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喜:What can we play today?

懒:(Lazy Yang Yang):I have a good idea!(睡意朦胧)

喜,沸:What idea do you have?(好奇)

懒:Let’s sleep!(自信满满)

暖,慢:Oh,no!We want to play.You are very lazy!(无奈指责)

美:Oh,I hear the world exposition 2010 will hold in Shanghai China.Let’ go there ,OK? All:That’s a good idea! Let’s go there by plane!(排队坐飞机)


红:"Wolf! Why don’t you catch the sheep?" Flying over a pan(飞来一只平底锅)灰:(Wolf) (做受伤状), "Darling, do not worry , you see, I can catch these goats.Then we have a big meal.

红: "Do you know? For the three mouths!"I have nothing to eat! You stupid sod! 灰:"Well ,my wife !Do not worry, as long as we do ... ..." 在红太郎的耳边说了计划,二人都得意地笑起来了。

红:haha,Catch the goats hurry! ~"

灰:Yeah!"my wife, you are waiting for my good news!"(跑向羊村,边跑边说:Haha! Dear goats! I’ m coming!

灰太狼悄悄尾随羊群们来到了上海世博会。(假装坐在飞机的底端,歪歪扭扭地)美:Look! The tall Bright Pearl towel!How beautiful there are!I like Shanghai.


喜:Look!That’s HaiBo.He is very lovely!He says:”Welcome to China!Welcome to Shanghai!”

美:Look at that shiny box.What’s that?(大家走近一看)

喜:Oh,it’s English assembly hall!Look,the colours are changing!

懒:How amazing!I like it.

沸:I want to visit Chinese assembly hall.Let’s go!

慢:Yes. Oh,look,very beautiful!What colour is it, Lazy Yang Yang?

懒:It’s red.It looks like Chinese word “鼎”!

All:Yeah.Let’s walk into our assembly hall.

灰:(自言自语)If I’m a guide.All the goats will follow me.Then I can catch them together! (化妆,装扮,戴上导游的袖章,并举一个导游旗)

灰:哇,Dear lovely goats,Nice to meet you!I’m Mr Wang.W elcome to Shanghai.I’m your guide. I’m so glad to guide you to visit everthing here. All goats:Yeah! We are so happy.

美:We have a good guide! Thank you!Mr Wang!

灰:Not at all.If you are lost here,you can’t find the way to home.So you must follow me close!Are you clear?

All: Yes,sir!


灰:Hello!This is Grey Wolf. Is that my cousin ---Black Wolf?

黑:Yeah!What’s wrong?

灰:(小声并得意地说)Heihei,brother.I have catched many goats.Please help me!Then we have a big dinner.I’m in Shanghai now.Hurry up!

黑:Good news!I’m coming!Byebye!


灰:哈哈,dear goats! You are decieved! Please visit to my Wolf Catsle!

黑:哈哈:You can visit my belly,too. Haha .How delious you are!

All goats: Oh,We are taken in!Let’s escape.(羊们跑了起来)!



懒:My god!run,run!

黑:Where will you go? haha ,you are my dinner.(抓住了懒羊羊,慢羊羊)

喜:(机灵地藏起来了)I will find the policemen to save my friends.

喜:Help! Policeman.My friends are dangerous。They are grabed by wolves. Policemen:Really?OK! We’ll save them.Let’s go.

Policemen :(掏出手枪)Stop! Grey Wolf! Black Wolf!Hands up!你有权保持沉默,不过你说的每一句话都会成为呈堂证供!

灰,黑:OH!My god!The Policemen are here!然后无精打采地低下头并举起手来!


All the goats: Hooray!We are saved!Thank you!Policemen!Thank you very much! Policemen :You are welcome!

灰:不甘心地大声说:Wait!I will come back!"

音乐起《The more we get together》


