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Earth Science Frontiers (Chin a University of Geosciences,Beijing;Peking University)Vol.15No.1Jan.2008



作者简介:岳大力(1974)),男,讲师,从事储层地质学及油气藏描述科研及教学工作。E -mail:yu e dali@1631com



, 吴胜和1

, 谭河清2

, 余地云1

, 姜香云1

, 刘世斌




Yue Dali 1, Wu Shenghe 1, Tan H eqing 2, Yu Diyun 1, Jiang Xiangyun 1, Liu Shibin 2

11F aculty of Natur al Re sour ce &Inf ormation T ec hnology ,China Univ er sity of P etr oleu m(B eij ing ),Beij ing 102249,China 21S he ngli Oilf ie ld Co 1L td,S IN OPE C,Dongy ing 257000,China

Yue D ali,Wu Shenghe,Tan Heqing,et al 1An anatomy of paleochannel reservoir architecture of meandering river reservoir )a case study of Guantao formation,the west 7th block of Gudong oilfield.Earth Science Frontiers ,2008,15(1):101-109

Abstract:T aking the w est 7th block of Gudong oilfield,Sheng li petr oleum pr ov ince as a case,based on the sedimentar y micr ofacies analysis,and acco rding to the co re,well log ging and perfor mance data,w e hav e sy s -temat ically anatomized the hierar chical paleochannel r eser vo ir ar chit ecture o f meandering riv er reser -voir 1Directed by quant itativ e model of po int bar dist ribution and based on the positiv e rhythm of ver tical char -acter istics and the peculiarit ies of larg e sandstone thickness and the distributio n close to the abando ned chan -nel,w e have recog nized t wo point bars in N g522la yer 1Co mbining outcrop and mo der n depo sit study,empirica l for mula for ecasting ,and analysis of pair ed w ells,w e hav e est ablished a quantitative architecture model of in -side of t he po int bar 1Guided by the quantit ative model and the r esults o f per formance mo nitor ing,and co n -tro lled by lat er al accretio n shale beddings in sing le wells,we carr ied on t he model fitting ,and accomplished the inner architecture analy sis 1Remaining oil distributio n in t he po int bar has been analy zed in detail,and the po -tential ex ploitatio n measures ar e pro po sed,that is,dr illing hor izo nt al wells o n the to p of the point bar 1T he ap -plicatio n o f the anato my result to the study area has broug ht about g oo d effects 1T he r esult of this study ma y be used in other similar oilfields 1

Key words:reserv oir architecture;remaining o il;point bar;meandering river;Gudo ng o ilfield

摘 要:以胜利油区孤东油田七区西为例,在沉积微相研究的基础上,主要应用研究区岩心、测井,动态等资料,对曲流河古河道砂体进行了系统的储层层次构型精细解剖。在点坝定量分布模式的指导下,根据点坝砂体垂向上典型的正韵律、砂体厚度大以及紧邻废弃河道分布等特征,在研究区N g522单层复合河道砂体内部识别出2个单一点坝。综合露头和现代沉积的研究成果、经验公式预测以及对子井分析,建立了研究区点坝内部构型定量模式,以单井上识别的泥质侧积层作为依据,点坝内部定量模式及动态监测结果作为指导,进行模式拟合,达到系统解剖点坝内部构型的目的。建立了点坝内部泥质侧积层控制的剩余油分布模式,提出了采用在点坝砂体中上部钻水平井的方式开采侧积层控制的剩余油。点坝构型解剖成果在研究区得到了较好的应用效果,而且对类似油田储层精细研究及剩余分布预测都有较好的借鉴作用。
