



郑州大学20XX~20XX学年第二学期考试A卷课程名称大学物理(上)考试日期20XX.7任课教师____________考生姓名学号专业或类别题号一二三四五六七总分累分人签名题分10 40 10 10 10 10 10 100得分考生注意事项:1、本试卷共 6 页,请查看试卷中是否有缺页。


一、选择题(每空2分,共10分)得分评卷人1. 长为l的杆如图悬挂,O为水平光滑固定转轴,平衡时杆竖直下垂,有一子弹水平地射入杆中,分析在此过程中,子弹和杆组成的系统对转轴O的角动量、动量和机械能。





20XX 级大学物理上册期末试卷A 解答 选择题A B D A C填空题1. 4(m),4(m ·s -1),6(m ·s -1),0,02. 230.4(m ·s -2);4.8(m ·s -2).3. 215-=c v =0.786c,v == 0.866c ;4、680(Hz),533(Hz)。

5、c 226、1.4725(mm),1.4725(mm)7、7.3(N ·s),366.2(N)8、1/39、-3mv 02/8,20316k v gr μ=π, 4/3 计算题1.[解答]以O 点为转动轴,棒的质心到轴的距离为l /4,在碰撞之前,棒对转轴的角动量为mv 0l /4.在碰撞之后瞬间,棒绕轴的角动量为I ω0.棒绕质心的转动惯量为I c = ml 2/12, 根据平行轴定理,棒绕O 点为转动惯量为2c I I md =+ 222117()12448ml m l ml =+=. (4分) 或者积分:4/34/34/34/231l l l l xdx x I --==⎰λλ2487ml =(列式3分结果1分) 根据角动量守恒定律得 mv 0l /4 = I ω0, (4分)或初始角动量:L=04/34/24/34/42m v ly vdyv y l l l l ==--⎰λλ(列式3分结果1分)所以角速度为00121/47v mv l I l ω==. (2分)2.[解答] (1)分离变量得2d d vk t v=-, 故020d d v tv vk t v =-⎰⎰, (4分) 可得:11kt v v =+. (1分)(2)公式可化为001v v v kt=+,由于v = d x/d t ,所以:00001d d d(1)1(1)v x t v kt v kt k v kt ==+++积分00001d d(1)(1)x tx v kt k v kt =++⎰⎰. (4分)因此 01ln(1)x v kt k=+. (1分)3.[解答] λ312=-r r (4分),0])1([12=-+-e n r r (4分)联立得 58.113=+=en λ(2分)4.[解答](1)设原点的振动方程为:y 0 = A cos(ωt + φ),其中A = 0.03m . 由于u = λ/T ,所以质点振动的周期为:T = λ/u = 0.04(s), 圆频率为:ω = 2π/T = 50π. (3分)当t = 0时,y 0 = 0,因此cos φ = 0;由于质点速度小于零,所以φ = π/2. (3分)原点的振动方程为:y 0 = 0.03cos(50πt + π/2), 平面波的波动方程为:0.03cos[50()]2x y t u ππ=-+= 0.03cos[50π(t – x ) + π/2). (2分)(2)与波源相距x = 0.01m 处质点的振动方程为:y = 0.03cos50πt . (2分)5. 解:(1)由光栅主极大公式得cm k b a 4104.2sin -⨯==+ϕλ(4分) (2)若第三级不缺级,则λϕ3sin )('=+b a (2分)由于第三级缺级,则对应于最小可能的a ,'ϕ方向应是单缝衍射第一级暗纹:两式比较得λϕ='sin acm b a a 4108.03/)(-⨯=+= (1分) (3)主极大)(,sin )(λϕk b a =+),,,=,(单缝衍射极小)(=’‘321k k asin λϕ 因此缺级),,,= 963k又因为4/)(max =+=λb a k , (2分) 所以实际呈现级明纹。



郑州大学考研体育真题试卷一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 体育教学中,以下哪项是培养学生体育兴趣的重要方式?A. 强制训练B. 竞赛活动C. 单一训练D. 理论讲授2. 体育锻炼对青少年的身体健康有哪些积极作用?A. 促进生长发育B. 增加体重C. 降低免疫力D. 减少肌肉力量3. 以下哪项不是体育教学中常用的教学方法?A. 讲解示范法B. 游戏法C. 个别指导法D. 集体讨论法4. 体育活动中,如何正确处理运动损伤?A. 立即停止运动B. 继续运动以克服疼痛B. 立即进行冷敷D. 立即进行热敷5. 以下哪项是体育教学中对学生进行德育教育的重要途径?A. 体育比赛B. 体育理论课C. 体育实践课D. 体育器材管理6. 体育锻炼对提高人的心理素质有哪些积极作用?A. 增强自信心B. 增加焦虑感C. 降低抗压能力D. 减少社交能力7. 体育教学中,如何有效提高学生的运动技能?A. 增加训练强度B. 延长训练时间C. 反复练习D. 减少训练次数8. 以下哪项是体育教学中对学生进行美育教育的重要途径?A. 体育比赛B. 体育理论课C. 体育实践课D. 体育器材管理9. 体育锻炼对提高人的社交能力有哪些积极作用?A. 增强团队协作能力B. 增加个人主义C. 降低沟通能力D. 减少社交活动10. 体育教学中,如何培养学生的创新意识和能力?A. 严格遵循传统教学模式B. 鼓励学生提出问题和解决方案C. 限制学生的创新尝试D. 只关注学生的技能训练二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述体育教学中德育教育的重要性及其实施途径。

2. 请简述体育锻炼对青少年心理健康的影响。

3. 请简述体育教学中如何培养学生的团队精神。

4. 请简述体育教学中如何激发学生的运动兴趣。

三、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述体育教学中如何平衡运动技能训练与学生身心健康发展的关系。

2. 论述体育教学中如何运用现代信息技术提高教学效果。



郑州大学知识产权法期末考试试题(附答案)A在专利申请日之前非专利权人已经实施了与他人专利相同的技术,或者已经做好了实施的必要准备B在他人获得专利权以后,非专利权人仅在原有范围内继续实施 C两个以上的主体合法拥有的发明创造相同,且其已取得了专利权。




根据专利法的规定,以为申请A.以专利局收到专利申请文件之日B.如果文件是邮寄的,以寄出的邮戳日C.如果文件是邮寄的,而邮戳不清楚的,以收到邮件日为准D.如果请专利事务所代理申请,以文件递交专利事务所之日为准 4.发明专利的创造性,是指同申请日以前已有的技术相比,该发明有。

A.显著的进步B.突出的实质性特点C.进步D.实质性特点 5.《专利法》所称的执行本单位的任务所完成的职务发明创造是指。




k0 kV
例2 某单室模型药物200mg给某患者静注后,定时收集尿液,测得尿药排 泄累积量Xu如下:试求该药的k,t1/2和ke值。
t(h) 0 1 2
6 12 24 36 48 60 72
Xu(mg) 0 4.02 7.77 11.26 20.41 33.88 48.63 55.05 57.84 59.06 59.58
直线的截距为1.8004 lg(keX0/k)=1.8004 keX0/k=63.15 ke=63.15k/X0=0.024(h-1)
例3. 某药物IV 200mg后,定时收集尿液,已知平均尿药排
ΔX u Δt
已知该药属单室模型,分布容积30L,求该药的t1/2, ke, Clr,
lg dX u dt
k 2.303
I0 X0
Clr = keV
ke X 0 K
(1-e-kt )
4.2 0.07
(1-e-0.0780 )
C ss
k0 kV
例6,某患者体重50kg,以每分钟20mg的速度静脉滴注 普鲁卡因,问稳态浓度是多少?滴注经历10小时的血药 浓度是多少?(已知t1/2=3.5h,V=2L/kg)。
C ss
k0 kV
C = k0 (1 - e-kt ) kV
例7,某药物生物半衰期为3.0h,表观分布容积为10L,今 以每小时30mg速度给某患者静脉滴注,8h即停止滴注, 问停药后2h体内血药浓度是多少?



