



1、a [ei, ] 一个2、pen [pen] 钢笔3、pens [penz] 钢笔(复数)4、map [m p] 地图、maps [m ps] 地图(复数)56、pet [pet] 宠物7、pets [pets] 宠物(复数)、spade [speid] 锹89、spades [speidz] 锹(复数)10、letter [ let ] 信11、letters [ let z] 信(复数) 12、this [ is] 这个13、is [iz] 是、that [ t] 那个1415、Is this...? 这是不是…?16、Is that...? 那是不是…?、pencil [ pensl] 铅笔1718、desk [desk] 书桌19、table [ teibl] 桌子20、disc [disk] (激光)唱片21、tape [teip] 磁带,录音带22、yes [jes] 是的、it [it] 它2324、green [gri:n] 绿的25、red [red] 红的、pick [pik] 镐2627、no [n u] 不,不是的28、isn't [ iznt] (=is not)不是29、these [ i:z] 这些30、are [ :, ] 是31、they [ ei] 它们、aren't [ :nt] ( are not)不是3233、those [ uz] 那些34、knife [naif] 刀子、knives [naivz] 刀子(复数)3536、what [w t] 什么37、book [buk] 书38、notebook [ n utbuk] 笔记本39、I [ai] 我40、am [ m, m] 是、student [ stju:d nt] 学生4142、you [ju:] 你;你们43、teacher [ ti:t ] 教员44、he [hi:] 他45、she [ i:] 她46、farmer [ f :m ] 农民47、doctor [ d kt ] 医生48、nurse [n :s] 护士;保育员49、we [wi:] 我们51、good [gud] 好52、morning [ m :ni ] 早晨;上午53、good afternoon 午后的问候语54、afternoon [ :ft nu:n] 下午、good evening 晚上的问候语5556、evening [ i:vni ] 晚上57、good night [gud nait] 晚上分手时的告别语、night [nait] 夜间5859、good-bye [ gud bai] 再见60、open [ up n] 打开61、your [j :] 你的;你们的62、close [kl uz] 关上63、read [ri:d] 读,念、please [pli:z] 请6465、the [ , i] 定冠词66、text [tekst] 课文、write [rait] 写6768、down [daun] 下来69、sentence [ sent ns] 句子70、let's [lets] (=let us)让我们71、our [ au ] 我们的72、an [ n, n] 不定冠词,用在读音以元音开头的词前面、English [ i gli ] 英语7374、lesson [ lesn] 课75、everybody [ evrib di, evrib di] (代)大家;每人、now [nau] 现在(此处用作语气词)7677、have [h v] 有;做(某事)78、dictation [dik tei n] 听写79、any [ eni] (代)一些;任何80、brother [ br ] (名)兄弟81、two [tu:] (数)二、sister [ sist ] (名)姐妹8283、haven't [ h vnt] ( have not)没有84、has [h z,h z] (动)有、Jane [d ein] 简(女子名)8586、and [ nd, nd] (连)和87、three [ ri:] (数)三88、but [b t,b t] (连)但89、no [n u] (代)没有90、Jackson [ d ksn] (姓)、the Jacksons 杰克逊夫妇9192、children [ t ildr n] (名)小孩;子女(复数)93、child [t aild] (名)小孩(单数)94、son [s n] (名)儿子95、daughter [ d :t ] (名)女儿96、my [mai] (代)我的97、home [h um] (名)家98、in [in] (介)在…99、Shanghai [ hai] 上海101、teacher [ ti:t ] (名)教师102、teach [ti:t ] (动)教;教育103、mother [ m ] (名)母亲104、also [ :ls u] (副)也;同样、work [w :k] (动)工作105106、nursery [ n :sri] (名)托儿所107、physics [ fiziks] (名)物理学、sing [si ] (动)唱108109、speak [spi:k] (动)说110、clearly [ kli li] (副)清楚地111、eighteen [ ei ti:n] (数)十八112、eleven [i levn] (数)十一113、seven [ sevn] (数)七、school [sku:l] (名)学校114115、first [f :st] (数)第一116、year [j :] (名)年、at [ t, t] (介)在…117118、college [ k lid ] (名)学院119、very [ veri] (副)非常120、hard [h :d] (副)努力地121、like [laik] (动)喜爱122、subject [ s bd ikt] (名)学科、classroom [ kl :srum] (名)教室123124、there [ ] 在那里125、there is 那儿有、blackboard [ bl kb :d] (名)黑板126127、door [d :] (名)门128、four [f :] (数)四129、chair [t ] (名)椅子130、some [s m,s m] (代)一些131、picture [ pikt ] (名)图画、wall [w :l] (名)墙132133、near [ni ] (介)靠近134、window [ wind u] (名)窗户、clock [kl k] (名)钟135136、many [ meni] (代)很多137、room [rum] (名)房间138、six [siks] (数)六139、class [kl :s] (名)班140、grade [greid] (名)级、five [faiv] (数)五141142、big [big] (形)大的143、fifteen [ fif ti:n] (数)十五144、among [ m ] (介)在…当中145、seven [ sevn] (数)七146、them [ em, m] (代)(they的宾格)他们,它们147、boy [b i] (名)男孩148、girl [g :l] (名)女孩149、eight [eit] (数)八151、from [fr m] (介)从…来;是…的人152、help [help] (动)帮助153、each other [ i:t ] 互相154、how [hau] (副)怎样、how many [ hau meni] 多少155156、who [hu:] (代)谁157、name [neim] (名)名字,姓名、old [ uld] (形)老158159、How old is he? 他多大年纪了?160、twenty ['twenti] (数)二十161、where [w ] (副)什么地方162、to be from... 来自;生长于,出身于163、classmate [ kl :smeit] (名)同班同学、Sally [ s li] (女子名)164165、nineteen ['nain ti:n] (数)十九166、New York [ nju: j :k] (名)纽约、Chinese [ t ai ni:z] (名)汉语,中国话167168、studies [ st diz] (动)(study的第三人称单数形式)学习169、singing [ si i ] (名)唱歌170、dancing [ da:nsi ] (名)跳舞,舞蹈171、sports [ sp :ts] (名)运动、体育运动172、says [sez] (动)(say[sei] 的第三人称单数形式)说、time [taim] (名)时间173174、o'clock [ kl k] 点钟175、quarter [ kw :t ] (名)一刻钟、past [p :st] (介)过176177、half [h :f] (名)半;半小时178、twenty to seven 七点差二十分,六点四十分179、when [wen] (副)什么时候180、do [du:,du] (助动词)181、get up [get p] (动)起床、day [dei] (名)一天;日子182183、week [wi:k] (名)星期184、well [wel] (感)嗯(表示犹豫)、at six 在六点钟185186、breakfast [ brekf st] (名)早饭187、lunch [l nt ] (名)午饭188、supper [ s p ] (名)晚饭189、go [g u] (动)去190、go to bed 去睡觉,就寝、to [tu:, t ] (介)到191192、dialogue [ dai l g] (名)对话193、class [kl :s] (名)一堂课194、every [ evri] (代)每个195、most [m ust] (代)大多数196、of [ v] (介)(表所属关系)197、Tuesday [ tju:zdi] (名)星期二198、Sunday [ s ndi] (名)星期日199、Monday [ m ndi] (名)星期一201、Thursday [ :zdi] (名)星期四202、Friday [ fraidi] (名)星期五203、Saturday [ s t di] (名)星期六204、do [du:] (动)做、homework [ h umw :k] (名)家庭作业205206、copy [ k pi] (动)抄写207、spelling [ speli ] (名)拼写、exercise [ eks saiz] (名)练习;锻炼208209、review [ri vju:] (动)复习210、grammar [ gr m ] (名)语法211、whole [h ul] (形)全部,整个212、spring [spri ] (名)春天213、gay [gei] (形)欢乐的、with [wi ] (介)带着;由于(有了)214215、flower [ flau ] (名)花216、song [s ] (名)歌、summer [ s m ] (名)夏天217218、hot [h t] (形)热219、long [l ] (形)长220、autumn [ :t m] (名)秋天221、rich [rit ] (形)丰富;富有222、fruit [fru:t] (名)水果、grain [grein] (名)谷物,五谷223224、winter [ wint ] (名)冬天225、brings [bri z] (动)(bring的单数第三人称形式)带来、snow [sn u] (名)雪226227、new [nju:] (形)新228、year [j :] (名)年229、again [ gen] (副)又,再230、season [ si:zn] (名)季节231、month [m n ] (名)月、January [ d nju ri] (名)一月232233、February [ febru ri] (名)二月234、March [m :t ] (名)三月、April [ eipr l] (名)四月235236、May [mei] (名)五月237、June [d u:n] (名)六月238、July [d u lai] (名)七月239、August [ :g st] (名)八月240、September [s p temb ] (名)九月、October [ k t ub ] (名)十月241242、November [n u vemb ] (名)十一月243、December [di semb ] (名)十二月244、make [meik] (动)组成245、four [f :] (数)四246、near [ni ] (介)靠近247、north [n : ] (形)北方的,北部的248、pole [p ul] (名)极249、the North Pole 北极251、for [f :,f ] (介)(表示时间延续)长达252、more [m :] (形)更多的253、than [ n, n] (介)比…254、can't [k :nt] cannot(助)不能、sun [s n] (名)太阳255256、even [ i:v n] (副)甚至257、noon [nu:n] (名)中午,正午、at noon 在中午时258259、never [ nev ] (副)永不,从不260、set [set] (动)(日,月等)落261、tropics [ tr piks] (名)热带262、rainy [ reini] (形)多雨的263、rainy season 雨季、dry [drai] (形)干的;旱的264265、dry season 旱季266、college [ k lid ] n.大学;学院、early [ :li] adv.& adj.早267268、dress [dres] vi.穿衣269、wash [w ] vt.& vi.洗270、out [aut] adv.往外271、fresh [fre ] adj.新鲜的272、air [ ] n.空气、then [ en] adv.然后273274、most [m ust] pron.大部分275、attend [ tend] vt.出席,参加、lecture [ lekt ] n.讲座;讲演276277、practise [ pr ktis] vt.练习278、after [ :ft ] prep.在…之后279、library [ laibr ri] n.图书馆280、take [teik] vt.拿,取281、nap [n p] n.午睡、take a nap 午睡282283、newspaper [ nju:speip ] n.报纸284、hour [ au ] n.小时、for [f :,f ] prep.作...之用;为了 (285)286、run [r n] vi.跑287、round [raund] prep.围绕,在…周围288、track [tr k] n.跑道289、play [plei] vt.玩;打(球)290、ball [b :l] n.球、game [geim] n.游戏;球赛291292、play ball games 打球293、often [ :fn] adv.时常,常常294、walk [w :k] vi.& n.走路;散步295、go for a walk 散步296、garden [ g :dn] n.花园297、sometimes [ s mtaimz] adv.有时298、listen (to) [ lisn] vi.听299、broadcast [ br :dk :st] n.广播301、home [h um] n.家302、oh [ u] interj.啊303、steel works [ sti:l w :ks] n.钢铁厂304、there [ ] adv.那里、elder [ eld ] adj.年长的305306、army [ :mi] n.军队307、young [j ] adj.年轻的、younger [ j g ] 较年轻的308309、middle [ midl] adj.&n.中等;中间310、hospital [ h spitl] n.医院311、husband [ h zb nd] n.丈夫312、wife [waif] n.妻子313、factory [ f ktri] n.工厂、parents [ p r nts] n.双亲314315、institute [ institju:t] n.学院316、company [ k mp ni] n.公司、letter [ let ] n.信317318、friend [frend] n.朋友319、dear [di ] adj.亲爱的320、fly [flai] vi.飞321、already [ :l redi] adv.已经322、seventh [ sevn ] num.第七、busy [ bizi] adj.忙323324、life [laif] n.生活325、here [hi ] adv.这儿、interesting [ intristi ] adj.有趣,有意思326327、so [s u] adv.如此地328、thing [ i ] n.东西329、learn [l :n] vt.学习330、like [laik] vt.喜欢331、much [m t ] adv.非常、also [ :ls u] adv.也,又332333、Chinese [ t ai ni:z] n.&adj.汉语;中国的334、world [w :ld] n.世界、history [ histri] n.历史335336、after [ :ft ] prep.在…之后337、all [ :l] pron.全部,一切338、kind [kaind] n.种类339、activity [ k tiviti] n.活动340、farm [f :m] n.农场、usually [ ju: u li] adv.通常341342、meeting [ mi:ti ] n.会议343、report [ri p :t] n.报告344、film [film] n.电影345、dance [d :ns] n.舞会346、best [best] adj.最好的347、warm [w :m] adj.温暖348、sunny [ s ni] adj.阳光充足的,晴朗349、plan [pl n] vt.计划351、next [nekst] adj.下一个352、still [stil] adv.仍然353、harvest [ h :vist] n.收割354、soon [su:n] adv.不久、tell [tel] vt.告诉355356、about [ baut] prep.关于357、yours [j :z] pron.你的、weather [ we ] n.天气358359、like [laik] prep.像360、nice [nais] adj.美妙的,极好的361、rain [rein] n.& vi.下雨362、especially [is pe li] adv.特别地363、cold [k uld] adj.冷、seldom [ seld m] adv.不常,很少地364365、snow [sn u] n.& vi.雪,下雪366、know [n u] vt.认识,会(一种语言)、university [ ju:ni v :siti] n.大学367368、foreign [ f rin] adj.外国的369、language [ l gwid ] n.语言370、French [frent ] n.法语371、German [ d :m n] n.德语372、neighbourhood [ neib hud] n.邻里(总称)、service [ s :vis] n.服务373374、centre [ sent ] n.中心;中央375、look [luk] vi.看、man [m n] n.人;男人376377、mend [mend] vt.修补(一般用于衣服鞋袜)378、shoe [ u:] n.鞋379、counter [ kaunt ] n.柜台380、right [rait] n.右边381、woman [ wum n] n.妇女、women [ wimin] 妇女(复数)382383、show [ u] vt.指出;(拿出)…给别人看384、towel [ tau l] n.毛巾、soap [s up] n.肥皂(不可数名词)385386、see [si:] vt.看见,看到387、door [d :] n.门388、sew [s u] vi.缝389、by [bai] prep.在…旁390、make [meik] vt.做、shirt [ :t] n.衬衫391392、other [ ] pron.另外;其他393、pair [p ] n.双394、trousers [ trauz z] n.裤子395、a pair of trousers 一条裤子396、help [help] vt.帮助397、housework [ hausw :k] n.家务(不可数名词) 398、neighbour [ neib ] n.邻居399、way [wei] n.方法,方式;方面401、to play a part(in) (在…中)起作用(原义:扮演一个角色) 402、important [im p :t nt] adj.重要的403、people [ pi:pl] n.人;人们404、life [laif] n.生活;生命、Russian [ r n] n.,adj.俄语;俄语的405406、department [di p :tm nt] n.系407、computer [k m pju:t ] n.电子计算机、keen [ ki:n] a.喜爱408409、modern [ m d n] a.现代的410、once [w ns] adv.一次411、technique [tek ni:k] n.技术;技巧412、coat [k ut] n.大衣;男上装413、clothes [kl u z] n.衣服、skirt [sk :t] n.裙子414415、sock [s k] n.短袜416、park [p :k] n.公园、hundred [ h ndrid] num.一百417418、lake [leik] n.湖419、bench [bent ] n.长凳420、chat [t t] vi.谈天421、over [ uv ] adv.,prep.过去422、over there 在那边(较远处)、under [ nd ] prep.在…下面423424、huge [hju:d ] adj.巨大的425、pine [pain] n.松树、tree [tri:] n.树426427、group [gru:p] n.群,组428、boy [b i] n.男孩429、nearby [ ni bai] adv.附近430、chess [t es] n.棋431、go on 进行、between [bi twi:n] prep.在(二者)之间432433、watch [w t ] vt.&vi.观看434、white [wait] adj.白色的、hair [h ] n.头发435436、white-haired [ wait h d] adj.白发的437、granny [ gr ni] n.老太太438、knit [nit] vt.织(毛衣等)439、sun [s n] n.太阳440、sunshine [ s n ain] n.阳光(不可数名词)、grandchild [ gr nt ild] n.孙儿,孙女;外孙,外孙女441442、grass [gr :s] n.草;草地(不可数名词)443、far [f :] adv.远444、off [ :f] adv.在隔开一定距离的地方445、bus [b s] n.公共汽车446、bus-stop [ b s st p] n.公共汽车站447、hello [ h l u] interj.喂448、town [taun] n.市镇;市区449、exhibition [ eksi bi n] n.展览会451、outing [ auti ] n.游览,出游452、concert [ k ns t] n.音乐会453、come [k m] vi.来454、sure [ u ] adj.确定的,肯定的、ready [ redi] adj.准备好455456、announcement [ naunsm nt] n.通知457、few [fju:] pron.很少、a few 几个,几件458459、thing [ i ] n东西;事情460、tomorrow [t m r u] n.,adv.明天461、will [wil] aux.v.(助动词)462、current [ k r nt] adj.现时的463、affair [ f ] n.事务、current affairs 时事464465、daily [ deili] n.日报466、speak [spi:k] vt.&vi.讲,说话、situation [ sitju ei n] n.情况,形势467468、Africa [ frik ] n.非洲469、give [giv] vt.给470、slide [slaid] n.幻灯片471、show [ u] n.演示472、Japanese [ d p ni:z] adj.日本的、delegation [ deli gei n] n.代表团473474、visit [vizit] v.t参观,访问475、discuss [dis k s] vt.讨论、if [if] conj.如果476477、question [ kwest n] n.问题478、more [m :] adj.更多的;另加的479、one more thing 还有一件事480、team [ti:m] n.队481、match [m t ] n.比赛、basketball [ b :skitb :l] n.篮球482483、cheer [t i ] vt.&vi.欢呼;喝采484、That's all. 讲话结束时用语、today [t dei] n.& adv.今天485486、paragraph [ p r gr :f] n.段487、translate [tr ns leit] vt.翻译488、into [ int ] prep.进入;成为489、oral [ :r l] adj.口头的490、ask [ :sk] vt.问、each [i:t ] pron.每一个491492、each other [i:t ] 互相493、listening [ lisni ] n.听(录音)494、tonight [t nait] adv.今晚495、library [ laibr ri] n.图书馆496、door [d :] n.门497、big [big] adj.大的498、sign [sain] n.(在此处)布告499、smoke [sm uk] vi.吸烟501、hour [au ] n.小时502、through [ ru:] prep.(在此处)直到503、a.m. [ ei em] 上午504、p.m. [ pi: em] 下午、wait [weit] vi.等候505506、open [ up n] vi.开(放)507、unusual [ n ju: u l] adj.异常的、during [ dju ri ] prep.在…期间,在…的时间508509、examination [ig z mi nei n] n.考试510、week [wi:k] n.星期,周511、walk [w :k] vi.走,步行512、quietly [ kwai tli] adv.轻轻地513、always [ :lwiz] adv.总是,老是、quiet [ kwai t] adj.安静514515、even [ i:v n] adv.甚至516、busy [ bizi] adj.忙碌的、mustn't [ m snt] mod.&v.切勿517518、obey [ bei] vt.服从,遵守519、floor [fl :] n.地板520、rule [ru:l] n.规章,规则521、borrow [ b r u] vt.借(入)522、without [wi aut] prep.无,没有、card [k :d] n.卡片523524、library card 借书证525、sometimes [ s mtaimz] adv.有时候、want [w nt] v.要,想要526527、know [n u] v.知道,了解=600、call [k :l] n.叫,唤528、number [ n mb ] n.数字,号529530、call number 书号531、librarian [lai br ri n] n.图书馆管理员,馆长、glad [gl d] adj.高兴的,乐意的532533、cleaning [ kli:ni ] n.扫除534、clean [kli:n] vt.打扫,弄干净、job [d b] n.一件工作535536、to do a good job 把一件工作做好537、quickly [ kwikli] adv.快538、sweep [swi:p] vt.扫539、dust [d st] vt.掸去(灰尘)540、care [k ] n.照顾、to take care of 管;负责541542、radiator [ reidieit ] n.暖气片543、rather [ r : ] adv.相当地544、put [put] vt.放545、idea [ai di ] n.主意,意见546、author [ : ] n.作者547、story [ st :ri] n.故事548、novel [ n v l] n.长篇小说549、dictionary [ dik n ri] n.字典、reading-room n.阅览室550551、Florence Nightingale [ fl r ns naiti geil] 弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔552、rich [rit ] adj.富有的553、pretty [ priti] n.美丽的,好看的554、marry [ m ri] vt.&vi.结婚555、boring [ b :ri ] adj.使人厌倦的、accept [ k sept] vt.接受556557、decision [di si n] n.决定558、Germany [ d :m ni] n.德国、charge [t :d ] n.负责559560、in charge of 负责…561、Crimea [kri mi ] n.克里米亚(半岛)562、wounded [ wu:ndid] adj.受伤的563、soldier [ s uld ] n.士兵564、condition [k n di n] n.条件、terrible [ teribl] adj.可怕的565566、patient [ pei nt] n.病人567、fatal [ feitl] adj.致命的568、drain [drein] n.排水;排水设施569、insist [in sist] vt.&vi.坚持认为570、government [ g v nm nt] n.政府571、proper [ pr p ] adj.适当的,好的572、drainage [ dreinid ] n.排水;下水道573、system [ sistim] n.系统574、supply [s plai] vt.供给,提供575、pure [pju ] adj.纯净的,纯的576、drink [dri k] vt.&vi.喝;喝水577、death [de ] n.死亡、rate [reit] n.率,比率578579、drop [dr p] vt.降低,下降580、greet [gri:t] vt.接;欢迎581、heroine [ her uin] n.女英雄582、force [f :s] n.力量,推动力583、reform [ri f :m] vt.改革;革新584、unsafe [' n seif] adj.危险的,不安全的585、ignorant [ ign r nt] adj.无知的、test [test] n.测验586587、well [wel] adv.好、mistake [mis teik] n.错误588589、spelling [ speli ] n.拼法590、careful [ k ful] adj.细心;小心、enough [i n f] adj.,adv.足够591592、better [ bet ] adj.,adv.较好;更好593、than [ n, n] conj.比594、before [bi f :] adv.&conj.在…前;以前595、progress [ pr ugres] n.进步(不可数名词)596、to make progress 有进步,取得进步597、right [rait] adj.正确的598、handwriting [ h ndraiti ] n.书法599、poor [pu ] adj.差;贫穷的、attention [ ten n] n.注意(不可数名词) 600601、to pay attention(to) (给予)注意602、lady [ leidi] n.女士,夫人603、lord [l :d] n.勋爵;贵族604、beautiful [ bju:tiful] adj.美丽的605、wife [waif] n.夫人、Coventry [ k v ntri] n.考文垂(英国城市名) 606607、century [ sent uri] n.世纪;百年608、according [ k :di ] adj.依照(用于习语中)、according to 按着;根据…所说609610、legend [ led nd] n.传说611、tax [t ks] vt.对…征税;n.税612、heavily [ hevili] adv.繁重地613、unjustly [ n d stli] adv.不正当地614、cruel [kru l] adj.残忍的、throw [ r u] vt.投,投入,扔615616、prison [ prizn] n.监狱617、mercy [ m :si] n.怜悯618、stony [ st uni] adj.石头的619、stony-hearted 狠心的,铁石般心肠的620、pity [ piti] n.怜悯,同情621、merciful [ m :siful] adj.同情的622、jokingly [ d uki li] adv.开玩笑地623、ride [raid] vi.骑马624、naked [ neikid] adj.裸体的,光身的625、through [ ru:] prep.通过626、empty [ empti] adj.空的627、street [stri:t] n.街道、shutter [ t ] vt.关上628629、promise [ pr mis] n.诺言630、lighten [ laitn] vt.减轻…631、burden [ b :dn] n.负担632、lay [lei] vt.放;加…之上633、tailor [ teil ] n.裁缝634、cut [k t] vt.豁,挖635、hole [h ul] n.孔,洞、peep [pi:p] vt.&vi.偷看636637、blind [blaind] adj.瞎的,看不见的、citizen [ sitizn] n.市民638639、ill [il] adj.有病640、cold [k uld] n.伤风、clinic [ klinik] n.诊疗所;医务所641642、fever [ fi:v ] n.发烧643、medicine [ medisin] n.药644、feel [fi:l] vt.感觉645、temperature [ temp( )rit ] n.温度;体温646、headache [ hedeik] n.头痛647、worry [ w ri] vi.着急,担心648、catch [k t ] vt.抓住649、to catch up 赶上、harvesting [ ha:visti ] n.收割650651、diary [ dai ri] n.日记652、daybreak [ deibreik] n.黎明653、start for vi.动身(往…去)654、rice [rais] n.稻;米饭655、field [fi:ld] n.田野;田地、around [ raund] prep.,adv.在…周围656657、look [luk] vi.看起来658、golden [ g uld n] adj.金黄色的、sea [si:] n.海659660、so [s u] adv.这样地661、side [said] n.边662、side by side with 和…并肩663、slow [sl u] adj.慢的664、tie [tai] vt.捆、bundle [ b ndl] n.束,捆665666、fast [f :st] adv.快667、faster 更快668、fall [f :l] vi.落(fell)669、behind [bi haind] prep.,adv.在…后面670、fall behind 落在后面671、thought [ :t] n.想法672、mind [maind] n.脑子,心673、realize [ ri laiz] vt.意识到674、sickle [ sikl] n.镰刀675、wet [wet] adj.湿676、sweat [swet] n.汗677、face [feis] n.脸、smile [smail] n.笑,笑容678679、harvest [ h :vist] vt.收割680、mu [mu:] 亩681、altogether [ :lt ge ] adv.一共682、bad [b d] adj.坏的683、not bad 不坏,相当好684、certainly [ s :tnli] adv.肯定地685、bath [b : ] n.洗澡、take a bath 洗个澡686687、think [ i k] vt.认为 (thought)、had better 最好688689、minute [ minit, mai nju:t] n.分钟690、forget [f get] vt.忘记(过去式forgot) (反义词:remember) 、turn [t :n] vi.&vt.转动691692、turn off 关上(电灯,龙头等)693、hurry [ h ri] vi.赶快694、hurry up [ h ri p] 赶快695、back [b k] adv.回来696、turn on [t :n n] 开(电灯,龙头)697、light [lait] n.光;灯光698、tourism [ tu rizm] n.旅游,旅游业699、industry [ ind stri] n.工业、sell [sel] vt.卖,出售(sold,sold)700701、product [ pr d kt] n.产品702、own [ un] vt.拥有703、provide [pr vaid] vt.提供704、temporary [ temp r ri] adj.暂时的705、basis [ beisis] n.基础;根据、customer [ k st m ] n.顾客706707、such [s t ] pron.这样的…708、plane [plein] n.飞机、hotel [h u tel] 旅馆,饭店709710、chance [t :ns] n.机会711、beach [bi:t ] n.海滩712、trip [trip] n.旅行;旅途713、adventure [ d vent ] n.冒险714、camel [ k m l] n.骆驼、foot [fut] 脚(复数:feet)715716、development [di vel pm nt] n.发展717、transportation [ tr nsp : tei n] n.运输718、steamship [ sti:m ip] n.轮船719、recently [ ri:s ntli] adv.新近地;近来720、automobile [ :t m bi:l] 汽车721、travel [ tr vl] vi.旅行722、convenient [k n vi:nj nt] adj.方便的723、advertising [ dv :taizi ] n.广告业724、growth [gr u ] n.成长;发展725、agency [ eid nsi] n.旅行社726、attraction [ tr k n] n.吸引力727、area [ ri ] n.地区、airline [ lain] n.航空公司728729、fare [f ] n.费用;车费,730、reach [ri:t ] vt.到达731、communication [k mju:ni kei n] 通信732、means [mi:nz] (复)(常用作单数)工具;手段733、reserve [ri z :v] vt.预定734、pay [pei] vt.付,支付(paid,paid)735、credit [ kredit] n.信用、credit card 信用证(卡)736737、feature [ fi:t ] n.特征;特色、shopping [ pi ] n.买东西738739、centre [ sent ] n.中心740、buy [bai] vt.购买(bought,bought)、envelope [ envil up] n.信封741742、bottle [ b tl] n瓶743、ink [i k] n.墨水744、cent [sent] n.分(钱)745、run [r n] vi.跑(ran,run)746、run out of 用完747、bear [b ] n.熊748、together [t ge ] adv.一起749、forest [ f rist] n.森林、wild [waild] adj.野的750751、beast [bi:st] n.兽752、suddenly [ s dnli] adv.突然地753、at once [ t w ns] 立刻754、hide [haid] vt.&vi.躲藏(hid,hidden)755、himself [him self] pron.他自己、among [ m ] prep.在…中756757、leaf [li:f] n.树叶(复数:leaves)758、climb [klaim] vt.爬、throw [ r u] vt.投,抛掷 (threw,thrown)759760、to throw oneself on the groun 扑倒在地上761、ground [graund] n.地762、eye [ai] n.眼睛763、pretend [pri tend] vt.假装764、dead [ded] adj.死、sniff [snif] vi.闻,嗅765766、head [hed] n.头767、nose [n uz] n.鼻子768、mouth [mau ] n.嘴769、ear [i ] n.耳朵770、hold [h uld] vt.抓住,握住(held,held )771、breath [bre ] n.呼吸772、to hold one's breath 憋住气,屏息773、touch [t t ] vt.碰,触及774、safe [seif] adj.安全的775、trust [tr st] vt.信任776、moment [ m um nt] n.时刻777、difficult [ difik lt] adj.困难的(反义词:easy容易的) 、difficulty [ difik lti] n.困难778779、need [ni:d] n.,vt.需要780、indeed [in di:d] adv.确实地781、dining-room [ daini rum] n.食堂782、fish [fi ] n.鱼783、vegetable [ ved it bl] n.蔬菜784、egg [eg] n.蛋,鸡蛋785、soup [su:p] n.汤、steamed [sti:md] adj.蒸熟的786787、bread [bred] n.面包、steamed bread 馒头788789、noodle [ nu:dl] 面条790、dish [di ] n.碟子、bowl [b ul] n.碗791792、chopsticks [ t pstiks] n.筷子793、spoon [spu:n] n.汤匙794、food [fu:d] n.食物795、water [w :t ] n.水796、drink [dri k] vt.喝(drank,drunk)797、cup [k p] n.茶杯798、tea [ti:] n.茶799、meat [mi:t] n.肉、meal [mi:l] n.一顿饭(三餐的通称)800801、cook [kuk] n.炊事员802、quiet [ kwai t] adj.寂静的,安静的803、leafless [ li:flis] adj.没有叶子的804、snowfall [ sn uf :l] n.一场雪805、stray [strei] vi.偏离,离开、earnestly [ :nistli] adv.认真地806807、Warsaw [ w :s :] n.华沙(波兰首都)808、Poland [ p ul nd] n.波兰、conquer [ k k ] vt.征服809810、Russia [ r ] n.俄国;俄罗斯811、Russian [ r n] adj.俄罗斯的;俄语812、Tsar [za:, tsa:] n.沙皇813、allow [ lau] vt.允许814、Polish [ p uli ] adj.波兰的;波兰语、although [ :l' u] conj.尽管,虽然815816、spy [spai] n.密探,特务817、Manya Sklodovska [ ma:nja:skl d :vska:] (人名)玛妮雅·斯克洛道夫斯卡818、bright [brait] adj.聪明的,伶俐的819、faint [feint] adj.微弱的820、sound [saund] n.声音821、bell [bel] n.铃音822、fearfully [ fi fuli] adv.胆怯地823、signal [ sign l] n.信号824、ring [ri ] n.铃声;钟声825、grab [gr b] vt. (猛然)抓826、hide [haid] vt.藏(过去时hid)827、swiftly [ swiftli] adv.迅速地、sewing [ s ui ] n.缝纫,缝制物828829、material [m ti ri l] n.衣料;材料830、embroider [im br id ] vt.绣花831、square [skw ] n.方块832、cloth [kl ] n.布833、outer [ aut ] adj.外部的834、inspector [ins pekt ] adj.(在此处)督学835、private [ praivit] adj.私立的,私人的、tight-fitting [tait] adj.紧身的836837、uniform [ ju:nif :m] n.制服、Mademoiselle [ m d m zel] (法语)小姐838839、demand [di m :nd] vt.查问,要求840、fairy tale [ f ri teil] n.神话,童话、grunt [gr nt] n.哼声,咕哝声841842、approval [ pru:vl] n.同意,赞成843、rise [raiz] vi.站起来(过去时rose)844、recite [ri sait] vt.背诵845、the Lord's Prayer [ l :dz prei ] 主祷文846、order [ :d ] vt.命令847、show [ u] vt.显出,流露848、feeling [ fi:li ] n.感情849、imperial [im pi ri l] adj.帝国的,皇家的、ruler [ ru:l ] n.统治者850851、pale [peil] adj.(脸色)苍白852、patriot [ p tri t] n.爱国者853、agree [ gri:] vi.同意,赞同854、stir [st :] vi.骚动,轰动855、kiss [kis] vt.吻、populous [ p pjul s] adj.人口稠密的,人口众多的856857、continent [ k ntin nt] n.洲;大陆858、Asia [ ei ] n.亚洲、Asian [ ei n] n.亚洲人 adj.亚洲(人)的859860、America [ merik ] n.美洲861、North America 北美洲862、South America 南美洲863、American [ merik n] adj.美洲的864、Europe [ ju r p] n.欧洲、mass [m s] n.(聚成一体的)团、块、片865866、land mass 地块867、geographer [d i gr f ] n.地理学家868、regard [ri g :d] vt.认为869、peninsula [pi ninsjul ] n.半岛870、the Ural Mountains [ ju r l mauntinz] 乌拉尔山脉871、form [f :m] vt.组成;构成872、divide [di vaid] vt.划分;隔(分)开873、dividing line 分界线874、link [li k] vt.连结,连接875、exact [ig z kt] adj.确切的;准确的876、Alaska [ l sk ] n.阿拉斯加(美国一州,在北美洲的最北边) 877、connect [k nekt] vt.连结;连接、tip [tip] n.尖端;顶端878879、Siberia [sai bi ri ] n.西伯利亚880、American Indian 美洲印第安人881、bridge [brid ] n.桥梁882、land bridge 地峡883、settle [ setl] vi.(down)定居;安家884、canal [k n l] n.运河885、the Suez Canal [ sju(:)iz] 苏伊士运河、separate [ sep rit] vt.使分开(离)886887、peak [pi:k] n.山峰;最高点、the Himalaya Mountains [ him lei ] 喜马拉雅山脉888889、altitude [ ltitju:d] n.高度(尤指海拔)890、uncertain [ n s :t n] adj.变化无常的;不确定的、pride [praid] n.骄傲891892、religion [ri lid n] n.宗教893、originate [ rid ineit] vi.(from)起源于;发源于894、Buddhism [ budizm] n.佛教895、Christianity [ kristi niti] n.基督教896、Palestine [ p listain] n.巴勒斯坦897、Palestinian [ p les tini n] n.巴勒斯坦人898、Islam [ izl :m] n.伊斯兰教899、Arabia [ reibi ] n.阿拉伯半岛。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十九课》(一)课文:1)课文:NIGHTINGALEFlorence Nightingale came from a rich family and was very pretty. In her family, young girls usually spent their time going to parties until they married rich youngmen. But Florence found parties boring; she wanted to be a nurse. Finally, in 1850,when she was 30, her parents accepted her decision. So she went to study in ahospital in Germany. Then she was in charge of a nursing-home for women inLondon. Soon she was asked to go to the Crimea to take charge of the woundedsoldiers.The conditions in the Crimea hospital were terrible. Forty per cent of the patients died. Certain beds seemed fatal: soldiers died in them after two days.Nightingale decided that this was because of bad drains, and insisted that thegovernment do something about it. Workmen put in a proper drainage system andsupplied pure drinking water. The death rate dropped to two percent. On her returnto England people greeted Florence Nightingale as a heroine. She was an importantforce in the movement to reform hospitals and nursing in England. By 1900 unsafehospitals and ignorant nurses were things of the past.2)译文:南丁格尔弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔出身于一个富裕的家庭,非常漂亮。



