环球智库019二十世纪五十年代美国妇女生活的变化郑彩云(西北师范大学 甘肃兰州 730070)摘 要:美国妇女生活在五十年代发生了反常的变化,五十年代前的美国妇女走出家庭,摆脱传统妇女形象,享受着独立和自由,走在通往经济等的解放道路上;五十年代的美国妇女,一反常态,女子结婚的年龄越来越低,生育率大大提高,教育和就业率也发生大变化,公众倡导妇女回归家庭,大量妇女成为传统家庭主妇;五十年代,美国妇女生活发生如此大的变化,与当时社会、经济、政治等的发展有密切关系。
第五章 美国人的家庭和家庭婚姻观
(8)群居(communal living)
1960年代性解放运动之后,婚姻家庭神圣性被扫 荡一空,男女性爱的秘密被揭露,对一切都显得无 所谓的西方年轻一代,其中有相当一部分再也不愿 意像父辈那样自我约束、小心谨慎地过日子,他们 从家庭里走出来,自发地聚集在一起,组成了一个 又一个现代人群居部落。 这种单身群体生活试验在70年代形成高峰,90年 代开始进入低潮,但是依然没有完全消失。 群居村试验者自己在面对情感、性爱、生育、子女 抚养,以及父子关系确立等一系列复杂问题时也是 束手无策。
美国当代妇女确实争得了更多的自由和更大 的权力,但却并未得到相应的幸福。 从经济上看,研究显示,离婚会导致家庭的 收入减少和贫困风险的加大。 单亲家庭尤其是单亲母亲家庭的贫困率非常 高。 家庭和婚姻模式的变动对成年人的情感和生 理的影响也越来越多得到研究成果的证实。
四、当代美国人家庭与婚姻模式演变原因及 其影响
1、影响美国人家庭与婚姻模式变化的因素: (1)价值观的变化。 (2)物质至上主义与竞争性环境的影响。 (3)婚姻和家庭中性别角色的转变。 (4)社会的认同与法律的更改。 (5)房地产业的发展。
个人主义和享乐主义开始盛行,这些对美国 人强调责任、利他和自我约束的传统价值观 造成极大的破坏,也对美国人的家庭与婚姻 模式产生了巨大冲击。 个人主义和享乐主义是核心家庭减少、离婚 率和非婚同居等现象上升的重要原因。
第五章 美国人的家庭和家庭婚姻观
一、美国家庭的历史演变 二、现代美国家庭婚姻及家庭婚姻观 三、现代美国家庭结构和婚姻模式的变化 四、当代美国人家庭与婚姻模式演变原因及其影 响
1、工业化前的美国家庭 农业社会里,农场家庭既是生产单位、生育单位 (繁衍后代)、生活单位,又是教育单位、分配单 位。 家庭结构:扩大家庭(extended family):几 代同堂、家庭人口众多、生育率高。 家庭成员之间的关系以父权为中心。 婚姻基础:主要是物质上的依赖、父母的意志、双 方经济条件和宗教信仰。(男女之间感情较少)
美国四十年家庭观念的变化趋势——从20世纪60年代到90年代Thornton et al.对“家庭是否正在衰亡”的讨论已经旷日持久,近几十年来家庭行为和态度的重大变化使这一争论再次成为焦点。
一、方法本文的研究资料主要来自于五项大规模的调查:探测未来研究(Monitoring the Future)、社会综合调查(the General SocialSurvey)、父母和孩子代际的定组研究(the Intergeneration Panel Study of Parents and Children)、全国家庭与户的调查(the National Survey of Families and Households)和国际社会科学项目(the International Social Science Project)的美国子项目。
关键词:美国; 家庭模式; 美国妇女; 影响;二十世纪六七十年代美国进入后工业时代,一系列的社会运动使得美国的社会价值观念开始发生变化,婚姻家庭也受到了一定的影响。
1.浅析藏区藏族妇女社会家庭地位变化——以肃南县祁丰乡藏族妇女为例 [J], 甘文秀;陈怀川
的变化 [J], 贾海薇;巩玉涛;关溪莹
3.20世纪20年代美国妇女婚姻家庭生活特点及其地位和角色变迁 [J], 周莉萍
4.从夫妻关系看华北抗日根据地乡村妇女家庭地位的变化 [J], 郑立柱
5.改革开放40年中国农村已婚女性家庭地位的变化——基于中国妇女社会地位抽样调查数据的分析 [J], 唐永霞
The Evolution of American Family Structures
The Evolution of American FamilyStructures美国家庭结构的演变美国家庭结构的演变是一个引人注目的社会现象。
当代美国婚姻和家庭模式的变化及影响The Changes and Influences of Marriage and Family Patterns in Modern AmericaAbstract: Family is the basic social institution and the bedrock of all societies.Family structure and family life can mirror the moral values of the society,its cultures, and its national characteristics. The American society haschanged a lot since the 1960s in material wealth. The enormous materialwealth and the development of science and technology have also pushedpeople to look for more self-fulfillment. As a result, people are more andmore concerned about individual rights. The society as a whole hasbecome more tolerant toward people who do not follow the traditionalcultural patterns. Meanwhile marriage and family patterns haveexperienced tremendous changes under the influence of these changes. Thechanges have tremendous influences on the American society, men, women,and children. Marriage and family patterns in our country have alsoexperienced changes these years. Studying the changes of Americanmarriage and family patterns can provide us some valuable information. Key words: American marriage; family patterns; changes; influences摘要:家庭是社会的基本单位,也是社会的基石。
1950年以来美国家庭模式的变化及成因A Study on the Causes of the Changes in American Families Since the 1950s[Abstract] In the latter half of the twentieth century, great changes took place in America families. The bread-winner-homemaker family, which was popular in 1950s, no longer predominated in the United States, and the number of single-parent family, unmarried cohabit family and mixed family increased continuously. Meanwhile, divorce rate increased to a great extent, birth rate decreased noticeably and cohabitation rate has been climbing up. Thus someone believed that the America families were declining. Others thought that the family type of bread-winner-homemaker of the 1950s should be rebuilt. This paper points out that the nuclear family prevailing in the 1950s was only a special phenomenon in a special historic period. Its decline did not indicate the death of the family itself. And the American families turn to diversity in which none of the types predominates.The paper aims to provide a general description of the changes in America family since the 1950s, emphasizing especially the changes in nuclear family and analyze the causes of the changes.[Key Words] American nuclear family; family structure; family changes1950年以来美国家庭模式的变化及成因浅析[摘要] 20 世纪下半期,美国家庭发生了巨大变化,五十年代男主外,女主内的核心家庭模式不再占主导地位,而单亲家庭,未婚同居家庭,混合家庭的数量却在不断上升。
再婚不仅是两个成年人的結合,而通常也包括前次婚姻中至少 一方的继子女,此种父母双方中至少一方结过婚,并带来前次 婚姻所生的子女,其所组成的家庭,我們俗称为「继亲家庭」 (step family)。 继亲家庭中,家人彼此互动关系之建立比一般家庭来得苦难。 通常继亲家庭由初期成员彼此认识、适应、调适到后期的逐渐 凝聚共识与正常运作,常需要经历一段时间。 父母再婚,使得子女成为“两个家”的成員。多数继亲家庭子 女,不仅与目前家庭有所牵连,也同時与未或监护权之父母有 往來。在此情況下,子女需在两种不同的情境下,扮演不同的 角色,且尚需承受两套不同的家规与期待。当亲身双亲产生冲 突时,子女会被夹在中间无所适从。
城市家庭成为现代美国家庭的典型形式。 家庭不再是生产和分配中心,而是生活中心。 家庭对孩子的教育功能也由学校取代。 核心家庭为主,出现了丁克家庭(Dink Family)。
1、家庭类型多样化 传统的核心家庭一去不复返了。 核心家庭、单亲家庭、单身家庭、丁克家庭、混合家庭、同性 家庭、少年家庭。 2、家庭规模小型化 工业化前一般都是大家庭;工业化后家庭规模由扩大型向核心 家庭转变;60-70年代美国家庭规模进一步逐渐缩小。 3、家庭功能简单化 大部分家庭成员跳出家庭圈子,走向社会,家庭成员淡化了彼 此感情依恋,孤独感和疏远感增加。 4、家庭概念复杂化 5、择偶标准和方式的改变
(8)群居(communal living)
1960年代性解放运动之后,婚姻家庭神圣性被扫 荡一空,男女性爱的秘密被揭露,对一切都显得无 所谓的西方年轻一代,其中有相当一部分再也不愿 意像父辈那样自我约束、小心谨慎地过日子,他们 从家庭里走出来,自发地聚集在一起,组成了一个 又一个现代人群居部落。 这种单身群体生活试验在70年代形成高峰,90年 代开始进入低潮,但是依然没有完全消失。 群居村试验者自己在面对情感、性爱、生育、子女 抚养,以及父子关系确立等一系列复杂问题时也是 束手无策。
美国家庭-American Family
中国地质大学江城学院课程论文题目:America, Its Culture___Focus on American Family聚焦美国文化___浅析美国家庭学生沈锦霞学号**********课程主要英语国家概况A2教授郭萍二○一二年五月三十日声明本人呈交的课程论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、表格、图表真实可靠,尽我所知。
本人签名: 日期: ______摘要想要了解一个国家的文化,应首先从它社会的基本组成单位家庭入手。
关键词:文化价值观社会婚姻ABSTRACTI f you want to learn about a country’ culture, you should first learn its basic components of society --- family.Full exchange of social sciences, economic development, the countries of the world continues to accelerate and deepen the understanding of its country's culture. Large part is from the understanding of the families of the people of its country. The family is not strange for everyone, it is an essential part of human society, every one is living among a family. Based on home-based family culture is slow.The general concern. Because it can be said to be an important window of the culture of other nations, so the family around the family culture has become a worldwide discussion hot. This article is written from the traditional American family structure, from shallow to deep,to the reason of the change of family structure since 1950s, then it emphatically analyzes the values at work in the family, and show the development of the vslues. The middle part is mainly about Americans’ different attitude towards marriage and divorce, the role of the child, the way Americans raise their children, and the development of equality in the family----the childrens’ relationship with their father are from formal and fear to equality. And from all the above we can see the spirits of the emphasis on individual freedom and “ Every one is created equally”. Then the article