



Discontinuities,Cold shuts
Cold tearing
hot tearing
Cold shut
Heat-treatment tearing
Defective surface
Segregation Chill spots,Hardedges,Primary chill Inverse chill Abnormal nodularizing Decaying
冷裂 热裂 冷隔 热处理裂纹
鼠尾 沟槽 夹砂 机械夹砂 化学粘砂 表面粗糙 皱皮 缩陷
编号 名称
Metallic Projection in the form of fins 5
Joint flash, fins ,
Burn on
Rough surface
Surface folds,Gas runs
Sink marks,sink in



Names of crack defects in both Chinese and English
英文名称:Crack Defects
Names of crack defects in both Chinese and English
Names of crack defects in both Chinese and English
裂纹型缺陷通常表现为铸件内部的线条状缺陷,有时会贯穿整个铸件。裂纹的形 成与金属液的收缩率、模具的冷却速度和浇注系统设计等因素有关。
形状和尺寸缺陷是指在铸造过程中, 由于模具设计、制造或使用不当,导 致铸件形状或尺寸不符合要求而形成 的缺陷。
形状和尺寸缺陷通常表现为铸件局部 的凸起、凹陷或扭曲。这些缺陷会影 响铸件的性能和使用寿命,需要进行 修正或报废。
Outlook for future research
随着铸造技术的不断发展,铸造缺陷的分类和预防措施也需要不断更新和完善。未来研究 可关注新型铸造料的性能和缺陷形成机制,以及智能化技术在铸造缺陷检测和预防中的 应用。
如轻质材料、高强度材料等,具有优良的物理和机械性能,但也可能带来新的铸造缺陷问 题。
• 详细描述:大型夹杂物缺陷是指铸件中较大的夹杂物,通常是由于原材料中夹带的大块杂质或熔炼时未完全熔 化的杂质引起的。
Names of inclusion defects in both Chinese and English


砂眼 一簇砂眼 承口内有砂眼 螺栓孔上有砂眼 铸件本体很大/很深砂眼 气孔 一簇气孔 铸件本体有很大/很深气孔 缩松 法兰面缩松 螺栓孔内缩松 渣眼 法兰面上有渣眼 水压后漏水L 缺肉 多肉 冷隔 实眼 滚丝废 样件废 打磨废 Sand hole Sand hole cluster Sand hole in bell Sand hole on bolt hole Big/deep sand hole on casting body Blow hole Blow hole cluster Big/deep blow hole on casting body Shrinkage Flange shrinkage Bolt hole internal shrinkage Slag hole Slag hole on flange Leakage Metal shortage Excessive metal Cold shut Metal filled in ear hole Rolling defect Sample trial rejection Grinding defect
螺栓孔到内/外边缘距离薄 螺纹平扣 螺栓孔椭圆 锥扣偏 内径大/小 打刀 AF小 止规不止 钻头坏 壁厚薄 有缝隙 Thin ligament Thread flat Bolt hole oval Tapping shift against arilling center ID oversize / undersize Flange damaged AF undersize due to old puttern casting NPT thread gauge +1 step answering Thread damaged Wall thikness undersize



