
本实验通过测定物体在特定容器中的振动周期来计算k 值。
实验基本装置如图1-1所示,振动物体小球的直径比玻璃管直径仅小0.01-0.02mm 。
钢球A 的质量为m ,半径为r (直径为d ),当瓶子内压力p 满足下面条件时钢球A 处于力平衡状态。
这时2r mg p p b π+=,式中b p 为大气压力。
为了补偿由于空气阻尼引起振动物体A 振幅的衰减,通过C 管一直注入一个小气压的气流,在精密玻璃管B 的中央开设有一个小孔。
当振动物体A 处于小孔下方的半个振动周期时,注入气体使容器的内压力增大,引起物体A 向上移动,而当物体A 处于小孔上方的半个振动周期时,容器内的气体将通过小孔流出,使物体下沉。
以后重复上述过程,只要适当控制注入气体的流量,物体A 能在玻璃管B 的小孔上下作简谐振动,振动周期可利用光电计时装置来测得。
若物体偏离平衡位置一个较小距离x ,则容器内的压力变化p ∆,物体的运动方程为:p r dtx d m ∆=222π (1-1) 因为物体振动过程相当快,所以可以看作绝热过程,绝热方程k pv =常数 (1-2)将(1-2)式求导数得出:VV pk p ∆-=∆,x r V 2π=∆ (1-3) 将(1-3)式代入(1-1)式得 04222=+x mVpk r dt x d π 此式即为熟知的简谐振动方程,它的解为T mV pk r ππω242== 4242644pd T m V pr T m V k == (1-4) 式中各量均可方便测得,因而可算出k 值。
由气体运动论可以知道,k 值与气体分子的自由度数有关,对单原子气体(如氩)只有三个平动自由度,双原子气体(如氢)除上述3个平动自由度外还有2个转动自由度。

ANALYSEURS DE COMBUSTIONApplications industrielles / domestiques / tertiaireswww.sauermann.frAnalyseurs de combustionApplications industrielles / domestiques / tertiaires. Mesures sur tous combustibles.La gamme comprend trois instruments qui permettent de mesurer de nombreux gaz : O 2, CO, CO 2, NO, NO 2, SO 2 et/ou CxHy. Ils sont également dotés d’une application mobile et bénéficient de la fonctionnalité Bluetooth ®.Robustes, ergonomiques et compacts, lesanalyseurs de combustion sont faciles à utiliser. Leurs fonctions Tout-en-un : analyse des gaz de combustion, mesure du tirage, de la pression et de la température différentielle, surveillance duCO ambiant en font un partenaire idéal.Si-CA 120Si-CA 220Si-CA 320Imprimante sans-fil ApplicationsPC et mobile• Remplacement des pièces mécaniques*• Remplacement des pièces électroniques*• Remplacement des cellules**Non inclus : coûts d’envoi au fabricant, sonde et flexible, éléments manquants, consommables (filtres et pot à• Remplacement des piècesmécaniques*• Remplacement des piècesélectroniques*• Remplacement des cellules*• Rappel automatique de la dated’étalonnage• Rappel annuel de l’appareil• Main d’oeuvre• Certificat d’étalonnage Garantie 5 ans en optioncomprenant :Entretien 5 ans en optioncomprenant :ParamètreCelluleGamme de mesureRésolution ExactitudeSi-CA 120Si-CA 220Si-CA 320Références Si-CA 220Références Si-CA 320Normes et directives • NF EN 50379-1• NF EN 50379-2• 2012/19/UE DEEE• 2011/65/UE RoHS 2Sonde standard Si-CA 120• Sonde 180 mm • 400 °C max• Tuyau double de 1.5 mSonde standard Si-CA 220 et 320Contenu des Kits• Sonde 300 mm • 800 °C max • Tuyau double de 3 m• Batterie longue durée rechargeable & chargeur CA • Sonde et tuyau de prélèvement de gaz • Pot à condensat avec cartouche filtrante• Coque de protection aimantée • Logiciel PC & câble USB • Manuel d'utilisation & Guide rapide• Certificat de calibration • Sac de transport• Garantie 2 ans (analyseur et cellules)Sonde longue Si-CA 220 et 320• Sonde 750 mm • 800 °C max • Tuyau double de 3 mSonde longue Haute temp. & tuyau Si-CA 220 et 320• Sonde 1 m • 1200 °C max• Tuyau double 3 mExtensions de tuyau• 3 m de longueur disponibleOptionsApplicationsPC et mobile• Affichage des données d’identification de l’instrument.• Configuration de l’instrument.• Affichage à distance de l’analyse en temps réelprovenant de l’analyseur portable et sauvegarde des données acquises.• Affichage et/ou exportation ou suppression des analyses en mémoire.• Lecture des données en temps-réel • Sauvegarde des données • Création de rapports • Scanner de QR codeMobilePCServicesEtalonnage / Hotline / Maintenance En complément de notre gamme d’instruments de mesure, une équipe de plus de 40 personnes propose un large éven-tail de prestations : d’étalonnage et vérifications, après-。

ETAS630631空燃比分析仪空燃比检测仪lambda分析仪尺寸(高x 宽x 长)72 x 128 x 174 mm / 2.8 x 5 x 6.9 in重量905 g / 2.0 lb (ES630), 920 g / 2.03 lb (ES635)1055 g / 2.33 lb (ES631), 1085 g / 2.39 (ES636)适用环境温度范围-40 °C to +70 °C / -40 °F to +158 °F (工作环境)-40 °C to +85 °C / -40 °F to +185 °F (保管环境)海拔最高5.000 m / 16,400 ft通过测试机械振动, 颤动, 跌落, 温度骤变, 根据DIN EN 60068 res. ISO 16750 标准温度变化供电模块工作电压6 V to 50 V DC能耗(13.5 VDC)6.5 W typ. (ES630/ES635)7.5 W typ. (ES631/ES636)传感器加热器供电工作电压9 V to 28 V DC能耗(13.5 VDC)9 W typ. (one LSU 4.9 sensor exposed to air, ES630/ES635)18 W typ. (two LSU 4.9 sensors exposed to air, ES631/ES636)传感器接口通道1 (ES630/ES635) / 2 (ES631/ES636),包括传感器加热器控制及供电支持的lambda 氧传感器Robert Bosch LSU 4.2, LSU 4.7, LSU 4.9, LSU ADV-G, NTK ZFAS?-U2传感器连接不同的lambda 氧传感器通过不同的适配器电缆连接ES63x 模块。
传感器编码标明在适配器电缆上或由ETAS 发布的LSU ADV-G 传感器上。