is about four stages of marriage relationships, this paper briefly introduced the development process of the spirits above. The last paper is about the full text, it highly introduced the role of the family in society and the family values.Key Words: culture value society marriageCONTENTS1. Introduction (1)2. Family structure (1)3. Individual Freedom and Equality in the family (2)4. Marriage and divorce (3)5. The role of child (4)6. The Role of the Family in society (5)7. The impact of educational thought in American families and culture ofAmerican society (5)8. Conclusion (6)Acknowledgements (7)Works cited (8)America, its culture___focus on the American family1. IntroductionWhen we talk about Americans, the first word come into our mind is family. Americans take family as their most important part in their lives. So what is the typical American family? What is the family relationship, and how have the traditional American values affected it?It’s generally believed that before the 1960s, American families have experienced the evolution from the family to the nuclear family. Into the 1960s, that is, post-industrial society, with the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization, the values of Americans favor individualism and hedonism, coupled with the rise of anti-tradition and the feminist movement, the American nuclear family is under great impact. Divorce, cohabitation and homosexuality dramatic increase makes in the number of significant decline in marriage rates. The resulting single-parent families, following-parent families, dual-career families, single-parent families, DINK families, gay families, the American family patterns are showing a diversification trend.The divorce rate is gradually increased, the transformation of gender roles in the family, the growing requirements of the material economic and social recognition are impacted American marriage patterns generated tremendous changes in the main factors. We Can not deny that the modern American family patterns do make up for the deficiencies of the old family patterns. But for many women and children, divorce and remarriage is not really no harm. On the economic front, the mother as the guardian of the single-parent families met with great difficulty.2. Family structureTypical American familyIf Americans should name their family:Married Americans would say the name of their wife or husband and children. Their brothers and sisters are just single units.Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents are extended family.Traditional familyThe American families were nuclear families which consumed of wife, husband and children and lived in a house or an apartment.Grandparents were rarely found living with their married sons or daughters. Anduncles and aunts almost never do.1950sThe classic American family where the father was the “breadwinner” and the family mother was the “homemaker” and the family had two children.Reality todayOnly today a small percentage of American families are living like “stay-at-home” mother, a working father and children under 18 years.25% Americans is living aloneStructurally, Asian-American families historically included split-household families, transnational families, extended families, nuclear families, and multiple nuclear family households. Evelyn Nakano Glen (1983) described Chinese split-household families as part production or income earning by men sojourning abroad, and part reproduction or maintaining the family household, including childrearing and caring for the elderly by wives and relatives in China. Split-household families were common for Chinese between 1850 and the 1920s. In the 1930s Filipino families also had split-household families since men far exceeded women on the mainland. Gender roles became reversed when Filipina women migrated to become domestic workers and nurses in the health care system, becoming family breadwinners with children and spouses in the homeland. Transnational (split-household) families grew out of economic necessity, and transcended borders and spatial boundaries to take advantage of the lower cost of living for families in a developing country (Zhou and Gatewood 2000). Filipina women preferred having kin, rather than strangers, provide childcare, especially during infancy, even if that meant living away from their children. But this arrangement was considered a broken home because the ideal family was the nuclear family, and there was an emotional cost of not being able to supervise one's own children. These kinship patterns reinforced the cultural value of familism, or mutual cooperation, collectivism, and mutual obligation among kinIn the 1950s, man who had fought in Word War II had returned home, married, and began starting their families. There was a substantial increase in the birthrate, producing the “bab y boomers.”A second demographic factor is that today young people are marrying and having children later in life. Some couple now choose not to have children at all. A third factor is that people are living longer after their children are grown, and they often end up alone. And, of course, there is further factor---the high rate of divorce3. Individual Freedom and Equality in the familyThe belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family. As Alexis de Tocqueville said in 1830s, in aristocratic societies inequality extends into the family, particularly to the father’ relationship to his children. The father is accepted as ruler and master. The children’s relations with him are very formal, and love for him isalways combined with fear. But in America, there is less formal respect for, and fear of the father. But there is more affection expressed toward him. In fact, some Americans are worried that there is too much democracy in the home. Some parents seem to have little or on control over the behavior of their teenage children, particularly after they turn 16 and get their drivers’ licenses. On the other hand, they give their children a lot of freedom because they want to teach their children independence and self-reliant. Children are given a lot of freedom and equality in the family so that they can grow up independently. Traditionally American children have been expected “leave the nest” at about age eighteen, after they graduate from high school. By their mid-twenties, if children still living with their parents, some people will suspect that something is wrong. Today however, a number of young people are unable to find jobs that support the lifestyle they have grown up with, and they choose to move back in with their parents for a time. These young people are sometimes called “boomerang kids”.Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members. The result is that the needs of each individual take priority in the life of the family. This means that in contrast to many other cultures, the primary responsibility of the American family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically. Neither is to bring honor to the family name.The American desire for freedom outside control clearly extends to the family. Americans do not like to have controls placed on them by other family members. They want to make independent decisions and not want to be told what to do by grandparents or uncles or aunts. What would be best for the family is not usually considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual. What would be best for the family is not usually considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual.4. Marriage and divorceMarriages are not arranged in the America. Young people are expected to find their husband or wife by their own; their parents do not usually help them. In other words, they will never tell those parents their marriage plan until they decided to marry. Parents have little control over their children marry. Americans believe that young people should fall in love and decide to marry some one they can live with happily with. Of course, in reality this does not always happen, but it remains the traditional ideal and it shapes the views courtship and marriage among young Americans.In Americans value, marriage is determined largely by how happy the husband and wife make each other. So if the couple is not happy, they may choose to get a divorce.A divorce is relatively easy to obtain in most parts of the United States. Most states have “no-fault” divorce. To obtain a no-fault divorce, a couple states that they can no longer live happily together, that they have irreconcilable differences, and that it is neither partner’s fault. The divorce rate rose rapidly in America after the 1950s, but it has decreased by the 1990s. Today, one out of every two marriages now ends indivorce, children are often involved. The majority of American adult believe that unhappy couples should not stay married just because they have children at home. It is significant change in attitude since the 1950s.5. The role of childAmericans affect their children in a contradictory way. That is mostly because they are emphasis on the individual, rather than the group. It may cause them to get more attention and even have more power than they should. What’s more, because most children have mothers who are working outside the home, they may not get enough attention from their parents. In general, American families tend to place more emphasis on the needs and desires of the children and less on their social and family responsibilities. Most American parents choose to learn how to plant children from books that made many books on how to raise children became the best sellers. Although Americans may not agree on how to raise children, they still hold the basic belief that the major purpose of the family is the development and welfare of each of its members as individuals.American children from an early age living in the environment of the "love" they are the love of many parents and families. Every parent is trying to create the best growth and educational environment for their children. Children in the very young, was sent to preschool and kindergarten, where there is specialized in research work in early childhood education teachers for the children arrange courses and activities. In choosing a primary school, the conditions of the parents should send their children to the relatively high fees of private schools, these schools have better teachers and equipment, and the class is relatively small. In family life, parents love their children and it is also reflected in the respect for the wishes of children, understanding and support of children's ideas. Parents usually try to meet the reasonable requirements of the child when the child's request can not be met, or the children have parents of different ideas, parents can patiently explained to speak the truth to persuade, never forced, but few have beaten children phenomenon. Americans in the speech of their children are to use polite language. Their children to help work with to discuss the tone, such as: "......" or "you can help me?" When the children finish afterwards, the parents never forget to say "thank you!" the child does something wrong and the parents of his critics, parents of the children said: "Thank you!" The children grew up in this democratic atmosphere, feel the respect of others, also felt a personal value, which formed they ask others to respect, but also respect other people's concepts.6. The Role of the Family in societyAccording to Letha and John Canzone, two American sociologists, the institution of marriage in the America has experience four stages of development:Stage 1: Wife as servant to husband. It happened during the 19th century. American wives were expected to be completely obedient to their husbands.Stage 2: Husband-hand, wife-helper. It was during the late 19th and early 20th century. The wife’s power increased, but the husband remained the head of family. Stage 3:Husband-senior partner, wife-junior partner. It was during 1960s. More and more wives had jobs outside the house, but they had lower priority than their husbands.Stage 4:Husband-wife equal partner. Husband and wife share their family duties equally; power over family decisions is also shared equallyWe have seen that only one in four households consists of a traditional family—a father, mother and their children. Many of these are actually stepfamilies or blended families. Since most divorced people remarry, many children are living with a stepfather or stepmother. In a blended family, the parents many each have children from a previous marriage, and then have one or more children together. Blinding families is not easy, and, sadly, many second marriages fail.In addition to traditional families and blended families, there are a number of single parents, both mothers and fathers, raising their children alone. Many of the single mothers are divorced, but some have never married. In deed by the mid-1990s, one-third of all new babies were born to single mothers, and this trend continues.In recent years, lesbian couples have created family units, sometimes adopting children. Some states are considering same-sex marriages, and others may recognize them as civil unions. This is a very controversial issue. There is no doubt, that the definition of family has become much broader in the 2000s. The majority of Americans would now define a family as “people who live together and love each other.”7. The impact of educational thought in American families and culture of American societyAfter 200 years of development, the United States eventually become the world's only superpower, the strength of its various aspects of living in the world. A centuries-old country only a short reason why we can obtain such a brilliant achievement, there are many