Artificial Netural Network 络
所有的自然神经元 都有树突、体细胞、轴 突和神经键4个基本部 分。基本上,一个生物 神经元从其它来源获得 输入,将之以一定方式 化合,执行针对结果的 通常是非线性的操作, 然后输出最后的结果。 如图表示了一个简单的 生物神经元及其四部分 之间的关系。
P2U7A Conventional and Intelligent Control
第二部分第七单元课文A 传统控制与智能控制
另外,为了控制复杂系统,有效处理复杂计算的问题也是研究 的领域之一;传统控制中其还在研究者关心之外,而当尝试控 制复杂系统时,很明显它已经是一个中心的问题。 此时正适合给智能控制中的智能一词作概要的说明。我 们注意到“智能”的精确定义已经不为人类所知数千年了。最 近这个问题以引起多个学科的注意,如心理学、哲学和生物学, 当然还有人工智能(AI);注意AI被定义为使用计算模型实现 智能的研究。对于什么构成了智能还没有一致的意见。关于广 泛使用的智商测验的讨论表明我还远未理解这个问题。在这个 报告中我们也未尝试给智能下一个全面的定义。取而代之,我 们介绍和讨论了几种在前面提及的解决复杂系统控制时表现出 可用性的智能系统的特点。 现在罗列了关于“智能控制”的一些内容。智能控制器 设想模仿人类智力,如自适应和自学习、在巨大不确定性条件 下的自计划和处理大量的数据等等,以便能有效的控制复杂过 程;
Artificial Netural Network
人脑最基本的单元是一种细胞,是它们使我们可以记忆、思 考和运用以往的经验来指导我们的每一个行为。这些细胞被称为 神经元,每个神经元都与大约200,000个其他神经元相连。大 脑的能力就来自于这些基本单元及其之间多样的连接。 所有的自然神经元都有树突、体细胞、轴突和神经键4个基本 部分。基本上,一个生物神经元从其它来源获得输入,将之以一 定方式化合,执行针对结果的通常是非线性的操作,然后输出最 后的结果。下图表示了一个简单的生物神经元及其四部分之间的 关系。
What kinds of employees are likely to be fired?If employees do not observe company or department rules, they are likely to be fired. Any boss will be angry if employees are late for work or use the company phone to talk with friends. A boss dislikes people who do not work hard, gossip a lot or read the newspaper over a cup of tea for hours. Even if one works hard, the boss may not be satisfied if one does not work with high efficiency. After all, company profits come from employee achievements. Even though you've made significant personal contributions to the company, if you do not get along well with your colleagues, you may impede the company's productivity. After all, most jobs require teamwork nowadays. Usually the boss places a high value on employee loyalty. Disloyal employees may sell the company's secrets and ruin it overnight. When the company is in financial difficulty and downsizing, the first to be dismissed will be those who have some of the above-mentioned problems.What kinds of people are better prepared for a layoff?In contemporary society job changes are inevitable. Few people will stay in the same company all their lives. So, from time to time people should look for signs that layoffs are coming. For example, fewer customer orders, layoffs in similar companies, and an economic recession are warnings. In addition to noticing bad omens like the above, people should study the kinds of skills or technologies that are in great demand. If one industry is on the decline, they should equip themselves with knowledge and skills in other industries. When adequately prepared, they will not panic if they receive a dismissal notice. They can go to a different job or even a different career without too much difficulty.After finishing undergraduate studies, would you like to find a job or pursue a postgraduate degree? Why?Some students prefer to look for a favorable job, through which they can gain useful experience that they cannot get from books. When they move on to a higher level job one day, then, they will already have experience in that field. At work, they can give full play to their practical abilities, and may be promoted to department manager by the time their classmates complete their Master's degree programs. On the other hand, some students are not eager to take up a job and prefer to continue to study towards a Master's degree or even a PhD. And we all know, knowledge is power. Although not everything you learn will be directly applicable at work, knowledge does improve your character overall. In the long run, those who acquire more knowledge will benefit from it.If a company doesn't perform well in a certain field, for example, software development, should it outsource or train its own employees to do it?Some companies prefer to outsource the production they are not good at. Against the background of globalization, the division of work is accelerating. Often you can find a more specialized or more professional company that can do the same work with better quality at a lower rate. But outsourcing inevitably brings about problems. It is not always easy to lay off the employees, especially if they have served the company for a long time. They may ask for dismissal benefits that are too high for the organization to bear. So, perhaps the company can provide their workers with training to improve their production skills. If the workers feel grateful, they will work harder for the company's prosperity.Describe some superstitions in English-speaking countries.English-speaking nations have a number of superstitions. For example, many people believe 13 to be an unlucky number, and do not want to live on the 13th floor or in Room 13. They say "knock on wood" or "touch wood" to avoid bad luck. To wish somebody good luck, they may say "I'll cross my fingers for you." Superstitious people avoid walking under a ladder or opening an umbrella in doors. When they see a black cat run across their path, they think it's a bad omen. Some people may hang a horseshoe over their door to ward off bad luck. If they happen to drop a mirror, they worry that they will have seven years' bad luck. To ensure good luck, they may carry a charm of some kind, such as a lucky rabbit's foot!What is the relationship between one's attitude to life and one's fate? Does the former determine the latter or is it the other way round?Since the world is complex and mysterious, it is not easy to arrive at a definite conclusion. Some scholars, including a British psychologist, suggest that there exists a correlation between one's attitude to life and one's fate. But more research is needed before we can be sure of such a correlation. Moreover, the cause-and-effect relationship has not been clearly identified, and we are uncertain which causes which. In real life we can find counter examples: Some optimistic people are not very lucky, while some pessimistic people are quite lucky. Perhaps we should try to find out which case is more frequent: optimistic people with good luck or optimistic people with bad luck. Judging from my personal observations, the former is more common. I can even supply the reason: Optimistic people have more self-confidence, which