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viral infection 病毒感染

chest infection 胸部感染

TB (pulmonary tuberculosis) 肺结核

pneumonia 肺炎

bronchitis 支气管炎

secondary chest infection 胸部继发性感染症状常用语

I have a fever/have a headache/have chest pain/have a stomachache/feel breathless/have been spitting blood/have heart palpitations/feel nauseous/have been vomiting/have been vomiting blood/have blood in my stool/have diarrhea/feel dizzy/feel faint.我发烧/头痛/胸痛/腹痛/呼吸困难/咯血/心悸/恶心/呕吐/呕血/便血/腹泻/头晕/晕厥。


emphysema 肺气肿

upper respiratory tract infection 上呼吸道感染

pleurisy 胸膜炎

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)慢性阻塞性肺病

lung cancer 肺癌

pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞

pneumothorax 气胸

stabbing pain 刺痛

sharp pain 锐痛

The pain comes in waves.阵痛

dyspnea 气促

chest pain 胸痛

cough 咳嗽

sticky sputum 痰液黏稠

thin sputum 稀痰

sore throat 咽喉痛

tonsillitis 扁桃体炎

sneezes 打喷嚏

running nose 流鼻涕

decompensation 呼吸困难

cyanopathy 发绀

chest fluoroscopy 胸透

chest radiogram 胸部照片


dizziness 头晕

palpitation 心悸

arrhythmia 心律失常

electrocardiogram 心电图

abnormal electrocardiogram 不正常心电图 echocardiography 心脏B超检查

angiocardiography 心血管造影

cyanosis 紫绀

hypotensor 降血压药

cardiovascular problems 心血管问题

myocardial infarction (M.I.) 心肌梗死

angina 心绞痛

pericarditis 心包炎

a sense of pressure 压迫感

hypertension/high blood pressure 高血压 hypotension/low blood pressure 低血压

rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病

coronary heart disease 冠心病

arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化症

acute myocarditis 急性心肌炎

angina pectoris 心绞痛

stroke 中风

cardiac failure 心力衰竭

coronary thrombosis 冠状动脉血栓

coronary atherosclerosis 冠状动脉粥样硬化 hypertensive heart disease 高血压性心脏病


diarrhea 腹泻

abdominal pain 腹痛

bloody stool 血便

loose stool 稀烂便

bloody purulent stool 脓血便

stomachache 胃痛

constipation 便秘

diabetes 糖尿病

food poisoning 食物中毒

dysentery 痢疾

intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻

dehydration 脱水

irritable bowel syndrome 肠道易激综合征

bowel tumor 肠肿瘤

enteritis 肠炎

appendicitis 阑尾炎

peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡

cholecystitis 胆囊炎

cholelithiasis 胆石病 (胆结石)

pancreatitis 胰腺炎


urodynia 尿痛

frequent micturition 尿频

urgency of urination 尿急

bloody urination 血尿

urinary incontinence 尿失禁

prostatitis 前列腺炎

bladder tumor 膀胱肿瘤

chronic cystitis 慢性膀胱炎

carcinoma 0f prostate 前列腺癌

difficulty in passing urine 排尿困难

urethritis 尿道炎

nephritis 肾炎

carcinoma of the kidney 肾癌

kidney stones 肾结石

urine infection 尿路感染


dislocated 脱臼

sprained 扭伤

achilles rupture 脚踝扭伤

amputation of……截肢

fracture of toe/finger脚趾/手指骨折

elevated 抬高的

non-mobile/immobile 固定

splint 夹板

sling (triangular bandage) 悬带(三角绷带) traction 牵引

back slab 悬臂板

rheumatoid arthritis 风湿性关节炎

joint replacement 关节置换术

arthritis 关节炎

knee and hip replacement 膝盖和臀关节置换

bunions 拇囊炎(拇指外翻)

slipped disc 椎间盘突出