A .尺寸,形状缺陷铸造缺陷casting defects尺寸超差impropershrinkage allowance尺寸不合格wrong size模样错误excess rappingof pattern, deformed pattern, pattern error 壁厚不均differentthickness铸型下垂mold sag错型mold shift,shift, miss-match, cross-joint舂移ram off, ramaway塌型mold drop,drop off, drop out, drop sticker上型下沉,沉芯sag( 上型和型芯下垂导致壁厚减小)飞翅fins, joint flash翘曲warp age,buckling, warping, camber铸件变形warped casting挤箱push up,cramp-off型裂broken mold,cracked掉砂crush ofmold, crush变形deformation,casting distortion, warped castingB.缩孔(由凝固收缩引起)缩孔shrinkage,shrinkaged cavity内部缩孔internalshrinkage, dispersed shrinkage, blind shrinkage敞露缩孔open shrinkage,external shrinkages, sink marks, depression缩松porosity, shrinkage porosity,leakers, micro shrinkage, disperded shrinkage缩陷sink marks,draw, suck-in芯面缩孔core shrinkage内角缩孔cornershrinkage, fillet shrinkage出汗孔extruded bead,exudation线状缩孔fissure likeshrinkageC.气体缺陷(由气体引起的孔)气孔blowholes,gas hole, blow针孔pinholes裂纹状缺陷,线状缺陷fissure defectsD.裂纹裂纹crack缩裂shrinkage crack季裂seasoncracking, season crack应力热裂hot cracking,hot tearing, hot tear淬火裂纹quench crack,quenching crack应力冷裂cold cracking,breakage, cold tearing, cold tear 龟裂crack激冷层裂纹,白裂chill crackE.夹杂物夹渣slaginclusion, slag blowholes砂眼sandinclusion, raised sand, sand hole其他夹杂物the other inclusion胀砂push up,cramp-off, sand hole掉砂crush, crushof mold硬点hard spot浮渣dross ( 浇注后在铸型内形成的缺陷,尤其是石墨、氧化物和硫化物的线状缺陷的总称,另外,浇注过程中被卷进去的缺陷成为夹渣和砂眼,两者的区别是形成原因不同)石墨浮渣graphite dross,carbon dross氧化皮夹渣oxide dross, oxideinclusion, skins, seams硫化物熔渣sulfide dross沉淀物sludge夹渣物sand inclusion,oxide inclusion, skins, seams黑点,黑渣black spots,lustrous carbon涂料夹渣blacking,refractory coating inclusions光亮碳膜lustrous carbonfilms, kish tracksF.外观缺陷浇不足misrun, shortrun, cold lap, cold shut冷隔cold shut,cold laps轻度冷隔seam两重皮plate皱皮surface fold,gas run, elephant skin, seams, scare, flow marks 漏箱run-out,runout, break-out, bleeder漏芯mold drop,stiker未浇满short pours,short run, poured short气孔blowholes, blow飞翅fins,joint flash胀砂,气疱swell, blister芯撑未融合chaplet shut,insert cold shut, unfused chaplet热粘砂burn in热痕flow marks内渗豆,冷豆,冷隔internal sweating, coldshot, shot iron外渗物sweating磷化物渗豆phosphide sweat铅渗豆lead sweat锡渗豆tin sweat掉砂rat, sticker (型砂的一部分附着在模样上而形成的表面缺陷)G.型芯缺陷砂芯断裂crushed core,broken core砂芯压碎broken core芯面缩孔core blow砂芯缩孔core blow砂芯下垂sag core,deformed core砂芯弯曲deformed core漂芯shiftedcore, core raise, raised core, mold element cutout 偏芯core shiftH.表面缺陷沾砂burn on,sand burning, burn in , penetration粘型(金属型)fusion两重皮laminations ,plat机械粘砂penetration ,metal penetration夹渣结疤scabs ,expansion scabs , corner scab表面粗糙rough casting ,rough surface鼠尾buckle , rattail涂料结疤blacking scab ,wash scabs烘干不足sever surface ,wash scabs熟痕surfacedefect casting by combination of gas and shrinkage ( 在靠近厚断面处形成下陷的蛇状伤痕)涂料剥落wash erosion气疱blister ,surface or subsurface blow hole表面粗糙rough surface ,seems , scars起皮stripping剥落结疤pull down ,spalling scab伤痕crow’s feet麻面pittingsurface , orange peel , alligator skin热裂痕surface folds, gas runs泡疤表面surface folds ,gas runs象皮状皱皮surface fold , gasrun , elephant skin皱皮surface fold, gas run , seams , scare , flow marks 波纹wave冲砂wash冲蚀erosionI.组织缺陷(铸铁)球化不良poor nodularity, degenerated graphite蠕墨化不良degeneratedgraphite异常石墨abnormalgraphite开花状石墨exploded graphite过冷石墨under cooledgraphite , D-type graphite石墨细小颗粒chunky graphite石墨粗大kish graphite ,kish整列石墨aligned graphite石墨漂浮floated graphite石墨魏氏组织Widmannstattengraphite麻口mottled cast iron , mottle灰点mottle反麻口inverse mottle ( 与麻口相反,在薄断面处和尖角处形成的麻口)白口chill反白口reverse chill , inverse chill冷豆extruded bead , exudation ,internal sweating退火不足miss annealing , incomplete annealing粗大枝晶组织coarsened dendritic反偏析inverse segregation比重偏析gravity segregation溶质偏析solute segregation宏观偏析macroscopic segregation微观偏析microscopic segregationJ.断口缺陷表面铁素体ferrite rim表面珠光体pearlite rim白缘,脱碳pearlitic rim , picture frame , pearlitelayer不均匀断口heterogeneous fractured surface破碎激冷层scattered chill structure , cold flakes晶粒粗大rough grain尖钉状断口spiky fractured surface冰糖状断口rock candy fracture surfaceK.力学性能缺陷硬点hard spot ( 对铸件,硬点是硬区、白口或冷豆等力学性能缺陷的总称;对铝合金,硬点是铸件内各种高硬度相,如初晶Si相、金属间化合物、氧化物,偏析等总称)硬度不良poor hardness , too high or lowhardnessL.使用性能缺陷腐蚀性不良poor corrosion resistance切削性不良poor machinability麻点torn surface锌晶间腐蚀zinc intergranular corrosion电导率不良poor electrical conductivityM.其他缺陷残留飞翅residual fin残留黑皮residualblack skin浇道冒口断口缺肉broken casting at gate , riser or vent端部缺肉inside cut切口缺肉(压铸件)inside cut翘曲( 喷丸引起)camber, excessive cleaning铸件弯曲( 铸件变形)warped casting , casting distortion , deformed mold , mold creep打磨缺肉crow’s feet铸造管理缺陷裂纹crack压痕impression残留物型砂残留sand inclusions喷丸粒残留residual shot锌蒸汽向炉壁渗透zinc infiltration into refractory。