facilitates their success in life. A survey involving many people is required to discover what most people think about this issue.In an enterprise or institution, is it necessary to clearly describe each employee's duties? Explain.Generally speaking, it is necessary. Employees' job should be clearly defined. With a detailed job description, a worker will have a definite aim and high motivation to work toward that aim. They know how they will be rewarded and punished. Accurate job descriptions can do much to prevent unnecessary duplication and conflict among workers. If everyone in a company works as an organized team, the company is likely to grow and prosper. However, some potential problems are worth noting. If a job description is too detailed, some staff members will turn a blind eye to anything that falls outside their scope of responsibilities even if it is important to the company as a whole. Nor should job descriptions stand in the way of cooperation among employees. If those problems can be overcome, job descriptions will play a significant role in the company's progress.When a boss employs or promotes people, what may be his or her chief consideration: their education or their practical ability?In fact, most bosses will consider both, though they may probably attach more importance to the candidate's ability. After all, a company's profits come directly from the abilities of the entire staff. Many of the qualities of a good worker such as diligence, teamwork, loyalty to the company, and courtesy to customers are gained through on-the-job training rather than from book knowledge. However, one's educational background is not unimportant. If one can enroll in a distinguished university and attain a high GPA, it is likely that one already possesses good qualities like industriousness, intelligence, organizational ability, and a strong will -- qualities thatare equally useful in the workplace. But it's also possible that some students from the academic ivory tower are merely bookworms without much capacity for practical work. A boss is unlikely to promote such an employee.Some bosses employ and promote only relatives or those who come from their hometown. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this hiring practice.Hiring people he is familiar with does offer the boss advantages. Those people are usually willing to work hard and are loyal to the boss, who often entrusts them with such important responsibilities as being a financial manager or human resources manager. However, the disadvantages inherent in a family business outweigh the advantages. To begin with, it is not always easy to find a relative who can take up a highly technical position such as software development engineer or an in-house lawyer. Perhaps none of the boss's relatives is even a competent electrician. Then, too, there are problems if the boss's sister-in-law is chief financial officer. A top-notch accounting graduate will quickly realize her chances of promotion are slim and will work for another company. Worse still, if relatives turn against the boss, they may be able to deal him a deadly blow since they often know many company secrets.Should managers be strict with or kind to their employees?Generally speaking, managers should be strict with their employees; otherwise they may find it difficult to keep good discipline in the workplace. For example, some employees may come in late and leave early. They may call in sick without good reason. Even when they are in the office, they may idle the day away chatting with each other. However, a manager should show concern for his or her subordinates when they do have difficulties like an acute illness or other unexpected problems. If employees feel sincerely appreciated, they tend to work harder. Generally speaking, managers should be strict with their employees; otherwise they may find it difficult to keep good discipline in the workplace. For example, some employees may come in late and leave early. They may call in sick without good reason. Even when they are in the office, they may idle the day away chatting with each other. However, a manager should show concern for his or her subordinates when they do have difficulties like an acute illness or other unexpected problems. If employees feel sincerely appreciated, they tend to work harder.。
译文:为什么离婚率正在上升吗 ? 你有没有注意到 , 近年来越来越多的人离婚 ? 我认为你的答案是肯定的。就我个人而言 , 我的一些朋友已经经历过。
今天,婚姻的社会制度还不够稳定。就目前而言,在不深入问题的情况下更 换伴侣要容易得多。然而,这不是那么容易在现实中,事实上,问题不会消 失,如果我们逃避它们。了解破坏婚姻的主要因素,显然会帮助人们避免一 些这样的困难,可能至少有一个家庭在未来会失败。
Marrage background
Why marriages fail
成功的婚姻生活是一件复杂的事情 。大约有
50% 的婚姻以失败告终,其中许多在第一年就
失败了。每一对新人都带着美好的愿望出发, 白色的裙子,水桶里温柔的花朵,以及蓬勃的 a 爱的感觉。但是没有人知道这个故事什么时候 结束。不管怎么说,大多数问题都是突然消失 的,配偶们都没有做好准备。
生活可能是自发的和意外的,的确,金融危机 可能发生在富裕家庭。金钱是人们在婚姻中争 a 论最多的一件事。Leabharlann 103不忠
另一个严重的离婚原因是不忠。寻找婚姻之外的另一个原 因是当夫妻变得非常苛刻的时候。妻子或丈夫可能没有意
让他们以某种方式对待对方。如果他们不能按照所希望的 a 愿望和命令去做,那么他们就开始在屋外寻找和平。
英语散文翻译带注释Title: A Reflection on the Importance of Education in Modern Society。
Education is a crucial element in modern society. It plays an instrumental role in shaping the future of individuals, communities, and nations. In this reflective essay, I will explore the importance of education in our contemporary world and discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with it.Firstly, education is essential for personal and professional growth. It equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in various fields of work. Education also helps individuals to developcritical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, which are crucial for navigating the complexities of modern life. Moreover, education fosters creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, which are essential for driving economic growth and social progress.Secondly, education is crucial for social and cultural development. It helps individuals to understand and appreciate diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Education also promotes social cohesion, tolerance, and respect for human rights and dignity. It enablesindividuals to participate in