
教学日志Unit 1 LoveStep one: Reading skill on Page 7①subheading: a title that divides part of a piece of writing into shorter sections小标题subtitle: a second title which is often longer and explains more than the main title.副标题②preface: an introduction at the beginning of a book, which explains what the book is aboutor why it was written. 序言③index: an alphabetical list that is printed at the back of a book and tells you on whichpages important topics are referred to 索引indices④glossary⑤appendix: extra information that is placed after the end of the main text附录; a smallclosed tube inside your body which is attached to your digestive system阑尾pend=attach depend on⑥bibliography bible⑦supplement: an additional section, written some time after the main text and publishedeither at the end of the book or separately书籍的补编,补遗,附录Step two: Background information about Text in Unit 1Some poems that sing high praise for love1. What is loveLove is Mom's kiss and Dad's pat.Love is sweet roses to a lover and tender caresses to a child.Love is the tree of friendship.Love is mutual understanding and support.Love is forgiveness and sacrifice.Love is the never-setting sun in the sky.Love is the spring of the inspiration.Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds.Love is the candle in the dark and the fireplace against the cold.Love is a key to open the door of a closed heart.Love is an oasis on a boundless desert which gives a tired walker strength and hope.Love is a harbor in a turbulent sea which makes a weary seaman safe and sound.Love is balmy wind that soothes pain and anxiety from the tempests of the life.Love is the teacher's persistence in giving lectures when he is ill.Love is passing a cup of tea to teachers during the break.Love is sending postcards to parents on their birthdays.Love is a kind of subtle and precious sensation among human beings.Love is all爱是妈妈的亲吻,爸爸的抚拍;爱是送给情人芬芳的玫瑰和对小孩的细心呵护;爱是友谊之树;爱是人与人之间相互的理解和支持;爱是对别人的宽容和牺牲;爱是天空中永不沉落的太阳;爱是智慧之源泉;爱是一剂治疗心灵创伤的灵丹妙药;爱是黑暗中的蜡烛、寒冬里的火炉;爱是一把开启关闭着的心灵的钥匙;爱是无边沙漠中的一片绿洲,它能给那些疲惫的旅行者以力量和希望;爱是怒海中的一片平静的港湾,它能让那些困倦的水手们安全和宁静;爱是一丝温暖的微风,它能化解繁乱生活中的焦虑和伤痛;爱是老师在生病时却仍然给学生上课的那种坚毅;爱是课间休息时学生给老师送去的一杯清茶;爱是在父母生日时给他们寄去的贺卡;爱是人类一种微妙而又珍贵的感觉;爱是人类的一切;What is “FAMILY” F:father A:and M:mother I:I L:love Y:you 2. The following is a poem that shows a new definition of mother:M is for millions of things she gives youO is only that she is growing oldT is for her tears she shed for youH is for her heart of purest goldE is for her eyes with love light burningR is for right there she will always be3. A poem that shows fatherly love: paternal maternal parentalA Father’s Love“Fathers seldom say ‘I love you’Though the feeling’s always there,But somehow those three little wordsAre the hardest ones to share,And fathers say ‘I love you’In ways that words can’t matchWith tender bedtime storiesOr a friendly game of catchYou can see the words ‘I love you’In a father’s boyish eyesWhen he runs home, all excited,With a poorly wrapped surprise.A father says ‘I love you’With his strong helping handsWith a smile when you’re in troubleWith the way he understands.He says ‘I love you’ haltingly,With awkward tendernessIt’s hard to help a four-year-old into a party dressHe speaks his love unselfishlyBy giving all he canTo make some secret dream come true,Or follow through a plan.A father’s seldom-spoken loveSounds clearly through the years –Sometimes in peals of laughter,Sometimes through happy tears.Perhaps they have to speak their loveIn a fashion all their own.Because the love that fathers feelIs too big for words alone”Father’s love is like broad sea while I’m a boat on it. Father’s love is like a tall mountain while I’m a tree in it.4. 见与不见by 六世达赖——仓央嘉措你见,或者不见我我就在那里不悲不喜你念,或者不念我情就在那里不来不去你爱,或者不爱我爱就在那里不增不减你跟,或者不跟我我的手就在你手里不舍不弃来我的怀里或者让我住进你的心里默然相爱寂静欢喜Witty sayings about “love” proverb1 Love will find a way. 真情所至,金石为开;2 The course of true love never did run smooth. 好事多磨;3 Love me, love my dog./ He that loves the tree loves the branch.爱屋及乌;4 Love me little, love me long. 爱我一点点,爱我久一点;Step three: About the author① illiterate He is illiterate, so he don’t know what is said in the journal.American literature literal meaning② tenant farmer: someone who farms land that is rented from someone elsetenant : someone who lives in a house, room etc and pays rent to the person who owns it landlordThe desk was left by the previous tenant.③ little formal education as a childlittleas a child=when he was a child④ managed to do = made great efforts and finally succeeded in doing sth.⑤ turn out to be⑥ noted for notice notebook notorious⑦ lyrical: beautifully expressed in words, poetry, or music抒情诗调的,有抒情味的,感情夸张的lyrical love poetryStep four: Read the text and finish Exercises A, B and D. 20m.Step five: Check the answers and find some important sentences best express the author’s ideas and emotions.Step six: Difficult words and expressions in the text①blaze: burns strongly and brightly, give off bright light 燃烧,闪耀②wiltedwilt: 1. if a plant wilts, it bends over because it is too dry or old droop枯萎,凋谢,蔫2. informal to feel weak or tired, especially because you are too hot③keep doing keep coming④chestnut oak:an oak having leaves resembling those of chestnut treeschestnut栗子,栗色adj. 