双关语的短句1. 【一语双关的句子和理解有哪些】字面上有明白的含义,并且,由于谐音、典故、语气……等多种要素,使得语句又隐含着另外一种含义,就叫作一语双关,即:一句话有两重关联.运用双关语是交谈中的重要手腕:既不明说,又能使相关的人心照不宣.1、谐音双关:东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴(情).打破盐(谐阎锡山姓)钵子,捣烂酱(谐蒋介石姓)罐子,百姓才有好日子.打破筒(谐童贯姓),泼了菜(谐蔡京姓),便是人间好世界.2、语意双关:夜正长,路也正长,我不如忘却,不说的好罢.爱新觉罗·溥仪三岁登基,大哭大喊,其父摄政王说:“别哭,别哭,快完了,快完了!”这引得文武百官心中嘀咕,认为乃不祥之兆,怎么能说“快完了”呢?假如是“一个句子可了解两个意义”,那叫作“歧义句”.如:“本人的弟弟正在做手术”.可了解为“本人的弟弟”是医生,也可了解为“本人的弟弟”是病人.意义基本就不分明.例:⒈上厕所时,别忘了来也匆匆,去也冲冲.⒉选举到了,候选人常会收到“菜头”,表示好彩头的意思.⒊不要只是一味的抄,要用心思考,才不会成为印钞(抄)机.⒋大考小考,快把我烤(考)糊了.。
2. 关于双关的句子双关是一种常见的修辞方式.在一定的语言环境中,借助语音或语义的联系,使语句同时关涉两种事物,这种言在此而意在彼的修辞方式叫双关.“员外郎”同“园外狼”谐音,既说的是员外郎,又说的是园外狼,与园中狮形成对比,幽默、戏谑、饶有趣味.这种利用词语的谐音关系(音同或者近)构成的双关叫谐音双关.猴子死后去见阎王,请求来世做人.阎王说:“你要做人,必须把身上的毛都拨掉.”就叫小鬼过来,给他拔毛.才拨一根,猴子就痛得大叫大嚷起来.阎王说:“看你,一毛不拔,怎能做人呢?”这则笑话假托一个寓言故事,讽刺极端吝啬自私的人,他们拔一毛利天下而不为.结尾发出了“怎能做人呢”的犀利质问.“一毛不拔”字面意义是一根毫毛都不肯拔,引申义是形容极其吝啬自私.这则笑话兼有两种意义:表面上假托阎王责骂猴子一根毫毛都不肯拔;实际上是用来讽刺极其吝啬自私的人.这种借助词语的多义关系构成的双关叫语义双关.这里宝玉又说:“不必烫暖了,我只爱吃冷的.”薛姨妈道:“这可使不得;吃了冷酒,写字手打颤儿.”宝钗笑道:“宝兄弟,亏你每日家杂学旁收的,难道就不知道酒性最热,要热吃下去,发散的就快;耍冷吃下去,便凝结在内,拿五脏去暖他,岂不受害?从此还不改了呢.快别吃那冷的了.”宝玉听了这话有理,便放下冷的,令人烫来方饮.黛玉嗑着瓜子儿,只管抿着嘴儿笑.可巧黛玉的丫环雪雁走来给黛玉送小手炉儿.黛玉因含笑问她说:“谁叫你送来的?难为他费心.——那里就冷死我了呢!” 雪雁遣:“紫鹃姐姐怕姑娘冷,叫我送来的.”黛玉接了,抱在怀中,笑道:“也亏了你倒听她的话!我平日和你说的,全当耳旁风,怎么他说了你就依,比圣旨还快呢‘宝玉听这话;知是黛玉借比奚落,也无回复之词,只嘻嘻的笑了一阵罢了.(《红楼梦》第八回)黛玉对雪雁说的一段话,“你”表面上指雪雁,实际指宝玉;“他”表面上指紫鹃,实际上指宝钗,是一语双关.但和前文说的谐音双关、语义双关不同,而是利用特殊的语言环境中人物之间各自不同的关系,指着秃子骂瞎子.这种指桑骂槐式的双关,可以叫影射双关.据说,清代文人金圣叹临刑前赠给儿子一副对联:莲子心中苦,梨儿腹内酸.从字面上看,“莲子”“梨儿”指结的两种果实,而金圣叹的两个儿子的乳名就叫“莲子”“梨儿”.“莲子”与“怜子”同音,“梨儿”与“离儿”同音,临刑之际写这副对联,寄托了爱怜子女的凄e79fa5e9819331333363353863苦悲痛的心情.这是涉及三个方面的“双关”.例子(1):杨柳青青江水平,闻郎江上唱歌声。
近音双关指的是两个词或短语的发音相似,意思不同, 给听者或读者带来明确的联想,造成一语双关。例如: 例3:During the two previous centuries musical styles went in one era and out of another. 在前两个世纪,音乐风格时髦一阵,又很快销声匿迹。 例4:One man’s Mede is another man’s Persian. 一个人当宝,一个人当草(各有所好)。
在现代英语词汇中,同音异义词数量很大,为双关表达 提供了大量的原始素材。同音异义词发音一样,拼写和词义 不同,因此常被巧妙地运用,形成双关。例如: 例1:Seven days without water makes one weak. 七天无水喝,渴得人虚弱。 例2:0n Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you. 星期日他们为你祈祷,星期一则对你掠夺。 例1巧妙套用了Seven days make one week这个人 所共知的句子,利用weak和week同音的条件,获得幽默的 效果。例2则利用pray(祈祷)和prey(掠夺)两词同音异义 的条件,把两个意义完全相反的句子排在一起进行对比,印 象鲜明,使人感触至深。
use idioms
-Which runs faster, heat or cold? -Heat runs faster, because you can easily catch cold. -Why is crow the bravest bird inr shows the white feather? (胆怯)
广告的翻译 广告口号(slogans)、广告 --直译法 语句(catch-phrases)的特 --转译法 点 --仿译法 – 吸引力 (attractive --catch the reader’s 商标的英译 attention) 1. 直译法(Literal translation); – 创造力 (creative --2. 音译法(Transliteration project an image) method); – 说服力 (persuasive --- 汉语拼音 urge the reader to act) -适当调整 – 影响力 (impressive --3.音意结合法(Sound produce an impact combination with meaning); 4. 转译法(Translation turned).