democratic processes, engagein civic activities, and contribute to the development of their communities and societies.However, despite its importance, education facesseveral challenges in our contemporary world. One of the significant challenges is inequality in access to education. Millions of children and young people worldwide are still denied access to quality education due to poverty, discrimination, conflict, and other factors. Thisinequality perpetuates social and economic disparities and undermines the potential of individuals and societies to thrive.Another challenge is the quality of education. While access to education is crucial, it is equally important toensure that the education provided is of high quality. Many education systems worldwide struggle to provide quality education due to inadequate resources, outdated curricula, and ineffective teaching methods. This situation hinders the development of critical thinking, creativity, and innovation, and limits the potential of individuals and societies to succeed.Furthermore, education faces the challenge of relevance in the face of rapid technological advancements and changing social and economic realities. The education systems of many countries are still based on outdated models that do not adequately prepare individuals for the demands of the modern world. There is a need to re-think and re-design education systems to ensure that they are relevant, flexible, and responsive to the needs of individuals and societies.Despite these challenges, education also presents significant opportunities for individuals and societies. The digital revolution has opened up new possibilities for learning, collaboration, and innovation. Online learningplatforms, mobile applications, and other technological tools have made education more accessible, flexible, and personalized. Moreover, education can be a powerful toolfor promoting sustainable development, addressing global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality.In conclusion, education is a critical element in modern society. It is essential for personal and professional growth, social and cultural development, and economic and social progress. However, education also faces significant challenges, including inequality in access, quality, and relevance. To fully realize the potential of education, individuals, communities, and nations must work together to address these challenges and seize the opportunities presented by education.。
The Old CatAn old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."【译文】老猫一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。
专业英语短文翻译2南京邮电大学复习资料五:《专业英语》短文翻译1.The reader may ask , how does the demultiplexer know which groupof 8-digits relates to channel 1, 2, and so on ? Clearly this is important ! The problem is easily overcome by specifying a frame format , where at the start of each frame a unique sequence of pulses called the frame code , or synchronization word , is placed so as to identify the start of the frame. A circuit of the demultiplexer is arranged to detect the synchronization word, and thereby it knows that the next group of 8-digits corresponds to channel 1.2.Advances in audio, video and speech coding and compression algorithms and progress in Very Large System Integration technology influence the bit rate generated by a certain service and thus changethe service requirements for the network. In the future, new services with unknown requirement will appear. For the time being it is yet unclear, e. g. what the requirement in terms of bit rate for HDTV will be. A specialized network has great difficulties in adapting to changing or new service requirements.3.When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first places the line in a space level (i. e. , the complement of a mark) for one element period. This element is called the start bit and has a duration of T seconds. The transmitter then sends the character, 1 bit at a time, byplacing each successive bit on the line for a duration of T seconds, until all bits have been transmitted. Then a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and sent after the data bits. Finally, the transmitter sends a stop bit at a mark level (i. e. the same level as the idle state) for one or two bit periods. Now the transmitter may send another character whenever it wishes4.The cellular switch, which can be either analog or digital, switches calls to connect mobile subscribers to other mobile subscribers and to the nationwide telephone network.. It also contains data links providing supervision links between the processor and the switch and between the cell sites and the processor. The radio link carries the voice and signaling between the mobile unit and the cell site. Microwave radio links or wire lines carry both voice and data between the cellsite and the MTSO.5.Today's telecommunication networks are characterized by specialization . This means that for every individual telecommunication service at least one network exists that transports this service. A few examples of existing public networks are described below Computer data are transported in the public domain by a packet switched data network (PSDN) based on X.25 protocol6.Today’s telecommunication networks are characterized by specialization . This means that for every individual telecommunication service at least one network exists that transports this service. A few examples of existing public networks are described below:Computer data are transported in the public domain by a packet switched data network (PSDN) based on X.25 protocols.Television signals can be transported in three ways: broadcast via radio waves using ground antenna, by the coaxial tree network of the community antenna TV (CATV) network or recently via a satellite, using the so-called direct broadcast system (DBS)7.By far the most popular serial interface between a computer andits CRT (显示器) terminal isthe asynchronous serial interface . This interface is so called because the transmitted data and the received data are not synchronized over any