Whirlpool 自动式衣物洗衣机说明书
Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool USA5019 396 98075ADP 4600Guía de consulta rápidaAntes de usar el lavavajillas lea las instrucciones de montaje y uso!(Reservado el derecho de introducir modificaciones técnicas)Añada sal regeneradoraLa sal debe añadirse inmediatamente antes de iniciar un ciclo de lavado.Añada abrillantador1)Programa de referencia para la etiqueta de datos energéticosconforme a la norma EN 50242;2)Vea “Uso del lavavajillas”;3)Datos relacionados con los programas, obtenidos conforme a la norma EN 50242. Los datos pueden variar en función de la carga, la temperatura (superior o inferior a 15°C), la dureza del agua, la tensión de alimentación, etc.Selector de programasBotón StartEl piloto se ilumina durante elfuncionamiento, parpadea cuando hay una anomalía y se apaga al final del programa.IndicadoresBotón On/OffTabla de programasDetergente 2)Consumo 3)ProgramasRecomendaciones para la cargaABLitros kWh MinutosPrelavado frío Vajilla que debe lavarse más tarde.--5,00,0210Rápido 40°C Vajilla poco sucia sin residuos secos.X -13,00,7030Normal 1)50°C Suciedad normal.XX16,01,05120Normal 65°C Suciedad normal o muy sucia.X X 16,01,65100Intensivo 70°C Programa aconsejado para vajilla muysucia, particularmente indicado parasartenes y ollas.X X 17,01,90135Media carga50°C Suciedad normal o ligera, o mitad de la carga normal.X X 13,00,87130Advertencia para los laboratorios de pruebas:Para obtener información más detallada sobre las condiciones de la prueba comparativa EN y de otras pruebas, escriba a la siguiente direccióndecorreoelectrónico:“*************************”.Cómo usar el lavavajillasPara mayor información lea las instrucciones de uso.Presione el botón ON /OFF.Compartimiento grande A:Cada ciclo de partimiento pequeño B:Sólo para programas con prelavado.Indicador mecánico C .Piloto eléctrico en el panel de mandos (si existe).Sólo si hay equipo de ablandamiento.Indicador mecánico D . Indicador eléctrico en el panel de mandos (si existe).Lea las instrucciones de carga.Se enciende el último programa seleccionado.Elija un programa (presionando el botón o mando).El piloto se enciende.Si es necesario (si existe). El piloto se enciende.El programa elegido queda memorizado (aunque se corte la corriente).-Abra la puerta sólo si es necesario (Atención: salida de vapor muy caliente).-Si el lavavajillas se apaga antes detiempo, cuando se vuelve a encender, el programa continúa desde donde se había interrumpido.Cuando se haya apagado el botón START: presione el botón ON/OFF . Todos los pilotos se apagan.Advertencia: cuando se abre la puerta, sale vapor muy caliente. Descargue el lavavajillas empezando por el cesto inferior.Encienda el lavavajillas Llenado del distribuidorde detergenteA B CControle el abrillantadorControle la sal regeneradoraCargue los cestos Cierre la puerta,abra el grifo de agua Seleccione el programaSeleccione lasfunciones suplementariasPresione el botón START“Cambiar programa”Mantenga presionado el botón START 2segundos hasta que el piloto Start se apague;Seleccione el nuevo programa y vuelva a presionar el botón START.C i c l o d e l a v a d oApague el lavavajillas Cierre el grifo de agua,descargue los cestosIndicaciones para la carga del lavavajillas y dotación de cestosCesto superior:según el modelo de lavavajillasSoporte multifunción (A): 1)Según la posición, utensilios largos, tazas y vasos. Son posibles tres posiciones.Soportes para la vajilla (B):Según la posición, platos, tazas y copas.Soporte para vasos giratorio (C): 2)Según la posición, vasos pequeños o copas.Los utensilios largos como, por ejemplo, tenedores de carne o cuchillos se han de colocar con la punta hacia el aparato.Media carga:Cargue sólo el cesto superior.Coloque el cesto de los cubiertos (D ) en el cesto superior.Regulación de la altura del cesto (vacío o cargado):•Regulación inferior: tire de las dos manillas del cesto (E ) hacia afuera y baje el cesto.