A deal with us means a good deal to you. 译文:和我们做买卖意味着您做了一笔好买 because the grammar of the pun problems, such as government structure, a word or phrase has two kinds of above grammar function, etc . e.g: Coke refreshes you like no other can. 译文:没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽
WEAR-EVER introduces a new concept in glass oven ware: CLEANABILITY. 译文:“恒久”玻璃炉具带给你一个全 新的概念:洁净。
Semantic pun is using the words or sentences polysemy in certain circumstances of the formation of the pun。 eg: The label of achievements. Black Label commands more respects. 译文:酒是功成名就的标志。黑色标志使 您更显尊贵。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作论海明威《一天的等待》的冰山原则写作风格边缘人群的孤独与无奈——对《夜访吸血鬼》中路易斯的研究彼得潘--孩子和成人共同的童话浅析“苹果”广告中的文化因素《女勇士》中的华裔女性形象浅析相同的追求,不同的命运——《红楼梦》中的林黛玉和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白比较汉英习语中的文化差异及翻译《查特莱夫人的情人》中肉体与灵魂的平衡论中美广告中所反映的文化价值观差异礼貌原则在商务英语中的运用论建构主义理论指导下英语口语教学方法英语电影片名的汉译研究汉语叠词翻译的对等研究汉译英语足球新闻中修辞手法的策略论色彩在《红字》中的运用与艺术效果从《蜘蛛侠》系列看美国的英雄主义用合作原则分析莎士比亚《李尔王》中的会话含义从《爱玛》看简•奥斯丁的女性主义意识浅议模糊语在商务英语中的运用英汉恭维语及其应答对比研究“词块”理论及应用前景探微正面解读《名利场》中的蓓基-夏泼英语汉源借词研究诗歌《飞鸟集》的意象评析广告英语及其翻译论麦琪的悲剧An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China 文化差异对英语阅读的影响When Chinese Tradition Meets Western Culture: Comparison between Qi Xi and Valentine’s Day 论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗从《小公主》看童话对于当今的现实意义《儿子与情人》中扭曲的爱论反语的语用功能增译法在商务英语汉译中的应用海斯特—《红字》中一位具有反叛精神的女英雄The Rose in the “Heights”—An Analysis on Catherine’s Personality in Wuthering Heights从谈判风格看中美文化差异从功能翻译理论看企业简介汉英翻译灰姑娘文学形象在西方文化中的发展和演变研究论《傲慢与偏见》中的妇女地位问题路易斯——现实世界在非现实世界的投影——解读《夜访吸血鬼》的现代性Scarlett O'Hara and Feminism《觉醒》与《欢乐之家》中的女性形象和女权思想之比较男权制度下的悲剧——论《德伯家的苔丝》浅析企业更名Exploring The Matrix: Hacker MetaphysicsA Comparison of the English Color TermsOn Alice Walker’s Womanism in The Color Purple矛盾修辞法的认知语用分析《老人与海》和《热爱生命》的生态比较附带学习和有意识学习对英语词汇习得效果的比较研究从文化角度浅析中美两国幽默的特点广告英语中双关语的翻译《名利场》中男性与女性形象解析《时间中的孩子》成长主题分析海明威短篇小说的叙述艺术--以《一个明亮干净的地方》为例浅析当今网络英语交流中的缩略语从中西方节日看中西文化差异A Contrastive Study on Language Features of Chinese and English Proverbs目的论视角下的公司简介汉英翻译The Influence of The New Policy of Export Tax Rebates解读艾丽斯•沃克《紫色》中的家庭The Word Use and Translation of English NewsRoberta’s Role in An American Tragedy论《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的悲剧原因消极商务信函写作策略初中英语读写技能综合教学模式研究英语抽象名词和物质名词的数概念分析从“绯闻女孩”与“我的青春谁做主”中浅析中美青年婚姻爱情观的异同小说《飘》中瑞德巴特勒的人物性格分析研究交替传译中的笔记特征以及它对翻译准确度的影响《夏日鸟笼》的女性主义解读从文化语境角度分析英汉禁忌语的异同The Application of TBLT in English Reading Classes of Junior High School初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策An Eco-analysis of The Yearling合作原则在商务谈判中的运用礼貌策略在国际商务谈判中的运用美国犹太文化与传统犹太文化的冲突——浅析《再见吧,哥伦布》从小说人物分析简•奥斯汀的情感智慧场独立和场依存对不同主题阅读材料的影响研究托马斯•哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究初中英语合作学习《了不起的盖茨比》中女性人物性格分析主语显著和话题显著—英汉语对比分析《爱玛》中的女权思想解读幽默元素在英语电影和电视剧中的翻译从目的论看《红楼梦》中“狗”习语的翻译文化背景知识在英语教学中的作用问题类型对TEM阅读成绩影响的实证研究On the Influence of the Female Characters On Pip in Great Expectations高中生英语学习成败归因现状调查及对策“合作学习”策略在英语教学中的应用西方电影片名翻译的功能目的论分析中美文化视阈中的商务谈判风格Personality that Matters: A Psychological Analysis of the Misunderstanding between Elizabeth and Darcy汉语喜剧小品中的模因现象研究英语口语教学中的不足之处以及改善方法英语电影片名翻译策略研究商务信函的写作原则与技巧An Analysis of Harmonious Coexistence Between Nature and Civilization in Wuthering Heights From the Perspective of Eco-criticism谁在说话?——论作者-叙述者和译者-叙述者在原本和译本中的叙述声音的不同处理汉英招呼语的对比研究汉语对英语语法学习的负迁移英汉味觉隐喻的对比研究论英语词汇学习策略论《睡谷传奇》中的幽默元素《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《哈姆雷特》中的双关鉴赏Three Discriminations to Little Black American Girls in The Bluest Eye英汉委婉语的文化对比研究——以“死亡”委婉语为例分析福尔摩斯的性格特征论性别歧视李清照词英译研究《纯真年代》中社会与个人的碰撞英汉委婉语比较研究商标名的英译汉目的论研究——以洗护用品为例中外大学校训对比研究从唯美主义角度解读王尔德的《快乐王子》文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响《宠儿》中黑人母亲角色的解读八十年代以来汉语中英语外来语及翻译英语专业学生语音学习中的问题伍尔夫的《达罗卫夫人》中的意识流和象征主义手法分析英语动物习语的研究及翻译从传统消费观念看中美文化差异现代叙事艺术与海明威的《永别了武器》Translation of Gududeqiu from the Perspective of Qian Zhongshu’s Realm of Sublimation《红字》中珠儿与《雷雨》中周萍之比较论《金色笔记》的多元主题A Comparative Study of Sino-US Courtesy《夜莺颂》的翻译技巧探究从美学角度分析英文电影《阿凡达》的汉语翻译简奥斯汀作品中的讽刺和说教主义中学英语教学到大学英语教学衔接问题研究《威尼斯商人》中鲍西亚形象浅析《喜福会》中的中美文化差异《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析从《简爱》看电影对名著的改编On Human Nature in Frankenstein英语新闻标题中的修辞及其翻译悖论式的唯美主义--论王尔德的《道连•格雷的画像》任务型教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用What to Love and Hate ----on "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"礼貌策略的英汉对比研究—以《傲慢与偏见》及其译本为例简析《卡斯特桥市长》中亨查德的悲剧命运《恋爱中的女人》人物及其人物关系的象征分析《达洛维夫人》死亡意识解读从《喜福会》中透视文化的冲突与融合从文化差异的角度论文学译者的翻译技巧小学英语教学中的体态语应用《夜色温柔》男主人公迪克的精神变化研究《紫色》中“家”的解读论口译的原则与技巧《灿烂千阳》中女性人物的忍耐,斗争和重生How to Avoid Chinglish on English Writing of Senior High School Students英国文化中的非语言交际的研究哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中体现的男权思维和女性意识A Study of the Characters and Their Influence on the Hero of The Catcher in the Rye 论英汉翻译过程从文化视角看部分英汉习语的异同二语习得理论及其对小学英语教学的影响一个典型的拜伦式英雄——论《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克利夫运用弗洛伊德人格理论解读《吸血鬼日记》中的吸血鬼形象A Reflection upon American Heroism Based on Reviews of Hollywood Movies论伊恩•麦克尤恩作品《赎罪》中的道德观浅析美国慈善捐赠的文化动因A Comparative Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Chinese Renditions in Different Periods可口可乐产品推销中的中国元素分析新闻新词的文化内涵与翻译浅探篮球文化的理论构建Purity and Doom: on Thomas Hardy’s Tess’s of the d’Urbervilles《名利场》中女性命运对比修辞学角度下的女性商品广告的语言分析显现的被动•隐现的自我——《看不见的人》中被动语态的身份建构功能研究英语写作中干扰因素的分析“家有儿女”VS“成长的烦恼”——对比研究中西方家庭教育中外酒文化差异分析主位推进模式在语篇翻译中的应用A Research on Frances Burnett’s “Fauntleroy” Writing StylePsychological Analysis of Stuttering in The King’s Speech浅析中西饮食文化的差异从《老人与海》中看海明威的人生哲学高中英语听力课中的文化教学从跨文化角度看导游词翻译的词汇空缺现象英语中常用修辞格中国文化特色词的英译——以《阿Q正传》的两个译本为例浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中的苔丝悲剧的成因日用品广告语言中中西方价值观差异比较研究网络环境下小组合作学习模式研究《动物农庄》的极权主义的研究《苔丝》中的女性与自然《嘉莉妹妹》中女性自我意识探析英汉广告中的双关语及其互译《芭芭拉少校》中的现实主义英语中的汉语外来词埃德加•爱伦•坡恐怖小说的哥特式特征分析试析托妮·莫里森《宠儿》中的魔幻现实主义论文化软实力的提升对中国在国际社会中的影响力从归化异化角度浅析《三字经》两个英译版本。
