



口语:关于电影的相关问题1.Do you like watching films?2.What kind of films do you like to watch?3.How often do you usually go to a movie?4.Do you like watching movies alone or with your friends?Topic.Movie-描述movie必备短语及句型•武侠电影swordsman movie 电视剧TV drama/series•科幻片sci-fi (science-fiction)纪录片documentary•恐怖片horror movie 肥皂剧soap opera 悬疑片suspense movie •情节storyline 特效special effect 主角leading role 配角supporting role 演技acting skill 服装costume 感人的touching/moving•发人深省的thought-provoking 灾难性的devastating•有意义的meaningful 欢闹的hilarious•好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster•低成本电影low-budget films 有强大演员整容a strong cast1.Do you like watching films?Absolutely, I am a big fan of films. Whenever there is any Hollywood blockbuster (smash hit) released, I am gonna rush to the cinema and check it out. I think each film records a story and each story is different. Films enable me to experience different lives, which is the beauty of films. And the best part of it is that I always learn something that I can never learn from anywhere else.2.What kind of films do you like to watch?I get a kick out of romantic films; comedies and thrillers. Especially when I feel down;I love to watch comedies because they help me get out of depression and crack me up; while when I feel frustrated or upset; I watch inspirational movies. It cheers me up and makes me understand the real meaning of life and explore the richness of experience.加分用法:Get sb. Out of depression 让某人不再意志消沉Crack sb. up 让某人大笑Inspirational movie 励志电影Explore the richness of experience 体会丰富的经历3.How often do you usually go to a movie?Generally speaking, I go to a movie once a month; but it depends. It depends on whether there is any Hollywood blockbuster released or not. You know, I can never resist the temptation from those big hits. Those films’ d ebuts are always tempting.加分用法:Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片release 上映big hit 大片,大制作films’ debuts 电影首映tempting 吸引人的4.Do you like watching movies alone or with your friends?Well, it depends on what I am watching. Say I am watching some romance chick flicks, I would rather enjoy them alone at home. But if I am watching some horror ones, you know, watching horror films alone can be kind of scary, which can totally freak me out, I would definitely ask some of my buddies to join me.。



雅思口语关于电影的话题1 What type film do you like / what kinds of films do you like to watch?I like to watch action and science fiction films.Action , Science-fiction, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Thriller, Drama, Horror, Fantasy, War, Animated,G (general),PG-13 (parental guidance),R-rated (restricted)2 are these kinds of films popular in your country?Yes, very popular. People love to go to cinema to wch those kinds of films to let them relieve their stress and relax.3 Which was the best film you ever saw?The talented Mr. Ripley.4 What type of film do your friends likeAlmost all my friends like action film.5 Will the interesting change with the age of the people Yeah! I think so! Different age groups of people like to watch different kinds of movies. Normally its like that kids like cartoon films, teenagers like fantasy films, young people like romantic and action films, adults like all kindsof films and old people like drama and ethical films.6 who is your favorite actor/ actress?My favorite actor is Nicholas cage and actress is Catherine Zeta-jones.7 would you like to be a film star?Yes, I would if I could!3 4雅思口语person similar to you话题Think of a person in your family that is the most similar to you.Who is this person?How is he/she similar to you?What kind of family is yours? Is it of a typical family structure in China?My family is a typical family in China. There are grandparents, parents, a brother, my wife and I in my family.I look just like my father. Medium build ,pointed nose and dense black hair. My father is very kind and easy going. His love is the most selfless love. I am luck enough because I have a good father. My father has been specially thirsty for knowledge as he had only a few years of schoolinghimself. He believe that knowledge can change fate. So, my father offer more opportunity for me to study (no matter how poor my family was) To sum up, my family is harmony and our life is very happy.1) What do you think are the differences between families in and past and today, and what have caused these changes? In the past, there were several children in a family. But now, government has is sued one--child policy to limit the size of the family. So, there is only one child in a family. Couples will be punished financially if they have more than one child. This is one -- child policy .2)What is your opinion of one--child policy?I agree with one--child policy. Because it is difficult to provide enough food and education for a large number of people. So, government must control the population. Also, it is the best way that we can find to control population.3)What has your government done to support families?Such as Project Hope . It means that government supports the students in poor families to continue their schooling and improving their education conditions. In addition, our government establishs beadhouse to provide services for oldpeople who have more difficulties or no families to take care of them.。
















