实习三 数字证书系统的设计与实现




基于区块链的数字证书系统设计研究第一章:引言随着信息技术的快速发展,数字证书(Digital Certificate)已逐渐成为业务间信任的重要工具。












第四章:基于区块链的数字证书系统设计与实现4.1 数字证书系统的需求设计基于区块链的数字证书系统,需要考虑与传统数字证书系统的要求相一致,同时充分利用区块链技术的优势。

以下需求是基于数字证书系统的七条原则:1. 真实性:证书必须有效且真实。

2. 可信性:信任证书必须得到保证。

3. 公开性:草案可以保密,但证书与公钥必须公开。

4. 不可抵赖性:颁发者无法否认签名。

5. 普及性:证书必须被接受者使用。

6. 墨迹性:证书必须防止篡改。

7. 固定性:证书在有效期内不能修改。

4.2 区块链存储数字证书在基于区块链的数字证书系统中,数字证书将被保存在区块链中,依赖于公私钥对身份验证,公钥是区块链中实体的公钥,可以被所有节点公开访问。



第36卷 第5期 福 建 电 脑 Vol. 36 No.52020年5月Journal of Fujian ComputerMay 2020———————————————邓福彪,男,1981年生,硕士,工程师,主要研究领域为电子认证、密码应用、密码测评。


数字证书格式合规性检测系统的设计与实现邓福彪(福建金密网络安全测评技术有限公司 福州 350003)摘 要 根据GM/T 0054-2018信息系统密码应用基本要求,用户没有办法判断使用的数字证书是否合规,因此需要第三方密码应用安全性评估机构出具数字证书格式合规性进行检测报告,并构建一套完整的数字证书格式合规性检测系统,保障用户使用数字证书的合规性、正确性和有效性。

关键词 数字证书;检测报告;合规性;正确性;有效性 中图法分类号 TP399 DOI:10.16707/ki.fjpc.2020.05.041Design and Implementation of Compliance Detection System for DigitalCertificate FormatDENG Fubiao(Fujian Jinmi Network Security Evaluation Technology Co., Ltd, Fuzhou, China, 350003)1引言《中华人民共和国密码法》于2019年10月26日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议通过[1],2020年1月1日起施行。






基于区块链的电子证件系统的设计与实现文淑华【摘要】综合课程设计是电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院的实践类核心课程,采用教师出课题、学生做课题的形式执行,要求学生在指导教师的要求下使用软件工程思想完整实现一个系统.设计一个综合课程设计课题——基于区块链的电子证件系统的设计与实现,旨在培养学生使用之前所学专业知识,结合当今大热的区块链技术,综合解决复杂软件工程问题的能力.从课题背景、研究意义、总体设计、网络架构、核心技术的设计与实现等方面对该系统进行详细介绍,为学生的课题执行提供实验指导.【期刊名称】《现代计算机(专业版)》【年(卷),期】2018(000)027【总页数】7页(P94-100)【关键词】综合课程设计;区块链;电子证件系统;核心技术【作者】文淑华【作者单位】电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院,成都 610054【正文语种】中文0 引言电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院非常重视学生工程实践能力的培养,将综合课程设计列为学生的实践类核心课程,分为综合课程设计I、综合课程设计II、综合课程设计III这三门必修课程,分别对应1个学分、2个学分和2个学分。









