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Enterprises must be able to choose to suit oneself and can give full play to its own resources advantage of target customers engaged in marketing, which established the position of enterprise in market, this is a strategic decision problems in enterprise marketing management strategy. The decision-making process of target market strategy consists of market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning. These three environments are interconnected, and they are indispensable. Among them, market segmentation is the basis and premise of selecting and market positioning of enterprise target market. Market segmentation is to more in-depth study of consumer demand, to better adapt to consumer demand, make the enterprise products and services provided to better meet the needs of target customers. Market segmentation is based on the differences in consumer demand in the overall market. Are divided based on the market segmentation based on consumer demand diversity, namely according to the differences of consumer demand, the overall market is divided into a number of different market segments, so that enterprises choose to suit oneself and can give full play to its own resources advantage of target customers, the implementation of the corresponding marketing strategy. After dividing the market segment, the enterprise can enter one or more segments of the established market. The target market choice is to estimate the attractiveness of each segment of the market and choose to enter one or more segments. The target market choice strategy has differentiated target market choice and non-differentiated target

market choice. Market positioning can be divided into the reorientation of existing products and the reservation of potential products. Market positioning includes product positioning, enterprise positioning, competitive positioning, consumer positioning, etc.

Keywords: credit card; Marketing; Cause analysis


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 选题依据 (1)

1.2 研究意义和启示 (2)

1.3 本文研究容 (4)

1.4 研究方法 (4)

第2章光大银行信用卡营销概述 (5)

2.1 信用卡营销的相关概念 (5)

2.1.1 信用卡 (5)

2.1.2 市场营销 (5)

2.1.3 信用卡营销 (7)

2.2 光大银行信用卡发展现状分析 (7)

2.1.1市场地位 (8)

2.1.2发展历程 (8)

2.1.3发展阶段 (10)

2.1.4战略目标 (10)

2.1.5组织架构 (11)

2.2 光大银行卡发展现状 (11)

2.2.建立有效的营销渠道 (13)

第3章光大银行信用卡营销策略分析研究 (13)

3.1营销过程存在问题 (14)

3.2选择营销组合策略需要注意的问题。 (17)

第4章解决对策 (18)

参考文献 (19)