常见缺陷中英文对照23Injection molding / Die casting vocabulary (注塑 / 壓鑄一般述語) Die casting壓鑄Injection molding注塑Gate 水口Gate remnant批水口未清 / 披鋒Flash / excessive flash披鋒 / 嚴重披鋒Short shut / undershot缺料 / 走料不齊Over shot多料 (崩模)Ejector pin mark (Die cast)頂針印 / 痕(壓鑄) Flow mark / flow line / silver streak / weld line夾水紋 / 花紋 / 銀紋Cold flow / cold streak冷紋Oil streak / oily surface油紋 / 油面Splash mark走水紋Air hole / void砂眼 / 氣眼Deformation / warpage / twist變形/ 彎曲 / 扭曲Mold stitching / spur stitching扣模 / 粘模Wrong plastic material用錯膠料Sink mark / dent mark凹陷 / 凹痕Shrinkage / shrink mark縮水Stress mark / ejector mark (injection)頂白 / 發白Burnt mark燒焦點Black spots / black streak黑點 / 黑紋Scratch mark刮花 / 刮痕Cracking裂紋Peel off / chip (die cast)走皮(壓鑄)Part line mismatch / misalignment合模線不對位/ 錯位Dull colour啞色Water mark水紋 / 水印Glossy surface / finishing光面Molded colour mismatch / deviation顏色偏差Pigment色粉Zinc alloy鋅合金Plastic raw material塑膠料Regrind material 水口料 / 翻用料File mark / trim mark銼紋 / 銼損Dirty mark / contamination污糟/ 污漬Material contamination混料Stain mark模漬Blistering起泡Poor surface texture表面粗糙Tread extrusion拉絲Exposed insert露骨Dimension out-specification尺寸不合Mating failure裝配試驗不合格Poor molding-undefined molding defect啤塑差(一般性) Mixing colour混色Incorrect post (die cast)鍋釘尺寸不符Brittleness料脆Casting壓鑄件Gate mark水口位不良Page 1。



金属间化合物、氧化物,偏析等总称 )
• 硬度不良 poor hardness , too high or low hardness
• L. 使用性能缺陷
• 腐蚀性不良 poor corrosion resistance • 切削性不良 poor machinability • 麻点 torn surface • 锌晶间腐蚀 zinc intergranular corrosion • 电导率不良 poor electrical conductivity
• A . 尺寸,形状缺陷
• 铸造缺陷 • 尺寸超差 • 尺寸不合格 • 模样错误
Hale Waihona Puke casting defects improper shrinkage allowance wrong size excess rapping of pattern, deformed pattern,

pattern error
• G. 型芯缺陷
• 砂芯断裂 crushed core, broken core • 砂芯压碎 broken core • 芯面缩孔 core blow • 砂芯缩孔 core blow • 砂芯下垂 sag core, deformed core • 砂芯弯曲 deformed core • 漂芯 shifted core, core raise, raised core, mold element cutout • 偏芯 core shift
• 芯面缩孔 core shrinkage
• 内角缩孔 corner shrinkage, fillet shrinkage
• 出汗孔 extruded bead, exudation



压铸缺陷(中英文)(1) SHORT FILL 欠铸MAIN CAUSE:Metal is frozen before the cavity is filled or by insufficient metal being ladled.主要原因:金属液在填充型腔前凝固或木勺舀取料不足。

1、Metal can cool down too much in the shot sleeve. 金属在料管中冷却太快。

FIRST STAGEVELOCITY TOO LOW;2、DESIGN;1、(3) SCALING 起皮MAIN CAUSE:Layers of metal and oxides can be created by poor shot end control and /or bad gate and runner design.主要原因:压铸后期增压不足或浇口和流道的设计不当都会使铸件起皮。

1、(4) BLISTER 气泡MAIN CAUSE:Trapped gases are in the casting when the die is opened when the casting is still weak. This allows the compressed gas to expend and cause a blister.(5) FLASHplatens parting line apart(6) COLD FLAKES 夹渣(铸点)MAIN CAUSE:Metal is allowed to cool too much in the shot sleeve. The solid particles are then injected into the cavity. These flakes are often clearly visible on the surface of the casting with the naked eye.主要原因:在射管中的金属液受冷却过多,从而使冷却下来的固体金属粒子被注射进入型腔。