二、系统需求分析1. 用户需求:系统需满足学校管理人员、实习导师、学生及家长等不同用户的需求。

2. 功能需求:系统应具备实习信息录入、实习过程跟踪、实习评价与反馈、信息查询与统计等功能。

3. 数据需求:系统需有效管理学生基本信息、实习单位信息、实习安排、实习成果等数据。

三、系统设计1. 系统架构设计:采用B/S架构,用户通过浏览器访问系统,实现跨平台使用。

2. 数据库设计:设计合理的数据库表结构,包括学生信息表、实习单位信息表、实习安排表等,保证数据的准确性和完整性。

3. 界面设计:界面设计应简洁明了,操作便捷,符合用户使用习惯。

四、系统功能实现1. 实习信息录入:管理员可录入学生基本信息、实习单位信息等,方便后续管理。

2. 实习过程跟踪:通过实时更新实习进度,导师可对学生的实习情况进行跟踪,及时发现问题并解决。

3. 实习评价与反馈:系统支持导师、学生及家长进行实习评价与反馈,提高实习质量。

4. 信息查询与统计:用户可根据需求查询学生实习信息,系统支持多种查询条件和统计功能,方便用户了解实习情况。

五、系统实现技术1. 开发语言:采用Java语言进行系统开发,具有跨平台、高效率等优点。

2. 数据库:选用MySQL数据库,具有数据存储量大、操作简便等优点。

3. 开发框架:采用Spring框架进行开发,提高系统的可维护性和可扩展性。

4. 前端技术:使用HTML5、CSS3和JavaScript等前端技术,实现界面设计与交互功能。

六、系统测试与优化1. 测试:对系统进行严格的测试,包括功能测试、性能测试、安全测试等,确保系统稳定可靠。



图 2证书颁 发机构审批证书示意图 () 4 下载并安装证书 在 浏览 器 地 址 栏 输 入 “t /oahs cr r” ht / cloV et v 回车 , 择 “ 查 挂 起 p:l s 选 检 的证 书”可 以发现“ , 证书 已发布” 点击 “ 下载 C A证书” 将证书下载到桌 , 面, 生成文件名为 c nwcr e e . 的文件。完成 了证书下载 ,  ̄ e 用户还必须启 动证 书安装 向导来把证书安装在 服务器上 。 实验计算机 的操作环境 可以为 wn o s 0 0s v 或 wn o s P i w 0 r r d 2 ee i w d X ( idw 20 r e i a 版本不可行 )要求操作系统安装 I 服务 , no s00D l s n l o 8o , I S 如 果没有安装 ,则需要插入 wno s id w 安装盘 ,通过添加组件方式安装 I I S 服务。如果计算机没有下载和安装证 书路径 , 申请的证书将会 出现证 所 书异常提示 。通过这个实验 , 以了解数字证书 的运行原理 , 可 加深对数 字 证 书 的认 识 , 到 深 入 浅 出 的 效果 。 达 3 通过书认证机构 网站来应用数字证书 . 2
的实用价值 , 有利于提高学生的学习兴趣及动手能力 。
2 原 理 概 述 .
2I 钥 基 础 设 施 .公 P I u l e f srcue公 钥 基 础 设 施 , 是 国 际上 解 决 开 放 K ( bi K yI r t tr) P c na u 。 它
式互联 网络信息安全的一套体系。 K 的核心是认证中 ( A , PI b C )技术基 础 是公钥密码学 的“ 加密” 签名” 和“ 技术 。 22数字证书 . 数 字证书( itl et ct) 由 C rf a uhry发行的 , Dg aC rf a 是 i i e i et ct A toi i e i t 能提 供在 It t ne 上进行身份验证 的一种权威性 电子文档 。 me 最简单证 书包含 个公开密钥 、 名称 以及证书授权中心的数字签名 。 一般情 况下证书 中 还 包括密钥 的有 效时间 、 发证机关 的名称 、 该证书序 列号等信息 , 证书