雅思口语Part1答案:Television电视1. Do you like watching TV?Yes, I’m keen on sitting in front of the screen during evening.I love all kinds of TV programmes, like chat show, fantasy, cartoon and so on. Well, these programmes do not require a lot of deep thinking and watching TV is a form of entertainment to ease my mind.我特别喜欢晚上坐在电视机前面。



2. What types of TV programmes do you (most) like to watch?Well, I enjoy watching TV series, especially soap operas that based on a page-turner. These TV series are not only a good way to kill time but also able to provide more chances to inspire imagination and satisfy curiosity.我喜欢看电视连续剧,尤其是基于畅销书改编的肥皂剧。


3. Do you prefer reading a newspaper, or watching TV?I love to watch TV, especially the news report, because I can have a better and fully understanding of the news. Apparently, the contents and articles in the newspaper are not as objective as the on the spot reports on television.我喜欢看电视,尤其是新闻播报,因为我能更好更全面的了解消息。




下⾯⼩编为⼤家带来了⼏点正确的练习⽅式供⼤家参考! 1.先找⼀部⾃⼰喜欢且适合练习⼝语的美剧或电影。


















你好 李焕英雅思口语

你好 李焕英雅思口语













以下是整理的《雅思⼝语话题:Movie》,希望⼤家喜欢!Part One: MoviesDo you like watching movies?What kinds of movies do you like?Do you prefer to watch movies alone or with your friends?How do you think movies will change in the future?Part Two:A movie star:Discuss a movie star you likeYou should say:Who the movie star isWhat he/she looks likeWhat kind of roles he/she typically playsand explain why you like this movie star.A movie:Describe a movie you saw based on a real person or an event.You should say:Who or what the movie was aboutWhen you saw itWhere you saw itAnd explain how you felt about this movie描述电影的话题在雅思⼝语Part Two⾥常出现,相关考题还包括: describe a foreign movie,describe a movie about future,describe an interesting movie,describe a movie that you don’t like等。

考试的时候⼤家⼀定要注意紧扣话题!A film about the futureDescribe a film you saw was about the future.You should say:When you watched itWhat the film was aboutWhy you watched itAnd explain your opinion was on this film提⽰:问题⼀要求⼤家讲故事,电影⾥的故事,我们不可能把整本电影的所有细节都描述详尽,⽽且听故事的⼈会觉得很⽆趣,因此要有所取舍,明确其中⼀个亮点(⽐如主⼈公锲⽽不舍的精神、牺牲⼩我的精神,或是爱情故事感天动地,或是⼈们⾯对⾃然灾难时的⽆助与⾃救)讲故事时要注意有⼀定的逻辑顺序,最常见的就是时间顺序。






