关键词:批评性语篇分析新闻语篇意识形态1.引言上世纪七十年代末,“批评性语篇分析”(即CDA)的概念首先由Fowler,Hodge,Kress 等人在《Language and Control》一书中提出,后来Fairclough,Wodak,van Dijk等学者都对批评性语篇分析的发展起到了推动作用。
Fowler,Fairclough和van Dijk都认为新闻语篇值得仔细研究(转引自Jing Yin,2007)。
法国哲学家Destutt de Tracy被认为是首先使用“意识形态”(ideology)一词的,他多次表明,“意识形态”表示的是一种“思想的科学”或者“观念科学”,它是一切科学的基础(Thompson,转引自辛斌,2007)。
Van Dijk(2001,14-16)指出,意识形态决定于它们在社会实践中的结果。
批评性语篇分析(Critical Discourse Analysis)是近年来新兴的批评语言学所采用的一种语篇分析方法,它以批评性与其他的语篇分析方法相区别,通过从语言的外部因素对语篇进行分析,试图揭示作者/说话人通过操纵语言对读者/受话人实施控制这一现象,并对这一控制过程的基本原理和作用机制进行阐述。
Van Dijk(2001)指出:“批评性语篇分析是语篇分析的一种研究方法,它主要研究社会政治背景下社会权力的滥用、控制和不平等是如何通过文本与谈话而得以实施,再生产和抵制的。
20世纪70年代末期,英国和澳大利亚的一些学者接受了法兰克福学派的批评理论,并尝试将其应用于语言学研究,由此开创了批评语言学(Critical Linguistics)。
2021关于马航事件的中日新闻标题批评性语篇对比范文 一、理论基础 批评性语篇分析主要形成于20 世纪 80 年代末至 90 年代初,标志性着作有Fairclough 的 Languageand Power (1989),以及 Wodak 的 Language, Powerand Ideology(1989)。
Halliday 系统功能语法被认为是批评性语篇分析最有利的武器之一,它由概念、人际、语篇这三大纯理功能构成。
二、分析工具与语料 (一)分析工具 不同的语料根据其特点可从不同视角来分析。
本文将主要运用Halliday 系统功能语法来进行批评性语篇分析。
Halliday系统功能语法的三大纯理(概念、人际、语篇)功能 ,换言之,是指语言既可以用来描述主客观世界,又可以用来建立和保持人际关系,还可以用来组织信息。
(二)新闻语料 本文主要选取了在中日两国具有较大影响力的报纸———《人民日报》和《朝日新闻》中有关 “马航MH370”的新闻标题作为语料。
在收集语料时,作者严格遵循“对比语料应当是对同一事件相近时期内的报道”这一原则,将两份报纸围绕“马航MH370 事件”的新闻进行收集,分别选取收集了《人民日报》及《人民日报海外版》上的新闻标题共 21 条(2014.3.11—2014.5.6)、《朝日新闻》上的新闻标题共 32 条(2014.3.8—2014.5.16)来进行对比分析。
新闻语篇句式模型的批评性分析任芳(清华大学人文学院外语系,北京100084)摘要:“句式模型”(s y nta g m atic m ode ls )是批评语言学家郝治和克来斯(~od g e &K ress )提出的重要理论模式。
关键词:新闻语篇;句式模型;倾向性;批评语言学中图分类号:~313.0文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-722X (2002)05-0019-05A c ritical Aanal y sis of S y nt a g m atic M odels i n new s d iscourseREN F an g(F ore i g n L an g ua g es D e p art m ent ,S choo l o f ~u m an ities and S cience ,G i n g hua U n ivers it y ,B e i j i n g ,100084,Ch i na )Abstract :“S y nta g m atic m ode ls ”,p ut f or w ard b y ~od g e &K ress ,is an i m p ortant anal y tical fra m ew ork o f critical li n g uistics.B ased on t h is fra m ew ork ,a com p arative stud y o f new s d iscourse concern i n g t he “S i no -U S p lane co llis ion ”event from C hina d ail yand T he n e z y ork T i m es reveals t hat bo t h re p orts are b iased ,e it her i n event descri p tion or i n i m a g e construction o f t he t w o nations.T heref ore ,new s d iscourse re C uires critical read i n g .K e y words :new s d iscourse ;s y nta g m atic m ode ls ;b ias ;critical li n g uistics2001年4月1日,美国海军EP -3军用侦察机在中国南海上空与一架中国歼-8!歼击机相撞,中国飞行员跳伞后下落不明,美机紧急降落于中国海南岛陵水机场,机上有24名机组人员。
CDA坚持以语言学为主体,利用系统功能语言学中把语言看作是社会符号的观点,集中分析语篇中语言是如何反映权力关系,分析语篇是如何被人为地用来产生和维持社会不平等关系,揭示语篇中隐藏的意识形态,增强人们“批评语言意识”(Critical language awareness),提高人们对语言运用的鉴赏和批评能力,帮助人们对自己作为语篇生产者和接收者而介入的实践有更多意识,以便更好地应付语言对当今社会生活越来越广泛的介入。
它把人们的所作所为、所见所闻描述成各种不同的过程,并指明各种过程的参与者(participant)和环境成分(circumstantial element)。
英语新闻语篇的批评性分析作者:付龙飞来源:《新闻爱好者》2009年第18期批评性语篇分析(Critical DiscourseAnalysis).简称CDA.也称为批评语言学(Critical Linguistics)。
批评语言学主张运用西方社会批评理论(critical theory)分析大众化语篇,如电视,广告、新闻报道、官方文件等。
批评性语篇分析采纳了MA.K.Halliday的系统功能语法作为语篇分析的工具,认为语言具有三个功能,即概念功能(ideational function)、人际功能(inter-Personal function)和语篇功能(textualfunction).其目的是“解释语篇”,即弄清楚该语篇是怎样表示意义的。
Haniday在及物系统中把语言的表达分成了六个过程:物质过程(mate-fial process)、心理过程(mental process)、关系过程(relational process)、行为过程(behavioral process).言语过程(verbalprocess)和存在过程(existential process).并研究与各过程相关的参与者和环境部分。
荷兰语言学家Van Dijk认为,社会集团成员在心理和认知上对自我和他人的极化性态度,体现在话语上就是:对集团内的人或事进行正面、积极描述,对集团外的人或事进行负面、消极描述。
前者指报道者忠实地引述别人的原话,后者指转述原话的命题内容,而不拘泥于其措辞(辛斌 1998: 10)。