栗色的oak 橡树⑤tip n. top of somethingv. give some money in order to present thanks for the services received 给…小费⑥trampled down the stubbletrample:to step heavily on something, so that you crush it with your feet践踏;蹂躏;无视,蔑视;侵犯,伤害v. n. trample on/over/through etcstubble: 1. short stiff hairs that grow on a man's face if he does not shave2. short stiff pieces left in the fields after wheat, corn etc has been cut作物收割后遗留在地里的残茎,茬子;短而硬的胡茬子;短粗硬毛;楂stumble : to hit your foot against something or put your foot down awkwardly while you are walking or running, so that you almost fall = trip:eg. In her hurry she stumbled and spilled the milk all over the floor.stumble over/on: eg. Vic stumbled over the step as he came in.Para. 2①cornbalk: a lot that grows corn②collie: a middle-sized dog with long hair, kept as a pet or trained to control sheep③We heard a ground squirrel whistle down over the bluff.ground squirrel 地松鼠whistle: to make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through your lips 吹口哨eg. Adam whistled happily on his way to work.bluff: a very steep cliff or slope 悬崖④clearing:a small area in a forest where there are no trees小块空地,林中空地⑤whoop interjection. V. to shout loudly and happily⑥ a young stalk of cornstalk: a long narrow part of a plant that supports leaves, fruits, or flowers茎,秆;叶柄,花梗⑦the sweet grain of corn left on its tender rootstender纤弱的;脆弱的;难对付的;温柔的,慈悲的⑧the corn has kept well in the earth where the grain has sproutedsprout: start to grow, producing 萌芽⑨They dig up rows of it.Para. 3①I could see my father keep sicking Bob after the ground squirrel.Sick: adj. 生病的厌烦的恶心的V. to attack, to urge a dog to attack②The dust flew in tiny swirls behind our feet.Swirl: moves round and round quickly / a swirling movement or amount of something Para. 4①bull blacksnake②she-blacksnakePara. 5①Bob was jumping and snapping at the snake so as to make it strike and throw itself offguard.snap: 猛地咬住;呵斥;折断to say something quickly in an angry wayoff guard: to surprise someone by happening when they are not expecting something or prepared for it 不警惕;不备eg. The sudden snow storm caught us all off-guard.②copperhead③He doesn’t rush to do it.rush突袭;使仓促行事;催促do something as quickly as possible, in a hasterash: without thinking carefully first, and therefore make mistakes or behave foolishly.鲁莽的,轻率的;性急的;不顾后果的④He takes his time and does the job well. 从容进行;费时do sth. with no haste andself-confidentlyPara. 7①I wondered why it was crawling toward a heap of black loamy earth at the bench of thehill.loamy 肥沃的fertile 反义词:barren贫瘠的loam is soil that is good for growing crops and plants in because it contains a lot of decayed vegetable matter and does not contain too much sand or clay. 尤指适合植物生长的壤土,沃土;肥土含有黏土、沙和有机物质的土地bench of the hill the foot/bottom of the hillbench 长凳a long seat of wood or metal that two or more people can sit on.②the matted greenbriars on the cliff briar 荆棘③I looked as the snake lifted its pretty head in response to one of Bob’s jumps.as=whenPara. 8①Go in there and get that snake and quit playing with itquit doing sth. = stop doing sth.Para. 9①Bob obeyed my father. Obedience②She was so beautifully poised in the sunlight.poise: 泰然自若;自信;体态;姿态vt.使平衡;保持某种姿势;抓紧;使稳定pose position compose impose③Bob grabbed the white patch on her throat.grab: take it or pick it up suddenly and roughlypatch: 补丁,补片;碎片,碎屑;一段,一片/块;斑点 a small areavt.修补,拼凑;暂时遮掩一下;修理,平息吵架等vi.打补丁④He cracked her long body like an ox whip in the windCrack: accidentally hit it hard against something; 重击make a sharp sound like the sound of a piece of wood breaking 破裂,发出破裂声Whip 鞭子v. 鞭打⑤The blood spurted from her fine-curved throat.Spurt: comes out quickly in a thin, powerful streamv. 液体,火焰等喷出,使涌出n.怒气,精力等的迸发;突然喷出Curve 弯曲⑥Something hit against my legs like pellets.pellet 小球;小子弹;石弹,炮弹⑦Bob had slung them from the body. –to throw carelessly⑧where the sun is the setting-hen that warms them and hatches themsetting-hen:a domestic hen ready to brood brood=hatch 孵蛋incubatebrood vt.& vi. 孵蛋;沉思;焦急地考虑n. 雏鸡、鸟等的一窝;一家的孩子Para. 10①Her body was still writhing in pain.writhe 因极度痛苦而扭动或翻滚;痛苦,苦恼;蠕动,蜿蜒移动If you writhe, your body twists and turns violently backwards and forwards, usually because you are in great pain or discomfort.②viciously:vicious 邪恶的,恶毒的;有恶意的;凶猛的;有缺点的③He cracked her limp body against the wind. She was now limber as a shoestring in thewind.limp: walk with difficulty or in an uneven way because one of their legs or feet is hurt一瘸一拐地走;跛行;蹒跚limber 柔软的,灵活的;轻快的string strict restrict④her riddled body the riddle of the Sphinx 斯芬克斯之谜riddle: beat of fire at something to make it with holes like a honeycomb蜂窝打成筛子⑤quiver like a leaf quiver: shake with small movements 同义词:shiverPara. 11①Mother sun could not incubate it on the warm earth.incubate = hatch = brood② a quail’s egg quail 鹌鹑Para. 13①Bob was panting. He walked ahead of us back to the housePant: breathe quickly and loudly with your mouth open, because you have been doing something energetic. 喘气,喘息②his shaggy coat of hair③white flecks of foam dripped from itfleck: 斑纹,斑点;微粒small spots or marksFoam consists of a mass of small bubbles that are formed when air and a liquid are mixed together.drip: small drops of liquid fall from somewhere④The sun was going down over the chestnut ridge. A lark was singing. It was late for a larkto sing. / The red evening clouds floated above the pine trees on our pasture hill.ridge 脊背a long, narrow piece of raised land; a raised line on a flat surfacelark 云雀,百灵鸟a small brown bird which makes a pleasant sound.float 漂浮,游荡in the liquid, on or just below the surface and supported by itpine松树a tall tree which has very thin, sharp leaves and a fresh smellpasture: land with grass growing on it for farm animals to eat. 牧场Para. 15①I thought about the agony women know of giving birth.agony: great physical or mental pain. 极大的痛苦;苦恼,烦闷;临死的挣扎;感情的迸发give birth to somethingPara. 17①The dew was on the corn.dew: small drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outdoors during the night. 露水②He could get under the edge of a hill and heave the whole hill upside down.heave: push, pull, or lift it using a lot of effort.Para. 18①windlass windls 辘轳,绞盘wind 缠绕Para. 20①He was on her trail yesterday. = He trailed her yesterday.Para. 21①He had come in the night, under the roof of the stars, as the moon shed rays of lights onthe quivering clouds of green. … He was coiled beside her, and she was dead.shed n.棚,库;分水岭vt.流出;流下;蜕皮;树叶脱落vi.流出;蜕皮;脱落;散布shed light oncoil 一卷,一盘;盘卷之物;线圈;纷乱,纠缠不清vt. 盘绕;卷成一圈vi. 绕成盘状;卷绕成圈forms loops or a ringPara. 22① the dewy sprouts on the cliff dewy: wet with dewdewy-eyed容易动情的,天真的,容易相信的Step seven: reading comprehension exercises and words in Fast Reading.。
英语泛读教程1第三版(刘乃银编)问题详解(含cloze和extra passage)

