4K超清显示器必备HDMI2.0接口 开博尔HDMI相助力


HDMI 2.0:4K接口

HDMI 2.0:4K接口

HDMI 2.0:4K接口作者:来源:《CHIP新电脑》2014年第07期HDMI论坛花了超过4年的时间开发新的视音频接口标准HDMI 2.0,在此期间,开发团队为该接口加入了许多新的功能:除了为4K信号的传输提供更高带宽(最高支持4096×2160分辨率)之外,还支持21:9的宽高比、1 536kHz的音频采样,并支持最多32个声道和多数据流功能以及双画面功能。


HDMI 2.0接口无疑是强大的,不过,HDMI 2.0标准的出现也给UHD(全称Ultra High Definition Television,超高清电视)电视机业带来了一些问题。

目前已经售出的大部分UHD 电视机采用的是HDMI 1.4接口,而UHD电视的分辨率高达3840×2160像素,虽然略低于真正的4K分辨率,但使用HDMI 1.4接口传输明显不如HDMI 2.0接口理想。

虽然生产这些昂贵UHD电视机(售价25 000元左右)的商家都特别强调,HDMI 1.4版本也可以传输4K分辨率视频,这种说法虽然在一定程度是成立的,但却并不全面。

因为HDMI 1.4接口最大带宽是10.2Gb/s,传输4K视频虽然可以,但却只能支持每秒30帧的速率,而HDMI 2.0接口最大带宽是18Gb/s,传输4K数据可以支持每秒50帧或60帧。


为了保证昂贵的电视机不会在短短几年中成为过时的产品,一些厂商(如三星)正在尝试通过硬件更新升级的方式,改造自己的UHD电视,使其支持HDMI 2.0接口。

其他一些厂商,则希望通过更新固件,使HDMI 1.4接口能够更接近于HDMI 2.0接口。






HDMI接口又叫高清晰度多媒体接口(英文:High Definition Multimedia Interface,HDMI),这是一种数字化视频/音频接口技术,是适合影像传输的专用型数字化接口,其可同时传送音频和影像信号,且无需在信号传送前进行数/模或者模/数转换。





HDMI 1.0最早的HDMI 1.0版本于2002年12月推出,它的最大特点就是整合了音频流的数字接口,与当时PC界面中很流行的DVI接口相比,它更先进,更方便。

HDMI 1.0版本支持从DVD到蓝光格式的视频流,而且具备CEC(consumer electronics control)功能,也就是在应用中,可以在所有连接设备间形成一种共通的联络,对设备组具备更方便的控制。

