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甲方:Party A:

乙方:Party B:



第一章合同双方的权利与义务Chapter 1 Rights and duties of both Parties

第二章工业产权Chapter 2 IPR

第三章产品责任Chapter 3 Product liability .

第四章变更与异常Chapter 4 Change and disorder

第五章保密Chapter 5 Confidentiality

第六章违约责任Chapter 6 Default liability

第七章不可抗力Chapter 7 Force Majeure

第八章合同期限Chapter 8 Term of contract

第九章仲裁Chapter 9 Arbitration

附件一产品前期开发与试制Appendix 1: Pre-development and trail-manufacture of products

附件二物流协议Appendix 2: Logistics agreement

附件三价格协议 Appendix 3: Price agreement

附件四奖罚协议Appendix 4: Rewards and punishments agreement

附件五付款协议Appendix 5 Payment Agreement

附件六阳光协议Appendix 6 Honesty and Integrity Agreement

附件七质保协议Appendix 7 Quality assurance agreement


本合同于 2012 年 01 月 01 日在----签订。签约一方为:----------(以下简称甲方),该公司是一家依据中国法律存在的法人实体,其住所为:---------------。

签约另一方为: --------------(以下简称乙方),是一家依据中国法律存在的法人实体,其住所为: ----------------- 。

鉴于甲方拟与乙方签订长期供货合同, 考虑到合法利益的有效保障,双方一致同意以




This agreement is concluded on the first day of January in 2012 in -------by and between:

Party A: --------------- (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a company incorporated

in accordance with Chinese laws and having its domicile at ---------------;

Party B:------------(hereinafter referred to as Party B), a company incorporated in accordance with Chinese laws and with its domicile at -------------.

Whereas Party A wishes to conclude a long-term supply agreement with Party B and in consideration of the effective protection of the legal interests, both Parties have reached the following agreements in consensus and signed this agreement. This agreement is the fundamental framework documents for the supporting and cooperation relation between both Parties and the written specification and determination of the rights and obligations of both Parties during the performance of this agreement. This agreement consists of 9 chapters and 8 appendices.

一,合同双方的权力与义务The rights and obligations of both Parties

二,工业产权Industrial Property Right

三,产品责任Product liabilities

四,变更与异常 Modifications and changes


六,违约责任Liabilities for breach of contract

七,不可抗力Force Majeure

八,合同期限Term of contract




Upon the conclusion and entry into effect of this agreement, the appendices to this agreement shall constitute the extension and inalienable part of this agreement. 附件一、开发协议Appendix 1 Development agreement

附件二、物流协议Appendix 2: Logistics agreement

附件三、价格协议Appendix 3: Price agreement

附件四、奖罚协议Appendix 4: Rewards and punishments agreement

附件五、付款协议Appendix 5 Payment Agreement

附件六、阳光协议Appendix 6 Honesty and Integrity Agreement

附件七、质量协议Appendix 7 Quality assurance agreement

附件八、技术协议Appendix 8 Technology agreement

第一章:合同双方的权力与义务Chapter 1 Rights and obligations of both Parties 1. 甲方的权力、责任与义务包括但不限于:

. Party A’s rights, obligations and duties include but not limited to:


Entitled to require Party B to supply the agreed parts and components in accordance with the technical and quality standards, quantity, packaging, schedule, place, service and so on requirements as may be agreed in relevant agreements between both Parties;

