


of references
Reference Overview
Definition of references
References are a list of sources that the author has consulted or quoted in their academic paper
The citation format of network resources
Summary words
webpage title, author/creator, publication date, URL, and visit date.
Detailed description
When referencing online resources, it is necessary to provide the title of the webpage. If known, list the name of the author or creator, publication date, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the webpage, and the date you visited the webpage.
Citation specifications for references
The reference style may vary depending on the academic discipline, journal, or institution
Some common reference styles include APA, MLA, and Chicago


favourable electrical conductivity, good surface functionality, mechanical/chemical stability, and biocompatibility
Hollow nanostructures的合成困 境
• The template-free or self-templating bottom-up approaches:hardly extended to HGN synthesis;
Morphology and structure of HGNs
Electrochemical performance of HGN-S
Morphology of cycled HGN-S electrodes
• HGNs通过介尺度催化自限性组装法合成,具有非常小的粒径、单层或 多层的石墨烯片层、3D分层的花瓣状相形态;
• A template-involving top-down strategy:no catalytic capability to regularly manage the arrangement of carbon atoms;
• Thus, controllable synthesis of HGNs with an engineered hollow cavity, predetermined layer number, small size, and highly crystalline few-layer graphene shells is 9
• 在1.0C的电流密度下,初始放电容量1098mAh/g,1000次循环之后放 电容量419mAh/g;衰减速率平均每圈0.06%,这显著的低于其他无硝 酸锂电解液的基于石墨烯的Li-S电池;


to occur, with a lack of sustained development.
Perkins and Gass (1996) argue that, since proficiency
is multidimensional, it does not always develop at the
2.1 引用文献的基本格式
引文基本格式的两种情况:第一种情况是把 文献作者作为句子的一部分 (通常作主语), 我们把 它叫做 “格式1”; 第二种情况是把作者的姓放在 括弧里, 我们把它叫做 “格式2”。在同一篇论文 中, 最好统一使用一种格式。 2.1.1 格式1
“text grammar” and textual “grammaticality”.
在同一篇论文中格式要统一。要么都采用冒号加页码 的格式, 要么都使用逗号加p./pp.的格式,不能交替使用。 在直接引用文献时, 如所引用的内容较长(一般超过50单 词), 则应该另起一段, 左缩进两个字符。比如:
2.1.2 格式2 格式2的基本做法是, 把作者的姓、出版年代以及
页码均放在括弧里, 出版年代紧随作者的姓, 之后是 assume an automatisation or
practice view of learning (Bruton 2002).
are more or less concerned with “text grammar” and
textual “grammaticality” (pp. 5-6). 使用格式1中时,页码还可以用另外一种方法标出,


Dowden, Craig. “What Are the Effective Treatments for Propositional and Defiant Behaviors in Preadolescents?” Journal of Family Practice 54.2 (2005): 162,164-65.
(4)More than three authors: list the first author’s name,
inverted, followed by a comma and et al Enright, Frank, et al.
or: McCuen, Jo Ray, Anthony Winkler, Cathy Perris, and Becky Bailey.
Format for "Work Cited"\ “References"
\ "Bibliography" -----periodicals
Format for "Work Cited"(MLA)
• General order:
• Name of author(.)+ "title of article(.)”+ name of periodical+ volume number(.)issue number +date of publication or work(.)+city of publication(:)+year of publication(.)
(3)Three authors: place a comma after the second author.

英语论文引用文献参考格式 Citation精选ppt课件

英语论文引用文献参考格式 Citation精选ppt课件
Final Exam: Final Speech
Grading: Total 50 Points
Get the audience’s attention 5
Introduction: Main Idea
Supporting Idea 1
Supporting Idea 2
Concluding Statement
Starting and Ending Speeches
The Function of the Introduction
Reveal the topic of your speech and then....
Get the attention of the audience by: 1) Concern the audience 2) Emphasize the Importance of Your
Evidence for Your Ideas
Eye Contact/Posture/Etc.5来自Grammar10
Sample Speech: The University Should Provide Air-Con in the Dorms
1) Introduction: Bring in the Audience. 2) Main Point 3) Supporting Point 1: With 2 facts. 4) Supporting Point 2: With 2 facts 5) Conclusion 6) Bibliography Slide
Example: Describing how things are not as they seem. “A cloud by day and a pillar of fire by


the first word
4. Name of the journal or magazine
→In italic, with the first word and all other words of four letters or more capitalized, followed by a comma.
1) In parentheses, followed by a period. eg. Harvey, O. L. (1980). The measurement of handwriting considered
as a form of expressive movement. Quarterly Review of Biology, 55, 231-249.
作者名缩写 . (出刊年).文章名. 期刊名 , 卷 (期) , 起止页码 .
1. The Author(s)
1) One auhor: in inverted order with only the initials of first and middle names.
the volume number
5. Volume number
→in italics, followed by a comma
If the journal begins each issue with page 1, supply the volume number in Arabic and italic, followed immediately (no space) by the issue number in Arabic and in parentheses.