8th International Conference on Social Network, Communication and Education (SNCE 2018)Research on the “Trinity” Practical Teaching System of Training AppliedComputer TalentsZijiang Zhu a * and Yi Hu bSouth China Business College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies , Guangzhou 510545,Chinaa******************,b***************** The Corresponding A uthorKeywords: Computer major; Practical teaching; Trinity; T eaching systemAbstract. Based on analyzing the current status of constructing practical teaching of computer majors, this paper proposes to construct the trinity practical teaching system for computer majors with the cultivating of students’ application abilities as the main line while integrating the three key links in the practical teaching system: teachers, students and resources into practical teaching system so as to constantly optimize the practical teaching system and cultivate students’ application ability and practical ability. After years of practice, obvious achievements have been made in this system.IntroductionAt present, higher requirements have been put forward in the society for the quality of computer talents, and employers attach more attention to the talents’ ability to solve practical problems and innovation spirit [1]. However, in recent years, there is a contradiction between the employment of graduates of computer-related majors at colleges and universities in China, i.e., enterprises cannot find suitable talents and graduates cannot find suitable jobs [2]. Computer science is a highly practical major that many colleges and universities both in China and abroad have attached great importance to the practical teaching of computer majors and have established various practical teaching systems. They have obtained good effects, but there are still many unsatisfactory situations [3]. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the reform and practice of practical teaching system for computer majors.Analysis of the Present Situation of Practical Teaching for Computer MajorsAnalysis of Practical Teaching at Research Colleges and Universities. The research-oriented colleges and universities in China generally refer to the Project 985 and Project 211 universities, which have few or even no practical teaching links. But these colleges and universities have many scientific research organs and research teams, which can attract students to get involved in scientific research projects so as to train their practical ability and innovative ability. Foreign well-known colleges and universities such as Harvard University's practical teaching system is perfect, provides the high-quality laboratory of science and technology to carry out the practice of practice teaching, undergraduate research plan, project training and other forms of practice teaching system [5]. The university of Oxford in the UK has a long history of the tutorial system and the system of the practice teaching, which has laid a solid foundation for elite talent cultivation.Analysis of Practical Teaching at Teaching and Research Oriented Colleges and Universities. The task of China's teaching research university is to cultivate undergraduates. The construction of practical teaching system in such colleges is mainly based on laboratory construction. Aimed at cultivating students'’ innovative ability to cultivate the students’ practical ability, only a few outstanding students can through the scientific research project or other forms, such as science and technology competition activities, and get the cultivation of practical ability and innovation ability [6]. Some colleges and universities organize teachers and students to visit enterprises during vacation, experience the enterprise culture and project operation, or students themselves contact the unit to practice, which leads to the practice teaching process only stays onthe form [7].Analysis of Practical Teaching at Application Oriented Colleges and Universities. Application-oriented colleges and universities mainly adopt the verification experiment teaching practice, and the teaching system construction is mainly aimed at teaching needs, and it has not reached the level of cultivating students' innovation ability. As a result, many students will not even use the basic office software [8]. Some colleges and universities take the form of cooperation with enterprises or training institutions and send students to these units to participate in project internship or training. However, the internship or training time is short, and there is no complete, systematic and in-depth training, and due to cost and other factors, the effect of this form is not very satisfactory.Through the above analysis, there are four main reasons for the unsatisfactory construction of practical teaching system in colleges and universities:(1) insufficient investment in practical teaching resources, teaching resources and platform construction have not played a very good supporting role;(2) insufficient emphasis on practical teaching, resulting in insufficient research, lack of systematic construction goals and systems, and poor execution effect; (3) the participation of middle school students is not enough, which leads to the restriction of students' practical ability and innovation ability.(4) there are some misunderstandings in the construction of teaching staff, which leads to the lack of practical teaching ability of many teachers in colleges and universities, which cannot provide beneficial guidance for students. Moreover, if the teachers, students and resources link separated to carry out the construction, not formed a complete and systematic system, will lead to the training effect is not ideal, to this end, we put forward the trinity of computer professional practice teaching system, has carried on the beneficial exploration for the computer professional development.Trinity Practical Teaching SystemGuangdong University of Foreign Studies South China Business College is an independent college for undergraduates held by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and approved by the Ministry of Education of China, and it is an application-oriented undergraduate college. The computer science has a good teaching foundation, and the students are of medium scale. Not according to the research university, therefore, construction of practice teaching system, put forward a suitable for our school's practice teaching system of computer professional development, finishing to the students' practice ability and innovation ability training goal. Among them, the trinity refers to teachers, students and resources. One is that the three are not isolated construction targets but are closely linked together to form a complete system [8].Integrated computer applied talents training practice teaching the core idea is: to practice base, scientific research platform, integration of innovation laboratory, the practice teaching platform and curriculum resource resources construction as the foundation, innovation practice teacher troop and the scientific research team and the enterprise staff construction as the guarantee, the development of the discipline of students education, college students' innovative training program, professional discipline competition, scientific research training plan according to students' practice teaching plan construction as the fundamental, such as all kinds of practical teaching activities, which are organically combined with the students throughout the combination together, and combined with credit system such as system construction, thus forming the integration of many aspects, but the practical teaching system, as shown in Fig. 1. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the practice teaching system, a series of reform measures should be designed and implemented.Figure. 1. Trinity Practical Teaching SystemIntroduction of Modern Teaching Techniques and Means. Applying modern teaching techniques ad means can make the abstract and deep practical theories easy to understand and improve the teaching effect on one hand; on the other hand, Through the use of modern teaching techniques, students are encouraged to love the great superiority of modern science and technology, which can stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning and desire for knowledge. Modern teaching techniques and tools are mainly used in the following areas:Use multimedia technology and means to carry out practical teaching. The multimedia teaching is applied to the practice teaching of the computer. Through multimedia teaching methods such as voice, animation, image, etc., the complicated abstract computer programming and the complicated operation process are visualized, concrete, simplified and convenient for students to accept. This will not only improve the effectiveness of practical teaching, but also save time, increase the content of classroom teaching and improve the learning effect of students. At present, although some colleges and universities have established multimedia classrooms, they are mainly used in theoretical teaching, and there are few means to use multimedia in practice teaching. If we can use multimedia teaching method in practical teaching so that students can understand the whole process of practice from the courseware demonstration, it will play a very good role in improving the practical teaching effect.Use LAN, wireless network and online teaching resources. With the establishment of the computer network application environment, the distance between teachers and students can be made closer through the campus and distance and real-time teaching can be realize. Teachers can put the courseware on the curriculum website so that st udents can search the teachers’ experimental instructions at any time. And when they have any questions, they can communicate with the teacher through email, online course forum, QQ and WeChat