reasons, but I think the unique family culture in the United States, especially in the field of education plays a particularly important role, their family culture democracy, freedom and equality thinking, independent and opening up the spirit of adventure, to a large extent, to stimulate the economic development of science and technology in the United States, its performance in three areas.First, relying on this family culture, the United States each year attracts thousands of immigrants from all over the arrival of a large part is to learn a director or a certain skill that immigrants, they become an important part of the U.S. technology professionals. Such as Silicon Valley in the United States, 3/4 of its engineering and technical personnel come from China and India. Such immigrants can be said to promote the development of U.S. technology can not be ignored. Secondly, the adventure and the spirit of exploration in the American family culture encourage social progress. Not opposed to American society and culture of personal adventure, and even appreciation of personal risk-taking behavior, never ridiculed for losers ridicule. Because of this attitude in the scientific, economic and other fields of the United States, there is often a lot of unexpected invention to create. From the Nobel Prize winners in recent decades, nearly half of the winner from the U.S., this phenomenon is fully illustrates this point.Third, American family is focus on the individual development, democracy and social development. Performance in a single family as parents, children can freely express their views, opinions, everyone can express their views on a problem from their own point of view is manifested in social life, so that the same problem can good to know and analyze, from which to select the most appropriate and reasonable solution to the problem, to avoid the detours taken the wrong road. This is why the United States there are a large number of advisory bodies of the important reasons.As to the family values in America, Daniel Yankelovich has already reported it by 11 points, which is agreed by majority of Americans. He classifies 6 of them as clearly traditional. They are respecting one’s parents, being responsible for one’s actions, having faith in God, respecting authority, married to the same person for life, leaving the world in better shape. The other 5 are giving emotional support to other members of the family, respecting people for themselves, developing greater skill in communicating one’s feeling, respecting one’s children, living up to one’s potential as an individual.8. ConclusionAspects of American family culture can be said that the basic connotation of American families and culture, develop profiles and educational influence have a preliminary understanding, especially in contrast to the family culture in Sino-US educational differences, and further deepen our impression of the American family and culture. Family culture as a new type of culture, to some extent,it becomes us to understand American society and culture, a window, but also comprehensive and profound knowledge and understanding of the influence of educational thought in American culture has a positive effect.AcknowledgementsIt takes a long time to select subject and finalize a manuscript. During this spell, I have learned a lot and I would like to thank my teacher and those who give me a hand on this paper, especially my teacher Guo Ping. This paper is dedicated to my teacher’s guidance; she gives much information about the culture of American family and main direction for my paper, without which I would have never finished this article by myself.Trough the study of the American family, I have learned how to do the research work, how to use valuable resources and how to be a distinguished person.To all of these I owe a profound debt of gratitude, and to my classmates who offered me much help in the proofreading of this paperWorks citedMaryanne Kearny Dates man, The American Ways, Beijing, World Publishing Company, 2002.Shiva Zhu, Modern American Culture, Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2001.Xiangtan Kong, the Western Culture, Xi’an, Northwestern Polytechnic University Press, 2007.Inland Xia, Modern American Family Law, Beijing, China Politics and Law University Press, 1999.乔安.克兰德尔2008 《美国文化背景第3版》世界图书出版公司。
他们的渴望是: 现实的和可实现的 并且我们要让他们与婚姻成功的夫妻建立联系,以从他们身上学习如何实现这些人生目 标。 具有讽刺意义的是,在我们今天了解了更多关于如何维护婚姻家庭关系的知识的时候,却 有更多的婚姻家庭正走向失败的结局。由此我们知道,问题不在于是否有知识,而是在于意愿 和应当如何应用那些知识。 谢谢大家1
美国爱家协会家庭形成研究室Glenn T.Stanton
在此我要向中国教育学会家庭教育专业委员会致以诚挚的感谢。感姑他们邀请我与你们 共同来参加在家庭教育方面如此重要会议o
家庭的健康状况是一个国家健康状况最强和最有活力的指标。它标示着我们人类作为一 个族群是否有能力照看自己身边的人和对他们负责任。
…的确,如果20世纪是“向往有孩子的世纪”,那么21世纪,N,71il可能成为“无孩子的世 纪”o
David Popenoe和Barbara Whitehead,国家婚姻项目 与已婚父母一起居住的孩子的数量持续下降,但仍然在美国社会中占大多数。 当然,与单亲父母居住的孩子的数量不断增加。 同居家庭中的孩子:我们发现与fkfr]未婚的父母亲居住的孩子的数量急剧增加,但大多 数未婚母亲的同居伴侣并非孩子(们)的父亲。 婚姻和福幂U 我们已经有三十年的时问为社会学家提供研究这些家庭变动所带来的福利方面影响所需 要的资料: 1)大量的,不同背景的人口 2)较长的时问 研究结果是有说服力和前后一致的。 正如我在我的著书《为何婚姻非同小可》中所谨慎述说的: 在单亲和同居家庭中的儿童和成人,相较在子女与婚姻完整的生父母同住家庭中的儿童 和成人,大约可成就一半左右的福利——这反映在身体、精神健康、学历、贫富、整体幸福程度、 受无毒品侵犯保护、犯罪和家庭暴力等所有重要的衡量标准上。 该领域的一位主导学者阐释道: “研究明显证明,与维持持续婚姻的父母长大的孩子比其他孩子较少机会出现各种认知, 情感和社会问题;不仅在童年期问如此,到成年后亦然。 虽然我们无法证明家庭结构是产生这些差距的原因,但研究…表明事实就是这样。”—— Paul Amato,宾州州立大学社会学家 这样的趋势使得象詹姆斯?可曼这样杰出的社会学家都禁不住想,我们是否可能是“第一 个忘记其种类应当如何适当地培养其下一代的生物种群”。 婚姻差距 随着这些在婚姻和家庭上的巨大改变,社会学家们开始意识到一个新的差距正加入已存 在的教育差距。 “有幸的”(成人和小孩)生活在婚姻以内,而“不幸的”生活在婚姻之外o“有幸的”却比“不 幸的”生育率要低很多。如此一来,非常不幸,破碎家庭一群在整体人口中的比例将增长。 过去几年中,破碎家庭成长的两个最重大的趋向是: ·未婚同居的持续急剧增加,及这些家庭中孩童的增加 ·二三十岁未婚母亲生育的增加 我想以向大家解释这些趋向是与对婚姻的消极态度和怀疑主义息息相关的来结束我今天 的讲话。 在过去二十年中一直有报告显示,对青年人而言,拥有成功的婚姻和一个愉快的家庭是他 们的一个最重要的生活目标,甚至排在有好的收人和成功事业之上。可是,发生于周遭的失败 婚姻,让他ff3x,-]-于实现这些目标产生了深深地恐惧和担忧。由此,他们认为这些目标是难以达 到的,于是索性不婚同居并在婚约之外生儿育女。 对美国“爱家协会”这样的机构,我们认为我们有责任对这一整代的年轻人说…… 对在我们冈家历史上数量最多的一代人说……
当代美国人家庭与婚姻模式的演变及其影响一、美国人家庭模式的演变一般认为,20世纪60年代以前,美国人的家庭经历了从大家庭(extented family,指至少由三代人组成的家庭)到核心家庭(nuclear family,指由已婚夫妇和未满18岁的孩子所组成的家庭)的演变。
作者: 沃野;王朔柏
作者机构: 安徽大学社会学系!合肥230039
出版物刊名: 安徽大学学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 85-89页
主题词: 美国黑人家庭;母权式家庭;父权式家庭;双亲式家庭;迁移
摘要: 研究美国黑人家庭的模式转变 ,有助于察看当今美国黑人在生活观、价值观等方面的发展趋向。
在作为奴隶身份被卖到美国的第一阶段中 ,其家庭结构表现为或是女性统治为主心 ,或是不稳定的、一种杂乱亲属关系的共同体 ;在从奴隶转为自由民的第二阶段中 ,传统式的家庭结构渐渐消亡 ,真正意义上的现代家庭模式开始发展 ;从 19世纪末到现今的第三阶段中 ,以父权为统治表征的双亲式家庭已成为发展主潮。
