Let us enjoy the beauty of West Lake
the night of West Lake
Next, let us into the night of West Lake
I believe everyone who comes to the west lake can get a good relaxation. Next,let us appreciate the national forest park of Fuzhou
When you are there, you can go boating, enjoy the sight of trees and birds, and so on.
What’s more, you can also barbecue there. It is really a good place where you can eat well and play well.
After appreciating the ancient landscape, let us into the modern style park---- the West Lake
The West Lake Is the most complete classical garden remained in Fuzhou, which has a history of 1700 years. And it is called “the jewel of Fuzhou’s garden”. It was very beautiful, and the atmosphere there is very harmonious.
The three lanes refer to Wenru Lane(文儒坊), Yijin Lane(衣锦坊)and Guanglu Lane(光禄坊),
需旧 三时 十的 六南 店后 一街 应以 俱经 全营 。柴 当米 铺油 在盐 当、 时日 随常 处生 可活 见所 。
• In the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, there are some former residences of the famous people in China. For example Lin Zexu, the national hero and famous politician in the Qing Dynasty. He is the first man who advocated Chinese to learn advanced technology from Western countries. Bing Xin is a famous poet, translator, and writer who has translated 10 works including 4 works of Tagore. Her literature has deep affection on Chinese people.
A landmark in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is Nanhou Street sitting at the axes of the whole complex. It used to be an important business street where is gathered the most shops of traditional handcraft in Fuzhou, such as mounts and festival lantern's. The length of the street is 634 metres. Nowadays, this street has become a busy street with the modern businesses, like bars and cafes and shops of traditional feature.
福建三坊七巷的英语导游词Good morning/afternoon and welcome to the famous Three Lanes and Seven Alleys (SānFāng QīXiàng, 三坊七巷) in Fuzhou, Fujian province. As one of the must-visit historical sites in Fuzhou, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys was originally built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and has been the residential area for some of the most prominent figures in Chinese history.Firstly, let me give you a brief overview of the history of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys. This area has always been attracting attention due to its importance in the economic, cultural and political aspects of Southern China. Fuzhou City in Fujian province is a hub of cultural exchange, and Three Lanes and Seven Alleys was the birthplace of Fujian culture. It was originally constructed in the Tang Dynasty and it served as a place for government offices as well as a living quarters for the elites of that time. In the following dynasties, the buildings of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys were repaired, reconstructed and expanded, which resulted in the unique architectural style that we can see today.Secondly, let’s move on to learn about the unique layout of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys. Three Lanes refer to Xihu (West Lake) Lane, Wenru Lane, and Guanglu Lane, which are called "the three lanes" because of their similar width. Seven Alleys refer toYangqiao (Bridge) Alley, Anmin Alley, Huang Alley, Gong Alley, Jipi Alley, Langguan Alley, and Ta Alley. All the alleys are in different lengths. The unique layout of the area was created due to the principles of feng shui, which can be observed in the winding lanes and the connection of the two lanes in every alley. The living conditions of this area were a mirror of Chinese ideology at that time, with the living areas reserved only for the upper-class individuals.Thirdly, let me introduce you to the characteristics of the architecture in Three Lanes and Seven Alleys. The architecture in Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is known for its unique combination of southern Chinese and western influences, such as having a mixture of wood and brick materials. The layout of the buildings is also based on feng shui principles, which is characterized by the symmetrical and flowing layout of the buildings. The roofs and walls are adorned with intricate wood carvings, brick carvings, stone carvings, and other forms of art. These decorations introduce the beauty of the classic Chinese architecture.Finally, let me point out some of the interesting places for sightseeing in our tour of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys. Firstly, you can visit the Lin Zexu Memorial Museum, which is located next to Guanglu Lane. This museum commemorates the anti-drug campaign carried out by Lin Zexu in the Qing Dynasty. Secondly, you can visit the Yuyuan Garden, which is located at the end of Ta Alley. This garden is one of the largest traditional Chinese gardens in Fuzhou and it’s a nice place to relax and appreciate the beautyof nature. Lastly, you can visit the First Hospital of Fujian Medical University, located in the midst of the alleys. This hospital was built in the 19th century and it’s a great place to admire how Chinese architecture and history meet the modern world.That’s all for our tour of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys. Remember to appreciate the unique layout, architecture and historical significance of this wonderful attraction in Fuzhou. Thank you for taking the time to join me on this tour, I hope you enjoyed it.。
Land area:12.4 square kilometers Sea area :13.6 square kilometers Climate: subtropical and south Asia tropical
What a beatiful place
The world-famous dahongpao grows in cliffs. It is one kind of black tea.
Jiuqu stream
Tianyou Peak
cuisine (烹饪)
Buddha jumping over the wall is the chief cuisine in fujian cuisine with a history of more than 100 years .
Three alleys and seven lanes(三坊七巷)
• Am special
economic zones
in China.
Nowadays, Amoy
plays an very
important role on
Mount Wuyi
• Mount Wuyi is China's famous scenic tourist area and summer resort, located in the south of wuyishan city . There are more than 2527 kinds of plant species and nearly 5000 kinds of wild animals.