郑州大学辅导员招聘题目汇总2024(满分100分时间120分钟)姓名:________________ 准考证号:_______________一、单选题(每题只有一个正确答案,答错、不答或多答均不得分)1.高校实践育人工作主要包括哪些形式()A.课外活动、军政训练、社会实践活动B.实践教学、军政训练、社会实践活动C.课外活动、志愿服务、创新创业D.实践教学、志愿服务、创新创业【答案】:B2.根据《普通高等学校辅导员培训规划》,普通高等学校辅导员培训规划主要任务不包括()A.不断扩大培训覆盖面B.加强基地建设和师资队伍建设C.培训思想政治教育基本能力D.建立健全多级培训网络【答案】:C3.近年来,成为大学校园一大杀手的是()。


A.单纯性B.差异性C.迫切性D.多样性—1 —5.大学生交往内容的多样性主要体现在哪些方面?()A.交往对象、交往渠道、交往地点B.交往对象、交往地点、交往方式C.交往地点、交往渠道、交往方式D.交往对象、交往渠道、交往方式【答案】:D6.大学生正处于认知发展的()。



A.生活补助B.特殊岗位补助C.艰苦贫困地区补助D.特殊奉献补助—2 —10.纸币的发行量少于流通中所需要的货币量会引起()A.纸币贬值物价上升B.纸币升值物价上涨C.纸币升值物价下跌D.纸币稳定物价平稳【答案】:C11.下列诗句中,与“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”出自同一位诗人的是:A.唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城B.致君尧舜上,再使风俗淳C.鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜D.六军不发无奈何,婉转蛾眉马前死【答案】:B12."水则载舟,水则覆舟"是谁的名言?()A.荀子B.老子【答案】:A13.汉代乐府民歌在中国诗歌发展史上占有重要的地位。



郑州大学军事理论题库信息化战争考试题一、选择题1 信息化武装力量主要包括信息化现役部队、信息化武警部队、民兵和(A )A 信息化预备役部队B 信息化警备部队C 信息化治安部队D 信息化安全部队2.信息化武器装备主要由信息化弹药、信息化作战平台、军用机器人和(D)构成A 精确制导弹药B 计算机、网络系统C 信息化武器载体D 单兵数字化装备3.信息化战争的构成要素有信息化武装力量、信息化武装力量和(B )。

A 空间武器系统B 信息化指挥系统C 精确制导武器D 侦察、监视系统4.电子战主要包括(C )三个部分A 电子侦察、电子进攻、电子监视B 电子侦察、电子波坏、电子监视C 电子侦察、电子进攻、电子防御D 电子侦察、电子波坏、电子进攻5.信息心理战的基本手段有(A )三种方式A 心理宣传、心理欺诈、心理威慑B 心理阻挠、心理欺诈、心理威慑C 心理宣传、信息欺骗、网络攻击D 信息波坏、心理欺骗、心理进攻6.(B)标志着高技术战争的成熟。

A 第四次中东战争B 海湾战争C 马岛战争D 越南战争7.下列哪一项不属于空间战的作战样式(C )A 导弹拦截战B 卫星攻击战C 精确战D 空间作战平台攻防战8 海湾战争中多国部队精确制导武器的使用量占总投弹量的百分比为(D)A 35%B 80%C 60%D 8%9 下列战争中,(C )是信息化战争萌芽期的代表性战争之一。

A 朝鲜战争B 海湾战争C 越南战争D 马岛战争10.下列哪一项不是信息化战争的特点(D )A 信息资源主导化B武器装备信息化C 作战节奏快速化D 战争规模扩大化11.下列战争形态中破坏程度降低到最低限度的是(C )A 热兵器战争B 冷兵器战争C 信息化战争D 高技术战争12.军队信息化建设的基石是(C )A 数字化部队B 信息化指挥控制系统C 国家的信息基础建设D 军事通讯网13.(B )不是未来信息化战争的主要作战样式A 心理战B 电子战C 信息火力战D 阵地战14.下列哪一项不属于单兵数字化装备(A)A 卫星定位系统B 一体化头盔系统C 单兵计算机和无线电分系统D 防护服分系统15. 伊拉克战争爆发的时间为(C )A 1991年B 1995年C 2003年D 1999年16.下列哪一项不属于信息化战争的发展趋势(B )A 战争的表现形式不断拓展B 战争的破坏性更大C 战争的威力极大提升D 军队将向小型化、一体化和智能化方向发展17.军队信息系统的职能由下列哪四个部分组成(B )A 侦察监视、网络攻击、精确打击、隐身作战B侦察监视、指挥控制、精确打击、支援保障C预警搜索、网络攻击、情报处理、隐身作战D 预警搜索、指挥控制、精确打击、隐身作战18.1999年的科索沃战争中,主要作战样式是(C )A 远距离作战B 地面战C 空袭与反空袭D 夜战19.信息化战争中敌对双方的主要作战目标是(D )A 通讯系统B 发射系统C 制导系统D C4ISR系统20.下列哪项不是信息化战争形成的主要条件(C )A 经济的发展和科技的进步是信息化战争形成的物质基础。

郑州大学 水力学参考试卷

郑州大学 水力学参考试卷

某某级 水力学 课程试题合分人:一、判断题 (正确的划“√”,错误的划“×;每小题11、影响沿程水头损失系数的要素有雷诺数和相对粗糙度。

( ) 2、相对静止液体中的等压面可以是倾斜平面或曲面。

( ) 3、在缓坡棱柱体明渠中,可以发生非均匀缓流,也可以发生非均匀急流。

( ) 4、不可压缩液体连续方程既适用于恒定流,也适用于非恒定流。

( ) 二、单项选择题 (填写唯一正确答案的编号;每小题2分,共12分1、缓坡明渠流为均匀流时,其佛汝德数 F r ( )(1) 必大于1 (2) 必等于1 (3) 必小于1 (4) 不定2、佛汝德数反映了惯性力与下面哪个力的相对大小关系 ( )(1) 重力 (2) 表面张力 (3) 粘滞阻力 (4) 紊动阻力 3、图示两容器的形状和大小均相同,容器 a 中盛有容重为1γ的液体,容器 b 中盛有容重为1γ和2γ的两种液体,则作用在两个容器中曲面 AB 上压力体图及总压力的关系为 ( )(a)(b)(1) 压力体图相同,且总压力相等;(2) 压力体图相同,但总压力不相等;(3) 压力体图不同,总压力不相等;(4) 压力体图不同,但总压力相等4、欧拉液体平衡微分方程( )(1) 只适用于静止液体;(2) 只适用于平衡液体;(3) 不适用于理想液体;(4) 不适用于实际液体。

5、在紊流粗糙区,沿程水头损失系数 随雷诺数R e的减小而( )(1) 加大(2) 减小(3) 不变(4) 不定6、惯性力与粘滞力之比的无量纲数是( )(1) 佛汝德数F r(2) 欧拉数E u(3) 雷诺数R e(4) 斯特罗哈数S t三、填空题(在空格中填写正确答案, 每小题2分, 共12分)1、水力半径的定义是______________________________,其量纲为________。

2、液体的粘滞性是指液体________________________________________ 能力。



郑州大学期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 郑州大学位于我国的哪个省份?A. 河南省B. 山东省C. 河北省D. 陕西省答案:A2. 郑州大学的校训是什么?A. 厚德载物B. 求实创新C. 博学笃行D. 明德至善答案:B3. 郑州大学创建于哪一年?A. 1956年B. 1958年C. 1960年D. 1962年答案:B4. 郑州大学的校歌名称是什么?A. 郑州大学校歌B. 郑大之歌C. 黄河之滨D. 郑大精神答案:A5. 郑州大学的主要校区位于郑州市的哪个区域?A. 金水区B. 二七区C. 中原区D. 管城回族区答案:A6. 郑州大学图书馆的藏书量超过多少万册?A. 100万B. 200万C. 300万D. 400万答案:C7. 郑州大学有多少个学院?A. 30个B. 35个C. 40个D. 45个答案:B8. 郑州大学的学生人数大约是多少?A. 3万人B. 4万人C. 5万人D. 6万人答案:C9. 郑州大学的校徽上的主要元素是什么?A. 书本B. 火炬C. 校门D. 校训答案:B10. 郑州大学的校庆日是每年的哪一天?A. 5月20日B. 6月1日C. 7月1日D. 8月1日答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 郑州大学是河南省唯一的一所“211工程”和“双一流”建设高校。

2. 郑州大学的校徽以蓝色为主色调,象征着______。

答案:智慧与未来3. 郑州大学的校园占地面积约为______亩。

答案:57004. 郑州大学拥有______个国家级重点学科。

答案:65. 郑州大学的校庆日定在每年的______月______日。

答案:5月20日6. 郑州大学图书馆是河南省最大的图书馆之一,藏书量超过______册。

答案:300万7. 郑州大学的教学科研仪器设备总值超过______亿元。

答案:108. 郑州大学的学生社团数量超过______个。

答案:2009. 郑州大学的校园内有______个食堂,为师生提供餐饮服务。



郑州大学军事理论题库信息化战争考试题一、选择题1 信息化武装力量主要包括信息化现役部队、信息化武警部队、民兵和(A )A 信息化预备役部队B 信息化警备部队C 信息化治安部队D 信息化安全部队2.信息化武器装备主要由信息化弹药、信息化作战平台、军用机器人和(D)构成A 精确制导弹药B 计算机、网络系统C 信息化武器载体D 单兵数字化装备3.信息化战争的构成要素有信息化武装力量、信息化武装力量和(B )。