U1Part A: cPart B: c, d, d, a, d, c, a, c, dPart C: b, b, d, d, a, d, c, b, d, dFast Reading (P8)c, d, b, c, aa/d, a, c, d, ac, c, b, c, dHome Reading (P15)d, b, b, a/d, c, b, a, b, d, cExtra Passage for Careful-ReadingA, C, D, B, B, C1. [A]【定位】第2段第3句。
2. [C]【定位】第4段最后两句。
3. [D]【定位】第5段第2句。
原文该句中的as if 表示一种感觉,在四个选项中,只有选项D中的felt表示感觉,其他三个选项的动词都用于描述现实,在这种情况下,即使选项C中的important在现实中也可用来形容当第一夫人的感觉,也可以马上排除了。
大学 英语专业 《泛读教程》 第三册 王守仁 (Unit1~Unit10) 参考答案

《泛读教程》第三册王守仁(Unit1~Unit10) 参考答案Unit 1Section AWord PretestBCBBBAACCBReading SkillCBCABBAAVocabulary Building11 practicable practice practices practical practiced2worthless worthy worthwhile worth worth3vary variety variation various various4absorbing absorbed absorb absorption absorbent21effective efficient effective2technology technique3middle medium mediumClozegoing expectations questions answers predictions tell know end develop worthSection BTFTT CBCC TFF CAACCASection CFFTFFTTTUnit 2Section AWord PretestABACCABABCCReading SkillCBB FTFFTTVocabulary Building11mess 2preference 3aimlessly 4remarkable 5decisive 6shipment 7fiery 8physically 9action 10housing21aptitude attitude2account counted counted3talent intelligenceClozeother just has some than refuse see that without if ready wrongSection BACCCCCCCACBABASection CCCDDACUnit 3Section AWord PretestABCCBDCDCReading SkillBABCAACBCVocabulary Building1Admission admit admissible admissiblyReliance rely reliable reliablyDefinition define definite definitelyAssumption assume assumed assumedlyBehavior behave behavioral behaviorallyVariety vary various variouslyPart part partial partiallyManager manage managerial manageriallyCorrelation correlate correlative correlativelyAdaptation adapt adaptive adaptively21inspired aspired inspired2token badges token3contemporaries temporary contemporaryClozeCommunicate ways using in of message meet causes meaning to eyesSection BBABBAC FFTTTF CCBSection CBBDDBCCA FFTFFTUnit 4Section AWord PretestCACAABBBCCReading SkillBBACBCCAAVocabulary Building11moist 2betrayal 3exclusively 4inhumane 5amazed 6endangered 7marvels 8deadly21dessert deserted2favourite favorable favorable3awarded reward awardedClozeParents idea at seen landmarks instance migrate guide pole effect it if experimentsSection BCCB FTF BCACCBACCSection CFFTFFFTTFTUnit 5Section AWord PretestCAABCACCCReading SkillCABCB FFTFTTVocabulary Building1Assumption assume assumed assumedlyAcknowledgement acknowledge acknowledgedlyReflection reflect reflective reflectivelyDomination dominate dominant dominantlyCategory categorize categorical categoricallyImplication imply implicative implicativelyReassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlyDefinition define definite definitely21historical historic2rejected resist3test analyzedClozeExisted over head body found language use single passed ahead survival handlingSection BCABCBB TTTFTT CACSection CBBAAACBCUnit 6Section AWord PretestC ACBABACABABReading SkillCAACACCAVocabulary BuildingAvailability avail available availablyConquest conquer conquering conqueringlyLuxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriouslyOrgin orginate original originallyOccurrence occur occurrentSystem systematize systematical systematicallyPhonology (这个是没有动词形式的)phonological phonologicallyDecision decide decided decidedlyVariety vary various variouslySuperiority (这个是没有动词形式的)superior superiorlyPeculiar particular particularAssess access accessResources source sourcesClozeSex men differs compliment complimenting causes makes languages have outside understood have use circleSection BCBBBACBCCCCBACCBASection CBBCABBACCBUnit 7Section AWord PretestABABCBACReading SkillBBBCCBCBVocabulary BuildingDeduced behavior adhere replacement option delicacy enormous pursuitInquired required inquire requiredCompatible comparable compatible comparableClozeSatellite some space asked life sort orbiting have living were believe own solar where likely living throughSection BFTFFTTTTTFFFBBCACCSection CBCBCCAEDEBAFDCUnit 8Section AWord PretestBCABCBBCCAReading SkillCBABCBCCCCVocabulary BuildingOccupation occupy occupational occupationallySegregation segregate segregated(这个没有副词)Discrimination discriminate discriminating discriminatingly Enforcement enforce enforceable enforceablyExclusion exclude exclusive exclusivelyPerseverance persevere persevering perseveringlyConviction convict convictive convectivelyAmendment amend amendable(这个没有副词)Superficiality superficialize superficial superficially Spectator spectate spectatorial (这个没有副词)Job career jobs careerPrincipal principles principal principleFeminine female feminineClozeAcceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determined Section BBACCCCACCCAABBACTTFSection CCCAACBUnit 9Section AWord PretestBAABCACBBABCReading SkillCACCBBBBBACBVocabulary BuildingTypifies dominant familial competitive vibrate descended departure boom countless symbolizesRecreation recreates recreationRhythm rhyme rhymes rhythmClozeSea within of divides built celebrated inside attract togetherwhenSection BFTFTTCCBBCBAACCACSection CBAACABCCCCUnit 10Section AWord PretestCABCBBBBABReading SkillCBCACCCABBVocabulary BuildingConsequence(这个没有动词形式)consequent consequently Sophistication sophisticate sophisticated sophisticatedly Reference refer referable referablyConversation converse conversational conversationally Space space spatial spatiallyDetachment detach detachable detachablyIntervention intervene intervening(这个没有副词)Type typify typical typicallyAssure ensure assured ensureArises raised rise raised arisenClue cues clue cueClozeWell separating is own close need look order respect follow prior sign help was elseSection BBBCTTFBCACACTFFSection CTFFTFFFF。

Unit 1Text:A. dB. 1. c 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. c, 7. a 8. c 9. dC. 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. d 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. d Fast Reading:1. c2. d3. b4. c5. c6. d7. a8. c9. d 10. c 11. c 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. dHome Reading:1. d2. b3. b4. c5. c6. b7. a8. b9. d 10.c Unit 2Text:A. dB. 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. c, 7. a 8. cC. 1. a 2. d 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. c 10. a Fast Reading:1. b2. d3. d4. a5. c6. c7. d8. b9. c 10. a 11. d 12. d 13. d 14. c 15. dHome Reading:1. c2. d3. d4. c5. c6. d7. d8. d9. d 10. b 11. b 12. aUnit 3Text:A.cB.1.c 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.c 6、d 7.c 8.c 9.b10.d 11,d 12.cC.1.b 2.a 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.a 7.a 8.d 9.a 10.aFast Reading:1.b 2.c 3.c 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.c 11.d 12.d 13.d 14.d 15.bHome Reading:1.c 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.bUnit 4Text:A.cB.1.b 2.d 3.c 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.cC.1.a 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.b 8.d 9.c Fast Reading:1.c 2.c 3,d 4.a 5。

大学英语第三版泛读一答案大学英语第三版泛读一答案Key to lesson 1Comprehension of the text.1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) T2. 1) D 2) B 3) D 4) D 5) B 6) D3. 1) 他安静,性情温和,时常心不在焉,对待金钱像个孩子。
2) 连Theo也不得不承认,即便他自己读,也不大可能读得像他一样流利。
3) 他的情绪受到很大干扰,无法换一种方式来表达同样的思想。
4) 他既困惑又高兴,简直摸不着头脑了。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.1. 1) applause 2) candidate 3) all the same 4) impressed 5)interview 6) memorize 7) getting on with 8) Leaning 9) sense 10) choice2. 1) Faced with a lot of evidence, the man had to admit that he was the head of the drug ring.2) Tommy offered to drive us to the seaside in his car, but insisted we should share the petrol costs.3) On-the-job smoking is not allowed in our company. So many employees have to give up smoking or reduce the amount they smoke.4) When you apply for a job, the first thing the employer sees is your resume. 5) When you find yourself often upset about small matters, you’d better cultivatea hobby.Key to lesson 2Comprehension of the text.1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) T2. 1) C 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) B3. 1) 时间绰绰有余。