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1950年以来美国家庭模式的变化及成因A Study on the Causes of the Changes in American Families Since the 1950s[Abstract] In the latter half of the twentieth century, great changes took place in America families. The bread-winner-homemaker family, which was popular in 1950s, no longer predominated in the United States, and the number of single-parent family, unmarried cohabit family and mixed family increased continuously. Meanwhile, divorce rate increased to a great extent, birth rate decreased noticeably and cohabitation rate has been climbing up. Thus someone believed that the America families were declining. Others thought that the family type of bread-winner-homemaker of the 1950s should be rebuilt. This paper points out that the nuclear family prevailing in the 1950s was only a special phenomenon in a special historic period. Its decline did not indicate the death of the family itself. And the American families turn to diversity in which none of the types predominates.The paper aims to provide a general description of the changes in America family since the 1950s, emphasizing especially the changes in nuclear family and analyze the causes of the changes.[Key Words] American nuclear family; family structure; family changes1950年以来美国家庭模式的变化及成因浅析[摘要] 20 世纪下半期,美国家庭发生了巨大变化,五十年代男主外,女主内的核心家庭模式不再占主导地位,而单亲家庭,未婚同居家庭,混合家庭的数量却在不断上升。
一些人就此认为美国家庭正在走向衰亡,另一些人认为应该重建20 世纪50 年代男主外女主内的核心家庭模式。
[关键词] 美国核心家庭;家庭模式;家庭变化1. IntroductionIn the second half of the twentieth century, a diverse range of family types has replaced the breadwinner-homemaker family that once predominated in the United States in the 1950s. Significant trends occurred to the family life in the U.S. Divorce is much more common. Young adults are postponing marriage and often living with a partner prior to marrying. A growing number of children are born to mothers who are not married. And many more married women are working outside the home. Some people predict that the family is in the process of disappearing entirely. Others lament recent family changes and think that family pattern was rooted in unusual historical period, and its decline cannot be seen as a sign of disappearance of the family.A family is indeed in the midst of a major institutional transformation, and then the current level of family instability is temporary. The main trend of the American family is toward diversification of family forms rather than a single standard form.The paper aims to provide a general description of the changes in American family since the 1950s and emphasize especially the changes in nuclear family and analyze the causes of the changes.2. Definition of family“A family is defin ed as consisting of two or more persons, related by blood, marriage, or adoption, living in the same household.‖ [1] P112 But to understand families and the specific relations they represent, we must r ecognize that the term ―family‖ is socially constructed; that is the meaning of family changes in response to a wide variety of social and cultural conditions. To reflect this understanding, we often refer to familiesin the plural. Multiple meanings of family are reflected in the historical and cross-cultural record. For example, in ancient Greece, ―family‖ referred to the household economy, including the land, house, and servants. In medieval Europe, peasants who lived on feudal estates were considered pa rt of the lord‘s ―family‖ and he was called their―father‖ even though they were not related to him by blood. In some cultures, non-kid adults are treated as family members and act as co-parents toward children. Similarly, in contemporary Native American families, the terms used to describe family relationships are more meaningful than narrow English usage would imply: a ―grandmother‖ may actually be a child‘s aunt or grandaunt, and ―cousin‖ may have various meaning not necessarily based on birth and marria ge. However, sometimes we also make generalizations about families by referring to ―the family‖ as a social institution—many expectations and activities embedded in a larger number of social, economic, legal, political and cultural practices. In this paper, it places the term ―family‖, as a social institution in the latter half of the 20th century in the United States.3. Changes of American family“A careful look at what did and did not happen to America families in the postwar period would be helpful for us to avoid any misleading notions about the trends and to examine its underlying causes.‖ [2] P203.1 A changing nuclear familyA nuclear family, in which father acted as breadwinner and mother as homemaker, consists of a conjugal couple and their children. In the1950s, it was very prevalent. But now it has evolved. The paper shows the changes on the marriage, divorce and birthrate in American family since the1950s.3.1.1 Marriage and divorceOne of the key changes in American family is that marriage rates have fallen significantly since 1950 despite a small ascent from 1960 to 1970. It went up moderately in 1980 and then went down in the following years. As the marriage rate went down, the divorce rose, with its peak in the late 1970s.The rising trend in the divorces has been going on for a long time since the 1950s, and we see a slow drop-off in the 1980s and 1990s. During the 1980s and early 1990s, five of ten marriages ended in divorce. In the coming decade, we can expect continual high levels of divorce, perhaps dipping down a bit so that four of ten marriages will dissolve.Another significant change in family union formation process has been the postponement in marriage since the Baby Boom. Chart 1 shows the median age at marriage among American women and men over the past century.As chart 1 shows, for women, age at marriage hovered around 21-22 years between 1890 and 1950, declined significantly during the Baby Boom, and began rising thereafter, reaching slightly over 25 years old in 2000. Patterns for men are somewhat different, with a general decline in age at marriage between 1890 and the Baby Boom. Like women, however, age at marriage for men began rising after the Baby Boom, and in the year 2000, was higher than at any time in the past century (nearly 27.Chart 1[3] p353.1.2The shift in marital and non-marital fertilityBetween 1960 and 1990, marital fertility rates—births to married women between the ages of 15 and 44—declined sharply, while non-marital fertility rates—births to unmarried women of similar ages—increased gradually. Together, these married andnon-married trends represented a reduction in over all fertility while increasing the proportion of children born outside of marriage. Beginning in the mid-1970s, maritalfertility rates stopped declining, non-marital fertility rates begin to rise, and the age at first marriage continued to rise. After 1975, the rise in the illegitimacy ratio was due to increase in non-marital fertility as well as to increase in the number of women at risk of having a non-marital birth. chart 2[4] p20Changes in marital and non-marital fertility altered family life in two major ways: they reduced the prevalence of parenthood overall and they increased the proportion of families headed by single mothers.3.1.3 CohabitationAt the same time marriage is being postponed, unmarried cohabitation has increased. Chart 3 shows the number of opposite-sex cohabiting couple households. In 1960, the number was estimated at less than half a million; at the 2000 Census, there were nearly 5 million such households.Cohabitation, that is living with someone in a sexual union without a formal marriage has become increasingly common. Three million households in 1991 had cohabiting couples, nearly 60 percent of who were under age 35.