(1)直接引语《纽约时报》:One man said he was down about $10,000. “We’ve all lost money,” he said, growing irritated. “Everybody’s pretty much the same.”在这段话里,通过对一名男性股民的采访,选用直接引语的方法,借当事人之口,并加入对气愤语气的形容,突出了股市萧条,股民们叫苦连天的现状,也从侧面表达报道者对中国股市的担忧。
一、批评性语篇分析的理论基础“批评性语篇分析”(critical discourse analysis),又称“批评语言学”(critical linguistics),起源于20世纪70年代末,于80年代初发展成为一种语篇分析的理论框架和研究方法。
新闻语篇批评性分析作者:戴花来源:《文教资料》2009年第36期摘要: 语言并非如传统语言学描述的那样不偏不倚地反映客观现实。
关键词: 新闻语篇批评性语篇分析意识形态一、批评性语篇分析语言学家们对批评语言学的研究虽然只有20多年的历程,但已经呈现蓬勃发展之势。
尤其以英国、德国、荷兰等欧洲大陆国家和澳大利亚的专家、学者们作出的贡献最多,其中主要代表人物有:代表兰卡斯学派(Lancaster School)的N.Fairclough、代表社会符号学(social semiotics)的G.Kress、代表社会认知法(socio-cognitive approach)的Van Dijk,以及R.Fowle等人。
其中最引人注目的就是荷兰语言学家Van Dijk主编的以批评话语分析为重点研究方向的国际性刊物Discourse and Society。
一则新闻报道的批评话语分析Critical Discourse Analysis of a News Report【摘要】批评性话语分析主要是通过分析大众语篇,来揭示语篇中隐含的意识形态,其方法论主要建立在Halliday的系统功能语言学基础上。
【关键词】批评性话语分析;系统功能语言学;意识形态Abstract: Critical discourse analysis is based on the systemic-functional linguistics. It aims to uncover the ideology hidden in the mass media discourse on the basis of Halliday’s Systemic-functional linguistics. This paper takes a report from New York Time as an example to analyze the ideology by employing transitivity, modality and transformation.Key words: Critical discourse analysis; Systemic-functional linguistics; Ideology.一、引言批评语言学(critical linguistics)始于20世纪70年代末80年代初,此概念首先由英国语言学家Roger Fowler和Gunther Kress提出,至今已有20年的发展历程了。
批评性话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis ,以下简称CDA)被认为是批评语言学最有影响的一个分析,它通过分析大众语篇揭示意识形态对语篇的影响和语篇对意识形态的反作用。
( )A es tr zo a gtr w r ie 8 t at he Heb l hf hes eek ld l e l i l
收稿 日期 :0 2一 1 2 2 1 o —1
作者简介 : 王爱琴 , , 女 河南兰考人 , 黄河水利职业技术学院副教授。
引 言
近年来 , 动语 态 因其在 新 闻语篇 中 的重 要 地 被 位 而成为众 多 学者 研 究新 闻语 篇 的一 个 重 要 方 面 。 传 统意义 上被 动语 态 是 由主动 语 态转 换 而 来 的 , 主 动 句和相 应 的被动 句 所 表 达 的意 思 完全 一 样 , 因而 早 期对新 闻语 篇 中被 动语 态 的研 究 大多孤 立地 描述 两 种语 态纯粹 机 械性 的转 换 。H ldy则从 语 篇 功 aia l 能来分 析两 种语 态 , 出 其侧 重 点 有所 不 同。虽 然 指 他 把被 动语 态 的研 究建 立在对 具体语 篇 和社会 语境
a usl a s o a le . nd b o d ffmi s i
本 文试从 以下 三方 面系统 分析 新 闻语 篇 中被动 语 态如 何体 现媒体 的倾 向与 意愿 , 示 出不 同的意 显 识 形态 背景 。 ( ) 一 隐藏施事 者 以模 糊行 为 主体 在 主动句 中 , 行动 作 的施 事 者位 于句子 左侧 , 执 即主语 位置 , 而在 相对应 的被 动句 中 , 事者则 被置 施 于句子 右侧 。一个 有趣 的现象 是原 本在 主动句 中必 然 出现 的施动 者 在被 动 句 中则 可 以被 人 为地 删 除 。 下 面 的例 ( ) 3 在英语 中完 全可 以被接 受 。例如 : ( )T m h s nse ew r. 1 o a f i dt ok h h i ( )T ew r a enf i e yT m. 2 h okh s e ns db o b i h
二、批评性话语分析的理论基础批评性话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis,简称CDA)是批评语言学在话语分析领域的具体应用,它以系统功能语言学为主要理论框架,深入探索语言、权力和意识形态之间的关系。
语料:两段报道分别摘自纽约时报网和中国日报网,内容如下:Robles,the world-record holder and reigning Olympic champion,ran in Lane 5 Monday,and his trouble started when he knocked over the eighth hurdle.As he and Liu approached the next hurdle,Robles’s arms were swinging closer to Liu’s,and his right arm struck Liu’s left as they came over the ninth hurdle.Liu,slightly off balance now,ended up knocking over the 10th hurdle and dropping back as Robles and Richardson lunged toward the finish line.(New York Times)Robles’right trailing hand was seen hitting on Liu’s left hand.As a result,Liu’s?rhythm was disturbed and his blistering pace slowed down.Right before the tenth and final sprint,Robles made further hand contact with Liu,who lost balance and tripped on the last hurdle.Liu,as a result,faded into the third after clearing the last hurdle and tumbled but?managed to the finishing line.(China Daily)两篇报道内容都是对比赛中犯规过程的描述,现对两篇语料进行对比分析。