HDMI 1.12004年5月,HDMI 1.1版本面试。


HDMI 1.2HDMI1.2版本于2005年8月推出,很大程度上解决了HDMI 1.1支持的分辨率较低、同电脑设备兼容性较差等问题。




而且场面恢弘的IMAX 3D大片价格往往居高不下,以剧情取胜的小制作片去影院观看又没什么必要。




V2.0.1 用户手册 4K2K4x4和8x8HDMIMatrixSwitcher说明书

V2.0.1 用户手册 4K2K4x4和8x8HDMIMatrixSwitcher说明书

Fixed 4K2K4x4and8x8HDMI Matrix Switcher with VW,seamless switch and EDIDVersion:V2.0.1Safety ReminderTo protect the device and operating personnel from electrostatic discharge,you need to check and ensure that the device is grounding well before the device is powered on.Please observe the following when you install,use, maintain this equipment.Make sure the device ground connection.Important Safety InstructionsWarnings of FCCThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part15of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.--Increase the separation between the equipment and decoder.--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the decoder is connected.--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.ContentsWarnings of FCC (1)1.Product Introduction (3)2.Features (3)3.Specification (3)4.Connection Diagram (4)5.Packing (4)6.Panel description (5)7.Matrix Switcher control (6)Remote Control (6)WEB GUI Browser control (6)The3rd Party Control command (11)1.Product IntroductionThis is a new fixed HDMI matrix switcher series with the seamless switch,Video Wall function, EDID management,audio breakouts and the resolution can up to4K30Hz with scaling funtion and all ports are HDCP compliant.With the friendly user control methods:IR remote control, 2-Press push buttons with background blue light,WEB GUI/TCPIP/RS232/IR remote control, supports the WEB smart EDID management,this matrix switcher can work with the Blu-Ray Players,Set-Top boxes,Home Theater,and game consoles etc HDMI input sources to route to the HDMI displays,it has been widely used in different audio visual applications.2.FeaturesThe resolution can up to4K@30Hz inputs and outputs with scalingSupports seamless switching,no black/blue screen during the sources switchSupports the video wall function and bezel correctionsSupports the3.5mm audio embedded and de-embeddedSupports smart EDID managementSupports RS-232and TCP/IP Control(WEB GUI,APP),IR remote controlSupports the push buttons control with blue lightsSupports to rename the inputs and outputsSupports up to20scenes3.SpecificationVideoResolutionInputs UHD(3840x2160)/30Hz and underOutputs4K@30\1080P\720P\1366*768@60 HDMI protocol HDMI1.4HDCP protocol HDCP1.4Color depth8/10/12bitColor space YCbCr,RGBEDID Built-in and output ports learning/copy HDMI output4inputs or8inputsHDMI output4outputs or8outputsAudio Audio format PCM2.1Ch,Dolby Digital,Dolby True-HD,DTS-HD(Only supports2.1)4.ConnectionDiagram5.PackingAudio sampling 32kHz,44.1kHz,48kHz,88.2kHz,96kHz,176.4kHz,192kHz Audio baud rateUp to 16~24-bit ControlRS232DB9female connector IR IR receiverLAN RJ45for the TCP/IP control OtherPower Power adapter 24V/3A Consumption20WSize440*215*44mm Weight 3kg Working temp 0℃~50℃Storage temp -20℃~60℃Working Humdity20%-90% Qty Unit 1Matrix switcher1Pcs.2DC 24V3A power adapter 1Pcs 3Remote Control1Pcs 4IR remote extension cable1Pcs6.Panel descriptionFront panelA:LCD screen for the switching,EDID,IP etc information display.B:Power indicatorC:IR for the IR remote controlD:Inputs and outputs buttonsE:Control buttonsBack panelA:HDMI input portsB:3.5mm audio embedded portsC:HDMI output portsD:3.5mm audio de-embedded portsE:IR extension port for the IR remote controlF:RS232ports for the3rd party controlG:RJ45port for the WEB GUI/TCP/IP controlH:Power supply port I:Grounding7.Matrix Switcher controlThis Matrix switcher can support IR remote,WEB GUI browser,TCP/IP/RS232control,or the front push-buttons control.Remote ControlStandby:for the matrix to standby or back to working status Input:1~8/1~4HDMI input buttons Clear:Clear all the selected channels Enter:Press to confirm the operations All:to select all the output channelsEDID:EDID →F1/F2(select the built in EDID or copy/learn from the outputs)EDID→press Enter to confirm the EDID →Then will need to select the Input channel→then press Enter to confirmOutput:1~8/1~4HDMI output buttons F1/F2:to work with the EDID buttonWEB GUI browser ControlUsers also can use the WEB browser to control the matrix switcher,users can have the matrix switcher connected with the PC with the LAN cable directly or have the matrix switcher connected the same network switch.The default IP address of the matrix switcher is opening the browser,users can type the matrix switcher IP address and press enter:The default user name is admin and the password isadmin.After login,it will turn to “Video Matrix”interface,users can do the sources switching,scenes8x84x4recall and save.On the input and output buttons,users also can view the active ports by the button color,3 steps for the switchingInput button rename:right click on the input button,it will pop-up the window for users to change the names,and option for the Display OSD function.For the output buttons and scenes renaming will the same way to use the right click on the button,it will also pop-up the window:Scenes Save and Recall:It will take2steps to Save or Recall the scenes,select the scene number first,and then click“Save”or“Recall”button:Video Wall:users can setup the VW wall,adjust the bezel,VW resolution,or save/recall the VW scenes:Step1:Configure the VW size by entering the columns&rows number,and then hit the Apply button:Step2:Drag the outputs from the right side to this VW boxes accordingly,will need to use the right click to confirm the output after dragged to the VW box,the box edge will in yellow color(Without the right click to confirm,it will be white edge)Step3:After confirmed the outputs in the VW box(all edge in yellow),then drag the input to this VW to finish the switchingVideo Wall box edge in yellow color means that outputs to this VW are all confirmed(use the mouse right click to confirm after drag the outputs)EDID Management:Output Settings:Audio Settings:users can select audio either from the3.5mm or from the HDMI Disable means:disable the HDMI sound,but use the3.5mm embedded audio Enable means to use the HDMI soundFor the Audio out:ON means to turn on the HDMI sound,but use the3.5mm de-embedded still have the sound OFF means to turn off the HDMI sound,but use the3.5mm de-embedded still have the soundDevice is for users to set up the IP address,RS232,or lock the front panel push-button, language or factory default settings:User tap is user the users to change the password,model number and the WEB GUI logo:Upgrade page will need to enter the IP/upload in thebrowser:TCP/IP/RS232control details and commands:The default IP IS,Port number:4001The default RS232baud rate is 115200,8,1,noneFunctionCommand FormatFunction RemarkVideo SwitchAT+HTO2A=MX88,IN$e.g.AT+HTO2A=MX88,1$One switch to all output channel+RSPHTO2A=MX88,IN$AT+HTO2M=MX88,IN,O1,O2…ON$e.g.AT+HTO2M=MX88,1,5,6,7,8$One switch to many output Channel+RSPHTO2M=MX88,IN,O1,O2…ON$Output SetupAT+HTSETAUTORES=MX88,Mode,On$Mode1:Auto0:ManualOn:output channel number(1-8)Set output resolution mode+RSPSETAUTORES=MX88,Mode$AT+HTSETOUTRES=MX88,Res,O1,O2,On,...$On:output channel number(1-8)Set output resolution+RSPHTSETOUTRES=MX88,Res$AT+HTTVBLACK=MX88,mod,O1,O2,...On$On:output channel number(1-8)mod:set TV black(0--1)0:no black1:blackSet TV blackAT+HTTVSET=MX88,On,mod$On:output channel number(1-8)mod:set TV mute or unmute(1--2)1:mute2:unmuteset TV MUTEAT+HTOUTMOD=MX88,Mode,On$Mode1:HDMI2:DVIOn:output channel number(1-8)Set output mode(DVI or HDMI)+RSPHTOUTMOD=MX88,Mode$EDID Setup AT+HTEDIDH=MX88,In,On$In:input chnnel number(1-8)On:output channel number(1-8)Switch corresponding output's EDID toinput+RSPHTEDIDH=MX88,In,On$AT+HTEDIDINT=MX88,INTn,In$In:input chnnel number(1-8)INTn:one certain internal EDID number.(2-5)Switch one Internal EDID to certaininput's EDID+RSPHTEDIDINT=MX88,In,INTn$AT+HTEDIDINFOSET=MX88,CHn,ResID,ColorSpace,ColorDepth,AudioCh$CHn:the input Card's channel number;ResIDn:Resolution ID,ReslDn(1--3);1:720P@60,2:1080P@60,3:4k@30ColorSpaceN:color space id,ColorSpaceN(1--2);1:RGB,2:YUVColorDepthN:color depthid;ColorDepthN(1--4);1:8bit,2:10bit,3:12bit,4:16bitAudioChN:Audio ID,AudioChN(1--3);1:2Ch,2:6Ch,3:8ChSet one input card's certain channel'sedid information+RSPHTEDIDINFOSET=MX88,CHn$AT+HTEDIDUPLOAD=MX88,In$In,(1--8);When received this command,delay100ms,send the EDIDdata.Upload EDID from WebPage+RSPHTEDIDUPLOAD=MX88,In$Scene Setup AT+HTSCESA=MX88,N$scene save+RSPHTSCESA=MX88,N$ AT+HTSCERC=MX88,N$scene recall+RSPHTSCERC=MX88,N$System Setup AT+HTFACT=MX88$When No Cn parameter,factory set main control board and GUImodel.Factory setup+RSPHTFACT=MX88$No Cn parameter,if using to factory set main control boardand GUI modelAT+HTUILOCK=MX88,Val$Val:1,locked;2,Unlocked;GUI Lock+RSPHTUILOCK=MX88,Val$AT+HTUARTCFG=MX88,Baud,Databits,Stopbits,Parity$Baud:0,9600;1,19200;2,38400;3,57600;3,115200;Databits:0,8bits;1,9bits;Stopbits:0,1stopbit;1,2stopbits;Parity:0,none;1,ODD;2,even;UART configureAudio Setup AT+HTAUDSET=MX88,On,Mode$Mode:Enable(1)/Disable(2)On:output channel number(1-8)Set input card's Audio AT+HTAUDSET=MX88,Val$Video wall AT+HTVIDJNTSA=MX88,N$N=1~5scene save+RSPHTVIDJNTSA=MX88,N$ AT+HTVDWALLRC=MX88,N$N=1~5scene recallVideo BorderAT+HTBEZEL=MX16,N1,N2,N3$N=width,height,outVideo Border+RSPHTBEZEL=MX16,N1,N2,N3$//width,height,out。