正文内容:1. 电影的类型1.1 主流电影:大众喜闻乐见的商业电影,如动作片、喜剧片和爱情片。

1.2 独立电影:注重艺术性和独立思考的电影,如文艺片和纪录片。

1.3 科幻电影:以未来科技为背景的电影,如《星际穿越》和《黑客帝国》。

1.4 恐怖电影:以恐怖和惊悚为主题的电影,如《咒怨》和《闪灵》。

1.5 动画电影:以动画形式制作的电影,如迪士尼和宫崎骏的作品。

2. 影评的撰写2.1 简要介绍电影:包括电影的名称、导演和主演等基本信息。

2.2 评价电影的剧情和演员表演:对电影的故事情节和演员的表演进行客观评价。

2.3 分析电影的主题和意义:探讨电影所传达的主题和对社会的影响。

2.4 讨论电影的制作水平:包括摄影、音效和剪辑等方面的评价。

2.5 提出自己的观点和建议:对电影的优点和不足进行总结,并提出自己的观点和建议。

3. 影片的观赏方式3.1 在电影院观看:享受大屏幕和震撼音效带来的沉浸式观影体验。

3.2 在家中观看:通过电视、电脑或平板观看电影,可以随时随地选择观影时间。

3.3 在线观看:通过各大视频平台或影院订阅服务观看电影,提供更多的选择和便利。

4. 电影对社会的影响4.1 文化交流和传播:电影作为一种文化形式,可以促进不同国家和民族之间的交流和理解。

4.2 经济发展和就业机会:电影产业的发展可以带动相关产业的兴起,并提供大量的就业机会。

4.3 社会问题的关注和呼吁:电影可以通过讲述社会问题的故事引起观众的关注,并呼吁社会改变。

5. 个人对电影的喜好5.1 喜欢的电影类型:根据自己的兴趣和喜好,选择喜欢的电影类型。

5.2 喜欢的导演和演员:对某些导演或演员的作品有特别的喜爱。





雅思口语话题最喜爱的电影Describe your favorite movieYou should say :when and where you saw itwhat type of film it waswhat the film was aboutand explain why it is your favorite film参考范文:My favorite movie is Zootopia(疯狂动物城) ,which is a 3D animated cartoon produced by Walt Disney pictures. I watched it with my best friend in thecinema in March this year when it was on show in China. It is a story about that in a city where all animals live in harmony ,the rabbit Judy became a policewoman through her own efforts ,realizing her dream in childhood.The reason that I like this movie is that the Bonnie Judy tried her best to become a cop even if everyone thought it was ridiculous and impossible.Miss Judy ,however,finally made it brilliantly and perfectly. The way that she became a cop went through ups and downs(经验人生起起伏伏),she also almost gave up in the duration. But her friend Mr. Fox pulled her through (渡过难关) I feel that when someone is suffering his or her tough time ,it is really important he or she could be supported by their friends or families who just like life savers at that time. Moreover ,I was deeply moved by the theme song named Try Everything ,which is really positive and awesome and it can cheer me up when I come to a standstill ( 停滞不前) or in a trouble. I wont give up no I wont give in. Till I reach the end and then Ill start again. NO I wont leave I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail The lyrics encourage me to be more brave and confident when facing difficulties. So that is my favorite movie, which is determined to fulfill my aspirations ,extremely impressive and touching.雅思口语Part2答案:最喜爱的电影参考答案:The name of my faourite movie is Casablanca which was directed by Michael Curtiz. It was released in 1943 and the story was adopted from a stage-play named Everybody comes to Ricks. The movie starred Humphery Bogart Ingrid Bergman and was made in USA. It was a romantic drama film and the story-line was set during the World War II. It focuses on a man torn between love virtue. In 1941 Americanexpatriot Rick who professed to be neutral by all means met his former lover Ilsa in his nightclub gambling den. She was accompanied by her husband, Laszlo, a renowned fugitive Czech Resistance Leader. They needed a letter to escape to America, where he can continue his work against Nazis. German Major came to Casablanca to see that Laszlo does not succeed. One night Ilsa confronted Rich in the deserted cafe and asked for the letter. She threatened him with a gun for the letter and later on confessed that she still loves him. Ricks bitterness dissolved learning that IIsa was married to Laszlo before even their relationship began. When Rick and IIsa planned to flew together, she could not do so