%Transitivity analysis can be classified into critical and non-critical.The non-critical method is mainly used to analyze language forms and the distribution rules .While critical discourse analysis attempts to show how dis-course is affected by power and ideology ,and how discourse acts on social relations and the knowledge structure . The critical analysis of discourse within the framework of systemic functional grammar can reveal the social connota -tion behind the discourse .This essay uses Halliday ’ s transitivity syste mto critically analyze the hard news genre to reveal potential ideology ,and tries to prove the transitivity system can be used to effectively do discourse analysis .In addition ,this essay also helps people improve critical consciousness in thieir reading .【期刊名称】《河北联合大学学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】4页(P104-107)【关键词】语篇分析;硬新闻;及物性【作者】马竞赛;贾珍霞【作者单位】河北联合大学外国语学院,河北唐山063009;河北联合大学外国语学院,河北唐山063009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H0-0批评性语篇分析是20世纪80年代初,首先在英国兴起的有关语篇分析方法的学科。
ernal Agitato 阿拉法特的报病逝,成为中东国媒体对此事复杂的身份象民的父亲,是他指责为恐怖分333安徽文学2008年第期7形成对阿拉法特反面态度。
语篇中共有15处间接引语,2处直接引语,其中这5处直接引语的内容为阿拉法特本人的话,引述动词分别为boomed 和shot back ,15处间接引语中只有5处有确切消息来源,分别为阿拉法特,Golda Meir ,其它10处间接此语均无确切消息来源,通常为Israelis,Aides,Arafat's Israeli critics,Associates,his hard-time critics,a re-porter,an aide,The P ,L,O Leader 等。
本文在颇有威望的《纽约时报》中选取了 2008年涉华的负面报道为素材,以费尔克劳的三维模式和韩礼德的功能语法相结合,进行分析研究。
关键词:批评性语篇分析;韩礼德功能语法;纽约时报;负面新闻报道iii CONTENTSAcknowledgements iAbstractii摘要 iiiChapter One Introduction. 11.1 The Background of the Study11.2 Purposes and Significance of the Study21.3 Data Collection 31.4 The Structure of the Thesis 4Chapter Two Literature Review. 52.1 The Development of Critical Discourse Analysis52.1.1 Key concepts and Principles of CDA 52.1.2 CDA Studies abroad 82.1.3 CDA Studies at Home. 102.2 Theoretical Framework..112.2.1 Fairclough's three-dimensional model.112.2.2 Halliday's Systemic-Functional Grammar 162.2.3 The Relationship between CDA and SFG. 242.3 Critical Discourse Analysis on News Report. 26Chapter Three A Critical Analysis of China-related Negative News Reports in New York Times. 283.1 The Definition of Negative New Report283.1.1 The Notion and Categorization of News 283.1.2 News Value293.1.3 News Sources313.1.4 Negative News Report 313.2 Functional Approach323.2.1 Transitivity 323.2.2 Transformation 373.2.3 Lexical Choice 413.2.4 Modality Choice 443.2.5 Thematic choice. 463.3 Intertextuality. 483.4 Non-linguistic Tools 533.4.1 Benefit-oriented Feature of News. 533.4.2 Historical Factor 533.4.3 Cultural Factor 55Chapter Four Conclusions. 574.1 Findings of the Study..584.2 Implications of the Study..594.3 Limitations of the Study.60 Bibliography. 60Appendix 64Chapter One Introduction1.1 The Background of the StudyCritical discourse analysis CDA, a research area that represents an outgrowth of the workof the British and Australian pioneers of critical linguistics, particularly Fowler and Kress, inconvergence with approaches of the British discourse analyst Fairclough and Dutch text linguistvan Dijk. CDA has produced the majority of the research into media discourse during the 1980sand 1990s, and has arguably become the standard framework for studyingmedia texts withinEuropean linguistics and discourse studies Bell&Garrett, 1998:5-6. CDA is a field that isconcerned with studying and analyzing written and spoken texts to reveal the discursive sourcesof power, dominance, inequality and bias. It examines how these discursive sources aremaintained and reproduced within specific social, political