CASTING DEFECTS铸件缺陷Casting defects may deter form the visual quality of the components causing rejections, More serious types of defect are those which increase local stresses or reduce the effective cross sectional area of the casting and thereby lower the mechanical properties. Internal defects of various types will cause reductions in fatigue properties and shock reistance.铸件缺陷可能会阻止零组件的视觉质量并造成报废。



Accurate identifions of defect type is necessary for rectification to be made to either the process or the input material quality.在对工艺抑或输入材料的质量进行纠正的过程中,需要准确地指明这些缺陷的类型。

DROSS AND INCLUSIONS浮渣(熔渣)及杂质Aluminium oxide or dross is formed at the molten metal/air interface. Dross may be removed by skimming the molten metal surface prior to dipping, tapping or decanting the metal. A flux may be used to recover molten metal form the dross, chlorin injection will reduce suspended non-metallic par-ticles.氧化铝或浮渣(熔渣)形成于熔融金属/空中接口。



一、基本术语1.铸造: casting ,founding , foundry2。

砂型铸造:Sand casting process3.特种铸造: Special casting process4.铸件: casting5。

毛坯铸件: Rough casting6。

砂型铸件:Sand casting7.试制铸件:Pilot casting8.铸态铸件:as—cast casting9。

铸型[型]:mold10.铸造工艺: Casting process,foundry technology11。

铸造用材料:Foundry materials12.铸造工艺材料:Consumable materials13.铸造设备: Foundry equipment,foundry facilities14。

铸工:Caster,founder,foundry worker15.铸造工作者:foundryman16.铸造车间:Foundry shop17。

铸造厂: Foundry18.铸造分厂:Attached foundry,captive foundry,tied foundry19.铸造三废: Foundry affluent20。

一批: A batch21.一炉: A cast,a heat, a melt22.铸焊:Cast welding,flow welding23.铸锭:ingot二、铸造合金及熔炼、浇注2。

1铸造合金基础术语1.铸造合金:Cast alloy2。

共晶合金系:Eutectic alloy system3。

共晶合金:Eutectic alloy4。

亚共晶合金:Hypoeutectic alloy5.过共晶合金: Hypereutectic alloy6.共晶团: Eutectic cell7。

共晶温度: Eutectic temperature8.共晶转变:Eutectic reaction,eutectic transformation9.共晶组织:Eutectic structure10。


夹杂物缺陷通常表现为不规则形状的硬质点,对铸件的机械性能和表面质量造成 影响。夹杂物缺陷的形成与原材料、熔炼工艺、模具设计等因素有关。
Crack type defects
裂纹缺陷是由于铸件在冷却过程 中受到应力作用,导致在铸件内 部或表面形成开裂。
裂纹缺陷通常表现为细小的线状 开裂,有时呈网状或辐射状。裂 纹缺陷的形成与模具设计、浇注 工艺、合金成分等因素有关。
气孔和Gas Holes是指 铸件中由于气体未能及 时逸出而形成的孔洞, 是铸造缺陷中常见的一 种类型。了解气孔的形 成原因和预防措施有助 于减少铸件废品率。
缩孔和Shrinkage Cavities是指铸件冷却过 程中由于金属液收缩而 形成的孔洞,通常出现 在铸件厚大部位。了解 缩孔的形成原因和预防 措施有助于优化铸件结 构设计。
严格的生产管理可以保证铸造 过程的稳定性和可控性,从而
• Ultrasound inspection: Employs high-frequency sound waves to detect internal casting defects. It is commonly used to identify voids, cracks, and other internal inconsistencies.
Evaluation Methods for Casting Defects
Size evaluation
Determines the size and extent of the defect, which provides valuable information on its potential impact on the casting's structural integrity and performance.