without talking the empty talk. In addition, through the network, we can consult the methods adopted for the same practice at other colleges and universities, increase the students' access to knowledge, and broaden their knowledge level [9].Use computers to help practical teaching. Using computer-assisted teaching can overcome space and time limit, make the students preview on the computer at any time, view and practice repeatedly and have hands-on practice, greatly improving the enthusiasm of the students' autonomous learning, cultivate the student’ practical ability . If the computer major curriculum practice simulation platform is adopted for practical teaching, it is necessary to make it combine with solving practical problems as much as possible, which cannot only stimulate students’ interest but is also conducive to improving students’ ability to solve real problems so that students can have the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts and develop rigorous thinking methods, thus laying a good foundation for future work.I ntroduce “class” into multimedia labs . In modern experiment teaching, the constructed labsTrinity Practical Teaching System Teachers Students Resources Innovate practical teaching staffs Corporate teaching teamR&D teamCollege students’ innovative trainingprogramProfessional discipline competitionScientific research training programProfessional grade certificateProduction, research and research cooperative practice base Innovation laboratory Curriculum resource basehave modern education means, so we might as well introduce “classes” into labs to realize “hand-on” teaching with modern means of education, decompose the difficult knowledge and learn through practice, which is very useful for computer experiment teaching. While listening to and watching the video, students can also operate, which not only consolidates their theoretical knowledge, but also improves students’ hand-on ability and organically combine theories and practice so that learning becomes an easy and enjoyable thing.Establish Open and Innovation Laboratories. Students are the main body of education, and the effect of practical teaching should be realized through the active participation of students. University computer laboratory is not only an important base for practical teaching and cultivation of students’ practical ability, but also an important base for cultivating innovative consciousness, professional skills and scientific spirit. However, because many colleges and universities have not sufficient input in computer hardware and software and human resources with backward lab equipment. And students spend little time on the Internet, which makes computer experiments confined to general validation, design and simple operation practice. It is difficult for students to assimilate theoretical knowledge into their own knowledge structure and ability in the limited experimental study. The establishment of open innovation laboratory can not only make up for the shortage of students, but also provide more free space for students to carry out computer experiments and complete the work that cannot be completed in the experimental teaching class. In this process, middle school students can learn independently, think independently and tap their learning potential. At the same time, through their own design module, students can complete the practical project and cultivate innovative awareness and practical ability, so that they can experience the joy of harvest in practice and enhance the confidence of learning.Increase the Course of Computer Practice and Strengthen the Relationship between Theories and Practical Teaching. Appropriate increase computer practice classes, and theoretical teaching and practice teaching should not be out of line in terms of both class time and schedule. Because of the many teaching contents and tight schedule, teachers often first teach theories and then arrange practical courses. Sometimes, there are only practical courses and when the schooling hours are not enough, there are fewer or no practical courses. Disconnecting the theory class from the practical class is not good for students to deepen the understanding and memory of theoretical knowledge and cannot train students to practice their abilities. Therefore, the application of theoretical and practical lessons should be well connected in terms of time. After the theoretical lessons, it is necessary to practice the lessons in a timely manner and to have adequate arrangements for class hours so as to improve the learning effect.Theoretical and practical teaching content should not be out of line, because the theoretical teaching is the basis of practical teaching, and practical teaching is under the guidance of the theory. They are closely linked and mutually reinforcing [7].Organize Students to Participate in Computer Innovative and Scientific Research Projects. Students are the main body of study, and only through a certain amount of scientific training and long-term hands-on practice can they form a strong practical ability. Therefore, the practice instructor should organize students to set up computer innovation interest group to guide students to complete some simple topics. Through the design of the topic and the software development, students are to apply their scattered theoretical knowledge to practice and deepen their understanding of computer-related curriculum and improve students’ ability to apply the theories and knowledge.In this way, students can expand their knowledge and cultivate their awareness of participation in practice. On the other hand, they can also cultivate their interest in scientific research and exploration, which helps to cultivate students’ innovative awareness and innovative ability.Write High-Quality Experimental Instructions. Computer theory and technology are currently one of the fastest growing science and technology in the world. Knowledge updates and technology breakthroughs are rapidly changing [10]. Only by changing with the development of the society and the time and preparing high-quality experimental guidebook and making constant modification and adjustment of the experimental course syllabus and outlines for computer majors and constructingthe “ba se -comprehensive-design-application” four-level practical teaching system and teaching plan can we adapt to the requirements for talents with the development of computer science. Therefore, the computer practice teaching and management personnel should have timely understanding of the new developments in computer science, formulate a target scientific and rational experimental teaching plan with greater flexibility and operability, revise the syllabus and classify teaching content design so as to suit the actual needs of practical teaching of computer science.Strengthen the Construction of Practical Computer Major Teachers and Talents. Practical teaching is an important way to develop students' abilities. Teachers should not only have a higher level of professional theory, but also have good practical skills and strong research ability [10] and master advanced computer skills. This requires that colleges and universities should strengthen the construction of teaching staff of practical teaching in computer majors, improve the overall level of practical teaching team, optimize the structure of practical teachers, strengthen the training of practical teaching teachers and improve the treatment of practicing teachers, so as to form a team of and stable teaching staffs with strong professionalism, rational structure for computer majors to improve the quality of computer teaching practice.Establish and Improve the Practical Teaching Comprehensive Management System. Practical teaching management is a multi-factor, multi-level and multi-objective structural system. Because it has many particularities and relatively many management links, it brings many difficulties to management and comprehensive evaluation. It is necessary to establish a scientific and comprehensive practical teaching comprehensive system to guarantee the evaluation and training quality of practice teaching. Therefore, a systematic management and evaluation method should be established according to the characteristics of the practice teaching of computer majors. From the practice of teaching plan preparation, teaching schedule arrangements, to the student experimental preview report, the conclusion of the experimental conclusion report, there should be detailed assessment, supervision and evaluation methods.ConclusionAfter many years of hard work, our school has initially established relevant practical teaching systems for computer related majors and has formulated corresponding policies and laboratory teaching management systems. Through years of practice, the employment rate of computer graduates in our school has been improved to a certain extent. The number of students recruited by relevant key industries and enterprises has also been increasing year by year, which shows that the implementation of the trinity system practical teaching system has achieved good teaching results. And students’ hands-on ability and innovative ability have been significantly improved. AcknowledgementsThis paper is supported by the Model Demonstration of computer science and technology applied talents training, South China Business College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies-Guangzhou Xinbao Software Technology Co., Ltd. Out-of-school Practice Teaching Base for Undergraduates in Guangdong Province (Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform Project of Guangdong Province in 2015 for the undergraduate education (Guangdong Education Letter 2015 [133])).References[1]S.B. Wang and H.X. 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学生实验报告图2.3 查看个人证书 2.4 Internet安全设置2.申请、安装数字证书2.1 下载及安装根证书链⑴请访问试用型个人数字证书申请页面,或https:///等个人数字证书申请免费网站。