A landmark in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is Nanhou Street sitting at the axes of the whole complex. It used to be an important business street where is gathered the most shops of traditional handcraft in Fuzhou, such as mounts and festival lantern's. The
三坊七巷是福州市南后街两 旁从北到南依次排列的十条 坊巷的简称。向西三片称 “坊”,向东七条称“巷”. 此街区是中国十大历史文化 名街之一,“三坊七巷-朱 紫坊建筑群”为全国重点文 物保护单位。三坊七巷地处 福州市中心,总占地面积 38.35公顷,基本保留了唐 宋的坊巷格局,保存较好的 明清古建筑计159座,其中 包括全国重点保护单位9处, 省级文物保护单位8处,被 誉为“明清建筑博物馆”、 “城市里坊制度的活化石”。
Tracing the ancient city of Fuzhou
Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, located at the centre of Fuzhou City, is the well preserved architectural complex of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It has 268 ancient houses. As a famous ancient block, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is an important symbol to show the long history of Fuzhou city. It
• 当时生活的真 实写照
A landmark in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is Nanhou Street sitting at the axes of the whole complex. It used to be an important business street where is gathered the most shops of traditional handcraft in Fuzhou, such as mounts and festival lantern's. The length of the street is 634 metres. Nowadays, this street has become a busy street with the modern businesses, like bars and cafes and shops of traditional feature.
• The three lanes are Yijin (衣锦) Lane, Wenru (文儒) Lane and Guanglu (官禄) Lane.
• the Seven Alleys are Yangqiao (杨桥) Alley, Langguan (郎官) Alley, Anmin (安民) Alley, Huangxiang (黄巷) Alley, Taxiang (塔巷) Alley, Gongxiang (宫巷) Alley and Jibi (吉庇) Alley.
Tracing the ancient city of Fuzhou
3 Lanes & 7 Alleys
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• 具有闽越古城的民居特 色 :布局严谨,院落
相连,中轴对称,以木 结构承重,宅院四周或 左右围有土筑的马鞍形 风火墙,有的墙峰饰以 飞龙飞凤、花鸟鱼虫及 人物风景,具有浓郁的 地方特色。
南后街 福州三坊七巷不仅仅是三条“坊”和七条“巷”,还有一条闻名遐迩的南后街
• 当时生活的真 实写照
• 衣锦坊 衣锦坊是三坊的第一坊,是说坊内有人在外出 仕做大官,现在衣锦还乡,荣耀乡里,其中的衣锦坊水榭
• 郎官巷,在杨桥巷南,南后街的东侧。 中 国近代启蒙思想家、翻译家严复的故居
宫巷出了位两江总督沈 葆祯
亭台楼阁中,福州评话赛即将展开,人们在这里吹拉弹唱, 品茗茶,享棋趣
A landmark in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is Nanhou Street sitting at the axes of the whole complex. It used to be an important business street where is gathered the most shops of traditional handcraft in Fuzhou, such as mounts and festival lantern's. The length of the street is 634 metres. Nowadays, this street has become a busy street with the modern businesses, like bars and cafes and shops of traditional feature.
• The three lanes are Yijin (衣锦) Lane, Wenru (文儒) Lane and Guanglu (官禄)
• the Seven Alleys are Yangqiao (杨桥) Alley, Langguan (郎官) Alley, Anmin (安民) Alley, Huangxiang (黄巷) Alley, Taxiang (塔巷) Alley, Gongxiang (宫巷) Alley and Jibi (吉 庇) Alley.
Yan Fu, a Chinese scholar and translator most famous for introducing Darwin’s theory of natural selection to China in the late 19th century, came from the area.
• 如今的南后街俨然成为了人们休闲娱乐的 场所
• in Three Lanes and Seven, you can taste traditional Fuzhou dishes such asFuzhou fish balls, litchi meat (fried pork with potato in sweet and sour sauce ), and Guobianhu (the crispy burnt rice at the botton and sides of the pan), and many more.
Tracing the ancient city of Fuzhou
3 Lanes & 7 Alleys
• Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, located at the centre of Fuzhou City, is the well preserved architectural complex of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It has 268 ancient houses. As a famous ancient block, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is an important symbol to show the long history of Fuzhou city. It enjoys a reputation of "the Museum of the buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasty“. Nowadays, some of the local people are still livin, 吸引许多游客慕 名前来品尝。
• 改造后的三坊七巷, 更具有现代气息
需旧 三时 十的 六南 店后 一街 应以 俱经 全营 。柴 当米 铺油 在盐 当、 时日 随常 处生 可活 见所 。
• In the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, there are some former residences of the famous people in China. For example Lin Zexu, the national hero and famous politician in the Qing Dynasty. He is the first man who advocated Chinese to learn advanced technology from Western countries. Bing Xin is a famous poet, translator, and writer who has translated 10 works including 4 works of Tagore. Her literature has deep affection on Chinese people.