hdmi2.0显卡HDMI(High-Definition Multimedia Interface)是一种数字音视频传输接口标准,被广泛应用于消费电子产品和计算机设备中。

HDMI 2.0是HDMI的最新版本,它在传输速率、分辨率和颜色深度等方面进行了升级和改进。

现今的显卡已经相继开始支持HDMI 2.0接口,为用户提供更高质量的音视频传输体验。

首先,HDMI 2.0接口具有更高的传输速率。

相比于HDMI 1.4的传输速率10.2 Gbps,HDMI 2.0的传输速率可达到18 Gbps。


用户可以通过HDMI 2.0接口连接4K分辨率的显示器或电视,同时享受到流畅的影像和无损的音效。

其次,HDMI 2.0接口支持更高的分辨率和刷新率。

HDMI 2.0可以传输最高达3840x2160像素(也称为4K分辨率)的图像,比HDMI 1.4的1080p分辨率明显提升。

此外,HDMI 2.0还支持高达60Hz的刷新率,可以呈现更加流畅的画面,特别适用于玩游戏、观看高动态范围(HDR)视频和其他高要求的应用。

第三,HDMI 2.0接口支持更深的颜色深度。

HDMI 2.0可以传输最高达16-bit的颜色深度,相当于支持65536种不同的颜色。


对于专业用户、设计师和影音发烧友来说,HDMI 2.0的颜色深度提升是一个重要的升级,能够更精确地表现出色彩差异。

最后,HDMI 2.0接口还支持其他一些功能,例如互动模式和更好的音频输出。


总结起来,HDMI 2.0显卡通过升级和改进,提供了更高的传输速率、更高的分辨率和刷新率、更深的颜色深度以及其他一些功能的支持。


Kramer VS-211UHD 4K60 4 2 0 HDMI自动切换器说明书

Kramer VS-211UHD 4K60 4 2 0 HDMI自动切换器说明书

34.50cm x 16.50cm x 5.20cm (13.58" x 6.50" x 2.05" ) W, D, H
SHIPPING WEIGHT: 0.6kg (1.2lbs) approx
18.75cm x 11.50cm x 2.54cm (7.38" x 4.53" x 1.00" ) W, D, H
PRODUCT WEIGHT: 0.4kg (0.9lbs) approx
2x1 4K60 4:2:0 HDMI UHD (4:2:0)
The VS−211UHD is an automatic switcher for 4K@60Hz (4:2:0) HDMI and analog audio signals. The VS−211UHD automatically switches one of two HDMI inputs to a predefined or last connected input whenever the currently active video signal is interrupted or whenever a higher−priority video signal is detected. It also supports Kramer’s Step−in over HDMI technology
Max. Data Rate - 8.91Gbps (2.97Gbps per graphic channel) with 4K UHD support Max. Resolution - 4K@60Hz (4:2:0) Step-In Over HDMI Technology HDTV Compatible Active Switching - Selectable manual or fast auto switching according to last connected or preset priority Compliance - HDMI 1.4, HDCP and DVI 1.0 HDMI 1.4 Support - Deep Color, 3D, up to 7.1 uncompressed audio channels, ARC (supported on Input 1 only) HDMI ARC De-embedding - From output to balanced stereo audio line, uncompressed Automatic Video Input Detection & Selection Auto Power Off - When no HDMI input for 10 seconds (selectable) Selectable HDCP Switching EDID Configuration Options Default EDID Contact Closure - For remote manual switching override Audio Embedding/De-embedding Analog Audio Input Per Port Lock Button Firmware Upgrade - Over RS−232, mini−USB Software Support - Protocol 3000, EDID Designer, K−Upload via RS−232 Varied Control Options - Front panel buttons, contact closure, IR, RS−232 Protocol 3000






开博尔作为国内影音行业的代表品牌,近期的目标就是解决这一困境,由国内媒体不断报道开博尔将推出4K蓝光播放器旗舰机Q10以及影吧利器Q7-4K 版的消息。










51光纤HDMI与传统铜芯HDMI 线的区别体验之前,我们先来看看理论技术上,光纤HDMI与传统铜芯HDMI线的区别其实就在于传输距离、传输功耗、信号损失以及抗干扰辐射能力等方面,光纤HDMI线均优于传统铜缆HDMI线。












开博尔二代光纤HDMI采用了HDMI 2.0规范,能支持高达18Gbps的带宽传输,支持4K 60Hz的传输,而且支持4:4:4色彩空间,全面满足目前4K播放的要求,可以说是目前装修布线的首选。





开博尔HDMI高清线,中国家装布线领导品牌十年来,开博尔一直坚持:“要做,就做最好”的理念,厚积薄发,成为3C科技领域的标志企业,在中国的3C科技史上创造出属于自己的一席之地!而开博尔A系列HDMI 高清线更是成为中国60%家庭用户家装的首先,还被誉为家庭团聚的幸福使者。




三、积极进取,跟进时代发展潮流,不断更新产品从HDMI 1.0发布以来,HDMI的接口规范经历了1.2版、1.3版、1.4版,到目前2.0版本。




开博尔的HDMI 2.0版本带宽,HDMI 2.0规范最大支持18Gbps的传输带宽,要远远大于之前的版本,而且这是在用户不需要单独购买新线缆的情况下实现的。





4k 显示器需要什么显卡
4k 显示器需要什幺显卡
当前看到的4K 显示器分辨率大部分都是3840×2160,显示画面是普
通1080P 显示器的4 倍,可以显示的像素达830 万左右,可提供好莱坞电影