because all of a sudden she found that her husband was still alive and needed her badly to recover. Hearing the story Rick calmed down and agreed to give the letter to Laszlo so that he can fly to America safely. They would take a different path to fly away together. But finally Rick let IIsa and Laszlo fly to America which surprised IIsa very much.In 11019, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry a being deemed Culturally, Historically and Aesthetically significant. It is the 2nd best movie of all time based on AFIs 101 best movies of all time.Ive seen the movie more than 2-3 times. The story is excellent, the casting, plot, acting, dialogues and all other aspects of the movie is superb. The movie deeply touched me and became the most favouritemovie I have ever seen.Preparation Tips for this cue card topic:As part of your preparation for this cue card, chose a movie that was based on real war and has historic value and was adopted from a book. Doing so you would be able to answer the following cue cards as well:1. Describe a movie that was made based on a real event.2. Describe a movie that created based on a historic event.3. Describe a war movie you have watched.4. Talk about a film which was adopted from a book.5. Talk about a critically acclaimed film you that you watched.6. Describe the best film you saw this year.Following are some of such Hollywood movies/ films that you can describe. To pick such movie names and their details those were made in your own country, Google it.Movies based on real events:Empire StateAct of ValorExtremely Loud and Incredibly CloseThe Devils DoubleThe Social NetworkFair GamePublic EnemiesThe Killing of John LennonA Beautiful MindMovies based on real event and WarEmperorEverymans WarValkyrieHurt LockerThe PianistBehind Enemy LinesMovies based on BooksThe Motorcycle DiariesTwilightStardustPride and prejudiceThe GodfatherSchindlers ListThe bridge on the river KwaiScarfaceTips for answering this Cue card topic:1. Talk about a movie that you have watched as this would help you describing the story of the movie.2. You should know the names of the main actor, actress, genre,producer and director of the movie.3. Describe the story in brief. Do not start describing the details of the story from the beginning as you will run out of time before finishing the whole story.4. Mention some of the following reasons for the question Why you liked itThis is a critically acclaimed movie.The story line is touchy and has good morality.The movie was based on a real story.The story depicts a historic events/ national events/ real life issue.I enjoyed the acting and story of the movie.The outstanding performance by an actor/ actress.The movie has lots of special effect/ actions that you enjoyed.It is one of the best movies based on some reliable ratings.It was recommended by a friend/ family member/ teacherThe story reveals a fact that touched you.Note that Movie and Film indicates the same thing. Film is used in British English where as both words are used in American English. So do not get confused if the cue card asks you to talk about a film while you consider it as Movie.Similar Cue Card TopicsYour ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk aboutthe following Cue Cards as well:1. Describe a movie you have recently watched.2. Describe a foreign movie that you have watched.雅思口语话题“最喜爱的电影”素材积累1.小黄人英语怎么说?能听到许多人这样的描述:Little yellow man应当是Minions: 小黄人,英语中Minion的本义是“奴才”。





