aims to discuss the positive effects and influences from Chinese to English language in Chinese students’English learning process, and to find out whether there is positive transfer from Chinese to English language in Chinese students’ English learning process. 1. Comparison between English and Chinese LanguageEnglish language and Chinese language as two branches of language are out of question having some similarities. However, because they belong to two different language systems, their users’different cultural conventions and political beliefs make them differ from each other. All those similarities and differences to some extent make impacts on the language transfer between English and Chinese. This thesis is going to compare English and Chinese language from the perspective of pronunciation, vocabulary and discourse.1.1 PronunciationEnglish and Chinese are two different languages: English belongs to Indo-European Language while Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan Languages. Chineselanguage has nineteen monophthongs and diphthongs, twenty-one consonants while English has twenty monophthongs and diphthongs, twenty-eight consonants. Therefore in spite of those same monophthongs, diphthongs and consonants, there are still some English pronunciations which can not be found in Chinese language, such as [∫] and [t∫]. 1.1.1 Chinese Language vs. English LanguageAlthough the researches on the language transfer are without number, they are mostly based on two different foreign languages (such as English and French). But, Chinese experts at home have been branching out a great amount of experiments and studies, among which most of the experts held the ideas that there must exist negative transfer from mother language (hear refers to Chinese language) to the second language (here refers to English language). However, researches on the positive transfer from Chinese language to English language are scarce.…以此类推ConclusionThe present study is an attempt to find out whether there is positive Chinese-to-English transfer in Chinese students’English learning process. From the above analysis it is obvious to see that ... Learners and teachers should make great use of those linguistic and non-linguistic factors, so as to promote the positive transfer from Chinese language to English language.Part III Essay 正文加注举例假设引用的是作者David Nunan 2008年的著作1.直接引用,用于4行字内 (加引号)e.g.1 Nunan (2008) pointed out “While some cultures may not insist so heavily on documenting sources of words, ideas, images, sounds, etc., American culture does.”e.g. 2 “While some cultures may not insist so heavily on documenting sources of words, ideas, images, sounds, etc., American culture does.”(Nunan, 2008)2.直接引用,超过4行(不加引号)e.g. 3Many rules have to do with research and proper citation. As is pointed out:While some cultures may not insist so heavily on documenting sources of words, ideas, images, sounds, etc., American culture does. A charge of plagiarism can have severe consequences, including expulsion from a university or loss of a job, not to mention a writer's loss of credibility and professional standing. This resource, which does not reflect any official university policy, is designed to help you develop strategies for knowing how to avoid accidental plagiarism. (Nunan, 2008)3.间接引用(用自己的话转引,不加引号)e.g. 4As Nunan (2008) pointed out American culture insists heavily on documenting sources of words, ideas, images, sounds, etc. and a charge of plagiarism can have severe consequences.e.g. 5American culture insists heavily on documenting sources of words, ideas, images, sounds, etc. and a charge of plagiarism can have severe consequences (Nunan, 2008)4.电子文献引用由于电子文献可能没有作者,引用时就注文章题目(题目只需写前3个词);没有出版日期的,就注引用时间。