and historical contexts Van Dijk,1998At this Information Age, western mass media such as newspapers, English broadcasts, andso on, are made easily accessible to EFL learners in China. News is an important channel ofinformation transmission, which is usually presented as the unbiased recording of 'hard facts'However, previous studies made by critical linguists and some scholars in other fields prove thatit is not actually the case. According to Fowler 1991:12, news is a practice, a product of socialand political world on which it reports. He stresses the social nature of news. "News is theend-product of a complex process which begins with a systematic sorting and selecting of newsof events and topics according to a socially constructed set of criteria of news worthiness. "News reports relate closely to political and economic power, and are influenced by theofficial ideologies inevitably. The significance of language in news reports makes it necessaryfor us to do a critical discourse analysis of them, which can help to dig up the hidden meaningbehind the words. Therefore, the present study tries to conduct a study of news reports in NewYork Times from the perspective of CDAThen why choose the negative news reports about China? It is believed that the remarks about China made by one commentator of CNN, Jack Cafferty impressed and irritated a lot of1 Chinese people. It showed obviously negative attitude towards China. This is what we can see atthe very first sight of the news. However, not every piece of news expresses its position directlyMost of news reports need analyzing with a critical view. This is also what we are going to do inthis thesis, a critical discourse analysis of news reports As is known, in the year of 2008, a series of important events have happened in ChinaHuge snow damage in January and February, Tibet issues and TaiWan election in March, trainclash in April, Earthquake in May, flood in June and the Olympic Games in August, babyformula milk problem in September…All of these have drawn great attention both at home andabroad. News reports about China appear on the front pages of newspapers in different countriesTo the same event, different newspapers show different points of view. Among these reports, it is inevitable that some negative attitudes are revealedThis thesis focuses on the American newspaper New York Times NYT for its prestige andinfluence in the United States and worldwide. It is found that some reports reveal negativeattitude to China and express it directly by words such as the commentator of CNN, JackCafferty’s remarks on China. However, not every news report is so explicitly negative, butsometimes rather implicitly. So what devices are used by the NYT to give the readers a negativeimpression on China? This is what is discussed in this thesis. In order to understand theChina-related news in NYT better and learn what attitude America holdtowards China, thehidden meaning of the news reports needs digging up1.2 Purposes and Significance of the StudyThe purpose of this thesis is to analyze the negative China-related news reports in thenewspaper New York Times, an opinion-leading and with comparatively large circulationnewspaper in America and then to summarize and systematize the devices which are oftenconducted to convey the negative attitudes in the newspaper through critical discourse analysis inorder to show how the negative attitudes are directly or indirectly expressed. In