•Regulación superior: tire de las dos manillas hacia arriba (E ) hasta que el cesto quede encastrado (esta es la regulación de fábrica).Los lados del cesto deben estar a la misma altura.Extracción del cesto superior para poder lavar platos grandes o bandejas en el cesto inferior:Abrir los seguros derecho eizquierdo (F ) de las guías del cesto y extraer el cesto superior.Cuando el cesto superior está colocado, los seguros deben estar cerrados.Cesto inferior:Según el modelo de lavavajillas, con soportes para platos rebatibles o fijos (G ).Media carga:Cargue sólo el cesto inferior.Mayor potencia de lavado sobre todo para platos y ollas.Cesto para los cubiertos (J) o (H):Algunos modelos están dotados de una rejilla (I ) para cubrir el cesto de los cubiertos. Cesto para los cubiertos (D ), si existe, sólo para aparatos con media carga.Los objetos que puedan causar heridas se han de colocar en el cesto con la punta hacia abajo.Utilice sólo vajillas aptas para el lavado en lavavajillas. No lave en el lavavajillas objetos no idóneos: piezas de madera o aluminio, utensilios de plástico, vajillas con decoraciones no esmaltadas, cubiertos de plata.Su revendedor le ofrece:1)Soporte multifunción (A) - N. serie AMH 369.2)Soporte para vasos giratorio (C) - N. serie WGH 1000.FFSeguro cerradoSeguro abiertoQué hacer en caso de...Si el lavavajillas presenta alguna anomalía de funcionamiento, verifique los siguientes detalles antes de llamar al Servicio de Asistencia (*vea el capítulo correspondiente en las instrucciones de uso).Problema Causa SoluciónEl lavavajillas nofunciona•No recibe agua.•Abra el grifo de agua.•El lavavajillas no carga suficiente agua.•Limpie el filtro de entrada del grifo del agua.•Verifique si el tubo de alimentación está doblado.•No hay corriente.•Enchufe la clavija en la toma de corriente.•Presione el botón START.•Cierre la puerta.•Controle el fusible de la casa.•Inicio del programa preseleccionado.•Si es necesario ponga el inicio del programa en “0”. Si la vajilla no quedaperfectamente seca•Abrillantador insuficiente.•Aumente la dosis*.•Queda agua en las cavidades de la vajilla.•Cargue la vajilla inclinada.Si la vajilla no queda perfectamente limpia •El chorro de agua no alcanza toda lasuperficie.•Coloque la vajilla de manera que las piezas no setoquen entre sí.Las cavidades de las piezas deben estar hacia abajo.•Detergente insuficiente.•Dosifique el detergente siguiendo las indicaciones delenvase.•Elección de un programa inadecuado.•Seleccione un programa de lavado más intenso.•Brazos aspersores bloqueados.•Los brazos aspersores tienen que girar libremente.•Boquillas de los brazos aspersoresatascadas.•Quite las impurezas que obstruyen el flujo del agua *.•Detergente no adecuado / demasiadoviejo.•Utilice un detergente de buena calidad.Residuos arenosos y granulares •Filtros atascados.•Controle regularmente los filtros y límpielos si esnecesario *.•Filtros mal introducidos.•Introduzca los filtros correctamente y bloquéelos *.Partes de plástico manchadas •Jugo de tomate / zanahoria,...•Según el material, si es necesario utilice undetergente con mayor poder blanqueador.Depósitos en la vajilla•poco adheridos•Rayas en la vajilla / en los vasos.•Aumente la dosis de abrillantador *.•Rayas / surcos en los vasos.•Reduzca la dosis de abrillantador *.•Capa de sal en la vajilla / en los vasos.•Cierre bien la tapa del recipiente de sal *.•muy adheridos•Ablandamiento del agua insuficiente,manchas calcáreas.•Regule el selector de la dureza del agua, si es necesario añada sal *.Vasos opacos / no brillantes •Este tipo de vasos no es lavable enlavavajillas.•Cargue vasos lavables en lavavajillas.Óxido en los cubiertos•No son de acero inoxidable.•Utilice cubiertos de acero inoxidable.Identificación de los errores del lavavajillas •El piloto START parpadea.•Indicador F... (si existe).•Compruebe que el conjunto de filtros no estéatascado y que la alimentaciónon del agua no estéinterrumpida (si fuera necesario, limpie los filtros *).Ponga de nuevo en marcha el programa. Mantengapulsada la tecla START durante 2 segundos, hasta quese apague el piloto correspondiente. Seleccione denuevo el programa y pulse la tecla START.Si tras efectuar los controles citados la anomalía persiste o se vuelve a presentar, apague el aparato y cierre el grifo del agua; luego póngase en contacto con el Servicio de Asistencia (las direcciones aparecen en la garantía).Tenga preparados los siguientes datos:•Tipo de anomalía.•Tipo y modelo de lavavajillas.•Código de asistencia (número de la etiqueta adhesiva de AsistenciaTécnica que está en la parte interior de la puerta, a la derecha)。
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EDH804H5WB中文 滚筒式干衣机用户手册目录想您所想请访问我们的网站:客户关怀与服务2感谢您选购伊莱克斯电器。
在联系我们的授权服务中心时,请确保提供下列信息:型号、PNC 和序列号。
