五年级剑桥小学英语JOIN IN 2第一单元的教材分析

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五年级剑桥小学英语JOIN IN 2第一单元的教材分析

本单元是贴近学生的日常生活实际的教室这个话题,通过对重点单词:chair, desk, floor, board, lights, door, window, curtains及介词in , on, under, behind, in front of 及重点句型There is a (pen) under/on … (the chair)There are … under/on… (the chair)的整体把握,用8个课时的学习能掌握这个单元的12个部分相关贴拼图、选择、看图填词及介词,涂色、理解故事,读短文,涂色写短文等。具体分析如下:

Unit 1第一课时(介词in, on 及There be 句型)


1. Part 5 (介词in, on) 本部分主要通过TPR,让学生能够在真实情景中运用这两个介词,并能快速书写记忆,通过与其它物品的位置关系引出介词短语。

2.There be句型的学习。本部分的通过已学得文具来引出句型,提供让学生自己根据实际运用语言的机会。此外,教师还可以根据实际情况多设计一些游戏活动和任务型活动。


A. 知识目标:The pupils can master in and on and apply them for our real life.

B. 情感态度:To enhance the pupils interesting of learning English.

C. 方法与过程:To talk about the things in the classroom with the pupils.


重点:in, on There is … in\o n…There are … in\on

难点:There are … in\on…

教具准备tape recorder,flashcards

学具准备 pencil,pen,schoolbag,ruler,ruler

Unit 1第二课时

(介词under, behind, in front of 及There be 句型)


1. Part 5 (介词under, behind, in front of) 本部分主要通过TPR,通过已学过的in, on引出其它介词短语。让学生能够在真实情景中运用这三个介词,重点是behind, in front of这两个稍难的,并尽可能记忆。

2. There be句型的巩固操练。本部分的通过在第一节课已学There be句型的基础上不管要能运用There be, 还要用上才学过的新介词短语。教师可以根据实际情况多师生、生生间操练、巩固运用。


A. 知识目标:Learn to use: under, behind, in front of

Use the sentences: There is a … under…

There are … under…

B. 情感态度:cooperate with their group members

C. 方法与过程:Master a sentence by changing words.


重点:under, behind, in front of

难点:behind, in front of

四、教具准备:a box, a dog;five animal head decorations; a picture

Unit 1第三课时


1.Part 9: A story—The frog本部分主要通过直观教学法和TPR让学生边说边做:Put it in /on/under/behind…...,然后在磁带的帮助下,学生理解故事,最后完成故事结局并尽量创设情境让学生能够扮演故事。


A. 知识目标:Learn to understand: Let’s catch it. Put it (in your bag).

Decoding the meaning of language in a story.

B. 情感态度:Stimulate the interesting of learning.

C. 方法与过程:Understand the story by key words.


重点:Understand the meaning of the story, distinguish the word “in , on , under, in front of , behind”. Use the sentence “Put it (in your bag).”

难点:Put it in /on/under/behind…...

四、教具准备 a toy frog; tape recorder;

五、学具准备glue and scissors

Unit 1第四课时


1. Part 1 and Part

2. (Page 11) 这两部分其实是前面三年级所学的单词desk,chair,window,board, door及句型:How many…?的巩固运用,但由于时间间隔较长,所以还是用肢体语言来做指认的单词游戏来复习教室物品并使用交际法来根据实际运用How many….和What colour is/are…句型,在扫除障碍前提下,学生们会乐于完成剪贴拼图并粘贴,看图进行生生问答,最后选择正确答案。


A. 知识目标:Learn to use: How many …s are there? / What color is/are it/they?

B. 情感态度:cooperate with their group members

C. 方法与过程:Complete the activity by craft.


To practice the pupils’ ability of concentration.

四、教具准备glue, siccors, tape recorder, flashcards

Unit 1第五课时


1. Part 3 and Part 4. (Page 12)本课是节单词课教学,用直观教学卡片让学生感知单词,通过各种游戏活动更进一步在真实环境中运用单词及以前所学句型,让学生看着教师的物品来运用学习是一种不错的方法,学生印象深刻。


A. 知识目标:The pupils can master desk, floor, curtains, light, window, chair, board, door.

B. 情感态度:cooperate with their group members

C. 方法与过程:create the pupils imagination.


The pupils can master floor, curtains, light, window, chair, board, door.

四、教学难点The pronunciation of curtains and light.

五、教具准备 tape recorder, flashcards