extended period and therefore no special means of synchronizing the clocks at the transmitter and receiver is necessary. In fact, the asynchronous serial data link is a very old form of data transmission system and has its origin in the era of the第1页共4页南京邮电大学teleprinter.8.At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line looking for a start bit. Once the start bit has been detected, the receiver waits until the end of thestart bit and then samples the next N bits at their centers, using a clock generated locally by the receiver. As each incoming bit is sampled, it is used to construct a new character. When the received character has been assembled, its parity is calculated and compared with the receivedparity bit following the character. If they are not equal, a parityerror flag is set to indicate a transmission error.9.If we consider binary transmission , the complete informationabout a particular message will always be obtained by simply detecting the presence or absence of the pulse. By comparison, most other forms of transmission systems convey the message information using the shape , or level of the transmitted signal ; parameters are most easily affected by the noise and attenuation introduced by the transmission path . Consequently there is an inherent advantage for overcoming noisy environments by choosing digital transmission.10. The Internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very large network resources . The network resources can be divided into network facilities resources and network information resources . The network facilities resources provide us the ability of remote computation and communication . The network information resources provide us all kinds of information services , such as science , education , business , history , law , art , and , entertainment , etc11.The SDH standards are based on the principle of direct synchronous multiplexing which is the key to cost effective and flexible telecommunication networking. In essence, it means that individual tributary signals may be multiplexing directly into a higher rate SDH signal without intermediate stage of multiplexing. SDH Network Elements can then be interconnected directly with obvious cost and equipment savings over the existing network.12.Improvements in component performance, cost, and reliability by 1980 led to major commitments on the part of telephone companies. Fibre soon became the preferred transmission medium for long-haul trunks. Some early installations 0. 8 µm light sources and graded-index multimode fibre, but by 1983, designers of intercity links were thinking in terms of 1. 3 µm, single-mode systems. The single-mode fibere, used in conjunction with a 1. 3 µm laser, provides a bandwidth advantage which translates into increased repeater spacings for high data rate system.13.The individual elements of multimedia are already handled by a standard 486 personal computer, such things as audio, graphics and text, but the major challenge is in real time video, for this is the major business requirement and a necessity if multimedia systems are to become standard items for the desktop. This real time processing requires a vast amount of data storage and this is a function of the amount of information contained in a colour picture, for instance a normal640×480pixel colour picture requires well over 1 M bytes of storage to give the required quality, though for full motion video this is increased up to 100 M bytes of data.1.读者也许会问,解复用器怎么知道哪一组8位码对应于第一路、第二路及其他各路呢?显然这是很重要的。
参考译文:However, subject matter is indeed not the decisive factor by which we judge a novel of its depth as well as (of ) its artistic appeal and ideological content (or: as to whether a novel digs deep or not or whether it excels in artistic appeal and ideological content). Some people compare Austen’s works to olives: the more you chew them, the more tasty (the tastier) they become. This comparison is based not only on (This is not only because of ) her expressive language and her creative contribution to the development of novel writing as an art, but also on (because of ) the fact that what hides behind her light and lively narrative is something implicit and opaque (not so explicit and transparent). Mrs. Smith once observed, women writers often sought (made attempts) to rectify the existing value concepts (orders) by changing people’s opinions on what is ―important‖ and what is not.E-C原文I, by comparison, living in my overpriced city apartment, walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor, I am rated middle class. This causes me to wonder, do the measurement make sense? Are we measuring only that which is easily measured--- the numbers on the money chart --- and ignoring values more central to the good life?For my sons there is of course the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbours’ orchards and gardens. There is the unpaid baby-sitter for whose children my daughter-in-law baby-sits in return, and neighbours who barter their skills and labour. But more than that, how do you measure serenity? Sense if self?I don’t want to idealize life in small places. There are times when the outside world intrudes brutally, as when the cost of gasoline goes up or developers cast their eyes on untouched farmland. There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in small places that exist in large cities. Furthermore, it is harder to ignore them when they cannot be banished psychologically to another part of town or excused as the whims of alien groups --- when they have to be acknowledged as ―part of us.‖Nor do I want to belittle the opportunities for small decencies in cities --- the eruptions of one-stranger-to-another caring that always surprise and delight. But these are,sadly,more exceptions than rules and are often overwhelmed by the awful corruptions and dangers thatsurround us.参考译文:对我的几个儿子来说,乡村当然有充足的新鲜蔬菜,垂钓来的鱼,邻里菜园和果园里可供分享的丰盛瓜果。
大学英语专业精读教材第一单元课文内容及翻译《Half a Day》一、①I walked alongside my father ,clutching his right hand.〔走在父亲的身旁,我紧紧地抓住他的右手〕②All my clothes were new : the black shoes , the green school uniform ,and the red cap.〔那时,我穿着黑鞋子,绿校服,戴着红帽子,它们都是新的。