现在读者肯定有个疑问,什么是参考泵电流,什么又是参考空气呢,它们与LSU氧传感器有什么内在关系呢?接下来我讲一个发生在自动控制领域的一个真实的故事:BOSCH 最初设计宽域氧传感器的时候参考室(reference air cell)用来提供一个固定的空燃比(AFR),废气通过扩散孔进入监测室,泵单元会从监测室中泵入或泵出氧,以维持参考室与监测室之间的氧浓度差在一个水平(电动势为0.45V)。
早期宽域氧传感器内部示意图如下:图1 早期宽域氧传感器内部构造图可见,参考空气的好坏直接影响了氧传感器的测量精度。
一旦参考气体被污染,氧传感器的特性曲线就会发生偏移,这种偏移在英文里叫做“Characteristic Shifted Down”,或者CSD,翻译成中文叫做特性曲线下移。
这是LSU4.2在使用过程中遇到的最大问题,BOSCH 公司为此承担了很高的维修成本。
迪杰帕尔 LED 气柱烟机 DSK-1500VS 说明书

广州 迪杰帕尔 电子科技有限公司LED 气柱烟机DSK-1500VS说明书前言感谢您选用迪杰帕尔DSK-1500VS气柱烟机。
空燃比分析仪 介绍

空燃比分析仪产品简介:空燃比分析仪是一种测量尾气中燃料/空气比值(AFR:air fuel ratio)的高精度测试仪器。
Parker icount ACM20 迷你型燃油污染监测仪说明书

DEFSTAN 91-91 Issue 6 Jet A-1Fuel Specification, adopts particle counting.The first fully functional particlecounter approved for use on aviation fuel. After 5 years of development work carried out by Parker UK and partner, the ACM20 has passed all technical barriers and is nowapproved for aviation fuel quality per DEFSTAN 91-91 Issue 6.Parker has consistently provided technically superior products to all fluid conditioning applications.icountACM20 Lab UnitAviation Fuel Contamination Monitoring• icountACM20 monitorsaviation fuel contaminationto DEFSTAN 91-91 Issue 6Jet A-1 fuel specification.• Energy Institute TestMethod IP 564.• 2-minute test procedure.• Laser optical scanninganalysis.• Multi-standard ISOcleanliness reporting.• Case-mounted pump enables monitoring possibilities. For example: Fuel storage/vehicle tanks and fuel storage drums.• Latest averaging software as standard.• ParSmart Downloadersoftware.Product FeaturesThe Parker icountACM20 Portable Particle Counterhas been developed from existing technology for monitoring contamination in Aviation Turbine and other hydrocarbon fuels, in accordance with the Energy Institute (EI) Method IP 564.In addition, the ACM can also be used to monitor various fuels from existing sampling points inlocations from refineries, pipelines, distribution terminals, airport fuel supply systems all the way through to the point of uplift into aircraft*.* Hot works permit required for online sampling (ATEX Zone II unitavailable).•Fuel Testing Laboratories – DEFSTAN 91-91 Issue 6In order to better understand dispersedcontamination in jet fuel, particle counting isnow included alongside existing laboratorytechniques •Bottle Sampling - Energy Institute (EI) - IP 564 Laboratory determination of the level ofdispersed contamination in aviation fuel using anAutomatic Particle Counter (APC)•Replace Clear & Bright and Gravimetric With the introduction of the icount ACM20,all subjectivity surrounding Clear & Bright andGravimetric methods can be removed•Also for use on petroleum based hydraulic applications (Skydrol compatible available) Suitable for use with mineral oil andpetroleum based fluid as per standardhydraulic particle counter, reporting fluid cleanliness to ISO 4406:1999Test Time:2 minutesRepeat Test Time:Every 2 minutes (Manual testing), every 6 minutes (automatic) Principle of Operation:Optical scanning analysis and measurement of actual particles and inference to water presencePrimary Output:≥4µ(c), ≥6µ(c), ≥14µ(c), ≥21µ(c), ≥25µ(c), ≥30µ(c) counts per ml Secondary Diagnostic Output:% Volume Distribution, via graphical display on handset and printout (printout not available on icountACM20Z)International codes:ISO 7-22 in accordance with ISO 4406-1999Data entry:32 character two line dot matrix LCD. Full alpha numeric entry facility on keypadData retrieval:Memory access gives test search facility for up to 300 saved tests Calibration:In accordance with Parker Calibration Procedure CM20-N, which complies to ISO11171:1999, Clause 6 (Omitting Annex F)Re-calibration:Every 12 months by a dedicated Parker Service Centre (Consult Parker) as required under strict EI methodsMax. working pressure:6,000 PSI (420 bar)Operating Temperature:+41°F to +176°F (+5°C to +80°C)Memory store:300 test capacityComputer compatibility:Interface via RS 232 connection @ 9600 baud rate (USB serial cable to RS232 option available)Laboratory sampling:Utilizes on-board rear mounted pumpPortability:Battery pack and carry case with wheels includedPower requirement:ACM20: 12vDC input, 6 x ‘D’ Cell batteries or rechargeable battery pack ACM20Z: Rechargeable battery pack, or 12vDC inputPrinter facility:Integral 16 column printer for hard copy data (not available on icountACM20Z)Certification:Complies with all relevant EC declarations of conformityicount ACM20 Case Mounted Pump• Integrated Pump assembly incorporated onto the ACM20 unit.• Powered directly from ACM20 unit, LED power indication with no additional power supplies required.• Direct sampling from fuel sample bottles or tank via 3 metre inlet suction tube.• Incoporated double speed flush and test sequence.• Managed flow rate/correct volume sample as per IP 564 test method.icountACM20/icountACM20Z Features & BenefitsApplicationsicountACM20 is fully compliant with the EI (Energy Institute) test methodicountACM20 - rear viewOrdering InformationStandard products table - icount ACM20icountACM20 Lab UnitSpecificationsInput Power Socket (note that you will have to remove the plastic dust cap to access the 12Vdc power socket).A fast blow 1.25A fuse and the RS232 connection are located behind the removable cover plate. The RS232 interface is provided to download all test data stored in the instrument. See the ParSmart Downloader software for more information.Construction:ABS structural foam and injection moulded case Hand-held display - ABS Keypad flurosilicone rubberMechanical Components:Brass, plated steel, stainless steel and aluminium Seals:FluorocarbonHoses:Nylon (Kevlar braided microbore). St. steel armoured endsFlow Rate:25 - 28ml/min (dictated by CMP) 100ml/min with additional flush buttonFluid Compatability:Hydrocarbon Fuel, Mineral Oil. For other fluids consult ParkerFuse:1.25 amp fast blow fuse included for overload protection (spare supplied)icountACM20 Technology:Patented flow cell, light obscuration Repeatability/Accuracy:As per or better than ISO 11171Coincidence:40,000 particles per ml Viscosity Range:1 -100 centistokes icountACM20 Weight:17.6 lbs.Monitor Carrying Case:Astra Board case Carrying Case Weight:11 lbs.Transfer Pump Flush ButtonTransfer Pump HousingHose Tidy ClipsTransfer Pump On/Off SwitchLink HoseSample Hose Inlet and OutletFor use inexplosive andhazardous areasicountACM20Z is designed tobe used to monitor various fuelsfrom existing sampling pointsin hazardous locations such asrefineries, pipelines, distributionterminals, airport fuel supply systemsall the way through to the point ofuplift into aircraft.Product Features:• Assembled in an approved and certified stainless steel enclosure to comply withATEX Directive 94/9/EC.• Can be used in explosive and hazardous areas,including offshore andmining applications.• ATEX Zone II • Certified to CE Ex II 3 G Ex nR/nL IIC T6• “A” Class product defined for the Aviation market.• ATEX approved Handset and keypad.• Suitable for use withmineral oil and petroleumbased fluid as per ACM20/LCM20 particle counters.icountACM20ZATEX Approved Portable Particle CounterConstruction:Unit: Stainless Steel Carrying case: ABS Hand-held display: ABSKeypad: polyester membrane Mechanical components:Brass, plated steel, stainless steel and aluminiumSeals: FluorocarbonHoses: Nylon (Kevlar braided microbore) Fluid compatibility:All fuels. For other fluids consult Parker Internal rechargeable battery:Note: ONLY to be charged outside of the hazardous area, with the unit switched off Fuse:1.25A fast blow fuse included for overload protectionReturn to Parker Hannifin if fuse is blown icountACM202032 technology: Unique optical scanning systemApplications in FuelsOil Refinery- To count and verify the levels of dispersedcontamination in accordance with specification limits. (Consult Parker).Distribution Terminals/Hubs- For use on receipt and outbound supply. Also to provide filtration performance, tank cleanliness and product quality checks.Storage- Settling times can be reduced by monitoring with the ACM by ensuring that levels ofdispersed contamination are below acceptable levels.Airport Fuel Farm- Monitoring of fuels into storage, through the fuel farm, hydrant system and during uplift into wing.Pipeline Commissioning- Fast real time monitoring of pipelines following pigging and cleaning processes.Oil and Gas Platforms- Used to monitor the filtration performance, system cleanliness and quality of deliveredproduct.icountACM20ZSpecificationsicountACM20ZATEX Approved Portable Particle CounterInstallation DetailsOnline Commission Kita – icountACM20 Zone II Particle Counterb – Battery Chargerc – Process Cabled – User Manuale – Downloader Softwaref – Throttle Kitg – Millipore Adaptor Assembly h – Aluminium Case i –Bottle Assemblyiabhdcg fe 11.8 (300mm)11.0 (280mm)14.6 (370mm)13.0 (330mm)dimensions in inch (mm)。

