古人对宇宙的探索 英文.ppt

And based on his theory, he created the Newtonian telescope Newtonian telescope.
Laplace proposed the nebular theory——the origin of the solar system
The first kite emerged early in the Han Dynasty or even early than that.
the moon itself doesn‟t shine, but to reflect the light of the sun.
The ancient Chinese people saw the light and dark alternated shadow on the moon
Nvwa Mending the Sky (女蜗炼石
The ancient Chinese people knew the distribution of theቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱsun, the moon and billions of stars
The first thinking of the ancient Chinese people about the causes of the formation of the heaven and the earth
The Flight of Chang„e to the Moon(嫦娥偷药奔月)
Johannes Kepler 开普勒 (1571-1630)
The German astrophysicist: Kepler

在人类探索太空的海浪,我们勇敢的中国人民从 来没有停止前进的步伐。在短短半个世纪以来, 中国的航空计划取得了举世瞩目的成功。让我 们回顾一下中国的月球探测器计划岗位描述的 历史 In the waves of human exploration into space, our brave chinese people have never stopped the pace of advancing. In just half a century, china has made remarkable aviation exploration success. Let’s review china’s lunar probe program exporation history.
2007年的10月24日,“嫦 娥一号”成功发射。这 是中国航天活动的第三 个里程碑,标志着中国月 球探索计划已经迈出了 第一步。
October 1,2010,chang’II fly into space with the hope of Chinese people, which attracts worldwide attention. Exploration satellite (探测卫星)that carries high-resolution (高分辨率的) cameras will test key technologies to provide HD photo(高清照片) for the landing of chang’e III.
伟大的设计和 伟大的考虑(国 家) 人们的维持和 支持 金融保障体系 优秀的科学家 完美的合作 独立开发(最重 要的原因)

提高全民科学素质,维护国家 权益,增强综合国力。
中国发展航天事业贯彻国家科 技事业发展的指导方针
The course of space development in China
2021年6月17日9时22分,中国神舟十二号载人飞船发射,飞行乘组由航天员聂海 胜、刘伯明和汤洪波三人组成。
当前,空间信息正加快与大数据、 云计算、物联网等高新技术融合, “互联网+卫星应用”战略性新兴产 业孕育发展,有望成为新的经济增 长点。此外,航天成果转化成效初 显,有效促进了传统产业的升级。
China's space station construction
一组数据显示:长征系列运载火箭完成 第1个100次发射历时37年,成功率93%; 第二个100次发射仅历时7年,成功率 98%。发射周期从60天缩减到不到20天。
Shenzhou series spacecraft introduction
试看未来的中国航天, 中国载人空间站将呼之 欲出,航天“神剑”将
航天探测器将飞向更加深 邃的太空,军民融合将开
1999年11月20日发射升空, 11月21日返回,飞行1天。 “神舟”一号是不载人的
这是“长征”二号F型火 箭的首次研制型飞行试验, 主要目的是考核运载火箭

You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
▲ China’s first astronaut ▲ Shenzhou V spacecraft
The Milky Way
A black hole capture the stars.
Look from the flank of the Milky Way, it is like a flat plate .
Apollo 11 was the first manned spacecraft to land on the moon. Apollo 11 was launched on July 16, 1969. There were 3 astronauts on board. It took 3 days for the spacecraft to reach the Moon’s orbit.
当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的 ,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
Aldrin stepped onto the Moon later. The astronauts spent 21 hours on the Moon. They collected rocks and soil , and took some photographs of the Moon.