〕③They did not make me happy, however, as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for first time.〔然而,因为今天是我第一次被送去上学,所以这些衣服并没有给我带来一丝快乐。
〕二、①My mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help.〔母亲站在窗前望着我们缓缓前行,我也不时地回头看她,希望会从她那里得到帮助。
〕②We walked along a street lined with gardens, and fields planted with crops, pears, and date palms.〔我们沿着街道走着,街道两旁是花园和田野,田野里栽满了梨树和椰枣树。
〕三、①“Why school ?”I asked my father .“What haveI done ?”〔“我为什么要去上学?”我问父亲,“是我做错了什么吗?”〕四、①“I’m not punishing you,”he said ,laughing.“School’s not a punishment. It’s a place that makes useful men out ofboys. Don’t you want to be useful like your brothers?”〔“我不是在惩罚你,”父亲笑着说道,“上学不是一种惩罚。
Case Study: Designing an Automotive Suspension System
For example, let's consider the design of an automotive suspension system. A suspension system is responsible for providing a smooth ride while maintaining the stability and control of the vehicle. A mechanical engineer would use CAD software to design the various components of the suspension system, such as the springs, dampers, and control arms.
After the initial design is complete, the engineer would then analyze the system using finite element analysis (FEA) software. This allows them to simulate the behavior of the system under different road conditions, such as potholes or speed bumps. By analyzing the stresses and displacements in the components, the engineer can identify potential design issues and make necessary modifications to improve the performance and safety of the suspension system.
01-A. How to be a successful language learner?“Learning a language is easy, even a child can do it!”Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner. Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. Conversely, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields. Language teachers often offer advice to language learners: “Read as much as you ca n in the new language.”“ Practice speaking the language every day. ”“Live with people who speak the language.”。
Unit1: Translation exercises 1. He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview. 2. His sad sad story story story touched touched touched us us us so so so deeply deeply deeply that that that we we we nearly nearly nearly cried.cried.3、People People from from from Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai can can can understand understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common.4、Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years.5. The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing.6. When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes.7. He finally gave in to his daughter's repeated requests to further her education abroad.8. We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday.9. 9. Although Although Although we we we have have have parted parted parted from from from each each each other, other, I I hope hope hope that that that we we we will will will remain remain good good friends friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past.10. At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy.Unit2:Translation exercises 1Yesterday a government delegation headed b y the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country.2、It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills.3、Computers Computers are are are one one one of of of the the the most most most useful useful useful teaching teaching teaching aids,for aids,for aids,for all all all your your your lessons lessons lessons as as as well well well as as as all all all the the questions asked and all the answers provided can be shown on a screen. 4.、Xiao Zhang’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday; he sent for a doctor immediately. 5、He failed in the college entrance examination last year,but he did not feel disappointed.Instead,he disappointed.Instead,he continued continued continued to to to study study study hard,passed hard,passed hard,passed the the the examination examination examination successfully successfully successfully and and become a student in famous university this year. 6、There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly. 7In this era of information explosion, we have to make constant efforts to renew our knowledge. Only thus can we become adjusted to the requirement the requirement s of our work. 8With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag under his arm, the boy looks just like a boss. 9、Although she is only 8 years old ,the little girl is already very good at calculating fractions.No wonder her parents feel proud of her. 10、All the neighborhood have heard of the news,but you haven't.Don't you think it is strange? Unit31.I am sorry I am late,but I was at a meeting and couldn ’t get away. 2. At the concert, whenever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation . 3. She is always wearing stylish clothes, but seldom cares about what she eats or drinks. 4.The nurse told me that the doctors had done wonders for your heart disease. 5.When 5.When awarding awarding awarding the the the prize, prize, prize, the the the chairman chairman chairman comlimented comlimented comlimented the the the winner winner winner on on on his his his great great great contribution contribution contribution to to mankind. 6.This problem has bothered the experts for many years. 7.The crowd demonstrators melted away when the police arrived. 8.Since 8.Since punctuality punctuality punctuality is is is such such such a a a good good good habbit,we habbit,we habbit,we should should should pay pay pay close close close attention attention attention to to to it it it and and and make make make every every effort to cultivate it. 9.The old man cherishes that girl,as if she were his own daughter. 10.It is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried about. Unit 4.1.1.It is an attempt made to strengthen our competitive ability. 2.2.The police in this district know where the thieves hang out. 3. 