1、支持4K 输出的有HDMI 和DisplayPort 两种输出端口。

在无源HDMI 接口下,如果想让分辨率达到3840×2160@60 赫兹基

所以,目前通过HDMI 接口输出的4K 分辨率都是在30 赫兹的情况下达到的,这类显卡有:
2、HDMI 接口下可支持4K 分辨率的显卡。


现 和 S H的无缝 连接 。 D 技 、乘 光 网络 、贝岭科 技等 。例 如
在 这 些 七 种 接 口类 型 中 , 1 GBAS — X4 用 了粗 波分 复 用 0 EL 使
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编码 ,在线路上传输 的速率是1 . 的 第 一 代 光 模 块 ,所 需 信 号 多 , 03
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N :超高清L D 1 E 显示屏 1G p光纤控制系统整体 逻辑设计 。 bs 0
类型 、传输距离等进一步细分为7
3 6 l集成 电路应用
I计 窍 设 诀
从 I E 0 .a 、S F 8 3 、S F E E 8 23 e F 一4 1 F一
9 相同 ,物 种 类 型 。实 际 上 目前 建 立 在 C so 12S ( i DH 同步数字体系) c
1G p F + 0 b s P 光纤 模 块 国 内生 S
4 /6 的编 码 ,通 过 产 商 较 多 ,包 括 华 为 、 中兴 、思 光学标 准1 G AS — R ,可传 理 层 使用 了6 B 6 B B EZ 上 0
发 送 器 接 收 分 配 器
关键 环节 ,其 构建 和成 本控 制基 于
1G以太 网技术 ,尤其是1 G以太 0 0