A .尺寸,形状缺陷铸造缺陷casting defects尺寸超差impropershrinkage allowance尺寸不合格wrong size模样错误excess rappingof pattern, deformed pattern, pattern error 壁厚不均differentthickness铸型下垂mold sag错型mold shift,shift, miss-match, cross-joint舂移ram off, ramaway塌型mold drop,drop off, drop out, drop sticker上型下沉,沉芯sag( 上型和型芯下垂导致壁厚减小)飞翅fins, joint flash翘曲warp age,buckling, warping, camber铸件变形warped casting挤箱push up,cramp-off型裂broken mold,cracked掉砂crush ofmold, crush变形deformation,casting distortion, warped castingB.缩孔(由凝固收缩引起)缩孔shrinkage,shrinkaged cavity内部缩孔internalshrinkage, dispersed shrinkage, blind shrinkage敞露缩孔open shrinkage,external shrinkages, sink marks, depression缩松porosity, shrinkage porosity,leakers, micro shrinkage, disperded shrinkage缩陷sink marks,draw, suck-in芯面缩孔core shrinkage内角缩孔cornershrinkage, fillet shrinkage出汗孔extruded bead,exudation线状缩孔fissure likeshrinkageC.气体缺陷(由气体引起的孔)气孔blowholes,gas hole, blow针孔pinholes裂纹状缺陷,线状缺陷fissure defectsD.裂纹裂纹crack缩裂shrinkage crack季裂seasoncracking, season crack应力热裂hot cracking,hot tearing, hot tear淬火裂纹quench crack,quenching crack应力冷裂cold cracking,breakage, cold tearing, cold tear 龟裂crack激冷层裂纹,白裂chill crackE.夹杂物夹渣slaginclusion, slag blowholes砂眼sandinclusion, raised sand, sand hole其他夹杂物the other inclusion胀砂push up,cramp-off, sand hole掉砂crush, crushof mold硬点hard spot浮渣dross ( 浇注后在铸型内形成的缺陷,尤其是石墨、氧化物和硫化物的线状缺陷的总称,另外,浇注过程中被卷进去的缺陷成为夹渣和砂眼,两者的区别是形成原因不同)石墨浮渣graphite dross,carbon dross氧化皮夹渣oxide dross, oxideinclusion, skins, seams硫化物熔渣sulfide dross沉淀物sludge夹渣物sand inclusion,oxide inclusion, skins, seams黑点,黑渣black spots,lustrous carbon涂料夹渣blacking,refractory coating inclusions光亮碳膜lustrous carbonfilms, kish tracksF.外观缺陷浇不足misrun, shortrun, cold lap, cold shut冷隔cold shut,cold laps轻度冷隔seam两重皮plate皱皮surface fold,gas run, elephant skin, seams, scare, flow marks 漏箱run-out,runout, break-out, bleeder漏芯mold drop,stiker未浇满short pours,short run, poured short气孔blowholes, blow飞翅fins,joint flash胀砂,气疱swell, blister芯撑未融合chaplet shut,insert cold shut, unfused chaplet热粘砂burn in热痕flow marks内渗豆,冷豆,冷隔internal sweating, coldshot, shot iron外渗物sweating磷化物渗豆phosphide sweat铅渗豆lead sweat锡渗豆tin sweat掉砂rat, sticker (型砂的一部分附着在模样上而形成的表面缺陷)G.型芯缺陷砂芯断裂crushed core,broken core砂芯压碎broken core芯面缩孔core blow砂芯缩孔core blow砂芯下垂sag core,deformed core砂芯弯曲deformed core漂芯shiftedcore, core raise, raised core, mold element cutout 偏芯core shiftH.表面缺陷沾砂burn on,sand burning, burn in , penetration粘型(金属型)fusion两重皮laminations ,plat机械粘砂penetration ,metal penetration夹渣结疤scabs ,expansion scabs , corner scab表面粗糙rough casting ,rough surface鼠尾buckle , rattail涂料结疤blacking scab ,wash scabs烘干不足sever surface ,wash scabs熟痕surfacedefect casting by combination of gas and shrinkage ( 在靠近厚断面处形成下陷的蛇状伤痕)涂料剥落wash erosion气疱blister ,surface or subsurface blow hole表面粗糙rough surface ,seems , scars起皮stripping剥落结疤pull down ,spalling scab伤痕crow’s feet麻面pittingsurface , orange peel , alligator skin热裂痕surface folds, gas runs泡疤表面surface folds ,gas runs象皮状皱皮surface fold , gasrun , elephant skin皱皮surface fold, gas run , seams , scare , flow marks 波纹wave冲砂wash冲蚀erosionI.组织缺陷(铸铁)球化不良poor nodularity, degenerated graphite蠕墨化不良degeneratedgraphite异常石墨abnormalgraphite开花状石墨exploded graphite过冷石墨under cooledgraphite , D-type graphite石墨细小颗粒chunky graphite石墨粗大kish graphite ,kish整列石墨aligned graphite石墨漂浮floated graphite石墨魏氏组织Widmannstattengraphite麻口mottled cast iron , mottle灰点mottle反麻口inverse mottle ( 与麻口相反,在薄断面处和尖角处形成的麻口)白口chill反白口reverse chill , inverse chill冷豆extruded bead , exudation ,internal sweating退火不足miss annealing , incomplete annealing粗大枝晶组织coarsened dendritic反偏析inverse segregation比重偏析gravity segregation溶质偏析solute segregation宏观偏析macroscopic segregation微观偏析microscopic segregationJ.断口缺陷表面铁素体ferrite rim表面珠光体pearlite rim白缘,脱碳pearlitic rim , picture frame , pearlitelayer不均匀断口heterogeneous fractured surface破碎激冷层scattered chill structure , cold flakes晶粒粗大rough grain尖钉状断口spiky fractured surface冰糖状断口rock candy fracture surfaceK.力学性能缺陷硬点hard spot ( 对铸件,硬点是硬区、白口或冷豆等力学性能缺陷的总称;对铝合金,硬点是铸件内各种高硬度相,如初晶Si相、金属间化合物、氧化物,偏析等总称)硬度不良poor hardness , too high or lowhardnessL.使用性能缺陷腐蚀性不良poor corrosion resistance切削性不良poor machinability麻点torn surface锌晶间腐蚀zinc intergranular corrosion电导率不良poor electrical conductivityM.其他缺陷残留飞翅residual fin残留黑皮residualblack skin浇道冒口断口缺肉broken casting at gate , riser or vent端部缺肉inside cut切口缺肉(压铸件)inside cut翘曲( 喷丸引起)camber, excessive cleaning铸件弯曲( 铸件变形)warped casting , casting distortion , deformed mold , mold creep打磨缺肉crow’s feet铸造管理缺陷裂纹crack压痕impression残留物型砂残留sand inclusions喷丸粒残留residual shot锌蒸汽向炉壁渗透zinc infiltration into refractory。