3.The agreement signed will break down all the barriers to free trade. 4.4.It was a very difficult situation,but he handled it very successfully. 5.5.He is my best friend.I just can ’t turn my back on him now that he needs my help. 6. 6.So 6.So long long long as as as you you you work work work hard,you hard,you hard,you are are are bound bound bound to to to succeed and succeed and realize realize your your your ambition ambition ambition sooner sooner sooner or or later. 7. 7.Although he hates the job,yet he is determined to stick it out because he needs the money to support the family. 8. 8.That 8.That cancer cancer cancer patient patient patient kept kept kept an an an optimistic optimistic optimistic attitude attitude attitude towards towards towards his his his disease,persisted disease,persisted disease,persisted in in in combating combating it,and conquered it in the end. 9. 9.This university has a staff of more than 2000,including about 150 professors and over 500 associate professors. 10. 10.The concert was held to mark the 75th anniversary of the composer ’s death. Unit51. 1.That 1.That psychiatrist psychiatrist psychiatrist who who who had had had talked talked talked about about about his his his patients patients patients in in in public, public, public, was was was charged charged charged with with with violating violating professional ethics . 2. 2.Hanging 2.Hanging on on on the the the walls walls walls of of of the the the classroom classroom classroom are are are some some some famous famous famous sayings,which sayings,which sayings,which inspire inspire inspire and and and urge urge people to exert themselves. 3. 3.All kinds of commodities are available.Nothing is in short supply. 4. 4.We all trust the president for his absolute integrity. 5. 5.Before we vote for him, we want to know what he stands for.6. 6.6.The defendant couldn’t account for the fact that the money was found in his house.The defendant couldn’t account for the fact that the money was found in his house.7. 7.When I saw that he was right,I had to back down. 8. 8.She has been appointed sales manager,for she is both clever and diligent. 9. 9.One of the biggest challenges faced by the present government is that of creating more jobs. 10. 10.The enemy succumbed soon after our soldiers stormed its stronghold. Unit61. The dilemma she is facing is whether to tell her husband the truth about his fatal disease. 2.Don 2.Don’’t you think it a sort of stigma that you,already in your thirties,still have to depend on your old parents? 3. 3. Almost Almost Almost all all all the the the governments governments governments in in in the the the world world are very much concerned about the the financial financial issue. 4. With regard to the the seminar seminar seminar on on on English English English teaching, teaching, teaching, I I I suggest suggest suggest that that that it it be be held held held on on on the the the coming coming weekend. 5.whether to go abroad for further education or not is entirely up to you. 6.Just a single spark can lead to an explosion in a room filled with gas. 7.No matter what efforts the government has made,the price for housing has barely declined. 8.In 8.In order order order to to to pass pass pass TOEFL,he TOEFL,he TOEFL,he has has has devoted devoted devoted almost almost almost every every every minute minute minute of of of his his his spare spare spare time time time to to to English English studies. 9. With his acting potential , , the the the young young young man man man is is is likely likely likely to to to be be be a a a superstar superstar superstar in in in the the the field field field of of entertainment. 10.It is believed that siblings jealousy exists more in a rich family than in a poor one. Unit71.I scrambled up the cliff for a good view of the sea. 2.He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon. 3.I figure that our national economy will continue to develop rapidly. 4.The 4.The chairman chairman chairman made made made an an an effort effort effort to to to reassure reassure reassure the the the shareholders shareholders shareholders that that that the the the company company company’’s s bad bad bad results results would not be repeated. 5. Stop acting like a baby! Pull yourself together! 6. Being very much a private man, he does not confide in anyone. 7.We all hate the terrorists ’ indiscriminate violence against ordinary people. 8.Many people in this country are alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crimes. 9. We anticipated that the enemy would try to cross the river. That was why we destroyed the bridge. 10. I am indebted to all the people who worked so hard to make the party a great success. Unit81.At Christmas people enjoy themselves very much;they visit one another and present each other with Christmas cards and presents. 2.The walls of her bedroom and living room are all decorated with pictures of pop stars and film stars. 3. Sophia teased Tom about his new hat mildly, but Tom teased her curly hair unmercifully. 4.He had attained remarkable achievements which surpassed the goal he had set for himself. 5. He kept crying bitterly, and I tried to persuade him not to give way to grief. 6. I t ook took it for granted that you would like to see the play, so I bought you a ticket. 7.They have relegated these problems somewhere down on the priority list. 4. The government is determined to avoid at all costs a sharp rise in food price. 5. He tried his best to save the drowning boy, but in vain. 6. That old woman is always interfering in other people’s affairs.7.After having several influential papers published,he became quite distinguished in the academic world. 8.Pollution is so serious in this area that the villagers can hardly find any water that is fit for drinking. 9.I packed a suitcase with all the things that might be needed. 10. We Chinese usually associate the Spring Festival with family reunion. 1. 2. Many volunteers rendered a valuable service to the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. measures to cope with. 4.Scissors,knives,matches,and medicine must be kept beyond the reach of children. 