许国璋英语第⼀册第⼆⼗⼀课(课⽂、对话、练习、答案)许国璋电视英语教学第⼀册《第⼆⼗⼀课》(⼀)课⽂:1)课⽂原⽂:A DAY OF HARVESTING( A Page from a student’s Diary)October 24.Today we began harvesting. We got up at daybreak, and after an early breakfast, we started off for the rice fields. We got there after half an hour’s walk.The fields around us looked like a golden sea. I have never seen anything so beautiful! We worked side by side with the farmers. At first some of us were ratherslow. The farmers showed us how to cut the rice and how to tie the bundles. Soonwe learned to work faster.We worked in three groups. “ Faster, faster! We mustn’t fall behind the others!”That was the thought in everybody’s mind.Evening came before we realize it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat. On every face there was a smile.We harvested thirty mu altogether. That was not bad for the first day. But tomorrow we shall certainly do better- much better.2)课⽂译⽂:收割的⼀⽇(学⽣⽇记⼀则)10⽉24⽇我们今天开始收割。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十五课》(一)课文:1)课文原文:A SERVICE CENTERLook at this service center. How busy everybody is!The man in the middle is mending shoes. At a counter on the right, a woman isshowing an old man a towel and some soap. We see a girl at the door. She is going tohousework for the families in neighborhood.Two women are sewing by the window. One of them is making a shirt and theother is making a pair of trousers.The workers at the service center help their neighbor in many ways. They play an important part in people’s life.(二)DIALGUE:(对话)1)原文:IN THE COMPUTER ROOM-Is this your school computer room? Who are these people?-They are students of the Russian department.-What are they doing?-They are learning to use computers.-Do you often work her?-Yes ,we work here once a week. We are all keen to learn modem techniques.(三)新单词:(四)译文:1)课文译文:服务中心瞧这家服务中心,大伙儿多忙呀!中间这位男子正在修鞋,靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第二十二课》(一)课文:1)新课文:TOURISMModern means of transportation, communication, advertising and credit have all played a part in the growth of a giant new industry, tourism. Tourism is a serviceindustry. It does not sell a product that you can own but provides services on atemporary basis. the customer gets such things as a seat on a plane, a room in ahotel, and a chance to sit on a beach in the sunshine.Until modern times, a trip was often a long and difficult adventure. People had to travel by horse or camel or on foot. The first development in moderntransportation was the steamship. More recently, automobiles and planes havemade travel both faster and more convenient.Advertising has played a large part in the growth of tourism, when hotels and travel agencies began to advertise the attractions of different tourist areas, theairlines and other transportation companies advertised the low fares to reach them.Modern means of communication have enabled the travelers to reserve a plane seator a hotel room from a long distance. And they can travel now and pay later by usingtheir credit cards. All these means have become one of the features of modern life.2)译文:旅游业现代交通、通信、广告以及信用手段对新兴的庞大的行业——旅游业的发展起到了作用。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十三课》(一)课文:1)课文原文:A DAY AT COLLEGEWang Qing gets up very early. He dresses, washes, and goes out to do exercises in the fresh morning air. Then he has breakfast.For most of the morning he attends lectures or practices his English. After class hereads in the library or reviews his lessons.Lunch is at twelve. After lunch Wang Qing takes a nap. In the afternoon he doeshis homework and reads the newspaper. Then he has an hour for sports. He runsround the track or plays ball games.After supper he often goes for a walk in the college gardens. Sometimes he listensto the English broadcast. He goes to bed at half past ten.2)新单词:3)课文译文:校园一日王清起得很早。