A 空间武器系统B 信息化指挥系统C 精确制导武器D 侦察、监视系统4.电子战主要包括(C )三个部分A 电子侦察、电子进攻、电子监视B 电子侦察、电子波坏、电子监视C 电子侦察、电子进攻、电子防御D 电子侦察、电子波坏、电子进攻5.信息心理战的基本手段有(A )三种方式A 心理宣传、心理欺诈、心理威慑B 心理阻挠、心理欺诈、心理威慑C 心理宣传、信息欺骗、网络攻击D 信息波坏、心理欺骗、心理进攻6.(B)标志着高技术战争的成熟。

A 第四次中东战争B 海湾战争C 马岛战争D 越南战争7.下列哪一项不属于空间战的作战样式(C )A 导弹拦截战B 卫星攻击战C 精确战D 空间作战平台攻防战8 海湾战争中多国部队精确制导武器的使用量占总投弹量的百分比为(D)A 35%B 80%C 60%D 8%9 下列战争中,(C )是信息化战争萌芽期的代表性战争之一。

A 朝鲜战争B 海湾战争C 越南战争D 马岛战争10.下列哪一项不是信息化战争的特点(D )A 信息资源主导化B武器装备信息化C 作战节奏快速化D 战争规模扩大化11.下列战争形态中破坏程度降低到最低限度的是(C )A 热兵器战争B 冷兵器战争C 信息化战争D 高技术战争12.军队信息化建设的基石是(C )A 数字化部队B 信息化指挥控制系统C 国家的信息基础建设D 军事通讯网13.(B )不是未来信息化战争的主要作战样式A 心理战B 电子战C 信息火力战D 阵地战14.下列哪一项不属于单兵数字化装备(A)A 卫星定位系统B 一体化头盔系统C 单兵计算机和无线电分系统D 防护服分系统15. 伊拉克战争爆发的时间为(C )A 1991年B 1995年C 2003年D 1999年16.下列哪一项不属于信息化战争的发展趋势(B )A 战争的表现形式不断拓展B 战争的破坏性更大C 战争的威力极大提升D 军队将向小型化、一体化和智能化方向发展17.军队信息系统的职能由下列哪四个部分组成(B )A 侦察监视、网络攻击、精确打击、隐身作战B侦察监视、指挥控制、精确打击、支援保障C预警搜索、网络攻击、情报处理、隐身作战D 预警搜索、指挥控制、精确打击、隐身作战18.1999年的科索沃战争中,主要作战样式是(C )A 远距离作战B 地面战C 空袭与反空袭D 夜战19.信息化战争中敌对双方的主要作战目标是(D )A 通讯系统B 发射系统C 制导系统D C4ISR系统20.下列哪项不是信息化战争形成的主要条件(C )A 经济的发展和科技的进步是信息化战争形成的物质基础。



郑州大学历年考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项是郑州大学的主要教学语言?A. 英语B. 汉语C. 法语D. 德语答案:B2. 郑州大学位于中国的哪个省份?A. 河南省B. 河北省C. 山东省D. 陕西省答案:A3. 郑州大学成立于哪一年?A. 1928年B. 1956年C. 1980年D. 2001年答案:B4. 郑州大学的主要校区位于郑州市的哪个区域?A. 中原区B. 二七区C. 金水区D. 管城回族区答案:C5. 郑州大学是否为“211工程”大学?A. 是B. 否答案:A6. 郑州大学是否为“双一流”建设高校?A. 是B. 否答案:A7. 郑州大学有多少个学院?A. 40个B. 50个C. 60个D. 70个答案:B8. 郑州大学图书馆藏书量超过多少万册?A. 100万册B. 200万册C. 300万册D. 400万册答案:C9. 郑州大学是否设有研究生院?A. 是B. 否答案:A10. 郑州大学是否提供海外交流项目?A. 是B. 否答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 郑州大学的校训包括以下哪些内容?A. 厚德B. 博学C. 求是D. 创新答案:A, B, C, D12. 郑州大学在以下哪些领域设有专业?A. 工程学B. 管理学C. 法学D. 医学答案:A, B, C, D13. 郑州大学提供以下哪些类型的学位?A. 学士B. 硕士C. 博士D. 博士后答案:A, B, C14. 郑州大学与以下哪些国家的高校有合作关系?A. 美国B. 英国C. 德国D. 日本答案:A, B, C, D15. 郑州大学的学生可以参加以下哪些课外活动?A. 学术竞赛B. 社团活动C. 志愿服务D. 文化交流答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 郑州大学是中国中西部地区重点支持建设的大学之一。