正确答案:60℃3、多选磁力机械式氧分析仪出现反馈增益太低,原因可能是?()A、光带形状不规则B、光源灯亮度不够C、检侧器被严重污染,反光镜腐蚀严重正确答案:A, B, C4、问答题工业在线色谱仪氢焰检测器(FID)点着火又熄灭的原因有哪些?正确答案:工业在线色谱仪氢焰检测器(FID.点着火又熄灭的原因有(1)氢气量太小或空气量不足,不满足继续燃烧的条件。
燃烧 排气气体分析仪筛选器应用说明说明书

Background:There are many requirements through-out industry where combustion/flue gases must be analyzed and recorded periodically for compliance to EPA regulations and to ensure maximum efficiency of the combustion device (burner/boiler).Instrumentation used to perform this analysis are adversely effected by condensed contaminates, acidic and sulfuric gases and solid contaminates. These contaminates can skew the analysis but more importantly ruin the internals of the instrument to the point where a complete rebuild is required. Efficient removal of undesirable con-taminates from a sample stream will ensure accurate analysis and trouble-free operation of the instrumentation.Features and benefits:• Ideal for the following liquid filtration applications:Filtration of liquid with minimum holdup volumeFiltration of liquid samples to analyzersLow Cost DisposableFilters for Flue/Combustion Gas AnalysisMarket Application Publication • Ideal for the following gas filtration applications:Final filter for air logic devices Protection of pneumatic components Filtration of portable environmental sampling devicesFiltration of samples to on-line analyzersProtection of Pneumatic temperaturecontrols• Additional applications in the following industries:Instrument & Controls HVAC Dental Automotive Food PackagingApplication:Typical applications for sample filtration include stack gas or emissions sam-pling. These sampling applications have specific and unique filtration require-ments depending on the analysis tobe performed and the contaminates present in the sample stream. Quantita-tive measurement of excess oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides are unique to stack and flue gas sampling. Coalescing filtration is used widely in most sampling applications as an initial filtration stage to remove all condens-ables. Additional secondary filtration requirements for removal of specific gas contaminates is best accomplished by using a specialized bed of adsorbent.In most stack and flue gas sampling applications, instruments are most ad-versely affected by sulfur based acidic gases. These gases will condense and quickly corrode and ruin the sensitive sensors and internals of these instru-ments. The secondary filter recommen-dation for removal of these contaminate gases should be an adsorbent bed . In most applications a specialized formu-lation of sodium and calcium hydrox-ides is the ideal media to remove these gases. Case Study:A large company located in Michigan,specializing in combustion diagnos-tics and optimization relies on manyof the instruments they manufactureto perform very specialized analysis inwhat is considered to be the most ag-gressive application found in industry– combustion/flue gas sampling. Thiscompany provides a diagnostic servicethat pinpoints areas where customerscan reduce fuel costs, increase boilerefficiencies/generation and reduce NOxemissions.One instrument that is manufacturedby this company and used extensivelyto perform critical analysis is the MSCAor multi-stream combustion analyzer.Capable of sampling up to 12 flue gasstreams simultaneously on a real timebasis, these instruments require highefficiency filtration to safe guard againstthe corrosive acidic vapor gases. Priorexperience with inappropriate filtrationresulted in costly rework of the instru-mentation, additional travel and laborexpenses to return to the test site anddelayed service to their customers.The Parker Balston® disposable filterunit packed with a mixed sodium andcalcium hydroxide adsorbent mate-rial are used on all these instruments.In applications where excessive con-densate is expected, a Parker Balstondisposable filter unit assembled witha high efficiency coalescing filter isinstalled upstream from the adsorbentfilter which protects the adsorbentfrom becoming saturated and renderedinoperable. These filter combinationshave resulted in flawless analysis withno downtime, no rework to the equip-ment and timely, expedient service totheir customers.Recognized as the industry leaderin sample filtration and conditioning,Parker Balston flue gas filters are foundin the majority of all instruments andanalyzers as a supplied component.Combustion Gas AnalyzersFilterBalston brand disposable filter units (DFU) consist of a microfiber filter cartridgepermanently bonded into a sealed plastic holder with 125 psig pressure ratings,temperatures to 275°F, and available in low and high flow models. The economicalDFU offers all of the advantages of microfiber filter cartridges for high efficiency liq-uid and gas filtration, combined with the economics and convenience of completedisposability.Disposable Filter Units (DFUs)Balston Disposable Filter UnitsDisposable Adsorption Units (DAUs) contain a bed of adsorbent granules. Utiliz-ing a wide choice of adsorbents, the DAUs selectively remove vapors from air and other gases.Because the adsorbed vapor remains trapped in the solid bed, the DAU has a fixed upper limit of total weight of vapor which can be captured. It is usually not feasible to regenerate the filter when it has reached its adsorption limit. DAUs should be used only when small quantities of vapor are to be removed.Selecting a Disposable Adsorption UnitThe following factors should be considered when selecting a DAU:1 Solid adsorbents are effective only for vapors. Since liquids will damage or inactivate most solid adsorbents, the DAU must be preceded by an efficient coalescing filter.2 In contrast with Microfiber Filters, which operate at their initial efficiency through-out their life, adsorbent cartridges have a limited holding capacity. When the adsorption capacity is reached, no further adsorption occurs. The limiting capac-ity, or “breakthrough” point, is not sharply defined, and the exit vapor concentra-tion will increase rapidly as saturation is approached. To avoid unwanted vapor contaminants downstream, it is necessary to change the adsorbent cartridge well before it has reached its ultimate adsorption capacity.3 Adsorption is reversible; if operating conditions change, a vapor may desorb rather than adsorb. For example, if a temporary surge in vapor impurity con-centration causes a relatively high concentration to be adsorbed on the solid, a subsequent decrease in inlet vapor composition will result in desorption of vapor from the solid to the gas stream.4 The efficiency of a given adsorbent for a given vapor depends upon the specific operating conditions. Therefore, again in contrast to filtration, it is not possible to assign a single efficiency rating to an adsorbent. While it is not possible to pre-dict or guarantee an adsorption efficiency for any specific set of conditions, it is possible to enhance the conditions beneficial to adsorption and avoid condi-tions which interfere with adsorption. Conditions which aid adsorption are: low temperature, high pressure, low flow rate, and absence of competing vapors (particularly water vapor).Adsorbent Grade Use For Carbon 000 Compressor oil vapors, C 5 and heavier hydrocarbons, aromatics, oxygenated