警告/安全警示信息 一般信息和温馨提示 环保信息获取使用建议、手册、故障排除和维修服务信息:1. 安全信息...........................................................................................................32. 安全说明...........................................................................................................53. 产品描述...........................................................................................................74. 控制面板...........................................................................................................75. 程序表...............................................................................................................96. 选项..................................................................................................................107. 设置..................................................................................................................118. 首次使用前准备................................................................................................139. 日常使用...........................................................................................................1310. 提示与技巧.....................................................................................................1411. 保养与清洁.....................................................................................................1512. 故障检修.........................................................................................................1813. 技术参数.........................................................................................................2014. 快速指南.........................................................................................................2115. 环保信息.........................................................................................................2316. 产品中有害物质名称和含量............................................................................2417. 维修服务指南.. (25)中文1. 安全信息1.1 儿童和弱势群体安全注意事项在开始安装和使用本机前,请仔细阅读随附的说明书。
二、安全注意事项1. 请在使用洗衣机前仔细阅读并理解使用说明书,确保了解洗衣机的各项功能和操作方法。
2. 使用洗衣机时,请确保插头与插座连接良好,避免电源短路或漏电。
3. 在操作洗衣机之前,请确保手部干燥,以免滑倒或触电。
4. 使用洗衣机时,请勿将手或其他物品放入洗衣机内部,以免发生意外伤害。
5. 在洗衣机运行过程中,请勿随意打开洗衣机盖子,以免受伤或洗衣机停止运行。
6. 洗衣机应放置在平稳的地面上,避免晃动或倾斜导致损坏或意外伤害。
7. 在清洗洗衣机时,请先断开电源,并使用干净的湿布擦拭,禁止使用腐蚀性或刺激性清洁剂。
三、操作步骤1. 准备工作a. 将洗衣机放置在平稳的地面上,并保持与电源插座的连接。
b. 打开洗衣机盖子,将待洗衣物放入洗衣机内,并确保不超过洗衣机容量的限制。
c. 根据衣物的种类和污渍程度,选择合适的洗衣程序和温度。
d. 根据洗衣剂的种类和用量,将洗衣剂加入洗衣机内。
2. 启动洗衣机a. 关闭洗衣机盖子,并确保盖子锁定。
b. 打开洗衣机的电源开关。
c. 根据洗衣机的操作面板,选择所需的洗衣程序和其他功能选项。
d. 设置洗衣机的洗涤时间和脱水时间。
3. 洗衣过程a. 洗衣机开始工作后,洗衣桶内会注入适量的水,并开始搅拌衣物。
b. 根据设定的洗衣程序,洗衣机会自动调整水温和转速,以达到最佳洗涤效果。
c. 在洗衣过程中,可以根据需要添加洗衣剂或漂白剂。
4. 脱水过程a. 洗衣程序完成后,洗衣机会自动进入脱水过程。
b. 在脱水过程中,洗衣机会通过高速旋转来除去衣物中的水分。
c. 根据需要,可以选择不同的脱水速度和时间。
5. 完成洗衣a. 洗衣机完成脱水后,会自动停止运行。
b. 打开洗衣机盖子,取出洗好的衣物。
c. 将洗衣机内部和外部清洁干净,并关闭洗衣机的电源开关。
洗衣机使用说明书1. 使用前须知连接进水管1. 选择适合的水龙头(前段长度必须大于10mm,假设水龙头出口端面不平整,请用锉刀锉平,以免漏水) 2. 取下进水管接头①②③④①按住锁紧杆下端;②握住进水管,向下压滑动器,取下进水管接头;③接下标记牌。
粘贴毛毡,安装降噪板1. 将毛毡粘贴在降噪板的一侧。
2. 将洗衣机向后倾斜,卸下四个底脚。
3. 降噪板附有毛毡的一面朝内,将将底脚螺栓穿过四个孔装在壳体上旋紧,重新放平机器。
Whirlpool 电子洗衣机用户手册说明书
7. To cancel the programme, press
approx. 4 seconds.
The programme is cancelled and ends after ap-
prox. 1 minute.
Cleaning filters
1. After each wash check the filters for
Cause and troubleshooting
Supply hose is kinked. ▶ Install the supply hose without kinks.
Water tap is turned off. ▶ Turn on the water tap.
Water tap is jammed or furred up. ▶ Turn on the water tap.
The flow rate must be at least 10 l/min when the water supply is open.
The filters in the water connection of the supply or AquaStop hose are blocked. 1. Switch off the appliance. 2. Pull out the mains plug. 3. Turn off the water tap. 4. Unscrew the water connection. 5. Remove the filter from the sup-
4. Place the lid back on the dispenser and turn to close.
Whirlpool 洗衣机说明书
WC8AFSQ*1J WC8AFSQ*2JOwners ManualWC8AFSQ*1J WC8AFSQ*2JBUBBLER DETAILBasin272616,28172023WC8AFSQ*1J WC8AFSQ*2J HANGER BRACKETS & TRAP INSTALLATION1) Remove hanger bracket fastened to back of cooler byremoving one (1) screw.2) Mount the hanger bracket and trap as shown in Figure 2. NOTE: Hanger Bracket MUST be supported securely. Add fix -ture support carrier if wall will not provide adequate support.IMPORTANT:• 5-1/2 in. (140mm) dimension from centerline of unit to centerline of trap must be maintained for proper fit.