英语双关语及其翻译[Abstract] English pun is one of the important figures of speech, and it is widely used in various literary works, such as poems, novels, stories, advertisements and riddles, etc. Based on the definitions of English pun, this paper points out that homonyms, homophones, and homographs are available to construct puns. According to the characteristics and functions of their formation, Lv Xu divided English pun into three types, they are homophonic puns, homographic puns, puns on both pronunciation and meaning. English pun takes advantage of its distinctive features in nature and tries to produce ambiguity on purpose in order to get the effect of aiming at a pigeon and shooting at a crow. English puns can achieve many effects: humor, satire, vivid expression of the characters‟ feelings, which can increase the beauty of language and improve readability in order to attract the readers‟ interest. However, the translation of English pun is always considered to be extremely difficult. Many people even consi der puns as “untranslatable”. Since there is much difference between Chinese and English in phonology and morphology, it is difficult to find equivalence both in sound and in meaning in the target language for a translator. But there is no source text that is absolutely untranslatable; the translation of puns is possible to a certain extent. This paper introduces 3 main types to translate English puns. They are literal translation, free translation, and annotated translation.[Key Words] English pun; classification; characteristics; function; translation【摘要】英语双关语是重要的修辞格之一,这种修辞格广泛运用于各种文学作品,如诗歌、小说、故事、广告及谜语中。
1. “你可别小瞧我,我这人啊,有时候就是‘绷不住’笑场,就像那气球,一戳就破!这里的‘绷不住’既是指控制不了情绪笑出来,又形象地类比了气球容易破的状态呀。
2. “哎呀,他那个人总是‘打太极’,推三阻四的,跟他说话就像在和一团空气周旋,这个‘打太极’既说他做事像打太极一样推来推去,又形象地表达了那种让人无奈的感觉呢。
3. “你说这事儿办得,简直是‘乱弹琴’!就好比那没有规律的噪音,让人头疼!这里的‘乱弹琴’既是说事情做得乱七八糟,又如同弹琴乱七八糟发出噪音一样呀。
4. “我看他呀,就是个‘马大哈’,整天丢三落四的,跟那没头苍蝇似的。
5. “她这人啊,说话总喜欢‘绕圈子’,不直说,就像那迷宫似的,让人迷糊。
6. “这天气,一会儿晴一会儿雨的,真是‘孩儿脸’啊!这个‘孩儿脸’既形容天气多变像小孩的脸一样说变就变,又有那种生动活泼的感觉呢。
7. “他呀,总是挑毛病,简直是个‘刺儿头’,跟刺猬似的,谁碰扎谁!这里的‘刺儿头’既说他爱找问题不好惹,又形象地和刺猬联系起来了呀。
还剩三条 * 才。
例⑤中的“还剩三条 * 才”。
最新-诠释英汉双关语对比及翻译 精品
![最新-诠释英汉双关语对比及翻译 精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1177d5d6700abb68a982fba5.png)
1. 动物类•Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honeycombs.•What do you call a bear without any teeth? A gummy bear.•How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together.2. 食物类•I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!•I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.•Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.3. 职业类•The math teacher went crazy with the blackboard. He did a number on it.•I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.•The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work.4. 自然界类•Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.•Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He will stop at nothing to avoid them!•Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love, and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent!5. 日常生活类•I’m re ading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!•I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.•The man who fell into an upholstery machine is now fully recovered.6. 健康类•The patient refused the nurse’s offer to draw his blood because he didn’t have any to spare.•Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!•Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts.7. 爱情类•Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.•Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He will stop at nothing to avoid them!•Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love, and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent!8. 科学类•Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!•I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!•The man who fell into an upholstery machine is now fully recovered.以上只是一部分常见的英文双关语,通过运用这些双关语,我们可以增加交流的乐趣,提高语言的表达力。
The Puns in English Advertisement and Their TranslationAbstractPun is a rhetorical technique commonly used in advertising styles. It is also a difficult point to translate puns in English advertisements to have both form and spirit. This article combines a large number of advertising examples to explain the characteristics of puns in English advertising, and analyzes the three conditions of puns.The article also points out that the function of puns is not all about making people laugh. From the perspective of advertisers, puns have two functions: one is to overcome the adverse factors for advertisers in the advertising communication environment, and the other is to inconvenience Unspeakable information is implicitly expressed. Finally, a preliminary discussion is made on the translation of puns in English advertisements.Keywords: English advertising, puns, translation英语广告中的双关语及其翻译摘要双关语作为广告文体中常用的一种修辞手法, 英语广告中双关语的翻译要做到形神兼备也是一大难点。
What is the worst kind of fish? Selfish.
