Lecture 10汉译英谓语的处理
Lecture 10
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 8、这时寂静无声。 • silent / silence • 参考译文:It is very quiet at the moment. • 9、屋里有一位客人。 • 参考译文:There is a guest in the room.
• 2、这儿将修建更多的居民大楼。 • There will build more apartment buildings. • Many more apartment buildings will be constructed here. • 参考译文:More apartment buildings will be built here.
Lecture 10
• ―You mean me? Well, yes, I think I could make people dance to my tune. But today it’s another story. It’s not me but others who have changed. People’s moods change everyday.‖
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 11、只有慎之又慎,才能避免犯不必要的 错误。 • The more cautions you pay, the less mistakes you will make. • Only if we being very careful, can we get rid of some errors. • 参考译文:Being very careful, you (we) can avoid making unnecessary mistakes.
lecture 11(物称与人称)
the conference room at 2 P· Friday. M. (All faculty and staff are requested to meet in the conference room at 2 P· Friday.) M.
三、物称与人称的翻译策略 (一)有灵主语与无灵主语的转换 汉语句子多为有灵主语;而英语善用无灵主语。 在翻译中,为了符合英汉各自的思维方式,在叙述 方式上必须注意主语的转换。请看下例英汉互译 中的转换: (12)Business took him to the town. 他因事进城去了。 (13)A great elation overcame them. 他们欣喜若狂。
2.非人称代词“it”和there be句型的使用。
王力先生曾对英语形式主语做过精辟的论述:就 句子结构而言,西洋语言(英语)是法治的,中国语 言是人治的,法治的不管主语用得着用不着,总要 呆板地求句子形式的一律;人治的用得着就用,用 不着的就不用,只要能使对话人听懂说话人的意 思,就算了。这也为英汉互译中“it”形式主语和 零位主语的处理提供了依据。
与此形成对比的是,中国人相信“天人合一 (oneness between man and nature)”。 而且, 这种“天人合一”儒家的代表人物孟子认为“万 物皆备于我” 。因此,从“我”就可以掌握“万 物”的本质,而“万物”的特征也显现在“我” 之中。这即是中国文化传统意义上的人本文化。 这种人本文化的长期积淀,形成了汉民族主体型 的思维方式,即以人文为中心来观察、分析、推 理和研究事物的思维
(英文中出现了七个动词被动式,而中文里却 一个“被”字也没有,翻译时还添加了多个“我 们”“你们”等人称词。英汉语民族思维习惯之
lecture3 大学英语专业 英译汉
Understanding the text Analysis of (1)Language
meaning of words grammatical sense (2)Context (3)Logic (4)Background
E-C vocabulary comparison a. degree of equivalence
Full equivalence(proper noun\professional terms\)
The Pacific Ocean computational linguistics tuberculosis helicopter minibus 太平洋 计算语言学 肺结核 直升飞机 微型汽车
Partial equivalence marriage 娶、嫁 sister 姐姐、妹妹 morning 早晨、上午 gun 枪、炮
Lecture3: The Process of Translating(I)
Understanding the text Language Context Logic Background
The Process of Translating
Nida: • analysis
• transfer • Restructuring
BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has pledged to rely on the people and bring benefit to the people in achieving the “Chinese dream.” (1) “The Chinese dream, after all, is the dream of the people. We must realize it by closely depending on the people. We must incessantly bring benefits to the people,” Xi said in a keynote speech delivered at the country's top legislature on Sunday. He said 1.3 billion Chinese people should bear in mind the mission, unite as one, and gather into invincible force with the wisdom and power. He vowed to always listen to the voice of the people and respond to the expectations of the people.
iii supplying Adverb
5. The crowds melted away. 人群渐渐散开了。
6. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下就开始滔滔不绝说个没完。
16. The lion is the king of animals. 狮子是百兽之王。
17. The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men. 连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千军怒 吼。
4. “It’ll make a man of him,” said Jack. “College is the place.” “就是该上大学,”杰克说。“准会把他造 就成一个有用人才。” 5. Now and then his boots shone.