中文名称:锈蚀, 发霉 英文名称: rust, corrosion
中文名称:变形 英文名称: bending, warping
中文名称:龟裂,模裂纹 英文名称: turtle cracks, nห้องสมุดไป่ตู้twork cracks
中文名称:崩模 英文名称: mold collapse
中文名称:级位 英文名称:step
中文名称:披缝,飞边 英文名称: flash
中文名称:夹杂,夹渣 英文名称: inclusions
中文名称:缩孔 英文名称: shrink porosity
中文名称:气泡 英文名称: blisters
中文名称:缩凹 英文名称: sinks
中文名称:裂纹 英文名称: cracks
中文名称:烧模( 英文名称: solder
中文名称:扣模,拉伤 英文名称: drags
中文名称:顶凸 英文名称: deformation from ejector pins, pushed pins
中文名称:冷隔,冷格 英文名称: cold flow
中文名称:成形不良 英文名称:non-fills
中文名称:夹层 英文名称: laminations
中文名称:油污,油纹 英文名称: stained casting
中文名称:气孔 英文名称: gas porosity, blow holes



• I. 组织缺陷 ( 铸铁 )
• 球化不良 poor nodularity , degenerated graphite • 蠕墨化不良 degenerated graphite • 异常石墨 abnormal graphite • 开花状石墨 exploded graphite • 过冷石墨 under cooled graphite , D-type graphite • 石墨细小颗粒 chunky graphite • 石墨粗大 kish graphite , kish • 整列石墨 aligned graphite • 石墨漂浮 floated graphite • 石墨魏氏组织 Widmannstatten graphite • 麻口 mottled cast iron , mottle • 灰点 mottle • 反麻口 inverse mottle ( 与麻口相反,在薄断面处和尖角处形成的麻口) • 白口 chill • 反白口 reverse chill , inverse chill • 冷豆 extruded bead , exudation , internal sweating • 退火不足 miss annealing , incomplete annealing • 粗大枝晶组织 coarsened dendritic • 反偏析 inverse segregation • 比重偏析 gravity segregation • 溶质偏析 solute segregation • 宏观偏析 macroscopic segregation • 微观偏析 microscopic segregation
• 涂料剥落 wash erosion • 气疱 blister , surface or subsurface blow hole • 表面粗糙 rough surface , seems , scars • 起皮 stripping • 剥落结疤 pull down , spalling scab • 伤痕 crow’s feet • 麻面 pitting surface , orange peel , alligator skin • 热裂痕 surface folds , gas runs • 泡疤表面 surface folds , gas runs • 象皮状皱皮 surface fold , gas run , elephant skin • 皱皮 surface fold , gas run , seams , scare , flow marks • 波纹 wave • 冲砂 wash • 冲蚀 erosion


1 excessive material defects 多肉类缺陷 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 hole defects 孔洞类缺陷 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 burr swell cope raise excessive material sand wash clamp-off push-up drop blow hole gross blowhole surface porosity sub-surface porosity pinholes core blow internal shrinkage shrinkage hole shrinkage porosity micro-shrinkage slag
flash / fin来自中文名称披缝 毛刺 涨模 抬箱 多肉 冲砂 挤型掉砂 掉砂缺肉 掉砂 气孔 大气泡 表面气孔 皮下气孔 针孔 砂芯气孔 内缩孔 缩孔 缩松 显微缩松 夹渣
material unqualification 材质不良 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 other defects 其他类缺陷 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 chill
白口 石墨漂浮 球化不良 砂烧结 冷隔 冷豆 缩陷 冒口带肉 磕碰 浇不足 跑火 错型 变形 钻芯 错芯 偏芯,漂芯 裂纹 缺肉 表面粗糙 研磨过度
carbon flotation under-nodularizing burn-on cold shut/cold lap cold shot depression breaking-in damage misrun run out shift distortion core penetration core shift core raise/core lift crack lack material rough surface over grinding