What keys won’t open door? A monkey, a donkey and a turkey.
当两种语言和文化的相关因素出现巧合时,双关碰巧 不难翻译,不得牺牲双关。
That home is home though it is never so homely. 家虽不佳也是家。 Why is the river rich? Because it has two banks. 为什么河流总是富有的?因为它总是向前(钱)流。
双关语译为不同双关语 双关语→双关语(求得神似,“得意” 而 “变形”, 不失 为上策)
分类— 按表层结构
二词同音双关 :一个音所涵盖或关涉的两个意义不同的词 都在句中出现。
同音同形异义 If we don’t hang together, we’ll hang separately. 同音异形异义 The “in” idea in business travel——Hilton Inns.
这里 埋葬的是 莱斯特∙莫尔 他死于 A44枪弹 不多不少 整四颗。
非双关语译为双关语 非双关语→双关语(在不含双关语的文字中自己创造双关语 ,又称谐音双关法)
Coca - Cola 可口可乐 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 Maxam 美加净 Contac 康泰克
一词二义双关:利用词的同音和多义条件,以一个词或一 个短语关涉两个意思。
因满意而乐得合不拢嘴 因喜欢而吃了一穗又一穗
Idioms or slang pun 成语或俗语双关
You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux.
to go nuts
“去买坚果” “疯狂、发疯”。
Idioms or slang pun 成语或俗语双关
名词 :饮料罐
Idioms or slang pun 成语或俗语双关
Idioms or slang pun 成语或俗语双关
Try our sweet corn. You’ll smile from ear to ear.
from ear to ear
名词 :饮料罐
Grammar Pun 语法双关
Coke refreshes you like no other can.
Coke refreshes you like no other (can: tin, drink) can (refresh you)
Pun in
1 Phonetic Pun 谐音双关 2 Semantic Pun 语义双关 3 Grammar Pun 语法双关 4 Idioms or slang pun 成语或俗语双关
Phonetic Pun 谐音双关
Phonetic Pun
浅谈英语的双关语及其翻译[摘要] 英语双关语作为一种修辞手段,长期以来被广泛地应用在日常会话、故事、小说、广告、戏剧、诗歌、笑话、谜语等文体中,用来造成幽默、诙谐、讽刺的效果,使语言变得生动、活泼、有力。
[关键词] 英语双关语不可译翻译方法双关语是英语中一种重要的修辞手法,也是英语中常见的一种幽默形式。
一、双关的定义英语双关语pun,又叫paronomasia或play on words,是利用语言中的谐音、歧义、模糊等现象,让一个词语,一个短语,一个句子或一个语言片段同时兼顾两种事物,或表达双层意思。
《牛津英语词典》(The Oxford English Dictionary. 1989)给“pun”下的定义:The use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect.(用一个词去暗示两种或两种以上的意义或引起不同的联想,或者用两个或两个以上发音相同或相近而意义不同的词,以产生一种幽默效果。
一句双关的优美句子带解释1. 一语双关的句子和理解1、谐音双关:东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴(情)。
望采纳哈.很高兴为你解答问题哦,呵呵2. 我要三四句一语双关的句子一.(音义双关)谐音双关一句词语除本字所含的意义外,同时因同音或语音读音之相近能互相引申、联想、对照词义称之为谐音双关。
7.王大空笨鸟飞歌里台湾进口很多瑞士、日本、美国的名表,劳力士、浪琴、星辰、芝柏、精工,却买不到一只 Movado,谁会买这种[莫法度]的表呢? 8.新闻报导:学生多四眼,苦读成[进士]同[肝]共苦如何得了,我B型肝炎患者占世界第一位。
【精编范文】广告英语中双关语的运用及翻译-word范文 (7页)
![【精编范文】广告英语中双关语的运用及翻译-word范文 (7页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ac37a67cfe4733687e21aa5e.png)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==广告英语中双关语的运用及翻译摘要:双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。
(1)GoodbuyWinter!100%Cotton Knitwear $40这是一则冬季服装削价出售的广告。
1. "Say it with flowers" - 以花传情这个双关语的广告口号暗示了送花作为表达情感的方式。
2. "You're worth it" - 你值得拥有这个双关语广告语在化妆品行业非常常见。
3. "Breakfast of champions" - 冠军的早餐这个双关语广告语用于推广某个早餐食品。
4. "When it rains, it pours" - 这下倒霉了这个双关语广告语常用于推广食品或调味品。
5. "Life's a journey, enjoy the ride" - 人生是一场旅程,享受骑行吧这个双关语广告语常用于推广交通工具或旅游产品。
Call over the coals:批评I couldn’t care less:我才不管呢Heavy cream=a fat womanCarry the can:背黑锅By a long chalk、、:在很大程度上,远远Cheese off=tired ofA chip on one’s shoulder:阴影Cock of the walk:领袖人物,称王称霸的人Get cold feet:迟迟不见行动Come home with the milk:深夜未归,清晨才回家Come off:成功Don’t come it:不要吹嘘了Cop it hot=punish heavilyCrack up=praised highlyCut no ice:站不住脚,不起作用Put in a word:插嘴Cut up rough:愤怒,大发脾气A dab hand=skillfulDig at:讽刺An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country..大使对内之忠骨,心不可不洁;对外之圆滑,口不可不吉大使对国有忠贞不二之骨,对外有三寸不烂之舌。
If we don’t hang together, we shall assuredly hang separately.我们必须共赴沙场,否则就得分赴刑场。
We don’t recruit cabin staff not because they are pretty, but because they are pretty smart.我们招收乘务人员,不看脸蛋帅不帅,而看脑袋快不快。
American is putting on the dog. It’s comfort to know it’s Hush Puppies quality. When you are wearing Hush Puppies jeans and sweaters you know you are in style with value that you can count on.Money doesn’t grow on the trees. But it blossoms at our branches --- Lloyal Bank.(branch 指的是银行分行,也有树干的意思)Y ou will go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux.It fills you go and gives you lets of go.。
[标签:标题]篇一:有趣的英语双关语PunsPuns例句:1.On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday prey on you.星期天他们为你祈祷,星期一他们却向你榨取。
2.Seven days without water makes one weak (week).七天不喝水,虚的拉不动腿。
Homonyms ['h?m?nims] :Why is an empty purse always the same?Because there is never any change in it.钱包为什么老是瘪的?因为它里面从来就没有零钱。
Polysemy [,p?li'si:mi, p?'lis?mi, 'p?lisi:mi]We eat what we can and what we can’t we can.我们能吃的就吃,不能吃的就做成罐头。
Asteismus岐解双关(asteismus) 即后者在回答前者的话时有意(无意)地曲解原意,造成不同理解,进而形成岐解双关。
1.A professor tapped on his desk and shouted: “Gentlemen ,order!”The entire class yelled “Beer!”一位教授敲着桌子喊道:“先生们,安静!”全班同学异口同声地喊“啤酒”。
(一)广告Give your hair a touch of Spring.给你的头发洒满春色,让你的头发富有弹性。
(二)笑话What’s the difference between a soldier and a young girl?One powders the face ,the other faces the powder.一个士兵和一个年轻姑娘的区别是什么?一个往脸上抹粉,一个面对火药。
双关语(Double entendre)是指在一个句子中,意思同时可以读出
比如,可口可乐宣传口号“Open happiness”,直译:“打开快乐”,双关语的
的技巧来激发大家的共鸣,比如说,微软的宣传语“Where do y ou want
to go today?”,直译:“今天你想去哪里?”这里强调不仅仅是今天,
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双关语及其翻译[Abstract] English pun is one of the important figures of speech, and it is widely used in various literary works, such as poems, novels, stories, advertisements and riddles, etc. Based on the definitions of English pun, this paper points out that homonyms, homophones, and homographs are available to construct puns. According to the characteristics and functions of their formation, Lv Xu divided English pun into three types, they are homophonic puns, homographic puns, puns on both pronunciation and meaning. English pun takes advantage of its distinctive features in nature and tries to produce ambiguity on purpose in order to get the effect of aiming at a pigeon and shooting at a crow. English puns can achieve many effects: humor, satire, vivid ex pression of the characters‟ feelings, which can increase the beauty of language and improve readability in order to attract the readers‟ interest. However, the translation of English pun is always considered to be extremely difficult. Many people even cons ider puns as “untranslatable”. Since there is much difference between Chinese and English in phonology and morphology, it is difficult to find equivalence both in sound and in meaning in the target language for a translator. But there is no source text that is absolutely untranslatable; the translation of puns is possible to a certain extent. This paper introduces 3 main types to translate English puns. They are literal translation, free translation, and annotated translation.[Key Words] English pun; classification; characteristics; function; translation 【摘要】英语双关语是重要的修辞格之一,这种修辞格广泛运用于各种文学作品,如诗歌、小说、故事、广告及谜语中。