当考官问到,Describe a film that you want to watch again,我们应该从以下几个角度去展开叙述,1)what type of film it was;2)who the actors were;3)what the film was about ;4)explain what you liked about this film. 具体介绍这部电影的详细内容,不会显得空洞。



比如“饥饿游戏”系列:The Hunger Games;Catching Fire;Mocking-jay或是其他电影。




但是只能选一个说的话,我会选择Hunger Games。

”范文:第一段:Being a bit of a film buff I have seen a bunch of foreign films; there're a few flying around my mind right now. But if I really had to choose just one I’d say the Hunger Games. I watched the 3rd one not long ago, but I preferred the first one, so I’ll talk about that in stead.第二段:The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic future. It is set in a fictional country, with a wealthy capital and 12 poor districts. Each year boys and girls from these districts are picked to participate the Hunger Games. This game is basically a giant fight to the death with the last man, or woman, standing being the winner. It's all watched live by the people in power as some sort of sick entertainment.第三段:Long story short, the main character, a girl who volunteers for the game in place of her little sister wins, which came as no surprise to me, although I still worried about her when I was watching the film. Is she going to survive and such? You can really feel the tension in the cinema.结尾:Another thing I liked about the film is that it really makes you think. Why is the capital still watching people kill each other for fun when it’s such a highly developed place and its technology so advanced? I’m sure there is some irony there.以上就是前程百利雅思小编为大家介绍的备考雅思口语考试,考生们要做好充分的准备。