• Anchor hanger securely to wall using all mounting holes.3) Install straight valve for 3/8" O.D. unplated copper tube.INSTALLATION OF COOLER4) Hang the cooler on the hanger bracket. Be certain the hanger bracket is engaged properly in the slots on the cooler back as shown in Figure 2.5) Loosen the two (2) screws holding the lower front panel at the bottom of cooler base and two (2) screws at the top. Remove the front panel and set aside.6) Connect water inlet line--See Note 4 of General Instructions.7) Remove the slip nut and gasket from the trap and install them on the cooler waste line making sure that the end of the waste line fits into the trap. Assemble the slip nut and gasket to the trap and tighten securely.START UPAlso See General Instructions8) Stream height is factory set at 35 PSI. If supply pressure varies greatly from this, adjust screw, accessible by remov-ing front panel (Item 7, Fig. 3). CW adjustment will raise stream and CCW adjustment will lower stream. For best adjustment, stream should hit basin approximately 6-1/2” (165mm) from bubbler.9) Replace the front panel and secure by retightening four (4) screws.PUSH BAR MECHANISMLEGENDA) Note: Water flow directionB) Adjust this screw to eliminate mechanism “Free Play” or continuous flow from bubbler conditions. (See ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE)C) Stream height adjustment (see note #8)Water Valve Mechanism - ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE:- Turn adjustment screw (Item 11) “Counter-Clockwise” until water flow from bubbler starts.- Turn adjustment screw “Clockwise” until water flow stops, THEN turn an additional 1/2 turn.NOTE: Adjustments stated above are viewed from underneath unit (bottom side of dispenser panel Item 1)NOTE: If continuous flow occurs at the end of the compressor cycle, turn cold control screw counterclockwise 1/4 turn.ITEM NO.PART NO.Panel - Bottom DispenserKit - Pushbar/Pivot Block/Bumpers Kit - Pushbar/Inserts/NutsKit - Side/Front Pushbar/Screws Panel - Right Side Panel - Left Side Panel - Front Push Kit - Regulator/NutsBracket - Regulator Mounting Holder - RegulatorScrew - Shoulder x 1/2" Lg.Screw - Regulator Brkt. Mtg.26588C 98537C 98895C 98789C See Color Table See Color Table See Color Table98732C 23003C 50986C 70935C 75502CItem No. 5Part No.(w/o hole)COLOR TABLEPlatinum Vinyl Stainless Steel Slate Vinyl26644C 26637C 26646C 26659C 26652C 26661C 26614C 26607C 26616C PANEL COLOR123456789101112DESCRIPTION26629C 26622C 26631C 26599C 26600C 26602CItem No. 5Part No.(with hole)Item No. 6Part No.(w/o hole)Item No. 6Part No.(with hole)Item No. 7Part No.FIG. 3643473333421211 B2C4428988101345AWC8AFSQ*1J WC8AFSQ*2J115V PARTS LISTITEM NO.PART NO.13141516171819202122*23242526272829303132333435Power CordFan BracketKit - Fan Motor/Blade/Nut/ShroudClip (Front and Rear Panels)Kit - Bubbler/Nipple/GasketsTubing - Poly (Cut to Length)Kit - Condenser/DrierDrierWrapper - Platinum VinylWrapper - Slate VinylWrapper - Stainless SteelKit - Comp. Mounting HardwareCompressor Serv. PakKit - Elect. Relay/Cover/OverloadKit - Heatx/DrierKit - Drain Pipe/Gasket/Strainer AssyBasin - Stainless SteelScrew - Basin Mtg.Kit - Cold Control/ScrewsKit - Evaporator Replace AssyStrainerAngle - Bracket CornerBracket - Front SupportBracket - Basin MountingFrame - Back/Bottom36208C27095C98775C70142C98533C56092C98776C66703C26680C26682C22708C000000025236322C000000023898778C98790C26664C75536C98773C000000088655996C27093C27094C28797C27097CDESCRIPTION*INCLUDES RELAY & OVERLOAD. IF UNDER WARRANTY, REPLACEWITH SAME COMPRESSOR USED IN ORIGINAL ASSEMBLY.NOTE: All correspondence pertaining to any of the above water coolers ororders for repair parts MUST include Model No. and Serial No. of cooler,name and part number of replacement part.PRINTED IN U.S.A. 2222 CAMDEN COURTOAK BROOK, IL 60523630.574.3500CORRECT STREAM HEIGHTFIG. 4FOR PARTS, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE 35827C0000000244100000214798751C35826CPower CordKit - Fan Motor/Blade/Nut/ShroudCompressor Serv. PakKit - Elect/Relay/Cover/Overload (50 Hz)Power - Inlet1315*2324NS230V-50Hz PARTS LIST。
准备工作:1. 检查洗衣机:在使用洗衣机之前,确保洗衣机处于正常工作状态,没有损坏或故障。
2. 准备衣物:将待洗衣物分类,根据标签上的洗涤说明进行分堆。
操作步骤:1. 打开门盖:握住门手柄,轻轻拉开洗衣机的门盖。
2. 放入衣物:将准备好的衣物逐次放入洗衣机的内桶中,不要超过洗衣机的最大容量。
3. 加入洗涤剂:根据衣物材质和污渍程度选择合适的洗涤剂。
4. 选择洗涤模式:根据衣物的种类、污渍程度和洗涤要求,选择合适的洗涤模式。
5. 开始洗涤:确认洗衣机的设置无误后,按下开始/启动按钮,洗衣机即开始工作。
6. 结束洗涤:洗涤完成后,洗衣机会发出提示音或自动停止运转。
7. 取出衣物:小心打开洗衣机的门盖,并将洗好的衣物取出,并可将其放入晾衣架或烘干机中进行下一步的处理。
清洁保养:1. 清洗洗衣机:定期清洗洗衣机可以防止脏污堆积和异味产生。
2. 清理滤网:洗衣机配备有滤网,它能够过滤掉衣物中的杂质和纤维。
3. 保持干燥通风:使用洗衣机后,请确保机体表面干燥,尽量保持洗衣机周围的通风,以防止细菌滋生。
二、洗衣机的准备工作1. 检查电源和插座是否正常,确保洗衣机能够正常供电。
2. 检查洗衣机内部是否有残留物,如有需要清理。
3. 准备好洗衣液、柔顺剂等洗衣用品。
三、洗衣机的操作步骤1. 打开洗衣机盖子或者门,将衣物放入洗衣机内。
2. 根据衣物的种类和脏污程度选择洗衣机上的洗涤程序。
3. 选择洗涤温度。
4. 选择洗涤时间。
5. 加入洗衣液和柔顺剂。
6. 关闭洗衣机盖子或者门,开始洗涤程序。
7. 洗涤完成后,打开洗衣机盖子或者门,取出洗好的衣物。