5.I always keep a sum of at least 1.000yuan on hand, in case of an emergency. 6.Honest people despise lies and liars. in English. 7. It was a long time before I began to feel at home in English. 8. Because of the financial recession, some of small- and medium-size enterprises are, so to speak, up to their necks in debt. 9.He is a man that always mouths fine words about people to their faces and speaks ill of them behind their backs. 10.I was greatly scared by the zest demonstrated by those radicals. Unit11 1.They hoped to save their marriage by giving birth to a child. 2. Secret service men escorted the President and his family everywhere they went. overbearing boss. 8.When 8.When the the the chairman chairman chairman announced announced announced the the the election election election results,the results,the results,the meeting meeting meeting hall hall hall broke broke broke into into into a a a sea sea sea of of of great great joy,with the whole assembly clapping and cheering. 9.He has a very bad reputation,for he often takes other people ’s names in vain. 10. The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather. Unit 12 1. I marvel at the poet’s ability to express nuances of different feelings. 2.Although you have good teachers and a favorable environment,it is your personal effort that comes into play in the success of your English studies. 3.As English majors,we need to have a keen awareness of the subtle diffrences between word meaning. 4. Some new policies in the educational system will be implemented next year. 5. It is unfair to indentify popular culture with vulgar culture. 6. He believes that a person should be noble-minded, but not money-oriented all the time. 7.The Middle East is generously endowed with petroleum. 8.The school authorities are holding a meeting in reference to the construction of a new gymnasium. 9.But for his personal visits to the third-world countries,he would not have believed such disparity in the living standars between the rich and the poor. 10.No one came to claim the welfare lottery bonus of 5 million yuan RMB,not even to the last day. Unit13 1. The airport authorities request that every passenger keep an eye on his/her own belongings. 2.Although he was diagnosed with stomach cancer,he still took an optimistic attitude toward life. 3.His teacher advised him not to eat so much junk food. 4. With a high sense of responsibility, the teacher gave his life in order to save his students. 5.His comrades did whatever they could for his release from the prison,and they succeeded. 6.The sudden financial tsunami has stripped quite a number of people of their property. 7.My secretary is looking for this or that all the time,for she is always misplacing her things. 8. After drifting into the woods, he was greatly amazed at the scene in front of him. 9.So far no effective remedy for the addiction to the Internet has been found. 10. 10. In In In view view view of of of the the the serious serious serious employment employment employment situation, situation, situation, many many many university university university graduates graduates graduates voluntarily voluntarily voluntarily go go go and and work in the remote areas. Unit14 1.He possesses some fine traits:he has refined and gentle manners;he is kind and generous to others;he is always modest and prudent;and he constantly perfects his work. 2.A high crime rate that doesn ’t seem to drop is a reflection of an unstable society. 3. It is beyond doubt that Shanghai is fast becoming another financial center. 4.Such a small gym can hardly meet the needs of such a large student body,amounting to about 3000. 5.A person with reason instinctively knows what should be done and what should not be done. 6. Despite hardships, she persisted in her efforts to complete her university education. 7.As long as you study hard and make progress constantly,your chances to succeed will multiply. 8. Xiao Wang works very efficiently, because he possesses strong professional competence and, moreover, he pays particular attention to the methods he employs. 9. The so-called problem teens are not born to be problems. Very likely, it is because they lack parental and school discipline. 10.The President of the university displays both professional competence and excellent leadership;therefore,he is very popular among the teachers and other staff members. 。
P89What differentiates…What differentiates engineering from many other fields is that it attempts to go from theory into practice for the purpose of developing products and processes instead of merely observing the phenomena of that science or art. For example, a physicist studies and records findings in order to understand better some phenomena or physical process. On the other hand ,an engineer utilizes scientific information to make a particular process or products for use by consumers. ABET further defines the design portion of engineering activity as follows: 工程学对于其他许多的领域的区别在于,它试图把开发产品和工艺的目的从理论进入到实践,而不是仅仅是观察科学或艺术的现象。
ABET进一步明确了工程活动的设计部分如下:P91 Step1…Step 1: Recognize the need — Some people mistakenly believe that engineers create need. This is ,of course , no more true than the notion that physicians create illness or farmerscreate hunger. The products and processes created by engineering design are a direct response to specific needs of society. The first step in the design process is probably the single most important part of the overall process. Yet it is frequently given inadequate treatment in the design process.A carefully formulated statement of need can often save considerable time and energy later in the design cycle. Implied in any statement of need is an understanding of the real constraints on the problem. Once a statement of need has been established, the designer would be well advised to review this statement periodically during the design process so that it can be revised if necessary.一些人错误地认为工程师创造了需求。