智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思口语电影类话题思路在雅思口语part 2教学过程中,面对一些如电影、音乐等非常熟悉的话题,有些学生常常哑而无语,显得非常无奈。

实际上,媒体类话题是雅思口语考试中非常高频的话题,并且也是学生非常感兴趣的...在雅思口语part 2教学过程中,面对一些如电影、音乐等非常熟悉的话题,有些学生常常哑而无语,显得非常无奈。



以下是真题里面出现过的口语话题,要求我们描述一部给你留下深刻印象的电影:Describe a film which has made a strong impression on you You should saywhat kind of film it was, e.g. comedywhen you saw the filmwhat the film was aboutand explain why this film made such an impression on you.在雅思口语part 2这一部分,答题的框架以及话题词汇是非常关键的两个因素。


A. 思路框架确定话题思路框架的目的主要有两点,一是让整个表达内容显得有条理、有逻辑,二是避免在陈述的后半阶段因为思路不清晰而终止继续描述该话题。

因此,建议同学们在part 2这一部分首先确定好话题框架和思路,在记笔记阶段顺着思路记录相应关键词,最后在表述阶段将关键词串联起来。



雅思口语高频话题:Film 电影

雅思口语高频话题:Film 电影

雅思口语高频话题:Film 电影Film,电影。



答案来自以前强化班的一个学生--- Cindy。

Cindy口语不错,加上准备充分,去年的时候口语考了个7.5,现在正在我最喜欢的大学(没有之一)St Andrews(圣安德鲁斯)念书。


Describe the type of film you most enjoy watching.You should say:what this type is ①what the characteristics of this type are ②when you last watched this type ③and explain why you like this type. ④① Among all types of films, I like war films best.② The first obvious feature of war films is that it i nvolves at least one hero in the story, who is often brave, smart and unselfish. In addition,the battle scenes which involve large number of soldiers, planes and weapons vividly present a picture of what wars were actually like.③ Recently, I watched a war film named Assembly directed by the famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang. It was a drama about a soldier of a People's Liberation Army unit during the civil war in the 1940s. The soldier, once a company commander, devotes his life to redeeming the honor of fellow soldiers who are declared missing in action. The film has been called the Chinese version of “Saving Private Ryan”, and indeed, the film looks like seriously brutal stuff.④ I like war films first because I can learn more about history through watching this kind of film. And I am especially interested in historic wars and battles, like the battle of Somme and so on. War films present to us a vivid picture of how brutal a war can be. Besides, I can appreciate the bravery andunselfishness of those heros in war films, like the captain in the Hollywood hit Saving Private Ryan.Part 3: Films in General1. What types of film are most popular in China?There's no one type of film which is the most popular in China actually. Chinese audiences like all kinds of film: comedy, tragedy, detective film.etc.I guess new year films are most popular. They're kind of domestic-made big budget fims. It has somehow become a cultural phenomenon in China for audiences to cram into the cinema to watch those films specially made for the new year season.2. Do Chinese people like going to the cinema to see films? ?Yes. The price of the ticket is reasonable in China, more and more people like going to the cinema to experience the real life sound and larger than life size screen.Generally speaking, Chinese people like going to the cinema to see films because you are more involved in the film and the environment helps you focus your attention on the film and enjoy it. When a blockbuster is on in China like Assembly or Lust, Caution, many people go to the cinema to watch them.3. Compare the films that older people like to watch with those that younger people like.Mostly, older people like slow tempo movies with classic plot, for example: movies about animals and novels...Younger people like anything, from affectional movies to horror movies.Mostly, older people like slow movies with not-so-abstract plots, like movies about novels and historical events. And they always prefer comedies to tragedies. Compared with them, younger people have a broader range of taste. They like almost all kinds of films, especially romance, sci-fi and action movies.4. How has science and technology affected the way films are made today?Computer is playing a more important role in today's films to make special effect. Special effect makes the films more exciting.With the development of science and technology, film studios are able to create more vivid picture of scenes in the scientific fictions. Such development enables more companies to produce more successful sci-fi movies, like the ET and Star Wars series.附上一些电影类的口语词汇。