hydrocarbons, chlorinated organics, freons, carbon disulfide.Silica Gel 101 Recommended only for water vapor.Molecular 103 Most C 4 and lighter hydrocarbons, ethylene, propylene, Sieve acetylene, ethylene oxide, ammonia, mercaptans, sulfur Type 13X hexafluoride, triethylamine, and smaller amines.Mixed 107 All acidic gases, including sulfur trioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, Sodium & carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen chloride, phosphorus Calciumtrichloride, boron trifluoride.HydroxidesDisposable Adsorption Units (DAUs)Models 9922-05, 9933-05, 4433-05 and 9900-05The 99XX-05 models are the smallest Disposable Filter Units with 11.7 ml inter-nal volume. These models are used in low flow gas or liquid sampling applica-tions, such as liquids to specific-ion analyzers or gases to personal samplers. The model 9900-05-BK has a color indicating feature, which turns the cartridge red when saturated with oil. The model 4433-05 has 1/4” and 3/8” Barb Connections molded into the inlet/outlet ports.Models 9922-11, 9933-11, and 8800-12Models 9922-11, 9933-11, and 8800-12 are used for applications similar to the smaller DFUs (Models 9922-05 and 9933-05) which require greater solids holding capacity and can tolerate the increased retention time.Model 8833-11These Disposable Filter Units are used as continuous coalescing filters with a third port serving as the drain, slip-stream, or by-pass port.Model 9953-11This model snaps together for easy filter cartridge changeouts. It is designed primarily for low pressure or mild vacuum applications. It is ideal for capturing samples and perform analysis or record weights over time. If used with a X-tube, it is a very effective silencer to suppress inlet noise to small pumps.Parker Hannifin offers a manual drain valve for removal of coalesced liquids from the Type 8833-11-DX.Drain Valve: 1/8” NPT (male) x 1/8” ID Tubing. (Requires elbow part No. 11972). Part No. 20-125Model99XX-05Model 4433-05Model 9953-11 1.22”Model 8833-11Model 9922-11Model 8800-122.24”Features and benefits:• Prevent cross-contamination of samples• Pressure ratings up to 125 psig • Temperature to 275°F (135°C)• Completely disposable, constructed of recyclable plasticsChemical Compatibility Models 9922-05, 9922-11, 8833-11, and 8800-12Suitable:Water or steam to 200°F (135°C); concentrated nitric, sulfuric, and hydrochloric acids; chlorine (gas or liquid); sodium hypochlorite, ethylene oxide (gas or liquid); Freons; ammonia (gas, liquid, or aqueous solutions); hydrogen peroxide (all concentrations); bromine (dry and aqueous solutions); all chlorinated solvents except methylene chloride; all aromatic and aliphatic solvents; all alcohols and glycols; aniline; phenol.Limited Use:Acetone, MEK, dioxane, furfural, methylene chloride.Unsuitable: Water above 200°F (135°C), THF, DMF, ethylene diamine, chlorosulfonic acid, etha-nolamine, pyridine, sulfur trioxide.Chemical Compatibility Model 9933-11Suitable:Water to 158°F (70°C); benzene, toluene, other aromatic hydrocarbons; hydrocarbon solvents and fuels, perchloroethylene; trichloroethylene, nitric acid (to 10%); sulfuric acid (to 40%); hydrochloric acid (to 10%); most salt solutions; sodium and potassium hydroxide (to 50%). Limited Use:Water at 176°F (80°C); acetone; MEK, acetaldehyde; ammonia (to 25%). Unsuitable: Water above 158°F (70°C); alcohols; glycols, phenol; aniline; DMF; concentratedacids; chlorine.Flow RatesWater Flow Rate, Gallons per HourDFU Model Volume of Housing Initial Pressure Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Gallons Liters Drop DQ, DX CQ, CX BQ, BX AQ AAQ 9922-05 0.003 0.01 1 psi 12 10 3 1.5 0.4 4433-05 5 psi 30 25 15 7.3 1.9 9933-059922-11 0.0005 0.02 1 psi 18 15 5 2.5 0.6 9933-11 5 psi 45 37 26 12 3.1 8800-12 1 psi 54 44 13 6 1.45 psi 129 106 56 26 6.5Model 2 psig 20 psig 40 psig 60 psig 80 psig 100 psig 125 psig 9953-11-DX, 8833-11-DX (7) 1.8 3.6 5.8 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.60.9 1.8 2.9 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.38833-11-BX9953-11-BX,0.4 0.8 1.3 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.34433-05-BX9900-05-BK,Principal SpecificationsModel 9922-05 9900-05 4433-05 9933-05 9922-11 9933-11 8833-11 8800-12 9953-11 Inlet and Outlet Ports 1/4” Tubing 1/4” Tubing 1st Tier/Barb 1/4”Tube 1/4” Tubing 1/4” Tubing 1/4” Tubing 1/4” Tubing 1/2” Tubing 0.32” OD2nd Tier/Barb 3/8”TubeDrain None None None None None None 1/4” Tubing None None Material of Construction PVDF Nylon Nylon Nylon PVDF Nylon Nylon Nylon Polypropylene Filter Cartridge Length 1.25” (3.2 cm) 1.25” (3.2 cm) 1.25” (3.2cm) 1.25” (3.2 cm) 2.25” (5.7 cm) 2.25” (5.7 cm) 2.25” (5.7 cm) 2.25” (5.7 cm) 2.28” (6.35 cm) Maximum Temperature (1) 275°F (135°C) 230°F (110°C) 230°F (110°C) 230°F (110°C) 275°F (135°C) 230°F (110°C) 230°F (110°C) 150°F (66°C) 125°F (52°C) Maximum Pressure (2) 125 psig 125 psig 125 psig 125 psig 125 psig 125 psig 125 psig 50 psi (5) 2 psi Dimensions 1.0”D X 3.25”L 1.0”D X 3.25”L 1.0”D X 3.43”L 1.0”D X 3.25”L 1.4”D X 4.6”L 1.4”D X 4.6”L 1.4”D X 4.6”L 2.24”D X 6.24”L 1.22”D X 3.57”L(2.5 cm X 8 cm) (2.5 cm X 8 cm) (2.5 cm X 8.72 cm) (2.5 cm X 8 cm) (3.6 cm X 12 cm) (3.6 cm X 12 cm) (3.6 cm X 12 cm) (5.69 cm X 15.85 cm) (3.1 cm X 9.07 cm) Ordering InformationModel 9922-05 9900-05 4433-05 9933-05 9922-11 9933-11 8833-11 8800-12 9953-11 Box of 10 DFUs 9922-05-❑ (4) 9900-05-❑ (4) 4433-05-❑ (4) 9933-05-❑ (4) 9922-11-❑ (5) 9933-11-❑ (5) 8833-11-❑ (6) 8800-12-❑ box of 1 (5) 9953-11-❑ (5) Available only in Q-gradesBox 10 DAU’S (3) 9922-05-❑ N/A 4433-05-❑ 9933-05-❑ 9922-11-❑ 9933-11-❑ N/A N/A N/A1 At 0 psig2 At 110°F (43°C)3 To designate adsorbent in the DAU, insert adsorbent numbers after DAU designation.For example, to obtain a miniature clear nylon DAU with carbon adsorbent, order 9933-05-000. Adsorbent numbers are listed on page 33.4 Available only in Q grades.5 Available in Q or X media.6 Available only in X media.7 9953-11 is designed for maximum pressure of 2 psig.8 Pressure rating in liquid service is 70 PSIG maximum.Installation InformationTo pressure pipe or tubing:Compression fittings for 1/4” O.D. tubing may be obtained from the following manufacturers.Hoke, Inc. (“Gyrolok”); Crawford Fitting Co. (“Swagelok”); Parker-Hannifin Corp. (“CPI”); Legris, Inc. (push-on fittings); Jaco Mfg. Co. (plastic fittings). The fol-lowing brass fittings which seal by O-ring compression and which may be completely recovered and reused when changing filters may be purchased from Parker/Balston:Connector: 1/4” tubing to 1/4” NPT female -Part No. 11970 (1 per pkg.)Connector: 1/4” tubing to 1/4” tubing -Part No. 11971 (1 per pkg.)To low pressure plastic tubing:Tubing with 1/4” ID may be slipped over the DFU and fittings and held with tubing clamps.Parker Hannifin supplies plastic barbs to connect the DFU to smaller diameter plastic tubing. The connection is suitable for pressures to 50 psig.DFU to 1/16” ID tubing: Part No. 14000 (bag of 20 barbs)DFU to 1/8” ID tubing: Part No. 14001 (bag of 20 barbs)MAP FlueGas-C 05/2015© 2010, 2015 Parker Hannifin CorporationParker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Gas Filtration andGeneration Division4087 Walden Ave.Lancaster, NY 14086。