6. He turned a chair aroundቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱand straddled it, resting his chin on the back. 他把椅子转过来,叉开腿跌坐在上面,把下 巴搭在椅背上。
11. A new kind of aircraft – small, cheap, pilotless – is attracting increasing attention.
一种新型飞机正越来越引起人们的 注意——这种飞机机身不大,价格便 宜,无人驾驶。
③某些动词或形容词派生而来的抽象名词后增 加名词
当时的电影总是老一套,男拖拉机手和女拖拉 机手始而相遇,继而相爱,最后并肩开拖拉机。
lecture的意思用法大全lecture的意思n. 演讲,训斥,教训vi. 作演讲vt. 给…作演讲,教训(通常是长篇大论的)变形:过去式: lectured; 现在分词:lecturing; 过去分词:lectured;lecture用法lecture可以用作名词lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。
lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或about ,意为“关于…的演讲”“就…做演讲”“因…训斥或谴责某人”。
lecture用作名词的用法例句She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.她讲课前把讲稿匆匆看了一遍。
His lecture covered various aspects of language.他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。
They could not follow the lecture.他们听不懂这次演讲。
“因…而受到训斥”可说lecture sb for n./v -ing。
lecture用作动词的用法例句It was a shame for me to be lectured in front of the whole class.当着整个班级的面被训斥了一顿,真让我感到羞辱。
He lectured to his students on modern writers.他给学生们讲了关于现代作家的一课。
Lecture 11
• 如何翻译谚语?是直译还是意译?这完全 取决于谚语的语言特点和文化背景。 • 由于大多数谚语采用生动形象的比喻,只 要不影响译文读者的理解,我们应该尽可 能地使用直译方法,把原文的内容、形式 和精神都输入到译文中去,努力减少翻译 中的损失。例如:
• 英译汉: • Forbidden fruit is sweet. 禁果分外甜。 • In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king. 盲人国中,独眼称雄。(或: 盲人之邦,独眼称王) • If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 同时追两兔,全都抓不住。 • Half a loaf is better than no bread. 有半块 面包总比没有强。
Use four-word Chinese terms to translate the following words and phrases
• • • • • • • • • • • • Have never met 素不相识;萍水相逢;素未谋面 Extend in all directions 四通八达 Talk and laugh cheerfully 谈笑风生;欢声笑语 A world of difference 天壤之别;截然不同;天差地别 Take a risk in desperation 铤而走险;孤注一掷 Await with great anxiety 望穿秋水;望眼欲穿;翘首以待
Use four-word Chinese terms to translate the following words and phrases
lecture 13 大学英语专业 英译汉
Translation 11
1 Recourse to arms is not the best solution to a quarrel between countries. 国与国之间的争端借助武力,并不是最好的解决办法。(名)
Let’s go to textbook P58
Lecture 13: E-C syntactical differences
Comments on assignment 11 Syntactical differences Translation skill: repetition
II. Repetition of the Noun which is omitted in prepositional phrase.
4. The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients. 医生从我身上得到的实践,会超过在一千七百个普通病人身上 得到的实践。 5. The story of Jurgis is a story of groans and tears, of poor human beings destroyed by the capitalist industrial machine. 尤吉斯的故事是一篇充满呻吟和泪水的故事,是资本主义工业 机器摧残不幸者的故事。 6. We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeoisie is itself the product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange. 由此可见,现代资产阶级本身是一个长期发展过程的产物, 是生产方式和交换方式的一系列变革的产物。
1.1 增加主语
1) 黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。 Pitch dark, I don’t know whether it is day
or night. 2) 采取积极措施,促进全社会固定资产 投资较快增长。 We will adopt vigorous measures to promote rapid expansion of total fixed asset investment.
1.1 增加主语
听者发出的一种劝告、警告、命令、行为指示, 或是对一种社会现象的描述和评论。翻译时需要 补上泛指意义的人称代词或名词。 1) 只有慎之又慎,才能避免犯不必要的错误。 Being very careful, you can avoid making unnecessary mistakes.
1.3 译成祈使句
语祈使句。 1) 好好学习,天天向上 。 Study hard and make progress every day. 2) 学习好,工作好,身体好。 Study hard, work well, keep fit. 3) 继续为实现党的基本路线和历史任务而奋斗。 Continue to strive for the fulfillment of the basic line and historic mission of the Party.
1.2 译成被动句
1) 实施科教兴国战略取得新进展,各项社会事
业全面进步。 Fresh progress was made in implementing the strategy of developing the country through science, technology and education and all social undertakings developed. 2) 禁止任何方法对公民进行侮辱和诽谤。 Insult or slander against citizens in any form is prohibited. 3)大多数中学里都教英语。 English is being taught in most middle schools.
A new teaching plan involving a 50% reduction in the English courses will be put in place at the end of the year.
4. 弄不好,就会前功尽弃。
If things are not properly handled, our work will have been in vain.
5. 没有安定的政治环境,什么事也干不成。
Nothing can be accomplished without a stable political environment.
