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如何抓住托福听力主旨题的关键?考托福的同学们都知道,托福听力的每篇lecture和conversation之后的第一道题必考听力文章的主旨,而很多同学听到主旨这个词都以为是main idea,然而,根据托福官方指南(Official Guide)的说明,主旨题并不仅仅如此。
下面就和文都国际教育小编一起来详细了解下如何抓住托福听力主旨题的关键:托福考试官方指南(The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test)第五版对于主旨题(Gist Questions)的表述如下(Pg122-125):
What problem does the man have?
What are the speakers mainly discussing?
What is the main topic of the lecture?
What is the lecture mainly about?
What aspect of X does the professor mainly discuss?
Why does the student visit the professor?
Why does the student visit the registrar’s office?
Why did the professor ask to see the student?
What does the professor explain X?
通过上面的描述,同学们现在应该清楚了并不是所有的主旨题都是在问main idea,目的主旨不等于内容主旨,下面就让我们分别来说说这两种主旨题可能出现的题目陷阱。
内容主旨题(Gist-Content Questions)
例如TPO41Lecture1 Desert plants。
Many organisms have developed the ability to survive in harsh environmental conditions: extreme heat or cold, or very dry conditions.
Like plants in the desert. Your textbook doesn't have much about the specifics on desert plants, but I think that desert plants are great examples of specialized adaptations to extreme environmental conditions.So, with desert plants, there are basically three different adaptive strategies. And I should point out that these strategies are not specific to any particular species. Many different species have developed each of the adaptations.
What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The growth rates of plants in different geographical regions
B. Different ways that plants have adapted to desert environments
C. The different mechanisms that plant roots use to absorb water
D. Different kinds of succulent plants
如TPO14Lecture1 Cognition。
We’ve said that the term “cognition”refers to mental states like knowing and believing, and to mental processes we use to arrive at those states. So, for example, reasoning is a cognitive process, so is perception. We use information that we perceive through our senses to help us make decisions, to arrive at beliefs and so on. And then there are memory and imagination which relate to the knowledge of things that happen in the past or may happen in the future. So, perceiving, remembering, imagining are all internal mental processes that lead to knowing or believing. Yet, each of these processes has limitations and can lead us to hold mistaken beliefs or make false predictions.
What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The differences between imagination and perception.
B. Cognitive functions that improve decision making.
C. Cognitive functions that assist in problem solving.
D. Common limitations with regard to several cognitive functions.
因此,只有D选项提到了limitations,B,C两个选项用improve,assist,与原文的信息不符;原文分别讲了imagination 和perception,却没有提到A选项所说的两者的differences。
还有一种情况就更不友好了,教授并没有明确说要讲的主题,而是直接开讲,同学们则需要通过听完全篇来概括,或者认真分析题目选项来排除错误选项,例如TPO45Lecture2 T-cells。
Professor: So that's the overview of the human immune system. But we have a few minutes left. Any questions? George?
Student: Yes,you talked about T-cells, naive T-cells. Can you go over that part again? And also why do we call them that anyway?
Professor: All right, they're...they're known as T-cells because they develop in the thymus.
Student: The what?
Professor: Thymus. That's T-H-Y-M-U-S. It's a small organ in the
body. Anyway, that's why we call them that. They come from the thymus. And T-cells are a part of the body's immune system. They can recognize and eliminate cells from outside the body that might cause disease......
Professor: There is a lot of biochemistry involved that we'll get into in the next lecture. But your question reminds me about a study that some of my colleagues are doing. It relates to caloric restriction.
Student: Caloric? Like calories in the food we eat.
Professor: Exactly! We are talking about the sugars, carbohydrates, fats that our bodies burn to get energy which we measure in calories.Okay, let's back up a little.......
Student: Interesting. But what's the connection?