PCA®Portable Combustion AnalyzerComplete Combustion Analyzer. Reliable and Easy to Use.The Bacharach Portable Combustion Analyzer (PCA) is designed for complete, combustion efficiency and compliance testing for a variety of commercial and residential combustion applications.Combustion &Environmental AnalyzersThe PCA is the perfect tool for service technicians and boiler contractors who need to determine carbon monoxide (CO) safety, combustion efficiency and emission testing in combustion applications. The PCA directly measures and displays flue gas O2, temperatures, draft, differential pressure, NO(X)and CO. Simultaneously, the instrument calculates and displays combustion efficiency, excess air, CO2, NO(X)-Ref.O2and CO air free. The large display shows eight different values simultaneously with backlight. The PCA provides seven (7) fuels:natural gas, oil 2, oil 4, oil 6, kerosene, liquid propane and coal, for calculating combustion values. The PCA offers advanced communication features to track and analyze combustion safety tests,efficiency calculations and environmental analysis for residential and commercial applications.The advanced communication features of the PCA 55 and the PCA 65 allow the user to store up to 100 tests, customize each combustion test with customer information, generate a personalized printout, and download all of this information to a personal computer for record keeping and trend analysis.Bacharach Listens To Its CustomersThe most important goal at Bacharach is to meet the needs of you, our customer.We listened to you, and developed the PCA around your needs and requirements.We also contacted several HVAC associations including ACCA, RSES, NAOHSM,and others for their input. As a result, product features were incorporated into the design of the PCA to meet or exceed your expectations. Some of the features include a simple keypad for user friendly operation, an easy to read display showing eight different values simultaneously, an optional infrared printer to document test results and a rugged, lightweight case for added versatility during operation and transport. BACHARACH has developed the PCA to grow with the changing test requirements of the industry. Add-ons and upgraded accessories are constantly reviewed to determinethe value to you, the customer.PCA®Portable Combustion AnalyzerBacharach’s PCA Measures CO Air FreeThe CO air free unit of measurement is computed by the PCA from the CO and O2 measurements. This calculated value determines the amount of CO that would be present in an oxygen free sample by compensating for the amount of excess air provided by the burner. In other words, the CO air free measurement eliminates the excess air dilution caused by primary and secondary air. American National Standards Institute (ANSIZ21) specifies the use of PPM CO air free as a unit of measure when testing certain appliances. The following are the ANSI standards: 200 ppm CO air free on an unvented space heater; 400 ppm CO air free on furnace flue gas; and 800 ppm CO airfree on an unvented gas oven.•Directly measures and displays flue gas O 2,temperatures, differential pressure, Draft, CO and NO (X)•Calculates and displays combustion efficiency, excess air,CO 2, CO air free; and NO (X)- Ref.O 2•Large display shows eight (8) different values simultaneously with backlight•Long life, disposable batteries with an optional 120 VAC power supply •Two year warranty•Draft, CO and NO (X)measurements (optional)•Seven (7) North American fuels•Dated results can be recalled to the display screen at any time•Separate temperature sensor for combustion air •Infra-red serial link for data transfer to printer•Performs local emissions reporting quicker than ever before by selecting the O 2reference between 0 and 15%O 2(PCA 55 & 65 units only)•Stores up to 100 combustion tests for downloading to PC or printer (PCA 55 & 65 units only)Features & BenefitsForced Air Furnaces; Commercial Boilers; Hot Water Heaters; Gas Ovens/StovesSPECIFICATIONSMeasurement Ranges Oxygen0 to 20.9% auto calibration Primary/Ambient Temperature 0°F to 999°F (-18˚ to 999˚C)Stack Temperature 0°F to 2,192°F (-18˚ to 1,200˚C)Carbon Monoxide (optional)0 to 4,000PPM (hydrogen compensated)Draft (optional)-28.0 to +28.0 in. WC (or user selectable inPascal or Millibar)NO (X)(optional)0 to 1,000PPMCalculated Ranges Combustion Efficiency 0.1 to 99.9% (0.1% resolution)Excess Air 1 to 250%Carbon Dioxide 0.1 to a fuel dependent maximum value in percentCarbon Monoxide (air free)0 to 9,999PPM (comes with CO measurement)NO (X)(Ref. 0 to 15% O 2)0 to 9,999PPM Accuracy Oxygen ±0.3% Oxygen (on flue gas)Carbon Monoxide ±5% of reading or±10 ppm, whichever is greater between 0 to 2,000 ppmNO (X)±5% of reading or±5 ppm, whichever is greaterDraft/Differential Pressure ±2% of reading or ±0.02 inches of H 20whichever is greaterStack Temperature±4°F between 32 to 255°F (±2˚C between 0 to 124˚C)±6°F between 256 to 480°F (±3˚C between 125 to 249˚C)±8°F between 481°and 752°F (±4˚C between 250 to 400˚C)Primary/Ambient Temperature ±2˚F between 32 to 212˚ (±1˚C between 0 to 100˚C)Size 8.5 in. H x 3.8 in. W(at display) x 2 in. D (215mm x 96mm x 50mm)Weight Approximately 1.5 lbs. (0.68Kg) with batteries Power SourcePower by four disposable AA size alkaline batteries; minimum of 8 hours of continuous operation. An optional 120 power supply is available for line operationDisplay A 20 character by 4 line alpha numeric display with backlightWarm Up TimeA 60 second total warm up – sensors are checked and autozeroed at warm upInstrument comes complete with: carrying case, probe and hose assembly, factory calibrated and installed sensor(s), instruction manual, user guide, batteries (packaged separately) and a two-year warranty. All instruments can be upgraded to include CO, Draft or NO(X)and other option combinations are available on request.s- Standard with instrument。
ALM-Ⅱ 双通道空燃比分析仪说明书