泛读教程第三册unit1~18答案全Unit 1 Reading Rtrategies Section AWord Pretest1----5 B C (3: no correct answer, suggested one: tired condition in the eyes) B B6----10 A (7:no correct answer, suggested one: capable of being developed or used) C C B Reading Skill2----5 CBCA 6----9 BBAA Vocabulary Building11.a.practicable/practical b. practice c. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiced2. a.worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d.worthe.worth3. a.vary b.variety c.variation d.various/variede.Various4. a.absorbing b.absorbed c.absorb d.absorptione.absorbent21. a.effective b.efficient c.effective2. a.technology b.technique3. a.middle b.medium c.mediumClozeGoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answersPredictions/expectations tell know/foretell endDevelop/present worthSection B1----4 TFTT 5----8 CBCC 9----11 TFF 12----17 CAACCASection C1----4 FFTF 5----8 FTTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1----5 ABACC 6----11 ABABCCReading Skill4----6 CBB1----6 FTFFTTVocabulary Building11. mess2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5.decisive6.shipment7. fiery8.physically9.action 10.housing2 1. a.aptitude b.attitude2. a.account b.counted c. counted3. a.talent b.intelligenceClozeOther just/only has some/many than refuse see/know/understand that without If ready/willing/educated/taughtwrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1----5 ACCCC 6----10 CCCAC11----14 BABASection C1----6 CCDDACUnit 3 Body LanguageSection AWord Pretest1----5 ABCCB 6----9 DCDCReading Skill2----5 BABC 6----10 AACBCVocabulary Building1admission admit admissible admissibly reliance rely reliable reliablydefinition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/varied variously/variedly part/partiality part partial partially manager manage managerial managerially correlation correlate correlative correlativelyadaptation/adaption adapt adaptive adaptively 21.a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2.a. token b. badges c. token3.a. contemporaries b.temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/means/ones using/saying in ofmessage meet/have/encounter/experience causes meaning to eyesSection B1----6 BABBAC 7----12 FFTTTF 13---15 CCB Section C1----4 BBDD 5----8 BCCA1----6 FFTFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1----5 CACAA 6----10 BBBCCReading Skill2----5 BBAC 6----10 BCCAAVocabulary Building11. moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6. endangered7. marvels8. deadly21.a. dessert b. deserted2.a. favourite b. favourable c. favourable3.a. awarded b.reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarks instance/example migrate guide/direct pole effect/influence It/This if/whether experiments Section B1----3 CCB 4----6 FTF 7----10 BCAC 11----15 CBACCSection C1----5 FFTFF 6----10 FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1----5 CAABC 6----9 ACCCReading Skill2----6 CABCB1----6 FFTFTTVocabulary Building1assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglyacknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectively domination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categorically implication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly definition define definite definitely21.a. Historical b. historic2.a. rejected b. resist3.a. test/analyze b. analyzedClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found language use/value/significance/importance single passed ahead survival/existence handling/overcoming Section B1----6 CABCBB 7----12TTTFTT 13----15 CAC Section C1----4 BBAA 5----8 ACBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-----5 CACBA 6----10 BACAB 11----12 AB Reading Skill3----6 CAAC 7----10 ACCAVocabulary Building1availability avail available availably conquest conquer conquering/conquered conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriouslyorigin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrent 无副词形式system systematize systematical/systematic systematicallyphonology 无动词形式phonological phonologicallydecision decide decided/decisive decidedly/decisivelyvariety vary various variouslysuperiority 无动词形式superior superiorly21.a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2.a. assess b. access c. access3.a. resources b. sources c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/words complimentingcauses makes languages have outside understood have use circle/world/field Section B1----5 CBBBA 6----10 CBCCB 11----15 CBACC 16----17 BA Section C1----5 BBCAB 6----10 BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1----4 ABAB 5----8 CBACReading Skill1----4 BBBC 5----8 CBCBVocabulary Building11. deduced2. behaviour3. adhere4.replacement5. option6.delicacy7. enormous8. pursuit21.a. inquired b. required c. inquire d.required2.a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d. comparable Clozesatellite some space asked/wondered life sort/kind orbiting/going/circling have living were believe ownsolar where likely living throughSection B1----5 FTFFT 6----10 TTTTF 11----12 FF13----18 BBCACCSection C1----5 BCBCC 6----8 AED1----6 EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1----5 BCABC 6----10 BBCCAReading Skill1----5 CBABC 6----10 BCCCCVocabulary Building1occupation occupy occupational occupationally segregation segregate segregated discrimination discriminate discriminating/discriminatorydiscriminatingly/discriminatorilyenforcement enforce enforceable enforceably exclusion exclude exclusive exclusively perseverance persevere persevering perseveringlyconviction convict convictive convictively amendment amend amendablesuperficiality superficialize superficial superficiallyspectator spectate spectatorial21.a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2.a. principal b. principles c. principal d. principle3.a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determined Section B1----5 BACCC 6----10 CACCC 11----16 AABBAC 17----19 TTF Section C1----6 CCAACBUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1----5 BAABC 6----10ACBBA 11----12 BC Reading Skill1----5 CACCB 6----10 BBBBA 11----12 CB Vocabulary Building11.typifies2. dominant3. familial4.competitive 5. vibrate6. descended7. departure8.boom9. countless 10. symbolizes21.a. recreation b. recreates c. recreation2.a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm ClozeSea within of divides built/constructed/completedCelebrated inside/in attract together when Section B1----5 FTFTT 6----10 CCBBC11----15 BAACC 16----17 ACSection C1----5 BAACA 6----10 BCCCCUnit10 Cross-Cultural CommunicationWord Pretest1----5 CABCB 6---10 BBBABReading Skill1---5 CBCAC 6---10 CCABBVocabulary Building1consequence consequent/consequential consequently/consequentiallysophistication sophisticate sophisticated sophisticatedlyreference refer referable referablyconversation converse conversational conversationallyspace space spatial/spacious spatially/spaciouslydetachment detach detachable/detached detachably/detachedlyintervention intervene interveningtype typify typical typically21.a.assure b.ensure c.assured d.ensure2.arises b.raised c.rise d.raisede.arisen3.clue b.cues c.clue d.cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respect followprior sign/cue help was/were else Section B1---5 BBCTT 6---10 FBCAC 11---15 ACTFFSection C1---5 TFFTF 6---8 FFFUnit 11 Information Retrieval Section AWord Pretest1---5 ACBCB 6---8 ABBReading Skill1---5 BCBAC 6---10 CCCCC Vocabulary Building1.information inform informative informatively specification specify specific specifically addition add additional/additive additionally/additivelyspecialty specialize special specially narration narrate narrative narratively extension extend extensive extensively origin originate original originally explosion explode explosive explosively ambiguity ambiguous ambiguously establishmentestablish established1.extension2. ambiguity3.original4.specified5. additional6.unambiguously7.explosion/doc/548496f9941ea76e58fa047b.ht ml rmation9.specialized 10.narrative 11.establishment2.1.a.transform b.transferred c.transferredd.transformed2.a.lonely b.alone c.lonely d.alone Clozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by counties’ send suggestion/proposal librarySection B1---5 ACBCB 6---10 ACCAC 11---17 ABABBABSection C1---5 BCACC 6---10 CBCCCUnit 12 EnvironmentSection AWord Pretest1---5 CCBBC 6---12 AACCCBAReading Skill1---5 CABBC 6---8 CBBVocabulary Building1.1.reaction2.mass3. polluting4.planetary5.suspicious6.alarming7.emitted8.emerged 2.1.a.warned b.threatened2.a.spread b.spread c.sprayed3.a.emergency b.emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recycling waste increase place measures amountSection B1---5 FFTTB 6----10 CACFT11---15 FFABC 16---18 CBCSection C1---5 BCAAC 6---8 CBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AWord Pretest1---5 ABAAC 6---10ABCBAReading Skill1---6 CCBABB 1---5 FTFTTVocabulary Building1.symptom symptomize symptomatic symptomaticallylonging long longing longinglyaddition add additional/additive additionally/additivelymanifestation manifest manifest manifestly depressiondepress depressed/depressing depressedly/depressing invariability invariable invariablyseparation separate separate separately condemnation condemn condemnable condemnablyimagination imagine imaginary imaginarily affection affect affecting affectingly2.1.a.remedies b.recipe c.remedy d.recipe2.a.alternate b.altered c.alternate d.alter3.a.acknowledged b.knowledge c.acknowledged Clozestep acknowledge prevent essential physician due physical psychosomatic disease confidence symptoms thorough emotional upsettingSection B1---5 CBCAB 6---10 CBBCB 11---15 ABCAC Section C1---5 TFFFT 6----10 FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AWord pretest1---5 BCABA 6---8 CBAReading Skill1---4 CACC 1---4 TTFTVocabulary Building1.1.reluctant2.evolution3.attributed4.catastrophic5.associate6.indifferent7.emerged8.stir 2.1.a.evolved b.revolves c.evolved2.a.dismay b.dismal c.dismal d.dismay3.a.contribute b.attributed c.contributedd.attributedClozecharacteristic/trait/nature changed/had to longget/eat possessed/developed/had stretched/lengthened longerpassed After have theoryeffect/influence notion/idea changeSection B1---5 DABFT 6---10 FTFDA 11---17 DBACFTF Section C1---8 TFTFTFTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AWord Pretest1---5 BBADA 6---11 DBBDCCReading Skill1---5: A A C C C 6—10: B B A B BVocabulary Building1.prevention prevent preventive preventively federation federate federal federally inadequacy / inadequate inadequately deception deceive deceptive deceptively prosperity prosper prosperous prosperously life live live/living/alive /effect effect effective effectively evaluation evaluate evaluable/evaluative / resident reside residential residentially vision vision visional/visionary visionally/visionarily1. evaluation2. federal3.prospertiy4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive/effective2.1.a.simile b.,metaphor2. a.ultimate b.unanimous c.ultimated.unanimousClozetransportation distance/away ground Stem trains electric station/stop name train threetrains stairs/steps passengers/people Section B1---6 D C D C C C 7---12 C C A B C B Section C1--- 8 C C A C C C C CUnit 16 TimeSection AWord pretest1-8: C C B B B B B CReading skill1-6: B A C C B CVocabulary building1.1. identification2. arbitrary3. practical4. foundation5. logic6. dictatorial7.occurence8. revise 2.1. a. presentation b. representation c. presentationd. representation2. a. base b. base c. basis d. basisClozeclocks wall pendulum ground/floor wood makers names clocks/timepieces invented/created/madefake/false/imitatedSection B1.A2.A3.C4.F5.T6.F7.T8.T9.T 10.T 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.ASection C1-8: A B A D D D C AUnit 17 TelevisionSection AWord Pretest1---5 CCACA 6---10 BCCBCReading Skill1---3 CCC 1---7 TFTFFFTVocabulary Building1.contradiction contradict contradictory contradictorilycenter center central centrallyseduction seduce seductive seductively necessity necessitate necessary necessarily visibility visualize visible visibly mobilization mobilize mobilizable mobilizably function function functional functionally dominance dominate dominant dominantly selection select selective selectively vocality vocalize vocal vocally1.visibility2.necessities3.seductive4.mobilize5.central6.functioning7.vocal8.dominant9.contradictory 10.selected2.1.a.immersed b.emerged c.immersed d.emerged2.a.dormant b.dominant c.Dormant d.dominantClozenumber happening house said graduates viewing TV school cases children reaches/draws imitate watching practice face backSection B1---1 CBBCB 6---10 FFFTC 11---15 ACBBC Section C1---5 TTFTF 6---10 FFFTTUnit 18 Poetry Questions on “If”1---5 AAABCQuestions on “The Rose Family”1---3 ABBQuestion on “My Candle Burns at Both Its Ends”1—3 BBC Questions on “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”1---3 CBBQuestions on “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”1---5 ACCBC 6---7 BCQuestions on “Sonnet 29”1---5 ABBCBQuestions on “In School Days”1---4 ABBC。