(对)答案:对17. 郑州大学不提供奖学金给优秀的学生。



郑州大学在线英语试题及答案1第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、Our English teacher advises us to look ___our test paper before we hand it in. BA、afterB、overC、onD、into2、Mary wanted to avoid running down a dog but ran ___a big tree by the roadside. AA、intoB、onC、overD、up3、—How are you, Mary? —___Helen. BA、How are you?B、I’m fine. Thank youC、How do you do?D、Nice to see you4、—Hello, I’m John Smith. —Hello, my name is Charles Miller, but___. CA、call my CharlesB、call me at CharlesC、call me CharlesD、call Charles5、—Peter, ___? —Not too bad. AA、what’s upB、what are you doingC、what’s wrong with youD、what’s the matter第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、It does not alter the fact that the man was ___for the death of the little girl. CA、ashamedB、guiltyC、responsibleD、obliged2、Mr. Edward was not in, so his brother acted as ___at the party. CA、actorB、guestC、hostD、ghost3、Faced with all the difficulties, the girl___her mother for comfort. CA、turned overB、turned fromC、turned toD、turned up4、–Li Hua failed in the math examination. –___AA、I’m sorry to hear that.B、Bad luck!C、What a pity!D、Bad news.5、–May I take your order, sir? –___DA、Give me the bill, please.B、But the price is too high.C、I like the surrounding here.D、I’d like some roast beef and chicken.第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、The handsome boy fell ___love with an American girl. CA、withB、downC、inD、for2、Can you tell me the house ___you once lived last year. CA、thatB、whichC、whereD、in that3、The new skirt___me 200 yuan. BA、paidB、costC、tookD、spent4、Practice is a good way to ___listening and speaking. DA、noticB、neglectC、decreaseD、improve5、—Excuse me, sir.___is it to the nearest hotel? —About 15 minutes’walk along this road. CA、How muchB、How soonC、How farD、How long第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、Japanese businessmen are very ___the details, especially in the aspect of quality. BA、in particularB、particular aboutC、particular inD、particular on2、We will leave very early for the airport tomorrow morning, so you had better ___and arrange a taxi. CA、call forB、call inC、call upD、call on3、—I think I can’t make it. —___AA、Come on, you can do it.B、I am so sorry.C、Really?D、Maybe you can’t.4、—What a beautiful picture you’ve drawn! —___CA、Not at all.B、You are great.C、Thanks.D、I’m proud of you.5、—Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday? —___DA、They are not nervous at all.B、They are still young.C、They played naturally.D、They couldn’t have done better.第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、He didn’t turn up until we___the work. DA、didB、have doneC、were doingD、had done2、—Let’s go swimming, shall we? —___. CA、No. We don’t.B、Never mind.C、Yes. Let’s go.D、Sorry to hear that.3、—I suggest you work harder on English. —___.BA、You are clever.B、It’s easier said than done.C、I’m afraid not.D、I don’t agree with you.4、—I like pop music, but if you hate it, I’ll play something else,___? —How about some classics? DA、Why not change itB、They are so coolC、It’s noise to meD、What do you want to hear5、—Hey! Bob, don’t you think we should have a rest? —___. BA、Don’t mention itB、Sound goodC、Thank you a lotD、Sorry, go ahead第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、I’m afraid he can’t___to the idea of having a woman as his boss.A、acceptB、adoptC、adaptD、acquire2、It may still be many years ___this problem could be finally settled.A、untilB、beforeC、afterD、unless3、—Would you come to our party, please? —___A、I’m afraid I can.B、I’d like to, but I’ve already had plans for tonight.C、Thank you for asking me, but I will come.D、I wish I could, but I’ve brought you a lot of trouble.4、—___, I didn’t mean it that way. —Forget it.A、All rightB、That’s okayC、Thank youD、Forgive me5、—I’m terribly sorry about that. —___A、You are welcome.B、Don’t give it another thought.C、Not at all.D、Excuse me.第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、I’m afraid he can’t___to the idea of having a woman as his boss. CA、acceptB、adoptC、adaptD、acquire2、It may still be many years ___this problem could be finally settled. BA、untilB、beforeC、afterD、unless3、—Would you come to our party, please? —___BA、I’m afraid I can.B、I’d like to, but I’ve already had plans for tonight.C、Thank you for asking me, but I will come.D、I wish I could, but I’ve brought you a lot of trouble.4、—___, I didn’t mean it that way. —Forget it. DA、All rightB、That’s okayC、Thank youD、Forgive me5、—I’m terribly sorry about that. —___BA、You are welcome.B、Don’t give it another thought.C、Not at all.D、Excuse me.第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、When she arrived, she found______the injured and the dead there. BA、nothing butB、none butC、none otherD、no other than2、The man was just about to______the riddle, when suddenly he found the answer. BA、arrive atB、give upC、submit toD、work out3、—Can I help you, sir? —_______.DA、Yes, you can help meB、No, I don’t need any helpC、Of course, if you likeD、No, thanks. I’m being served4、—Would you like some more soup? —_______. It is delicious, but I’ve had enough. BA、Yes, pleaseB、No, thank youC、Nothing moreD、I’d like some5、—Will you be eating here or is this to go? —Oh, ______, please. BA、not hereB、take outC、go outD、take back第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、Cancer is second only ___heart disease as a cause of death. BA、ofB、toC、withD、rom2、The organization had broken no rules, but___had it acted responsibly. AA、neitherB、soC、eitherD、both3、I make notes in the back of my diary___things to be mended or replaced? DA、byB、inC、withD、of4、—It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? —___A.A、No, thanksB、Yes, my pleasureC、No, never mindD、Yes, I do5、—Ken, ___, but your TV is too loud. —Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down right now. CA、I’d like to talk with youB、I’m really tired of thisC、I hate to say thisD、I need your help第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、If you ______your name and address on the card, we’ll send the book to you as soon as it is returned. BA、go overB、fill inC、find outD、carry out2、—_______—Yes. I want a pair of shoes. AA、Can I help you?B、What do you want?C、Good morning.D、What are you doing?3、—_______—I don’t like bright color. AA、What about the red one?B、What do you want to buy?C、What can I do for you?D、What is your size?4、—_____—Our price is the lowest one in the city. DA、I’ll take the blue one.B、How much is it?C、May I try it on?D、Would you please make a discount? A5、—Is that everything? —_______A、That’s it. ThanksB、I like the red one.C、Everything is okD、I am looking for a T-shirt第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、Whether you learn or not is entirely___you. AA、up toB、as toC、about toD、due to2、The little girl showed the policeman the corner___she was knocked off her bike DA、andB、whichC、thatD、where3、—Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend? —____. BA、I don’t believeB、I don’t believe itC、I believe not soD、I believe not4、—Is ____here? —No, Bob is absent. CA、anybodyB、somebodyC、everybodyD、nobody5、—You’ve done a good job! —____. CA、Don’t mention itB、Not very goodC、It’s very kind of you to say soD、That’s not true1、Mary wanted to avoid running down a dog but ran ___a big tree by the roadside.(A)A、intoB、onC、overD、up2、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to severala day.(D)A、customersB、supportersC、guestsD、clients3、—Hello, I’m John Smith. —Hello, my name is Charles Miller, but(C)A、call my CharlesB、call me at CharlesC、call me CharlesD、call Charles4、—Peter, ___? —Not too bad.(A)A、what’s upB、what are you doingC、what’s wrong with youD、what’s the matter5、—Hi, Tom, how’s everything with you? —___.(D)A、Don’t mention itB、Pretty fastC、ThanksD、The same as ever1、It does not alter the fact that the man was ___for the death of the little gir l.( C )A、ashamedB、guiltyC、responsibleD、obliged2、He is a leading authority___plant diseases.( A )A、onB、aboutC、forD、of3、Faced with all the difficulties, the girl___her mother for comfort.( C )A、turned overB、turned fromC、turned toD、turned up4、–Shall I take your luggage? –___( A)A、No, thanks. I can manage it.B、No, many thanks. I can do.C、No, not necessary. Thank you anyway.D、No, you needn’t. Thank you anyway.5、–May I take your order, sir? –___( D)A、Give me the bill, please.B、But the price is too high.C、I like the surrounding here.D、I’d like some1、Can you tell me the house ___you once lived last year..( C )A、thatB、whichC、whereD、in that2、Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of.( A )A、sourceB、energyC、powerD、material3、Practice is a good way to ___listening and speaking.( D)A、noticB、neglectC、decreaseD、improve4、—What can I do for you, sir? —.( B ).A、Yes, please.B、I’d like to buy some eggs.C、No, thanks.D、Here you are.5、—Would you like ___the film? —No, I’d rather___the match..( B )A、to see, to watchB、to see, watchC、seeing, watchingD、to watch, see1、Japanese businessmen are very ___the details, especially in the aspect of quality( B ).A、in particularB、particular aboutC、particular inD、particular on2、They ___very badly towards their guests yesterday..( A )A、behavedB、showedC、presentedD、behaved out3、We will leave very early for the airport tomorrow morning, so you had better ___and arrange a taxi.( C )A、call forB、call inC、call upD、call on4、I have established a good working ___with my boss.( A )A、relationshipB、relativeC、associationD、relaxation5、—What a beautiful picture you’ve drawn! —___( C )A、Not at all.B、You are great.C、Thanks.D、I’m proud of you.1、___at a distance, the hill looks like a peacock.( A )A、SeenB、To seeC、SeeingD、When you see2、The traffic policeman___him to stop but he pretended not to see.( D )A、orderedB、causedC、requiredD、signed3、He went out to chat with his friend,___the machine( B ).A、leaving…to runB、leaving…runningC、left…runningD、to leave…run4、—Let’s go swimming, shall we? —___.( C)A、No. We don’t.B、Never mind.C、Yes. Let’s go.D、Sorry to hear that.5、—I like pop music, but if you hate it, I’ll play something else,___? —How about some classics?