四、洗衣机的注意事项1. 不要超过洗衣机的最大容量,以免影响洗衣效果和机器寿命。
2. 根据衣物的种类和脏污程度选择合适的洗涤程序和温度。
3. 避免将易退色的衣物和白色衣物混在一起洗涤,以免染色。
4. 避免将易变形的衣物和精细织物放入洗衣机,以免损坏。
5. 定期清洁洗衣机,避免积累污垢和异味。
6. 在使用过程中,如发现洗衣机有异常声音或者异味,应即将住手使用并检查。
五、洗衣机的维护保养1. 定期清洁洗衣机的滤网和排水管道,以免阻塞。
2. 定期检查洗衣机的电源线和插头,确保安全可靠。
3. 避免在洗衣机上放置过重物品,以免损坏洗衣机底部的悬挂系统。
4. 定期检查洗衣机的密封圈和橡胶件,如有损坏及时更换。
5. 长期不使用洗衣机时,应切断电源并清洁内部,避免积累污垢和异味。
六、洗衣机的故障排除1. 如果洗衣机无法启动,首先检查电源和插座是否正常。
二、准备工作1. 检查洗衣机是否正常工作。
2. 准备洗涤剂和柔顺剂。
3. 分类准备衣物。
三、操作步骤1. 打开洗衣机盖子或门。
2. 将衣物放入洗衣机。
3. 加入洗涤剂和柔顺剂。
4. 关闭洗衣机盖子或门。
5. 选择洗涤程序。
6. 设置洗涤时间和温度。
7. 启动洗衣机。
8. 等待洗涤完成。
9. 取出洗好的衣物。
10. 清洁洗衣机。
四、注意事项1. 严禁将非洗衣物放入洗衣机中。
2. 避免过度填满洗衣机。
3. 注意洗涤剂和柔顺剂的用量。
4. 根据衣物的特性选择洗涤程序和水温。
5. 定期清洁洗衣机。
Guide to OperatingTO LIGHT UNITYour combination heating/cooling unit is equipped with an automatic direct spark ignition and power combustion blower.Refer to Figure2for gas valve location.1.Set the temperature selector on room thermostat to thelowest temperature setting and set system switch to HEAT.2.Close the external manual shutoff valve.3.Turn off the electrical supply to the unit.4.Remove the front access panel with a5/16--in.nutdriver.5.Move the selector switch on the internal gas valve to theOFF position and wait5minutes.6.Move the selector switch on the internal gas valve to theON position.7.Replace the front access panel.8.Turn on the electrical supply to unit.9.Open the external manual shutoff valve.10.Set the temperature selector on room thermostatslightly above room temperature to start unit.The induced--draft combustion--air fan will start.Main gas valve will open and burners should ignite the gas within25seconds.If burners do not light within25 seconds,the ignition control will go into a Retry Mode that will take another25seconds.If the burners fail to ignite the gas in4consecutive attempts,the unit will lockout for3hours.11.Set the temperature selector on room thermostat todesired setting.TO SHUT UNIT OFFNOTE:If unit is being shut down because the heating season has ended,make sure to turn on power to cooling system.If unit is being shut down because of a malfunction,call your dealer as soon as possible.Should the gas supply fail to shut off or if overheating occurs,shut off the manual gas valve to the unit before shutting off the electrical supply.Do not use this furnace if any part has been under water.A flood--damaged furnace is extremely dangerous.Attempts to use the furnace can result in fire or explosion.A qualified service agency should be contacted to inspect the furnace and to replace all gas controls,control system parts, electrical parts that have been wet or the furnace if deemed necessary.Refer to Fig.2while proceeding with the following steps.1.Set the temperature selector on room thermostat tolowest temperature setting and set system switch to OFF.2.Close the external manual shutoff valve.3.Turn off the electrical power supply to the unit.4.Remove the front access panel.5.Move the selector switch on the internal gas valve to theOFF position.6.Replace the burner access panel.7.Restore electrical power to the unit and set systemswitch to COOL to ensure operation of the cooling system during the cooling season.23Gas ValveRemote Sparker UnitFlame Rollout SwitchSparkerControl BoxPrimary Limit SwitchIFM and Speed Selector LeadsHILOHONEYWELLRegulator Adjustment Under CapSEQUENCE OF OPERATIONCooling Mode:1.Adjust thermostat setting below room temperature and set thermostat selector to COOL.2.The compressor and condenser fan will immediately energize.3.The evaporator motor will either immediately start on full speed or wait approximately 30seconds to reach full speed (field--selectable).The air conditioner has 2stages of cooling and will automatically pick the correct cooling stage based on the difference between the actual indoor temperature and the set point temperature on the thermostat.For maximum efficiency,avoid frequent changes to the set point temperature.4.When the cooling setpoint has been satisfieda.The compressor and condenser fan will de--energize immediately.b.The evaporator motor will either immediately turn off or run for an additional 90seconds before turning off (field--selectable).Cooling Cycle --When operating in the cooling cycle,yourair conditioner will run until the indoor temperature is lowered to the level you have selected.On extremely hot days,your air conditioner will run for longer periods at a time and have shorter “off”periods than on moderate days.The following