正文内容:1. 词汇学习1.1 丰富的词汇量:《许国璋英语1一4册》注重学生词汇的积累,通过课文、练习和词汇表等多种方式帮助学生掌握丰富的词汇量。

1.2 分级教学:该教材按照学生的英语水平进行分级,逐步引导学生学习更高难度的词汇,帮助学生逐步提高英语表达能力。

2. 语法学习2.1 清晰的语法解释:《许国璋英语1一4册》对英语语法知识进行了详细的解释和举例,帮助学生理解和掌握各种语法规则。

2.2 练习与应用:教材提供了大量的语法练习题和实际应用场景,帮助学生巩固所学语法知识,并能够在实际交流中准确运用。

3. 听力训练3.1 多样化的听力材料:《许国璋英语1一4册》提供了丰富的听力材料,包括对话、短文、新闻等,帮助学生提高听力理解能力。

3.2 听力技巧指导:教材中还提供了一些听力技巧和策略,帮助学生更好地理解听力内容,提高听力效果。

4. 口语表达4.1 实用的口语表达:教材注重培养学生的口语交际能力,提供了大量实用的口语表达,帮助学生在日常生活和学习中更自如地运用英语进行交流。

4.2 对话和角色扮演:教材通过对话和角色扮演的方式,激发学生的兴趣,提高他们的口语表达能力。

5. 阅读理解5.1 多样的阅读材料:教材中提供了各种各样的阅读材料,包括文章、故事、新闻等,帮助学生提高阅读理解能力。

5.2 阅读技巧训练:教材还注重培养学生的阅读技巧,通过练习题和指导,帮助学生提高阅读速度和准确性。






许国璋英语第一册第 1 页pens n. 钢笔(复数) map n. 地图maps 地图(复数) peasant n. 农民peasants 农民(复数) spade n. 锹spades 锹(复数)this pron.&adj.这,这个is v.是that a.那 pron.那 ad.那样pencil n.铅笔desk n. 书桌table n. 桌子pick n. 镐yes adv. 是的it pron. 它green adj. 绿的red adj. 红的no adv. 不,不是的isn't 不是these pron. 这些are v. 是they pron. 它们aren't 不是those pron. 那些knife n. 刀子knives 刀子(复数) what pron. 什么book n. 书notebook n. 笔记本i pron. 我am v. 是student n. 学生you pron. 你;你们teacher n. 教员he pron. 他she pron. 她doctor n. 医生nurse n. 护士;保育员we pron. 我们good adj. 好morning n. 早晨;上午afternoon n. 下午evening n. 晚上night n. 夜间good-bye 再见open vt. 打开your pron. 你的;你们的close vt. 关上read vt. & vi. 读,念the art. (定冠词)text n. 课文write vi. & vt. 写down adv. 下来sentence n. 句子let's 让我们our pron. 我们的an art. (不定冠词,在元音前)english n. 英语lesson n. 课monitor n. 班长stand vi. 站,立up adv. 起来comrade n. 同志sit vi. 坐please 请now adv. 现在have vt. 有,做(某事) dictation n. 听写any pron. 一些,任何brother n. 兄弟two num. 二sister n. 姐妹haven't 没有has v. 有and conj. 和three num. 三but conj. 但children n. 小孩;子女(复数)child n. 小孩(单数) son n. 儿子daughter n. 女儿my pron. 我的home n. 家in prep. 在…father n. 父亲teach v. 教;教育mother n. 母亲also adv. 也;同样work v. 工作nursery n. 托儿所physics n. 物理学sing v. 唱speak v. 说clearly adv. 清楚地eighteen num. 十八eleven num. 十一seven num. 七school n. 学校first num. 第一year n. 年at prep. 在… college n. 学院very adv. 非常hard adv. 努力地like v. 喜爱subject n. 学科classroom n. 教室blackboard n. 黑板door n. 门four num. 四chair n. 椅子some pron. 一些picture n. 图画wall n. 墙slogan n. 标语near prep. 靠近window n. 窗户clock n. 钟many pron. 很多room n. 房间six num. 六class n. 班grade n. 级five num. 五big adj. 大的fifteen num. 十五among prep. 在…当中them pron. 他们,它们(宾格)party n. 党(大写中国共产党)member n. 成员eight num. 八league n. 团(大写指共青团)secretary n. 书记help v. 帮助each other 互相how adv. 怎样how many 多少who pron. 谁name n. 名字,姓名old 老how old is he? 他多少岁了?twenty num. 二十where adv. 什么地方to be from... 来自;生长于,出身于classmate n. 同班同学nineteen num. 十九worker's 工人的family n. 家庭,家里人studies v. 学习(第三人称单数)everybody pron. 每个人,大家says v. 说(第三人称单数) time n. 时间o'clock 点钟quarter n. 一刻钟past prep. 过half n. 半twenty to seven 七点差二十分when adv. 什么时候do (助动词)get up v. 起床at six 在六点钟breakfast n. 早饭lunch n. 午饭supper n. 晚饭go v. 去go to bed 去睡觉,就寝to prep. 到dialogue n. 对话every pron. 每个day n. 一天,日子week n. 星期well int. 嗯(表示犹豫) most pron. 大多数of prep. (表所属关系) tuesday n. 星期二sunday n. 星期日monday n. 星期一wednesday n. 星期三thursday n. 星期四friday n. 星期五,181 saturday n. 星期六homework n. 家庭作业copy v. 抄写spelling n. 拼写exercise n. 练习;锻炼review v. 复习grammar n. 语法whole adj. 全部,整个spring n. 春天gay adj. 欢乐with prep. 带着;由于(有了)flower n. 花song n. 歌summer n. 夏天hot adj. 热long adj. 长autumn n. 秋天rich adj. 丰富;富有fruit n. 水果grain n. 谷物,五谷winter n. 冬天brings v. 带来(第三人称单数)snow n. 雪new adj. 新again adv. 又,再season n. 季节month n. 月january n. 一月february n. 二月march n. 三月april n. 四月may n. 五月june n. 六月july n. 七月august n. 八月september n. 九月october n. 十月november n. 十一月december n. 十二月make v. 组成north adj. 北方的,北pole n. 极the north pole 北极for prep. (时间延续)长达more adj. 更多的than prep. 比…can't v. & aux. 不能sun n. 太阳even adv. 甚至noon n. 中午,正午at noon 在中午时never adv. 永不,从不set v. (日,月等)落tropics n. 热带rainy adj. 多雨的dry adj. 干的,旱的early adv. & adj. 早dress vi. 穿衣wash vt. & vi. 洗out adv. 往外fresh adj. 新鲜的air n. 空气then adv. 然后attend vt. 出席,参加lecture n. 讲演课,讲演practise vt. 练习after prep. 在…之后library n. 图书馆take vt. 拿,取rest n. 休息short adj. 短的newspaper n. 报纸hour n. 小时sport n. 运动run vi. 跑round prep. 围绕,在… 周围track n. 跑道play vt. 玩;打(球) ball n. 球game n. 游戏;球赛play ball games 打球often adv. 时常,常常walk vi. & n. 走路;散步go for a walk 散步garden n. 花园sometimes adv. 有时listen vi. 听broadcast n. 广播prepare vt. 准备oh interj. 啊steel works n. 钢铁厂there adv. 那里elder adj. 年长的army n. 军队young adj. 年轻的younger 较年轻的middle adj. & n. 中等;中间hospital n. 医院husband n. 丈夫wife n. 妻子factory n. 工厂parents n. 双亲pioneer n. 少先队员institute n. 学院letter n. 信friend n. 朋友,287 dear adj. 亲爱的fly vi. 飞already adv. 已经seventh num. 第七busy adj. 忙life n. 生活here adv. 这儿interesting adj. 有趣,有意思,295so adv. 如此地thing n. 东西learn vi. 学习much adv. 非常chinese n. adj. 汉语;中国的history n. 历史communist adj. 共产主义的all pron. 全部,一切kind n. 种类activity n. 活动farm n. 农场usually adv. 通常meeting n. 会议report n. 报告film n. 电影dance n. 舞会best adj. 最好的warm adj. 温暖sunny adj. 阳光充足的;晴朗plan vt. 计划outing n. 郊游next adj. 下一个still adv. 仍然harvest n. 收割soon adv. 不久tell vt. 告诉about prep. 关于commune n. 公社yours pron. 你的weather n. 天气town n. 城,镇home town n. 家乡(指城镇)nice adj. 美妙的,极好的rain vi. 下雨especially adv. 特别地cold adj. 冷seldom adv. 不常,很少地know vt. 认识,会(语言) university n. 大学foreign adj. 外国的,335language n. 语言french n. 法语german n. 德语neighborhood n. 邻里(总称)service n. 服务centre n. 中心;中央look vi. 看man n. 人;男人mend vt. 修补(衣服等) shoe n. 鞋counter n. 柜台right n. 右边woman n. 妇女women n. 妇女(复数) show vt. 指出…给旁人看towel n. 毛巾soap n. 肥皂(不可数名词) see vt. 看见,看到sew vi. 缝by prep. 在…旁shirt n. 衬衫other pron. 另外;其他patch vt. 补pair n. 双trousers n. 裤子a pair of trousers 一条裤子housework n. 家务(不可数名词)neighbor n. 邻居way n. 方法,方式;方面to play a part (在… 中)起作用important adj. 重要的socialist adj. 社会主义的construction n. 建设(不可数名词)russian n. & adj. 俄语;俄语的department n. 系plant vt. 种cabbage n. 洋白菜,甘蓝active adj. 积极的once adv. 一次physical adj. 体力的labour n. 劳动(不可数名词)coat n. 大衣;男上装clothes n. 衣服skirt n. 裙子sock n. 短袜park n. 公园hundred num. 一百lake n. 湖bench n. 长凳chat vi. 谈天over adv. & prep. 过去under prep. 在…下面huge adj. 巨大的pine n. 松树tree n. 树group n. 群,组boy n. 男孩nearby adv. 附近chess n. 棋go on 进行between prep. 在(二者) 之间watch vt. & vi. 观看white adj. 白发的hair n. 头发white-haired adj. 白发的knit vt. 织(毛线等) sunshine n. 阳光(不可数名词)grandchild n. 孙儿,孙女;外孙grass n. 草;草地far adv. 远off adv. 在隔一距离的地方bus n. 公共汽车bus-stop n. 公共汽车站hello interj. 喂exhibition n. 展览会fine adj. 好的concert n. 音乐会come vi. 来sure adj. 确定的,肯定的ready adj. 准备好,415 announcement n. 通知few pron. 很少a few 几个,几件tomorrow n. & adv. 明天will aux. & v. 将current adj. 现时的affair n. 事务daily n. 日报situation n. 情况,形势africa n. 非洲shall aux. & v. 将discuss vt. 讨论political adj. 政治的essay n. 论文;短论practice n. 实践;练习note n. 笔记,便条while conj. 当…时if conj. 如果question n. 问题slip n. 小片,纸片paper n. 纸a slip of paper 一个纸条hand vt. 交,递hand in 交来,呈交before prep. & conj. 在…前answer vt. 回答one more thing 还有一件事team n. 队match n. 比赛basketball n. 篮球cheer vt. & vi. 欢呼;喝采that's all. (讲话结束时用语)完了today n. & adv. 今天paragraph n. 段translate vt. 翻译into prep. 进入;成为oral adj. 口头的ask vt. 问each pron. 每一个listening n. 听(录音) tonight adv. 今晚sign n. (在此处)布告smoke vi. 吸烟litter v. 乱丢废物through prep. 直到a.m 上午p.m. 下午wait for vi. 等候unusual adj. 异常的during prep. 在…期间examination n. 考试quietly adv. 轻轻地always adv. 总是,老是quiet adj. 安静mustn't mod. & v. 切勿obey vt. 服从,遵守floor n. 地板rule n. 规章,规则borrow vt. 借(入) without prep. 无,没有card n. 卡片library card 借书证want v. 要,想要call n. 叫,唤number n. 数字,号call number 书号librarian n. 图书馆管理员,馆长glad adj. 高兴的,乐意的cleaning n. 扫除clean vt. 打扫,弄干净job n. 一件工作to do a good job 把一件工作做好quickly adv. 快sweep vt. 扫dust vt. 掸去(灰尘) care n. 照顾to take care of 管; 负责radiator n. 暖气片rather adv. 相当地put vt. 放idea n. 主意,意见author n. 作者story n. 故事novel n. 长篇小说dictionary n. 字典reading-room n. 阅览室as conj. 如,象yesterday n. & adv. 昨天revolution n. 革命great adj. 伟大的,大的revolutionary adj. 革命的leader n. 领袖;领导人the working class 工人阶级inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的born 出生be born 出生movement n. 运动simply adv. 简单地;朴素地useful adj. 有用的weapon n. 武器struggle n. 斗争deal n. 数量a great deal 大量,很多full adj. 完全的;充满的carefully adv. 仔细地leave vt. & vi. 留下;离开talk vi. & n. 谈话love vt. 爱example n. 榜样,范例test n. 测验mistake n. 错误careful adj. 细心;小心enough adj. & adv. 足够better adj. & adv. 较好;更好progress n. 进步(不可数名词)to make progress 有进步,取得进步handwriting n. 书法poor adj. 差attention n. 注意(不可数名词)to pay attention (给予)注意cock n. 公鸡crow vt. 啼叫midnight n. 午夜,半夜landlord n. 地主sly adj. 狡猾的greedy adj. 贪婪的farmhand n. 长工,雇工eat vt. 吃naturally adv. 自然地hate vt. 恨strange adj. 奇怪的habit n. 习惯dawn n. 黎明every time 每一次,每当lazy-bones n. 懒骨头deep adj. 深hatred n. 恨both pron. 两者both...and... 既…又…steal vt. & vi. 偷;偷入courtyard n. 院子just adv. 正好,刚刚trick n. 诡计angry adj. 生气,愤怒decide vt. 决定cry vt. 叫,喊stop vi. & vt. 停止,止住thief n. 贼immediately adv. 立刻,马上knock vt. 敲,打beat vt. 打beating n. 打no longer 不再ill adj. 有病clinic n. 诊疗所;医务所fever n. 发烧medicine n. 药feel vi. 感觉temperature n. 温度;体温headache n. 头痛worry vi. 着急,担心catch vt. 抓住to catch up 赶上harvesting n. 收割diary n. 日记daybreak n. 黎明start vi. 动身(往…去) rice n. 稻;米饭field n. 田野;田地around prep. & adv. 在…周围golden adj. 金黄色的sea n. 海beautiful adj. 美丽的side n. 边side by side with 和…并肩slow adj. 慢的cut vt. 割tie vt. 捆bundle n. 束,捆fast adv. 快faster 更快fall vi. 落behind prep. & adv. 在…后面fall behind 落在后面thought n. 想法mind n. 脑子,心realize vt. 意识到sickle n. 镰刀,603 wet adj. 湿sweat n. 汗face n. 脸smile n. 笑,笑容mu n. 亩altogether adv. 一共bad adj. 坏not bad 不坏,相当好certainly adv. 肯定地bath n. 洗澡take a bath 洗个澡think vt. 认为had better 最好hurry vi. 赶快hurry up 赶快back adv. 回来minute n. 分钟forget vt. 忘记turn vi. & vt. 转动to turn off 关上(电灯,龙头等)to turn on 开(电灯,龙头等)light n. 光;灯光village n. 村子plough vt. 翻耕tool n. 工具wheat n. 麦子place n. 地方beside prep. 在…旁边wide adj. 宽阔的river n. 江,河foot n. 脚at the foot of 在…脚下low adj. 低矮的hill n. 山building n. 楼房,建筑物street n. 街everywhere adv. 到处sad adj. 可悲的,阴郁的dirty adj. 肮脏的merchant n. 商人house n. 房屋dark adj. 阴暗的,645 unhealthy adj. 不卫生的hut n. 小茅屋narrow adj. 狭窄的muddy adj. 泥泞的nearly adv. 几乎change vi. & vt. 改变since prep. 自从lead vt. 领导rid vt. 使…去掉mud n. 烂泥dirt n. 污物theater n. 戏院shop n. 商店flat n. 一套住房assembly hall n. 礼堂,大会堂along prep. 沿(河,路等)build vt. 建造;建设office n. 办公室,办公楼hotel n. 旅馆tall adj. 高chimney n. 烟囱spring up 跃起;(引伸为)出现steamer n. 汽船busily adv. 忙碌地product n. 产品industry n. 工业province n. 省too adv. 也healthy adj. 健康的go all out 鼓足干劲socialism n. 社会主义shopping n. 买东西co-op n. 合作社buy vt. 购买envelope n. 信封bottle n. 瓶ink n. 墨水cent n. 分(钱)run out of 用完bear n. 熊travel vi. 旅行together adv. 一起forest n. 森林wild adj. 野的beast n. 兽suddenly adv. 突然at once 立刻hide vt. & vi. 躲藏himself pron. 他自己leaf n. 树叶climb vt. 爬throw vt. 投,抛掷ground n. 地eye n. 眼睛pretend vt. 假装dead adj. 死许国璋英语第一册第 6 页sniff vi. 闻,嗅head n. 头nose n. 鼻子mouth n. 嘴ear n. 耳朵hold vt. 抓住,握住breath n. 呼吸to hold one's breath 憋住气,屏气touch vt. 碰,触及safe adj. 安全的trust vt. 信任,712 moment n. 时刻difficult adj. 困难的difficulty n. 困难need n. & vt. 需要indeed adv. 确实地dining-room n. 食堂fish n. 鱼vegetable n. 蔬菜egg n. 蛋,鸡蛋soup n. 汤steamed adj. 蒸熟的bread n. 面包steamed bread 馒头noodle n. 面条dish n. 碟子bowl n. 碗chopsticks n. 筷子spoon n. 汤匙food n. 食物water n. 水drink vt. 喝cup n. 茶杯tea n. 茶meat n. 肉meal n. 一顿饭(三餐的通称)cook n. 炊事员,738 leafless adj. 没有叶子的snowfall n. 一场雪stray vi. 偏离,离开earnestly adv. 认真地warsaw n. 华沙(波兰首都)poland n. 波兰conquer vt. 征服russia n. 俄国;俄罗斯tsar n. 沙皇allow vt. 允许polish adj. 波兰的;波兰语pupil n. 小学生although conj. 尽管,虽然spy n. 密探,特务bright adj. 聪明的,伶俐的faint adj. 微弱的sound n. 声音bell n. 铃声fearfully adv. 胆怯地signal n. 信号ring n. 铃声,钟声grab vt. (猛然)抓swiftly adv. 迅速地sewing n. 缝纫,缝制物materials n. 衣料,材料embroider vt. 绣花square n. 方块cloth n. 布outer adj. 外部的inspector n. 督学;检查员charge n. 负责;责任private adj. 私立的,私人的tight-fitting adj. 紧身的uniform n. 制报mademoiselle (法语)小姐demand vt. 查问,要求fairy tale n. 神话,童话grunt n. 哼声,咕哝声approval n. 同意,赞成rise vi. 站起来recite vt. 背诵the lord's prayer 主祷文order vt. 命令feelings n. 感情imperial adj. 帝国的,皇家的ruler n. 统治者pale adj. (脸色)苍白patriot n. 爱国者agree vi. 同意,赞同stir vi. 骚动,轰动kiss vt. 吻pen n. 钢笔。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第二十三课》(一)课文:1)课文:TOW FRIENDS AND THE BEARTwo friends were travelling together through a forest. One of them said. “ If we meet any wild beasts. I’ll help you and you’ll help me”“ That’s fine.” Said his friend,and they walked on.Suddenly a big bear ran out from behind a tree. The man who said he would help his friend at once got up a tree and hid himself among the leaves. The other mancould not climb trees. So he threw himself on the ground, closed his eyes andpretended to be dead.The bear came up and sniffed at the man’s head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. The man held his breath. The bear thought he was dead and walkedaway, for bears never touch dead men.When the bear was gone, and all was safe, the man in the tree came down. Witha smile, he asked his friend, “ What did the bear tell you when he put his nose soclose to your ears?”“Well,” said his friend, “ the bear said,’Don’t trust those who leave their friends the moment they get into difficulty!”2)译文:两个朋友和熊两个朋友在一道旅行,穿过一座森林。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十六课》(一)课文:1)课文原文:SUNDAY IN THE PARKIt is Sunday. There are hundreds and hundreds of people in the park. Some are walking by the lake. Others are sitting on the benches and chatting. Over there,under a huge pine tree, a group of boys and girls are playing games. Nearby, aninteresting game of chess is going on between two old men. Some people arewatching.Near a flower garden, two white-haired grannies are knitting in the sunshine.Their grandchildren are playing on the grass. Not far off, some students are singingand dancing.It is Sunday in the park. Everybody is having a good time after a week of work and study.2)译文:服务中心瞧这家服务中心,大伙儿多忙呀!中间这位男子正在修鞋,靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。




3)课堂笔记:1.表示很多:(注意要加S)Hundreds and hundreds of 成百的Hundreds and thousands of 成百上千Millions of成千上万2.Over there表示有一定距离Look at the building over there.Come over here. (到这儿来)。



第 18 页,共 32 页
单词 turn turn off hurry up back turn on light industry sell product own provide temporary basis customer such plane hotel chance beach trip adventure camel foot development transportation steamship recently automobile travel convenient advertising growth agency attraction area 音标 词性 词义 词组
第 14 页,共 32 页
单词 job to do a good job sweep dust care to take care of rather put idea author story novel dictionary reading-room rich pretty marry boring accept decision Germany charge in charge of wounded soldier condition terrible patient fatal drain insist government proper drainage system 音标 词性 词义 词组
单词 pen pens map maps pet pets spade spades letter letters is that Is this...? desk table disc tape it green red pick no isn't these are they aren't those knife knives book notebook I am student 音标 词性 词义 词组



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十八课》(一)课文:1)课文原文:THE LIBRARYOn our library door are two big signs:No SmokingNo litteringLibrary HoursMonday through Friday: 8 a.m. – 10 p. m.Saturday: 8 a.m. – 6 p. m.Sunday: 2 p. m. – 10 p. mIt is Monday. It is 8 o’clock. Many students are waiting for the library to open.This is not unusual during the examination week. Now the doors are open. Thestudents walk in quietly. The library is always quiet even on very busy days.You are here in the library. You must obey library rules. You mustn’t smoke. You mustn’t litter the floor.You can borrow books from the library, but you can’t borrow one without a library card.Sometimes you may want to borrow a book but you don’t know its call number.You may ask the librarian to help you. He will be glad to help.2)译文:图书馆图书馆门口有两张布告:禁止吸烟禁止乱扔废物图书馆开放时间星期一至星期五上午8点-晚上10点星期六上午8点-下午6点星期日下午2点-晚上10点今天星期一,现在是8点钟。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十四课》(一)课文:1) 课文原文:A LETTER TO A FRIENDBeijingOctober 21, 1961Dear Li Ying,How time flies! This is already my seventh week at college. We are very busy here and life is very interesting. There are so many new things to learn. We have English lessons every day and I like them very much. We also study Chinese and World History.After class we have all kinds of activities. Sometimes we work on the college farm. On Saturday afternoon we usually have our class meeting. Sometimes we listen to a report. On Saturday evening there is a film or a dance.Autumn is the best season in Beijing. The days are warm and sunny. We are planning an outing for next Sunday.How are you? Are you still busy with the harvest? Please write to me soon and tell me about your life as a teacher.Yours ever,Wu Ming2) 课文译文:给朋友的信北京1961年10月21日亲爱的李颖,时间过得真快!这已经是我上大学的第七周了。