( D)A、Why not change itB、They are so coolC、It’s noise to meD、What do you want to hear1、I’m feeling too tired to drive any more; will you take___?( B )A、afterB、overC、onD、in2、I’m afraid he can’t___to the idea of having a woman as his boss..( C )A、acceptB、adoptC、adaptD、acquire3、It may still be many years ___this problem could be finally settled.( B )A、untilB、beforeC、afterD、unless4、—I’m terribly sorry about that. —___( B )A、You are welcome.B、Don’t give it another thought.C、Not at all.D、Excuse me.5、—I___. —Think no more of it.( D )A、should have meant thatB、should have done thatC、shouldn’t have meant thatD、shouldn’t have done1、When she arrived, she found______the injured and the dead there.( B )A、nothing butB、none butC、none otherD、no other than2、The students are kept ______cleaning the classroom.( C )A、busy withB、busying withC、busy inD、to busy in3、—Can I help you, sir? —_______.( D)A、Yes, you can help meB、No, I don’t need any helpC、Of course, if you likeD、No, thanks. I’m being served4、—That was a great dinner. _______—Thanks. But it really took only an hour.( C )A、I have never had it before.B、I enjoyed it very much.C、You must have spent all day cooking.D、Who cooked it?5、—Would you like some more soup? —_______. It is delicious, but I’ve had enough .( B )A、Yes, pleaseB、No, thank youC、Nothing moreD、I’d like some1、A completely new situation will___when the examination system comes into existence..( A )A、ariseB、riseC、raiseD、arouse2、Cancer is second only ___heart disease as a cause of death.( B )A、ofB、toC、withD、rom3、The organization had broken no rules, but___had it acted responsibly.( A )A、neitherB、soC、eitherD、both4、I make notes in the back of my diary___things to be mended or replaced?( D )A、byB、inC、withD、of5、—I was really anxious about you. You shouldn’t have left without a word. —( D )A、Why not?B、Really?C、I don’t know.D、I’m terribly sorry.1、Is this ________looking for?d?( B )A、you areB、what you areC、that you areD、what are you2、The pictures remind me ______the trip to the West.( C )A、atB、onC、ofD、in3、If you ______your name and address on the card, we’ll send the book to you as soon as it is returned.( B )A、go overB、fill inC、find outD、carry out4、John is busy ______his girlfriend with her paper.( D )A、to helpB、helpsC、helpD、helping5、—_____—Our price is the lowest one in the city.( D)A、I’ll take the blue one.B、How much is it?C、May I try it on?D、Would you please make a discount?1、I was so___the night before my examination that I could not sleep.( D)A、worryingB、tiredC、happyD、nervous2、Whether you learn or not is entirely___you..( A )A、up toB、as toC、about toD、due to3、I finally___to study much harder in the future.( B )A、preparedB、made up my mindC、worked outD、made out4、—Is ____here? —No, Bob is absent.( C )A、anybodyB、somebodyC、everybodyD、nobody5、—_________? —I’d like to buy a skirt.( D)A、What do you wantB、What are you looking forC、Do you want to buy somethingD、What can I do for you第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、Our English teacher advises us to look ___our test paper before we hand it in. BA、afterB、overC、onD、into2、Mary wanted to avoid running down a dog but ran ___a big tree by the roadside. AA、intoB、onC、overD、up3、—How are you, Mary? —___Helen. BA、How are you?B、I’m fine. Thank youC、How do you do?D、Nice to see you4、—Hello, I’m John Smith. —Hello, my name is Charles Miller, but___. CA、call my CharlesB、call me at CharlesC、call me CharlesD、call Charles5、—Peter, ___? —Not too bad. AA、what’s upB、what are you doingC、what’s wrong with youD、what’s the matter第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、It does not alter the fact that the man was ___for the death of the little girl. CA、ashamedC、responsibleD、obliged2、Mr. Edward was not in, so his brother acted as ___at the party. CA、actorB、guestC、hostD、ghost3、Faced with all the difficulties, the girl___her mother for comfort. CA、turned overB、turned fromC、turned toD、turned up4、–Li Hua failed in the math examination. –___AA、I’m sorry to hear that.B、Bad luck!C、What a pity!D、Bad news.5、–May I take your order, sir? –___DA、Give me the bill, please.B、But the price is too high.C、I like the surrounding here.D、I’d like some roast beef and chicken.第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、The handsome boy fell ___love with an American girl. CA、withB、downC、inD、for2、Can you tell me the house ___you once lived last year. CA、thatB、whichC、whereD、in that3、The new skirt___me 200 yuan. BA、paidB、costC、tookD、spent4、Practice is a good way to ___listening and speaking. DB、neglectC、decreaseD、improve5、—Excuse me, sir.___is it to the nearest hotel? —About 15 minutes’walk along this road. CA、How muchB、How soonC、How farD、How long第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、Japanese businessmen are very ___the details, especially in the aspect of quality. BA、in particularB、particular aboutC、particular inD、particular on2、We will leave very early for the airport tomorrow morning, so you had better ___and arrange a taxi. CA、call forB、call inC、call upD、call on3、—I think I can’t make it. —___AA、Come on, you can do it.B、I am so sorry.C、Really?D、Maybe you can’t.4、—What a beautiful picture you’ve drawn! —___CA、Not at all.B、You are great.C、Thanks.D、I’m proud of you.5、—Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday? —___DA、They are not nervous at all.B、They are still young.C、They played naturally.D、They couldn’t have done better.第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、He didn’t turn up until we___the work. DA、didB、have doneC、were doingD、had done2、—Let’s go swimming, shall we? —___. CA、No. We don’t.B、Never mind.C、Yes. Let’s go.D、Sorry to hear that.3、—I suggest you work harder on English. —___.BA、You are clever.B、It’s easier said than done.C、I’m afraid not.D、I don’t agree with you.4、—I like pop music, but if you hate it, I’ll play something else,___? —How about some classics? DA、Why not change itB、They are so coolC、It’s noise to meD、What do you want to hear5、—Hey! Bob, don’t you think we should have a rest? —___. BA、Don’t mention itB、Sound goodC、Thank you a lotD、Sorry, go ahead第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、I’m afraid he can’t___to the idea of having a woman as his boss.A、acceptB、adoptC、adaptD、acquire2、It may still be many years ___this problem could be finally settled.A、untilB、beforeC、afterD、unless3、—Would you come to our party, please? —___A、I’m afraid I can.B、I’d like to, but I’ve already had plans for tonight.C、Thank you for asking me, but I will come.D、I wish I could, but I’ve brought you a lot of trouble.4、—___, I didn’t mean it that way. —Forget it.A、All rightB、That’s okayC、Thank youD、Forgive me5、—I’m terribly sorry about that. —___A、You are welcome.B、Don’t give it another thought.C、Not at all.D、Excuse me.第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、I’m afraid he can’t___to the idea of having a woman as his boss. CA、acceptB、adoptC、adaptD、acquire2、It may still be many years ___this problem could be finally settled. BA、untilB、beforeC、afterD、unless3、—Would you come to our party, please? —___BA、I’m afraid I can.B、I’d like to, but I’ve already had plans for tonight.C、Thank you for asking me, but I will come.D、I wish I could, but I’ve brought you a lot of trouble.4、—___, I didn’t mean it that way. —Forget it. DA、All rightB、That’s okayC、Thank youD、Forgive me5、—I’m terribly sorry about that. —___BA、You are welcome.B、Don’t give it another thought.C、Not at all.D、Excuse me.第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、When she arrived, she found______the injured and the dead there. BA、nothing butB、none butC、none otherD、no other than2、The man was just about to______the riddle, when suddenly he found the answer. BA、arrive atB、give upC、submit toD、work out3、—Can I help you, sir? —_______.DA、Yes, you can help meB、No, I don’t need any helpC、Of course, if you likeD、No, thanks. I’m being served4、—Would you like some more soup? —_______. It is delicious, but I’ve had enough. BA、Yes, pleaseB、No, thank youC、Nothing moreD、I’d like some5、—Will you be eating here or is this to go? —Oh, ______, please. BA、not hereB、take outC、go outD、take back第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、Cancer is second only ___heart disease as a cause of death. BA、ofB、toC、withD、rom2、The organization had broken no rules, but___had it acted responsibly. AA、neitherB、soC、eitherD、both3、I make notes in the back of my diary___things to be mended or replaced? DA、byB、inC、withD、of4、—It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? —___A.A、No, thanksB、Yes, my pleasureC、No, never mindD、Yes, I do5、—Ken, ___, but your TV is too loud. —Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down right now. CA、I’d like to talk with youB、I’m really tired of thisC、I hate to say thisD、I need your help第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、If you ______your name and address on the card, we’ll send the book to you as soon as it is returned. BA、go overB、fill inC、find outD、carry out2、—_______—Yes. I want a pair of shoes. AA、Can I help you?B、What do you want?C、Good morning.D、What are you doing?3、—_______—I don’t like bright color. AA、What about the red one?B、What do you want to buy?C、What can I do for you?D、What is your size?4、—_____—Our price is the lowest one in the city. DA、I’ll take the blue one.B、How much is it?C、May I try it on?D、Would you please make a discount? A5、—Is that everything? —_______A、That’s it. ThanksB、I like the red one.C、Everything is okD、I am looking for a T-shirt第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、Whether you learn or not is entirely___you. AA、up toB、as toC、about toD、due to2、The little girl showed the policeman the corner___she was knocked off her bike DA、andB、whichC、thatD、where3、—Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend? —____. BA、I don’t believeB、I don’t believe itC、I believe not soD、I believe not4、—Is ____here? —No, Bob is absent. CA、anybodyB、somebodyC、everybodyD、nobody5、—You’ve done a good job! —____. CA、Don’t mention itB、Not very goodC、It’s very kind of you to say soD、That’s not true。








