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Regenerative braking is one of important functions of pure electric vehicle, which can not only ensure the prerequisite of braking performance but also realize the recycle of braking energy. Moreover, regenerative braking can reduce energy consumption, extend driving range as well as reduce the abrasion of the friction disk. In order to ensure the prerequisite of braking safety and recycle more energy, it is necessary to work out an appropriate control strategy. This paper focus on Chang An mini pure electric vehicle, based on the analysis of braking system structure, bring up the parallel connection regenerative braking control strategy. Establish the regenerative braking model and carry out the simulation analysis as well as improve the control strategy which brought up before based on the simulation results. The main research work in this paper is as follows: ① Analyze the braking system structure of the pure electric vehicle, based on the requirements of braking performance, considering the influence of motor working character, battery working character as well as ECE rule to regenerative braking. The braking force distribution coefficient which satisfy the ECE braking rule is worked out, The limitations of motor maximum torque and battery charging power which provide theoretical basis for the institution of regenerative braking control strategy is calculated. ② Based on the analysis of braking intensity distribution of many driving conditions, work out parallel connection regenerative braking control strategy. More over, in order to make the variation of motor braking force gently and optimize the feeling of the driver, bring in the impact factors of velocity and battery SOC when deciding the practical motor braking force. Obtain the optimal working line of motor and battery and work out the shifting control strategy of regenerative braking. ③ Based on the theory of vehicle dynamic, establish the simulation model of electric vehicle regenerative braking system which includes vehicle dynamic model, transmission model, motor model, battery model as well as control strategy model. In order to compare different regenerative braking control strategies, the simulation model integrate many control strategies which provide a necessary platform for verifying the validity of the strategies. ④ Analyze the parallel connection regenerative braking control strategy using normal braking and typical city driving cycle and improve the parallel connection

目 录
中文摘要 ..........................................................................................................................................I 英文摘要 ....................................................................................................................................... III 1 绪论 ........................................................................................................................................... 1
摘 要
电动汽车相比传统燃油汽车的一大显著优势就是能够进行再生制动。电动汽 车进行再生制动,可以实现部分制动能量的回收再利用,有效的降低了整车能量 消耗,延长续驶里程。同时还可以减少制动器摩擦片的磨损。 为了在保证整车制动安全性的前提下,尽可能的回收制动能量,需要制定合 理的再生制动控制策略。本文以长安奔奔 mini 纯电动汽车为研究对象,在分析整 车制动系统结构的基础上,提出了并联再生制动控制策略。并通过建立整车再生 制动模型进行仿真分析,根据仿真分析结果对所提出的并联再生制动控制策略进 行改进,其主要研究内容如下: ① 分析了纯电动汽车制动系统的结构。 根据整车制动性能要求, 考虑了电机、 电池的工作特性以及 ECE 法规对车辆再生制动的影响。从理论上分析计算出满足 ECE 制动法规的纯电动汽车制动力分配系数变化范围,并计算了电机峰值转矩与 电池充电功率对再生制动的限制,为制定再生制动控制策略提供理论依据。 ② 在分析多种循环工况制动强度分布的基础上,制定了并联再生制动控制策 略,并在确定实际电机再生制动力时,引入车速影响因子及电池 SOC 影响因子, 保证电机制动力平缓变化,优化驾驶员制动感觉。获取了电机电池联合高效工作 曲线,制定了再生制动换挡控制策略。 ③ 根据汽车纵向动力学理论,建立了纯电动汽车再生制动系统模型。为对比 分析不同的再生制动控制策略,模型集成了多种再生制动控制策略,为验证控制 策略的正确性提供了必要的仿真平台。 ④ 在常规制动工况及循环工况下对所提出的并联再生制动控制策略进行了 仿真分析,并根据仿真结果对并联再生制动控制策略进行了改进,提出了两种改 进方案。对比仿真结果分析了固定档与两档传动系统方案对再生制动能量回收的 影响。 关键词:纯电动汽车,再生制动,控制策略,仿真分析
1.1 纯电动汽车概述 ................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 纯电动汽车研究背景及现实意义 ............................................................................ 1 1.1.2 纯电动汽车的基本结构 ............................................................................................ 2 1.2 纯电动汽车再生制动系统的关键问题及研究现状 ........................................................... 2 1.2.1 纯电动汽车再生制动的意义 .................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 再生制动的关键问题及研究内容 ............................................................................ 4 1.3 再生制动技术国内外研究现状 ........................................................................................... 5 1.3.1 国外再生制动技术研究现状 .................................................................................... 5 1.3.2 国内再生制动技术研究现状 .................................................................................... 6 1.4 本课题的研究意义和主要内容 ........................................................................................... 7 1.4.1 本课题的来源和研究意义 ........................................................................................ 7 1.4.2 本课题的主要研究内容 ............................................................................................ 8
学生姓名:陈 斌 指导教师:秦大同 教 授 专 业:汽车电子工程
学科门类:工 学
二 O 一一年五月
Regenerative Braking Research of Pure Electric Vehicle
A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Engineering
By Chen Bin Supervised by Prof. Qin Datong Major: Vehicle Electronic Engineering
College of Mechanical Engineering of Chongqing University, Chongqing, China May, 2011
regenerative braking control strategy based on the simulation results as well as bring up two improving programs. Compare the influence of the fixed-gear program and two-speed program on regenerative braking energy. Keywords: Pure Electric Vehicle, Regenerative Braking, Control Strategy, Simulation Analysis.