许国璋电视英语第一册 单词

许国璋电视英语第一册 单词

、a [ei, ] 一个12、pen [pen] 钢笔3、pens [penz] 钢笔(复数)4、map [m p] 地图5、maps [m ps] 地图(复数)6、pet [pet] 宠物、pets [pets] 宠物(复数)78、spade [speid] 锹9、spades [speidz] 锹(复数)、letter [ let ] 信1011、letters [ let z] 信(复数)12、this [ is] 这个13、is [iz] 是14、that [ t] 那个15、Is this...? 这是不是…?、Is that...? 那是不是…?1617、pencil [ pensl] 铅笔18、desk [desk] 书桌19、table [ teibl] 桌子20、disc [disk] (激光)唱片21、tape [teip] 磁带,录音带22、yes [jes] 是的23、it [it] 它24、green [gri:n] 绿的25、red [red] 红的26、pick [pik] 镐27、no [n u] 不,不是的28、isn't [ iznt] (=is not)不是、these [ i:z] 这些2930、are [ :, ] 是31、they [ ei] 它们32、aren't [ :nt] ( are not)不是33、those [ uz] 那些34、knife [naif] 刀子35、knives [naivz] 刀子(复数)36、what [w t] 什么、book [buk] 书3738、notebook [ n utbuk] 笔记本、I [ai] 我3940、am [ m, m] 是41、student [ stju:d nt] 学生、you [ju:] 你;你们4243、teacher [ ti:t ] 教员44、he [hi:] 他45、she [ i:] 她46、farmer [ f :m ] 农民47、doctor [ d kt ] 医生48、nurse [n :s] 护士;保育员49、we [wi:] 我们50、good morning (午前的问候语)、good [gud] 好5152、morning [ m :ni ] 早晨;上午53、good afternoon 午后的问候语54、afternoon [ :ft nu:n] 下午55、good evening 晚上的问候语56、evening [ i:vni ] 晚上、good night [gud nait] 晚上分手时的告别语5758、night [nait] 夜间59、good-bye [ gud bai] 再见、open [ up n] 打开6061、your [j :] 你的;你们的62、close [kl uz] 关上63、read [ri:d] 读,念64、please [pli:z] 请65、the [ , i] 定冠词、text [tekst] 课文6667、write [rait] 写68、down [daun] 下来69、sentence [ sent ns] 句子70、let's [lets] (=let us)让我们71、our [ au ] 我们的72、an [ n, n] 不定冠词,用在读音以元音开头的词前面73、English [ i gli ] 英语74、lesson [ lesn] 课75、everybody [ evrib di, evrib di] (代)大家;每人76、now [nau] 现在(此处用作语气词)77、have [h v] 有;做(某事)78、dictation [dik tei n] 听写、any [ eni] (代)一些;任何7980、brother [ br ] (名)兄弟81、two [tu:] (数)二82、sister [ sist ] (名)姐妹83、haven't [ h vnt] ( have not)没有84、has [h z,h z] (动)有85、Jane [d ein] 简(女子名)86、and [ nd, nd] (连)和、three [ ri:] (数)三8788、but [b t,b t] (连)但、no [n u] (代)没有8990、Jackson [ d ksn] (姓)91、the Jacksons 杰克逊夫妇、children [ t ildr n] (名)小孩;子女(复数)9293、child [t aild] (名)小孩(单数)94、son [s n] (名)儿子95、daughter [ d :t ] (名)女儿96、my [mai] (代)我的97、home [h um] (名)家98、in [in] (介)在…99、Shanghai [ hai] 上海100、father [ f : ] (名)父亲、teacher [ ti:t ] (名)教师101102、teach [ti:t ] (动)教;教育103、mother [ m ] (名)母亲104、also [ :ls u] (副)也;同样105、work [w :k] (动)工作106、nursery [ n :sri] (名)托儿所、physics [ fiziks] (名)物理学107108、sing [si ] (动)唱109、speak [spi:k] (动)说、clearly [ kli li] (副)清楚地110111、eighteen [ ei ti:n] (数)十八112、eleven [i levn] (数)十一113、seven [ sevn] (数)七114、school [sku:l] (名)学校115、first [f :st] (数)第一、year [j :] (名)年116117、at [ t, t] (介)在…118、college [ k lid ] (名)学院119、very [ veri] (副)非常120、hard [h :d] (副)努力地121、like [laik] (动)喜爱122、subject [ s bd ikt] (名)学科123、classroom [ kl :srum] (名)教室124、there [ ] 在那里125、there is 那儿有126、blackboard [ bl kb :d] (名)黑板127、door [d :] (名)门128、four [f :] (数)四、chair [t ] (名)椅子129130、some [s m,s m] (代)一些131、picture [ pikt ] (名)图画132、wall [w :l] (名)墙133、near [ni ] (介)靠近134、window [ wind u] (名)窗户135、clock [kl k] (名)钟136、many [ meni] (代)很多、room [rum] (名)房间137138、six [siks] (数)六、class [kl :s] (名)班139140、grade [greid] (名)级141、five [faiv] (数)五、big [big] (形)大的142143、fifteen [ fif ti:n] (数)十五144、among [ m ] (介)在…当中145、seven [ sevn] (数)七146、them [ em, m] (代)(they的宾格)他们,它们147、boy [b i] (名)男孩148、girl [g :l] (名)女孩149、eight [eit] (数)八150、monitor [ m nit ] (名)班长、from [fr m] (介)从…来;是…的人151152、help [help] (动)帮助153、each other [ i:t ] 互相154、how [hau] (副)怎样155、how many [ hau meni] 多少156、who [hu:] (代)谁、name [neim] (名)名字,姓名157158、old [ uld] (形)老159、How old is he? 他多大年纪了?、twenty ['twenti] (数)二十160161、where [w ] (副)什么地方162、to be from... 来自;生长于,出身于163、classmate [ kl :smeit] (名)同班同学164、Sally [ s li] (女子名)165、nineteen ['nain ti:n] (数)十九、New York [ nju: j :k] (名)纽约166167、Chinese [ t ai ni:z] (名)汉语,中国话168、studies [ st diz] (动)(study的第三人称单数形式)学习169、singing [ si i ] (名)唱歌170、dancing [ da:nsi ] (名)跳舞,舞蹈171、sports [ sp :ts] (名)运动、体育运动172、says [sez] (动)(say[sei] 的第三人称单数形式)说173、time [taim] (名)时间174、o'clock [ kl k] 点钟175、quarter [ kw :t ] (名)一刻钟176、past [p :st] (介)过177、half [h :f] (名)半;半小时178、twenty to seven 七点差二十分,六点四十分、when [wen] (副)什么时候179180、do [du:,du] (助动词)181、get up [get p] (动)起床182、day [dei] (名)一天;日子183、week [wi:k] (名)星期184、well [wel] (感)嗯(表示犹豫)185、at six 在六点钟186、breakfast [ brekf st] (名)早饭、lunch [l nt ] (名)午饭187188、supper [ s p ] (名)晚饭、go [g u] (动)去189190、go to bed 去睡觉,就寝191、to [tu:, t ] (介)到、dialogue [ dai l g] (名)对话192193、class [kl :s] (名)一堂课194、every [ evri] (代)每个195、most [m ust] (代)大多数196、of [ v] (介)(表所属关系)197、Tuesday [ tju:zdi] (名)星期二198、Sunday [ s ndi] (名)星期日199、Monday [ m ndi] (名)星期一200、Wednesday [ wenzdi] (名)星期三、Thursday [ :zdi] (名)星期四201202、Friday [ fraidi] (名)星期五203、Saturday [ s t di] (名)星期六204、do [du:] (动)做205、homework [ h umw :k] (名)家庭作业206、copy [ k pi] (动)抄写、spelling [ speli ] (名)拼写207208、exercise [ eks saiz] (名)练习;锻炼209、review [ri vju:] (动)复习、grammar [ gr m ] (名)语法210211、whole [h ul] (形)全部,整个212、spring [spri ] (名)春天213、gay [gei] (形)欢乐的214、with [wi ] (介)带着;由于(有了)215、flower [ flau ] (名)花、song [s ] (名)歌216217、summer [ s m ] (名)夏天218、hot [h t] (形)热219、long [l ] (形)长220、autumn [ :t m] (名)秋天221、rich [rit ] (形)丰富;富有222、fruit [fru:t] (名)水果223、grain [grein] (名)谷物,五谷224、winter [ wint ] (名)冬天225、brings [bri z] (动)(bring的单数第三人称形式)带来226、snow [sn u] (名)雪227、new [nju:] (形)新228、year [j :] (名)年、again [ gen] (副)又,再229230、season [ si:zn] (名)季节231、month [m n ] (名)月232、January [ d nju ri] (名)一月233、February [ febru ri] (名)二月234、March [m :t ] (名)三月235、April [ eipr l] (名)四月236、May [mei] (名)五月、June [d u:n] (名)六月237238、July [d u lai] (名)七月、August [ :g st] (名)八月239240、September [s p temb ] (名)九月241、October [ k t ub ] (名)十月、November [n u vemb ] (名)十一月242243、December [di semb ] (名)十二月244、make [meik] (动)组成245、four [f :] (数)四246、near [ni ] (介)靠近247、north [n : ] (形)北方的,北部的248、pole [p ul] (名)极249、the North Pole 北极250、night [nait] (名)夜、for [f :,f ] (介)(表示时间延续)长达251252、more [m :] (形)更多的253、than [ n, n] (介)比…254、can't [k :nt] cannot(助)不能255、sun [s n] (名)太阳256、even [ i:v n] (副)甚至、noon [nu:n] (名)中午,正午257258、at noon 在中午时259、never [ nev ] (副)永不,从不、set [set] (动)(日,月等)落260261、tropics [ tr piks] (名)热带262、rainy [ reini] (形)多雨的263、rainy season 雨季264、dry [drai] (形)干的;旱的265、dry season 旱季、college [ k lid ] n.大学;学院266267、early [ :li] adv.& adj.早268、dress [dres] vi.穿衣269、wash [w ] vt.& vi.洗270、out [aut] adv.往外271、fresh [fre ] adj.新鲜的272、air [ ] n.空气273、then [ en] adv.然后274、most [m ust] pron.大部分275、attend [ tend] vt.出席,参加276、lecture [ lekt ] n.讲座;讲演277、practise [ pr ktis] vt.练习278、after [ :ft ] prep.在…之后、library [ laibr ri] n.图书馆279280、take [teik] vt.拿,取281、nap [n p] n.午睡282、take a nap 午睡283、newspaper [ nju:speip ] n.报纸284、hour [ au ] n.小时285、for [f :,f ] prep.作...之用;为了 (286)、run [r n] vi.跑、round [raund] prep.围绕,在…周围287288、track [tr k] n.跑道、play [plei] vt.玩;打(球)289290、ball [b :l] n.球291、game [geim] n.游戏;球赛、play ball games 打球292293、often [ :fn] adv.时常,常常294、walk [w :k] vi.& n.走路;散步295、go for a walk 散步296、garden [ g :dn] n.花园297、sometimes [ s mtaimz] adv.有时298、listen (to) [ lisn] vi.听299、broadcast [ br :dk :st] n.广播300、prepare [pri p ] vt.准备、home [h um] n.家301302、oh [ u] interj.啊303、steel works [ sti:l w :ks] n.钢铁厂304、there [ ] adv.那里305、elder [ eld ] adj.年长的306、army [ :mi] n.军队、young [j ] adj.年轻的307308、younger [ j g ] 较年轻的309、middle [ midl] adj.&n.中等;中间、hospital [ h spitl] n.医院310311、husband [ h zb nd] n.丈夫312、wife [waif] n.妻子313、factory [ f ktri] n.工厂314、parents [ p r nts] n.双亲315、institute [ institju:t] n.学院、company [ k mp ni] n.公司316317、letter [ let ] n.信318、friend [frend] n.朋友319、dear [di ] adj.亲爱的320、fly [flai] vi.飞321、already [ :l redi] adv.已经322、seventh [ sevn ] num.第七323、busy [ bizi] adj.忙324、life [laif] n.生活325、here [hi ] adv.这儿326、interesting [ intristi ] adj.有趣,有意思327、so [s u] adv.如此地328、thing [ i ] n.东西、learn [l :n] vt.学习329330、like [laik] vt.喜欢331、much [m t ] adv.非常332、also [ :ls u] adv.也,又333、Chinese [ t ai ni:z] n.&adj.汉语;中国的334、world [w :ld] n.世界335、history [ histri] n.历史336、after [ :ft ] prep.在…之后、all [ :l] pron.全部,一切337338、kind [kaind] n.种类、activity [ k tiviti] n.活动339340、farm [f :m] n.农场341、usually [ ju: u li] adv.通常、meeting [ mi:ti ] n.会议342343、report [ri p :t] n.报告344、film [film] n.电影345、dance [d :ns] n.舞会346、best [best] adj.最好的347、warm [w :m] adj.温暖348、sunny [ s ni] adj.阳光充足的,晴朗349、plan [pl n] vt.计划350、outing [ auti ] n.郊游、next [nekst] adj.下一个351352、still [stil] adv.仍然353、harvest [ h :vist] n.收割354、soon [su:n] adv.不久355、tell [tel] vt.告诉356、about [ baut] prep.关于、yours [j :z] pron.你的357358、weather [ we ] n.天气359、like [laik] prep.像、nice [nais] adj.美妙的,极好的360361、rain [rein] n.& vi.下雨362、especially [is pe li] adv.特别地363、cold [k uld] adj.冷364、seldom [ seld m] adv.不常,很少地365、snow [sn u] n.& vi.雪,下雪、know [n u] vt.认识,会(一种语言)366367、university [ ju:ni v :siti] n.大学368、foreign [ f rin] adj.外国的369、language [ l gwid ] n.语言370、French [frent ] n.法语371、German [ d :m n] n.德语372、neighbourhood [ neib hud] n.邻里(总称) 373、service [ s :vis] n.服务374、centre [ sent ] n.中心;中央375、look [luk] vi.看376、man [m n] n.人;男人377、mend [mend] vt.修补(一般用于衣服鞋袜)378、shoe [ u:] n.鞋、counter [ kaunt ] n.柜台379380、right [rait] n.右边381、woman [ wum n] n.妇女382、women [ wimin] 妇女(复数)383、show [ u] vt.指出;(拿出)…给别人看384、towel [ tau l] n.毛巾385、soap [s up] n.肥皂(不可数名词)386、see [si:] vt.看见,看到、door [d :] n.门387388、sew [s u] vi.缝、by [bai] prep.在…旁389390、make [meik] vt.做391、shirt [ :t] n.衬衫、other [ ] pron.另外;其他392393、pair [p ] n.双394、trousers [ trauz z] n.裤子395、a pair of trousers 一条裤子396、help [help] vt.帮助397、housework [ hausw :k] n.家务(不可数名词) 398、neighbour [ neib ] n.邻居399、way [wei] n.方法,方式;方面400、play [plei] vt.玩;扮演、to play a part(in) (在…中)起作用(原义:扮演一个角色) 401402、important [im p :t nt] adj.重要的403、people [ pi:pl] n.人;人们404、life [laif] n.生活;生命405、Russian [ r n] n.,adj.俄语;俄语的406、department [di p :tm nt] n.系、computer [k m pju:t ] n.电子计算机407408、keen [ ki:n] a.喜爱409、modern [ m d n] a.现代的、once [w ns] adv.一次410411、technique [tek ni:k] n.技术;技巧412、coat [k ut] n.大衣;男上装413、clothes [kl u z] n.衣服414、skirt [sk :t] n.裙子415、sock [s k] n.短袜、park [p :k] n.公园416417、hundred [ h ndrid] num.一百418、lake [leik] n.湖419、bench [bent ] n.长凳420、chat [t t] vi.谈天421、over [ uv ] adv.,prep.过去422、over there 在那边(较远处)423、under [ nd ] prep.在…下面424、huge [hju:d ] adj.巨大的425、pine [pain] n.松树426、tree [tri:] n.树427、group [gru:p] n.群,组428、boy [b i] n.男孩、nearby [ ni bai] adv.附近429430、chess [t es] n.棋431、go on 进行432、between [bi twi:n] prep.在(二者)之间433、watch [w t ] vt.&vi.观看434、white [wait] adj.白色的435、hair [h ] n.头发436、white-haired [ wait h d] adj.白发的、granny [ gr ni] n.老太太437438、knit [nit] vt.织(毛衣等)、sun [s n] n.太阳439440、sunshine [ s n ain] n.阳光(不可数名词)441、grandchild [ gr nt ild] n.孙儿,孙女;外孙,外孙女、grass [gr :s] n.草;草地(不可数名词)442443、far [f :] adv.远444、off [ :f] adv.在隔开一定距离的地方445、bus [b s] n.公共汽车446、bus-stop [ b s st p] n.公共汽车站447、hello [ h l u] interj.喂448、town [taun] n.市镇;市区449、exhibition [ eksi bi n] n.展览会450、fine [fain] adj.好的、outing [ auti ] n.游览,出游451452、concert [ k ns t] n.音乐会453、come [k m] vi.来454、sure [ u ] adj.确定的,肯定的455、ready [ redi] adj.准备好456、announcement [ naunsm nt] n.通知、few [fju:] pron.很少457458、a few 几个,几件459、thing [ i ] n东西;事情、tomorrow [t m r u] n.,adv.明天460461、will [wil] aux.v.(助动词)462、current [ k r nt] adj.现时的463、affair [ f ] n.事务464、current affairs 时事465、daily [ deili] n.日报、speak [spi:k] vt.&vi.讲,说话466467、situation [ sitju ei n] n.情况,形势468、Africa [ frik ] n.非洲469、give [giv] vt.给470、slide [slaid] n.幻灯片471、show [ u] n.演示472、Japanese [ d p ni:z] adj.日本的473、delegation [ deli gei n] n.代表团474、visit [vizit] v.t参观,访问475、discuss [dis k s] vt.讨论476、if [if] conj.如果477、question [ kwest n] n.问题478、more [m :] adj.更多的;另加的、one more thing 还有一件事479480、team [ti:m] n.队481、match [m t ] n.比赛482、basketball [ b :skitb :l] n.篮球483、cheer [t i ] vt.&vi.欢呼;喝采484、That's all. 讲话结束时用语485、today [t dei] n.& adv.今天486、paragraph [ p r gr :f] n.段、translate [tr ns leit] vt.翻译487488、into [ int ] prep.进入;成为、oral [ :r l] adj.口头的489490、ask [ :sk] vt.问491、each [i:t ] pron.每一个、each other [i:t ] 互相492493、listening [ lisni ] n.听(录音)494、tonight [t nait] adv.今晚495、library [ laibr ri] n.图书馆496、door [d :] n.门497、big [big] adj.大的498、sign [sain] n.(在此处)布告499、smoke [sm uk] vi.吸烟500、litter [ lit ] vt.乱丢废物501、hour [au ] n.小时502、through [ ru:] prep.(在此处)直到503、a.m. [ ei em] 上午504、p.m. [ pi: em] 下午、wait [weit] vi.等候505506、open [ up n] vi.开(放)507、unusual [ n ju: u l] adj.异常的、during [ dju ri ] prep.在…期间,在…的时间508509、examination [ig z mi nei n] n.考试510、week [wi:k] n.星期,周511、walk [w :k] vi.走,步行512、quietly [ kwai tli] adv.轻轻地513、always [ :lwiz] adv.总是,老是、quiet [ kwai t] adj.安静514515、even [ i:v n] adv.甚至516、busy [ bizi] adj.忙碌的、mustn't [ m snt] mod.&v.切勿517518、obey [ bei] vt.服从,遵守519、floor [fl :] n.地板520、rule [ru:l] n.规章,规则521、borrow [ b r u] vt.借(入)522、without [wi aut] prep.无,没有、card [k :d] n.卡片523524、library card 借书证525、sometimes [ s mtaimz] adv.有时候、want [w nt] v.要,想要526527、know [n u] v.知道,了解=600、call [k :l] n.叫,唤528、number [ n mb ] n.数字,号529530、call number 书号531、librarian [lai br ri n] n.图书馆管理员,馆长、glad [gl d] adj.高兴的,乐意的532533、cleaning [ kli:ni ] n.扫除534、clean [kli:n] vt.打扫,弄干净、job [d b] n.一件工作535536、to do a good job 把一件工作做好537、quickly [ kwikli] adv.快538、sweep [swi:p] vt.扫539、dust [d st] vt.掸去(灰尘)540、care [k ] n.照顾、to take care of 管;负责541542、radiator [ reidieit ] n.暖气片543、rather [ r : ] adv.相当地544、put [put] vt.放545、idea [ai di ] n.主意,意见546、author [ : ] n.作者547、story [ st :ri] n.故事548、novel [ n v l] n.长篇小说549、dictionary [ dik n ri] n.字典、reading-room n.阅览室550551、Florence Nightingale [ fl r ns naiti geil] 弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔552、rich [rit ] adj.富有的553、pretty [ priti] n.美丽的,好看的554、marry [ m ri] vt.&vi.结婚555、boring [ b :ri ] adj.使人厌倦的、accept [ k sept] vt.接受556557、decision [di si n] n.决定558、Germany [ d :m ni] n.德国、charge [t :d ] n.负责559560、in charge of 负责…561、Crimea [kri mi ] n.克里米亚(半岛)562、wounded [ wu:ndid] adj.受伤的563、soldier [ s uld ] n.士兵564、condition [k n di n] n.条件、terrible [ teribl] adj.可怕的565566、patient [ pei nt] n.病人567、fatal [ feitl] adj.致命的568、drain [drein] n.排水;排水设施569、insist [in sist] vt.&vi.坚持认为570、government [ g v nm nt] n.政府571、proper [ pr p ] adj.适当的,好的572、drainage [ dreinid ] n.排水;下水道573、system [ sistim] n.系统574、supply [s plai] vt.供给,提供575、pure [pju ] adj.纯净的,纯的576、drink [dri k] vt.&vi.喝;喝水577、death [de ] n.死亡、rate [reit] n.率,比率578579、drop [dr p] vt.降低,下降580、greet [gri:t] vt.接;欢迎581、heroine [ her uin] n.女英雄582、force [f :s] n.力量,推动力583、reform [ri f :m] vt.改革;革新584、unsafe [' n seif] adj.危险的,不安全的585、ignorant [ ign r nt] adj.无知的、test [test] n.测验586587、well [wel] adv.好、mistake [mis teik] n.错误588589、spelling [ speli ] n.拼法590、careful [ k ful] adj.细心;小心、enough [i n f] adj.,adv.足够591592、better [ bet ] adj.,adv.较好;更好593、than [ n, n] conj.比594、before [bi f :] adv.&conj.在…前;以前595、progress [ pr ugres] n.进步(不可数名词)596、to make progress 有进步,取得进步597、right [rait] adj.正确的598、handwriting [ h ndraiti ] n.书法599、poor [pu ] adj.差;贫穷的、attention [ ten n] n.注意(不可数名词) 600601、to pay attention(to) (给予)注意602、lady [ leidi] n.女士,夫人603、lord [l :d] n.勋爵;贵族604、beautiful [ bju:tiful] adj.美丽的605、wife [waif] n.夫人、Coventry [ k v ntri] n.考文垂(英国城市名) 606607、century [ sent uri] n.世纪;百年608、according [ k :di ] adj.依照(用于习语中) 、according to 按着;根据…所说609610、legend [ led nd] n.传说611、tax [t ks] vt.对…征税;n.税612、heavily [ hevili] adv.繁重地613、unjustly [ n d stli] adv.不正当地614、cruel [kru l] adj.残忍的、throw [ r u] vt.投,投入,扔615616、prison [ prizn] n.监狱617、mercy [ m :si] n.怜悯618、stony [ st uni] adj.石头的619、stony-hearted 狠心的,铁石般心肠的620、pity [ piti] n.怜悯,同情621、merciful [ m :siful] adj.同情的622、jokingly [ d uki li] adv.开玩笑地623、ride [raid] vi.骑马624、naked [ neikid] adj.裸体的,光身的625、through [ ru:] prep.通过626、empty [ empti] adj.空的627、street [stri:t] n.街道、shutter [ t ] vt.关上628629、promise [ pr mis] n.诺言630、lighten [ laitn] vt.减轻…631、burden [ b :dn] n.负担632、lay [lei] vt.放;加…之上633、tailor [ teil ] n.裁缝634、cut [k t] vt.豁,挖635、hole [h ul] n.孔,洞、peep [pi:p] vt.&vi.偷看636637、blind [blaind] adj.瞎的,看不见的、citizen [ sitizn] n.市民638639、ill [il] adj.有病640、cold [k uld] n.伤风、clinic [ klinik] n.诊疗所;医务所641642、fever [ fi:v ] n.发烧643、medicine [ medisin] n.药644、feel [fi:l] vt.感觉645、temperature [ temp( )rit ] n.温度;体温646、headache [ hedeik] n.头痛647、worry [ w ri] vi.着急,担心648、catch [k t ] vt.抓住649、to catch up 赶上、harvesting [ ha:visti ] n.收割650651、diary [ dai ri] n.日记652、daybreak [ deibreik] n.黎明653、start for vi.动身(往…去)654、rice [rais] n.稻;米饭655、field [fi:ld] n.田野;田地、around [ raund] prep.,adv.在…周围656657、look [luk] vi.看起来658、golden [ g uld n] adj.金黄色的、sea [si:] n.海659660、so [s u] adv.这样地661、side [said] n.边662、side by side with 和…并肩663、slow [sl u] adj.慢的664、tie [tai] vt.捆、bundle [ b ndl] n.束,捆665666、fast [f :st] adv.快667、faster 更快668、fall [f :l] vi.落(fell)669、behind [bi haind] prep.,adv.在…后面670、fall behind 落在后面671、thought [ :t] n.想法672、mind [maind] n.脑子,心673、realize [ ri laiz] vt.意识到674、sickle [ sikl] n.镰刀675、wet [wet] adj.湿676、sweat [swet] n.汗677、face [feis] n.脸、smile [smail] n.笑,笑容678679、harvest [ h :vist] vt.收割680、mu [mu:] 亩681、altogether [ :lt ge ] adv.一共682、bad [b d] adj.坏的683、not bad 不坏,相当好684、certainly [ s :tnli] adv.肯定地685、bath [b : ] n.洗澡、take a bath 洗个澡686687、think [ i k] vt.认为 (thought)、had better 最好688689、minute [ minit, mai nju:t] n.分钟690、forget [f get] vt.忘记(过去式forgot) (反义词:remember) 、turn [t :n] vi.&vt.转动691692、turn off 关上(电灯,龙头等)693、hurry [ h ri] vi.赶快694、hurry up [ h ri p] 赶快695、back [b k] adv.回来696、turn on [t :n n] 开(电灯,龙头)697、light [lait] n.光;灯光698、tourism [ tu rizm] n.旅游,旅游业699、industry [ ind stri] n.工业、sell [sel] vt.卖,出售(sold,sold)700701、product [ pr d kt] n.产品702、own [ un] vt.拥有703、provide [pr vaid] vt.提供704、temporary [ temp r ri] adj.暂时的705、basis [ beisis] n.基础;根据、customer [ k st m ] n.顾客706707、such [s t ] pron.这样的…708、plane [plein] n.飞机、hotel [h u tel] 旅馆,饭店709710、chance [t :ns] n.机会711、beach [bi:t ] n.海滩712、trip [trip] n.旅行;旅途713、adventure [ d vent ] n.冒险714、camel [ k m l] n.骆驼、foot [fut] 脚(复数:feet)715716、development [di vel pm nt] n.发展717、transportation [ tr nsp : tei n] n.运输718、steamship [ sti:m ip] n.轮船719、recently [ ri:s ntli] adv.新近地;近来720、automobile [ :t m bi:l] 汽车721、travel [ tr vl] vi.旅行722、convenient [k n vi:nj nt] adj.方便的723、advertising [ dv :taizi ] n.广告业724、growth [gr u ] n.成长;发展725、agency [ eid nsi] n.旅行社726、attraction [ tr k n] n.吸引力727、area [ ri ] n.地区、airline [ lain] n.航空公司728729、fare [f ] n.费用;车费,730、reach [ri:t ] vt.到达731、communication [k mju:ni kei n] 通信732、means [mi:nz] (复)(常用作单数)工具;手段733、reserve [ri z :v] vt.预定734、pay [pei] vt.付,支付(paid,paid)735、credit [ kredit] n.信用、credit card 信用证(卡)736737、feature [ fi:t ] n.特征;特色、shopping [ pi ] n.买东西738739、centre [ sent ] n.中心740、buy [bai] vt.购买(bought,bought)、envelope [ envil up] n.信封741742、bottle [ b tl] n瓶743、ink [i k] n.墨水744、cent [sent] n.分(钱)745、run [r n] vi.跑(ran,run)746、run out of 用完747、bear [b ] n.熊748、together [t ge ] adv.一起749、forest [ f rist] n.森林、wild [waild] adj.野的750751、beast [bi:st] n.兽752、suddenly [ s dnli] adv.突然地753、at once [ t w ns] 立刻754、hide [haid] vt.&vi.躲藏(hid,hidden)755、himself [him self] pron.他自己、among [ m ] prep.在…中756757、leaf [li:f] n.树叶(复数:leaves)758、climb [klaim] vt.爬、throw [ r u] vt.投,抛掷 (threw,thrown)759760、to throw oneself on the groun 扑倒在地上761、ground [graund] n.地762、eye [ai] n.眼睛763、pretend [pri tend] vt.假装764、dead [ded] adj.死、sniff [snif] vi.闻,嗅765766、head [hed] n.头767、nose [n uz] n.鼻子768、mouth [mau ] n.嘴769、ear [i ] n.耳朵770、hold [h uld] vt.抓住,握住(held,held )771、breath [bre ] n.呼吸772、to hold one's breath 憋住气,屏息773、touch [t t ] vt.碰,触及774、safe [seif] adj.安全的775、trust [tr st] vt.信任776、moment [ m um nt] n.时刻777、difficult [ difik lt] adj.困难的(反义词:easy容易的) 、difficulty [ difik lti] n.困难778779、need [ni:d] n.,vt.需要780、indeed [in di:d] adv.确实地781、dining-room [ daini rum] n.食堂782、fish [fi ] n.鱼783、vegetable [ ved it bl] n.蔬菜784、egg [eg] n.蛋,鸡蛋785、soup [su:p] n.汤、steamed [sti:md] adj.蒸熟的786787、bread [bred] n.面包、steamed bread 馒头788789、noodle [ nu:dl] 面条790、dish [di ] n.碟子、bowl [b ul] n.碗791792、chopsticks [ t pstiks] n.筷子793、spoon [spu:n] n.汤匙794、food [fu:d] n.食物795、water [w :t ] n.水796、drink [dri k] vt.喝(drank,drunk)797、cup [k p] n.茶杯798、tea [ti:] n.茶799、meat [mi:t] n.肉、meal [mi:l] n.一顿饭(三餐的通称)800801、cook [kuk] n.炊事员802、quiet [ kwai t] adj.寂静的,安静的803、leafless [ li:flis] adj.没有叶子的804、snowfall [ sn uf :l] n.一场雪805、stray [strei] vi.偏离,离开、earnestly [ :nistli] adv.认真地806807、Warsaw [ w :s :] n.华沙(波兰首都)808、Poland [ p ul nd] n.波兰、conquer [ k k ] vt.征服809810、Russia [ r ] n.俄国;俄罗斯811、Russian [ r n] adj.俄罗斯的;俄语812、Tsar [za:, tsa:] n.沙皇813、allow [ lau] vt.允许814、Polish [ p uli ] adj.波兰的;波兰语、although [ :l' u] conj.尽管,虽然815816、spy [spai] n.密探,特务817、Manya Sklodovska [ ma:nja:skl d :vska:] (人名)玛妮雅·斯克洛道夫斯卡818、bright [brait] adj.聪明的,伶俐的819、faint [feint] adj.微弱的820、sound [saund] n.声音821、bell [bel] n.铃音822、fearfully [ fi fuli] adv.胆怯地823、signal [ sign l] n.信号824、ring [ri ] n.铃声;钟声825、grab [gr b] vt. (猛然)抓826、hide [haid] vt.藏(过去时hid)827、swiftly [ swiftli] adv.迅速地、sewing [ s ui ] n.缝纫,缝制物828829、material [m ti ri l] n.衣料;材料830、embroider [im br id ] vt.绣花831、square [skw ] n.方块832、cloth [kl ] n.布833、outer [ aut ] adj.外部的834、inspector [ins pekt ] adj.(在此处)督学835、private [ praivit] adj.私立的,私人的、tight-fitting [tait] adj.紧身的836837、uniform [ ju:nif :m] n.制服、Mademoiselle [ m d m zel] (法语)小姐838839、demand [di m :nd] vt.查问,要求840、fairy tale [ f ri teil] n.神话,童话、grunt [gr nt] n.哼声,咕哝声841842、approval [ pru:vl] n.同意,赞成843、rise [raiz] vi.站起来(过去时rose)844、recite [ri sait] vt.背诵845、the Lord's Prayer [ l :dz prei ] 主祷文846、order [ :d ] vt.命令847、show [ u] vt.显出,流露848、feeling [ fi:li ] n.感情849、imperial [im pi ri l] adj.帝国的,皇家的、ruler [ ru:l ] n.统治者850851、pale [peil] adj.(脸色)苍白852、patriot [ p tri t] n.爱国者853、agree [ gri:] vi.同意,赞同854、stir [st :] vi.骚动,轰动855、kiss [kis] vt.吻、populous [ p pjul s] adj.人口稠密的,人口众多的856857、continent [ k ntin nt] n.洲;大陆858、Asia [ ei ] n.亚洲、Asian [ ei n] n.亚洲人 adj.亚洲(人)的859860、America [ merik ] n.美洲861、North America 北美洲862、South America 南美洲863、American [ merik n] adj.美洲的864、Europe [ ju r p] n.欧洲、mass [m s] n.(聚成一体的)团、块、片865866、land mass 地块867、geographer [d i gr f ] n.地理学家868、regard [ri g :d] vt.认为869、peninsula [pi ninsjul ] n.半岛870、the Ural Mountains [ ju r l mauntinz] 乌拉尔山脉871、form [f :m] vt.组成;构成872、divide [di vaid] vt.划分;隔(分)开873、dividing line 分界线874、link [li k] vt.连结,连接875、exact [ig z kt] adj.确切的;准确的876、Alaska [ l sk ] n.阿拉斯加(美国一州,在北美洲的最北边) 877、connect [k nekt] vt.连结;连接、tip [tip] n.尖端;顶端878879、Siberia [sai bi ri ] n.西伯利亚880、American Indian 美洲印第安人881、bridge [brid ] n.桥梁882、land bridge 地峡883、settle [ setl] vi.(down)定居;安家884、canal [k n l] n.运河885、the Suez Canal [ sju(:)iz] 苏伊士运河、separate [ sep rit] vt.使分开(离)886887、peak [pi:k] n.山峰;最高点、the Himalaya Mountains [ him lei ] 喜马拉雅山脉888889、altitude [ ltitju:d] n.高度(尤指海拔)890、uncertain [ n s :t n] adj.变化无常的;不确定的、pride [praid] n.骄傲891892、religion [ri lid n] n.宗教893、originate [ rid ineit] vi.(from)起源于;发源于894、Buddhism [ budizm] n.佛教895、Christianity [ kristi niti] n.基督教896、Palestine [ p listain] n.巴勒斯坦897、Palestinian [ p les tini n] n.巴勒斯坦人898、Islam [ izl :m] n.伊斯兰教899、Arabia [ reibi ] n.阿拉伯半岛。