Use of English(10道小题,共20分)1、A: Thank you very much for giving me so much help.B: _______________.(2分)A、No thank youB、You’re welcomeC、OKD、Thanks2、A: Hi, Tom, howˊs everything with you?B: _____________, and how are you?(2分)A、Donˊt mention itB、Hm, not too bad.C、ThanksD、Pretty fast3、A: Would you mind changing seats with me?B: ____________. (2分)A、Yes, you can.B、Of course, I like to.C、No, I donˊt mind.D、Certainly, please do.4、A: I had a really good weekend at my uncleˊs.B: _______________. (2分)A、Oh, thatˊs very nice of youB、CertainlyC、Itˊs a pleasureD、Oh, Iˊm glad to hear that5、A: Is that Mr Robert Lee?B: __________________. (2分)A、Yes, Lee speaking.B、Hello, what do you want?C、Sorry, speaking.D、I donˊt know.6、A: Youˊve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang.B: ________(2分)A、Oh, I donˊB、Iˊm glad you enjoyed it.t think I cooked very well.C、Come again when you are free.D、Itˊs not necessary for you to say so.7、A: Hello, may I talk to the director now?B: __________.(2分)A、Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B、No, you canˊt.C、Sorry, you canˊt.D、I donˊt know.8、A: I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.B: __________.(2分)A、Donˊt worry about it.B、Mr. Brown is very good.D、Congratulations! ThatˊC、Good luck to you!s a difficult course.9、A: Please help yourself to the fish.B: _________________.(2分)A、Thanks, but fish doesnˊt agree with meB、Sorry, I canˊt helpC、I donˊt like fishD、No, I canˊt10、A: I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?B _________ Iˊm not using it right now.(2分)A、Sure, go ahead.B、I donˊt know.C、It doesnˊt matter.D、Who cares?二、Reading(2道小题,共30分)With the steady increase in the amount of leisure time that people enjoy today, the importance of businesses that deal with leisure products and services is also steadilyincreasing. Among them, tourist industry is one of the biggest industries of this kind. Providing transportation and accommodations for tourists — and guides, brochures,souvenirs — is one of the major industries in many countries. Since people are now having longer vacations and are more and more interested in seeing other parts of theworld, this business will no doubt continue to grow.Another industry obviously devoted to leisure is entertainment. Movies, TV shows, concerts and plays are usually intended for our leisure. The same can be said of mostbooks, except textbooks. Professional sports make money because people pay to watch them in their free time.This list could be greatly extended. But even among theseindustries, we have mentioned only part of the picture. The people who make the TV sets and build the theatres and tourist hotels are as much a part of the leisure industryas the singers or the hotel clerks.1. What makes leisure business important according to the passage?A) Peopleˊs leisure time is increasing.B) More people are interested in seeing other parts of the world.C) Improved transportation and accommodation conditions.D) Longer vacations are offered than before.2. According to the passage, the reason that tourist industry will continue to develop is ______.A) transportation is more convenientB) accommodation is more comfortableC) guides are offering better servicesD) people are more willing to travel3. What do we know about entertainment from the passage?A) Entertainment is the largest leisure industry.B) Movies, TV shows, concerts and books are usually intended for our leisure.C) People are usually reluctant to pay to watch professional sports.D) Making TV sets and building theatres are also part of entertainment industry.4. The list of entertainment industries in paragraph 2 ____________.A) covers all the aspects of these industriesB) includes textbooks into entertainmentC) is not a complete picture of leisure industryD) excludes those who work behind the scene of leisure industry5. Whatˊs the main idea of this passage?A) Now that people have more leisure time, tourist industry has become the largest industry in many countries.B) Now that people have more leisure time, entertainment industry has become one of the major industries in many countries.C) Now that people have more leisure time, leisure business is becoming more important in economic life.D) Now that people have more leisure time, leisure business list is being extended.Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo. She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States. She spoke Englishvery well. Though she was very happy she could go abroad, she was feeling sad at leaving her family and friends. As she was thinking all about this, she suddenly heard theairline employee asking her to pick up her luggage and put it on the scales (称) . Maria pulled and pulled. The bag was too heavy and she just couldnˊt lift it up. The manbehind her got very impatient. He, too, was waiting to check in his luggage."Whatˊs wrong with this girl? " He said, "Why doesnˊt she hurry up? " He moved forward and placed his bag on the counter, hoping to check in first. He was in a hurry toget a good seat.Maria was very angry, but she was very polite. And in her best English she said, "Why are you so upset? There are enough seats for everyone on the plane. If you are insuch a hurry, why canˊt you give me a hand with my luggage?"The man was surprised to hear Maria speak English. He quickly picked up her luggage and stepped back. Everyone was looking at him with disapproval.1. Mariaˊs story happened _______A) when she was leaving AmericaB) on her way back to Santo DomingoC) before she left the USAD) when she arrived at the airport2. You believe that the work of the airline employee mentioned in the story is to ______ at the airport.A) help carry peopleˊs luggageB) ask people to pick up the luggageC) check peopleˊs luggageD) take care of peopleˊs luggage3. "Why are you so upset?" Maria said to the man. She wanted to tell him that he should not be _____.A) surprised and worriedB) sad and angryC) unhappy and worriedD) sad and sorry4. "Everyone was looking at him with disapproval."This sentence means that the people around felt ____.A) worried about MariaB) worried about the manC) sorry for Mariaˊs mannersD) sorry for the manˊs manners三、Vocabulary and Structure(10道小题,共10分)1、Did you notice the guy ________ head looked like a big potato?(1分)A、whoB、whichC、whoseD、whom2、He studied hard in his youth, _______ contributed to his great success in later life.(1分)A、thatB、itC、whichD、~D3、The computer doesn’t work well, so something ______ wrong.(1分)A、can have goneB、should have goneC、must have goneD、ought to have gone4、When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother _____ dinner in the kitchen.(1分)A、cookedB、was cookingC、cooksD、has cooked5、They have learned about _________ in recent years.(1分)A、several hundreds English wordsB、hundreds of English wordsC、hundred of English wordsD、several hundred English words6、Great changes _______ in our institute in the last few years.(1分)A、have taken placeB、has taken placeC、took placeD、had taken place7、The morning paper ____a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington D.C..(1分)A、carriedB、extendedC、broughtD、took8、The red rose is her _________.(1分)A、favorB、favoriteC、likeD、best9、This is the ______ photo I have ever taken.(1分)A、worseB、betterC、bestD、most worst10、Several screws(螺丝) need ______.(1分)A、wideningB、enlargingC、tighteningD、shortening四、Cloze(1道小题,共10分)More and more teachers and parents have noticed another kind of pollution, (1) came from the printed papers sold on streets.These printed things look like newspaper but have hardly anything to do with them. You can only find reading materials badly (2) there----some are too strange foranyone to believe, (3) are frightening stories of something even worse. However, many of the young students are getting absorbed in such poisonous reading, which costs themwhat they should pay for their breakfast and bring them nightmares and immoral ideas (4) return. Homework is left undone, daily games lost.These sellers shout on streets selling their papers well. The writers, publishers and printers, (5) they are, we never know, are making their silent money. The sheepskinned wolfˊs stories seem to have been forgotten once again.Why not forbid this kind of things at school? Yes, both teachers and parents have (6) each other for more strict control of the young readers. Yet unfortunately, (7)you want to forbid it, the more they want to have a look at it. Sometimes you may even find several children share one patched paper, which has traveled from one hand to(8) driven by the curious nature.It really does harm to our society. It has already formed a sort of moral pollution. The (9) teachers and parents need more powerful support. Meanwhile, the youngreaders need more interesting books to help them (10) these ugly papers.1. A) it B) thatC) which D) this pollution2. A) made of B) made upC) made from D) made in3. A) the others B) othersC) the other D) some others4. A) as B) inC) for D) from5. A) however B) whoeverC) whichever D) however6. A) warned B) advisedC) persuaded D) asked7.8.9.10.。



