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Suggestion letters are usually written to propose the implementations of new policies, or to express wanting to see changes. These can be written by anybody.
Example 1

Salespersons no longer need to review packing slips, giving them more time to sell products. Less paper is used, saving us money. Orders are shipped faster as they will no longer sit on our loading docks(码头), waiting for the salesperson to inspect(检查) the packing slip. I spend less time processing(处理) packing slips, allowing me to spend more time on processing new orders.
Writing steps

Express your genuine appreciation for the opportunities you now enjoy. Refer to past suggestions the reader has accepted and put into practice. Thank the reader for his/her willingness to read and consider your ideas. Offer your suggestion courteously, without openly criticizing the existing state. Stick to the point and just explain the potential benefits of your suggestion. Suggest a meeting with the reader to explain your ideas in greater detail.
Therefore, it is recommended that you can arrange your time properly and avoid being indulged in computer games. Moreover, in order to make yourselves quickly adjusted to our campus life, it would be of great help if you can learn Chinese as well as you can. Last but not the least, it is necessary to take part in some activities so that you can improve your communication abilities and expand horizon. We are looking forward to seeing you soon and wish everything goes well. Yours sincerely, Li Ming
Dear Mr. Hodgson, I am writing to you as our new superior(上级), firstly on behalf of/ as a representative of all the team here, to welcome you to the company, and also to put forward to you a suggestion. I have worked here at Whitehaven plastics for more than 20 years, and feel that I have the knowledge to suggest to you that we use Farmers vehicles for our transportation. We did a trial run (试车)with the company prior to your joining the company, and they were found to be much more efficient and economical.
Part One Writing a Suggestion Letter
Pre-writing Writing steps Notice (in Chinese) Useful expressions Examples Exercises

Exercise 1 (2012英语(一)试题)
51. Directions: Some international students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the Students’ Union to 1) extend your welcome and 2) provide some suggestions for their campus life here. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)
一、注意事项: 1.写作目的:提出建议或忠告。写给机构:改进服 务质量;写给个人:建议重大决定。 2.不是投诉信,观点合情合理,注意礼貌当先。 二、布局: 1.首段:简要介绍自己,不要啰嗦;说明目的,注 意语气。 2.主体:首先肯定优点;再写改进内容,提出具体 建议。经常进行交流,注意对方感受,时时提到 你和我,否则容易跑题写成议论文。 3.尾段:总结建议,注意礼貌,易于接受。
Useful Expressions
首段: 1. I am writing with my suggestion/ proposal about… 2. I am writing to express my views concerning… 3. I am writing in reply to… 4. I would like to suggest that… 5. It is my pleasure to offer you some advice on… 6. If I were you, I would… 尾段: 1. I feel that it would be beneficial if… 2. I hope you will find these suggestions/ proposals/ recommendations helpful /practical/ useful. 3. I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Example 1
To whom it may concern, I’m writing regarding a matter I am confident will interest you. You may know of the large amount of paperwork (文书工 作) involved in processing our customers’ orders. What’s more interesting is that there exists considerable redundancy(多余,累赘), resulting in increased order processing time, later shipments, and potential customer dissatisfaction. (State the problem as it relates to recipient. )
Example 2
I realize that you are following the guidelines left by your predecessor(前任) Mr. Barns, but as you are also new to the area, I feel that I am able to put this suggestion to you as your employee, having lived in the area all my life, more than 40 years. I thank you for your consideration of the matter. Yours faithfully, Mr. David Smith (Senior sales representative)
Example 1
I hope this suggestion is of benefit to you. I will be delighted to speak to you if you require additional information.
Regards, Sarvesh
Example 2
Since our new order requisition(请求) software automatically reconciles(使…一致) purchase orders with packing slips(装箱单), there is no longer a real need to have the salesperson review the packing slip before shipping the order. Here’s the results:
Example 1
(State your solution and how it benefits the recipient/firm.) As most of this paperwork comes through my office, I have a good idea as to how we can streamline(使合理化) the process by reducing the amount of paper used, and put some dollars in the firm’s pocket.
Dear friends, On behalf of the Students’ Union, I am writing to extend my warm welcome to all the international students that are coming to our university. I firmly believe that your entering our university will bring us new ideas from different cultures and promote communication. Also, we have some suggestions before you come to our university. As you all know, we have a great much free time in college and the teachers don’t oversee(监管) us strictly.