早期发展与成就2. 嫦娥奔月: 神话与现实
描述:《嫦娥奔月:神话与现实》部分将通过对比中国航天事 业的早期发展与现代成就,揭示神话与现实的紧密联系。我们 将深入探讨中国古代神话中的嫦娥奔月故事,以及这一故事如 何激发了中国人民对航天事业的热情和追求。同时,我们还将 展示中国航天事业在近年来取得的一系列重要成果,如嫦娥五 号月球探测任务、天问一号火星探测任务等,以此证明神话并 非遥不可及,而是可以通过努力实现的现实。
长征火箭发射成功:中国 航天事业的重要里程碑
长征火箭、中国航天事业、发 射成功、探月工程
关键词 关键词 关键词
长征火箭的研制历程: 不断创新,追求卓越
长征火箭 创新 卓越
长征火箭的技术特点:高性能、 低成本、可重复使用
长征火箭 高性能 低成本
长征火箭发射成功的意义:提升 国家综合实力,展示国家形象源自感谢聆听 Thank You!
汇报人: 2023.09.18
02 探秘中国航天之旅:里程碑事件 Exploring China's Space Journey: Milestone Events
描述:《中国航天事业起步》部分将重点介绍中国航天事业的起源和发展,从1956年中国开始研究火箭技术, 到1970年成功发射第一颗人造地球卫星,再到2003年实现月球探测的历史性突破,展示了中国航天事业从无到 有、从弱到强的发展历程。 描述:《中国航天事业起步》部分还将详细介绍中国航天事业在不同阶段取得的重要成果,如长征系列运载火 箭的成功发射、神舟飞船的载人飞行、嫦娥探月工程的实施等,这些成果不仅提升了中国在国际航天领域的地 位,也为人类探索太空提供了宝贵的经验和技术支持。
世界航天史英文简介 ppt课件

China DongfanghongⅠ 4.April 1970
Prospero X-3
28.October 1971
European Space Agency (ESA)欧洲空间局
24.December 1979
Rohini 1 世界航天史英文简介18.July 1980
Exploration of Moon
Luna 1 —Luna24月球探测器(1959 —1976)by Russia
The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the unmanned Soviet probe Luna 2
Space Exploration
Humane exploration(深空探测)
Space station (空间站) Space shuttle(航天飞机)
Second phase lunar program (嫦娥-2 工程)— to be launched in 2012 :first Moon landing of a couple of rovers
Third phase lunar program (嫦娥-3 工程) — to be launched in 2017 : automated Moon landing and return sample
4.April 1883—28.January 1986 Discovery (发现号航天飞机)30.August 1984 Atlantis(亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机)3.October 1985 Endeavour(奋进号航天飞机)instead of Challenger

中国航天发展史英语介绍:China's aerospace industry has witnessed remarkable growth and achievements over the past few decades. Here's a brief overview of its development: In the early 1950s, China began laying the foundation for its aerospace industry, with the establishment of key research institutions and the recruitment of top scientists and engineers. The country's first satellite, Dong Fang Hong I, was launched in 1970, marking the beginning of China's space journey.Over the years, China has made significant strides in space exploration. It has successfully launched manned missions to space, including the Shenzhou spacecraft series, which has facilitated China's human spaceflight program. In 2003, China became only the third country in the world to independently send astronauts into space, demonstrating its growing prowess in the field.China's lunar exploration program, Chang'e, has also been highly successful, with several robotic missions to the Moon, including the landing of the Chang'e-4 spacecraft on the lunar far side in 2019. This was a historic milestone, as no other country had achieved such a feat before.In addition to its manned spaceflight and lunar exploration programs, China has also made remarkable progress in other areas of aerospace technology, including satellite navigation, space station construction, and deep space exploration. The country has launched multiple Beidou navigation satellites, aiming to establish an independent global navigation satellite system. China is also working on developing its own space station, expected to be operational by the end of this decade.Furthermore, China has been actively collaborating with international partners in space exploration, fostering cooperation and mutual benefits. The country's aerospace industry has not only contributed to scientific advancements and technological breakthroughs but also played a pivotal role in national security, economic development, and enhancing China's global status.。

Zombie(僵尸) stars
Orion's bat
Small ghost nebula
草帽星系,在梅西葉星雲星團表中標記為 M104 ,距離為2千8百萬光年。
关于太空探索英语 PPT
Universe is a unity that formed by space ,time, ma and energy.
It is a space-time continuum system .
The origin of the universe
The Milky Way(银河)
The Milky Way
Formed by one hundred and twenty billion stars and a large number of clusters, nebula, and various types of interstellar gas and interstellar dust.
Black Hole 黑洞
NGC 4414
The Black Hole 黑洞