【关键词】英语双关语;分类;本质特点;作用;翻译1. IntroductionIn a certain context, a word or phrase that is relevant to two or more conceptions, ideas or feelings is often employed to make an expression more effective or humorous. This is achieved when there exists identity or similarity between certain words in such aspects as pronunciation, formation or meaning. This identity or similarity produces double meanings, which enables people to connect naturally the literal meaning with the implied meaning. Of these two meanings, the implied meaning is the principal part.This is what we call the use of pun. “The use of pun dates back to ancient days. Shakespeare favored pun particularly. It is estimated that there are about 3000 puns employed in Shake speare‟s works [1].” The employment of pun in English novels, poems, speeches, advertisements and riddles makes them highly readable and prompts people to appreciate the beauty of language. And the translation of English puns into Chinese enhances the charm of the original works and theunderstanding of the version.2. Definition and classification of puns2.1 Definition of punsLooking at the same issue from different perspectives, we may often come up with different definitions of the thing under discussion. And, not surprisingly, pun can be thus defined in many ways. There is such a humorous explanation about pun: “punning –to torture one poor word ten thousand ways (John Dryden)”[2].In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, pun is defined as “An amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or words with the same sound but different meanings”[3] . According to The Oxford English Dictionary, pun is defined as “the use of word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect”[4]. In Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, pun is defined as “A figure of speech dependin g upon a similarity of sound and a disparity of meaning”[5].From the above definitions, we can see that homonyms, homophones, and homographs all are available to construct puns with.2.1.1 HomonymsA homonym is a word that is identical to another word in pronunciation and spelling but not in meaning [6].For example:(1) Can: n. & v. Put something in a containersp; Be able to(2) Change: v. To become differentChange: n. Money in the form of coins(3) Bear: v. Sustain responsibility; endure difficulty, etcBear: n. A kind of animal, having thick fur and walking on its soles(4) Book: n. A written or printed workBook: v. Engage (a seat etc.) in advance; make a reservation of2.1.2 HomophonesA homophone is a word that is identical to another word in pronunciation but not in spelling and meaning.For example:(5) Bale: n. A large bundleBail: v. To remove water from a boat(6) Knew: v. Past of knowNew: adj. Of recent origin or arrival(7) Soul: n. Spiritual or immaterial part of man, held to survive deathSole: n. Lower surface of human or other foot(8) Pair: n. A set of two persons or things used together or regarded as a unitPear: n. A yellowish or brownish-green fleshy fruit, tapering towards the stalk2.1.3 HomographsA homograph is a word that is identical to another word in spelling but not in pronunciation and meaning.For example:(9) Minute: n. Sixtieth part of an hourMinute: adj. Very small; trifling(10) Digest: v. To change food in the stomach into a form your body can useDigest: n. A short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from a book, report etc(11) Lead: v. Guide by the hand, direct movements ofLead: n. A kind of metal(12) Wind: n. Air in more or less rapid natural motionWind: v. Go in circular, spiral course2.2 Classification of English punsConcerning the classification of puns, different linguists have different standpoints. As He Shanfen states in “Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese-L anguages”, puns can be roughly divided into three kinds. They are named antalaclasis, paronomasia and syllepsis [7]. Here the author uses two examples to explain the first two parts.Antalaclasis refers to a word used twice or more, but each time with a different meaning. For example:(13) To England will I steal and there I‟ll steal.The first “steal” means “to go to England secretly without being noticed”, while the second “steal” is used in its most commonly used meaning.Paronomasia is the use of two words, which are similar in pronunciation but different in meaning. For example:(14) Catch the Raincheetahs and cheat the rain.Here “raincheetahs” is the brand name of the product. It is pronounced similarly to “raincheater” which echoes to “cheat the rain”.In “English Writing and Rhetoric” written by Prof. WenJun, a more specific means of classification brings about five categories of puns [8] : homophonic pun, paronomasia, antalaclasis, Sylletic pun and asteimus.H owever, according to Li Xinhua, in his work, “A Detailed Study of Figures ofSpeech in English”, he points that those five categories classified by Prof. Wenjun are clear but over-elaborate. In summary, it is clearer to divide into these two types: one is homophonic pun, the other is homographic pun. He also points out that, in those five categories, No1 and No2 belong to the homophonic pun; the others belong to the homographic pun, which is the wayto bring complication into simplicity. And it is easier to master the characteristics of figure of speech. However, as Lv Xu states in “Practical English Rhetoric”, according to the characteristics and functions of their formation, puns can be divided into three types[9]: homophonic puns, homographic puns, puns on both pronunciation and meaning.2.2.1 Homophonic punsIt is the use of words with the same or similar pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. It also called phonetic puns, and phonetic pun is the basic form of English pun. In our daily communication, phonetic is the carrier of transferring information. According to psycholinguistics, speech communication is a process of psychological activities from encoding to decoding. When speakers employ the order of …thinking-meaning-voice‟ to transmit outside, it is called encoding; when listeners employ the order of …voice-meaning-thinking‟ to process and try to understand, it is called decoding. The inter-processing only relies on hearing, lacking visual sense, and it will cause ambiguity in understanding.For example:(15) “How is bread made?”