Their highly successful performance yesterday has attracted wide media
Since the introduction of this new strategy, the sales has grown at an average rate of 10% per annum.
them home, I found they were just half new.
3 2 超市,这一时期,经济发达,商业繁荣,社会秩序稳定,甚至边境也对外开放,随着
lecture 11 增译
Trick or Treat is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys. If they don't get any treats, they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of the house.
Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs, especially among children. According to tradition, people would dress up in costumes (wear special clothing, masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away.
增词是指增加原文中虽无其词而实有其 义的词,使译文更明确更完整,而不是 无中生有地随意增加。增词法使译文既 能忠实地传达原文的内容和风格,又能 符合译入语的表达习惯。但增词必须是 根据具体情况增加非增不可的词语。增 词一般用于以下四种情况:一是为了语 法上的需要;二是为了意义上的需要; 三是为了文化上的需要;四是为了修辞 上的需要。
What Is Amplification in Translation?
Amplification, also called addition, means supplying necessary words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. By amplification we mean supplying necessary words in our translation work so as to make the version correct and clear, to make it more like the language translated into. Of course words thus supplied must be indispensable either syntactically or semantically.
RISKS OF NUCLEAR POWER 核能的风险Bernard L. Cohen, Sc.D. 贝尔纳Sc.D Cohen l。
Professor at the University of Pittsburgh 匹兹堡大学的教授Radiation 辐射1The principal risks associated with nuclear power arise from health effects of radiation. This radiation consists of subatomic particles traveling at or near the velocity of light---186,000 miles per second. They can penetrate deep inside the human body where they can damage biological cells and thereby initiate a cancer. If they strike sex cells, they can cause genetic diseases in progeny. 1与核电相关的主要风险来自于辐射对健康的影响。
2 Radiation occurs naturally in our environment; a typical person is, and always has been struck by 15,000 particles of radiation every second from natural sources, and an average medical X-ray involves being struck by 100 billion. While this may seem to be very dangerous, it is not, because the probability for a particle of radiation entering a human body to cause a cancer or a genetic disease is only one chance in 30 million billion (30 quintillion). 2自然辐射发生在我们的环境中,一个典型的人,总是被15000的辐射粒子每秒钟从天然来源,和平均医用x射线是被1000亿年。
lectures翻译基本解释●lectures:讲座,演讲,授课●/ˈlektʃərz/●n. 讲座,演讲,授课变化形式●n. 复数形式:lectures具体用法●名词:o意思:讲座,演讲,授课o同义词:talks, presentations, speeches, addresses, seminarso反义词:silence, quiet, hush, muteness, stillnesso例句:●The professor's lectures on quantum physics were soengaging that students from other departments alsoattended. (教授关于量子物理的讲座非常吸引人,以至于其他系的学生也来听。
)●During the lectures, students are encouraged to askquestions to deepen their understanding of the subject. (在讲座期间,鼓励学生提问以加深他们对该主题的理解。
)●The university offers a series of lectures on modern art everysemester, attracting art enthusiasts from all over the city. (大学每学期都会提供一系列关于现代艺术的讲座,吸引了来自全市的艺术爱好者。
)●She delivered a series of lectures on the history of the Englishlanguage, which were well-received by the audience. (她进行了一系列关于英语语言历史的讲座,受到了观众的好评。
)●The guest speaker's lectures on climate change providedvaluable insights into the current environmental challenges.(客座演讲者关于气候变化的讲座提供了对当前环境挑战的宝贵见解。
lecture翻译基本解释●lecture:讲座,演讲,训诫●/ˈlektʃər/●n. 演讲,讲座,训诫●v. 演讲,训诫变化形式●n. 复数形式:lectures●v. 第三人称单数:lectures●过去式:lectured●过去分词:lectured●现在分词:lecturing具体用法●●n.:o演讲,讲座o同义词:speech, talk, presentation, discourse, address o反义词:silence, quiet, hush, muteness, stillnesso例句:●The professor gave a fascinating lecture on the history ofancient Rome, which captivated the entire audience for overan hour.●教授做了一场关于古罗马历史的精彩演讲,吸引了整个观众超过一个小时。
●After attending the lecture on climate change, I felt moreinformed about the environmental challenges we face today.●听完关于气候变化的讲座后,我对我们今天面临的环境挑战有了更多的了解。