汉译英文章500字英文及分析汉译英文章500字英文及分析 2henry ford didn’t always pay attention in school. one day ,he and a friend took a watch apart. angry and upset, the teacher told him both to stay after school. their punishment was to stay until they had fixed the watch. but the teacher did not know young ford’s genius. in ten minutes, this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on this way home..ford was always interested in how things worked. he once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire. then he waited to see what would happen. the water boiled and, of course, turned to steam. since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. the explosion cracked a mirror and broke a window. the young inventor was badly scaldedford’s year of curiosity and tinkering paid off. he dreamed of a horseless carriage. when he built one, the world of transportation was changed forever.亨利·福特在学校经常心不在焉。
英语翻译 大学英语3讲解
Unit 1I wanted nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room.我只想能顺顺当当找到自己的宿舍。
He wanted nothing more than to help her.No matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first gradish.无论我自以为有多么成熟,我还是觉得有点像一年级新生似的。
No matter how hard I tired, I could not change his mind.I spent the whole afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture.我花了一下午的时间摸清了我所有要上课的教室的位置,这样我就可以在每节课之前掐准时间走进教室。
They spent the whole afternoon preparing the classroom so that the party would be held just as planned.I was heading for the salad bar when I stepped on a piece of cheese.我正朝色拉供应台走去,却不料一脚踩在了一块奶酪上。
We were reading in the library when the electricity went off.Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus to have forgotten me.也许三天的时间足以使全校人把我给忘记了。
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• 他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次 重游各地名山,反复观察变换的奇景 。
• 他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游 各地名山,反复观察变换的奇景。 • 译文1:He would revisit famous mountains at different time and in different seasons to observe the changing magnificent views time and again.
• 译文1:During his life time, Xu Xiake visited and explored 16 provinces, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. • 译文2:During his life time, Xu Xiake traveled around and conducted surveys in 16 provinces. he left his footprints in virtually every part of the country.
• 为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的 山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇 山秀景; • 弄清:find out; make clear • 真相:real situation(区别于表面或造假的情况 );the actual state of affairs; fact; truth • 真相大白come out in the wash; The truth is out; The facts are clear now. • 弄清真相:get a clear picture of
• 译文2: In order to develop a true picture of the natural world, he made it a point of undertaking his expeditions in those mountain areas where roads were difficult to travel and in those woods that were sparsely populated.
• 艰险:hardships and dangers; dangerous; treacherous; difficult • 人迹罕至:untraversed;unfrequented ;seldom visited • 奇山秀景:grotesque mountains and spectacular sceneries; • 奇:grotesque, peculiar, strange, unique • 秀:fantastic, miraculous, magnificent, spectacular
• 译文1:and found many inaccuracies in the travel notes on geography written by his predecessors. • 或:He found that many of the geographical records by other people before him were inaccurate. • 译文2:Instead, he discovered that the documentations made by his predecessors in their geographical studies were not quite reliable in many aspects.
• 为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路 艰险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察, 发现了许多奇山秀景; • 译文1:To get a true picture of nature, he picked/chose mountains with treacherous paths and unfrequented jungles for explorations, discovering many grotesque mountains and beauti,足迹几乎遍及 全国。 • 周游:到各处游历; 走遍travel across (around) ;tour;visit
• 考察: explore; make an on-the-spot investigation;
inspect • 足迹:footprint;footmark; trace • 遍及 spread all over
• We demand difficulty even in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun.
• 徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几 乎遍及全国。他在考察的过程中,从来不 盲目迷信书本上的结论。他发现前人研究 的地理的记载有许多不很可靠的地方。为 了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船 ,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为 了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰 险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发 现了许多奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时 间和季节,多次重游各地名山,反复观察 变换的奇景。
• 为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几 乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉; • 为了: in order to, for the sake of, for the purpose of, with the aim of, with a view to • 细致的:careful, delicate, detailed • 乘车坐船:“乘坐”应使用一个词 by carriage and boat; take the wagon and the boat • 翻山越岭:翻越可使用一个词 climb/cross mountains and ridges • 长途跋涉: long difficult journeys
• 译文2:In this way he discovered many marvelous mountains and beautiful scenes. He frequently chose different times and seasons of the year to make repeated visits to the famous mountains across the country so that he could make repeated observations of their wonderful scenery that kept changing all year round.
• Effort is the gist of it. There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties. Short of the impossible, as Yeats put it, the satisfaction we get from a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties. Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of “The pleasure of taking pains”. The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports to be effortless.
• 他发现前人研究的地理的记载有许多不很可靠的 地方。 • 前人:predecessor; forefathers; others • 前人栽树,后人乘凉。 One man sows and another reaps. • 记载:record; put down in writing; document; notes • 可靠: 真实可信 true,或准确accurate,信得过 reliable; trustworthy
• 为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几 乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉。 • 译文1:He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time with the aim of conducting a real and careful exploration. • 译文2: In order to ensure that his reconnaissance were real and detailed, he seldom traveled by boat or by wagon. He climbed over mountain and hills and traveled long distances almost entirely on foot.