Detailed introduction to the experimental
design and implementation process of theme
Evaluate the experimental results and
conclusions of Topic Three
Research field
Covering multiple disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, etc., mainly focusing on the application and progress of XXX theme in various fields.
This can include the position, unit, or school name of the reporter.
If necessary, you can add your contact information or email address below your name.
英文文献报告ppt模 板
• cover • catalogue • Literature review • research method • Research findings and discussions • conclusion • References • Thanks
Theme Four
Introduce the research field and current situation of Topic Four


[2] Leech, G. Principles of Pragmatic [M]. London :
[3] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大 学数学系数学研究所,1983.
[4]何兆熊. 新编语用学概论[M] . 上海: 上海外语教育出 版社, 2000.
各类参考文献除了以上基本格式外,还要遵守以下原则: (1)如果同一本书有两个作者,则将两个作者用and (&)连接;
如果有三个以上作者,只写前两个,并在第二作者后加et al.字样,表示“等人”。 (2)如不是第一版,要注明版本。 (3)如果参考的是译著,则把译者放在前面,译者后面注上 (trans.), 接着注上原作者。 (4)如果一本书是由主编收集的文章,则在主编后注上(ed.), 为editor的缩写;如果有两个以上编者则注上(eds.)。 (5)参考的章节或页码,则注在出版单位之后。
例:1. Foster, K. R. & Bemstein, D. E. Phantom Risk: Scientific Inference and the Law [M]. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.
2. Berry, W. et al. The Hidden Word [M]. San Francisco: North Point
② 明确地标示出引用他人的学术思想、理论、成果和数据的部分 并给出其来源,反映出论文的科学根据,体现科学的继承性、严肃 性,言之有据。
③ 在论文正文中明确地标示出引用他人的学术思想、理论、成果 和数据的部分并在文末给出其来源,可反映出论文的起点和深度。

学术英语写作 Academic writingPPT课件

学术英语写作 Academic writingPPT课件
英文摘要的写法除了具有中、英文摘要的共性外,还 有自己独特的个性,一般应符合以下几点要求:
1. 尽量用简、短的句子,避免句形单调,组织好句子, 使动词尽量靠近主语,尽量用简短、词义清楚并为人熟 知的词; E.g. the paper explores……
2. 用过去时态叙述作者所做的工作,用现在时态叙述作 者得出的结果、结论,尽量用主动语态代替被动语态; (不出现人称主语,客观事实作主语表态时,要用被动) I induced three findings (×) / the experiment induced three findings(×) Three findings are induced from the experiment
(1) the author tells about
the writer
the paper
looks at
refers to
(2) the purpose of this paper is to V( presents, )
an investigation was designed to V( prove, generalize )
The author concludes that +S+V… The paper concludes (2) It is seen from Fig.4 that … the results are given in Fig.4 … In the last part of an abstract (1) It is suggested It is recommended + that +S+V … (2) The results suggest/show that …

英语论文引用文献参考格式 Citation ppt课件

英语论文引用文献参考格式 Citation ppt课件
Example: Cancer How many of you are over 35, smoke, or drink often? (Wait for the hands to go up) All of you are at risk….
Emphasize the Importance of Your Topic
Tell a story and explain why it doesn’t relate to your topic.
Begin With a Quote
Example: Introduction to a Writing Course “I know of no sword so sharp as the pen, no blood thicker than the ink of the written word. If knowledge is power, writing is war.” – William Shakespere
Final Exam: Final Speech
Grading: Total 50 Points
Get the audience’s attention 5
Introduction: Main Idea
Supporting Idea 1
Supporting Idea 2
Concluding Statement
Evidence for Your Ideas
Eye Contact/Pr
Sample Speech: The University Should Provide Air-Con in the Dorms


• 2. Title. • List the title in quotation marks, followed by a
period inside the end quotation mark unless the title itself ends in a question mark or exclamation point.
Dowden, Craig. “What Are the Effective Treatments for Propositional and Defiant Behaviors in Preadolescents?” Journal of Family Practice 54.2 (2005): 162,164-65.
ex. Clark, C., et al. “The Relationship between Executive Functional
Abilities, Adaptive Behavior, and Academic Achievement in Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 43.6 (2002): 785-96.
• 1. Author: (1) One author: List the author’s surname first, followed
by a comma and then by the first name or initials. Kluger, Jeffrey. “The Nuke Pipeline.” Time 17 Dec.
2) If it is a magazine article, and it is issued monthly.