一、选择题(多选、单选)1、一般不制定详细而周密的计划,但能使我们对要调查的问题有一个初步的认识和了解,为进一步深入调查提供思路的调查是 A 。

A 探索性调查B 间接调查C 描述性调查D 预测性调查2、市场是动态变化的,影响市场的因素是复杂多样的,市场调查只可能得到某一方面的信息或某一时段、某一区域、某一样本的信息,这种市场信息收集的不全面会导致市场调查具有BD。

A 不完整性B 不确定性C不可靠性 D不可行性3、较适用于数量方面的调查是B。

A 市场调查B 问卷调查C 抽样调查D 典型调查4、市场调查的作用主要表现在 C。

A 认识市场B 提高市场份额C 了解市场供求状况D 提高企业经营管理水平5、B又称平均数,是表明同类社会经济现象在一定时间和地点条件下所达到的一般水平。

A 离中量数B集中量数 C 综合数 D 相对数6、 A 是市场调查的准备阶段要完成的。

A 设计调查方案B 培训调查人员C 发出调查问卷D 预算调查经费7、市场需求调查主要包括 ABCD 。

A 消费者喜好调查B 市场产品和劳务需求总量调查C 购买力调查D 市场需求结构调查8、市场商品资源调查包括ACD。

A 商品价格调查B 商品包装调查C 社会商品市场供应总额调查D 市场供应的构成调查9、ABCD属于市场营销活动调查。

A 产品调查B 广告调查C 消费者行为调查D 价格调查10、确定调查课题的标准有 C 。

A 课题的价值B 课题的创造性C 课题的可行性D 课题的合适性11、采用面谈调查法的拒答率 A 。

A 较高B 较低C 一般D 不确定12、被调查者要求进一步了解所提出的问题,调查者要进行适当的解释。

这时,调查人员的解释称为 C 。

A 澄清B 提问C 追问D 控制13、采用电话调查法应尽量避免BD。

A 敏感性问题B 数量性问题C 理论性问题D 回忆性问题14、采用电话调查法对敏感性问题进行调查 B /A。

A 更容易B 更困难C 没有变化D 变化方向不定15、将问卷以网页作为载体的网上调查方法称为 D /C。



第一章一、单项选择题1、文件系统与数据库系统相比较,其缺陷主要表现在数据联系弱、数据冗余和( C )A、数据存储量低B、处理速度慢C、数据不一致D、操作繁琐2、数据的存储结构与数据逻辑结构之间的独立性成为数据的(B)A、结构独立性B、物理独立性C、逻辑独立性D、分布独立性3、在数据库系统中,对数据操作的最小单位是( B )A、字节B、数据项C、记录D、字符4、数据的逻辑结构与用户视图之间的独立性称为数据的(C)A、结构独立性B、物理独立性C、逻辑独立性D、分布独立性5、下述各项中,属于数据库系统的特点的是(C)A、存储量大B、存取速度快C、数据共享D、操作方便6、在数据库系统中,模式/内模式映像用于解决数据的(B)A、结构独立性B、物理独立性C、逻辑独立性D、分布独立性7、在数据库系统中,模式/外模式映像用于解决数据的(C)A、结构独立性B、物理独立性C、逻辑独立性D、分布独立性8、数据库结构的描述,称为(D )A、数据库模式B、数据库C、数据库管理系统D、数据字典9、数据库中全体数据的整体逻辑结构描述成为( D )A、存储模式B、内模式C、外模式D、概念模式10、保证数据库中数据及语义的正确性和有效性,是数据库的(C)A、安全性B、准确性C、完整性D、共享性11、在数据库系统中,数据独立性是指(C)A、用户与计算机系统的独立性B、数据库与计算机的独立性C、数据与应用程序的独立性D、用户与数据库的独立性12、结构数据模型的三个组成部分是数据结构、数据操作和(C)A、数据安全型控制B、数据一致性规则C、数据完整性约束D、数据处理逻辑13、数据操纵语言(DML)的基本功能中,不包括的是( B )A、插入新数据 B描述数据库结构C、数据库中数据排序D、删除数据库中数据14、控制数据库整体结构、负责数据库物理结构和逻辑结构的定义与修改人员是( D )A系统分析员 B、应用程序员C、专业用户D、数据库管理员15、下列关于数据库系统正确的叙述是(C)A、数据库系统比文件系统存储数据量大B、数据库系统中的数据存储没有冗余C、数据库系统中的数据存储冗余较小D、数据库系统比文件系统存取速度快16、在数据库中,发生数据不一致现象的根本原因是(D)A、数据存储量太大B、数据安全性差C、数据相互关系复杂D、数据冗余17、层次型、网状型和关系型数据模型的划分根据是(A)A、数据之间联系方式B、数据之间联系的复杂程度C、数据存储量的多少D、数据处理的复杂程度18、在数据库三级模式中,描述用户数据视图的是数据库的(C)A、存储模式B、逻辑模式C、外模式D、内模式19、数据库三级模式体系结构主要的目标是确保数据库的(B)A、数据安全性B、数据独立性C、最小冗余D、数据结构规范化20、当前数据库应用系统的主流数据模型是(C)A、层次数据模型B、网状数据模型C、关系数据模型D、面向对象数据模型二、填空题1、文件管理系统,每个文件都有完整的体系结构2、在数据库系统中,最核心的软件是数据库管理系统。





绪论第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、下列哪部我国古代的著作不是以饮食营养为主要内容的?(C)A、A 食经B、B 食医心鉴C、C 本草纲目D、D 黄帝内经. 素问2、下列哪些除外,都受到营养的影响(C)A、A 身高B、B 体重C、C 行为D、D 智力3、与科学的膳食关系不密切是下列何项(D0B、B 提高机体抵御疾病的能力,减少A、A 增强体质疾病的发生C、C 提高某些疾病的治愈率D、D 改善人际关系4、目前我国存在的营养问题主要是(C)A、A营养缺乏B、B 营养过剩C、C 营养缺乏和过剩并存D、D 不确定5、合理营养的主要意义除下列何项外(D)A、A 满足机体各种营养素的生理需要B、B 增进健康C、C 增强免疫力D、D 预防各种疾病的发生第二题、多项选择题(每题2分,5道题共10分)1、与临床营养学的主要研究内容关系不密切的是:(ABCD)A、A 营养与患者心理的关系B、B 营养与疾病的关系C、C 营养与人的社会适应能力的关系D、D营养与日常保健的关系2、由于营养缺乏导致的疾病包括(AC)A、A 蛋白质-能量营养不良症B、B 脚气病C、C 佝偻病D、D 糖尿病3、下列哪部我国古代的著作是以饮食营养为主要内容的?(ABD)A、A 食经B、B 食医心鉴C、C 本草纲目D、D 黄帝内经. 素问4、与科学的膳食关系密切的是下列何项(ABC)A、A 增强体质B、B 提高机体抵御疾病的能力,减少疾病的发生C、C 提高某些疾病的治愈率D、D 改善人际关系5、目前我国存在的营养问题包括(ABC)A、A营养缺乏B、B 营养过剩C、C 营养不平衡D、D B和C第三题、判断题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、临床营养学的主要研究内容是:营养与日常保健的关系(错误)正确错误2、营养与人体健康的关系:预防由于营养缺乏或营养过剩导致的疾病(正确)正确错误3、3蛋白质-能量营养不良症是由于营养缺乏导致的疾病(正确)正确错误4、5本草纲目是一部我国古代的以饮食营养为主要内容的著作(错误)正确错误5、糖尿病是一种与营养治疗的关系十分密切的疾病(正确)正确错误营养素概论第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、碳水化物最主要的营养学意义是;(A)A、A.供给机体所需的能量B、B.维持神经组织的功能C、C.参与构成机体重要组成物质D、D.调节血糖2、小儿佝偻病是由于缺乏(D)A、A.维生素AB、B.维生素DC、C.维生素ED、D.维生素C3、目前认为对人体最具有营养学意义的水是(A)A、A.标准的普通饮用水B、B.蒸馏水C、C.矿泉水D、D.纯净水4、关于膳食纤维的营养学意义下列哪项错误:(D)A、A.预防大肠疾病B、B.预防癌症C、C.预防肥胖D、D.预防骨质疏松症5、生理情况下,当发生饥饿时,首选的食物应该是(B)A、A.鸡蛋B、B.面包C、C.蔬菜D、D.肥、瘦肉第二题、多项选择题(每题2分,5道题共10分)1、机体的能源物质是指:(AD)A、A.碳水化合物B、B.脂肪C、C.蛋白质D、D.维生素2、根据维生素C的生理功能,临床上可用于(ABCD)A、A.缺铁性贫血B、B.巨幼红细胞性贫血C、C.重金属中毒D、D.促进创伤愈合3、矿物质的生理作用包括:(ABCD)A、A.维持水电解质及酸碱平衡B、B.维持体液的渗透压C、C.参与人体组织构成D、D.供给机体能量4、下列各项中都是必需氨基酸的是:(ABCD)A、A.色、赖、蛋、苯丙B、B.谷、甘、蛋、酪C、C.亮、异亮、缬、苏D、D.亮、精、组、天5、通过必需氨基酸评价蛋白质营养价值时,评价内容包括(ABCD)A、A.必需氨基酸的数量B、B.必需氨基酸的种类C、C.必需氨基酸的比例D、D.必需氨基酸的排泄第三题、判断题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、必需脂肪酸主要存在于动物脂肪中。