“I know that!” Alice cried eagerly. “You take some flour…”“Where do you pick the flower?” The white Queen asked. “In a garden or in the hedges?”“Well, it isn‟t picked at all.” Alice explained. “It‟s ground…”“How many acres of ground?” said the white Queen.[10](Lewis Carrol: Alice‟s Adventures in Wonderland)In this example, “flower” and “flour” have the same pronunciation but quite different in meaning. The adoption of the homophonic pun makes the dialogue more vivid, humorous. Moreover, “ground” can be understood as “solid surface of the earth”, and also can be understood as “the past of grind”.(16) Drunk drivers often put the quart before the hearse.Here, “quart” is similar to “cart” in sound, while “hearse” is similar to “horse”. This sentence can construct homophonic pun by borrowing from the idiom “put the cart before the horse”, which means “put or say things in the wrong order”. This pun is driving at warning the addicting drivers that driving after drink is a kind of suicide.(17) “Waiter, there‟s a hair in my soup.”“So sorry, sir. Did you order it without?”“Hair” here means “one of the fine thread-like strands that grow from the skin of people and animals”, while the waiter understand it on purpose as “hare”. “Hare” means “an animal cooked as ordered food”. The customer is complaining about the bad condition of the restaurant, but by using the homophonic pun, the waiter is being humorous to ease away the complaint.2.2.2 Homographic punsIt is the crafty use of the features of homonyms or polysemy to express the double meanings. Take the following as an example,(18)–Some boys think I‟m pretty and some boys think I‟m ugly. Wha t do you think, Tom?- A bit of both.- What do you mean?- Pretty uglyAs an adjective, “pretty” means “pleasing and attractive”, therefore, the lastsentence can be understood as “she is both attractive and ugly”, while as an adverb, “pretty” means “rather, fairly”, so the sentence also means “she is very ugly”. Tom employs the “pretty” beautifully, it is a polysemy. And we can learn about the humor in the dialogue.(19) The clerk: Are you engaged?Augustus: What business is that of yours? However, if you will take the trouble to read the society papers for this week, you will see that I am engaged to Honorable Lucy Popham, youngest daughter of –The clerk: That isn‟t what I mean. Can you see a female?Augustus: Of course. I can see a female as easily as a male. Do you suppose I am blind?The clerk: You don‟t seem to follow me; somehow, there is a female downstairs, what you might call a lady. She wants to know, can you see her if I let her up.[11] - G. B. Shaw Augustus Does His BitIn the play, two puns are employed. First, the phrase “be engaged in sth” means “be occupied or busy”; “be engaged to sb” means “agreed to marry sb”. Second, the verb “see” is understood as “have an interview with sb; meet sb” in the c lerk, while Augustus interpret it as “whether he has the power of sight”. “Are you engaged?” here according to the clerk, he wants to ask Augustus whether he is busy or not? But Augustus understands it as “agreed to marry sb”. We can learn from this dialogue sparkling with humorous and wit that Augustus is thinking about women all day long.(20) The number of attorneys who die without a will is amazing.Even where there is no will, there is a way. [12]The first “will” means “statement, document”; the second means “a person‟s power can direct his thoughts or influence others”.Michael Demarest uses this homographic pun to tell us the difference between chronic procrastination and purposeful postponement and make a great satire.2.2.3 Puns on both pronunciation and meaningThis kind of pun often embodies the special names of figures in the literary work. When the authors want to portray a person, they often employ this kind of pun to give the person a special name in order to reveal the figure‟s character, behavior and fate. Lv Xu expounds this kind of pun with originality; he thinks that the use of this kind of pun can be vivid in stressing the figure and portraying the character of the figure. Take the following as an example,(21) In Shakespeare‟s “King Henry IV”, Sir John Falstatff is not a character who thinks and acts in one or the same way. “In appearance, he is kind, noble, wit and brave, however, in fact, he is a selfish, coward, licentious and wicked man – a truly false s tuff [13]. And the word “Falstatff” is similar to “false stuff” in pronunciation. Another example goes like this: In Gilbert Highet‟s “The Philosopher and the Conqueror”, this sentence “A titter broke out from the elegant Greeks, who were already beginning to make jokes about the cur that looked at the king.”[14] Here “the cur” refers to Diogenes –the philosopher on one hand, Diogenes acted very rudely toward the great conqueror that everyone else respected and admired, andon the other hand, Diogenes is a cynic philosopher. And the origin of the word “cur” is the Greek word kunikos, meaning “a dog”. So “cur” is a typical feature of Diogene, and the image of Diogene is vivid to us. In R.B.Sheridan‟s “The School for Scandal”, Lady Sneerwell, Sir Benjamin Back bite and Captain Boastall are famous for their respective features: Sneerwell does well in sneering, Benjamin Backbite usually spreads calumnious rumors behind one‟s back; and Captain Boastall likes to talk big.From the above examples, we can see the feature of this kind of pun is to use an object‟s traits to express the object itself. And this feature also can be found in another figure of speech – metonymy. For example,(22) The boiled lobster walked into the office.Here “boiled lobster” re fers to Britain soldier, because Britain soldiers often wear red uniform.(23) Soapy stood still with his hands in his pockets and smiled at the sight of brass buttons.