英文文献汇报 ppt课件

英文文献汇报 ppt课件

equation modeling, which allows the researcher to find the empirical evidence by testing
a measurement model and a structural model. The model comprised three variables, self-
purpose of this cross-sectional study was to test the multidimensional
assumptions of quality of life of patients with cancer, with focus on their self-
身体残疾导致日常活动受限的患者的缓冲和心理资源,自我控制构成了信念和积极行为, 这种信念与生命可以用自己的意志和努力来领导有关,并且在各种压力情况下对保护和 促进身心健康起着重要作用。
literature1--Reading comprehension(阅读感悟)
该研究通过确接受化疗的癌症患者的CIPN程度、控制感和生活质量之间的因果关系, 从而得出化疗的癌症患者的自我控制对CIPN引起的生活质量有很大的改善与提高。自我 控制被认为是控制自己的功能和行为,作为一个人的功能的核心,并在人生成功中起着 举足轻重的作用。
inadequate pain management and to generate solu-tions for closing the gap between the

参考文献引用的规范 APA格式 讲解 PPT

参考文献引用的规范 APA格式 讲解 PPT

What is the difference between a reference and a citation?
• A reference appears in a list at the end of your assignment or dissertation and contains full details of the source • A citation appears ‘in-text’ and contains only the surname, year (and page number for direct quotes)
In-text citations and quotes:
• Make sure the year of the researcher goes DIRECTLY after the researcher’s name (not at the end of the sentence) • Only use surnames. DO NOT USE FIRST NAMES of researchers
Some examples:
• Journal Article
Swain, M., & Lapkin, S. (2000). Task-based second language learning: The uses of the first language. Language Teaching Research, 4(3), 251-274.
Information required for referencing books:
• Chapter title, author and page numbers (if chapters have different authors) • Name of publisher • Place of publication • URL (for electronic books only) and name of e-book provider • Date accessed (for electronic books only)


9 附注 (Appendix)
有助于读者理解、评价、或重复该研究。包括: ① 特别针对研究设计的、独特的、新的计算机程 序;② 尚未发表的测验;③ 复杂的数学证明; ④ 列出刺激材料;⑤复杂仪器的详细说明。
10 作者注 (Author Note) ① 每个作者的单位部门,② 支持经费 来源,③ 致谢,④ 通信作者
③ 实验方法,包括仪器、数据收集过程、完成测试名目、 药物剂量和管理途径
The effects of cue size on short-latency (P1 and N1) ERP components, and the time course of these effects with variation in cue-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), were examined. Reaction time (RT) to discriminate a target was prolonged as cue size increased.
Who Uses APA Style
The Publication Manual is the style
manual of choice for many disciplines where effective communication in words and data is fundamental
2 摘要(Abstract)
• 简短、概括、全面,以便读者一窥而知全貌。好的摘 要应该是:
• 准确(accurate):确保摘要正确反映研究的目的与内容; • 独 立 (self-contained) : 定 义 所 有 的 缩 写 ( 除 测 量 单
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1) In parentheses, followed by a period. eg. Harvey, O. L. (1980). The measurement of handwriting considered
as a form of expressive movement. Quarterly Review of Biology, 55, 231-249.
eg. Kalfayou, M. (1997, November 5). As a woman sees it: Honk
for domestic violence. The American Observer, 3
APA style retains the article(The)
3. Title
2) If it is a magazine article, and it is issued monthly.
→List the auhor(s), then the year and month of publication in parentheses, separated by a comma. eg. Kernan, M. (2001, October). Head’s up: From a computer-generated
eg. Kaptur, M. (2001). The link between housing and education. Journal of Housing and Community Development, 58(6), 6.
Italicize the name of journal and the volume number
3) more than six authors, use et al.
eg. Johnson, T. H., Corbett, M., Benioff, M. F., Castuera, I. O, Nassiman, P., White, P. R., et al.
3Leabharlann 2. Year of publication
eg. Anderson, L. (2001). The overlooked factor in weight control. Journal of Longevity, 71(12), 6-8.
model, sculptors cast a bronze triceratops that looks like the real thing. Smithsonian, 34-36.
3) If it is a magazine article and it is issued on a specific day.
作者名缩写 . (出刊年).文章名. 期刊名 , 卷 (期) , 起止页码 .
1. The Author(s)
1) One auhor: in inverted order with only the initials of first and middle names.
eg. Harvey, O. L. (1980). The measurement of handwriting considered as a form of expressive movement. Quarterly Review of Biology, 55, 231-249.
Format for "References"(APA)
• General order:
Name(s)of author(s)+(year of publication)(.)+Title of article(.)+ Name of periodical(,)+Volume number(,)+ page numbers(.)
5. Volume number →in italics, followed by a comma
If the journal begins each issue with page 1, supply the volume number in Arabic and italic, followed immediately (no space) by the issue number in Arabic and in parentheses.
✓Capitalize only the first word
4. Name of the journal or magazine
→In italic, with the first word and all other words of four letters or more capitalized, followed by a comma.
→ List the author(s), followed by the year, a comma, the month, and the day of the month in parentheses, with a period following the closing parenthesis.
2) Up to six authors: use an & preceded by a comma in front of the last author.
eg. Rodney, J., Hollender, B., & Campbell, M. (1983). Hypnotizability and phobic behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 92, 386389.
→With only the initial letter of the first word of the title and subtitle and proper nouns capitalized, followed by a period.
eg. Feldman, S. (2001). Building blocks. National Journal, 36, 2708