从浏览器的“工具”菜单中选择选项”,然后选择“内容”标签,鼠标单击“证书”,然后选择“受信任的根证2.6 查看导入的证书申请个人数字证书⑴进入数字认证网/,“用表格申请证书”料,确认无误后单击继续提交申请表格。



如果证书签发成功,则证书下载页面上显示您的证书业务受理号及密码(如图2.7);如果证书签发不成功,则在网页上提示证书签发2.7 申请个人数字证书,出现安装数字证书身份校验页面。

检查试用型个人数字证书是否已安装到自己的计算机上,并对个人数字证书进行备打开浏览器,点击“工具”菜单,选“internet选项”----内容点击“导出”,然后按提示导出证书到计算机的进入证书查询页进行查询数字证书:2.9 查看证书信息按照上述步骤,完成实验,并撰写规范的实验报告。

2.2 申请个人数字证书进入数字认证网/,“用表格申请证书”,在线填写您真实的用户资料,确认无误后单击继续提交申请表格。







2、掌握使用硬件描述语言(如 Verilog 或 VHDL)进行数字系统建模和设计。




2、 EDA 软件:如 Quartus II、ModelSim 等。




使用 EDA 工具进行仿真,验证逻辑功能的正确性。


2、组合逻辑电路的设计与实现设计一个 4 位加法器,实现两个 4 位二进制数的相加。



3、时序逻辑电路的设计与实现设计一个同步计数器,实现模 10 计数功能。





2、代码编写使用硬件描述语言(如 Verilog 或 VHDL)编写电路的代码。


3、仿真验证在 EDA 工具中对编写的代码进行仿真,输入不同的测试向量,观察输出结果是否符合预期。









三、需求分析1. 用户群体:主要针对在校大学生,包括本科生、研究生等。

2. 用户需求:(1)个性化推荐:根据用户的学习兴趣、专业背景等,推荐相关的学习资源。




3. 竞品分析:对比现有学习类应用,分析其优缺点,为产品设计提供借鉴。

四、设计理念1. 简洁性:界面设计应简洁明了,避免冗余信息,提高用户体验。

2. 个性化:根据用户需求,提供个性化推荐和定制化服务。

3. 互动性:加强用户与用户、用户与平台的互动,提升用户粘性。

4. 可用性:确保产品易用性,降低用户学习成本。

五、界面设计1. 首页:展示个性化推荐内容,包括热门课程、热门话题等。

2. 课程页面:展示课程详细信息,包括课程简介、学习进度、评价等。

3. 社区页面:展示在线交流平台,包括话题讨论、答疑解惑等。

4. 个人中心:展示用户个人信息、学习记录、收藏夹等。

六、交互设计1. 注册/登录:提供便捷的注册和登录方式,支持手机号、邮箱等多种登录方式。

2. 搜索:支持关键词搜索,方便用户快速找到所需资源。

3. 课程收藏:用户可收藏感兴趣的课程,方便后续查看。

4. 社区互动:支持评论、点赞、分享等功能,增强用户互动。





二、实验环境1. 操作系统:Windows 102. 开发环境:Python3.73. 工具:PyCharm、数字证书生成工具、数字签名工具三、实验内容1. 数字证书的生成与导入(1)使用数字证书生成工具,生成一个自签名的数字证书。


2. 数字签名的生成与验证(1)使用数字签名工具,对一份文档进行数字签名。


3. 数字信封的加密与解密(1)使用数字信封加密工具,对一份文档进行加密。


4. 数字证书的吊销与更新(1)使用数字证书吊销工具,吊销一个数字证书。


四、实验步骤1. 数字证书的生成与导入(1)打开数字证书生成工具,设置证书的属性,如有效期、密钥长度等。


(3)打开Python,导入PyOpenSSL库,使用以下代码导入数字证书:```pythonfrom OpenSSL import cryptodef load_certificate(cert_path):with open(cert_path, 'rb') as f:cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, f.read()) return cert# 导入数字证书cert_path = 'path/to/cert.pem'cert = load_certificate(cert_path)```2. 数字签名的生成与验证(1)使用数字签名工具,对一份文档进行数字签名。