are typical conditions that add extra heat and/or humidity to your home.Your air conditioner will work longer to keep your home comfortable under these conditions:•Entrance doors are frequently opened and closed •Laundry appliances are being operated •A shower is running•More than the usual number of people are present in the home•More than the normal number of electric lights are in use •Drapes are open on the sunny side of the home HEATING MODE1.Adjust thermostat setting above room temperature and set thermostat selector to HEAT.The combustion air blower will energize on high speed.2.The combustion air blower will run on high speed for 15seconds to purge the combustion chamber.3.After the 15second purge,the combustion air blower will remain on.The sparker will turn on to ignite the gas at the same time the gas valve is energized on low stage.Make sure the gas valve is in the ”ON”position (Refer to Figure 2and the instruction label located on the inside of the burner access panel.4.The sparker will remain energized for 7seconds or until a flame is detected by the flame sensor.It may take several ignition attempts to purge the air out of the gas line at the initial start--up of the unit.5.Once flame is proven,the ignition control will monitor the thermostat to see whether low stage gas heat or high stage gas heat is needed.a.If low stage gas heat is needed,the combustion air blower will be changed to low speed,while keeping the low stage gas valve operation energized.b.If high stage gas heat is needed,the combustion air blower will remain on high speed,and the high stage gas valve operation is energized.6.30seconds after the burners light,the circulating air blower will begin to run.NOTE:Regardless of whether the thermostat is calling for low stage gas heat or high stage gas heat,the unit will always start with the high inducer speed and low stage gas valve operation.The gas heating system has2stages of heating and will automatically pick the correct heating stage based on the difference between the actual indoor temperature and the set point temperature on the thermostat.For maximum efficiency,avoid frequent changes to the set point temperature.7.When the heating setpoint has been satisfied:a.The gas valve will turn immediately off.b.The combustion air blower will run for an additional15seconds to purge exhaust gas.c.The circulating air motor will continue to run anadditional60,100,140,or180seconds (field--selectable)before turning off to extract additional heat from the heat exchanger.ROUTINE MAINTENANCEAll routine maintenance should be handled by skilled, experienced personnel.Your dealer can help you establish a standard procedure.For your safety,keep the unit area clear and free of combustible materials,gasoline,and other flammable liquids and vapors.To assure proper functioning of the unit,flow of combustion and ventilating air must not be obstructed from reaching the unit.Clearance of at least30in.is required on all sides except the duct side.MAINTENANCE AND CARE FOR THE EQUIPMENT OWNERBefore proceeding with those things you might want to maintain yourself,please carefully consider the following:•TURN OFF GAS SUPPLY AND ELECTRICAL POWER TO YOUR UNIT BEFORE SERVICING OR PERFORMING MAINTENANCE.•Do not turn off electrical power to this unit without first turning off the gas supply.•When removing access panels or performing maintenance functions inside your unit,be aware of sharp sheet metal parts and screws.Although special care is taken to reduce sharp edges to a minimum,be extremely careful when handling parts or reaching into the unit.AIR FILTERS--Air filter(s)should be checked at least every 3or4weeks and changed or cleaned whenever it becomes dirty.Dirty filters produce excessive stress on the blower motor and can cause the motor to overheat and shut down. Table1indicates the correct filter size for your unit. When installing the new filter(s),note the direction of the airflow arrows on the filter frame.If you have difficulty in locating your air filter(s),or if you have questions concerning proper filter maintenance, contact your dealer for instructions.When replacing filters, always use the same size and type of filter that was supplied originally by the installer.NEVER OPERATE THE UNIT WITHOUT FILTERS IN PLACE.FAILURE TO OPERATE WITHOUT FILTERS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE BLOWER MOTOR AND/OR COMPRESSOR.HEAT EXCHANGER--To