pens n. 钢笔(复数) map n. 地图maps 地图(复数) peasant n. 农民peasants 农民(复数) spade n. 锹spades 锹(复数)this pron.&adj.这,这个is v.是that a.那 pron.那 ad.那样pencil n.铅笔desk n. 书桌table n. 桌子pick n. 镐yes adv. 是的it pron. 它green adj. 绿的red adj. 红的no adv. 不,不是的isn't 不是these pron. 这些are v. 是they pron. 它们aren't 不是those pron. 那些knife n. 刀子knives 刀子(复数)what pron. 什么book n. 书notebook n. 笔记本i pron. 我am v. 是student n. 学生you pron. 你;你们teacher n. 教员he pron. 他she pron. 她doctor n. 医生nurse n. 护士;保育员we pron. 我们good adj. 好morning n. 早晨;上午afternoon n. 下午evening n. 晚上night n. 夜间good-bye 再见open vt. 打开your pron. 你的;你们的close vt. 关上read vt. & vi. 读,念the art. (定冠词)text n. 课文write vi. & vt. 写down adv. 下来sentence n. 句子let's 让我们our pron. 我们的an art. (不定冠词,在元音前)english n. 英语lesson n. 课monitor n. 班长stand vi. 站,立up adv. 起来comrade n. 同志sit vi. 坐please 请now adv. 现在have vt. 有,做(某事)dictation n. 听写any pron. 一些,任何brother n. 兄弟two num. 二sister n. 姐妹haven't 没有has v. 有and conj. 和three num. 三but conj. 但children n. 小孩;子女(复数)child n. 小孩(单数)son n. 儿子daughter n. 女儿my pron. 我的home n. 家in prep. 在…father n. 父亲teach v. 教;教育mother n. 母亲also adv. 也;同样work v. 工作nursery n. 托儿所physics n. 物理学sing v. 唱speak v. 说clearly adv. 清楚地eighteen num. 十八eleven num. 十一seven num. 七school n. 学校first num. 第一year n. 年at prep. 在…college n. 学院very adv. 非常hard adv. 努力地like v. 喜爱subject n. 学科classroom n. 教室blackboard n. 黑板door n. 门four num. 四chair n. 椅子some pron. 一些picture n. 图画wall n. 墙slogan n. 标语near prep. 靠近window n. 窗户clock n. 钟many pron. 很多room n. 房间six num. 六class n. 班grade n. 级five num. 五big adj. 大的fifteen num. 十五among prep. 在…当中them pron. 他们,它们(宾格)party n. 党(大写中国共产党)member n. 成员eight num. 八league n. 团(大写指共青团)secretary n. 书记help v. 帮助each other 互相how adv. 怎样how many 多少who pron. 谁name n. 名字,姓名old 老how old is he? 他多少岁了?twenty num. 二十where adv. 什么地方to be from... 来自;生长于,出身于classmate n. 同班同学nineteen num. 十九worker's 工人的family n. 家庭,家里人studies v. 学习(第三人称单数)everybody pron. 每个人,大家says v. 说(第三人称单数) time n. 时间o'clock 点钟quarter n. 一刻钟past prep. 过half n. 半twenty to seven 七点差二十分when adv. 什么时候do (助动词)get up v. 起床at six 在六点钟breakfast n. 早饭lunch n. 午饭supper n. 晚饭go v. 去go to bed 去睡觉,就寝to prep. 到dialogue n. 对话every pron. 每个day n. 一天,日子week n. 星期well int. 嗯(表示犹豫) most pron. 大多数of prep. (表所属关系) tuesday n. 星期二sunday n. 星期日monday n. 星期一wednesday n. 星期三thursday n. 星期四friday n. 星期五,181 saturday n. 星期六homework n. 家庭作业copy v. 抄写spelling n. 拼写exercise n. 练习;锻炼review v. 复习grammar n. 语法whole adj. 全部,整个spring n. 春天gay adj. 欢乐with prep. 带着;由于(有了)flower n. 花song n. 歌summer n. 夏天hot adj. 热long adj. 长autumn n. 秋天rich adj. 丰富;富有fruit n. 水果grain n. 谷物,五谷winter n. 冬天brings v. 带来(第三人称单数)snow n. 雪new adj. 新again adv. 又,再season n. 季节month n. 月january n. 一月february n. 二月march n. 三月april n. 四月may n. 五月june n. 六月july n. 七月august n. 八月september n. 九月october n. 十月november n. 十一月december n. 十二月make v. 组成north adj. 北方的,北pole n. 极the north pole 北极for prep. (时间延续)长达more adj. 更多的than prep. 比…can't v. & aux. 不能sun n. 太阳even adv. 甚至noon n. 中午,正午at noon 在中午时never adv. 永不,从不set v. (日,月等)落tropics n. 热带rainy adj. 多雨的dry adj. 干的,旱的early adv. & adj. 早dress vi. 穿衣wash vt. & vi. 洗out adv. 往外fresh adj. 新鲜的air n. 空气then adv. 然后attend vt. 出席,参加lecture n. 讲演课,讲演practise vt. 练习after prep. 在…之后library n. 图书馆take vt. 拿,取rest n. 休息short adj. 短的newspaper n. 报纸hour n. 小时sport n. 运动run vi. 跑round prep. 围绕,在…周围track n. 跑道play vt. 玩;打(球)ball n. 球game n. 游戏;球赛play ball games 打球often adv. 时常,常常walk vi. & n. 走路;散步go for a walk 散步garden n. 花园sometimes adv. 有时listen vi. 听broadcast n. 广播prepare vt. 准备oh interj. 啊steel works n. 钢铁厂there adv. 那里elder adj. 年长的army n. 军队young adj. 年轻的younger 较年轻的middle adj. & n. 中等;中间hospital n. 医院husband n. 丈夫wife n. 妻子factory n. 工厂parents n. 双亲pioneer n. 少先队员institute n. 学院letter n. 信friend n. 朋友,287dear adj. 亲爱的fly vi. 飞already adv. 已经seventh num. 第七busy adj. 忙life n. 生活here adv. 这儿interesting adj. 有趣,有意思,295so adv. 如此地thing n. 东西learn vi. 学习much adv. 非常chinese n. adj. 汉语;中国的history n. 历史communist adj. 共产主义的all pron. 全部,一切kind n. 种类activity n. 活动farm n. 农场usually adv. 通常meeting n. 会议report n. 报告film n. 电影dance n. 舞会best adj. 最好的warm adj. 温暖sunny adj. 阳光充足的;晴朗plan vt. 计划outing n. 郊游next adj. 下一个still adv. 仍然harvest n. 收割soon adv. 不久tell vt. 告诉about prep. 关于commune n. 公社yours pron. 你的weather n. 天气town n. 城,镇home town n. 家乡(指城镇)nice adj. 美妙的,极好的rain vi. 下雨especially adv. 特别地cold adj. 冷seldom adv. 不常,很少地know vt. 认识,会(语言) university n. 大学foreign adj. 外国的, 335language n. 语言french n. 法语german n. 德语neighborhood n. 邻里(总称)service n. 服务centre n. 中心;中央look vi. 看man n. 人;男人mend vt. 修补(衣服等)shoe n. 鞋counter n. 柜台right n. 右边woman n. 妇女women n. 妇女(复数)show vt. 指出…给旁人看towel n. 毛巾soap n. 肥皂(不可数名词)see vt. 看见,看到sew vi. 缝by prep. 在…旁shirt n. 衬衫other pron. 另外;其他patch vt. 补pair n. 双trousers n. 裤子a pair of trousers 一条裤子housework n. 家务(不可数名词)neighbor n. 邻居way n. 方法,方式;方面to play a part (在…中)起作用important adj. 重要的socialist adj. 社会主义的construction n. 建设(不可数名词)russian n. & adj. 俄语;俄语的department n. 系plant vt. 种cabbage n. 洋白菜,甘蓝active adj. 积极的once adv. 一次physical adj. 体力的labour n. 劳动(不可数名词)coat n. 大衣;男上装clothes n. 衣服skirt n. 裙子sock n. 短袜park n. 公园hundred num. 一百lake n. 湖bench n. 长凳chat vi. 谈天over adv. & prep. 过去under prep. 在…下面huge adj. 巨大的pine n. 松树tree n. 树group n. 群,组boy n. 男孩nearby adv. 附近chess n. 棋go on 进行between prep. 在(二者)之间watch vt. & vi. 观看white adj. 白发的hair n. 头发white-haired adj. 白发的knit vt. 织(毛线等)sunshine n. 阳光(不可数名词)grandchild n. 孙儿,孙女;外孙grass n. 草;草地far adv. 远off adv. 在隔一距离的地方bus n. 公共汽车bus-stop n. 公共汽车站hello interj. 喂exhibition n. 展览会fine adj. 好的concert n. 音乐会come vi. 来sure adj. 确定的,肯定的ready adj. 准备好,415announcement n. 通知few pron. 很少a few 几个,几件tomorrow n. & adv. 明天will aux. & v. 将current adj. 现时的affair n. 事务daily n. 日报situation n. 情况,形势africa n. 非洲shall aux. & v. 将discuss vt. 讨论political adj. 政治的essay n. 论文;短论practice n. 实践;练习note n. 笔记,便条while conj. 当…时if conj. 如果question n. 问题slip n. 小片,纸片paper n. 纸a slip of paper 一个纸条hand vt. 交,递hand in 交来,呈交before prep. & conj. 在…前answer vt. 回答one more thing 还有一件事team n. 队match n. 比赛basketball n. 篮球cheer vt. & vi. 欢呼;喝采that's all. (讲话结束时用语)完了today n. & adv. 今天paragraph n. 段translate vt. 翻译into prep. 进入;成为oral adj. 口头的ask vt. 问each pron. 每一个listening n. 听(录音) tonight adv. 今晚sign n. (在此处)布告smoke vi. 吸烟litter v. 乱丢废物through prep. 直到a.m 上午p.m. 下午wait for vi. 等候unusual adj. 异常的during prep. 在…期间examination n. 考试quietly adv. 轻轻地always adv. 总是,老是quiet adj. 安静mustn't mod. & v. 切勿obey vt. 服从,遵守floor n. 地板rule n. 规章,规则borrow vt. 借(入) without prep. 无,没有card n. 卡片library card 借书证want v. 要,想要call n. 叫,唤number n. 数字,号call number 书号librarian n. 图书馆管理员,馆长glad adj. 高兴的,乐意的cleaning n. 扫除clean vt. 打扫,弄干净job n. 一件工作to do a good job 把一件工作做好quickly adv. 快sweep vt. 扫dust vt. 掸去(灰尘)care n. 照顾to take care of 管;负责radiator n. 暖气片rather adv. 相当地put vt. 放idea n. 主意,意见author n. 作者story n. 故事novel n. 长篇小说dictionary n. 字典reading-room n. 阅览室as conj. 如,象yesterday n. & adv.昨天revolution n. 革命great adj. 伟大的,大的revolutionary adj. 革命的leader n. 领袖;领导人the working class 工人阶级inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的born 出生be born 出生movement n. 运动simply adv. 简单地;朴素地useful adj. 有用的weapon n. 武器struggle n. 斗争deal n. 数量a great deal 大量,很多full adj. 完全的;充满的carefully adv. 仔细地leave vt. & vi. 留下;离开talk vi. & n. 谈话love vt. 爱example n. 榜样,范例test n. 测验mistake n. 错误careful adj. 细心;小心enough adj. & adv. 足够better adj. & adv. 较好;更好progress n. 进步(不可数名词)to make progress 有进步,取得进步handwriting n. 书法poor adj. 差attention n. 注意(不可数名词)to pay attention (给予)注意cock n. 公鸡crow vt. 啼叫midnight n. 午夜,半夜landlord n. 地主sly adj. 狡猾的greedy adj. 贪婪的farmhand n. 长工,雇工eat vt. 吃naturally adv. 自然地hate vt. 恨strange adj. 奇怪的habit n. 习惯dawn n. 黎明every time 每一次,每当lazy-bones n. 懒骨头deep adj. 深hatred n. 恨both pron. 两者both...and... 既…又…steal vt. & vi. 偷;偷入courtyard n. 院子just adv. 正好,刚刚trick n. 诡计angry adj. 生气,愤怒decide vt. 决定cry vt. 叫,喊stop vi. & vt. 停止,止住thief n. 贼immediately adv. 立刻,马上knock vt. 敲,打beat vt. 打beating n. 打no longer 不再ill adj. 有病clinic n. 诊疗所;医务所fever n. 发烧medicine n. 药feel vi. 感觉temperature n. 温度;体温headache n. 头痛worry vi. 着急,担心catch vt. 抓住to catch up 赶上harvesting n. 收割diary n. 日记daybreak n. 黎明start vi. 动身(往…去) rice n. 稻;米饭field n. 田野;田地around prep. & adv. 在…周围golden adj. 金黄色的sea n. 海beautiful adj. 美丽的side n. 边side by side with 和…并肩slow adj. 慢的cut vt. 割tie vt. 捆bundle n. 束,捆fast adv. 快faster 更快fall vi. 落behind prep. & adv. 在…后面fall behind 落在后面thought n. 想法mind n. 脑子,心realize vt. 意识到sickle n. 镰刀,603wet adj. 湿sweat n. 汗face n. 脸smile n. 笑,笑容mu n. 亩altogether adv. 一共bad adj. 坏not bad 不坏,相当好certainly adv. 肯定地bath n. 洗澡take a bath 洗个澡think vt. 认为had better 最好hurry vi. 赶快hurry up 赶快back adv. 回来minute n. 分钟forget vt. 忘记turn vi. & vt. 转动to turn off 关上(电灯,龙头等)to turn on 开(电灯,龙头等)light n. 光;灯光village n. 村子plough vt. 翻耕tool n. 工具wheat n. 麦子place n. 地方beside prep. 在…旁边wide adj. 宽阔的river n. 江,河foot n. 脚at the foot of 在…脚下low adj. 低矮的hill n. 山building n. 楼房,建筑物street n. 街everywhere adv. 到处sad adj. 可悲的,阴郁的dirty adj. 肮脏的merchant n. 商人house n. 房屋dark adj. 阴暗的,645unhealthy adj. 不卫生的hut n. 小茅屋narrow adj. 狭窄的muddy adj. 泥泞的nearly adv. 几乎change vi. & vt. 改变since prep. 自从lead vt. 领导rid vt. 使…去掉mud n. 烂泥dirt n. 污物theater n. 戏院shop n. 商店flat n. 一套住房assembly hall n. 礼堂,大会堂along prep. 沿(河,路等)build vt. 建造;建设office n. 办公室,办公楼hotel n. 旅馆tall adj. 高chimney n. 烟囱spring up 跃起;(引伸为)出现steamer n. 汽船busily adv. 忙碌地product n. 产品industry n. 工业province n. 省too adv. 也healthy adj. 健康的go all out 鼓足干劲socialism n. 社会主义shopping n. 买东西co-op n. 合作社buy vt. 购买envelope n. 信封bottle n. 瓶ink n. 墨水cent n. 分(钱)run out of 用完bear n. 熊travel vi. 旅行together adv. 一起forest n. 森林wild adj. 野的beast n. 兽suddenly adv. 突然at once 立刻hide vt. & vi. 躲藏himself pron. 他自己leaf n. 树叶climb vt. 爬throw vt. 投,抛掷ground n. 地eye n. 眼睛pretend vt. 假装dead adj. 死sniff vi. 闻,嗅head n. 头nose n. 鼻子mouth n. 嘴ear n. 耳朵hold vt. 抓住,握住breath n. 呼吸to hold one's breath 憋住气,屏气touch vt. 碰,触及safe adj. 安全的trust vt. 信任,712 moment n. 时刻difficult adj. 困难的difficulty n. 困难need n. & vt. 需要indeed adv. 确实地dining-room n. 食堂fish n. 鱼vegetable n. 蔬菜egg n. 蛋,鸡蛋soup n. 汤steamed adj. 蒸熟的bread n. 面包steamed bread 馒头noodle n. 面条dish n. 碟子bowl n. 碗chopsticks n. 筷子spoon n. 汤匙food n. 食物water n. 水drink vt. 喝cup n. 茶杯tea n. 茶meat n. 肉meal n. 一顿饭(三餐的通称)cook n. 炊事员,738 leafless adj. 没有叶子的snowfall n. 一场雪stray vi. 偏离,离开earnestly adv. 认真地warsaw n. 华沙(波兰首都)poland n. 波兰conquer vt. 征服russia n. 俄国;俄罗斯tsar n. 沙皇allow vt. 允许polish adj. 波兰的;波兰语pupil n. 小学生although conj. 尽管,虽然spy n. 密探,特务bright adj. 聪明的,伶俐的faint adj. 微弱的sound n. 声音bell n. 铃声fearfully adv. 胆怯地signal n. 信号ring n. 铃声,钟声grab vt. (猛然)抓swiftly adv. 迅速地sewing n. 缝纫,缝制物materials n. 衣料,材料embroider vt. 绣花square n. 方块cloth n. 布outer adj. 外部的inspector n. 督学;检查员charge n. 负责;责任private adj. 私立的,私人的tight-fitting adj. 紧身的uniform n. 制报mademoiselle (法语)小姐demand vt. 查问,要求fairy tale n. 神话,童话grunt n. 哼声,咕哝声approval n. 同意,赞成rise vi. 站起来recite vt. 背诵the lord's prayer 主祷文order vt. 命令feelings n. 感情imperial adj. 帝国的,皇家的ruler n. 统治者pale adj. (脸色)苍白patriot n. 爱国者agree vi. 同意,赞同stir vi. 骚动,轰动kiss vt. 吻pen n. 钢笔。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第二十课》(一)课文:1)旧课文:THE COCK CROWS AT MIDNIGHTWhen Gao Yubao was a child, he worked for a landlord. This landlord was especially sly and greedy. He made the farmhands work very hard, and gave themlittle to eat. Naturally, they hated him.Now this landlord had a cock. The cock had a strange habit. It did not crow at dawn, but at midnight. Every time it began crow, the landlord would shout: “ Get up,you lazy-bones! Get up and go to work.” So the farmhands had a deep hatred forboth the landlord and his cock.Once, at midnight, Gao Yubao saw the landlord steal into the courtyard. There the man began to crow, just like a cock. So that was his trick!When Gao Yubao told the other farmhands what he had seen, they were very angry and decided to teach the landlord a lesson.So the next night, as soon as the landlord stole into the courtyard. Gao Yubao cried out, “Stop thief! Stop thief!”Immediately all the farmhands ran out. They knocked the “thief”down and gave him a good beating. After that, the cock no longer crowed at midnight.2)旧课文新字:3)新课文:LADY GODIVA戈黛娃夫人Godiva was the beautiful wife of the Lord of Coventry. She lived in the eleventh century.According to an old legend, the Lord taxed the people of Coventry heavily and unjustly. If they did not pay those cruel taxes, they were thrown into prison.戈黛娃夫人是考文垂勋爵的美丽妻子。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第二十四课》(一)课文:1)课文:INSPECTOR HORNBERG VISITS A SCHOOLThe classroom was very quiet. Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall. But not one pair of eyes stayed from the history books whichtwenty-five little girls were studying so earnestly.This was the year 1877, and the school was in Warsaw, Poland. A large part of Poland had been conquered by Russia. The Russia Tsar would not allow Polishchildren to study the history of their own country or even their own language. Buthere the teacher and her pupils were doing just that, although the Russians hadspies everywhere in Warsaw.Among the children was Manya Sklodovska. She was a very bright pupil. She was deep in the book she was reading. Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell.Manya listened fearfully. Was it the signal? Yes! Two long rings, two short rings.Every head came up. Quick hands grabbed all the Polish history books off the desks, and hid them away. The girls swiftly took sewing materials from their desks.They began to embroider little squares of cloth.The outer door opened. There stood Inspector Hornberg.Hornberg had been put in charge by the Russians of the private schools of Warsaw. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform. With himwas Mademoiselle Sikorska, the head of the school.“ We have tow sewing classes a week, Mr. Inspector.” explained Mademoiselle Tupalska, the teacher “ I read to the children while they work.”“And what have you been reading to your pupils, Mademoiselle?”inspector Hornberg demanded.She held up her book “ Russian fairy tales.” She said.The inspector gave a grunt of approval. “Now,”he said, “I should like to question one of your pupils.”“Manya Sklodovska, please stand up.” The teacher said quietly.Manya rose from her seat without a word, trying not to tremble.“Recite the Lord’s Prayer in Russian.” Inspector Hornberg ordered.Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings.“Now name the members of the Imperial Russian Family.”Manya gave the names.“now tell me.” Hornberg demanded, “ who is our ruler?”Manya’s face went pale. She opened her mouth, but the words would not come.“So, my little Polish patriot, you do not wish to tell me who rules over us.” the Russian inspector said. “answer me!”“His Majesty AlexanderⅡ, Tsar of All the Russia,” she said. But her voice was trembling.“That’s more like it,”Hornberg rose from his chair. “Now Mademoiselle Sikorska, I wish to visit one of the other classes.”“Certainly, Mr. Inspector, “ Mademoiselle Sikorska answered.When the door had closed upon them, the schoolgirls began to stir. Without a word, the teacher put her arms around Manya and kissed her. Manya was in tears.2)译文:霍恩伯格督学查看学校教室里鸦雀无声。