三、测试数据和预期结果(1)创建数字证书,别名alias为faltest,指定算法keyalg为RSA,长度keysize为1024,默认密钥库keystore为mykeystore,有效期validity为2000天,在命令行中输入“keytool -genkey -alias faltest -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keystore mykeystore -validity 2000”,执行命令结果为:(2)用keytool显示证书条目、详细信息,在命令行中输入“keytool -list -v -keystore mykeystore”语句,执行结果为:keytool的命令行参数-list可以显示密钥库中的证书信息,进一步使用-keystore参数可以显示指定的密钥库中的证书信息,在命令上加上-v参数可以显示证书的详细信息。

(3)导入文件及从文件中显示使用keytool的-export可以将别名指定的证书导出到文件,文件名通过-file参数指定,在命令行中输入“keytool -export -alias faltest -file faltest.cer -keystore mykeystore –rfc”语句,执行结果为:(4)在windows中直接从文件中显示证书,双击faltest.cer的图标,按照安装导航安装证书,重新双击faltest.cer的图标:(6)java程序从文件中读取证书代码如下:package Cert;import java.io.*;import java.security.cert.*;public class PrintCert {/*** @param args*/public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {// TODO Auto-generated method stubCertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");//获取CertificateFactory类型对象,CertificateFactory类是一个工厂类,必须通过getInstance()生成对象,其参数指定证书类型FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("faltest.cer");//获取证书文件传输流Certificate c = cf.generateCertificate(in);in.close();String s = c.toString();//显示证书FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("tmp.txt");BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fout));out.write(s,0,s.length());out.close();}}运行代码后:四、源代码以附件形式上传五、小结通过本次实习,了解了PKI原理,掌握了数字证书的实现过程,对keytool、keystored 等工具的各项操作命令有了进一步的理解,本次实习相对简单,实习中的问题都可以通过查找资料解决。



种 数 字 证 书 系统 的体 系 结构 与 实现 模 型
( 西安财经学院信息学院 陕 西 西安 7 00 ) 1 1 0

公钥基础设施( K ) P I 基于公钥密码原理和技术 , 提供 身份认证 、 机密性 、 数据完整性 、 不可 否认 性和安全 时间戳等安 全服
务, 阶段 网络信 息安全 问题的综合解决方 案。参考 R C50给 出的标准 P I 是现 F 21 K 实现模型 , 系统 的实际应用 需求和 设计 目 , 根据 标
s c s i e t y a t e t a in. aa it g i , o f e t l y n n r p d ai n a d s c r i t mp n t . ti n i tg aie s l t n o n u h a d n i u h n i t t c o d t n e r y c n d ni i , o -e u it n e u e t t i at o me sa i g e c I s a ne r t ou i fi 。 v o
的身份认证也 是很 多企 业 的 当务之 急。在 …个 企业 或组 织 内 - 部, 针对某些 特定 的虚用 如 安 全电子 邮件 、 虚拟 专用 网 ( P V N) 以及 We b安全通信等 , 如何快速而有效地 实施 P I K 是本文研 究
的重点 。
图 1 标准的 P I K 实现模型
支持 的服务这前 , 它们必须初 始化进 入 P I K 管理层 。初 始化 主 要包括 : 注册终端实体 、 产生密钥对 、 分发密钥/ 证书 。 终端 实体在初 始化 完成之后 , 以向 P I 可 K 核心管理 层提 出



数字证书实现谢谢!难题,但是这种功能是通过损害系统的不可抵赖性获得的,因为 这时除了用户自己持有用来签名的私有密钥以外,系统也知道其 私有密钥。
数字证书在CA中的分类及结构设计 的问题与解决
数字证书设计问题的解决:在设计的证书分类中运用了 双证书,也就是使用两套密钥,其中一对公开密钥/私 有密钥用来做加/解密,另一对公开密钥/私有密钥用来 做验证/签名。
数字证书在CA中的分类及结构设计 的问题与解决
数字证书设计中的问题:由于大多数纯CA产品只 使用一套密钥对,要想支持不可抵赖性,用户的私有 密钥就只能由其自己产生并使用高强度的口令来保 护它。反之,如果用户的那套密钥对由系统集中产 生并备份,则就不能保障其不可抵赖性,因为这时 除了用户自己持有用来签名的私有密钥以外,系统 也知道其私有密钥。
基于X.509标准的CA数字证书 系统的设计与实现
许平 江汉大学 2011年第9期
汇报人:王诗琪 网络与信息安全研究室 2012年4月22日
• 了解X.509标准 • 了解数字证书在CA中的分类及结构 • 如何数字证书的实现
• • • • • 数字证书 X.509的标准 数字证书在CA中的分类及结构设计的问题与解决 数字证书的实现 总结
数字证书在CA中的分类及结构设计 的问题与解决
数字证书的结构设计:根据X.509标准数字证 书结构基本由三项组成: 1: 证书的基本信息 2:签名算法 3:数字签名
证书的过程就是进行编码签名的过程。根据 X.509标准数字证书结构的三部分,先是对证 书的基本信息进行DER编码,然后根据CA的私 钥进行签名,最后对整部分进行封装编码从 而生成DER格式数字证书。