a word, the thesisdiscusses how American newspaper New York Times reports China's issues and how it misleadsthe publicNewspaper is one of the important mass media in our daily life. Through the newspaper, wecan understand others' opinions and attitudes. The significance of the thesis is to help the readers2 to increase their critical awareness of potentially biased or prejudiced language instead ofaccepting the news passively. After grasping the often-used devices of negative reports, thereaders can get to know the real intention behind the news1.3 Data CollectionAll the China- related news reports for this thesis were selected from the famous newspaperNew York Times through Internet for its prestige and influence worldwide The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City and distributedinternationally. The largest metropolitan newspaper in the United States, "The GrayLady"?named for its staid appearance and style?is regarded as a national newspaper of recordFounded in 1851, the newspaper has won 98 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper. Itsmotto, as printed in the upper left-hand corner of the front page, is "All the news that's fit toprint." ////0>. times. htmlThe New York Times newspaper is considered as the most authoritative daily newspaper inthe US and arguably the most in the world. It is read and quoted by millions of people everydayand available in most libraries, US embassies, and consulates abroad. Along with USA Today andThe Wall Street Journal, it is one of the top 3 American newspapersin terms of readership andcirculation, with daily readership of about 5 million. It is one of the world's top hundred dailynewspapers based on circulation ////.times. 6>html. In this sense, the New York Times is a comparatively better choice for this thesis The political stance of NYT is liberal, i.e. left-leaning for Democratic Party. The newspaperis organized in three sections which are news, opinion and features. News includes International,National, Washington, Business, Technology, Science, Health, Sports, The Metro Section almostalways section B, Education, Weather, and Obituaries. Opinion includes Editorials, Op-Eds andLetters to the Editor. Features include Arts, Movies, Theater, Travel, NYC Guide, Dining &Wine, Home & Garden, Fashion & Style, Crossword, The New York Times Book Review, TheNew York Times Magazine, and Week in Review. Looking from its content, New York Times is acomprehensive newspaper with a wide news coverage including almost every aspect of thesociety and daily life ////. In view of the prestige of NYT in Americaand worldwide, many Chinese scholars have3 been studying its attitudes towards China. Their analysis focuses on reports of big and hot issuesin China, such as the quantitative analysis of Tibet issue by Fan Shiming. Yu Jiadi collects andanalyses the China-related news reports in NYT during Clinton's visit to China. And Chen Hanxianalyses the reports on the airplane clash issue, Huang Li collects the data about SARS toillustrate NYT's position on China-related issues. All these studies prove that a large amount ofnegative reports in NYT about China exist and influence the readers who may not realize it. Theword "Demonize" is used in China to refer to this kind of the reports on China in NYT. In theview of the author, these reports demonized China and tarnished its image in the eyes of theworld readership. And several often-used devices will be introduced