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Analysis on the Present Situation and Optimization of Wisdom

Tourism in West Lake Scenic Spot


【ABSTRACT】This paper aims to analyze the present situation of tourism and tourism informatization in the scenic area of the West Lake, explore the existing problems of tourism in the scenic area of the West Lake from the perspective of wisdom tourism, and put forward the wisdom tourism to enhance the tourist route and countermeasure of the West Lake scenic area, with a view to provide reference for the development of the wisdom tourism of the West Lake, At the same time for other scenic areas to provide reference for the development of wisdom tourism. With the development of China's market economy and the further improvement of people's income level, and more and more people realize the fun of tourism, China's tourism industry is developing rapidly. Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area, the world cultural heritage, the national 5A-class tourist attractions, is changing the development of ideas, speed up the application of information technology in the tourism industry, is committed to building a world-class tourist resort destination. This paper analyzes the development status of tourism and tourism informatization in the scenic area of West Lake, discusses the problems of tourism in the West Lake scenic area from

the perspective of wisdom tourism

, and the wisdom tourism to enhance the tourist route and countermeasure of The West Lake scenic area.

【KEYWORDS】The West Lake;Wisdom Tourism;Countermeasure.


1 绪论 (1)

1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.2 研究目的与意义 (1)

1.2.1 研究目的 (1)

1.2.2 研究意义 (1)

1.3 文献综述 (1)

1.3.1 关于智慧旅游的国外研究综述 (2)

1.3.2 关于智慧旅游的国内研究综述 (2)

1.4 研究方法 (3)

1.4.1 文献分析法 (3)

1.4.2 案例分析法 (4)

2 智慧旅游相关概述 (5)

2.1 智慧旅游的概念和内涵 (5)

2.2 智慧旅游的框架体系 (5)

2.2.1 前端应用体系 (5)

2.2.2 后端支撑体系 (5)

2.2.3 中央管理平台 (5)

3 西湖景区旅游发展现状 (7)

3.1 西湖景区旅游发展大数据 (7)

3.2 西湖景区旅游发展信息化建设现状 (8)

4 西湖景区智慧旅游发展存在的问题 (10)

4.1 电子门票普及程度有待提升 (10)

4.2 技术尚未娴熟 (10)

4.3 信息更新维护动力欠缺 (10)

4.4 智慧化营销手段单一 (10)

5 西湖景区智慧旅游发展的对策 (11)

5.1 实施智慧旅游一卡通 (11)

5.2 构建完善的信息化支撑体系 (11)

5.2.1 建设景区感知物联网 (11)

5.2.2 建设数据中心 (11)

5.3 信息化手段提升管理和服务水平 (12)

5.3.1 用大数据分析平台为管理者提供科学依据 (12)

5.3.2 智能化应用为公众提供良好的旅游体验 (12)