Digita l Ce rtifica te s Expe rime nt of

Ge ne ra lity of Ele ctronic Comme rce
代 计


( Department of Electrical Engineering, Nantong Vocational College, Nantong 226007)
参考文献 [1]桂海进. 电子商务概论. 北京: 中国商业出版社, 2001 [2]胡红钢. 电子商务中的数字证书. 信息网络安全, 2005
( 6) [3]张世永. 网络安全原理与应用. 北京: 科学出版社, 2003 [4]Mohan Atreya 等. 数字签名. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2003
1 数字证书的概念和原理
及 用 户 对 网 络 资 源 的 访 问 权 限[1]。 它 与 生 活 中 的 身 份
证类似, 在网上电子交易中, 如果双方出示了各自的
图 1 数字证书实验网络结构
数字证书, 并用它来进行交易操作, 那么双方都不必 为 对 方 身 份 的 真 伪 担 心 。数 字 证 书 的 发 放 不 是 靠 交 易
( 4) 发送签名邮件。在 OE 与证书绑定之后, 就可 以 利 用 自 己 的 私 钥 发 送 签 名 邮 件 了 。方 法 是 点 击 工 具 栏 中 的 “签 名 ”按 钮 对 邮 件 签 名 并 将 邮 件 发 送 给 教 师 , 这样教师可以掌握学生的操作情况, 此时 OE 签名所 用 的 私 钥 正 是 证 书 中 的 私 钥 。此 私 钥 要 妥 善 保 管 并 用 密 码 加 以 保 护 。同 时 我 们 可 以 让 学 生 点 击 工 具 栏 中 的 “加密”按钮看看能不能发送加密邮件, 如果不 能, 让 学生思考其中的原因;

实验3 CA认证和数字证书

实验3 CA认证和数字证书

实验3 CA认证和数字证书实验目的:1. 为自己申请数字证书2. 了解当前各种数字证书机构的状况3. 了解数字证书的类型和作用.4. 掌握申请数字证书的方法5. 加深对数字证书概念和作用的理解.6. 使用数字证书解密加密电子邮件实验内容数字证书的申请.使用数字证书加密解密电子邮件实验要求:1.上网搜索提供数字证书的机构2.了解各类数字证书的作用.3.选定一家免费证书提供机构.为自己申请一张安全电子邮件证书.4.在IE 浏览器中查看自己申请成功的数字证书.实验学时: 2学时实验步骤步骤1:搜索提供数字证书的机构.在google 搜索引擎中输入"数字证书".可以找到很多国内的CA 机构.这些CA 机构都提供不同类型的数字证书.步骤2:对这些机构提供的数字证书类型及其作用进行分析.目前国内的证书机构能够提供的证书类型主要包括个人数字证书. 企业数字证书.服务器身份证书.安全web 服务证书.安全电子邮件证书.代码签名证书等.各种不同类型的证书作用不同.个人数字证书中包含证书持有者的个人身份信息.公钥及CA 的签名.在网络通讯中标识证书持有者的个人身份;企业数字证书中包含企业基本信息.公钥及CA 的签名.在网络通讯中标识证书持有企业的身份;服务器身份证书中包含服务器信息.公钥及CA 的签名.在网络通讯中标识和验证服务器的身份.在网络应用系统中.服务器软件利用证书机制保证与其他服务器或客户端通信的安全性;安全Web 站点证书中包含Web 站点的基本信息.公钥和CA 的签名.凡是具有网址的Web 站点均可以申请使用该证书.主要和网站的IP 地址.域名绑定.可以保证网站的真实性和不被人仿冒;代码签名证书是CA 中心签发给软件提供商的数字证书.包含软件提供商的身份信息.公钥及CA 的签名.软件提供商使用代码签名证书对软件进行签名后放到Internet 上.当用户在Internet 上下载该软件时.将会得到提示.从而可以确信软件的来源.并确认软件自签名后到下载前没有遭到修改或破坏;安全电子邮件证书中包含证书持有者的电子邮件地址.公钥及CA 的签名.使用安全电子邮件证书可以收发加密和数字签名邮件.保证电子邮件传输中的机密性.完整性和不可否认性.确保电子邮件通信各方身份的真实性.步骤3:选定一种个人数字证书.为自己申请该数字证书.由于大多数证书机构都要求对提供的数字证书收费.我们在此给同学提供一些提供免费试用证书的CA 网址:https://(需有访问国外网站的权限)以下以某学生的申请过程为例.给出在https:// 申请一份免费数字证书的实验步骤.1.登录到https:// 申请地址.点击"证书申请"链接.选择"试用型个人数字证书申请"链接.2.只有安装了根证书(即证书链)的计算机.才能够完成后面的申请步骤和正常使用在CA中心申请的数字证书.所以需要先进行证书链的安装.按照系统提示.我们可以在https:///download/GetRootCertificateIndi.asp 页面中点击"安装证书链"按钮.3.在系统"安装成功"提示框出现后.进入"基本信息"表单.按照表单的提示内容.完整地输入个人资料.注意在选择加密服务提供程序(Cryptographic Service Provider.CSP)项目中选择"Microsoft Base Cryptagraphic Provider V1.0" 选项.4.选择填写补充信息.具体包括有效证件类型.证件号码.出生日期.性别.住址.通信地址.邮政编码.联系电话.传真号码以及存储介质等.完成后.点击"提交"按钮.随后系统将进行数字证书的下载.在完成上述步骤后.系统将发送一封申请成功的信件到您申请时使用的邮箱内.其中包括业务受理号.密码以及数字证书下载的地址.5.点击数字证书的下载地址链接.并填写业务受理号和密码并提交.系统即提示您安装的数字证书的基本信息.然后点击下方的"安装证书"按钮.当系统给出"证书成功下载并装入应用程序中"提示后.表明您的证书已经成功安装.步骤4:在IE 浏览器中查看已经申请成功的数字证书1.首先打开Internet Explorer.在其菜单栏上选择"工具"\"Internet 选项".在"Internet 选项"对话框中.选择"内容"选项卡.点击"证书"按钮查看当前信任的证书列表.2.在"证书"对话框中.点击"个人"选项卡.可以查看到已经申请的个人数字证书列表.3. 选定您需要查看的个人数字证书.然后单击"查看"按钮.可以查看相应数字证书的详细信息.foxmail加密安全电子邮件(数字签名与加密)由于越来越多的人通过电子邮件进行重要的商务活动和发送机密信息,因此保证邮件的真实性(即能够鉴别是否是伪造)、以及邮件不被其他人截取和偷阅也变得日趋重要。