SC-HD-2B 4K UHD HDMI 2.0 缩放器和音频嵌入器 提取器用户手册说明书

SC-HD-2B 4K UHD HDMI 2.0 缩放器和音频嵌入器 提取器用户手册说明书

User’s ManualSC-HD-2B4K UHD HDMI 2.0 Scaler & AudioEmbedder / ExtractorScale HDMI or DVI videoEmbed Digital or Analog Audio into HDMI outputExtract (De-embed) Digital and Analog Audio from HDMI inputUMA1280 REV BOrder toll-free in the U.S. 800-959-6439FREEtechnicalsupport:************************************** Hall Research , 1163 Warner Ave. Tustin, CA 92780 CUSTOMER SUPPORTINFORMATIONTable of Contents1.0 Introduction ................................................................................. 3 Features ................................................................................................. 4 2.0 Package Contents ........................................................................ 4 3.0 Setup .............................................................................................. 4 Installation ............................................................................................. 4 OSD Menu ............................................................................................. 5 4.0 Connector and Indicator Functions ......................................... 7 Input Connections .................................................................................. 7 Output Connections ............................................................................... 7 5.0 Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 8 Contacting Hall Research ...................................................................... 8 6.0 Specifications ............................................................................... 9 7.0 Supported Input and Output Resolutions . (11)1.0 IntroductionThank you for purchasing Hall Research’s SC-HD-2B. The unit is a videoscaler/processor that can convert any HDMI resolution into a user specifiable output resolution. It accepts virtually all PC and HDTV resolutions including 4Kx2K @ 60 Hz with 4:4:4 color. It is a world class scaling engine works in real time with no delay and is capable of flipping the video horizontally or vertically making it ideal for teleprompting, rear projection or semi 3-D holographic applications. Contrast, hue, saturation, and other parameters of video can be manipulated.Both stereo analog and optical digital audio inputs and outputs are available. The audio from the HDMI input signal can be extracted (de-embedded) and output on both digital as well as stereo analog signal. The audio embedded into the HDMI output is selectable from one of three sources: HDMI input, analog L/R input, or digital optical input.The SC-HD-2B has the ability to output a wide range of resolutions regardless of the input timing and resolution. The output resolution can automatically match the native resolution of the display connected to its output (based on the EDID setting of the display), or it can be specified by the user.The SC-HD-2B features an OSD menu for configuration, picture setup, system information and other advanced options. The compact and sturdy enclosure features integrated mounting brackets.Typical Connection DiagramFeaturesAny video resolution can be scaled up or down to any other resolution Supports UHD / 4K @ 60 Hz with 4:4:4 Color on input and output Horizontal and Vertical mirroring (x or y-axis flip) Analog and digital audio inputs and outputsAdvanced scaling for real-time frame rate capture & conversionBy default scales the output to the native resolution of any connected displayQuick Select button combinations for setting output resolution Supports audio extraction without attached displayEmbeds audio to HDMI from analog or digital audio source Selectable audio delay up to 150 ms (for lip sync)HDMI, HDCP, and DVI Compliant2.0 Package ContentsModel SC-HD-2B(x 1) Model SC-HD-2B(x 1) 5V DC 2.6 A Universal Power Supply (Do Not Substitute)(x 1) 3.5mm to (2) RCA Audio Cable (x 1) Product Information Card3.0 SetupInstallationConnect the HDMI source to the SC-HD-2B HDMI Input.Optionally, connect the Analog or Digital audio source to the 3.5mm or optical TOSLink Input connector.Connect the HDMI display to the SC-HD-2B HDMI Output.Optionally, connect the Analog or Digital audio output to an audio receiver or amplifier.OSD MenuPress the MENU button to bring up the OSD menu controls on the attached display. Use the up and down arrows to navigate to the desired menu item, or to change values on a selected sub-menu. Press MENU to select sub-menus, and press MENU again to apply new values. Select EXIT to return to the main menu or exit the OSD. Values in BOLD* are factory default settings.4.0 Connector and Indicator FunctionsInput Connections1 2 31) USB: USB-A connector is provided for firmware upgrade.2) INPUT: Video and audio inputs. HDMI accepts resolutions up to 4KUHD. Audio input is user-selectable via OSD menu: HDMI, Optical TOSLink, or Analog Audio.3) DC 5V: Power input. Do not substitue.Output Connections1 21)OUTPUT: Video and audio outputs. HDMI is output at user-selectableresolution up to 4K UHD. Audio output is available on all connecitons:HDMI, Optical TOSLink, and Analog Audio.2) OSD MENU: With a display connected to HDMI OUTPUT, use MENUbutton to bring up the OSD menu. Use arrows to navigate, and MENU button to make selections.a. 1080P: Press + MENU to set HDMI OUTPUT to 1080p.b. NATIVE: Press + MENU to set HDMI OUTPUT to Native.5.0 TroubleshootingIf you are experiencing problems getting the SC-HD-2B to work properly, please use the following troubleshooting suggestions.Ensure the correct power supply is used. Never plug in a power supply with a voltage higher than 5V DC, as this will damage the unit. Try restoring factory defaults by pressing and holding the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.As shipped, the SC-HD-2B output resolution is defaulted to NATIVE. This means it will read the EDID of the attached display, and set the scaled output to match the preferred timing found in the EDID. If the scaler has been set to a different output, use the Quick Select buttons to reset the output (see Section 3).If the OSD is available, but no video source is displayed, ensure that the source resolution is set to one of the formats supported by the SC-HD-2B (see Section 7).If you are having trouble with your display device not going into apower saving state, change the AUTO SYNC OFF menu setting from OFF to the desired time to stop outputting a video signal.Contacting Hall ResearchIf you determine that your SC-HD-2B is malfunctioning, do not attempt to repair the unit. Instead, contact Hall Research Technical Support at 714-641-6607. To return the unit to Hall Research you must first get a Return Authorization(RMA) number. Package the unit carefully, if returning. We recommend that you use the original container.6.0 SpecificationsVideoBandwidth 600 MHz / 18 GpsInput Ports (1) HDMI(1) 3.5 mm Analog Audio(1) Digital Audio (TOSLink)(1) USB (Service Only)Output Ports (1) HDMI(1) 3.5 mm Analog Audio(1) Digital Audio (TOSLink)Resolutions DVI signal VGA (640x480) thru WUXGA (1920x1200)HDTV signal 480p through UHD+ (4096x2160@60Hz) Analog Audio InputAudio Level 2 Vrms MaxImpedance 49.9 KohmType UnbalancedAnalog Audio OutputAudio Level 2 Vrms MaxTHD+N < -80 dB @ 0 dBFS 1 kHz (A-wt)SNR >70 dB @ 0 dBFSFreq. Response < +/- 3 dB @ 20 Hz- 20 kHzCrosstalk < -70 dB @ 10 kHzType UnbalancedOptical Audio InputSampling Rate (kHz) 32, 44.1, 48, 82, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192Optical Audio OutputSampling Rate (kHz) 48HDMI Cable LengthInput 1080p 8-bit: 15 m1080p 12-bit: 10 m 4K 8-bit: 3 mOutput 1080p 8-bit: 15 m1080p 12-bit: 10 m 4K 8-bit: 3 mGeneralPower Supply 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 0.6 A, External; 5 VDC, 2.6 A(US/EU Standard, CE/FCC/UL Certified)Temp/humidity Storage: -4 to +140 °F (-20 to +60 °C)20% to 90%, non-condensingOperating: +32 to +104 °F (0 to +40 °C) 20% to 90%, non-condensingTypical DC Current Draw 5 VDC, 2.6 A Power Supply ~2.2 A Max. Cooling Convection Enclosure type Metal (Aluminum) Dimensions 4.02” x 0.98” x 6.5” W x H x D (102 mm x 25 mm x 165 mm)Depth includes mounting flangesProduct weight Model Only 0.77 lbs (0.35kg)Shipping 2.85 lbs (1.29 kg)Safety CE EMI/EMC CE, FCC Class A MTBF 90,000 hours (estimate) Warranty 3 years parts and laborSpecifications are subject to change without notice7.0 Supported Input and Output ResolutionsInput Resolutions SupportedOutput Resolutions640x480 (VGA)60/72/75/85 Hz640x480 (VGA)60 Hz800x600 (SVGA)56/60/72/75/85 Hz800x600 (SVGA)60 Hz1024x768 (XGA)60/70/75/85 Hz1024x768 (XGA)60 Hz1280x72050/60 Hz1280x72060 Hz1280x76850/60 Hz1280x76860 Hz1280x800(WXGA)60/60RB Hz1280x800 (WXGA)60 Hz1280x1024 (SXGA)60 Hz1280x1024 (SXGA)60 Hz1360x76860 Hz1360x76860 Hz1400x105060/60 RB Hz1400x105060 Hz1440x900 (WXGA+)60/60 RB Hz1440x900 (WXGA+)60 Hz1600x1200 (UXGA)60 Hz1600x1200 (UXGA)60 Hz1680x1050 (WSXGA)60/60 RB Hz1680x1050 (WSXGA)60 Hz1920x108060 Hz1920x108060 Hz1920x1200 (WUXGA)60 Hz1920x1200 (WUXGA)60 Hz2560x160060 Hz2560x160060 Hz2048x108050/60 Hz2048x108060 Hz2560x144060 RB Hz2560x144060 Hz720x480I60 Hz720x480INONE720x480P60 Hz720x480P60 Hz720x576I50 Hz720x576INONE720x576P50 HZ720x576P50 HZ1280x720p50/60 Hz1280x720p50/60 Hz1920x1080i50/60 Hz1920x1080iNONE1920x1080p24/25/30/50/60 Hz1920x1080p24/25/30/50/60 Hz2560x1080p50/60 Hz2560x1080p50/60 Hz3840x2160p24/25/30/50/60 Hz3840x2160p24/25/30/50/60 Hz4096x2160p24/25/30/50/60 Hz4096x2160p24/25/30/50© Copyright 2019. Hall Research, LLC.All rights reserved.1163 Warner Ave., Tustin, CA 92780Ph: (714)641-6607。