本文仅供参考,主要目的是为了让你熟悉题型,要想学到真本事,还得好好学习!一、单项选择题(45道小题,共55分)1、economic(1分)A、文雅的B、渴望的C、初步的D、经济的2、community (1分)A、通信B、社区C、证书D、商业3、valuable(1分)A、家庭的B、有价值的C、困难的D、消极的4、take advantage of (1分)A、占优势B、利用C、知道D、注意5、go through (1分)A、经历B、喜欢C、走过D、追赶6、有意义的(1分)A、scientificB、specificC、significantD、sarcastic7、建立(1分)A、processB、insistC、establishD、privatize8、雇员(1分)A、employeeB、emperorC、employerD、employment9、概括(1分)A、spring upB、sprout upC、think upD、sum up10、追捕到(1分)A、track downB、work outC、run awayD、go down11、John found ______ so complicated a question.(1分)A、it hard to answerB、himself hard to answerC、hard for him to answerD、himself hard answering12、Judging from the report, we can ______ that more than 500 deaths are caused by drunken driving in England every year.(1分)A、declaimB、declineC、assumeD、imagine13、The theory of continental drift can ______ the occurrence of earthquakes.(1分)A、clear upB、make clearC、make use ofD、give an account for14、The computer games entertain ______ educate the learners.(1分)A、butB、alsoC、as good asD、as well as15、He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he ______ to the meeting.(1分)A、had comeB、would comeC、could comeD、would have come16、The exchange rate of dollars to yuan was rising ______. (1分)A、unsteadyB、stableC、unstableD、steadily17、I donˊt ______ that as a serious mistake.(1分)A、recommendB、regardC、receiveD、suggest18、It has always ______ me why you believe the Earth is flat.(1分)A、worriedB、wonderedC、puzzledD、understood19、It is necessary that another computer center_____on campus(1分)A、will be builtB、be builtC、must be builtD、has to be built20、The police could give you a fine ______. (1分)A、on the spotB、at the placeC、in the fieldD、on the ground21、He prefers driving ______ cycling.(1分)A、thanB、thatC、forD、to22、He was ______ the gold medal for being the best player.(1分)A、rewardedB、forwardedC、awardedD、towards23、The atmosphere ______ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.(1分)A、consists inB、composesC、consists ofD、makes up24、They ______ a general understanding of the present situation.(1分)A、lack ofB、are lacking ofC、lackD、are in lack25、We are happy to find that this Italian restaurant is ______ to the one we went to last week.(1分)A、superiorB、inferiorC、lesserD、exceeding26、It ______ us years to find out that Father loved us very much because he never expressed it.(1分)A、spentB、experiencedC、tookD、valued27、____the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machine guns.(1分)A、SearchingB、Being searchedC、SearchedD、To search28、Often propaganda ______ people into thinking that a product is something that it is not.(1分)A、used to trickB、is used to trickC、is used to trickingD、used to tricking29、The matter ______ you were arguing about last night had been settled.(1分)A、asB、thatC、for whichD、what30、That paper must be handed in by next week, so make sure ______ to the deadline.(1分)A、keepingB、for keepingC、you keepD、your keeping31、My new hat is ______ to the one you have.(1分)A、familiarB、sameC、equalD、similar32、When ______ this machine, you must read the instructions first.(1分)A、useB、usingC、to useD、having used33、In ancient times, people created many different ways to ______ time.(1分)A、controlB、cherishC、measureD、master34、Although this village is very poor now, its ______ wealth is great.(1分)A、obviousB、potentialC、previousD、profound35、I have great interest in a detailed ______ of your journey.(1分)A、explanationB、messageC、descriptionD、illustration36、In a way, Iˊm glad youˊve made the mistake, for it ______ as a warning to you.(1分)A、servesB、savesC、servicesD、servants37、________us light and heat, the sun is shining bright in the sky.(1分)A、To giveB、GiveC、GivenD、Giving38、The criminal ______ from prison after serving his sentence.(1分)A、releasedB、was releasedC、will releaseD、is to release39、It is essential that every child ______ equal opportunity in education.(1分)A、haveB、will haveC、hasD、has had40、In history, those who launched aggressive wars all came to a bad _______.(1分)A、conclusionB、endC、finishD、doom41、世界多数国家都意识到防止环境污染的重要性。






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本文仅供参考,主要目的是为了让你熟悉题型,要想学到真本事,还得好好学习!一、单项选择题(45道小题,共55分)1、economic(1分)A、文雅的B、渴望的C、初步的D、经济的2、community(1分)A、通信B、社区C、证书D、商业3、valuable(1分)A、家庭的B、有价值的C、困难的D、消极的4、take advantage of(1分)A、占优势B、利用C、知道D、注意5、go through(1分)A、经历B、喜欢C、走过D、追赶6、有意义的(1分)A、scientificB、specificC、significantD、sarcastic7、建立(1分)A、processB、insistC、establishD、privatize8、雇员(1分)A、employeeB、emperorC、employerD、employment9、概括(1分)A、spring upB、sprout upC、think upD、sum up10、追捕到(1分)A、track downB、work outC、run awayD、go down11、John found ______ so complicated a question.(1分)A、it hard to answerB、himself hard to answerC、hard for him to answerD、himself hard answering12、Judging from the report, we can ______ that more than 500 deaths are caused by drunkendriving in England every year.(1分)A、declaimB、declineC、assumeD、imagine13、The theory of continental drift can ______ the occurrence of earthquakes.(1分)A、clear up B、make clearC、make use ofD、give an account for14、The computer games entertain ______ educate the learners.(1分)A、butB、alsoC、as good asD、as well as15、He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he ______ to the meeting.(1分)A、had comeB、would comeC、could comeD、would have come16、The exchange rate of dollars to yuan was rising ______.(1分)A、unsteadyB、stableC、unstableD、steadily17、I donˊt ______ that as a serious mistake.(1分)A、recommendB、regardC、receiveD、suggest18、It has always ______ me why you believe the Earth is flat.(1分)A、worriedB、wonderedC、puzzledD、understood19、It is necessary that another computer center_____on campus(1分)A、will be builtB、be builtC、must be builtD、has to be built20、The police could give you a fine ______.(1分)A、on the spotB、at the placeC、in the fieldD、on the ground21、He prefers driving ______ cycling.(1分)A、thanB、thatC、forD、to22、He was ______ the gold medal for being the best player.(1分)A、rewardedB、forwardedC、awardedD、towards23、The atmosphere ______ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.(1分)A、consists in B、composesC、consists ofD、makes up24、They ______ a general understanding of the present situation.(1分)A、lack ofB、are lacking ofC、lackD、are in lack25、We are happy to find that this Italian restaurant is ______ to the one we went to last week.(1分)A、superiorB、inferiorC、lesserD、exceeding26、It ______ us years to find out that Father loved us very much because henever expressed it.(1分)A、spentB、experiencedC、tookD、valued27、____the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machine guns.(1分)A、SearchingB、Being searchedC、SearchedD、To search28、Often propaganda ______ people into thinking that a product is something that it is not.(1分)A、used to trick B、is used to trickC、is used to trickingD、used to tricking29、The matter ______ you were arguing about last night had been settled.(1分)A、asB、thatC、for whichD、what30、That paper must be handed in by next week, so make sure ______ to the deadline.(1分)A、keeping B、for keepingC、you keepD、your keeping31、My new hat is ______ to the one you have.(1分)A、familiarB、sameC、equalD、similar32、When ______ this machine, you must read the instructions first.(1分)A、useB、usingC、to useD、having used33、In ancient times, people created many different ways to ______ time.(1分)A、controlB、cherishC、measureD、master34、Although this village is very poor now, its ______ wealth is great.(1分)A、obviousB、potentialC、previousD、profound35、I have great interest in a detailed ______ of your journey.(1分)A、explanationB、messageC、descriptionD、illustration36、In a way, Iˊm glad youˊve made the mistake, for it ______ as a warning to you.(1分)A、servesB、savesC、servicesD、servants37、________us light and heat, the sun is shining bright in the sky.(1分)A、To giveB、GiveC、GivenD、Giving38、The criminal ______ from prison after serving his sentence.(1分)A、releasedB、was releasedC、will releaseD、is to release39、It is essential that every child ______ equal opportunity in education.(1分)A、haveB、will haveC、hasD、has had40、In history, those who launched aggressive wars all came to a bad _______.(1分)A、conclusionB、endC、finishD、doom41、世界多数国家都意识到防止环境污染的重要性。

(3分)A、Most of the countries in the world are aware of the significance of preventing the environmentfrombeingpollueted.B、Mostofthecountriesintheworldisawareofthesignificanceofpreventing the environment from be pollueted.C、Most of the countries in the world is aware of the significance of prevent the environment frombe pollueted.D、Most of the countries in the world are aware of the significance of prevent theenvironment from being pollueted.42、看着这些照片,我不禁想起了我的童年时代。