“Cohabitation has increased six folds since 1970wh en only 500,000 households had cohabiting couples. Only opposite-sex couples are counted in these figures, so these data underestimate the extent of cohabitation in the United States today ‖ [5] P27. About one-third of all cohabiting, opposite-sex couples in 1991 had children under age 15 present in their homes, but far more cohabiting couples are parents. Where once non-marital birth was a relatively minor phenomenon, it has now reached co nsiderable proportions. ―By one estimate, almost half of cohabiting couples have children either living with them or living elsewhere with a custodial parent.‖ [6] P913 Cohabitation is often seen as prelude to marriage. Only 5 percent of women ages 15 to 44 were cohabiting with a male partner in 1988, and one-third had done so at some time in the past. One-quarter of white women, one-quarter of Hispanic women, and nearly one-third of black women had lived withtheir first husband before marriage. Among single persons who plan to cohabit in the future, more than 80 percent said that cohabiting allows couples to make sure they are compatible before getting married. ―At least one of the partners expects the arrangements to result in marriage in 90 percent of cohabitations. Respondents may be overly optimistic, however;55 percent of first cohabiting unions of white women and 42 percent of those of black women resulted in marriage‖ [7] P487.Chart 3[8] p60It is important to note that the rise in cohabitation has helped to offset much of the fall in marriage rates. If we expand o ur notion of ―marriage‖ to include legal marriage and cohabitation, there has been little decline in the institution of marriage in the United States.3.2 Variants of family structureThe new family system we are now seeing differs from the older one in several ways.With the increase in premarital sex, cohabitation, and non- marital birth, a good deal of what used to be reserved for legal marriage is now taking place outside of it. These illegalized sexual and parental activities are not chaotic but exhibit a pattern that has social significance.Cohabitation could actually be perceived as conventional marriage. Cohabitation then should be seen as new variants of family structure rather than phenomena that have nothing to do with a family system. At the same time, we should bear in mind that the conventional nuclear family is still here. Many households still have a father, mother and minor children living together, although this makes up only about one fourth of all households—a significant drop from 1970 (chart 4. As chart 4 shows, the family structure in the United States is becoming more complicated because there are different kinds of families and household types existing at the same time. For example, since 1970 the rateof households composed of married couples with children has decreased, whereas rate of households composed of single persons and single parents has increased.3.2.1 Married couples with childrenTwo–parent families declined substantially in the period 1960 to 1998, from 91 percent to 73 percent. Not all of the 73 percent of family households with children in 1998 had two biological parents in the household. Using data that allow identification of biological relationships, we can estimates that 12 percent of children who live in two-parent families are actually not living with both biological parents and thin that only 88 percent of the two-parent family households with children include bothchart 4[9] p133biologica l parents, and 64 percent of family households with children are ―intact‖ two-parent families. The trend suggests the decrease of the two-parent family.3.2.2 Married couples without childrenAs chart 4 shows, married couples without children has become the most common type of household, with the stable proportion of all households from 1970 to 2000. And that forty-two percent of all families in 1991 consisted of married couples without children. Among married couples without children in 1991, about 15 percent of the women were under age 35, suggesting a possible delay in childbearing. Indeed, over half of all married women younger than 35 who were childless in 1990 reported that they expect to have a child at some point in the future.3.2.3 Single-parent familiesThe one-parent family is usually described as an "incomplete" nuclear family, and there is a general assumption that it is socially undesirable. However, with the rising divorce rate, this family type has also become increasingly common in the white middleclass. Chart 4 shows that single parent household keeps increasing through 1970 to 2000, although there is stagnation in the1990s.Women were five times more likely than men to be raising a family alone in 1991, and African-Americans were almost three times more likely than whites to be single parents. Single-parent families represented with children, one in three Hispanic families with children, and one in six white families with children. Changing patterns of marriage, divorce, remarriage, and the rise in births to unmarried women have contributed to the growth of single-parent families. Demographer Larry Bumpass writes: ―About half of today‘s young children will spend some time in a single-parent family, most as a consequence of divorce… Fu rthermore, this is not just simply a transitional phase between a first and second marriage. The majority will reside in a mother-only family for the remainder of their childhood‖. [10] P 4853.2.4 Blended familyThe family form created in a remarriage that involves one or more children from the previous marriage of either spouse is called a reconstituted family or a blended family. Each has lost a spouse through divorce or death. One or both of them have children from their previous marriage. They form a new stepfamily that includes children from one or both of their first households. Because of constant flow in and out between divorce and marriage in the modern U.S. society, there is going to be a fair number of people in single parent families or families of remarriage. In the United States, remarriage has been the traditional answe r to many of the problems faced by single parents. ―Remarriage improves the financial situation of a divorced mother and provides another adult to share the household tasks and responsibilities. In addition, remarrying is a way to end the loneliness and is olation many divorced persons experience.