Para 3: 我的看法
Para 3: 我对中国太空探索迅猛发展的看法:
6. 作为中国青年,我们应该保持对太空探索的好奇心和热情,努力学习相 关知识和技能,为我国的航天事业做出贡献。
As Chinese youth, we should maintain curiosity and enthusiasm for space exploration, _s_tr_iv_e__to__a_c_q_u_ir_e_r_e_le_v_a_n_t_k_n_o_w__le_d_g_e_a_n_d__s_k_il_ls________, and contribute to our country’s space industry.
太空 图
72.国际青少年科技协会将举行一个主题为“太空探索”的线上论坛会,请根据 所给图表,用英语简要描述中国航天事业的发展状况,并陈述你对太空探索的看 法。要求:
1.不要逐条描述; 2.清晰表达看法; 3.简要陈述理由。 注意:
1.写作词数应为120左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Para 3: 我的看法
Para 3: 我对中国太空探索迅猛发展的看法: 4.这一发展不仅凸显了中国青年对技术创新和航天技术的热情,也展示了 他们对中国成为太空探索领军力量的渴望。 This development not only _h_i_g_h_li_g_h_ts__C_h_i_n_e_s_e_y_o_u_th_’_s_p_a_s_s_io_n__fo_r_ technological innovation and aerospace technology but also __s_h_o_w__ca_s_e_s_t_h_e_ir_a_s_p_i_ra_t_io_n_s__f_o_r_ China to emerge as a leading force in space exploration. 5. 作为中国青年,我们应该积极参与我国的航天事业,为实现更多突破和 创新贡献自己的力量。 As Chinese youth, we should actively engage and participate in our country’s space endeavors, __c_o_n_tr_ib_u_t_in_g__o_u_r_o_w__n_e_f_fo_r_ts__to__a_c_h_ie_v_e_m__o_r_e_b_r_e_ak_t_h_r_o_u_g_h_s _a_n_d_i_n_n_o_v.ations

U.S. Missions∙Apollo Landing Missionso Apollo: Expeditions to the Moono Chariots for Apollo: A History of Manned Lunar Spacecrafto Prologueo Spacecraft, Suits, and Roverso Precursors to the Landing Missionso Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17o Epilogue: When might we go back to the Moon?o Apollo Lunar Surface Journal∙Robotic Spacecrafto Mariner Missions▪Mariner 2, Mariner 4, Mariner 5, Mariner 6 & 7, Mariner 9,Mariner 10o Ranger to the Moon (1964 - 1965)▪Ranger 7, Ranger 8, Ranger 9o Lunar Orbiter (1966-1967)▪Lunar Orbiter 1, Lunar Orbiter 2, Lunar Orbiter 3, LunarOrbiter 4, Lunar Orbiter 5o Surveyoro Pioneer 10 & 11o Viking▪Project Viking Fact Sheeto Voyager▪The Voyager Planetary Mission▪Voyager Jupiter Science Summary▪Voyager Saturn Science Summary▪Voyager Neptune Science Summary▪Voyager Uranus Science Summaryo Solar Maximum Missiono Magellano Galileoo Clementine to the Moono NEARo Mars Global Surveyoro Mars Pathfinder Spacecrafto Mars Pathfinder Rovero Cassini/Huygens▪Cassini Fact Sheeto Lunar Prospectoro IMAGEo Deep Space 1o Mars Climate Orbitero Mars Polar Landero Deep Space 2o Stardusto2001 Mars Odysseyo Mars Exploration Rovers▪Mars Spirit Rover▪Mars Opportunity Rovero New Horizons Pluto Kuiper Belt Flybyo MESSENGERo Phoenix Mars Landero Lunar Reconnaissance Orbitero DawnUSSR/Russia Missions∙Luna Mission Summaries, 1959 - 1976o Luna 2, Luna 3, Luna 9, Luna 10, Luna 11, Luna 12, Luna 13, Luna 14, Luna 16, Luna 17, Luna 19, Luna 20, Luna 21, Luna 22,Luna 24.∙Zond Mission Summaries, 1965 - 1970o Zond 3, Zond 5, Zond 6, Zond 7, Zond 8.∙Phobos∙Mars 96∙Venera Mission Summaries, 1967 - 1983o Venera 4, Venera 5, Venera 6, Venera 7, Venera 8, Venera 9, Venera 10, Venera 11, Venera 12, Venera 13, Venera 14,Venera 15 & 16European Missions∙Giotto∙Ulysses∙SOHO∙Cassini/Huygens∙RosettaJapanese Missions∙Sakigake∙Nozomi (Planet-B)∙Suisei∙YohkohThe space program of the People's Republic of China is directed by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). Its technological roots can be traced back to the late 1950s, when the People's Republic began a rudimentary ballistic missile program in response to perceived American (and, later, Soviet) threats. However, the first Chinese crewed flight program only began in earnest several decades later, when an accelerated program of technological development culminated in Yang Liwei's successful 2003 flight aboard Shenzhou 5. This achievement made China the third country to independently send humans into space. Future plans include a permanent space station and crewed expeditions to the Moon and Mars.Contents[hide]∙1History and recent developmentso 1.1During the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship periodo 1.2After the Sino-Soviet splito 1.3After Mao Zedong's deatho 1.4After the end of the Cold Waro 1.5Dual-use technologies and outer space∙2Organizationo 2.1Universities and instituteso 2.2Space citieso 2.3Suborbital launch siteso 2.4Satellite launch centerso 2.5Monitoring and control centers▪ 2.5.1Domestic tracking stations▪ 2.5.2Overseas tracking stations▪ 2.5.3Crewed spacecraft landing site∙3Crewed spaceflight programso 3.1Project 714o 3.2Project 863o 3.3Project 921▪ 3.3.1Space capsule▪ 3.3.2Space laboratory▪ 3.3.3Space stationo 3.4Proposed lunar explorationo 3.5Mission to Mars and beyond∙4Goals∙5List of projectso 5.1Satellites and scienceo 5.2Satellite launch centero 5.3Launch vehicleso 5.4Space exploration∙6Research∙7See also∙8References∙9External links[edit] History and recent developmentsThis article is in a list format that may be better presented using prose. You can help by converting this article to prose, if appropriate. Editing help is available. (July 2009)This section may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards. You can help. The discussion page may contain suggestions. (July 2009)[edit] During the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship periodAfter the United States threatened to use nuclear weapons during the Korean War[citation needed], Chairman Mao Zedong decided that only a nuclear deterrent of its own would guarantee the security of the newly founded PRC. Additionally, he wanted China to gain status among the world's powers that, as he felt, did not respect him, and instead dealt only with the Republic of China (present-day Taiwan) as "China". Thus, Mao announced his decision to develop China's own strategic weapons, including nuclear bombs and associated missiles for the warheads, during a Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee meeting held on January 15, 1955. The Chinese nuclear weapons program was designated by the codename of "02".“我们不但要有更多的飞机大炮,而且还要有原子弹。