●The lecture on quantum physics was so complex that manystudents struggled to keep up with the concepts beingdiscussed.●量子物理的讲座如此复杂,以至于许多学生难以跟上讨论的概念。
●She delivered a lecture on the importance of mental healthawareness, emphasizing the need for open conversations.●她做了一场关于心理健康意识重要性的演讲,强调了开放对话的必要性。
Lecture 11篇章翻译
2. 中华民族历来珍惜各民族大团结和祖国 统一。中国的56个民族,从古代开始就在 华夏大地上劳动和繁衍,经过长期的相互 帮助、相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国 家。维护中华民族的团结统一, 是中华民
族伟大复兴的根本基础,是全国各族人民 的根本利益所在。新中国成立以后,中国 在少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,各 民族的权益受到宪法保障,民族地区的社 会和经济不断发展,各民族之间的平等、 团结、互助关系不断加强。
3. 中华民族历来坚持独立自主的民族精神 和发展道路。中国人民把独立自主当作立 国之本,在5000多年的不懈奋斗中创造了 灿烂的中华文明,并在近代反抗外来侵略、 实现民族解放的斗争中自立自强,最终掌 握了自己的命运。独立自主、自力更生, 同学习外国、吸取世界文明的成果,是相 互结合、相辅相成的。中华民族的先人们 早就懂得这个道理。中国的汉唐时代,都 曾在这方面留下了宝贵的历史经验,当时 既是中国自强不息发展自己的昌盛时期, 也是积极开展对外交流,广泛吸收外来进 步文化的时期。
还需要一些刺激吗?想想看,这里有一幢独立的两层楼运 动馆,面积为3,000平方米,有一个1,300平方米的户外草 坪,有一片750平方米的海滩草地,有宽敞豪华的舞厅, 还有11间多功能房子,在这儿可进行各种团队活动,所有 这些完美地融合为一体,形成一座座修剪装点得非常美丽 的花园,四边是750米的海滩和中国最大的环礁湖式游泳 池。工作之余,打打高尔夫球,钓钓鱼,搞搞潜水运动, 或者打打网球,或在我们的矿泉胜地休养,缓解紧张的心 态。在这里开会真是心旷神怡不过了。
The Chinese nation has persistently pursued an independent national spirit and road to development. We regard independence as the foundation on which to build the country. We have created a splendid Chinese civilization by making unremitting endeavor over 5,000 years. We grew stronger by relying on our own efforts in the struggle to resist foreign aggression and to gain national liberation in modern times and finally became masters of our own destiny. Independence and selfreliance should not rule out learning from other countries and drawing upon the fruits of world civilization. The two are complementary to each other. Our ancestors came to know this a long time ago. In this respect, we have valuable historical experience from the Han and Tang Dynasties. Those were periods of prosperity when China strove to develop itself on its own, and also periods when it learned extensively from foreign advanced cultures in the process of actively conducting external exchanges.
Chapter I General Introduction 1. Introduction
Importance and aims of the translation course
1.1.1 Importance of the translation course
What do criteria mean? A criterion is an established standard, rule or principle on which a judgment is based. As a plumb-line for measuring professional level of translation. As a good set for translators to strive for
(柯平:英汉汉英翻译教程,北京大学出版社:2002: 13)
2.—Isn’t this tape-recorder yours? —Yes, it is. 不,是我的。 —No, it isn’t. 对,不是我的。(同上)
3. However, such measures touch only the tip, but not address the basis of the problem. 然而,这样的措施只不过是碰了碰 问题的尖端(改译:只不过是蜻蜓点水), 并没有触及问题的根源。(同上)
1) To be beneficial to the study of languages 2) To share the cultural heritage of the world 3) To get a better understanding of different peoples 4) To lay a foundation for the further study and the future work 5) To meet the social needs 6) To realize goals of four-year education for English Majors . Compulsory course . On the course list of the syllabus
Lecture 1-8(中英)
Lecture One 定语从句Other government activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitution and laws.各州都有自己的宪法和法律,承担政府的其他职能。
Within each state are counties, townships, cities and villages, each of which has its own elective government.各州下属辖县,镇,市,村,皆有其民选政府。
一.省略法1.One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found inor near the West End.伦敦一大特色是大商店多,大多数位于西区及其周边地区。
2.Another feature of London’s shopping life is the chain store, in which prices are low and awide variety of goods are offered.伦敦购物生活另一特色是连锁店,里面价格低廉,提供各种商品。
3.Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the sensational,which feature crime, sex and gossip, to the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events.美国报纸和其他国家一样,既有耸人听闻的小报,报道犯罪,色情和小道消息,也有严肃报刊,聚焦实事新闻,分析国际时事。