Useful expressions
only/just /be limited to/be restricted to /be confined to /be unique to/be peculiar to/ exclusive
So far fighting has been confined to the capital city This type of tapestry work is unique to the region a gesture peculiar to himself There will be exclusive coverage of the championship on
He spends every lunchtime pouring out his emotional problems to me and expects me to find a solution.
I poured my heart out to him (= told him about all my feelings) and then he told all his friends what I'd said.
Useful expressions
dwell on sth to keep thinking or talking about something, especially something bad or unpleasant
In his speech, he dwelt on the plight of the sick and the hungry. That is not a subject I want to dwell on.
Culture difference Culture shock

a gesture peculiar to himself There will be exclusive coverage of the
championship on Channel 5
He spends every lunchtime pouring out his emotional problems to me and expects me to find a solution.
Culture shock
One’s physical and emotional discomfort one suffers when a person moves to a completely new environment.
Can you give some of the examples for these discomforts?
2. having a particular quality or condition
knowledgeable (=knowing a lot) comfortable
trainable thinkable imaginable considerable defensible possible
tion,-ation, -ition
Film-editing is a difficult and exacting job.
Useful expressioቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs
pour sth out to tell all your worries, problems or feelings to someone, especially privately or secretly

大学英语泛读教程1第三版答案王建芳1、She is _______, but she looks young. [单选题] *A. in her fifties(正确答案)B. at her fiftyC. in her fiftyD. at her fifties2、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] * A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through3、18.Who is staying at home now? ________, all of them are out. [单选题] * A.NoneB.No one(正确答案)C.EveryoneD.Nothing4、I often _______ music from the Internet. [单选题] *A. download(正确答案)B. spendC. saveD. read5、We need some green paint badly, but there' s _____ at hand. [单选题] *A. notB. nothingC. little(正确答案)D. none6、The Internet is an important means of()[单选题] *A. conversationB. communication(正确答案)C. speechD. language7、The yellow bag _______ me. [单选题] *A. belong toB. belongs to(正确答案)C. belongD. belongs8、20.Jerry is hard-working. It’s not ______ that he can pass the exam easily. [单选题] * A.surpriseB.surprising (正确答案)C.surprisedD.surprises9、Alice hopes to _______ more friends at her new school. [单选题] *A. visitB. make(正确答案)C. missD. take10、Bob is young, _______ he knows a lot. [单选题] *A. becauseB. soC. but(正确答案)D. unless11、We were caught in a traffic jam. By the time we arrived at the airport the plane _____. [单选题] *A. will take offB. would take offC. has taken offD. had taken off(正确答案)12、37.It’s fun _________ a horse with your best friends on the grass. [单选题] *A.to ride (正确答案)B.ridingC.ridesD.ride13、A?pen _______ writing. [单选题] *A. is used toB. used toC. is used for(正确答案)D. used for14、36.The students will go to the Summer Palace if it __________ tomorrow. [单选题] *A.won’t rainB.isn’t rainingC.doesn’t rain (正确答案)D.isn’t rain15、36.This kind of bread is terrible. I don't want to eat it ______. [单选题] * A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer16、Can I _______ your order now? [单选题] *A. makeB. likeC. giveD. take(正确答案)17、Since we have _____ money left,we can't afford the expensive computer. [单选题] *A. a littleB. a fewC. little(正确答案)D. few18、It took a long time to _______ Tom to go shopping with me. [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. persuade(正确答案)D. talk19、In the future, people ______ a new kind of clothes that will be warm when they are cold, and cool when they’re hot.()[单选题] *A. wearB. woreC. are wearingD. will wear(正确答案)20、_____ whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. [单选题] *A. What is not yet knownB. It is not yet known(正确答案)C. As is not yet knownD. This is not yet known21、Have you kept in()with any of your friends from college? [单选题] *A. contractB. contact(正确答案)C. continentD. touching22、We have _______ a double room with a bath for you in the hotel. [单选题] *A. boughtB. reserved(正确答案)C. madeD. taken23、Sitting at the back of the room()a very shy girl with two bright eyes. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. hasD. there was24、26.—Mary, is this your pen?—No, it isn't. ________ is black. [单选题] *A.MyB.IC.MeD.Mine(正确答案)25、“I think you are wonderful,”she said, “You are so patient with your little George.”[单选题] *A. 耐心(正确答案)B. 细心C. 关心D. 偏心26、Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, and _______ is noisy. [单选题] *A. anotherB. the other(正确答案)C. othersD. other27、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *A. 拥有(正确答案)B. 经营C. 工作D. 了解28、—Does your grandpa live ______ in the country?—Yes. So I often go to visit him so that he won’t feel ______. ()[单选题] *A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. lonely; aloneD. alone; lonely(正确答案)29、—______ is the concert ticket?—It’s only 160 yuan.()[单选题] *A. How manyB How much(正确答案)C. How oftenD. How long30、Will you see to()that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season? [单选题] *A. it(正确答案)B. meC. oneD. yourself。
英语泛读教程1第三版(刘乃银编)答案(含cloze和extra passage)

U1Part A: cPart B: c, d, d, a, d, c, a, c, dPart C: b, b, d, d, a, d, c, b, d, dFast Reading (P8)c, d, b, c, aa/d, a, c, d, ac, c, b, c, dHome Reading (P15)d, b, b, a/d, c, b, a, b, d, cExtra Passage for Careful-ReadingA, C, D, B, B, C1. [A]【定位】第2段第3句。
2. [C]【定位】第4段最后两句。
3. [D]【定位】第5段第2句。
原文该句中的as if 表示一种感觉,在四个选项中,只有选项D中的felt表示感觉,其他三个选项的动词都用于描述现实,在这种情况下,即使选项C中的important在现实中也可用来形容当第一夫人的感觉,也可以马上排除了。
泛读教程 book 1 unit2

-able: comfortable, unforgettable -ible: possible, responsible -tion: concentration, attention -ation: information, imagination -ition: addition, definition -ion: depression, impression
browse n. young twigs, leaves, and shoots that are fit for animals to eat. 牲畜吃的嫩枝,嫩叶 an act of browsing. 吃草;浏览
2. insecure adj. not sure or certain; doubtful: 不可靠的不肯定的;怀疑的: unemployed and facing an insecure future. 失业并面临无保障的未来 inadequately guarded or protected; unsafe: 无保障的无足够的守卫或保护的;不安全的: a shortage of military police made the air base insecure. 缺乏武警使得空军基地不很安全
browse vt. to look through or over (something) casually: 随意观看: browsed the evening paper; browsing the gift shops for souvenirs. 浏览晚报;漫步礼品店搜寻纪念品 to nibble; crop. 细咬;吃去尖端 to graze on. 吃草
3. adapt v.tr. to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation. 使适合,使适应使合适或适应某种特定用法或状况 He adapted himself to the cold weather. 他适应了寒冷的天气。 When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well. 他移居加拿大后孩子们很能适应变化。