Professor: Oh, with the immune system? Well, it is been shown that the immune system becomes much less effective as animals age. That's true in humans too. We think those naive T-cells just get used up. I mean it is not like the body's always making lots of new ones. And over the course of a lifetime, as T-cells encounter more and more strange bacteria or whatever, the naive T-cells get turned into memory T-cells. So later on in life, there are fewer and fewer of these naive T-cells left to deal with any new disease- causing organisms that might attack, which means less immunity, and the animal or person is more likely to get sick.......
这篇讲座的开头就像是真实课堂中最后五分钟的Q&A环节,教授根据学生的提问解释了T-cells以及naive T- cells,接着教授说这个问题让我想起了关于calorie restricted的实验,一个是mice,一个是Rhesus monkeys,因为学生的提问,教授又解释了实验和T-cells的关系。
What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The process by which immune cells are produced
B. The effects of consuming far fewer calories than usual
C. The function of an organ found in rhesus monkeys and in humans
D. The discovery of a nutrient necessary for good health
目的主旨题(Gist-Purpose Questions)
例如TPO42C1 Discussion about Bauhaus
Student: Hi. I'm Melisa. I was just a few doors down getting some help in the computer lab. My electronic files won't open. The technician says it's probably a computer virus. She's working on it now.
Professor: Yes, from what I've heard lots of campus computers have been affected. What a first week! Huh?
Student: I know, anyhow, I noticed your name on the door as I was walking down the hallway, thought I'd stop in and find out if you happen to have any additional copies of the class syllabus. The one I received in class the other day is missing a page.
Professor: Oh, sorry about that. I probably have a few extra printouts on hand.
Student: Great! Oh, and I noticed on the syllabus we'll be learning about and eventually writing a paper on "The Bauhaus style of art"? Sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to it.
Professor: Right, but technically it doesn't say Bauhaus style of art. It only says the Bauhaus.
Student: Oh, what's the difference?
......这段对话开始的时候学生先提到了因为电脑病毒而不能打印材料,看到了教授在门上的名字就进来问问这里有没有多一份的class syllabus,接着学生就与教授谈论了课堂上将会学到的Bauhaus art。
Why does the student want to talk to the professor?
A. To let him know that she has no background in art
B. To discuss the topic of her art history paper
C. To inform him that she is unable to print out the class syllabus at the computer lab
D. To get another copy of the material from class
题作为开场,如果寒暄内容过长,就有可能在后面出题,关于谈话的目的,通常会有明确的信号词,例如TPO9C1 Advice on a term paper’s topic
Professor: Before we get started, I...I just wanted to say I’m glad you chose food science for your major course of study.
Student: Yeah, it seems like a great industry to get involved with. I mean with a four-year degree in food science, I'll always be able to find a job.
Professor: You're absolutely right. Before entering academia, I worked as a scientist for several food manufacturers and for the US Food and Drug Administration. I even worked on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska a couple of summers while I was an undergraduate. We’d bring in the day's catch to a floating processor boat where the fish got cleaned, packaged and frozen right at sea.
Student: That's amazing! As a matter of fact, I'm sort of interested
in food packaging.
Professor: Well, for that, you'll need a strong background in physics, math and chemistry.
Student: Those are my best subjects. For a long time, I was leaning towards getting my degree in engineering.
Professor: Well, then you shouldn’t have a problem. Uh, and fortunately, at this university, the department of food science offers a program in food packaging. Elsewhere, you might have to hammer courses together on your own.
Student: I guess I luck out then. I am…so since my appointment today is to discuss my term paper topic, I wanted to ask, could I write about food packaging? I realize we're supposed to research foodborne bacteria, but food packaging must play a role in all of that, right?
Professor: Absolutely! Maybe you should do some preliminary research on that.
Why does the woman go to see the professor?
A. To get advice on the topic of a term paper.
B. To discuss different types of food packaging.
C. To find out if the university will offer courses in food packaging.
D. To ask about jobs in the food industry.
对话开头教授先对学生的专业选择表示赞同,还分享了自己的工作经历以及选择food science所需要具备的专业知识,一直到学生说
so since ......才明确了学生找教授的目的是讨论论文的选题,因此目的主旨题的A选项对应到了这个信息,为正确答案。