hdmi0标准HDMI 2.0标准。

HDMI(High Definition Multimedia Interface)是一种数字化视频和音频传输接口,广泛应用于电视、显示器、投影仪等设备中。

HDMI 2.0标准是HDMI接口的最新版本,它带来了许多新的特性和改进,为用户提供更高质量的视听体验。

首先,HDMI 2.0标准支持更高的分辨率和刷新率。


其次,HDMI 2.0标准还提供了更广泛的色彩空间和更高的色深度。

它支持Rec. 2020色彩空间,可以呈现更丰富、更真实的颜色,同时还支持10-bit、12-bit甚至16-bit的色深度,使得画面更加细腻、色彩更加准确。

此外,HDMI 2.0标准还增加了对HDR(High Dynamic Range)的支持。


另外,HDMI 2.0标准还提供了更高的音频传输带宽和更好的音频格式支持。


总的来说,HDMI 2.0标准为用户带来了更高的视听体验,无论是在画面质量还是音频效果上都有了质的提升。

对于追求高品质影音享受的用户来说,选择支持HDMI 2.0标准的设备无疑是一个明智的选择。

除此之外,HDMI 2.0标准还支持eARC(enhanced Audio Return Channel)功能,可以实现更高质量的音频传输和更多的音频格式支持。

同时,HDMI 2.0还提供了更好的3D视频支持和更高的带宽,可以满足未来更加高清晰度和更加真实感的视频传输需求。

新手必读 高清HDMI线选购技巧

新手必读 高清HDMI线选购技巧


在日常使用过程中,高清播放类产品往往离不开HDMI线材,于是乎与高清播放设备同步,HDMI 高清线也成为家庭必备品。

然而面对鱼龙混杂的高清线市场,普通消费者该如何选择一款高性价比的高清线呢?一、HDMI的版本: 高版本兼容低版本,画质音质更胜一筹从2002年12月HDMI 1.0发布以来,HDMI的接口规范经历了1.2 (具有传输1080p 图像和立体声功能)、1.3(具有1080p和7.1声道功能)、1.4(增加了以太网络信道、音频回传信道和3D信号传送等功能),到目前2.0版本。







二、制作工艺: 线身软硬适中,线芯宜纯铜,接头镀银(镀金)更佳1. 线芯的材质,内芯使用纯铜或无氧铜,这样才更能保证传输信号的品质。







HDMI 1.4、2.0、2.0a、2.0b 接口参数对比

HDMI 1.4、2.0、2.0a、2.0b 接口参数对比

HDMI 1.4、2.0、2.0a、2.0b 接口参数对比导读:经常接触4K类产品的用户都知道,HDMI接口是视频传输最常用的接口,也是笔记本电脑上的标配,不过这个HDMI接口目前有HDMI 1.4、2.0、2.0a、2.0b等几个版本,每个都有一些差异,下面我们就来看看他们的区别。

HDMI 1.4、2.0、2.0a、2.0b 接口参数对比:HDMI接口又叫高清晰度多媒体接口(英文:High Definition Multimedia Interface,HDMI),这是一种数字化视频/音频接口技术,是适合影像传输的专用型数字化接口,其可同时传送音频和影像信号,且无需在信号传送前进行数/模或者模/数转换。





HDMI 1.0最早的HDMI 1.0版本于2002年12月推出,它的最大特点就是整合了音频流的数字接口,与当时PC界面中很流行的DVI接口相比,它更先进,更方便。

HDMI 1.0版本支持从DVD到蓝光格式的视频流,而且具备CEC(consumer electronics control)功能,也就是在应用中,可以在所有连接设备间形成一种共通的联络,对设备组具备更方便的控制。

HDMI 1.12004年5月,HDMI 1.1版本面试。









评测产品介绍:3、参于本次测评设备:连接设备:安桥TX-NR630 支持HDMI 1.4 5.1声道、丹拿手工5.1音响、低音炮、宏碁H7532BD+蓝光3D投影机(OS150寸画框幕)、长虹55A1U55英寸4K平板电视、AOCU2870VQE 28英寸4k显示器、明基3D主动快门式眼镜、东芝1TB外接硬盘、网件千兆路由器TP-LINK WDR7500以下是测试设备全景,和各设备图。




HDMI 2.0标准如何才能实现4K超高清显示?传输方式是我们需要考虑的一个重要因素。

在专业的数字电影投影机领域,绝大部分的4K数字投影机都是采用6G UHD-SDI或12G UHD-SDI(超高清数字串口界面)的方式来实现4K 超高清视频信号的传输。



自从2003年正式推出HDMI标准,到现在已经历了6种不同的版本,而真正在技术上支持超高清视频信号传输的只有HDMI 1.4及2.0的版本。

但目前绝大部分超高清平板电视与家庭影院投影机都是采用HDMI 1.4的端子,我们只能在CES2014上发现少数最新的顶级机型才配备了对4K显示兼容性更强的HDMI 2.0端子。

早在2009年5月,HDMI 1.4标准就已经诞生,让HDMI端子真正具备4K传输的能力,只是当时我们关注的焦点没在4K上,而是当时如日中天的3D高清显示领域。

HDMI 1.4的推出事实上是为了解决HDMI端子在传输3D视频信号时的兼容性问题,而并非刻意针对4K信号的传输。

在物理性能上,HDMI 1.4与HDMI 1.3基本上是一致的,最高可用视频传输带宽为8.16Gbit/s,理论上都能支持4K/30p(8bit)的信号传输,只是HDMI 1.4已得到了官方的支持。

因此,只要你所使用的超高清平板电视或家庭影院投影机是采用HDMI 1.4版本的端子就一定支持4K/30p(8bit)的信号传输,而HDMI 1.3版本的机型也未必不能支持。

真正代表HDMI开始全方位支持4K超高清信号传输的是HDMI 2.0标准。

首先,HDMI 2.0标准在物理性能上与HDMI 1.4相比有了不少的飞跃,从原本8.16Gbit/s的可用视频传输带宽提升到14.4Gbit/s,可以真正满足4K/60p(8bit)信号的传输。

4K超清显示器必备HDMI2.0接口 开博尔HDMI相助力

4K超清显示器必备HDMI2.0接口 开博尔HDMI相助力


市面上大多4K显示器都配备了HDMI 1.4接口,仅能实现30Hz的刷新率,不足以带来流畅的显示效果,酱紫情况,就算是搭配了HDMI 2.0高清线也是无法发挥其作用。