英语泛读教程3第三版答案(免费版)自己整理的哦!Unit 1 Text: A. c B. bdabb ddc D. addad cdb Fast Reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home Reading: dacdd aabUnit 2 Text: A. b B. ddbcd cca D. badda caac Fast Reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home Reading: cbdcc dbbdUnit 3 Text: A. d B. badab bdddc D. bddba cbcaa Fast Reading: cbbba ccdda ccdad Home Reading: dbcbd dbdbUnit 4 Text: A. c B. ddbcd dc D. abdbb addad Fast Reading: dbccd bdadd badcd Home Reading: dadac bcdUnit 5 Text: A. c B. abdaa dcbd D. dbabb dabcb da Fast Reading: caabd cbddc cdbab Home Reading: bccdb dcUnit 6 Text: A. b B. cbcab ddad D. badaa cbaac Fast Reading: cabcd aadcb ccdab Home Reading: ccdcd abcUnit7 Text: A. d B. acbda dcaac D. abaac daccd ad Fast Reading: daada cddbc bdcdb Home Reading: cbadb cddbcUnit 8 Text: A. c B. cddcc dccb D. abdac aaa Fast Reading: ccacd bbdad babdd Home Reading: dbdbc cbcdUnit 9 Text: A. c B. bccbc dbba D. dcbab dacba c Fast Reading: dcbca bccbc bcddd Home Reading: dcdca bdUnit 10 Text: A. c B. cdccd bacac D. dcdbc acadc bd Fast Reading: dbdcc dccdb bddca Home Reading: cadcb acbbUnit 11 Text: A. d B. adacc dcb D. abacb dcaab adc Fast Reading: dcdab ccbda ccbca Home Reading: bcadb bcdddUnit 12 Text: A. b B. bbbdd ccc D. cdccd acdba dca Fast Reading: bbddc dbdbc cdcdd Home Reading: bcdcc badbb cUnit 13 Text: A. c B. cdcad bab D. cbada cabdb Fast Reading: cdacc caccd bdbdb Home Reading: bdbcc bddUnit 14 Text: A. c B. ddcad dab D. dacad babad b Fast Reading: ddabb bddca dcccb Home Reading: cdcda ddUnit 15 Text: A. c B. abbac bccdb b D. babcc aaacd bb Fast Reading: caccb accdc ddada Home Reading: cdacd ddc。

大学英语泛读教程1第三版王健芳答案1、29.______ my free time, I like listening to music. [单选题] *A.AtB.OnC.In(正确答案)D.About2、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches3、_______ travelers come to visit our city every year. [单选题] *A. Hundred ofB. Hundreds of(正确答案)C. Five HundredsD. Five hundred?of4、If people _____ overanxious about remembering something, they will forget it. [单选题] *A. will beB. would beC. wereD. are(正确答案)5、____ wants to see you. [单选题] *A. Somebody(正确答案)B. AnybodyC. All the peopleD. No people6、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] *A. do youB. don’t youC. will you(正确答案)D. won’t you7、30.I want to find ______ and make much money. [单选题] *A.worksB.jobC.a job(正确答案)D.a work8、53.On your way home, you can buy some fruit, meat, vegetables and ________. [单选题] * A.something else(正确答案)B.else somethingC.everything elseD.else everything9、No writer will be considered()of the name until he writes a work. [单选题] *A. worthlessB. worthy(正确答案)C. worthwhileD. worth10、Which animal do you like _______, a cat, a dog or a bird? [单选题] *A. very muchB. best(正确答案)C. betterD. well11、1——May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.——_______ , thanks. Ithink I can manage. [单选题] *A. All rightB. No problemC. It’s all right(正确答案)D. There’s no way12、______ the morning of September 8th, many visitors arrived at the train station for a tour.()[单选题] *A. FromB. ToC. InD. On(正确答案)13、I repeated my question several times. [单选题] *A. 到达B. 惊奇C. 重复(正确答案)D. 返回14、( ) ____ eye exercises ___ good __ your eyes. [单选题] *A. Doing, is, for(正确答案)B. Doing, are, forC. Do, is, forD. Do, are, at15、39.__________ he was very tired, he didn’t stop working. [单选题] * A.Although (正确答案)B.WhenC.AfterD.Because16、23.Susan doesn’t like cartoons. She would rather ______ Space War”. [单选题] * A.see (正确答案)B.seesC.seeingD.to see17、My mother’s birthday is coming. I want to buy a new shirt ______ her.()[单选题] *A. atB. for(正确答案)C. toD. with18、8.—Will she have a picnic next week?—________. And she is ready. [单选题] *A.Yes, she doesB.No, she doesn'tC.Yes, she will(正确答案)D.No, she won't19、--_______ I borrow these magazines?--Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed. [单选题] *A. MustB. WouldC. May(正确答案)D. Need20、23.Hurry up! The train ________ in two minutes. [单选题] *A.will go(正确答案)B.goC.goesD.went21、57.Next week will be Lisa's birthday. I will send her a birthday present ________ post. [单选题] *A.withB.forC.by(正确答案)D.in22、Many of my classmates are working _______volunteers. [单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. toC. atD. like23、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *A. happyB. wellC. kind(正确答案)D. glad24、6.Hi, boys and girls. How are you ________ your posters for the coming English Festival at school? [单选题] *A.getting onB.getting offC.getting with (正确答案)D.getting25、I run out of money. Could you _______ me some?[单选题] *A. lend(正确答案)B. sellC. borrowD. buy26、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] *A.too much(正确答案)B.much tooC.too manyD.many too27、—What ______ your sister ______ this Saturday?—Something special, because it’s her birthday. ()[单选题] *A. are; going to doB. is; going to do(正确答案)C. does; doD. did do28、The strawberries ______ fresh. Can I taste (品尝) one?()[单选题] *A. watchB. tasteC. soundD. look(正确答案)29、How I wish I()to repair the watch! I only made it worse. [单选题] *A. had triedB. hadn't tried(正确答案)C. have triedD.didn't try30、You’d ______ give up smoking. [单选题] *A. goodB. wellC. better(正确答案)D. best。