RS232 串行或者 USB (通过转换器) 友好界面的 PC 机软件以及数据录制和分析工具
LCD 液晶屏
CPU 频率 存储器
Freescale MC9S12P128 16-bit 32MHz 96k Flash, 6k Ram, 4k Data
错误自诊断功能 传感器误差及老化自学习功能 特殊燃料兼容
4.1 接插件管脚说明................................................................................................................9 4.2 设备连接............................................................................................................................9 第五章 软件使用说明..................................................................................................................... 11 5.1 安装软件..........................................................................................................................11 5.2 软件操作..........................................................................................................................13

哈希公司的水质分析仪器产品在中国已经有超过20年的成功应用, 哈希在线水质分析仪器在中国水处理市场以及全球范围内都得到了广泛的应用,一直以来哈希在线浊度分析仪都是饮用水行业关键性运行指标-浊度测试的常用仪器。
目录水位监测 (2)流量监测 (12)雨量监测 (29)气象监测 (31)水质监测 (33)典型应用 (60)基本介绍用于连续测量水位的精巧型气泡水位计。
它具有高量程、高精度的特点,并带有4-20 mA 模拟输出和SDI12标准接口,最新设计的智能型气泵可以在满足测量精度的前提下减小打气体积,以便节省系统功耗。
费加罗技研株式会社 EC01 气体传感器评价试验箱 操作使用说明书

112468费加罗技研株式会社EC01(气体传感器评价试验箱)操作使用说明书(1)(2)(3)(4)1. 安全注意事项请务必遵守2. 使用注意事项本产品是一种简易型的试验箱。
由于氨气、VOC 、有机溶剂蒸汽等吸附性很强的气体很容易吸附在试验箱的内壁之上,因此本产品不适用于这些气体的测试用途。
请勿在对气体爆炸下限为(LEL) 50%以上浓度的可燃性气体进行测试时使用。

紫外荧光法二氧化硫分析仪4208型操作及维护手册北京中晟泰科环境科技发展有限责任公司目录1 介绍 (4)1.1 手册内容 (4)1.2 仪器介绍 (4)1.2.1 功能介绍 (4)1.2.2 性能参数 (5)1.2.3 物理特性 (5)2 安装 (6)2.1 概述 (6)2.2 仪器验收 (6)2.3 气路连接 (6)2.3.1 气体采样需求 (6)2.3.2 电源连接 (7)2.3.3 记录仪连接 (7)2.3.4 数据采集系统(DAS) (7)3 仪器描述 (9)3.1 综述 (9)3.2 气路系统描述 (9)3.2.1采样气路 (9)3.2.2内部零气气路(可选) (9)3.2.3 内部标气气路(可选) (10)3.3光学系统介绍 (10)3.3.1 前部光学系统 (10)3.3.2反应室 (11)3.3.3 检测器模块 (11)3.3.4 光陷阱 (12)3.4 电子系统介绍 (12)3.4.1 主电源模块 (12)3.4.2 光电倍增管探测器 (12)3.4.3 光通量检测器 (12)3.4.4 步进电机系统 (12)3.4.5采集/控制CPU板 (12)3.4.6驱动板 (13)3.4.7 压力传感器放大器 (14)3.4.8 流量放大板 (14)3.5 计算机系统介绍 (14)4 工作原理 (22)4.1 概述 (22)4.2 工作原理 (22)4.3 气路系统 (22)4.4 光学系统 (23)4.5 电子系统 (23)5 操作 (25)5.1 概述 (25)5.2 开机 (27)5.3 关机 (27)5.4仪器设置 (27)5.4.1设置仪器参数 (28)5.4.2设置仪器时间 (30)5.4.3设置MODEM (31)5.5查看菜单 (32)5.5.1查看历史数据 (32)5.5.2查看标定结果 (34)5.5.3查看仪器运行时间 (34)5.6标定菜单 (35)5.6.1进行仪器零标 (36)5.6.2进行仪器跨标 (38)5.6.3进行光强调节 (39)5.6.4进行高压调节 (40)5.6.5查看(标定结果) (40)5.7管理菜单 (41)5.7.1控制(Control)菜单 (41)5.7.2测试(Test)菜单 (44)5.7.3信号(Signal)菜单 (44)5.8帮助菜单 (45)5.9运行状态及报警信息 (45)5.9.1仪器运行状态信息 (45)5.9.2仪器运行报警信息 (46)5.9.3仪器参数报警范围 (46)6 维护 (47)6.1 概述 (47)6.2 定期维护 (47)6.2.1 维护计划 (47)6.2.2 泄漏检查 (47)6.2.3 组件的更换 (48)6.2.4 清洁 (51)附录A 仪器校准 (63)A.1 综述 (63)A.2 正式校准 (63)A.2.1 校准所需设备 (63)A.2.2 校准周期 (63)1 介绍1.1 手册内容这本操作及维护手册提供了关于型非脉冲紫外荧光法SO2分析仪操作与维修方面的信息。
M200 自动 ID 吹扫控制系统 使用说明说明书