‖ [11] P80One interesting result of all this divorce and remarriage is that the kinship structure is becoming more complicated. In the tradition of the nuclear family, each child has one father and one mother and lives in a single household until he or she is old enough to leave home and establish another household.With a high rate of divorce and remarriage, though, many children have two sets of parents and two households or sometimes even more. Instead of merely having one set of brothers and sisters, they have two or more sets, living in different places. It is said that there is a whole new problem of etiquette at receptions today; for when children of divorced people get married, a quite complicated set of families may have to be invited to the reception.In this sense we may actually have more family types than before. ―One of three Americans is now a stepparent, a stepchild, a stepsibling, or some other member of a stepfamily in 1991 ‖[12] P360. Without suffic ient guidelines, each remarried couple must work out for themselves definitions for the obligations of each role. They must learn how to reconcile competing claims for time and resources from their own children, the children they are raising who have an absent natural parent, and the children being raised by an ex-spouse. The complexity of these problems that each couple must work out through trial and error means that many things will fail. Family unity will not be achieved, tensions will mount, feelings will be hurt, and relationships will be strained. The consequence is that remarried divorced couples, especially with children from precious marriages, have an increased probability of redivorce when compared to first marriages.4. Causes of family changesThe issue of the causes of changes in family has engaged scholars for centuries, with continuing debate about the particular sources of changes, its direction and consequences for society and individual well being. Some consensus think that cultural and economic changes, such as the effects of industrialization, rising ―individualism‖, women‘schanging roles in the labor market, and more proximate factors (e.g. increasing acceptance of sex outside marriage, the rise of feminism, and increasing control over reproduction all constitute sources of changing family patterns.4.1 Economic transformation in American society since the 1950sEnormous social and economic changes radically altered life for Americans during the second half of the 20th century, partly because that condition was so unique at mid-century. After World War II, the United States experienced an economic boom characterized by rapid growth and expansion of the economy, full employment, rising productivity, higher wages, low rates of inflation, and increasing earnings. A man with a high school education in the 1950s and 1960s could get a good–paying job that would enable them to support a family and join the swelling ranks of the middle class.The following two decades were quite different. There was an economic shift from manufacturing toward services, stagnating or declining wages for less educated workers, high inflation and a slowdown in productivity growth.The period of the 1990s was characterized by economic turnaround, sustained prosperity, and low unemployment.Not surprisingly, when the economy is on such a roller coaster, family life often takes a similar ride. Marriage was nearly common in the d ecades after World War II.―There was an great increase in births between the end of World War II and the early 1960s, an increase which we now call the post war Baby Boom. In 1957, at the peak of the boom, 4.3 million babies were born in the United States, compared to 2.4 million in 1937. Thus the small generation of parents in the 1950s gave birth to a much larger generation—the baby boomers.‖ [13] P10 When those Baby Boomers reached labor market age in the 1970s, the economy was not nearly as hospitable to them as it had been to their parents. They postponed entry into marriage, delayed childbearing, and had difficulty getting established in the labor market.Many of the Baby boomers‘ own children began reaching labor force age in the 1990s. The economic conditions of the individuals who failed to get higher learning became much poorer compared with those who continued on to college. And the differences in economic conditions led to obviously different abilities to attain independence and self-sufficiency.Under these economic circumstances, changes on American family life have been under way since the 1950s.4.2Working-class influence and family-centered values in the 1950sIn the 1950s, the breadwinner-homemaker family was prevalent. In this era of influence, working-class people and younger, some members of the middle class were more able to do what they preferred to do, to marry as soon as possible and to raise a large family. Early economic constraints had kept them from doing these things; early in the century, the age of marriage was much higher simply because most people couldn‘t afford to set up housekeeping on their own until they had worked for a number of years. In the economic boom that followed World War II,workers were finally able to indulge their feministic concerns more than ever before. Therefore, the working-class influence was an important factor that contributed to the typical family pattern of the 1950s.Yet working-class influence alone couldn‘t have caused the baby boom; in the de cade after World War II Americans‘ standard of living also increased, although more modestly, but the birth rate continued to fall. It seems quite likely, consequently, that the spread of family-centered values played an important role in the baby room. According to European historical studies, the spread of family-centered values and ideas can bring about rapid changes in birth rates. In European countries, birth rates often remained high, even after the growth of wage labor, until the spread of new ideas and values triggered a rapid decline. The declines occurred piecemeal, province by province as values diffusedacross local language barriers and trade markets. But in the contemporary United States, with its common language, national media, and integrated market, it is reasonable to think that a change could be triggered simultaneously throughout the country. When the economic situation improved—culminating in the postwar boom, As Scott Coltrane and Randall Collins wrote:Suddenly there were two groups of people who had a chance to get married or to go ahead and have children if they were already married. There were those who put off getting married or put off having children in the 1930s and soldiers returning from the war. Along with this, the generation just coming of age began to marry extremely early and to have children quickly. Feminism had become something of a new cultural movement, and everybody was jumping on the bandwagon. [14] P1404.3 Feminist movement and family changesOne of the main manifestations of the feminist movement at home appears to be an increase in the amount of dissatisfaction that women are showing with traditional