A .尺寸,形状缺陷铸造缺陷casting defects尺寸超差impropershrinkage allowance尺寸不合格wrong size模样错误excess rappingof pattern, deformed pattern, pattern error 壁厚不均differentthickness铸型下垂mold sag错型mold shift,shift, miss-match, cross-joint舂移ram off, ramaway塌型mold drop,drop off, drop out, drop sticker上型下沉,沉芯sag( 上型和型芯下垂导致壁厚减小)飞翅fins, joint flash翘曲warp age,buckling, warping, camber铸件变形warped casting挤箱push up,cramp-off型裂broken mold,cracked掉砂crush ofmold, crush变形deformation,casting distortion, warped castingB.缩孔(由凝固收缩引起)缩孔shrinkage,shrinkaged cavity内部缩孔internalshrinkage, dispersed shrinkage, blind shrinkage敞露缩孔open shrinkage,external shrinkages, sink marks, depression缩松porosity, shrinkage porosity,leakers, micro shrinkage, disperded shrinkage缩陷sink marks,draw, suck-in芯面缩孔core shrinkage内角缩孔cornershrinkage, fillet shrinkage出汗孔extruded bead,exudation线状缩孔fissure likeshrinkageC.气体缺陷(由气体引起的孔)气孔blowholes,gas hole, blow针孔pinholes裂纹状缺陷,线状缺陷fissure defectsD.裂纹裂纹crack缩裂shrinkage crack季裂seasoncracking, season crack应力热裂hot cracking,hot tearing, hot tear淬火裂纹quench crack,quenching crack应力冷裂cold cracking,breakage, cold tearing, cold tear 龟裂crack激冷层裂纹,白裂chill crackE.夹杂物夹渣slaginclusion, slag blowholes砂眼sandinclusion, raised sand, sand hole其他夹杂物the other inclusion胀砂push up,cramp-off, sand hole掉砂crush, crushof mold硬点hard spot浮渣dross ( 浇注后在铸型内形成的缺陷,尤其是石墨、氧化物和硫化物的线状缺陷的总称,另外,浇注过程中被卷进去的缺陷成为夹渣和砂眼,两者的区别是形成原因不同)石墨浮渣graphite dross,carbon dross氧化皮夹渣oxide dross, oxideinclusion, skins, seams硫化物熔渣sulfide dross沉淀物sludge夹渣物sand inclusion,oxide inclusion, skins, seams黑点,黑渣black spots,lustrous carbon涂料夹渣blacking,refractory coating inclusions光亮碳膜lustrous carbonfilms, kish tracksF.外观缺陷浇不足misrun, shortrun, cold lap, cold shut冷隔cold shut,cold laps轻度冷隔seam两重皮plate皱皮surface fold,gas run, elephant skin, seams, scare, flow marks 漏箱run-out,runout, break-out, bleeder漏芯mold drop,stiker未浇满short pours,short run, poured short气孔blowholes, blow飞翅fins,joint flash胀砂,气疱swell, blister芯撑未融合chaplet shut,insert cold shut, unfused chaplet热粘砂burn in热痕flow marks内渗豆,冷豆,冷隔internal sweating, coldshot, shot iron外渗物sweating磷化物渗豆phosphide sweat铅渗豆lead sweat锡渗豆tin sweat掉砂rat, sticker (型砂的一部分附着在模样上而形成的表面缺陷)G.型芯缺陷砂芯断裂crushed core,broken core砂芯压碎broken core芯面缩孔core blow砂芯缩孔core blow砂芯下垂sag core,deformed core砂芯弯曲deformed core漂芯shiftedcore, core raise, raised core, mold element cutout 偏芯core shiftH.表面缺陷沾砂burn on,sand burning, burn in , penetration粘型(金属型)fusion两重皮laminations ,plat机械粘砂penetration ,metal penetration夹渣结疤scabs ,expansion scabs , corner scab表面粗糙rough casting ,rough surface鼠尾buckle , rattail涂料结疤blacking scab ,wash scabs烘干不足sever surface ,wash scabs熟痕surfacedefect casting by combination of gas and shrinkage ( 在靠近厚断面处形成下陷的蛇状伤痕)涂料剥落wash erosion气疱blister ,surface or subsurface blow hole表面粗糙rough surface ,seems , scars起皮stripping剥落结疤pull down ,spalling scab伤痕crow’s feet麻面pittingsurface , orange peel , alligator skin热裂痕surface folds, gas runs泡疤表面surface folds ,gas runs象皮状皱皮surface fold , gasrun , elephant skin皱皮surface fold, gas run , seams , scare , flow marks 波纹wave冲砂wash冲蚀erosionI.组织缺陷(铸铁)球化不良poor nodularity, degenerated graphite蠕墨化不良degeneratedgraphite异常石墨abnormalgraphite开花状石墨exploded graphite过冷石墨under cooledgraphite , D-type graphite石墨细小颗粒chunky graphite石墨粗大kish graphite ,kish整列石墨aligned graphite石墨漂浮floated graphite石墨魏氏组织Widmannstattengraphite麻口mottled cast iron , mottle灰点mottle反麻口inverse mottle ( 与麻口相反,在薄断面处和尖角处形成的麻口)白口chill反白口reverse chill , inverse chill冷豆extruded bead , exudation ,internal sweating退火不足miss annealing , incomplete annealing粗大枝晶组织coarsened dendritic反偏析inverse segregation比重偏析gravity segregation溶质偏析solute segregation宏观偏析macroscopic segregation微观偏析microscopic segregationJ.断口缺陷表面铁素体ferrite rim表面珠光体pearlite rim白缘,脱碳pearlitic rim , picture frame , pearlitelayer不均匀断口heterogeneous fractured surface破碎激冷层scattered chill structure , cold flakes晶粒粗大rough grain尖钉状断口spiky fractured surface冰糖状断口rock candy fracture surfaceK.力学性能缺陷硬点hard spot ( 对铸件,硬点是硬区、白口或冷豆等力学性能缺陷的总称;对铝合金,硬点是铸件内各种高硬度相,如初晶Si相、金属间化合物、氧化物,偏析等总称)硬度不良poor hardness , too high or lowhardnessL.使用性能缺陷腐蚀性不良poor corrosion resistance切削性不良poor machinability麻点torn surface锌晶间腐蚀zinc intergranular corrosion电导率不良poor electrical conductivityM.其他缺陷残留飞翅residual fin残留黑皮residualblack skin浇道冒口断口缺肉broken casting at gate , riser or vent端部缺肉inside cut切口缺肉(压铸件)inside cut翘曲( 喷丸引起)camber, excessive cleaning铸件弯曲( 铸件变形)warped casting , casting distortion , deformed mold , mold creep打磨缺肉crow’s feet铸造管理缺陷裂纹crack压痕impression残留物型砂残留sand inclusions喷丸粒残留residual shot锌蒸汽向炉壁渗透zinc infiltration into refractory。