英语泛读教程第三版1答案【篇一:英语泛读教程1答案】answer keys for reference:unit 1: education policyi. warm-up: the american education system2. skimming and scanning(1) b. (2)c. (3)grade point average; scholastic aptitude test; graduate record examination (4)associates; bachelor?s; masters; doctorate3. reading comprehension(1) a. (2) kindergarten-5/6; 6-8, 7-9; 9/10-12 (3) 11ii. understanding the languagea. vocabulary3. b4. c5. b6. a7. b8. bb. phrases and sentences(1) different colleges and universities have different admission policies.(2) if a student hasnt completed a minimum number of credit hours, he cannot graduate from a degree program.iii. reading for facts(1) d.e. (2) c. (3) d. (4) b. (5) a.4. interpretation and evaluationthe public school is actually funded by the public. parents of students in grades 1-12 actually pay their childrens tuition in the form of tax.ii. in focus: education for all: the vision lives on2. skimming and scanning(1) b. (2) 181 (3) c. (4) a.3. reading comprehensioni. read for main idea(1) c. (2) c. (3) c. (4) universal basic education by the year 2000 ii. understanding the languagea. vocabulary9. b 10. c 11. b 12. b 13. b 17. cb. phrases and sentences(1) if a country is seriously willing to work hard on its basic education, it can get help from the donor countries andinstitutions when it lacks recourses in its achievement of this goal.committed to sth.: willing to work very hard at something(2) the quality of learning cant meet the needs of societies.fall short of sth.: to be less than what you need, expected, or hoped for, or to fail to reach a satisfactory standard(3)besides, the quality of education in some areas is poor.coupled with: if one thing is coupled with another, the two things happen or exist together and produce a particular result (4)will the dakar forum bring about any real effect.make a difference: to have an important effect or influence on something or someone(5) whereas when we first started this work at the jomtien conference, we had not a bit of information torefer to.start from scratch: begin without using anything that existed or was prepared before(6) whether the effort for education for all will see a final success or not relies heavily on whether governments, ngos, and donor groups want to view education as a priority.rooted in sth.: to have developed from something and be strongly influenced by itiii. read for facts(1) b. (2) b. (3) c. (4) a. (5) b.4. interpretation and evaluation(1) a.(2)the dakar forum was based on the results of a world-wide two-year audit.(3)political determination is needed to accelerate the success.(4)he is optimistic. we know it from the last paragraph.unit 2: entertainment (i)i. warm up2.skimming and scanning(1) albums chart.(2) march 2004.(3) p stands for “position of the album on this week at the charts”; l stands for “position of th e album on the last week at the charts”; w stands for “weeks on the charts”.(4) “feels like home”. the artist is norah jones.(5) yes.(6) “bad boy?s 10th anniversary… the hits”. “fallen” by evanescence.(7) “in the zone”.ii. in focus2.skimming and scanning(1) about memorial for salsa queen celia cruz.(2) miami, florida.3.reading comprehensioni. read for main idea(1) 1(2) because she is the personification of cuba, the free cuba and the future cuba, an idol as a person and as an artist.ii.understanding the language.(1) shield (para. 6)-b(2) thrill (vt.) (para. 7)- c(3) idol (para. 8)- aiii. reading for facts(1) more than 75000.(2) she died of a brain tumor.(3) a (4) b (5) a(6) c (7) b (8) a4.interpretation and evaluation(1) b (2) b (3) a (4) b (5) aiii. follow up2. reading comprehension and evaluation(1) at her home in fort lee, new jersey.(2) because miami is the place with the largest concentration of cuban-americans and the place closest in her heart to cuba.(3) her long-held wish was to return to her homeland- cuba. no.(4) because people think that cuba is in celia cruz music.(5) because she was cuban- american.(6) “our deepest sympathy for your loss. she will always be with us.”(7) because it was what celia wanted, who had said to remember her by how she was, not by crying.(8) yes.(9) because people waved flags from many countries, sporadically broke into song, danced or chanted.(10) because celia cruz didn?t like black umbrellas at her funeral.(11) because by 3 p.m., authorities warned that many mourners just showing up would probably not get in.(12) between 150,000 to 200, 000.(13) in the bronx, new york, next tuesday.unit 3 ancient architecturei. warm-up stonehenge2. skimming and scanning(1) the monumental arrangement of pillars at the stonehenge?s centre could have been used to predict lunar eclipses.(2) the 19 upright columns at the stonehenge?s centre(3) every 47 months3. reading comprehension(1) a(2) c(3) d(4) c(5) c4. understanding vocabulary1. b2. a3. a4. c5. c6. b7. c8. b 9. a 10. c 11. bii in focus the parthenon2. skimming and scanning(1) a city state(2) the apartment of the virgin(3) sculpture, architecture, reasoning and individuality3. reading comprehensioni. read for main idea(1) c(2) cii. understanding the language? vocabulary12. c 13. c 14. a 15. b 16. a 17. a 18. b19. a 20. c 21. a 22. c? phrases and sentences(1) the achievement of the greeks in reasoning laid foundation for western civilization.(2) was added lateriii. reading for facts(1) d (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) c4. interpretation and evaluation(1) the list can be long, on which we find, for example, zeus, hera, apollo, aphrodite, prometheus, hercules and the muses. unit 4 western holidaysi warm up the lessons of easter island2. skimming and scanning(1) the dutch admiral roggeveen; about 3,000(2) deforestation(3) to provide clearings for agriculture, fuel for heating and cooking, and to move heavy statues3. reading comprehensioni. read for main idea(1) c(2) b(3) dii. understanding the language? vocabulary1. a2. c3. c4. a5. b6. b7. a8. a9. b 10. c 11. a 12. c 13. a 14. b 15. a? phrases and sentences(1) although the easter island appears to be of little importance(2) when the wood was completely used up(3) little attention was paid to the fact that few trees were left on the island.iii. reading for facts(1) c (2) b (3) b (4) c (5) c (6) d (7) c4. interpretation and evaluation( open questions)ii in focus thanksgiving day2. skimming and scanning(1) in the autumn of 1621(2) in 1863(3) to officially announce the date when thanksgiving is celebrated.(4) turkey, corn, pumpkins, and cranberry3. reading comprehensioni. read for main idea(1) c(2) cii. understanding the languagea.vocabulary16. b 17. c 18. c 19. c 20. b 21. a 22. b 23. a24. b 25. c 26. a 27. cb.phrases and sentences(1) happy family gathering; on this day, americans give thanks for the blessings they?ve enjoyed during the year.(2) sharing a traditional meal with those in need.iii. reading for facts(1) c (2) d (3) a (4) b (5) d4. interpretation and evaluation(1) freedom and prosperity for early settlers. besides the two mentioned, more responsibilities americans faced were cooperation among nations, poverty relief and liberty and justice for all people.(2) answers can be based on history.unit 5 popular musici. warm-up globalization of culture2. skimming and scanning(1) u.s culture(2) to find out the impact the u.s.a. has had on popular culture in the rest of the world.(3) music, television, and films3. reading comprehensioni. read for main idea(1) different surveys of american cultural impact on the world(2) they don?t consider it a threat to other nations? cultures. ii. understanding the language?? vocabulary phrases and sentences 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. a 8. c 9. c(1) what?s the standpoint of the majority of the americans?(2) worries from other countries are considered exaggerated. iii. reading for facts(1) d (2) b (3) b (4) b (5) a4. interpretation and evaluation(1) this is almost not a good excuse for u.s. cultural dominance.(2) a place where different influences are mixedii in focus the beatles2. skimming and scanning(1) john, paul, ringo and george; john lennon(2) in the 1960s3. reading comprehensioni. read for main idea(1) d(2) dii. understanding the language? vocabulary10. a 11. b 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. c 16. b【篇二:英语泛读教程第三版book1】a. d? b. 1-5: cddad 6-9:cacd? c. 1-5: dbdda 6-10: dcbdd? fast reading:? 1-5: cdbcc? home reading:? 1-5: dbbcc? u2? text:? a. d? b. 1-5: bccdc? c. 1-5: addba? fast reading:? 1-5: bddac? home reading:? 1-5: cddcc 6-10: dacdc11-15: ccbcd6-10: babdc 6-8: cac 6-10: bbbca6-10: cdbca11-15: dddcd 6-10: ddddb 11-12: ba ? text:? a. c? b. 1-5: cdbcc 6-10: dccbd11-12: dc ? c. 1-5: baadb 6-10: aadaa? fast reading:? 1-5: bccdb 6-10: cbacc? home reading:? 1-5:cdcbb 6-8: adb? u4? text:? a. c? b. 1-5: bdcdc 6-10: bdbdc? c. 1-5: aabda 6-9: dbdc? fast reading:? 1-5: ccdab 6-10: bdbca? home reading:? 1-5: dbbcc 6-10: babdc 11-15: ddddb 11-15: caccb? text:? a. c? b. 1-5: dbdcd 6-10: cdadd? c. 1-5:bbadc 6-10: cddad 11-12: da ? fast reading:? 1-5: adcaa? home reading:? 1-5: bccca? u6? text:? a. d? b. 1-5: cccaa? c. 1-5: abada? fast reading:? 1-5: dccab? home reading:? 1-5:abccd 6-10:bcdcb 6-8: cba6-8: cdb6-10: bbccd 6-10: cdbca6-10: cbdbb 11-15: cabbb 11-15: cdccd? text:? a. b? b. 1-5: cdaad6-8: ccd? c. 1-5: daacd 6-10: bdaba? fast reading:? 1-5: dabdd? home reading:? 1-5: bdcbb? u8? text:? a. c? b. 1-5: bdcdc? c. 1-5: dbcad? fast reading:? 1-5: ddabc? home reading:? 1-5: ccbbd6-10: bacbd 6-10: ccbdd6-10: aabdb 6-10: cbadb 6-8: bbd11-15: daaba 6-8: bdb 11-12: aa 11-15: dbccd? text:? a. d? b. 1-5: bcdaa 6-9: bccb? c. 1-5: dbada 6-10: bbccd 11-12: ca ? fast reading:? 1-5: ccdcc? home reading:? 1-5: ddbdc? u10? text:? a. d? b. 1-5: dbabd? c. 1-5: cdacb? fast reading:? 1-5: cdbdd? home reading:? 1-5: abaad 6-10: abcda 11-15: cabcd 6-8: ddb6-9: cdbd6-10: cabdc 6-10:badbb11-15: bdcca 6-8: cad【篇三:英语泛读教程3第三版答案(免费版)】dc d. addad cdb fast reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc home reading: dacdd aabunit 2 text: a. b b. ddbcd cca d. badda caac fast reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd home reading: cbdcc dbbdunit 3 text: a. d b. badab bdddcd. bddba cbcaa fast reading: cbbba ccdda ccdad home reading: dbcbd dbdbunit 4 text: a. c b. ddbcd dc d. abdbb addad fast reading: dbccd bdadd badcd home reading: dadac bcdunit 5 text: a. c b. abdaa dcbd d. dbabb dabcb da fast reading: caabd cbddc cdbab home reading: bccdb dcunit 6 text: a. b b. cbcab ddad d. badaa cbaac fast reading: cabcd aadcb ccdab home reading: ccdcd abcunit7 text: a. d b. acbda dcaac d. abaac daccd ad fast reading: daada cddbc bdcdb home reading: cbadb cddbcunit 8 text: a. c b. cddcc dccb d. abdac aaa fast reading: ccacd bbdad babdd home reading: dbdbc cbcdunit 9 text: a. c b. bccbc dbba d. dcbab dacba c fast reading: dcbca bccbc bcddd home reading: dcdca bdunit 10 text: a. c b. cdccd bacac d. dcdbc acadc bd fast reading: dbdcc dccdb bddca home reading: cadcb acbbunit 11 text: a. d b. adacc dcb d. abacb dcaab adc fast reading: dcdab ccbda ccbca home reading: bcadb bcdddunit 12 text: a. b b. bbbdd ccc d. cdccd acdba dca fast reading: bbddc dbdbc cdcdd home reading: bcdcc badbb c unit 13 text: a. c b. cdcad bab d. cbada cabdb fast reading: cdacc caccd bdbdb home reading: bdbcc bddunit 14 text: a. c b. ddcad dab d. dacad babad b fast reading: ddabb bddca dcccb home reading: cdcda ddunit 15 text: a. c b. abbac bccdb b d. babcc aaacd bb fast reading: caccb accdc ddada home reading: cdacd ddc。