许国璋英语1-4册:探索英语学习的深度与广度In the realm of English language learning, the Xu Guozhang English series, spanning from volumes 1 to 4, stands as a monumental guide for students seeking to master the language. These textbooks offer a comprehensive and structured approach to learning English, covering various aspects of grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, and writing.Volume 1 of the series introduces the student to the basics of English, focusing on fundamental grammar rules and building a solid foundation of vocabulary. The lessons are designed to be engaging and interactive, encouraging students to actively participate in the learning process. This volume lays the groundwork for the more advanced concepts that will be tackled in subsequent volumes.As students progress to Volume 2, they are introduced to more complex grammar structures and a wider range of vocabulary. The lessons become more challenging, yet still maintain a balance of accessibility and fun. This volume continues to build on the foundation established in Volume1, while introducing new concepts such as conditional sentences and more advanced verb forms.Volume 3 takes the student's English skills to the next level, introducing more sophisticated grammar and vocabulary. Lessons focus on improving reading comprehension and listening skills, as well as honing speaking and writing abilities. This volume challenges students to think critically about the language and apply their knowledge in real-world contexts.By the time students reach Volume 4, they have gained a comprehensive understanding of the English language and are ready to tackle even more advanced concepts. This volume focuses on enhancing advanced grammar skills, expanding vocabulary knowledge, and refining reading, listening, speaking, and writing abilities. Lessons becomeincreasingly challenging, encouraging students to pushtheir limits and achieve fluency in English.The Xu Guozhang English series not only covers the technical aspects of language learning but also emphasizes the importance of cultural understanding. Lessons often include discussions about British and American culture,history, and traditions, providing students with a deeper understanding of the language and its context.Overall, the Xu Guozhang English series is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to master English. The textbooks offer a balanced approach to language learning, covering all aspects of grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, and writing. By following this series from volumes 1 to 4, students can gradually build their English skills from the ground up, achieving fluency and proficiency in the language.**许国璋英语1-4册:英语学习的深度与广度探索** 在英语学习领域,许国璋英语系列,从1册到4册,为那些希望精通这门语言的学生提供了一本重要的学习指南。