(点击查看)只有更先进的HDMI 2.0标准,则能够实现60Hz的刷新率。

不过还是有厂家正式发布了两款HDMI 2.0接口标准的4K显示器,下面跟随小编一起来看看详细的内容。

优派VP2780-4K:面向专业用户VP2780-4K是一款27英寸4K显示器,配备了IPS面板,内置两个HDMI 1.4接口、一个全尺寸Display Port、一个迷你DP接口和HDMI 2.0接口。




同时,它也配备了HDMI 2.0接口,可实现60Hz刷新率,价格则为611美元(约合人民币3787元),定位相对更亲民一些。

小编点评:HDMI 2.0的主要竞争对手是Display Port 1.3,不过暂时未有支持后者的显卡推出。


但可以肯定的是,如果你追求更完美的4K显示效果,HDMI 2.0标准都是要优于1.4的。

当然,既然选择了具备HDMI 2.0接口的显示屏,那么就得搭配一条符合HDMI 2.0标准的高清线,开博尔经典系列高清线已全新升级至HDMI2.0版,支持3D、4K分辨率,相助发挥最强高清视觉体验。

对于追求超清显示效果的PC用户来说,4K显示器无疑是最好的选择,但输出接口标准的事故问题,技术不断发展,先进的HDMI 2.0标准,能够实现60Hz的刷新率了,有需求的网友,不妨考虑以上产品。

HDX-XT 4K 视频和 USB 2.0 KVM 扩展器用户手册说明书

HDX-XT 4K 视频和 USB 2.0 KVM 扩展器用户手册说明书

HDX-XTUser Manual | Tel: (800) AVI-213 | (702) 800-0005 | 2455 W Cheyenne Ave, Suite 112 | North Las Vegas, NV 890324K Video and USB 2.0 KVM ExtenderNOTICE:The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Smart-AVI makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. Smart-AVI will not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated into another language without prior written consent from Smart-AVI.introductionThank you for purchasing this product. For optimum performance and safety, please read the instruc-tion carefully before connecting, operating or adjusting this product. Please keep the manual for future reference.The HDMI USB KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) Extender is a tool which can extend your HDMI signal over 328ft./100meters to a compatible display. It is designed to convert HDMI signal to standard, ex-tended signal which can be transmitted by CAT5e/CAT6/CAT7 cable. It also supports Transfer Bidirec-tional Infrared control signal and RS232 control signal. The HDX-XT also supports the connection of a USB host and 2 USB device ports.fEATURES:• Zero pixel loss with TMDS signal correction• Fully compliant with HDMI 1.4, and compatible with HDMI 2.0 (4K2K@60Hz with YCbCr 4:2:0 ).• HDCP2.2 and DVI compatible.• Supports Extender 2.0 specification over a single CAT5e/6/7 cable up to 100m/328ft.• Supports pass-through of HD audio formats: LPCM2/5.1/7.1 CH, Dolby Digital, DTS, Dolby TrueHD, • DTS-HD Master Audio and more.• POE function support, either TX or RX powered 24V@1A,• Full HD support: 1080p@60Hz@24/36/48bit/pixels.• Supports USB 2.0 control.• Supports external Bi-Directional SPDIF IN/OUT and available for multichannel audio.• Supports stereo audio with PCM 2CH.• Transfer Bidirectional Infrared control signal together with the HDMI signal.• Transfer Bidirectional RS232 control signal together with the HDMI signal.HARDWARE INSTALLATION1. Disconnect power from all devices involved with the installation.2. Connect the display, keyboard, mouse, audio and USB devices to the ports identified for each item on the HDX-XT Receiver Unit.3. Connect the Computer’s Display output and USB port to the ports identified for each item on the HDX-XT Transmitter Unit.4. Connect the HDX-XT Transmitter Unit to the HDX-XT Receiver Unit with a CAT5/5e/6 cable. For the best quality video use a single CAT5/5e/6 cable to connect theHDX-XT Transmitter to the Receiver. The HDX-XT is not designed to work with Routers, Switches or Hubs.5. Power on the devices connected to the HDX-XT Receiver Unit.6. Connect the power supplies provided to the HDX-XT Transmitter and Receiver and connect them both to power.7. Power on the Computer.If needed you can force the HDX-XT to re-learn the Monitors EDID settings with the following hot-key combination. Press the Ctrl key twice, press the e key, then press the Enter key. This will cause the USB light on the front of the HDX-XT Transmitter Unit toblink rapidly for 1 second, indicating the EDID settings have been re-learned.Connecting more USB devices:If additional devices needed to be connected,connect a USB hub to the USB port of the receiver.tRANSMITTER FRONT PANEL CONTROLPlug in the desired output and inputs, then power on the unit. Press SELECT to alternate between inputsthat will be displayed via the output. Press SELECT once more to switch the output.Power LED: Illuminates when power has been supplied to the unit.Link LED: The connection status indicating lamp.Illuminate: The Transmitter and Receiver have good connections.Flashing: The Transmitter and Receiver have poor connections.Dark: The Transmitter and Receiver have no connections.HDCP LED: The HDCP status indicating lamp.Illuminate: The HDMI signal with HDCP.Flashing: The HDMI signal without HDCP.Dark: No HDMI signal.FW LED: Light is flashing on behalf of the unit work normally2. IR IN: Channel 1 IR Receiver. Connect with Wideband IR Rx.3. IR OUT: Channel 2 IR Transmitter. Connect with Wideband IR Tx.4. RS232 TX/RX: Connect to a PC or Laptop with 3-pin Relay cable for the transmission ofRS-232 commands.5. AUDIO IN: Connect to a PC or Laptop stereo output port via 3.5mm audio cable.6. USB-D: Connect to USB peripheral devices such as printer, keyboard, mouse, flash drive, etc.7. USB-H: Connect from PC or Laptop for data transmit to or control from the Receiver’s USB-D slots.8. USB-H/USB-D SELECT: Select USB host or USB device.Plug in the desired output and inputs, then power on the unit. Press SELECT to alternate between inputs that will be displayed via the output. Press SELECT once more to switch the output.TRANSMITTER REAR CONTROLS9. UPDATE: Reserved for manufacturer use only.10. Extender OUT: Standard Extender signal output port. Connect Extender receiver with a Cat5e/6/7 cable.11. HDMI IN: This slot is where you connect the HDMI source.12. SPDIF IN (Optical in): Connect to audio source equipment such as DVD or Blu-ray player for audio signal sending to Receiver’s SPDIF OUT (Optical out).13. SPDIF OUT (Optical out): Connect to speaker with coaxial input for audio signal output from Receiver’s SPDIF IN (Optical in).14. LAN: This slot provide Internet signal from receiver or to receiver.15. DC IN: Plug the 24V DC power supply into the unit.HDX-XT (TX) Front HDX-XT (TX) RearReceiver FRONT PANEL CONTROLPlug in the desired output and inputs, then power on the unit. Press SELECT to alternate between inputsthat will be displayed via the output. Press SELECT once more to switch the output.Power LED: illuminates when power has been supplied to the unit.Link LED: The connection status indicating lamp.Illuminate: The Transmitter and Receiver have good connections.Flashing: The Transmitter and Receiver have poor connections.Dark: The Transmitter and Receiver has no connections.HDCP LED: The HDCP status indicating lamp.Illuminate: The HDMI signal with HDCP.Flashing: The HDMI signal without HDCP.Dark: No HDMI signal.FW LED: Light is flashing on behalf of the unit work normally2. IR IN: Chanel 1 IR Receiver. Connect with Wideband IR Rx.3. IR OUT: Chanel 2 IR Transmitter. Connect with Wideband IR Tx.4. RS232 TX/RX: Connect to the devices that are to be controlled via 3-pin Relay cable byRS-232 commands.5. AUDIO OUT: Connect to speaker via 3.5mm audio cable.6. USB-D: Connect to USB peripheral devices such as printer, keyboard, mouse, flash drive, etc.7. USB-H: Connect from PC or Laptop for data transmit to or control from the Receiver’s USB-D slots.8. USB-H/USB-D SELECT: Select USB host or USB device.Plug in the desired output and inputs, then power on the unit. Press SELECT to alternate between inputs that will be displayed via the output. Press SELECT once more to switch the output.receiver REAR CONTROL9. UPDATE: Reserved for manufacturer use only.10. Extender IN: Standard Extender signal output port. Connect Extender Transmitter with a Cat5e/6/7 cable.11. HDMI OUT: This slot is where you connect the a HDMI equipped TV/monitor.12. SPDIF IN (Optical in): Connect to audio source equipment such as DVD or Blu-ray player for audio signal sending to Transmitter’s SPDIF OUT(Optical out).13. SPDIF OUT (Optical out): Connect to speaker with coaxial input for audio signal output from Transmitter’s SPDIF IN (Optical in).14. LAN: This slot provide Internet signal from receiver or to receiver.15. DC IN: Plug the 24V DC power supply into the unit.HDX-XT (RX) Front HDX-XT (RX) Reartechnical specifications:LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENTA. Extent of limited warrantySmart-AVI T echnologies, Inc. warrants to the end-user customers that the Smart-AVI product specified above will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the duration of 1 year, which duration begins on the date of purchase by the customer. Customer is responsible for maintaining proof of date of purchase. Smart-AVI limited warranty covers only those defects which arise as a result of normal use of the product, and do not apply to any:a. Improper or inadequate maintenance or modificationsb. Operations outside product specificationsc. Mechanical abuse and exposure to severe conditionsIf Smart-AVI receives, during applicable warranty period, a notice of defect, Smart-AVI will at its discretion replace or repair defective product. If Smart-AVI is unable to replace or repair defective product covered by the Smart-AVI warranty within reasonable period of time, Smart-AVI shall refund the cost of the prod-uct. Smart-AVI shall have no obligation to repair, replace or refund unit until customer returns defective product to Smart-AVI. Any replacement product could be new or like new, provided that it has functional-ity at least equal to that of the product being replaced. Smart-AVI limited warranty is valid in any country where the covered product is distributed by Smart-AVI.B. Limitations of warrantyT o the extant allowed by local law, neither Smart-AVI nor its third party suppliers make any other warranty or condition of any kind whether expressed or implied with respect to the Smart-AVI product, and spe-cifically disclaim implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, and fitnessfor a particular purpose.C. Limitations of liabilityT o the extent allowed by local law the remedies provided in this warranty statement are the customers sole and exclusive remedies. T o the extant allowed by local law, except for the obligations specifically set forth in this warranty statement, in no event will Smart-AVI or its third party suppliers be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages whether based on contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether advised of the possibility of such damages.D. Local lawT o the extent that this warranty statement is inconsistent with local law, this warranty statement shall be considered modified to be consistent with the law.T el: (800) AVI-2131 (702) 800-00052455 W Cheyenne Ave, Suite 112North Las Vegas, NV 89032。