This photo shows a rendering picture of China's lunar orbiter Chang'e I.
China published the country's first full map of the moon surface on Wednesday, about a year after its first lunar probe -- Chang'e I -- was launched.
Dong Fang Hong I (Red East1)
• China launched its first satellite Dong Fang Hong I (DFH I) to earth orbit on April 24, 1970, becoming the fifth country in the world to independently launch satellite following the USSR, USA, France and Japan.
• There are three steps of China's moon exploration program. • The launch of Chang'e-1 was the first step in the country's three-stage moon mission, which will lead to a moon landing and launch of a moon rover(漫游者) in 2012 or thereabouts. • The second phase of the space program aims at soft landing. • In the third phase, another rover will land on the moon and return to Earth with lunar soil and stone samples for scientific research in about 2017.

9.current adj.当前的; 现在的→ currency n.流通; 货币
10.sufficient adj.足够的; 充足的→ sufficiency n.充足; 足够
11.globe n. 地球; 世界; 地球仪→ global adj.全球的
12.argue vt.&vi.论证; 争辩; 争论→ argument n.争论
2.Despite the difficulties, scientists hope future discoveries will not only
enable us to understand how the universe began, but also help us survive well into the future. 尽管困难重重, 科学家们希望未来的发现不仅能让我们了解宇宙的起源, 还能让人类延续生存, 直到未来。 【提炼】not only... but also... 【浅析】not only... but also...可以连接两个并列成分, 连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词的单复数根据就近原则确定; 当not only 位于句首时, 它所在的分 句用部分倒装语序。
rocket gravity frontier spacecraft
vehicle universe
spacewalk jade shadow crew
satellite launch orbit dock soap
mankind agency data microwave
particle self-
desire signal muscle argument
Chinese_Space_Program(中国航天工程英文版) ppt课件