M200 自动 ID 吹扫控制 使用说明成套件内容:■ 带 1/4 in. 连接的压力传感器组件■ 线束长 19.7 ft (6 m)■ PFA 卡套管长 15 ft (4.5 m)■ 世伟洛克 (Swagelok ) 1/4 in. 三通,带 PFA 卡套管■ 2 个带键 1/4 in. QC 系列快速接头,1 个标准 1/4 in.QC 系列快速接头■ 手提箱■ 说明书安装 - 两种方法装配三通 - 图 11. 按照 1 in. (25 mm) 及以下接头的世伟洛克卡套管接头说明书, MS-12-01 把一个带键快速接头连接到所提供三通的带 PFA 卡套管端。
2. 按照 1 in. (25 mm) 及以下接头的世伟洛克卡套管接头说明书, MS-12-01 把一个标准快速接头连接到所提供三通的带螺母直通端。
3. 按照 1 in. (25 mm) 及以下接头的世伟洛克卡套管接头说明书, MS-12-01 把来自上游调压阀的系统供气管连接到剩下的三通直通端。
连接 M200 - 图 24. 把装配好的三通的带键快速接头和标准快速接头对准M200 电源右侧的上 ID 吹扫气源和 OD 屏蔽气接头。
5. 把另一个带键快速接头连接到所提供的 PFA 卡套管上,方法是按照 1 in. (25 mm) 及以下接头的世伟洛克卡套管接头说明书, MS-12-01 把卡套管插入螺母内并拧紧。
6. 把带键快速接头连接到 M200 电源上的下 ID 吹扫气源接头。
图 2 — M200电源右侧屏蔽气接头输入/输出接头ID 吹扫吹扫气源图 1 — 装配后的三通有两种自动 ID 吹扫控制系统使用方法 - 一种是恒定压力法,另外一种是恒定流量法。
使用恒定压力法时,在焊接循环中 M200 电源保持所需的 ID 气体压力。
艾默生 Rosemount 1408H 液位变送器 HART 协议非接触雷达式 数据表

产品数据表00813-0306-4480, Rev AA2024 年 5 月Rosemount™ 1408H 液位变送器HART®协议非接触雷达式■针对食品和饮料应用进行了优化■过程接液部件经过 3-A®和 EHEDG 卫生认证,符合 FDA 和 EC 1935/2004 标准■支持储罐清洁过程和外部冲洗(IP69 和 IP6K9K 防护等级)■4-20 mA HART® 7 便于集成到新旧系统中■经济高效的 FMCW 雷达,采用 80GHz 技术Rosemount 1408H2024 年 5 月A简介针对食品和饮料应用进行了优化Rosemount1408H液位变送器能够在食品和饮料行业提供准确的连续液位测量。
这款变送器经过 3-A®和 EHEDG 卫生认证,过程接液部件符合 FDA 和 EC 1935/2004 标准。
它支持原位清洁 (CIP) 和原位蒸汽 (SIP) 过程以及外部冲洗(IP69 和 IP6K9K 防护等级)。
图 1: 特性与优势A.抛光不锈钢外壳B.用于简易调试的 M12 连接器C.多种卫生型转接器D.支持 CIP/SIP内容简介 (2)订购信息 (5)性能规格 (9)功能规格 (11)物理规格 (15)安装注意事项 (17)产品认证 (21)尺寸图 (21)多种连接G1 过程连接与全套卫生型过程连接适配器兼容。
非接触式雷达技术非接触式雷达技术非常适合各类应用,因为它免维护并采用自上而下安装,可降低泄漏风险,而且不受密度、粘度、温度、压力和 pH 值等过程条件的影响。
Rosemount 1408H利用调频连续波 (FMCW) 技术和智能算法,即使在小型储罐和具有挑战性的快速填充容器中也能实现极高的测量精度和可靠性。

CMCOS系统应用于工业企业的目标体现在三个方面:(1) 提高燃烧设备热效率,降低燃料消耗、节约燃料费用;(2) 降低氮氧化物等污染物的排放、减少对环境的污染和由此导致的费用;(3) 大数据积累与应用,持续改进和优化。
其功能特点包括:s针对不同类型应用的多种配置,适应不同运行模式如DCS、手动控制等;s高精度参数实时测量和数据采集及管理功能;s 合适的人机交互方式;s自学习快速寻优响应算法和灵敏控制实现最佳空燃比;s 排烟温度程控优化功能;s 集成多种燃烧控制程序和PID负荷调节功能;s燃烧效率和功率的监测和显示;s 阈值报警和旁路控制设计保障系统故障不会对生产造成影响;s 潜在故障诊断功能;s 历史数据追溯和报表功能。

