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⏹My Best Friend 我最好的朋友

⏹Growing Up With Books和书一起成长

⏹Learning Through Travel通过旅游学习

⏹The Unforgettable Day难忘的一天


⏹Learning to Say “No”学会拒绝

⏹No Pains, No Gains不劳无获

⏹I Like Reading 我喜欢读书

⏹What Is The Perfect Christmas Present?你认为最好的圣诞礼物是什么?

⏹If I Were a School Principal 如果我是学校校长


⏹The day I will never forget.

Where and how did you spend that day? Why won’t you forget it?

Did you you learn something on that day?

⏹If I am the headmaster/principal of our school, I will…

What will you do to the students? How about the teachers?

Less or more homework? How can you make sure the students learn well?

⏹Life without friends。What do you think is the most important to keep a friend?

⏹I’m a super star。Do you have any drawing-back? Can you show me one or two


⏹Listen to what Mom has told me。Have you ever made your mom angry? Why?


1.…Have/Has the Greatest Power in My W orld

2.T he world without ……(computer, cellphone …..)

3.What will ……be like in 2050?

6、What would happen if…?

everyone who told a lie turned green?

people could get a drivers license at 14?

men were not allowed to become doctors or pilots?

7、What would you do if…?

you were invited to the Chairman's garden party?

a photograph of yours won first prize at an exhibition?

you saw your teacher picking apples from her neighbors tree?


⏹Which do you prefer, Town, countryside, seaside城市、农村、海滨,你喜欢哪个?

⏹Do you spend enough time with your parents你和你的父母经常在一起吗

⏹What do you think is china’s greatest invention?中国最伟大的发明是什么

⏹Do you wish you had been born in another country你希望你生在国外吗?

⏹How do you help your parents你如何帮助你的父母

⏹Should boys be nice to girls男孩子应该对女孩子以礼相待吗?

⏹Please tell me how you spend your pocket money.你怎样花零用钱

⏹Please tell me how to bargain a price in a market. 怎样在市场讨价还价

⏹Where do you think is the best place to live in the world?你认为世界上哪最适合居住⏹What would you do if you see your classmate cheating in an exam?你看到了你的


⏹What would you do if your friend wants to borrow 100 Yuan from you?你的朋友向


1.If a friend visits your home, accidentally broke a vase. How do you deal with this? 2.What is your growing pain now? How are you going to solve this problem?

3.Which is better for a middle school student, living in school dormitory or living at home?

For: Living in school dormitory is better than living at home.

Against: Living at home is better than living in school dormitory.


9. As middle school students, can we study much better by using the Internet?

For: We can study much better by using the Internet.

Against:We can’t achieve higher grades by using the Internet.


14. Is it better to study by oneself than to study with classmates?

For: It is better to study by oneself than to study with classmates.

Against: It is better to study with classmates than to study by oneself.



Topic 1.When a rather dirty, poorly dressed person kneels at your feet ant puts out his hands to beg for a coin, do you hurry on, not knowing what to do, or do you feel sad and hurriedly hand over some money?

Topic 2.Which would you choose, health, wisdom, friendship or wealth? Why?



4、Shaking Hands

5、Please Introduce a Traditional Chinese Festival to Us


1)No matter how hard he tried, Peter couldn’t row his boat an y faster and the pirate ship

was getting closer….

Using these words: Hungry, Lost, Treasure, Parrot, Fight.

2)This was where she lost her mother’s ring she started to cry because she didn’t know

what she was going to do….

Using these words: Lie, Trouble, Forget, Run, Test.