CZ-4 series: launching SSO meteorological satellite.
General View of Long March series
CZ-1 CZ-2
CZ-3 CZ-A CZ-3B CZ-4A CZ-4B FB-1
CZ-1 series: launching small size satelite.
CZ-2 series: launching LEO or GTO satelite and spacecraft.
CZ-3 series: using hydrogenoxygen burning engine; launching HEO communication satelite.
SJ-1 SJ-5
SJ-2 Shi Jian series satelite
First satelite in China
Dong Fang HongⅠ
Api Yuan-1-01
Zhong Xing-22
★Applied satellite: Most satelites launched in China are applied satelites. They include meteorological satellite, communication satellite, earth resources satellite and so on.
世界航天史英文简介 ppt课件

Yang Liwei Shenzhou 6(12.October 2005)
Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng Shenzhou 7 (25.September 2008)
Zai Zhigang ,Liu Boming and Ying Haipeng
Fourth phase lunar program (嫦娥-4 工程) — to be launched in 2024 : crewed mission and permanent bases (月面驻留)
Exploration of Mars
1960—1979 Russia has sixteen probes (探测器)
The far side of the Moon was first photographed on October 7, 1959 by the Soviet probe Luna 3.
Luna 9 was the first probe to soft land on the Moon,
The first artificial satellite of the Moon was the Soviet probe Luna 10
Second phase lunar program (嫦娥-2 工程)— to be launched in 2012 :first Moon landing of a couple of rovers
Third phase lunar program (嫦娥-3 工程) — to be launched in 2017 : automated Moon landing and return sample

主题:太空探索 学科素养:人与自然 难度系数:★★★ China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon.The unmanned Chang’e-4 probe(探测器)—the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess—touched down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin.
far side 远端;远边 touch down降落; 着陆 be of particular interest to对……特别感兴趣 more so更是这样;尤其如此
①Because the moon’s body blocks direct radio communication with a probe,China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot where it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth.
spacecraft /'speɪskrɑːft/ n.航天器;宇宙飞船 inspire /ɪn'spaɪə(r) / vt.鼓舞;激励 challenging /'tʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ adj.富有挑战性的;困难而有趣 的;具有刺激性的 familiar /fə'mɪliə(r)/ adj.熟悉的;通晓的 obtain /əb'teɪn/ vt.获得;得到;买到

2005年 10月12日
25 September 2008
2008年 9月25日
பைடு நூலகம்舟五号成功发射
2003年 10月15日
November 29, 2022
2022年 11月29日
May 30, 2023
2021年 10月16日
June 5th 2022
2022年 6月5日
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嫦娥奔月、夸父追日、女娲补天..... These legends all tell the ancient Chinese dream of flying to space.
In 1956,China started the road of exproring space. In 1958,chairman Mao first called for"we also should make the satellite.
Oct 1 - Chang'e-2 is sent into space aboard a Long March-3C carrier rocket from southwest China's Xichang satellite launch center; Chang'e-2 is 60 million km away from Earth and has become China's first man-made asteroid in the solar system. It continues flying into deeper space
In 1986, the national 863 project had been put forward by XiaopingDeng.
In 1970,Dong Fang Hong I launched successfully.
Fly to the moon
In 2004,mission is named "Project Chang'-e" after a mythical Chinese goddess who flew to the moon.
And the lastest news,Chang'e-3 was lunched 3:20 am today. This time the lunar probe will conduct a soft landing on the moon's surface.
The mission is part of the second stage of China's threestage, unmanned lunar exploration, which includes orbiting, landing, analyzing and returning with lunar soil and stone samples
The three stages are expected to be completed by 2020.
Manned space flight
• Shenzhou I , II ,III ,IV was successively launched. • Shenzhou V ,the first time Manned space flight • And then ShenzhouVI VII ,VIII, IX, X .... • There are many heros ,
单击此处添加标题 In 2007,Oct 24 - Chang'e-1 is successfully
launched;Nov 7 - Chang'e-1 enters lunar orbit; and later a clip of the voice of the probe and a Chinese song "Ode to the Motherland" are sent back from orbit. China's first picture of the lunar surface is published by Xinhua News Agency.