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市面上大多4K显示器都配备了HDMI 1.4接口,仅能实现30Hz的刷新率,不足以带来流畅的显示效果,酱紫情况,就算是搭配了HDMI 2.0高清线也是无法发挥其作用。

只有更先进的HDMI 2.0标准,则能够实现60Hz的刷新率。

不过还是有厂家正式发布了两款HDMI 2.0接口标准的4K显示器,下面跟随小编一起来看看详细的内容。

VP2780-4K是一款27英寸4K显示器,配备了IPS面板,内置两个HDMI 1.4接口、一个全尺寸Display Port、一个迷你DP接口和HDMI 2.0接口。




同时,它也配备了HDMI 2.0接口,可实现60Hz刷新率,价格则为611美元(约合人民币3787元),定位相对更亲民一些。

HDMI 2.0的主要竞争对手是Display Port 1.3,不过暂时未有支持后者的显卡推出。


但可以肯定的是,如果你追求更完美的4K显示效果,HDMI 2.0标准都是要优于1.4的。

当然,既然选择了具备HDMI 2.0接口的显示屏,那么就得搭配一条符合HDMI 2.0标准的高清线,开博尔经典系列高清线已全新升级至HDMI2.0版,支持3D、4K分辨率,相助发挥最强高清视觉体验。

对于追求超清显示效果的PC用户来说,4K显示器无疑是最好的选择,但输出接口标准的事故问题,技术不断发展,先进的HDMI 2.0标准,能够实现60Hz的刷新率了,有需求的网友,不妨考虑以上产品。