在口语考试中,考官可能会问考生一些与电影相关的问题,例如:“What is your favorite movie?”、“Do you like watching movies at the cinema or at home?”、“What type of movies do you prefer, comedy or drama?”、“What was the last movie you watched?”、“Have you ever acted in a movie or in a play?”等等。














Cue Card
Describe a film about the future you read or watched.
You should say:
What the name of it was
When you read or watched it
What it was about
And explain how you felt about it.









雅思口语之描述外国电影整理雅思口语考试中关于外国电影Foreign Film题常常消失,考官一般会要求描述你近期看过的一部电影,(说说)中国的电影产业等等。

下面是雅思口语之描述外国电影,欢迎大家阅读!雅思口语中一部外国电影的描述Describe a foreign film that you likeYou should sayWhat it isWhen you watched it for the first timeWhat plots impressed you mostAnd explain why you love this film.(范文):F Scott Fitzgeralds classic, complex novella of bad timing and lost love in the Jazz Age, The Great Gatsby has been brought once again to the cinema, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the enigmatic young Gatsby himself. I saw it on TV one year ago.It follows the life and times of millionaire Jay Gatsby and his neighbour Nick, who recounts his encounter with Gatsby at the height of the Roaring Twenties.The plot is Gatsby’s funeral. Nick invites Daisy to Gatsbys funeral, only to learn that she, Tom, and their daughter are leaving New York. The funeral is attended only by reporters and photographers, whom Nick angrily chases out. Nick realizes that he is the only person who actually cared about Gatsby. Disgusted with both the city and its people, he leaves New York, but not before taking a final walk through Gatsbys deserted mansion; reflecting on Gatsbys unique ability to hope, and how he lost everything. Back in the sanatorium, Nick finishes his memoir and titles it Gatsby, then takes out a pen to re-title it, The Great Gatsby.Its style fascinates. It creates vivid 1920s backdrops behind all this: faintly preposterous and yet undeniably lively: all-singing, all-dancing, and Jay-Zs music is audacious and exhilarating. There is colourised black-and-white footage and depthless digital panoramas of New York; there are hyper-real street scenes through which Gatsby roars in his sports car. And of course there are plenty of those headache-inducing camera zooms.雅思口语你看过的外国电影Part 2Describe a foreign film that you recently enjoyed watching.Part 3Film-watching Preferences in Your CountryThe Film Industry范文:My friend and I got a blast last month when we saw the 3-D Max movie called Transformers: Dark of the Moon which is an American science fiction-action film directed by Michael Bay. In this cast, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, and John Turturro reprised their roles but English model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley replaced Megan Fox as the lead female character.The films story structure revolves around a genuine NASA manned mission to the Moon. Three years after the events of the second film and 42 years after the Apollo 11 space race, the Autobots continue to work for the NEST military force. Meanwhile, the Decepticons unveil a plan to use the new groundbreaking technology, the Pillars, to enslave Humanity in order to save the home planet of the Transformers, Cybertron.First of all, I dont think the image of a truck transforming into a twenty-foot tall robot has never captured on screen, but now it became true, and I think a bunch of people are rocked because of this. Moreover, the film is marvelous with its spectacular visual effect and 3-D action sequences. Those special effects are the best 3-D experience since Avatar in my perspective.雅思口语描述你喜爱的电影Describe your favorite movieYou should say:what is that moviewhen and where you sawwhat is this movie aboutand explain why you like this movieSample answer:My favorite movie is Zootopia , which is a 3D animated cartoon produced by Walt Disney pictures. I watched it with my best friend in the cinema in March this year when it was on show in China. It is a story about that in a city where all animals live in harmony , the rabbit Judy became a policewoman through her own efforts, realizing her dream in childhood.The reason that I like this movie is that the Bonnie Judy tried her best to become a cop even if everyone thought it was ridiculous and impossible. Miss Judy,however,finally made it brilliantly and perfectly. The way that she became a cop went through ups and downs (经受人生起起伏伏), she also almost gave up in the duration.But her friend Mr.Fox pulled her through (渡过难关) I feel that when someone is suffering his or her tough time,it is really important he or she could be supported by their friends or families who just like life savers at that time. Moreover,I was deeply moved by the theme song named Try Everything,which is really positive and awesome and it can cheer me up Vhen I come to a standstill (停滞不前) or in a trouble. I wont give up no I wont give in. Till I reach the end and then Ill start again. No I wont leave I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail.The lyrics encourage me to be more brave and confident when facing difficulties.So that is my favorite movie,which is determined to fulfill my aspirations,extremely impressive and touching.雅思口语如何介绍一部电影Describea foreign film you enjoyedlWhat the film was aboutlWhothe actors werelWhereand when you saw itlAndexplain why you enjoyed this film范文:lWell,when talking about a foreign movie I enjoyed most, it actually reminds me of areally spectacular movie called Forrest Gump. In fact, it was like an Americanhistory fairy tale. I was quite attracted by the plot and it gave me a deepimpression. In terms of the content of the movie, it was about the life of a stupid personnamed Forrest Gump, you know, from physical disability to football star, fromVietnam hero to shrimp tycoon, from White house honors to the arms of his onetrue love, Jenny.Forrest Gump went through a remarkably successful andadventurous life in the most important historical events in ctually,the main actor of the movie was called Tom Hanks who was an awesome movie starin America. I think he was really good at acting and he performed so well inthe movie. Honestly speaking, he is my role model and I have learned a lot fromhim, especially his spirit of persistence, I mean, I was inspired andinfluenced by the role he played in the sfar as I can remember, I watched this movie many years ago, probably when I wasateenager.And I watched it online with my laptop. You know, I used to watchmovies online but this movie could stand out in my memory. Actually, I haveever watched it for many times until now, you know, it is a classic movie thatis deserved to be watched over and over again. I have to say I would have got adifferent feeling every time I watched it.lAsfor the reason why I was so keen on the movie, I guess the main reason was thatI was impressed by the plot and the main actor, Tom Hank. As well as this, themovie made me think, you know, think about my own life, I mean, I am so intosome movies that can inspire me. And this is the best one I have ever watched.I guess that’s pretty much about my talk, thank you.雅思口语之描述外国电影文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。