数字证书实验报告篇一:电子商务实验报告数字证书的使用实验三数字证书的使用实验目的:1. 掌握数字证书的配置内容及配置方法 2. 了解数字证书的作用及使用方法 3. 掌握使用数字证书访问安全站点的方法 4.利用数字证书发送签名邮件和加密邮件实验环境: Internet、Internet Explorer、Outlook Express主要内容:1. 申请数字证书,并查看数字证书的内容。

2.将试用型数字证书安装捆绑到对应的电子邮件3发送数字签名电子邮件4. 发送数字证书加密邮件实验步骤:一、数字证书的申请1.登录中国数字认证网(.),申请个人数字证书以电子邮件证书的申请为例,申请数字证书的一般过程为:(1)首先进入中国数字认证网中心网站(.com),进入免费数字证书申请窗口;(2)如果是第一次使用,请先下载根证书;(3)申请个人安全电子邮件证书;(4)填写注册表,确认提交信息后等待审批结果;(5)提交如图2-1所示:图2-1 免费证书的申请(6)申请成功,下载并安装证书如图2-2所示图 2-2 下载安装证书窗口(6)安装成功2.证书的导出、导入(1)证书的导出单击选中要导出的证书,单击“导出”按钮后按证书管理器导出向导进行操作(选择好文件的路径)直至成功导出证书提示,就完成证书的导出。

如图2-3所示:图 2-3 证书的导出窗口注意:系统询问是否私钥跟证书一起导出,选择“是”导出私钥的数字证书文件是PFX格式。





二.发送具有数字签名的电子邮件在发送签名邮件之前,你首先要下载你的数字证书,即将你申请的数字证书导入到你的系统中;之后还必须将数字证书跟电子邮件绑定,也就是还必须完成“在Outlook Express中设置你的数字证书”使电子邮件帐号对应相应的数字证书;这些事做完之后才能发送数字签名电子邮件。






1. 安全性安全性是数字化身份认证系统的基本原则,需要通过技术手段保证网络传输的安全,防止个人信息泄露,同时也要确保认证系统本身的安全,防止黑客攻击。

2. 可信性数字化身份认证系统要建立在用户信任的基础上,需要营造一个良好的信任环境。


3. 隐私保护数字化身份认证系统涉及到大量的个人隐私信息,需要通过相关技术手段保护用户的隐私。

4. 可扩展性数字化身份认证系统在建设之初就需要考虑到其可扩展性,并做好相应的扩容准备。


二、基于区块链技术的数字化身份认证系统1. 相关技术介绍在设计数字化身份认证系统时,应采用区块链技术作为其核心技术,这是因为区块链技术具有去中心化、不可篡改、可追溯等优点,能够有效解决传统数字身份认证系统所面临的保护个人隐私、防止数据篡改等问题。

2. 系统设计思路基于区块链技术的数字化身份认证系统是在区块链平台上建立的,系统包括网络层、数据层、共识层和应用层四个方面。


3. 系统组成部分数字化身份认证系统主要由以下几个组成部分构成:(1)身份标识:基于区块链技术,使用数字签名、公钥密码学等技术手段,对用户的身份信息进行加密,构建一个安全可靠的身份标识体系。


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2.理解公钥基础设施(public key infrastructure,PKI)的原理;