and classified in furtheranalysis As mentioned above, a great many of events, good or bad, have happened during the year2008. As a result, China attracts more attentions of American mediathan before. And the newsreports concerning China are relatively rich and plentiful. Besides, we are living right in thiseventful time, so analysis of this year's newspaper can help us to get a deeper feeling andresonance. That's why the thesis selects the news reports during the whole year of 2008 in NYT Samples are selected according to the topics, including earthquake in Sichuan, Tibet issue,Jack Cafferty's comments, Taiwan problem, economic problem, Olympic Games, baby formulaissues and so on. Some representative data like Monk Protests in Tibet Draw Chinese Security;China Demands CNN Apologize for Commentary; Taiwan Elects a Supporter of CloserMainland Ties ; Powerful Quake Ravages China, Killing Thousands; China’s Leaders Try toImpress and Reassure World; Baby Formula Sickened Many More, China Says, etc. arediscussed in the thesis1.4 The Structure of the Thesis The thesis consists of four major parts. After the introduction and literature review, it comesto the main part, a detailed analysis of China-related negative newsreports in New York TimesUsing the framework developed in the previous chapters, the often-used devices in NYT whichimply the negative views are made implicitly and classified clearly. And it is helpful for learnersto achieve the goal of critical reading of the news media texts. However, due to the limitedanalyzing ability and other factors, the thesis has its own shortages and room for further studies4 Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Development of Critical Discourse Analysis2.1.1 Key concepts and Principles of CDA CDA is different from other discourse analysis methods because it includes not only adescription and interpretation of discourse in context, but also offers an explanation of why andhow discourses work. To learn more about CDA, except of the definition of itself, the keynotions should also be well graspedCDA concerns with the relationship between language, power and ideology therelationship between discourse, social identity and social change Fairclough, 1992a,b and therole of discourse in producing and maintaining inequality vanDijk,1991. Accordingly, textanalysis is only one aspect of discourse analysis in addition to the analysis of discursive practiceand social practice Fairclough, 1989, 19922.1.1.1CDADifferent scholars define CDA differentlyFairclough defines CDA as an approach which seeks to investigate systematically oftenopaque relationships of causality and determination between adiscursive practices, events andtexts, and b wider social and cultural structures, relations and processes; to investigate howsuch practices, events and texts arise out of and are ideologically shaped by relations of powerand struggles over power; and to explore how the opacity of these relationships betweendiscourse and society is itself a factor securing power and hegemony Fairclough,1995:135According to Ruth Wodak 1989, CDA is a discourse analysis "with an attitude”. Itfocuses on social problems, and especially on the role of discourse in the production andreproduction of power abuse or domination. In the most general sensethe object of research inCDA is the public sphere?that is, the social spaces and social practices where people as citizensengage in dialogue about issues of