大学英语第三版泛读一答案Key to lesson 1Comprehension of the text.1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) T2. 1) D 2) B 3) D 4) D 5) B 6) D3. 1) 他安静,性情温和,时常心不在焉,对待金钱像个孩子。
2) 连Theo也不得不承认,即便他自己读,也不大可能读得像他一样流利。
3) 他的情绪受到很大干扰,无法换一种方式来表达同样的思想。
4) 他既困惑又高兴,简直摸不着头脑了。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.1. 1) applause 2) candidate 3) all the same 4) impressed 5)interview 6) memorize 7) getting on with 8) Leaning 9) sense 10) choice2. 1) Faced with a lot of evidence, the man had to admit that he was the head of the drug ring.2) Tommy offered to drive us to the seaside in his car, but insisted we should share the petrol costs.3) On-the-job smoking is not allowed in our company. So many employees have to give up smoking or reduce the amount they smoke.4) When you apply for a job, the first thing the employer sees is your resume. 5) When you find yourself often upset about small matters, you’d better cultivatea hobby.Key to lesson 2Comprehension of the text.1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) T2. 1) C 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) B3. 1) 时间绰绰有余。

ccdab 6-10: bdbca
11-15: caccb
Home Reading:
6-10: babdc
Book 1-Unit 5
▪ Text:
▪ A. c
▪ B. 1-5: dbdcd 6-10: cdadd
▪ C. 1-5: bbadc 6-10: cddad
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: cdbbc 6-8: cdc
Book 1-Unit 14
▪ Text:
▪ A. a
▪ B. 1-5: cdbac 6-10: dabdb
11-12: bb
▪ C. 1-5: daadb
6-10: acaca
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: cbdcb 6-10: dbddc 11-15: bcadd
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: dacbd
6-8: dba
▪ C. 1-5: bacdb 6-10: abdab 11-12: ac
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: dddad 6-10: abbbc 11-15: dacbb
▪ Home Reading:
▪ 1-5: baada 6-10: bddbc
6-10: bbccd
11-12: ca
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: ccdcc 6-10: abcda 11-15: cabcd
▪ Home Reading:
▪ 1-5: ddbdc
6-8: ddb
Book 1-Unit 10
▪ Text:
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: dbabd 6-9: cdbd
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▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: cddad 6-9:cacd
▪ C. 1-5: dbdda 6-10: dcbdd
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: cdbcc 6-10: dacdc 11-15: ccbcd ▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: dbbcc 6-10: babdc
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: bccdc 6-8: cac
▪ C. 1-5: addba 6-10: bbbca
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: bddac 6-10: cdbca 11-15: dddcd ▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: cddcc 6-10: ddddb 11-12: ba
▪ A. c
▪ B. 1-5: cdbcc 6-10: dccbd 11-12: dc ▪ C. 1-5: baadb 6-10: aadaa
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: bccdb 6-10: cbacc 11-15: ddddb
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: cdcbb 6-8: adb
▪ A. c
▪ B. 1-5: bdcdc 6-10: bdbdc
▪ C. 1-5: aabda 6-9: dbdc
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: ccdab 6-10: bdbca 11-15: caccb
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: dbbcc 6-10: babdc
▪ A. c
▪ B. 1-5: dbdcd 6-10: cdadd
▪ C. 1-5: bbadc 6-10: cddad 11-12: da ▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: adcaa 6-10: bcdcb 11-15: cabbb ▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: bccca 6-8: cba
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: cccaa 6-8: cdb
▪ C. 1-5: abada 6-10: bbccd
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: dccab 6-10: cdbca 11-15: cdccd ▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: abccd 6-10: cbdbb
▪ A. b
▪ B. 1-5: cdaad 6-8: ccd
▪ C. 1-5: daacd 6-10: bdaba
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: dabdd 6-10: bacbd 11-15: daaba
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: bdcbb 6-8: bdb
▪ A. c
▪ B. 1-5: bdcdc 6-10: ccbdd
▪ C. 1-5: dbcad 6-10: aabdb 11-12: aa ▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: ddabc 6-10: cbadb 11-15: dbccd
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: ccbbd 6-8: bbd
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: bcdaa 6-9: bccb
▪ C. 1-5: dbada 6-10: bbccd 11-12: ca ▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: ccdcc 6-10: abcda 11-15: cabcd
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: ddbdc 6-8: ddb
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: dbabd 6-9: cdbd
▪ C. 1-5: cdacb 6-10: cabdc
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: cdbdd 6-10: badbb 11-15: bdcca
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: abaad 6-8: cad
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: cbcbd 6-8: dcb
▪ C. 1-5: baada 6-10: aadac 11-12: ad ▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: dcabc 6-10: dcdcc 11-15: acdab
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: cddcb 6-9: dbdd
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: dacbd 6-8: dba
▪ C. 1-5: bacdb 6-10: abdab 11-12: ac
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: dddad 6-10: abbbc 11-15: dacbb
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: baada 6-10: bddbc
▪ A. a
▪ B. 1-5: cadac 6-9: ccdc
▪ C. 1-5: dabca 6-10: addab 11-12: da ▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: dccdd 6-10: dbadd 11-15: acddc
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: cdbbc 6-8: cdc
▪ A. a
▪ B. 1-5: cdbac 6-10: dabdb 11-12: bb
▪ C. 1-5: daadb 6-10: acaca
▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: cbdcb 6-10: dbddc 11-15: bcadd
▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: bddcb 6-10: caddc
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: cacad 6-10: addbb
▪ C. 1-5: badba 6-10: bacab 11-12: ad ▪Fast Reading:
▪1-5: cbbca 6-10: ddbcb 11-15: cdbad ▪Home Reading:
▪1-5: cdcad 6-9: ccdd。