49O2标气(1.4L带瓶) 1.4L50O2标气(4L带瓶)4L51纯甲烷标气(4L带瓶)4L52氮气标气(4L带瓶)(纯氮)4L5354AZF-01呼吸性粉尘采样器AZF-0155AZF-02呼吸性粉尘采样器AZF-0256CCX2.0(A)个体呼吸性粉尘采样器CCX2.0(A)57CCZ20呼吸性粉尘采样器CCZ2058MD-1粉尘粒度分析系统MD-159GCG500(A)粉尘浓度传感器GCG500(A)[1320-6056-416] 60CCGZ-1000直读式测尘仪CCGZ-100061SGS双功能高压水表SGS62YSD130煤矿用噪声检测仪YSD13063GSD130煤矿用噪声传感器GSD13064YWSD50/100煤矿用温湿度检测仪YWSD50/10065GUY1.2煤矿用投入式液位传感器GUY1.266GWSD50/100煤矿用温湿度传感器GWSD50/10067GLP20/20-40(A)矿用本安型流量压力传感器GLP20/20-40(A)68GLW25/10矿用本安型流量传感器GLW25/1069GNC7矿用本安型乳化液浓度传感器GNC770CSD20M 矿用本安型煤样水分测定仪CSD20M-023-6772-327371DF20/10隔爆型电磁阀DF20/1072DF20/7隔爆型电磁阀DF20/773DF20K/7隔爆型电磁阀DF20K/774DF25/20矿用隔爆型电磁阀DF25/2075DF-Ⅲ煤层注水等量分流器DF-Ⅲ76GCQ-12高压水质过滤器GCQ-1277GCQ-3高压水质过滤器GCQ-378GCQ-7高压水质过滤器GCQ-779GHG5矿用本安型火焰传感器GHG580CSD20M矿用本安型煤样水分测定仪CSD20M81WM-A快速水分测定仪WM-A8283瓦斯治理设备WTC84WGCB瓦斯抽放管道气体参数测定仪WGCB85TWY突出危险预报仪TWY86GYH25型矿用氧气传感器GYH2587WFC-2瓦斯放散初速度自动测定仪WFC-288WFC-2瓦斯放散初速度自动测定仪(含主机及辅助设备)WFC-289WFC-2瓦斯放散初速度自动测定仪其它辅助设备WFC-290WTC瓦斯突出参数仪(TEL)WTC(1350-8370-510)91GD4型瓦斯抽放多参数传感器GD492GD4型瓦斯抽放多参数传感器(含除湿装置)GD493GLW20型液体流量传感器DN409495CTH1000型一氧化碳测定器CTH100096CLH100型硫化氢测定器CLH10097CYH25型氧气测定器CYH2598KJ90-F8(J)井下分站KJ90-F8(J)99KJ251-F8(J)人员定位分站KJ251-F8(J)100KJF210B(J)读卡器(双向型)KJF210B(J)101GJG100H(A)红外甲烷传感器GJG100H(A)102GRG10H(A)二氧化碳传感器GRG10H(A)103KJJ103(J)环网交换机KJJ103(J)104KDWF3(J)矿用直流稳压电源KDWF3(J)105KJJ103(G)地面环网交换机KJJ103(G)106CST-QCL气体预处理装置CST-QCL107CST-S2220-NO2(塑钢频率)有毒有害气体检测变送器CST-S2220-NO2108KJJ103B(J)光端交换机(井下)KJJ103B(J)109KJJ103B(G)光端交换机(地面)KJJ103B(G)110GEDH20矿用一般型二氧化氮传感器GEDH20111GTH1000矿用一般型一氧化碳传感器GTH1000112KJ90-F1矿用一般型监控分站KJ90-F1113KJ251-F1矿用一般型人员管理分站KJ251-F1114115光干涉甲烷测定器CJG10116CJG10智能光干涉甲烷测定器CJG10X117AJH-3氧气呼吸器校验仪AJH-3118JY-1氧气呼吸器校验仪JY-1119JY-1氧气充填泵YC-1120DHX9.6L(A)便携式照明灯DHX9.6L(A)121YHYS4/50矿用本安型夜视仪YHYS4/50122HDX5160XZM多功能集成式充气发电照明车HDX5160XZM123ZZF660灾区有毒有害气体智能排放系统ZZF660124125ZHS1790本安型数码照相机ZHS1790[-23-6772-3273] 126BYQ-S防爆摄像仪BYQ-S127PIS防爆摄录取证仪PIS128ZWSJ-A隧道瓦斯监控装置ZWSJ-A129YLY2.8矿用本安型音频记录仪YLY2.8130DHX3.6LS(A)矿用本安型LED照明灯DHX3.6LS(A)131DTC-150/36防爆地质超前探测仪DTC-150/36132DXH3.3/8.4矿用本安型电源DXH3.3/8.4133DXEH矿用浇封兼本安型电源DXEH134YCS50矿用瞬变电磁仪YCS50135KJH12矿用本安型计算机KJH12136EXcam1600防爆数码照相机(化工类)EXcam1600137KBA3.6矿用本安型摄录仪KBA3.6138ZKG300矿用钻孔随钻监测装置ZKG300139140DGC型瓦斯含量直接测定装置DGC-Ⅰ141ZCY-Ⅱ型钻孔引射取样装置ZCY-Ⅱ142HCA-Ⅰ高压容量法吸附装置HCA-Ⅰ143MJC型煤的坚固性系数(f值)测定装置MJC144YJJ100携带式激光测距仪YJJ100145CS2B(A)型半导体制冷除湿装置CS2B(A)146BC-Ⅰ型变形测定仪BC-1147GJJ50矿用本安型激光测距传感器GJJ50148YLY18W瓦斯抽放用弯管流量检测仪YLY18W149GHZ500B 矿用火焰传感器GHZ500B150GPD100B矿用压力传感器GPD100B151ZWC型钻孔瓦斯涌出初速度测定装置ZWC-2152153JCB4便携式甲烷检测报警仪JCB4154CJB100(A)全量程甲烷检测报警仪CJB100(A)(0~100)%CH4 155地面汽水分离器[-135********-] WPPS 156CZ4/25(B)甲烷氧气两参数测定器CZ4/25(B)157CZ(C)多参数测定器CZ(C)158YHW200矿用本安型温度监测仪YHW200159YSZ160-T矿用本安型钻孔深度测量仪探头YSZ160-T160GJC4C(A)隔爆兼本质安全型车载式甲烷传感器QQ-2050469717161KDW127/24J矿用隔爆兼本安稳压电源KDW127/24J162DJ10/24Y-Z矿用本安型移动式甲烷断电仪主机DJ10/24Y-Z163井下汽水分离器QQ-2050469717164KXZ24W矿用无线信号收发器KXZ24W165DC-5充电器DC-5166KXB24矿用本安型声光报警器KXB24167KJF127矿用隔爆兼本安型阀门控制器KJF127168AZJ-2000便携式甲烷检测报警仪AZJ-2000(1320-605-6416) 169GLC400本安型明渠流量仪GLC400170FYF3(A)新矿用遥控器FYF3(A)171FYF20遥控发送器FYF20172CWH600矿用本安型红外测温仪CWH600173YHJ256矿用本安型数据记录仪YHJ256174YSZ160矿用本安型钻孔深度测量仪YSZ160。
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美国 ECM 公司 Lambda5220 是功能强大的新一代 Lambda/AFR/O2 分析仪,配置 CAN 接口,提供无与伦比的测量量程及精度,所有传感器均在工厂标定好,标定数 据存储于连接器的存储芯片中。为提供最佳的测量精度,传感器可以在环境空气中重 新快速标定,重新标定的数据同样存储于连接器存储芯片中。可选压力补偿用来提高 在非理论混合气(λ≠1)和非标准大气压条件下(P≠101KPa)时的测量精度,如:压 力提高 34KPa 将导致 0.58 的误差(λ=3) ,压力补偿用于消除此测量误差。 Lambda5220 分析仪与 BOSCH LSU4.2/4.9、NTK 4mA/6mA、DELPHI OSL 等传 感器兼容,H:C、O:C、N:C、H2 燃料成分比率可设置。Lambda5220 输出 Lambda、 AFR、φ、%O2、压力(选项)及其他传感器参数如:泵电流、电阻、传感器老化因 素等。 Lambda5220 分析仪适合台架和车载使用,具有六路模拟输出、CAN、USB、 RS232 通讯,Lambda5220 分析仪可接入任何数据采集系统。传感器模块和显示器之 间的连接线缆最长可达 100 米。为方便车载使用,Lambda5220 分析仪可以通过汽车 点火开关信号来开关机。 Lambda 是影响废气排放、燃料的经济性、发动机性能的最重要参数,因此必须 准确测量。十多年来,美国 ECM 公司为汽车及发动机研发等单位提供 Lambda 测量 仪器,其 Lambda5220 分析仪代表了 Lambda/O2 测量的尖端技术。 技 术参 数 技术参数
Lambda5220 分析仪
模拟输出 适合实验室 和 车载使用 CAN USB RS232
单通道· 双通道· 2/4/6/8 通道安装支架
直பைடு நூலகம்式 Lambda 传感器(BOSCH、NTK、DELPHI 传感器兼容)
Lambda5220 分析仪
响应时间 燃料类型 模拟输出 CAN 电源 传感器螺纹 尺寸/线缆 工作温度 其他选项