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《Woodpecker 吾道新闻系列》
吴俊峰 20180822
boring busy enjoyable
unforgettable relaxing
放飞自我 Live it up
逆风飞翔 Upwind flight
每四年,数以百万计的人们聚集在一起观看足球比赛,为他们最喜欢的球队和球员加 油。今夏,世界杯于6月14日在俄罗斯拉开序幕。
Who is your favorite football player? Why does he attract you?
C罗的自律 self-discipline
Cristiano Ronaldo, the 33-year-old Portuguese star, saved his country's national team with three goals against Spain, stunning the world.
C罗的自律 self-discipline
From a flying vase to a muscular hulk, there is only one secret to Ronaldo's evolution: Hard work + Keep a strict diet and routine .
exert [ɪg‘zɜːt] vt. 运用,发挥
C罗的自律 self-discipline
Someday you'll be a different person, a better person. 总有一天,你会蜕变成一个完 全不一样的人,一个更好的人。
When looking back, you'll thank yourself for showing your teeth and fighting your instincts. 那时候,你回过头来,会感谢 那个当初龇牙咧嘴,却一直对 抗着本能的自己。
stun [stʌn] vt. 使震惊;给以深刻的印象
C罗, 这位33岁的葡萄牙当家 球星,面对强敌西班牙,独 中三元,以一己之力拯救整 个国家队,炸翻了全世界的 朋友圈。
C罗的自律 self-discipline
It was one of the most eagerly anticipated games as Cristiano Ronaldo scored a hat trick , made history and earned Portugal a draw in an enthralling contest against.
C罗的自律 self-discipline
Freedom, It's not arbitrary, it's self-mastery. 所谓自由, 不是随心所欲, 而是自我主宰。 Self-discipline makes people more free and live a higher life. 自律, 才能让人更自由, 活得更高级。
C罗的自律 self-discipline
Ronaldo’s bicycle kick Height: 2.38 m, Almost level with the crossbar
C罗的精彩倒钩堪称史诗级别。 他的倒钩高度2米38,几乎与球门横梁持平。
How does Ronaldo live to be young?
C罗的自律 self-discipline
For successful people, selfdiscipline has been in their blood and bone , a part of their body and soul . They exceed themselves in self-discipline become who they are and finally . 对于成功者来说,自律已经融 入了血液和骨骼,成为身体和 灵魂的一部分。他们在自律中 超越自我、慢慢成就自我。
这是最受期待的比赛之一,因为c罗 在一场比赛中打进了一场帽子戏法, 创造了历史,并在一场令人着迷的比 赛中为葡萄牙赢得了一场平局。 anticipate [æn'tɪsɪpeɪt] vt. 预期,期望 eg: I’m anticipating your reply earnestly. enthrall [ɪn'θrɔːl] vt. 迷住,使着迷
据英媒爆料,C罗在曼联效力时, 每天最少花一个小时锻炼腰腹肌肉, 转会皇马之后更加疯狂,每天3000 个仰卧起坐。
It was strong waist and abdomen, amazing dorsal muscle, overbearing leg muscle that achieve the top body charm of Ronaldo. 强健的腰腹、惊人的背肌、霸道的腿部肌肉,成就了C罗顶级的形体魅力。
C罗的自律 self-discipline
What would you be like when you are exerting the last bit of your strength? Have you ever got burned for your life? 你最拼命的时候是什么样的?你是否 为自己的人生、好好地燃过一次? Self-discipline does not necessarily bring success but in the process of which you would grow fonder of yourself for sure. 并不是说自律一定能带来成功,但是 自律的过程一定会让你更加爱自己。
What's the theme song of the World Cup?
Let’s enjoy it!
2018世界杯主题曲 Live It Up 放飞自我
Live It Up, the official World Cup song, was released on May Performed by US artist Nicky Jam, US actor and singer 25. Will Smith, and Albanian singer Era Istref, the song has a line that goes , “One life, live it up, ’cause we got one life.” With a great melody and catchy lyrics, the song stands for “ the excitement, the celebration and the unity that people all over the world will share during the 2018 World Cup”,
从一撞就飞的花瓶到满身肌肉的“绿巨人”,C罗的进化只有一个秘诀,那就是苦练+严 格控制饮食和作息。
C罗的自律 self-discipline
According to British media,
Ronaldo spent at least an hour per day working on his waist and abs while at Manchester united. After moving to real Madrid, he went crazy with 3,000 sit-ups a day.
Ronaldo posted a message on instagram:“hard work pay off ”
欧冠客战尤文做出惊天倒钩后,C罗在ins上 发了一句话:“努力锻炼,终有回报”
欧冠客场对阵尤文, C罗的精彩倒钩。 他的倒钩高度2米38, 几乎与球门横梁持平。
演唱者都为能参与这场全球赛事感到荣幸。尼基•贾姆说道: To record the Official Song for the FIFA World Cup is a lifetime achievement . Not many artists have the privilege of being able to say they’ve been part of this. I’m so proud and happy, I can say to my grandkids ‘ I’ve made it ’
instinct ['ɪnstɪŋ(k)t] n. 本能,直觉;天性
C罗的自律 self-discipline
赞C罗 英雄不减当年勇, 独领风骚势如虹, 王冠背后是血泪, 魔鬼训练苦行僧。 致自己: 人才是熬出来的, 本事是逼出来的, 王冠是命换来的!
C罗的自律 self-discipline
To the new term, The tracks of our lives are in our own hands. From this term on, make a plan for the person you want to be , you want to live the life , stick to and it. 每个人的人生轨迹,都是由自己 主宰。 从本学期开始,为自己想要 成为的人,想要过上的生活,定一 个计划,严格去执行。
Every four years, millions of people gather in summer to watch soccer games and cheer for their favorite teams and players. This summer, the World Cup kicked off on June 14 in Russia.
exceed oneself in 超越自己
C罗的自律 self-discipline
The self-discipline that you can hold on to becomes the chance to start fresh . 能坚持下去的自律,都会成为蜕 变的契机。 what self-discipline is all about That’s . It is also the ultimate secret why 33-year-old Ronaldo is still the king of football. 这就是自律的意义所在,也是33 岁C罗依然笑傲足坛的终极秘诀。
今年的世界杯官方主题曲《放飞自我》于5月23日发布。这首歌曲由美国艺人 尼基· 詹姆、美国演员及歌手威尔· 史密斯以及阿尔巴尼亚歌手埃拉· 伊斯特莱菲献 唱,歌中有一句歌词这样唱道,“在这一生,让我们活出自己的色彩,因为我们 只有这短短一生可以珍惜。” 这首歌曲旋律动人,歌词朗朗上口,代表着“全球在2018年世界杯期间所共 享的激动、欢庆以及团结。”catchy ['kætʃɪ] adj. 引人注意的;容易记住的;
C罗的自律 self-discipline
overbearing [əʊvə'beərɪŋadj. 傲慢的;压倒一切的
“Self-discipline is the basic set of tools to solve life'smportant means to eliminate the pain in life.” “自律,是解决人生问题的首要工具, 也是消除人生痛苦的重要手段。” Living without self-discipline destroys a person from his mind, appearance, even to life. 不自律会慢慢摧毁一个人的心智、外 貌、甚至是人生。 The only way to sort out sufferings in lies in life self-discipline. 唯有自律,才是解决人生痛苦的根本 eliminate [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt] vt. 消除;排除 途径。