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[H]recitewordbookfile[N]《许国璋电视英语》(上册)[C]1208[R]蒲公英公司[P][A]come from bdc[W]a[T]ei, 3[M]一个[v]0-2406[W]pen[T]pen[M]钢笔[v]2406-4941[W]pens[T]penz[M]钢笔(复数)[W]map[T]m5p[M]地图[v]4941-7478[W]maps[T]m5ps[M]地图(复数)[W]pet[T]pet[M]宠物[v]7478-9854[W]pets[T]'pets[M]宠物(复数)[W]spade[T]speid[M]锹[v]9854-12606[W]spades[T]speidz[M]锹(复数)[W]letter[T]'let3[M]信[v]12606-15083[W]letters[T]let3z[M]信(复数)[W]this[T]8is[M]这个[v]15083-17675[W]is[T]iz[M]是[v]17675-20277[W]that[T]85t[M]那个[v]20277-22852[W]Is this...?[T][M]这是不是…?[W]Is that...?[T][M]那是不是…?[W]pencil[T]'pensl[M]铅笔[W]desk[T]desk[M]书桌[v]22852-25308[W]table[T]'teibl[M]桌子[v]25308-28006[W]disc[T]disk[M](激光)唱片[v]28006-30515[W]tape[T]teip[M]磁带,录音带[v]30515-33000[W]yes[T]jes[M]是的[v]33000-35551[W]it[T]it[M]它[v]35551-37999[W]green[T]gri:n[M]绿的[v]37999-40704[W]red[T]red[M]红的[v]40704-43278[W]pick[T]pik[M]镐[v]43278-45630[W]no[T]n3u[M]不,不是的[v]45630-48212[W]isn't[T]'iznt[M](=is not)不是[W]these[T]8i:z[M]这些[v]48212-50969[W]are[T]1:,3[M]是[W]they[T]8ei[M]它们[v]50969-53607[W]aren't[T]1:nt[M](=are not)不是[W]those[T]83uz[M]那些[v]53607-56395[W]knife[T]naif[M]刀子[v]56395-58894[W]knives[T]naivz[M]刀子(复数)[v]58894-61524[W]what[T]w6t[M]什么[v]61524-63897[W]book[T]buk[M]书[v]63897-66338[W]notebook[T]'n3utbuk[M]笔记本[v]66338-68976[W]I[T]ai[M]我[v]68976-71429[W]am[T]5m, 3m[M]是[W]student[T]'stju:d3nt[M]学生[v]71429-74122[W]you[T]ju:[M]你;你们[v]74122-76630[W]teacher[T]'ti:t73[M]教员[v]76630-79211[W]he[T]hi:[M]他[v]79211-81663[W]she[T]7i:[M]她[v]81663-84342[W]farmer[T]'f1:m3[M]农民[v]84342-86983[W]doctor[T]'d6kt3[M]医生[v]86983-89551[W]nurse[T]n3:s[M]护士;保育员[v]89551-92171[W]we[T]wi:[M]我们[v]92171-94560[W]good morning[T][M](午前的问候语)[W]good[T]gud[M]好[v]94560-97089[W]morning[T]'m6:ni9[M]早晨;上午[v]97089-99712[W]good afternoon[T][M]午后的问候语[W]afternoon[T]'1:ft3'nu:n[M]下午[v]99712-102492[W]good evening[T][M]晚上的问候语[W]evening[T]'i:vni9[M]晚上[v]102492-105110[W]good night[T]gud'nait[M]晚上分手时的告别语[W]night[T]nait[M]夜间[v]105110-107652[W]good-bye[T]'gud'bai[M]再见[W]open[T]'3up3n[M]打开[v]107652-110156[W]your[T]j6:[M]你的;你们的[v]110156-112659[W]close[T]kl3uz[M]关上[v]112659-115181[W]read[T]ri:d[M]读,念[v]115181-117785[W]please[T]pli:z[M]请[v]117785-120494[W]the[T]83, 8i[M]定冠词[v]120494-123017[W]text[T]tekst[M]课文[v]123017-125579[W]write[T]rait[M]写[v]125579-128090[W]down[T]daun[M]下来[v]128090-130632[W]sentence[T]'sent3ns[M]句子[v]130632-133424[W]let's[T]lets[M](=let us)让我们[W]our[T]'au3[M]我们的[v]133424-135912[W]an[T]5n,3n[M]不定冠词,用在读音以元音开头的词前面[v]135912-138359 [W]English[T]'i9gli7[M]英语[v]138359-141030[W]lesson[T]'lesn[M]课[v]141030-143625[W]everybody[T]'evrib6di,'evrib3di[M](代)大家;每人[v]143625-146422 [W]now[T]nau[M]现在(此处用作语气词)[v]146422-149021[W]have[T]h5v[M]有;做(某事)[v]149021-151472[W]dictation[T]dik'tei73n[M]听写[v]151472-154331[W]any[T]'eni[M](代)一些;任何[v]154331-156781[W]brother[T]'br283[M](名)兄弟[v]156781-159328[W]two[T]tu:[M](数)二[v]159328-161839[W]sister[T]'sist3[M](名)姐妹[v]161839-164556[W]haven't[T]'h5vnt[M](=have not)没有[W]has[T]h5z,h3z[M](动)有[W]Jane[T]d=ein[M]简(女子名)[W]and[T]5nd,3nd[M](连)和[v]164556-167016[W]three[T]0ri:[M](数)三[v]167016-169561[W]but[T]b2t,b3t[M](连)但[v]169561-171992[W]no[T]n3u[M](代)没有[v]171992-174574[W]Jackson[T]'d=5ksn[M](姓)[W]the Jacksons[T][M]杰克逊夫妇[W]children[T]'t7ildr3n[M](名)小孩;子女(复数)[v]174574-177245 [W]child[T]t7aild[M](名)小孩(单数)[v]177245-179849[W]son[T]s2n[M](名)儿子[v]179849-182461[W]daughter[T]'d6:t3[M](名)女儿[v]182461-184955[W]my[T]mai[M](代)我的[v]184955-187536[W]home[T]h3um[M](名)家[v]187536-190117[W]in[T]in[M](介)在…[v]190117-192577[W]Shanghai[T]'759'hai[M]上海[W]father[T]'f1:83[M](名)父亲[v]192577-195162[W]teacher[T]'ti:t73[M](名)教师[v]195162-197743[W]teach[T]ti:t7[M](动)教;教育[v]197743-200327[W]mother[T]'m283[M](名)母亲[v]200327-202871[W]also[T]'6:ls3u[M](副)也;同样[v]202871-205466[W]work[T]w3:k[M](动)工作[v]205466-207871[W]nursery[T]'n3:sri[M](名)托儿所[v]207871-210533[W]physics[T]'fiziks[M](名)物理学[W]sing[T]si9[M](动)唱[v]210533-213192[W]speak[T]spi:k[M](动)说[v]213192-215795[W]clearly[T]'kli3li[M](副)清楚地[v]215795-218446[W]eighteen[T]'ei'ti:n[M](数)十八[v]218446-221158[W]eleven[T]i'levn[M](数)十一[v]221158-223760[W]seven[T]'sevn[M](数)七[v]223760-226363[W]school[T]sku:l[M](名)学校[v]226363-229047[W]first[T]f3:st[M](数)第一[v]229047-231650[W]year[T]j3:[M](名)年[v]231650-234149[W]at[T]5t, 3t[M](介)在…[v]234149-236480[W]college[T]'k6lid=[M](名)学院[v]236480-239096[W]very[T]'veri[M](副)非常[v]239096-241523[W]hard[T]h1:d[M](副)努力地[v]241523-244082[W]like[T]laik[M](动)喜爱[v]244082-246508[W]subject[T]'s2bd=ikt[M](名)学科[v]246508-249212[W]classroom[T]'kl1:srum[M](名)教室[v]249212-251929[W]there[T]843[M]在那里[v]251929-254550[W]there is[T][M]那儿有[W]blackboard[T]'bl5kb6:d[M](名)黑板[v]254550-257233[W]door[T]d6:[M](名)门[v]257233-259723[W]four[T]f6:[M](数)四[v]259723-262212[W]chair[T]t743[M](名)椅子[v]262212-264718[W]some[T]s2m,s3m[M](代)一些[v]264718-267396[W]picture[T]'pikt73[M](名)图画[v]267396-269928[W]wall[T]w6:l[M](名)墙[v]269928-272442[W]near[T]ni3[M](介)靠近[v]272442-275023[W]window[T]'wind3u[M](名)窗户[v]275023-277690[W]clock[T]kl6k[M](名)钟[v]277690-280172[W]many[T]'meni[M](代)很多[v]280172-282659[W]room[T]rum[M](名)房间[v]282659-285283[W]six[T]siks[M](数)六[v]285283-287958[W]class[T]kl1:s[M](名)班[v]287958-290523[W]grade[T]greid[M](名)级[v]290523-293125[W]five[T]faiv[M](数)五[v]293125-295880[W]big[T]big[M](形)大的[v]295880-298330[W]fifteen[T]'fif'ti:n[M](数)十五[v]298330-301187[W]among[T]3'm29[M](介)在…当中[v]301187-303820[W]seven[T]'sevn[M](数)七[v]303820-306423[W]them[T]8em, 83m[M](代)(they的宾格)他们,它们[v]306423-309043 [W]boy[T]b6i[M](名)男孩[v]309043-311611[W]girl[T]g3:l[M](名)女孩[v]311611-314179[W]eight[T]eit[M](数)八[v]314179-316542[W]monitor[T]'m6nit3[M](名)班长[v]316542-319226[W]from[T]fr6m[M](介)从…来;是…的人[v]319226-321804[W]help[T]help[M](动)帮助[v]321804-324261[W]each other[T]'i:t7 '283[M]互相[W]how[T]hau[M](副)怎样[v]324261-326768[W]how many[T]'hau 'meni[M]多少[W]who[T]hu:[M](代)谁[v]326768-329296[W]name[T]neim[M](名)名字,姓名[v]329296-331956[W]old[T]3uld[M](形)老[v]331956-334514[W]How old is he?[T][M]他多大年纪了?[W]twenty[T]'twenti[M](数)二十[v]334514-337191[W]where[T]w43[M](副)什么地方[v]337191-339681[W]to be from...[T][M]来自;生长于,出身于[W]classmate[T]'kl1:smeit[M](名)同班同学[v]339681-342400[W]Sally[T]'s5li[M](女子名)[v]342400-345067[W]nineteen[T]'nain'ti:n[M](数)十九[v]345067-347922[W]New York[T]'nju: 'j6:k[M](名)纽约[W]Chinese[T]'t7ai'ni:z[M](名)汉语,中国话[v]347922-350748 [W]studies[T]'st2diz[M](动)(study的第三人称单数形式)学习[W]singing[T]'si9i9[M](名)唱歌[W]dancing[T]'da:nsi9[M](名)跳舞,舞蹈[W]sports[T]'sp6:ts[M](名)运动、体育运动[W]says[T]sez[M](动)(say[sei] 的第三人称单数形式)说[W]time[T]taim[M](名)时间[v]350748-353422[W]o'clock[T]3'kl6k[M]点钟[W]quarter[T]'kw6:t3[M](名)一刻钟[v]353422-356089[W]past[T]p1:st[M](介)过[v]356089-358629[W]half[T]h1:f[M](名)半;半小时[v]358629-361089[W]twenty to seven[T][M]七点差二十分,六点四十分[W]when[T]wen[M](副)什么时候[v]361089-363621[W]do[T]du:,du[M](助动词)[v]363621-366030[W]get up[T]get 2p[M](动)起床[W]day[T]dei[M](名)一天;日子[v]366030-368549[W]week[T]wi:k[M](名)星期[v]368549-371001[W]well[T]wel[M](感)嗯(表示犹豫)[v]371001-373479[W]at six[T][M]在六点钟[W]breakfast[T]'brekf3st[M](名)早饭[v]373479-376082 [W]lunch[T]l2nt7[M](名)午饭[v]376082-378742[W]supper[T]'s2p3[M](名)晚饭[v]378742-381312[W]go[T]g3u[M](动)去[v]381312-383947[W]go to bed[T][M]去睡觉,就寝[W]to[T]tu:, t3[M](介)到[v]383947-386478[W]dialogue[T]'dai3l6g[M](名)对话[W]class[T]kl1:s[M](名)一堂课[v]386478-389043[W]every[T]'evri[M](代)每个[v]389043-391608[W]most[T]m3ust[M](代)大多数[W]of[T]3v[M](介)(表所属关系)[v]391608-394139[W]Tuesday[T]'tju:zdi[M](名)星期二[v]394139-396879 [W]Sunday[T]'s2ndi[M](名)星期日[v]396879-399625[W]Monday[T]'m2ndi[M](名)星期一[v]399625-402291[W]Wednesday[T]'wenzdi[M](名)星期三[v]402291-404931 [W]Thursday[T]'03:zdi[M](名)星期四[W]Friday[T]'fraidi[M](名)星期五[v]404931-407537[W]Saturday[T]'s5t3di[M](名)星期六[v]407537-410269 [W]do[T]du:[M](动)做[v]410269-412678[W]homework[T]'h3umw3:k[M](名)家庭作业[v]412678-415363 [W]copy[T]'k6pi[M](动)抄写[v]415363-417905[W]spelling[T]'speli9[M](名)拼写[W]exercise[T]'eks3saiz[M](名)练习;锻炼[v]417905-420811 [W]review[T]ri'vju:[M](动)复习[v]420811-423501[W]grammar[T]'gr5m3[M](名)语法[v]423501-426089[W]whole[T]h3ul[M](形)全部,整个[v]426089-428599[W]spring[T]spri9[M](名)春天[v]428599-431335[W]gay[T]gei[M](形)欢乐的[v]431335-433921[W]with[T]wi8[M](介)带着;由于(有了)[v]433921-436308 [W]flower[T]'flau3[M](名)花[v]436308-439023[W]song[T]s69[M](名)歌[v]439023-441713[W]summer[T]'s2m3[M](名)夏天[v]441713-444307[W]hot[T]h6t[M](形)热[v]444307-446771[W]long[T]l69[M](形)长[v]446771-449391[W]autumn[T]'6:t3m[M](名)秋天[v]449391-451882[W]rich[T]rit7[M](形)丰富;富有[v]451882-454408[W]fruit[T]fru:t[M](名)水果[v]454408-456903[W]grain[T]grein[M](名)谷物,五谷[v]456903-459527[W]winter[T]'wint3[M](名)冬天[v]459527-462019[W]brings[T]bri9z[M](动)(bring的单数第三人称形式)带来[W]snow[T]sn3u[M](名)雪[v]462019-464748[W]new[T]nju:[M](形)新[v]464748-467299[W]year[T]j3:[M](名)年[v]467299-469798[W]again[T]3'gen[M](副)又,再[v]469798-472402[W]season[T]'si:zn[M](名)季节[v]472402-475188[W]month[T]m2n0[M](名)月[v]475188-477754[W]January[T]'d=5nju3ri[M](名)一月[v]477754-480496 [W]February[T]'febru3ri[M](名)二月[W]March[T]m1:t7[M](名)三月[W]April[T]'eipr3l[M](名)四月[v]480496-483004[W]May[T]mei[M](名)五月[v]483004-485630[W]June[T]d=u:n[M](名)六月[W]July[T]d=u'lai[M](名)七月[v]485630-488389[W]August[T]'6:g3st[M](名)八月[v]488389-491059[W]September[T]s3p'temb3[M](名)九月[v]491059-493911 [W]October[T]6k't3ub3[M](名)十月[v]493911-496649[W]November[T]n3u'vemb3[M](名)十一月[v]496649-499380 [W]December[T]di'semb3[M](名)十二月[v]499380-502047 [W]make[T]meik[M](动)组成[v]502047-504592[W]four[T]f6:[M](数)四[v]504592-507081[W]near[T]ni3[M](介)靠近[v]507081-509662[W]north[T]n6:0[M](形)北方的,北部的[v]509662-512181 [W]pole[T]p3ul[M](名)极[v]512181-514758[W]the North Pole[T][M]北极[W]night[T]nait[M](名)夜[v]514758-517300[W]for[T]f6:,f3[M](介)(表示时间延续)长达[v]517300-519866 [W]more[T]m6:[M](形)更多的[v]519866-522441[W]than[T]85n, 83n[M](介)比…[v]522441-525164[W]can't[T]k1:nt[M]=cannot(助)不能[W]sun[T]s2n[M](名)太阳[v]525164-527715[W]even[T]'i:v3n[M](副)甚至[v]527715-530199[W]noon[T]nu:n[M](名)中午,正午[v]530199-532801[W]at noon[T][M]在中午时[W]never[T]'nev3[M](副)永不,从不[v]532801-535407[W]set[T]set[M](动)(日,月等)落[v]535407-537890[W]tropics[T]'tr6piks[M](名)热带[W]rainy[T]'reini[M](形)多雨的[v]537890-540479[W]rainy season[T][M]雨季[W]dry[T]drai[M](形)干的;旱的[v]540479-543119[W]dry season[T][M]旱季[W]college[T]'k6lid=[M]n.大学;学院[v]543119-545735 [W]early[T]'3:li[M]adv.& adj.早[v]545735-548209[W]dress[T]dres[M]vi.穿衣[v]548209-550810[W]wash[T]w67[M]vt.& vi.洗[v]550810-553343[W]out[T]aut[M]adv.往外[v]553343-555754[W]fresh[T]fre7[M]adj.新鲜的[v]555754-558352[W]air[T]43[M]n.空气[v]558352-560796[W]then[T]8en[M]adv.然后[v]560796-563417[W]most[T]m3ust[M]pron.大部分[W]attend[T]3'tend[M]vt.出席,参加[v]563417-566038 [W]lecture[T]'lekt73[M]n.讲座;讲演[v]566038-568669 [W]practise[T]'pr5ktis[M]vt.练习[W]after[T]'1:ft3[M]prep.在…之后[v]568669-571207 [W]library[T]'laibr3ri[M]n.图书馆[v]571207-574023 [W]take[T]teik[M]vt.拿,取[v]574023-576487[W]nap[T]n5p[M]n.午睡[v]576487-579014[W]take a nap[T][M]午睡[W]newspaper[T]'nju:speip3[M]n.报纸[v]579014-581882 [W]hour[T]'au3[M]n.小时[v]581882-584398[W]for[T]f6:,f3[M]prep.作…之用;为了…[v]584398-586964 [W]run[T]r2n[M]vi.跑[v]586964-589475[W]round[T]raund[M]prep.围绕,在…周围[v]589475-592087 [W]track[T]tr5k[M]n.跑道[v]592087-594607[W]play[T]plei[M]vt.玩;打(球)[v]594607-597193[W]ball[T]b6:l[M]n.球[v]597193-599698[W]game[T]geim[M]n.游戏;球赛[v]599698-602361[W]play ball games[T][M]打球[W]often[T]'6:fn[M]adv.时常,常常[v]602361-604905 [W]walk[T]w6:k[M]vi.& n.走路;散步[v]604905-607311 [W]go for a walk[T][M]散步[W]garden[T]'g1:dn[M]n.花园[v]607311-609898[W]sometimes[T]'s2mtaimz[M]adv.有时[v]609898-612871 [W]listen (to)[T]'lisn[M]vi.听[W]broadcast[T]'br6:dk1:st[M]n.广播[v]612871-615881 [W]prepare[T]pri'p43[M]vt.准备[v]615881-618616[W]home[T]h3um[M]n.家[v]618616-621197[W]oh[T]3u[M]interj.啊[v]621197-623659[W]steel works[T]'sti:l w3:ks[M]n.钢铁厂[W]there[T]843[M]adv.那里[v]623659-626280[W]elder[T]'eld3[M]adj.年长的[v]626280-628813[W]army[T]'1:mi[M]n.军队[v]628813-631255[W]young[T]j29[M]adj.年轻的[v]631255-633856[W]younger[T]'j29g3[M]较年轻的[v]633856-636417[W]middle[T]'midl[M]adj.&n.中等;中间[v]636417-638884[W]hospital[T]'h6spitl[M]n.医院[v]638884-641587[W]husband[T]'h2zb3nd[M]n.丈夫[v]641587-644261[W]wife[T]waif[M]n.妻子[v]644261-646739[W]factory[T]'f5ktri[M]n.工厂[v]646739-649550[W]parents[T]'p43r3nts[M]n.双亲[W]institute[T]'institju:t[M]n.学院[v]649550-652292[W]company[T]'k2mp3ni[M]n.公司[v]652292-654842[W]letter[T]'let3[M]n.信[v]654842-657319[W]friend[T]frend[M]n.朋友[v]657319-659932[W]dear[T]di3[M]adj.亲爱的[v]659932-662373[W]fly[T]flai[M]vi.飞[v]662373-665055[W]already[T]6:l'redi[M]adv.已经[v]665055-667716[W]seventh[T]'sevn0[M]num.第七[v]667716-670379[W]busy[T]'bizi[M]adj.忙[v]670379-672905[W]life[T]laif[M]n.生活[v]672905-675455[W]here[T]hi3[M]adv.这儿[v]675455-677923[W]interesting[T]'intristi9[M]adj.有趣,有意思[W]so[T]s3u[M]adv.如此地[v]677923-680594[W]thing[T]0i9[M]n.东西[v]680594-683268[W]learn[T]l3:n[M]vt.学习[v]683268-685868[W]like[T]laik[M]vt.喜欢[v]685868-688294[W]much[T]m2t7[M]adv.非常[v]688294-690847[W]also[T]'6:ls3u[M]adv.也,又[v]690847-693442[W]Chinese[T]'t7ai'ni:z[M]n.&adj.汉语;中国的[v]693442-696268 [W]world[T]w3:ld[M]n.世界[v]696268-698909[W]history[T]'histri[M]n.历史[v]698909-701489[W]after[T]'1:ft3[M]prep.在…之后[v]701489-704027[W]all[T]6:l[M]pron.全部,一切[v]704027-706468[W]kind[T]kaind[M]n.种类[v]706468-708964[W]activity[T]5k'tiviti[M]n.活动[v]708964-711714[W]farm[T]f1:m[M]n.农场[v]711714-714378[W]usually[T]'ju:=u3li[M]adv.通常[v]714378-717004[W]meeting[T]'mi:ti9[M]n.会议[W]report[T]ri'p6:t[M]n.报告[v]717004-719615[W]film[T]film[M]n.