social and political concern Van Dijk 1998 holds that CDA is a field that is concerned with studying and analyzingwritten and spoken texts to reveal the discursive sources of power, dominance, inequality and5 bias. It examines how these discursive sources are maintained and reproduced within specificsocial, political and historical contextsFowler describes CDA in his Language in the News: Discourse Ideology in the Press as follows: Critical linguistics seeks, by studying the minute details of linguistic structure in thelight of the social and historical situation of the text, to display to consciousness the patterns ofbelief and value which are encoded in the language - and which are below the threshold of noticefor anyone who accepts the discourse as 'natural' Fowler,1991:67Critical linguistics is a socially directed application of linguistic analysis, using chieflyconcepts and methods associated with the "systemic-functional"linguistics developed byHalliday. It proposes that analysis using appropriate linguistic tools, and referring to relevanthistorical and social contexts, can bring ideology, normally hidden through the habitualization ofdiscourse, to the surface for inspection. In this way, critical linguistics can shed light on socialand political processes Malmkjaer & Anderson, 1991:147We can see that there are diverse views about CDA, but they "share a commitment to go beyond linguistic description to attempt explanation, to showing how social inequalities arereflected and created in language, and to finding ways through their work to change theconditions of inequality that their work uncovers." Pennycook, 1994:1212.1.1.2 CriticalFairclough distinguishes critical discourse analysis from non-critical one as follows: Criticalapproaches differ from non-critical approaches in not just describing, discursive practice, butalso showing how discourse is shaped by relations of power and ideologies, and the constructiveeffects discourse has upon social identities, social relations and systems of knowledge and belief,neither of which is normally apparent to discourse participants Fairclough, 1992b:13According to Fairclough 1992a, 'critical' implies showing connections and causes which arehidden; it is also implies intervention, for example, providing resources for those who may bedisadvantaged through changeThe word critical could be intended, to denote negative evaluation, but this negativity is notnecessarily the aim of critical linguistics. Critical linguistics simply means an enquiry into therelations between signs, meanings and the social and historical conditions that govern the6 semiotic structure of discourse, using a particular kind of linguistic analysis Fowler, 1991:5Critical discourse analysis is 'critical' in the sense that it aims to reveal the role of discursivepractice in the maintenance of the social world, including those social relations that involveunequal relations of power. Its aim is to contribute to social change along the lines of more equalpower relations in communication processes and society in generalLouise Phillips andMarianne W. Jorgensen, 2002:63 Within this framework of "critical," the analyst's intention is to uncover powerrelationships and demonstrate inequities embedded in society. In this framework, the analystmay believe that the uncovering of power relationships in their analysis may lead to disruptingthe power relations in the social contexts in which they study. They do