ensure dependable and efficient heating operation,the heat exchanger should be checked by a qualified maintenance person before each heating season,and cleaned when necessary.This checkout should not be attempted by anyone not having the required expertise and equipment to properly do the job.Checking and/or cleaning the heat exchanger involves removing the gas controls assembly and the flue collector box cover and, when completed,reinstalling the gas controls assembly for proper operation.Also,the flue collector box cover must be replaced correctly so that a proper seal is maintained. Contact your dealer for the required periodic maintenance.4FANS AND FAN MOTOR--Periodically check the condition of fan wheels and housings and fan--motor shaft bearings. No lubrication of condenser--or evaporator--fan bearings or motors is required or recommended. EVAPORATOR AND CONDENSER COILS--Cleaning of the coils should only be done by qualified service personnel. Contact your dealer for the required annual maintenance. CONDENSATE DRAIN--The drain pan and condensate drain line should be checked and cleaned at the same time the cooling coils are checked by your dealer. COMPRESSOR--All compressors are factory--shipped with a normal charge of the correct type refrigeration grade oil in them and should rarely require additional oil.The service person must be certain the proper oil level is maintained in the compressor when it is installed and running.CONDENSER FAN--The fan must be kept free of all obstructions to ensure proper cooling.Contact your dealer for any required service.ELECTRICAL CONTROLS and WIRING--Electrical controls are difficult to check without proper instrumentation;therefore,if there are any discrepancies in the operating cycle,contact your dealer and request service.REFRIGERATION CIRCUIT--The refrigerant circuit is difficult to check for leaks without the proper equipment; therefore,if inadequate cooling is suspected,contact your local dealer for service.COMBUSTION AREA and VENT SYSTEM--The combustion area and vent system should be inspected visually before each heating season.The normal accumulation of dirt,soot,rust,and scale can result in loss of efficiency and improper performance if allowed to build. UNIT PANELS--After performing any maintenance or service on the unit,be sure all panels are fastened securely in place to prevent rain from entering unit cabinet and to prevent disruption of the correct unit airflow pattern. REGULAR DEALER MAINTENANCEIn addition to the type of routine maintenance you might be willing to perform,your unit should be inspected regularly by a properly trained service technician.An inspection (preferably each year,but at least every other year)should include the following:1.Inspection of all flue product passages--including theburners,heat exchanger,and flue collector box. 2.Inspection of all combustion--and ventilation--airpassages and openings.3.Close inspection of all gas pipes leading to and inside ofyour unit.4.Inspection and,if required,cleaning of the condenserand evaporator coils.5.Inspection and,if required,cleaning of the evaporatordrain pan.6.Inspection and cleaning of blower wheel housing andmotor.7.Inspection of all supply--air and return--air ducts forleaks,obstructions,and insulation integrity.Any problems found should be resolved at this time.8.Inspection of the unit base to ensure that no cracks,gaps,etc.,exist which may cause a hazardous condition.9.Inspection of the unit casing for signs of deterioration.10.Inspection of all electrical wiring and components toassure proper connection.11.Inspection for leaks in the refrigerant circuit.Pressure--check to determine appropriate refrigerant charge.12.Inspection of compressor oil level.13.Operational check of the unit to determine workingconditions.Repair or adjustment should be made at this time.Your servicing dealer may offer an economical service contract that covers seasonal inspections.Ask for further details.Complete service instructions can be found in the unit Installation,Start--Up and Service Instructions. BEFORE YOU CALL FOR SERVICE,CHECK FOR THESE EASILY SOLVED PROBLEMSCheck the indoor and outdoor disconnect switches.Verify that circuit breakers are ON.Check for sufficient airflow.Check the air filter(s)for any accumulations of dirt.Check for blocked return--air or supply--air grilles.Be sure grilles are open and unobstructed.Check the settings on your indoor thermostat.If you desire cooling,see that the temperature control selector is set below room temperature and the SYSTEM switch is on the COOL or AUTO position.If you require warmth,be sure the temperature control selector is set above room temperature and the SYSTEM switch is at HEAT or AUTO.The FAN switch should be set at ON for continuous blower operation or AUTO if you wish the blower to function only while the unit is operating.If your comfort system still fails to operate,contact your servicing dealer for troubleshooting and repairs.Specify your apparent problem,and state the model and serial numbers of your equipment.