“Brass buttons” is one of the features of American cop uniform, so here it refe rs to police.The above analysis indicates that pun is in a certain extent connected with metonymy, about this point; Li Xinhua‟s point is good for understanding the interrelation. He thinks, “English pun belongs to the category of metonymy [15]”. Metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another, in essence, so does pun. Pun is the use of a wordwith same or similar pronunciation to express the different meanings, or the use of the same word to suggest different meanings. In a word, no matter it is pronunciation or spelling, it always does with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. Therefore, “the substitution of the name of …A‟ for …B‟” is the common feature of pun and metonymy. However, we can‟t mix them up, because the formation of puns possesses the following two characteristics.3. Characteristics of English punThe formation of English pun needs two fundamental conditions: ambiguity anddouble context.3.1 AmbiguityThe first characteristic of a pun is that the focus of its meaning lies in its ambiguity. No matter whether they are homophones or homographs, the speaker aims to achieve an ambiguity. Ambiguity can be divided into positive and passive ambiguity. Putting the word in the wrong place to cause ambiguity and impairing the effectiveness is called passive ambiguity, while using the polyseme on purpose to enhance the effectiveness is called positive ambiguity. In our daily communication, we try to avoid the presence of ambiguity, but as for puns we deliberately create ambiguity. That is because the essence of a pun lies in its ambiguity. For example,(24) - What kind of money do girls like the most?- Matrimonywe must admit that it is very difficult to translate the pun in this example into Chinese withoutlosing its original flavor. However, it is a perfect example of puns in English. The ending element “mony” of the word “Matrimony” has the similar sound with that of the word “money”, which is considered as a homophonic pun. It is implied to us that girls expect to change their social and economic statuses through marriage. This pun is very humorous and ironic. Let‟s look at another example,(25) King: …my cousin Hamlet, and my son… How is it that the clouds still hang on you?Hamlet: Not so, my lord, I am too much in the sun.[16]- Shakespeare, HamletHere “sun” and “son” have the same sound but ambiguity, Hamlet used this ambiguity skillfully to hint his complaining emotion in the indirect way. The king pretended to be intimate with Hamlet and call him “son”, however, Hamlet responded that “I am too much in the sun”. The surface meaning is that he dries in the sun for a long time, but actually, it suggests that H amlet couldn‟t bear to be his uncle‟s son any longer.Keep in mind that the central and basic phenomenon on which puns operates is ambiguity. A pun intentionally employs phonemic or semantic conditions to suggest one meaning on the surface while hiding another. We can find theoretical support for the ambiguity of puns. Li Xinhua maintains that language unit has both form and content, while there is not a one-to-one relationship between formand content, that is to say, one phonemic form does not signify one meaning, and one meaning is not represented by one language form [17]. For example,(26) Try your sweet corn; you‟ll smile from ear to ear.It is a successful advertisement. One phonemic form “ear” can be interpreted as double meaning, one is organ of hearing”, the other is “seed-bearing part of a cereal, such as wheat, etc.3.2 The double contextAnother characteristic is that a pun contains a double context. According to the American Scholar Archibald A.hill, there are three elements in analyzing and composing a pun: a double context, a hinge and a trigger [18]. Double context, which lays foundations for comprehension of punny sense, is essential for forming a pun. Hinge refers to punny word, and a trigger refers to the intention and background that lurk behind the exploitation of puns, which is often employed when we analyze puns. The exact meaning of a word is determined by its context, and different contexts may lead to different meanings. Take the following as an example,(27) “Mine is a long and a sad tale!” said the mouse, turning to Alice and sighing.“It is a long tail, certainly!” said Alice, looking down with wonder at the mouse‟s tail; “but why do you call it sad?[19]( L.Carol: Alice‟s Adventures in Wonderland )There is no doubt that this example has a double meaning. Both the Mouse and Alice have their contexts. In this example, the hinge words are “tale” and “tail”,which is a homophone. What the Mouse wants to convey is a story, so, when the Mouse says “a sad tale”, Alice gets confused, because we can‟t say “a sad tail”. Another example is as follows:(28) A man sits down at a table in a restaurant and asks, “Do you serve crab‟s here?” The waiter says, “Sure, sit down, we serve anybody.”Here, the w ord “crab” is the hinge. On one hand, “crab” means a kind of seafood, on the other hand, it also means “a sour person”. In the customer‟s context, he is asking if the restaurant serves the food of crabs, while in the waiter context, he understands “the crab” as “a sour person”, so he tells the customer that they serve everyone even a person who has got bad temper.(29) After successfully delivering the first child of a Canadian couple visiting Scotland, the doctor popped into the waiting room to tell the anxious husband the good news.“It‟s a boy –eight pounds exactly!”“Oh,” replied the flustered father. “Will you take a check?”In the doctor‟s context, “pound” is “a unit of weight”, while in the flustered father‟s context, “pound” is “a unit of money”. Therefore, he answered, “Will you take a check?”4. Functions of English punPun is a witticism involving the playful use of a word in different senses or words that differ in meanings but sound alike; it is essentially a device to attract a reader‟s attention. In nature, it is a word play. While in essence, it is an ambiguity.That is to say, a word or phrase has a meaning on the surface, but hiding another meaning so as to achieve a specified impact upon some audience. Pun fulfils more functions as humor, wit, satire, entertainment, persuasion, and so forth. 4.1 Producing humorous effectThe major function of pun is to produce humorous effect. These puns enable thespeaker or the writer to express his intention indirectly, improving the tension. Sometimes it can even relieve the embarrassed and create a light and happy atmosphere. For example,(30) “Fourth floor, please,” said the passenger to the elevator.“Here you are, son”“How dare you call me son?”