雅思讲述电影口语1. 介绍电影的类型和主题- 这部电影是一部动作片,讲述了一位英雄救美的故事。

- 这是一部浪漫喜剧片,情节围绕着两个陌生人之间的爱情展开。

- 电影主题是关于家族和友谊的,通过一个家庭的故事展现人情味。

- 这部影片是一部科幻片,讲述了一个宇宙探险的故事。

2. 描述电影的剧情- 故事围绕着一群年轻人的成长和冒险展开,他们面临了许多挑战和困难。

- 主人公在电影中经历了一场打击,然后努力克服困难并取得了胜利。

- 故事展示了一个角色在某个事件或冲突中的变化和发展。

- 电影中有一些悬念和转折点,让观众紧张和期待下一步的发展。

3. 描述电影的演员表演和角色塑造- 主角的表演非常出色,他们成功地塑造了角色的个性和情感。

- 演员们很好地诠释了角色的复杂性和内心冲突。

- 演员的表现让观众对角色产生了共鸣。

- 配角也有很突出的表现,为电影增加了很多喜剧和张力。

4. 描述电影的视觉效果和特效- 电影拥有令人印象深刻的视觉效果,包括华丽的特效和制作精良的场景。

- 影片的摄影手法非常出色,镜头运动和画面切换很流畅。

- 电影的特效制作非常逼真,让观众感觉身临其境。

- 影片的配乐和音效也很好地配合了故事情节,增加了观影的乐趣。

5. 对电影的评价和推荐- 这是一部非常出色的电影,我强烈推荐观众观看。

- 故事情节紧凑,表演精彩,特效出色,是不容错过的一部作品。

- 这部电影让人沉浸在其中,带给观众无数感动和思考。

- 无论你是喜欢浪漫喜剧还是动作片,这部电影都能满足你的口味。



film industry 电影工业,cinema, pictures 电影院(美作:movie theater),premiere 首映式,film festival 电影节,distributor 发行人,release 准予上映banned film 禁映影片,genre n. 类型, 流派,type n. 类型director 导演,production 制片,adaptation 改编,scenario, screenplay, script 编剧,scene 场景,exterior 外景,lighting 灯光,shooting 摄制,to shoot 拍摄,special effects 特技,slow motion 慢镜头,editing, cutting 剪接,montage 剪辑,recording, sound,recording 录音,dubbing 配音,studio 制片厂,摄影棚,(motion)film studio 电影制片厂,set, stage, floor 场地,properties, props 道具,scenery 布景,script 剧本,movie-land (美国California州南部等的)影业集中地区,movie-goer (常)看电影的人电影类型词汇:film, motion picture 影片,电影(美作:movie),filmdom 电影界,moviedom 电影界literary film 文艺片,musicals 音乐片,newsreel 新闻片,纪录片documentary (film) 记录片,文献片,comedy 喜剧片,tragedy 悲剧片,horror film, dracula movie 恐怖片,swordsmen film 武侠片,action 动作片,detective film 侦探片,ethical film 伦理片,affectional film 爱情片,erotic film 黄色片,western movies 西部片,serial 系列片,dubbed film译制片,trailer 预告片,propaganda film宣传片,animated,cartoon (movie)动画片,science fiction科幻片,costume piece /play古装戏,war movie战争片footage 影片长度,full-length film, feature film 长片,short(film) 短片,colour film 彩色片(美作:color film),silent film无声片,silent cinema, silent films 无声电影,sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影有关演员词汇:cast 阵容,director 导演,film star, movie star 电影明星,film actor 男电影明星,film actress 女电影明星,star, lead 主角,double, stand-in 替身演员,stunt man 特技替身演员,extra, walker-on 临时演员,support 配角,util 跑龙套,extra 特别客串,costume designer (影剧)服装设计员,makeup girl化妆师,dialogue writer对白作者,script writer剧本作者一些女演员:Angelina Jolie安吉丽娜·朱莉, Julia Roberts朱莉亚·罗伯茨, Sharon stone莎朗·斯通, Monica Bellucci莫妮卡·贝鲁奇,Jodie Foster, Kristen Dunst, Sandra Bullock, Zhang Ziyi章子怡,Michelle Yeoh杨紫琼,Maggie Cheung张曼玉Brad Pitt, Nichols Cage, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman,Will Smith, Bruce Wills, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Fat Chou(Chou Yun Fat周润发),Jet Lee(李连杰), Samuel L. Jackson, Charlie Chaplin,Liv Tyler ,Tommy Lee Jones.一些电影名字:Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragon卧虎藏龙Jurassic Park 侏罗纪公园The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎(director: Frank Darabont; actors: Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman)The lord of the rings 指环王Harry Potter 哈里·波特(Written by: JK. Rowling)Forrest Gump 阿甘正传Brave Heart 勇敢的心Roman Holiday 罗马假日Waterloo Bridge 魂断蓝桥Lion King 狮子王Cinderella 灰姑娘Hero 英雄一些名导演:Steven Spielberg,Frank Darabont,Ang Lee 李安,Zhang Yimou张艺谋经典电影台词I’m the King of the world.我是世界之王。

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