电影[v]719615-722204[W]dance[T]d1:ns[M]n.舞会[v]722204-724754[W]best[T]best[M]adj.最好的[v]724754-727241[W]warm[T]w6:m[M]adj.温暖[v]727241-729760[W]sunny[T]'s2ni[M]adj.阳光充足的,晴朗[v]729760-732372[W]plan[T]pl5n[M]vt.计划[v]732372-735013[W]outing[T]'auti9[M]n.郊游[W]next[T]nekst[M]adj.下一个[v]735013-737648[W]still[T]stil[M]adv.仍然[v]737648-740284[W]harvest[T]'h1:vist[M]n.收割[v]740284-742955[W]soon[T]su:n[M]adv.不久[v]742955-745579[W]tell[T]tel[M]vt.告诉[v]745579-748176[W]about[T]3'baut[M]prep.关于[v]748176-750739[W]yours[T]j6:z[M]pron.你的[v]750739-753429[W]weather[T]'we83[M]n.天气[v]753429-755934[W]like[T]laik[M]prep.像[v]755934-758360[W]nice[T]nais[M]adj.美妙的,极好的[v]758360-761003 [W]rain[T]rein[M]n.& vi.下雨[v]761003-763696[W]especially[T]is'pe73li[M]adv.特别地[v]763696-766436 [W]cold[T]k3uld[M]adj.冷[v]766436-768985[W]seldom[T]'seld3m[M]adv.不常,很少地[v]768985-771653 [W]snow[T]sn3u[M]n.& vi.雪,下雪[v]771653-774382[W]know[T]n3u[M]vt.认识,会(一种语言)[v]774382-776878 [W]university[T];ju:ni'v3:siti[M]n.大学[v]776878-779668 [W]foreign[T]'f6rin[M]adj.外国的[v]779668-782251[W]language[T]'l59gwid=[M]n.语言[v]782251-784990[W]French[T]frent7[M]n.法语[v]784990-787583[W]German[T]'d=3:m3n[M]n.德语[v]787583-790229[W]neighbourhood[T]'neib3hud[M]n.邻里(总称)[W]service[T]'s3:vis[M]n.服务[v]790229-793048[W]centre[T]'sent3[M]n.中心;中央[W]look[T]luk[M]vi.看[v]793048-795505[W]man[T]m5n[M]n.人;男人[v]795505-798093[W]mend[T]mend[M]vt.修补(一般用于衣服鞋袜)[v]798093-800703 [W]shoe[T]7u:[M]n.鞋[v]800703-803348[W]counter[T]'kaunt3[M]n.柜台[v]803348-805858[W]right[T]rait[M]n.右边[v]805858-808345[W]woman[T]'wum3n[M]n.妇女[v]808345-810912[W]women[T]'wimin[M]妇女(复数)[v]810912-813443[W]show[T]73u[M]vt.指出;(拿出)…给别人看[v]813443-816109 [W]towel[T]'tau3l[M]n.毛巾[v]816109-818672[W]soap[T]s3up[M]n.肥皂(不可数名词)[v]818672-821241 [W]see[T]si:[M]vt.看见,看到[v]821241-823793[W]door[T]d6:[M]n.门[v]823793-826283[W]sew[T]s3u[M]vi.缝[v]826283-828895[W]by[T]bai[M]prep.在…旁[v]828895-831466[W]make[T]meik[M]vt.做[v]831466-834011[W]shirt[T]73:t[M]n.衬衫[v]834011-836608[W]other[T]'283[M]pron.另外;其他[v]836608-839080[W]pair[T]p43[M]n.双[v]839080-841655[W]trousers[T]'trauz3z[M]n.裤子[W]a pair of trousers[T][M]一条裤子[W]help[T]help[M]vt.帮助[v]841655-844112[W]housework[T]'hausw3:k[M]n.家务(不可数名词)[W]neighbour[T]'neib3[M]n.邻居[v]844112-846702[W]way[T]wei[M]n.方法,方式;方面[v]846702-849172[W]play[T]plei[M]vt.玩;扮演[v]849172-851758[W]to play a part(in)[T][M](在…中)起作用(原义:扮演一个角色) [W]important[T]im'p6:t3nt[M]adj.重要的[v]851758-854478 [W]people[T]'pi:pl[M]n.人;人们[v]854478-856986[W]life[T]laif[M]n.生活;生命[v]856986-859536[W]Russian[T]'r273n[M]n.,adj.俄语;俄语的[v]859536-862109 [W]department[T]di'p1:tm3nt[M]n.系[v]862109-864818[W]computer[T]k3m'pju:t3[M]n.电子计算机[v]864818-867481 [W]keen[T]'ki:n[M]a.喜爱[v]867481-869921[W]modern[T]'m6d3n[M]a.现代的[v]869921-872557[W]once[T]w2ns[M]adv.一次[v]872557-875170[W]technique[T]tek'ni:k[M]n.技术;技巧[v]875170-877865 [W]coat[T]k3ut[M]n.大衣;男上装[v]877865-880235[W]clothes[T]kl3u8z[M]n.衣服[W]skirt[T]sk3:t[M]n.裙子[v]880235-882853[W]sock[T]s6k[M]n.短袜[v]882853-885435[W]park[T]p1:k[M]n.公园[v]885435-887914[W]hundred[T]'h2ndrid[M]num.一百[v]887914-890477[W]lake[T]leik[M]n.湖[v]890477-892947[W]bench[T]bent7[M]n.长凳[v]892947-895440[W]chat[T]t75t[M]vi.谈天[v]895440-897858[W]over[T]'3uv3[M]adv.,prep.过去[v]897858-900383[W]over there[T][M]在那边(较远处)[W]under[T]'2nd3[M]prep.在…下面[v]900383-902824[W]huge[T]hju:d=[M]adj.巨大的[v]902824-905483[W]pine[T]pain[M]n.松树[v]905483-908142[W]tree[T]tri:[M]n.树[v]908142-910636[W]group[T]gru:p[M]n.群,组[v]910636-913164[W]boy[T]b6i[M]n.男孩[v]913164-915732[W]nearby[T]'ni3bai[M]adv.附近[v]915732-918593[W]chess[T]t7es[M]n.棋[v]918593-921127[W]go on[T][M]进行[W]between[T]bi'twi:n[M]prep.在(二者)之间[v]921127-923754 [W]watch[T]w6t7[M]vt.&vi.观看[v]923754-926310[W]white[T]wait[M]adj.白色的[v]926310-928736[W]hair[T]h43[M]n.头发[v]928736-931205[W]white-haired[T]'wait'h43d[M]adj.白发的[W]granny[T]'gr5ni[M]n.老太太[W]knit[T]nit[M]vt.织(毛衣等)[v]931205-933595[W]sun[T]s2n[M]n.太阳[v]933595-936146[W]sunshine[T]'s2n7ain[M]n.阳光(不可数名词)[v]936146-939080 [W]grandchild[T]'gr5nt71ild[M]n.孙儿,孙女;外孙,外孙女[W]grass[T]gr1:s[M]n.草;草地(不可数名词)[v]939080-941763 [W]far[T]f1:[M]adv.远[v]941763-944359[W]off[T]6:f[M]adv.在隔开一定距离的地方[v]944359-946848 [W]bus[T]b2s[M]n.公共汽车[v]946848-949411[W]bus-stop[T]'b2s st6p[M]n.公共汽车站[W]hello[T]'h2'l3u[M]interj.喂[v]949411-952031[W]town[T]taun[M]n.市镇;市区[v]952031-954651[W]exhibition[T];eksi'bi73n[M]n.展览会[v]954651-957455 [W]fine[T]fain[M]adj.好的[v]957455-960116[W]outing[T]'auti9[M]n.游览,出游[W]concert[T]'k6ns3t[M]n.音乐会[v]960116-962761[W]come[T]k2m[M]vi.来[v]962761-965220[W]sure[T]7u3[M]adj.确定的,肯定的[v]965220-967861[W]ready[T]'redi[M]adj.准备好[v]967861-970425[W]announcement[T]3'naunsm3nt[M]n.通知[v]970425-973175 [W]few[T]fju:[M]pron.很少[v]973175-975775[W]a few[T][M]几个,几件[W]thing[T]0i9[M]n东西;事情[v]975775-978449[W]tomorrow[T]t3'm6r3u[M]n.,adv.明天[v]978449-981137 [W]will[T]wil[M]aux.v.(助动词)[v]981137-983655[W]current[T]'k2r3nt[M]adj.现时的[v]983655-986128[W]affair[T]3'f43[M]n.事务[v]986128-990157[W]current affairs[T][M]时事[W]daily[T]'deili[M]n.日报[v]990157-992696[W]speak[T]spi:k[M]vt.&vi.讲,说话[v]992696-995299[W]situation[T];sitju'ei73n[M]n.情况,形势[v]995299-998211 [W]Africa[T]'5frik3[M]n.非洲[W]give[T]giv[M]vt.给[v]998211-1000793[W]slide[T]slaid[M]n.幻灯片[v]1000793-1003528[W]show[T]73u[M]n.演示[v]1003528-1006194[W]Japanese[T];d=5p3'ni:z[M]adj.日本的[v]1006194-1009124 [W]delegation[T];deli'gei73n[M]n.代表团[v]1009124-1011899 [W]visit[T]vizit[M]v.t参观,访问[v]1011899-1014404[W]discuss[T]dis'k2s[M]vt.讨论[v]1014404-1017157[W]if[T]if[M]conj.如果[v]1017157-1019558[W]question[T]'kwest73n[M]n.问题[v]1019558-1022247[W]more[T]m6:[M]adj.更多的;另加的[v]1022247-1024822[W]one more thing[T][M]还有一件事[W]team[T]ti:m[M]n.队[v]1024822-1027452[W]match[T]m5t7[M]n.比赛[v]1027452-1030103[W]basketball[T]'b1:skitb6:l[M]n.篮球[v]1030103-1032891[W]cheer[T]t7i3[M]vt.&vi.欢呼;喝采[v]1032891-1035416[W]That's all.[T][M]讲话结束时用语[W]today[T]t3'dei[M]n.& adv.今天[v]1035416-1038075[W]paragraph[T]'p5r3gr1:f[M]n.段[v]1038075-1040836[W]translate[T]tr5ns'leit[M]vt.翻译[v]1040836-1043588[W]into[T]'int3[M]prep.进入;成为[v]1043588-1046200[W]oral[T]'6:r3l[M]adj.口头的[v]1046200-1048660[W]ask[T]1:sk[M]vt.问[v]1048660-1051122[W]each[T]i:t7[M]pron.每一个[v]1051122-1053651[W]each other[T]i:t7 '283[M]互相[W]listening[T]'lisni9[M]n.听(录音)[v]1053651-1056331[W]tonight[T]t3'nait[M]adv.今晚[v]1056331-1058959[W]library[T]'laibr3ri[M]n.图书馆[v]1058959-1061775[W]door[T]d6:[M]n.门[v]1061775-1064265[W]big[T]big[M]adj.大的[v]1064265-1066715[W]sign[T]sain[M]n.(在此处)布告[v]1066715-1069382[W]smoke[T]sm3uk[M]vi.吸烟[v]1069382-1071985[W]litter[T]'lit3[M]vt.乱丢废物[v]1071985-1074486[W]hour[T]au3[M]n.小时[v]1074486-1077002[W]through[T]0ru:[M]prep.(在此处)直到[v]1077002-1079616[W]a.m.[T]'ei 'em[M]上午[W]p.m.[T]'pi: 'em[M]下午[W]wait[T]weit[M]vi.等候[v]1079616-1082017[W]open[T]'3up3n[M]vi.开(放)[v]1082017-1084521[W]unusual[T]2n'ju:=u3l[M]adj.异常的[v]1084521-1087268[W]during[T]'dju3ri9[M]prep.在…期间,在…的时间[v]1087268-1089816 [W]examination[T]ig'z5mi'nei73n[M]n.考试[v]1089816-1092843[W]week[T]wi:k[M]n.星期,周[v]1092843-1095295[W]walk[T]w6:k[M]vi.走,步行[v]1095295-1097701[W]quietly[T]'kwai3tli[M]adv.轻轻地[W]always[T]'6:lwiz[M]adv.总是,老是[v]1097701-1100397[W]quiet[T]'kwai3t[M]adj.安静[v]1100397-1103012[W]even[T]'i:v3n[M]adv.甚至[v]1103012-1105496[W]busy[T]'bizi[M]adj.忙碌的[v]1105496-1108022[W]mustn't[T]'m2snt[M]mod.&v.切勿[W]obey[T]3'bei[M]vt.服从,遵守[v]1108022-1110766[W]floor[T]fl6:[M]n.地板[v]1110766-1113474[W]rule[T]ru:l[M]n.规章,规则[v]1113474-1116022[W]borrow[T]'b6r3u[M]vt.借(入)[v]1116022-1118601[W]without[T]wi'8aut[M]prep.无,没有[v]1118601-1121164[W]card[T]k1:d[M]n.卡片[v]1121164-1123703[W]library card[T][M]借书证[W]sometimes[T]'s2mtaimz[M]adv.有时候[v]1123703-1126676[W]want[T]w6nt[M]v.要,想要[v]1126676-1129147[W]know[T]n3u[M]v.知道,了解[v]1129147-1131643[W]call[T]k6:l[M]n.叫,唤[v]1131643-1134107[W]number[T]'n2mb3[M]n.数字,号[W]call number[T][M]书号[W]librarian[T]lai'br43ri3n[M]n.图书馆管理员,馆长[v]1134107-1137095 [W]glad[T]gl5d[M]adj.高兴的,乐意的[v]1137095-1139704[W]cleaning[T]'kli:ni9[M]n.扫除[W]clean[T]kli:n[M]vt.打扫,弄干净[v]1139704-1142290[W]job[T]d=6b[M]n.一件工作[W]to do a good job[T][M]把一件工作做好[W]quickly[T]'kwikli[M]adv.快[W]sweep[T]swi:p[M]vt.扫[v]1142290-1144850[W]dust[T]d2st[M]vt.掸去(灰尘)[v]1144850-1147396[W]care[T]k43[M]n.照顾[v]1147396-1149862[W]to take care of[T][M]管;负责[W]radiator[T]'reidieit3[M]n.暖气片[v]1149862-1152683[W]rather[T]'r1:83[M]adv.相当地[v]1152683-1155323[W]put[T]put[M]vt.放[v]1155323-1157700[W]idea[T]ai'di3[M]n.主意,意见[v]1157700-1160383[W]author[T]'6:03[M]n.作者[v]1160383-1162874[W]story[T]'st6:ri[M]n.故事[v]1162874-1165540[W]novel[T]'n6v3l[M]n.长篇小说[v]1165540-1168135[W]dictionary[T]'dik73n3ri[M]n.字典[v]1168135-1171096[W]reading-room[T][M]n.阅览室[W]Florence Nightingale[T]'fl6r3ns'naiti9geil[M]弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔[W]rich[T]rit7[M]adj.富有的[v]1171096-1173622[W]pretty[T]'priti[M]n.美丽的,好看的[v]1173622-1176131[W]marry[T]'m5ri[M]vt.&vi.结婚[v]1176131-1178693[W]boring[T]'b6:ri9[M]adj.使人厌倦的[W]accept[T]3k'sept[M]vt.接受[v]1178693-1181317[W]decision[T]di'si=3n[M]n.决定[v]1181317-1184048[W]Germany[T]'d=3:m3ni[M]n.德国[W]charge[T]t71:d=[M]n.负责[v]1184048-1186736[W]in charge of[T][M]负责…[W]Crimea[T]kri'mi3[M]n.克里米亚(半岛)[W]wounded[T]'wu:ndid[M]adj.受伤的[W]soldier[T]'s3uld=3[M]n.士兵[v]1186736-1189459[W]condition[T]k3n'di73n[M]n.条件[v]1189459-1192127[W]terrible[T]'teribl[M]adj.可怕的[v]1192127-1194693[W]patient[T]'pei73nt[M]n.病人[v]1194693-1197254[W]fatal[T]'feitl[M]adj.致命的[v]1197254-1199847[W]drain[T]drein[M]n.排水;排水设施[v]1199847-1202494[W]insist[T]in'sist[M]vt.&vi.坚持认为[v]1202494-1205254[W]government[T]'g2v3nm3nt[M]n.政府[v]1205254-1207944[W]proper[T]'pr6p3[M]adj.适当的,好的[v]1207944-1210513[W]drainage[T]'dreinid=[M]n.排水;下水道[v]1210513-1213186 [W]system[T]'sistim[M]n.系统[v]1213186-1215844[W]supply[T]s3'plai[M]vt.供给,提供[W]pure[T]pju3[M]adj.纯净的,纯的[v]1215844-1218363[W]drink[T]dri9k[M]vt.&vi.喝;喝水[v]1218363-1220877[W]death[T]de0[M]n.死亡[v]1220877-1223198[W]rate[T]reit[M]n.率,比率[v]1223198-1225723[W]drop[T]dr6p[M]vt.降低,下降[v]1225723-1228247[W]greet[T]gri:t[M]vt.接;欢迎[v]1228247-1230694[W]heroine[T]'her3uin[M]n.女英雄[v]1230694-1233336[W]force[T]f6:s[M]n.力量,推动力[v]1233336-1235965[W]reform[T]ri'f6:m[M]vt.改革;革新[v]1235965-1238705[W]unsafe[T]'2n'seif[M]adj.危险的,不安全的[W]ignorant[T]'ign3r3nt[M]adj.无知的[v]1238705-1241356[W]test[T]test[M]n.测验[v]1241356-1243884[W]well[T]wel[M]adv.好[v]1243884-1246362[W]mistake[T]mis'teik[M]n.错误[v]1246362-1249075[W]spelling[T]'speli9[M]n.拼法[W]careful[T]'k43ful[M]adj.细心;小心[v]1249075-1251634[W]enough[T]i'n2f[M]adj.,adv.足够[v]1251634-1254178[W]better[T]'bet3[M]adj.,adv.较好;更好[W]than[T]85n, 83n[M]conj.比[v]1254178-1256901[W]before[T]bi'f6:[M]adv.&conj.在…前;以前[v]1256901-1259525 [W]progress[T]'pr3ugres[M]n.进步(不可数名词)[v]1259525-1262264 [W]to make progress[T][M]有进步,取得进步[W]right[T]rait[M]adj.正确的[v]1262264-1264751[W]handwriting[T]'h5ndraiti9[M]n.书法[W]poor[T]pu3[M]adj.差;贫穷的[v]1264751-1267253[W]attention[T]3'ten73n[M]n.注意(不可数名词)[v]1267253-1269923 [W]to pay attention(to)[T][M](给予)注意[W]lady[T]'leidi[M]n.女士,夫人[v]1269923-1272440[W]lord[T]l6:d[M]n.勋爵;贵族[v]1272440-1275058[W]beautiful[T]'bju:tiful[M]adj.美丽的[v]1275058-1277610 [W]wife[T]waif[M]n.夫人[v]1277610-1280088[W]Coventry[T]'k3v3ntri[M]n.考文垂(英国城市名)[W]century[T]'sent7uri[M]n.世纪;百年[v]1280088-1282831[W]according[T]3'k6:di9[M]adj.依照(用于习语中)[W]according to[T][M]按着;根据…所说[W]legend[T]'led=3nd[M]n.传说[v]1282831-1285500[W]tax[T]t5ks[M]vt.对…征税;n.税[v]1285500-1288189[W]heavily[T]'hevili[M]adv.繁重地[v]1288189-1290732[W]unjustly[T]'2n'd=2stli[M]adv.不正当地[W]cruel[T]kru3l[M]adj.残忍的[v]1290732-1293316[W]throw[T]0r3u[M]vt.投,投入,扔[v]1293316-1295928[W]prison[T]'prizn[M]n.监狱[v]1295928-1298496[W]mercy[T]'m3:si[M]n.怜悯[v]1298496-1301131[W]stony[T]'st3uni[M]adj.石头的[W]stony-hearted[T][M]狠心的,铁石般心肠的[W]pity[T]'piti[M]n.怜悯,同情[v]1301131-1303638[W]merciful[T]'m3:siful[M]adj.同情的[v]1303638-1306394[W]jokingly[T]'d=3uki9li[M]adv.开玩笑地[W]ride[T]raid[M]vi.骑马[v]1306394-1309003[W]naked[T]'neikid[M]adj.裸体的,光身的[v]1309003-1311622 [W]through[T]0ru:[M]prep.通过[v]1311622-1314236[W]empty[T]'empti[M]adj.空的[v]1314236-1316727[W]street[T]stri:t[M]n.街道[v]1316727-1319364[W]shutter[T]'72t3[M]vt.关上[v]1319364-1322007[W]promise[T]'pr6mis[M]n.诺言[v]1322007-1324660[W]lighten[T]'laitn[M]vt.减轻…[v]1324660-1327313[W]burden[T]'b3:dn[M]n.负担[v]1327313-1329917[W]lay[T]lei[M]vt.放;加…之上[v]1329917-1332473[W]tailor[T]'teil3[M]n.裁缝[v]1332473-1335089[W]cut[T]k2t[M]vt.豁,挖[v]1335089-1337501[W]hole[T]h3ul[M]n.孔,洞[v]1337501-1340015[W]peep[T]pi:p[M]vt.&vi.偷看[v]1340015-1342403[W]blind[T]blaind[M]adj.瞎的,看不见的[v]1342403-1344935[W]citizen[T]'sitizn[M]n.市民[v]1344935-1347643[W]ill[T]il[M]adj.有病[v]1347643-1350054[W]cold[T]k3uld[M]n.伤风[v]1350054-1352603[W]clinic[T]'klinik[M]n.诊疗所;医务所[v]1352603-1355099[W]fever[T]'fi:v3[M]n.发烧[v]1355099-1357733[W]medicine[T]'medisin[M]n.药[v]1357733-1360454[W]feel[T]fi:l[M]vt.感觉[v]1360454-1363085[W]temperature[T]'temp(3)rit73[M]n.温度;体温[v]1363085-1365898 [W]headache[T]'hedeik[M]n.头痛[v]1365898-1368486[W]worry[T]'w2ri[M]vi.着急,担心[v]1368486-1371045[W]catch[T]k5t7[M]vt.抓住[v]1371045-1373545[W]to catch up[T][M]赶上[W]harvesting[T]'ha:visti9[M]n.收割[W]diary[T]'dai3ri[M]n.日记[v]1373545-1376133[W]daybreak[T]'deibreik[M]n.黎明[W]start for[T][M]vi.动身(往…去)[W]rice[T]rais[M]n.稻;米饭[v]1376133-1378714[W]field[T]fi:ld[M]n.田野;田地[v]1378714-1381323[W]around[T]3'raund[M]prep.,adv.在…周围[v]1381323-1383940 [W]look[T]luk[M]vi.看起来[v]1383940-1386397[W]golden[T]'g3uld3n[M]adj.金黄色的[v]1386397-1388999。