“I brought you up, didn‟t I?”The phrase “bring sb up” can be interpreted as “to educate and care for a child until they are grown up” or “take sb here”. We can learn the smart, lively and humorous in this dialogue.(31) The professor tapped on h is desk and shouted, “Gentle men, Order!”The entire class yelled, “beer!”Here, “order” means “be quiet” or “to ask for goods or services to be supplied”. When a professor is having class, naturally, he is asking the students to keep quiet. Howeve r, the students use the homonym to twist the professor‟s meaning on purpose. Both the students and the professor get what they want. We also believethat the professor cannot help laughing when he hears the students‟ response –“beer!” At the moment, humor can be produced and relieve embarrassment.(32) Hopeless widower - “Nothing can mend a broken heart”.Hopeful Widow – Except re-pairingIn this example, the key word is “repair”. “Repair” is a polysemic word, however, at the first thought, w e are easy to realize the original meaning of “repair”, which is “to fix” or “to mend”. But can we “mend” a broken heart in a usual way? Of course not! From the hint of the spelling of “re-pairing”, we can find the intentional meaning of “widow”. The only way to mend a broken heart is to find a spouse again. Here humor goes with wit.4.2 Making a bitter satireTo produce satirical effect, a pun is mightier than a sword and it is a brilliant one. A satirical pun is the use of wit to make the attack clever, funny or humorous. For example,(33) I finally figured out how government works. The Senate gets the bill from the House. The president gets the bill from the Senate. And we get the bill for everything.[20]Here the first and second “bill” means “draft of a proposed law, to be discussed by a parliament”, the third means “written statement of money owed for goods or services supplied”. The author uses the double meaning of the word “bill” to form pun. By contrast, it shows that the citizens are greatly dissatisfied with the government and make a bitter satire to the rules.(34) My sister, Mrs. Joe Cargery, was more than twenty years older than I, and had established a great reputation with her and the neighbors because she had brought me up “by hand”. Having at the time to find out for oneself what the expression meant, and knowing her to have a hard and heavy hand, and to be much in the habit of laying it upon her husband as well as upon me, I supposed that Joe Gargery and I were both brought up by hand.[21](Charles Dickens, Great Expectations)Here the key phrase is “to be brought up by hand”, when we read the first “brought up by hand”, we know it conveys its original meaning, while through t he context, we can know that the second implied that Mrs. Joe Cargery usually beat her husband and her young brother with her hard and heavy hand, which made them suffer a great deal. By making a sharp contrast between what Mrs. Joe Cargery told her neighbors and the truth, the whole passage shows a great satire.(35) A: What do lawyers do when they die?B: Lie still.“Lie” and “still” create double puns in this dialogue. The second sentence can be understood as: “They‟re still telling lies after death.” It also can be interpreted as: “they‟re lying there silently after death”. It is obviously that the author uses the puns to satirize the lawyers who always do dishonest things in the name of the law when they are alive.4.3 Expressing charact er‟s feelingPun is frequently employed in literary works to portray figure‟s character,behavior, and reveal their feeling. For example;(36) “You‟ll have to keep class2 under your thumb.” Said the headmaster. To make this clear, he showed me his own thumb; a huge thing, like a pocket cudgel.I felt very pale. I hadreason enough to distrust my thumb [22].(Edward Blishen, Roaring Boys)Here the key word of this example is “thumb”. “Thumb” can be understood as “one has ability to do sth” or “short thick finger set apart from the other four”. “To keep sb under one‟s thumb” means “completely under sb‟s influence or control”. In this example, the author made a sharp contrast between the new teacher‟s thumb and the headmaster‟s huge thumb, and po inted out their different ability. The bad disciplined phenomenon of class 2 appears before the readers, at the same time, revealing the new teacher‟s timid character.(37) Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes with nimble soles; I have a soul of lead so stakes me to the ground. I cannot move.Here “sole” and “soul” is a pair of homophones. “Sole” means “the underside of a shoe”, while “soul” means “the spiritual nature of human being”. They form a strong contrast that others have nimble soles while Romeo with a lead soul, which reflect that Romeo‟s suffering mood at the time.(38) If he do bleed, I‟ll gild the faces of the grooms withal; for it must seem their guilt.[23](W. Shakespeare, Macbeth)This example is the use of a word wi th similar sound. “Gild” and “guilt” belongto paronomasia pun. From these two words, we can see clearly that Mrs. Macbeth attempt to kill a person to prevent him from disclosing a secret, and shift the misfortune onto somebody else.4.4 Adding vividness to attract attentionAs a pun is concise and striking, it is often employed in advertisements, news headlines, slogans, etc. The use of the pun ensures that the message is communication with more “strength”. An advertiser is particularly concerned w ith the problem of attracting and holding an audience‟s attention. And puns function as the stimuli, which remain the most economical and efficient means to attract attention. For example;(39) Self-Testing Medical kitsNo Far-Fetched-Doctor [24]Here “Far-Fetched” can be interpreted as “(of a comparison) strained; unnatural” and also can be understood as “invite sb from the distant place”. By using the homographic pun, one headline with double meanings, the topic sentence present the best explanation to the headline.(40) One shop announced: “DARWIN is Right –INSIDE (This was J.R.Darwin‟s Everything to wear store) [25].Here DARWIN can be understood as “a person who own the store” or “a great man who brought up The Theory of Evolution”. As an adj, “right” means “true or correct”; as an adv, “right” means “just, directly”. We can explain it in these two ways: a. The great man –Darwin who brought up the “Theory of Evolution” is。