domestic roles. Feminists of all ideological persuasions argued that gender equality could not exist as long as women alone had to shoulder virtually all domestic and child-rearing responsibilities within the non-waged institution of the family, subjected to a set of obligations that interfered with their ability to function as full and equal participants in the rest of social, cultural, economic, and political life.Most feminists also asserted that men for their own benefit ran family and that for women it constituted a major locus of oppression, rather than the protected haven of mutual benefit and intimacy it was purported to be. Right to reproductive control, including the right to abortion was asserted as a means by which women could take control of their own bodies and their own lives. Feminists called for child-care centers along with anti-discrimination legislation, for the same reason.By the late 1970s, ideas about gender and the family that had been regarded as radical only a decade earlier were receiving widespread support in the United States. By 1985 more than half of all Americans regarded the best for m of marriage is ―the husband and wife share responsibilities more--both work, housekeeping and child responsibilities‘‘. By the mid-1970s, 52 percent of women wanted to ―combine marriage, a career and children‘, a figure that jumped to 63 percent in the mid-1980s. The percentage of those who did not want a career after marriage declined from 38 to 26.Moreover, 71 percent of mothers who were not in the labor force in 1985 said they would prefer tobe in it, and 82 percent of employed mothers indicated they would choose to continue working even if family finances were not an issue.Employed mothers had apparently changed their definition of good maternal behavior from one focusing on the quantity of time spent with children to one emphasizing the quality of time. By a three to one margin they agreed with the statement: ―I may spend less time with my childre n because I work, but I feel I give them as much as non-working mothers because of the way I spend my time with them.‖In 1960 fewer than half (47.4 percent of the women expected their husbands to help with housework, but by 1980 more than two-thirds (69.2 percent did. These data indicate how American people—especially women—are increasingly changing their notions of the husband-father and wife-mother roles, whether or not their behavior within marriage is changing. I hereby agreed with Chafetz‘s argument that ―these attitudinal changes were significantly magnified and hastened by the rhetoric of feminist Change‖. [15] P2154.4 Increasing labor force participation by women and family changesSince 1960, the rise of women‘s participation in the labor force ha s been dramatic. ―The large-scale entry of women, and especially of married women, into the labor forcehas several effects on family structure and functions, effects that are independent of any impact that might be due to the emergence and growth of a fem inist movement.‖[16] P63 People argued that as jobs in advanced industrial nations have become increasingly technical, younger cohorts of both women and men have had to acquire considerable more formal schooling than did earlier generations. Women‘s univer sity attendance rates have increased noticeably from 1960–1990 in the U.S. By remaining single and childfree during their late teens and early twenties, women are able to maximize their educational credential.When the demand for women‘s labor has increase d significantly, many are more motivated to continue their education because the potential, long-term returns to their educational investment markedly improves. Once college-educated women enter the labor force and begin to accrue experience, skills, promo tions, the potential ‗opportunity costs‘ of marriage, and especially of children, increase. The energy and commitment required by a family are seen as significantly reducing such women‘s career opportunities, given that traditional definition of women‘s ob ligations to husbands and children persist.Able to be more selective in their search for a spouse because of being independent economically, women are likely to take a longer time before making such a commitment.A number of researchers have examined data from studies of married women who were followed during the 1970s. ―Most of these analyses show that, other thing being equal, married women who worked outside the home were more likely to divorce or separate in the next few years. The studies also showed that many other characteristics of the wife and her husband affected the probability of marital breakup, including age at marriage and whether th e husband is stably employed. ‖ [17] P7555. ConclusionThe United Sates went through a particularly tumultuous period in the latter half of the 20th century, which resulted in rapid changes in family behaviors. The once dominant family pattern—breadwinner-homemaker model with husband-wife raising their own biological (or adopted children has been replaced by a diversity of family forms: single-parent families resulting either from unmarried parenthood or divorce, unmarried couples, step-families, foster families, extended or multigenerational families, and blended families. The nuclear family, which was prevalent in the 1950s, has been shrinking as the percentage of household and its distinct and its specialized roles between men and women have been undergoing significant changes with the increased participation in the labor force among women.Yet this change of the nuclear family cannot be seen as a sign of disappearance of family formation, as some conservatives claim. The conservatives who lament recent family changes and talk about recreating older patterns of family life that were popular in the 1950s seem to overlook the fact that changes in American family life beginning in the 1960s were consistent with long-term historical trends. Nuclear family, which is the only typical family pattern, declined obviously. With the dramatic increase in labor force participation among women, the gender-differentiated division of labor in the job market and home is fading. The main trend of the American family becomes more various rather than a single standard form. The prevalence of the nuclear family in the 1950s and itsla ter fall have its underlying economic and cultural causes. The 1950s‘ version of family, characterized by the ―baby boom‖ in birthrates and t he dominant breadwinner-homemaker family form was historically rooted in unusual times.The once predominant breadwinner-homemaker family pattern in the 1950s, however, began to decline in the 1960s and dramatic changes occurred to family life thereafter. The increasing mobilization of women through higher education and their shift into full-time careers were the major factors of the changes in the structure of the modern。