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编号 5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 6 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 7 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 8 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9
名称 残缺类缺陷
浇不到 未浇满 跑火、型漏(漏箱) 损伤
气孔、针孔 缩孔 缩松、疏松
冷裂 热裂 冷隔 热处理裂纹
鼠尾 沟槽 夹砂 机械夹砂称 Metallic Projection in the form of fins Joint flash, fins , veining Cope raise,Raised mold Swells Cut or wash Crush Sweating Cavities Blowhole,Pinhole Shrinkage Macro-shrinkage-Porosity Discontinuities,Cold shuts Cold tearing hot tearing Cold shut Heat-treatment tearing Defective surface Rat-tail Buckle Scab Metal-penetration Burn on Rough surface Surface folds,Gas runs Sink marks,sink in
尺寸和重量差错 变形 错型(错箱) 错芯 偏芯(漂芯) 春移
金属夹杂物 冷豆 内渗豆 夹渣 砂眼
物理、机械性能和化学成分不合格 石墨漂移 石墨粗大 组织粗大 偏析 白口 反白口 球化不良 球化衰退
英文名称 Incomplete casting Missing portion of casting Pour short Run out Broken casting,Fractured casting Incorrect,dimensions,shape and weight Incorrect dimensions and weight Wraped casting,Incorrect shape Shifts Shifts core Raised core Ramoff,Ramaway Inclusions Metallic inclusion Cold shot Internal sweating,Phosphild,sweat Slag inclusions,Slag blowhole Blacking or refractory coating Inclusion Sand inclusion Characteristic,consistance,structure abnormal Physical,mechanical characteristic and chemical consistance abnormal Carbon floataion Coarse graphite Open grain Segregation Chill spots,Hardedges,Primary chill Inverse chill Abnormal nodularizing Decaying
编号 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 2 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 名称 多肉类缺陷
披缝(飞边)、毛刺 抬型(抬箱) 胀砂 冲砂 掉砂 外渗物(外渗豆)