not, however, includesuch political and social disruption in their analysis2.1.1.3 Discourse The term discourse has been defined differently by different scholars. Fairclough1992a:28 writes, "Discourse is, for me, more than just language use: it is language use, whetherspeech or writing, seen as a type of social practice". Kress 1985: 6 defines it as a systematicallyorganized set of statements which give expression to the meanings and values of an institution" Fairclough 1992b uses the term “discourse” to emphasize language use as a socialpractice rather than an individual practice and points to three important implications of thisFirstly, discourse is a mode of representing reality but also a mode of acting upon the world andpeople acting upon each other see also van Dijk 1997a. Secondly,language use as a socialpractice implies a dialectic relationship betw。
具体来说,研究将从以下几个方面展开:1. 分析新闻语篇中存在的偏见和倾向性,批判其背后的利益关系和价值观念;2. 比较不同媒体、不同国家或地区对同一事件或问题的报道,分析其差异性和多样性,挖掘出不同文化、政治和社会背景下的信息价值和传播特点;3. 探讨批评性对比话语分析对于读者接受新闻的影响和作用,以及其对于提升新闻素养和媒介批评能力的意义和价值。
三、研究方法和步骤本研究将采用文献和实证研究相结合的方式,具体步骤如下:1. 收集并分析相关文献,了解新闻语篇的批评性对比话语分析的相关理论和研究方法,以及目前国内外的研究现状和成果;2. 选择具有代表性的事件或问题,从多个媒体、不同国家或地区的报道中提取有关信息,进行比较和分析,并结合实际情况进行批评性评论;3. 设计问卷或进行访谈,了解读者对于新闻语篇的批评性对比话语分析的认知和接受程度,以及其对于提升新闻素养和媒介批评能力的看法和作用;4. 分析研究结果,总结新闻语篇的批评性对比话语分析在现代新闻传播中的应用价值和意义,并提出相关建议和措施。
四、研究意义和贡献本研究的意义和贡献主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 对于新闻语篇的批评性对比话语分析进行深入探究和理论拓展,有助于完善相关理论和方法,推动新闻传播研究的深入发展;2. 借鉴不同媒体、不同国家或地区的报道,开阔视野、增强多元化思维,有助于理解不同文化、政治和社会背景下的信息传播特点和差异性;3. 提升读者对于新闻的认知和批判性思维能力,激发其求真、求实、求新、求变的精神,有助于培养良好的媒介素养和思想道德品质;4. 同时,本研究将为新闻媒体和相关机构提供参考依据,有助于改善新闻报道的质量,弘扬真实、客观、公正的新闻价值观。
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本文主要介绍了批评语篇的概念、原则和理论框架,着重讨论语篇、权势和意识形态三者的关系,并根据该理论框架以halliday 的系统功能语法为语言学基础及分析工具,分析了一篇新闻报道。
关键词:批评性语篇分析;权势;意识形态;系统功能语法中图分类号:h030 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-026x(2012)11-0000-02一、文献综述和研究背景批评性语篇分析(critical discourse analysis,简称cda)产生于20 世纪70 年代末80 年代初,其主要理论来源于西方马克思主义,主要分析方法是halliday 的系统功能语法。
1979 年,英国语言学家fowler、hodge、kress 和trew出版了《语言和控制》(language and control)一书。
从人类学角度讲,cda吸收了美国人类学家e.sapir 和b.l.whorf 关于语言与思维关系的假设,而在语言学理论和分析方法上则吸收了m.a.k.halliday 的系统功能语法的观点。
”(van dijk,1998)作为批评性语篇分析这一概念的提出者之一,fowler 认为“首先,批评语言学不是一个自动的过程,通过它,一个人可以了解语言结构、意识形态和社会影响…第二,不是任何一种语言分析模式都能胜任分析的工作:只有具备具体假设和过程的模式才可以作为批评语言学的基础”。
(fowler,1991)van dijk 在他的文章“principle of critical discourse analysis”中指出研究批评性语篇分析的侧重点是“研究语篇在支配权的建立及所遇到的挑战中所扮演的角色”(1998)这里所谓的“支配权”指的是由上层精英操控的社会权力,能引发社会各方面的不平等现象。
(leenwen,1993)norman fairclough 是批评性语篇分析的重要研究者之一,他运用“三维模式的研究方法探寻语篇、意识形态和权力三者间的关系”(1997)fairclough 分析语篇的一大特点是“既运用以葛兰西的霸权概念为基础的权力理论,又运用以互文性为基础的语篇分析理论,即霸权主义和互文性相结合”。
关于cda的主要原则,n.fairclough 和r.wodak (1997)曾归纳如下:cda 处理的是社会问题;权势关系是推理出来的;语篇构成社会和文化;语篇为意识形态工作;语篇是历史性的;语篇和社会之间的联系是间接的;语篇分析是解释性的;语篇是社会行为的一种形式;归根到底,这些观点都强调语篇具有社会性,是社会实践的具体化表现。
(martin rojo and van dijk,1997)cda把语言分析和社会分析融为一体,在它的框架中,社会这个要素是不可缺少的。
三、实例分析本文试图分析一篇来自美联社2004年7月2日的报导,题为“the trial of the century”,目的在于揭示语篇、权势和意识形态的互动作用。
作为庭长的chalabi 代表的是统治阶级的意志,于是记者便将统治阶级的立场、观点等传达给了读者,达到控制读者的作用。
此外,在文章最后,作者还引用了一位巴格达市民的话“everyone all over the world agrees that saddam hussein should be put on trial in front of the iraqi people”借以表示群众的意见。
被动语态的使用同样可以实施意识形态控制,对萨达姆及其11名官员的描述中就使用了许多被动语态,如“…the other defendants were brought one by one into a room at an undisclosed location and informed of the change…;they were told that…;he(saddam) was told that …,he was hustled away…”这强调了恐怖分子处于被审判和被支使的被动地位。
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