(You should have them recorded on page4of this booklet.)With this information, your dealer may be able to offer helpful suggestions over the phone,or save valuable time through knowledgeable preparation for the service call.INSTALLATION DATADate InstalledDealer NameAddressCityState ZipTelephoneUNIT DATAProduct No.Model No.Serial No.5。
二、洗衣机的准备工作1. 检查电源和电压:确保洗衣机的电源插座和电压与使用要求相符合。
2. 检查水源:确保洗衣机接入的水源畅通无阻。
3. 准备洗涤剂:根据衣物的材质和污渍程度选择适合的洗涤剂,并按照说明添加到洗涤筒中。
在选择程序时,注意以下几点:1. 不同材质的衣物需要选择不同的洗涤程序,以避免损坏衣物。
2. 对于严重污渍的衣物,可以选择预洗程序来提高洗涤效果。
3. 如果衣物较为脏污,可以选择较长的洗涤时间。
四、洗衣机的操作步骤1. 将衣物放入洗涤筒中:将需要清洗的衣物放入洗涤筒中,不要超过洗涤筒的最大容量。
2. 添加洗涤剂:根据衣物的数量和污渍程度,按照洗涤剂的使用说明添加适量的洗涤剂。
3. 选择洗衣程序:根据衣物的材质和污渍程度,选择合适的洗衣程序。
4. 调节洗涤时间:根据衣物的脏污程度,适当调节洗涤时间。
5. 启动洗衣机:按下启动按钮,洗衣机开始工作。
6. 完成洗涤:洗衣机完成洗涤程序后,会发出提示音。
7. 取出衣物:等待洗衣机完成漂洗和脱水后,打开洗涤筒,取出洗好的衣物。
8. 清洁洗衣机:每次使用完毕后,应清洁洗衣机的内部和外部,以保持洗衣机的卫生和良好的工作状态。
五、洗衣机的注意事项1. 不要超载洗涤筒:洗衣机的洗涤筒有一个最大容量,不要超过该容量,以免影响洗涤效果和洗衣机的寿命。
2. 注意衣物的材质:根据衣物的材质选择洗涤程序,避免使用不适合的程序导致衣物损坏。
3. 注意洗涤剂的使用量:使用过多的洗涤剂会造成洗涤效果不佳,使用过少的洗涤剂则无法有效清洁衣物。
二、安全须知在使用家用洗衣机之前,请仔细阅读以下安全须知,并严格遵守:1. 请确保家用洗衣机连接到正确的电源,并使用接地插头。
2. 在操作家用洗衣机前,请确保手部或脚部没有水或其它液体,以避免触电或滑倒的危险。
3. 请勿使用家用洗衣机附近有水的地方,以防止电器设备短路或引发其他安全问题。
4. 在操作家用洗衣机时,请不要使用损坏的电源线或插头。
5. 在清洁家用洗衣机时,请确保将电源线拔出,以避免触电事故。
三、功能与操作1. 开关与电源- 将洗衣机连接到电源并打开电源开关。
- 按下“开关”按钮,家用洗衣机即可开始运行。
2. 洗涤程序选择- 本洗衣机提供多种洗涤程序,以满足您的不同需求。
- 转动选择旋钮,选择适当的洗涤程序。
- 您可以根据需要选择不同的温度、洗涤时间和洗涤模式。
3. 水位选项- 您可以根据洗衣量选择适当的水位。
- 水位选项包括“高水位”、“中水位”和“低水位”。
4. 洗涤剂投放- 打开洗衣机盖,将洗涤剂加入洗涤剂投放盒。
- 根据洗涤剂的种类和洗涤程序的需求,选择正确的投放盒。
- 注意不要超过洗涤剂标识线。
5. 开始洗涤- 设置好洗涤程序、水位和洗涤剂后,按下“开始/暂停”按钮开始洗涤。
- 家用洗衣机会自动进行洗涤、漂洗和脱水等程序。
6. 操作中的注意事项- 当家用洗衣机正在运行时,请勿随意打开洗衣机盖,以免发生意外。
- 在洗涤过程中,如果需要添加忘记放入的衣物,请按下“暂停”按钮,等待数秒后,打开洗衣机盖,添加衣物后再次按下“暂停”按钮恢复洗涤程序。
7. 结束洗涤- 当洗涤程序结束后,家用洗衣机会发出蜂鸣声。
- 关闭电源开关并拔出电源线。
- 打开洗衣机盖,将洗涤完毕的衣物取出。
四、清洁与维护1. 清洁洗衣机外壳- 使用柔软的湿布擦拭洗衣机外壳,避免使用含有挥发性成分的清洁剂,以免损坏外壳。
二、准备工作1. 检查洗衣机电源线和水管是否连接牢固,确保正常供电和用水。
2. 将需要洗涤的衣物分类,按照洗衣机的规格和使用说明分批进行洗涤,避免超载。
常见的洗涤程序包括:1. 普通洗涤:适用于大部分日常衣物,如T恤、衬衫、内衣等。
2. 快速洗涤:用于数量较少、不太脏的衣物,如外套、裙子等。
3. 高温洗涤:适用于易脏污的衣物,如厨房布料、毛巾等。
4. 羊毛洗涤:专门用于洗涤羊毛产品,如羊毛衫、羊绒制品等。
5. 漂洗:用于去除洗涤剂残留,提高洗涤效果。
五、操作步骤1. 将准备好的衣物放入洗衣机内,并关闭机盖。
2. 打开洗衣机,按照预先选择的洗涤程序进行设置。
3. 根据需要,选择洗涤时间和温度。
4. 添加适量的洗涤剂,注意不要超过洗衣机标注的最大容量。
5. 按下启动按钮,开始洗涤过程。
6. 洗涤结束后,取出洗好的衣物,将其放入晾衣架或烘干机中进行晾晒或烘干。
六、清洁与保养1. 每次使用结束后,清洁洗衣机内部和外部的杂质和污渍,保持洗衣机的干净卫生。
2. 定期清洁洗衣机的滤网和漂洗盖,防止残留物堵塞或滋生细菌。
3. 不使用洗衣机时,断开电源并关闭自来水阀门。
4. 定期保养洗衣机,检查电源线和水管是否有磨损,如发现问题及时更换。
5. 如遇到故障或异常情况,应及时联系专业维修人员进行维修处理,切勿私自拆解或修理。
七、安全注意事项1. 在使用洗衣机时,不要让儿童靠近或使用,以免发生意外。
二、安全操作1. 在使用洗衣机之前,确保插头和电源线没有损坏,避免使用潮湿的手插拔电源。
2. 确保洗衣机稳定放置在平整的地面上,避免晃动和倾斜。
3. 操作洗衣机时,避免将手或者其他物品放入洗衣机内部,以免发生意外。
4. 在打开洗衣机门之前,确保洗衣机内部没有残留的水或者洗涤剂。
三、洗衣机的基本操作步骤1. 打开洗衣机门,将待洗衣物放入洗衣机内,不要超过洗衣机的最大容量。
2. 根据衣物的种类和污渍程度,选择合适的洗涤程序和温度。
3. 根据洗涤剂的种类和使用量,将洗涤剂加入洗衣机的洗涤剂槽中。
4. 关闭洗衣机门,并确保门锁好,避免洗涤过程中洗衣机门意外打开。
5. 按下洗衣机上的开关按钮,启动洗衣机。
6. 在洗衣机运行期间,避免频繁打开洗衣机门,以免影响洗涤效果。
7. 洗衣机完成洗涤后,自动住手运行。
四、洗衣机的常见故障处理1. 洗衣机无法启动:检查电源是否正常连接,确保插头和电源线没有损坏。
2. 洗衣机运行时发出异常噪音:检查洗衣机是否稳定放置在平整的地面上,避免晃动和倾斜。
3. 洗衣机无法排水:检查排水管是否被阻塞,清理排水管道。
4. 洗衣机无法加水:检查自来水管是否正常连接,确保自来水供应正常。
5. 洗衣机显示错误代码:根据洗衣机的说明书,查询相应的错误代码含义,并采取相应的处理措施。
五、洗衣机的日常维护1. 定期清洁洗衣机的滤网和洗涤剂槽,避免阻塞和污垢积累。
2. 定期清洁洗衣机的门橡胶密封圈,避免污渍和异味产生。
3. 定期使用洗衣机清洁剂进行洗衣机的内部清洁,保持洗衣机的卫生。
4. 避免将过多的洗涤剂加入洗衣机,以免残留在衣物上。
5. 避免在洗衣机内洗涤过大或者过重的衣物,以免损坏洗衣机。
Value 0.00
Description: When set to 0alid, press the stop button to stop the unit.
ඖWhen the program group setting button is clicked in [3.1 Main Screen], the screen changes to [Picture 5-1 Program Group Setting Screen].
5. Program Group Setting
[Picture 5-1] Program Setting Screen
Indicating content
ķ Program group
100 sets of programs can be set (1~100)
4. Run Related Operation Settings
[Picture 4-1] Operation Related Operation Setting Screen ķ Select a setting from the program and the fixed value run. ĸ Fixed slope setting. Ĺ Set the running time. ĺ The setting function waits for the setting.
Switch to the wait setting screen
ļ Time signal
Switch to the time setting screen